, per MessengerDECEMBER 1920 . 15 cents copy $ 1.50 per year .

An Open Letter to America


Three Schools of International Thought

The Passing Show of 1920 Woodrow Wilson U2WC A British Commission to Investigate America's Negro Congo NENENENENEL . UPULUI : 4944954545454545454545454545444YYYYY41459NENES 4545454545 THE MESSENGER








15c. per Copy A Journal of Scientific Radicalism $1.50 per Year 20c. Outside U. S. $2 Outside U. 8. Published Monthly by the MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO ., Inc. Main Office : 2305 , Seventh Avenue New York . Telephone , Morningside 1986

VOL. II. DECEMBER , 1920 . NO . XII . -CONTENTS Phone Connection PAGE


ECONOMICS AND POLITICS 169 Manufacturer of 3. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE 172 Fine Havana Cigars 1. Who's WILO . 177 122 West 135th Street , New York 5. THE OPEN FORUM 178

Application entered for Second Class Mailing Privileges at Try Post Office, New York , N. Y., July 6th, 1920. the Old Reliable Duff's Hats Com Best Made Hats At Reasonable Prices

Also Harlem Agent for the Editors : A. PHILIP RANDOLPH John B. Stetson Hats Contributing Editors : GEORGE FRAZIER MILLER DUFF'S HAT STORE W. A. DOMINGO 136 LENOX AVENUE

(Near 116th Street Subway Station )

STUDY During the presidential campaign THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIALISM don't miss reading 'S MAGAZINE A Correspondence Course Beginners for , Prepared by David P. Berenberg of Humor and Satire Illustrated Fee $4.00 GOOD MORNING THE RAND SCHOOL Out the 1st and 15th of each month Offers This and Five Other Correspondence A three months trial subscription is only Courses in Socialism $1.00 and the yearly rate is $3.50

Send in your subscriptions For Information Write to Room 301-7 East 15th St., New York City GOOD MORNING COMPANY Ask for Folder 7 East 15th Street New York City

As IT Was , Is, and SHOULD By MARRIAGE BEBE. Annie Besant . That intensely interesting Brochure , CO -OPERATION 266 , The Scarlet Review No. 1, 25c , each . Diana , For information on organizing A Psycho-Physiological Essay on , Sexual Relations cooperative societies apply to 25C Th . Crucible (Agnostic ) , 4 samples , 10c. CO RAYMER'S OLD BOOK STORE -OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF AMERICA 1330 First Avenue Seattle , Wash , 2 West 13th Street New York

Mention THE MESSENGER 160 THE MESSENGER [December, 1920 .

An Appeal To Reason

1 .. The International Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Federation appeals to Negro workers to join hands. 2. It draws no race or color line . 3. The Negro hotel waiters have been , and are the cat's -paw of the hotel employers . When a strike comes, they are used as scabs ; when the strike is settled , they are thrown out. This ought to be a lesson to you , Mr. Negro Worker . 4. The International Hotel and Restaurant Workers ' Federation , will put a stop to this. 5. Mr. Negro hotel worker , do you want more wages, shorter hours and better conditions under which to work ? Then join the hotel workers ' union .

6. The Hotel Employer is not strong enough to hold the Negro hotel worker on the job . The organized hotel workers are .

7. If black and white hotel workers unite , they can control the hotel industry .

8. If they allow the hotel employers to divide them with the wedge of race prejudice , they will be robbed and exploited , underpaid and overworked . Workers , black and white, unite !. You have nothing to lose but your chains; you have all to gain !

New York Main Office : 133 WEST 51st STREET Harlem Branch Office : 2305 Seventh Avenue .

BRANCHES : , N. Y. NEW HAVEN , CONN . ATLANTIC CITY , N. J. 327 Livingston Street 153 Crown Street 108 S. Arkansas Ave. Telephone : Novins 2714 NEWARK , N. J. BRIDGEPORT, CONN . PHILADELPHIA , PA . 49 Bank Street Secretary , C. Barbero , Secretary , H. Chernow 333 Soundview Ave. 218 North 13th Street STRATFORD , CONN . Int. Hotel Workers 124 Eliot Street - Boston , Mass. -

December , 1920. ) THE MESSENGER 161


Amalgamated Clothing System High Grade Custom Clothing Made to Measure Mail Orders Filled

NEW YORK CLOTHING CUTTERS' UNION BUILDING 827 Broadway New York City ( Near 12th Street ) Phono Stuyvesant 5566-3257

Subscribe for The MESSENGER

You can help the Bakery Workers by demanding the Union Label when buying Bread.

ORION The International Journeymen Bakers ' and

Confectioners ' Union of America CENTRAL MAAI

Mention THE MESSENGER 162 THE MESSENGER [December, 1920 .

Greetings to the colored and white workers of the World — to

all liberal and radical thinkers and workers for the World's New

Day . The Editors


- - , December 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 163 Editorials

PEACE ON EARTH ! FRIENDS OF NEGRO FREEDOM THE campaign is over . We have taken three weeks IN a few days you will hear much talk about , Peace of vacation . We are now ready for a winter of on earth ; good will toward men ! This despite vigorous activity . Shortly after X'mas the MESSENGER the twenty or more wars going on in the world , the editors will make a long swing around the country war to end war, the League of Nations, the burning setting up locals of the Friends of Negro Freedom . of Negroes in America the British Black and Tan re Our first effort will be confined to two things — prisals in Ireland , the massacres of Jews in Poland , the cooperative and forum . One will save money for the starvation of Hindoos in India , the murders of Negroes during the panic ; the other will supply educa Haitians by American marines and the Horthy white .

writing on tion Detailed both will follow in terror in Hungary. our New Year number . So long as one man plants , plows and produces , while another plucks , plunders , and parasites on what FOUR POWER CONSORTIUM that other produces, there will be no peace on earth

power is THE four consortium simply a loan made and consequently no good toward men

will . by to , China four great powers - Great Britain ,

France United States and Japan . We know very little , it about from access to original documents but Mr. Morgan and Lamont have stated that the one impor us

thing to THL OPEN SHOP tant for know is that various governments

have assured them that all contracts will be supported labor wants the closed shop ; capital ORGANIZED by respective their governments . That means our wants the open shop . When labor has the power army

navy be and will the collecting agencies of Amer .

it enforces upon capital the closed shop in which only ican bankers and investors who are exploiting the

union men may work . When capital has the power

Chinese people .

it enforces upon organized labor the open shop in

of Negroes to be Attention needs directed to the which either union or non union- men may work . In of irrelevancy color in power this four consortium or

other words each party enforces its demands when . pact , White Englishmen Americans and Frenchmen

strong yields respectively too to and each when weak join yellow with Japanese in robbing and ex enforce its demands .

ploiting yellow Chinese . Profit prospects are During the when jobs were plentiful and labor stronger war ties than the blood bond . Interests are com , closed shop . Now that the scarce labor enforced the so nion the alliances are advantageous . The same , , , , war is over trade has fallen off factories are closed white nations Great Britain France and the United ,

closing and unemployment is increasing hourly and States also Japan ( a combined with yellow nation ) , capital is reintroducing open shop . It hopes to

the to exploit

oppress ( a rob and Russia white nation ) .

wages , and lower the con cut down increase hours The profit stimulus like politics makes strange bed . ditions under which labor will work Capital is

- strange a strange fellows consorts and consortium . , ; by therefore discharging men the tens of thousands then advertising for thousands through employment THE NEW SECRETARY OF THE N. A. A. C. P.

agencies at a greatly reduced rate of wages . Another opinion among Negroes forced the selec is to at a way of aiming blow labor close the factories RADICAL

tion of James Weldon Johnson as the secretary of or plants for several weeks and months so as to make

the National Association for the Advancement of ,

labor apply for work on any terms chief among which

Colored People . It is unquestionably a wise selection . are the open shop with its train of disadvantages to , It recognizes three important demands - race radical the workers .

tendencies and ability . Johnson merits the unique , ,

distinction of being the only Negro to our knowledge shop in It is regrettable that the closed America responsible whose work has been for precipitating an has frequently connoted some discreditable things . of investigation of oppres , international the methods It was sometimes closed to Negroes closed to race

in the

of His articles Nation

peoples . , , , sion darker and color closed to foreigners closed to Jews from

have borne fruit . ,

acquired a un which the term has bad name an

pleasant social odor . This was due to the triumph of WHAT THE COOPERATIVE MEANS TO THE American race prejudice . The closed shop must here

by NEGRO after close unionizing every person in the shop , , , , to

regard of without race creed color nationality sex or COOPERATIVE buying could reduce the cost

previous . condition The term will then once more living for the Negro some 25 or more per cent . dignity- true and desirable and democratic secure It would also serve as a splendid means of develop . significance ing ability for economic organization - organization of 164 THE MESSENGER [ December , 1920. , whose benefits the of working people gave masses black the factories to the workers , land to the peasants be , . would the cooperative by beneficiaries As the move food to the people and peace to Russia . Lashed

of Europe employment to of ments afford thousands , the fear and hatred of a recrudescence of the knout , ,

so young

workers colored men and women , will com , the pogrom banishment to Siberia and the cruel and in ing out of high schools and colleges find such insti ; irresponsible dictatorship of the House of Romanoffs to utions an unparalleled opportunity exercise and dem by

inspired hopes of a , and filled and the dreams and onstrate their ability in technical management etc. It ,

among Negroes of

of opinion peace justice fight against Wrangel is a matter general that world and the , no opportu are educated by those who trained and have and his ilk the “ iron battalions " of the Russian is . knowledge to nity to put their acquired use Such a proletariat was more than a war : it was holy crusade , an as .

a large immediate true to very extent Hence for a workers ' world .

and effective solution of this problem of supplying Negro employment for the large number of educated , boys and girls that are being produced yearly the co WHAT DOES BREAKING THE SOLD SOUTH

of supply operative plan of conducting the business MEAN TO THE NEGRO of is worthy ing the needs of the consumer the most . painstaking attention of the Negro THE Solid South is broken . The states of Tennessee , by The white workers in the railroad clothing and and Oklahoma were captured the Republican ,

resorting to it as mining industries are the solution party . Of course the Solid South was doomed ulti

of problem of hight of living . It is a their the cost up of politics mately to break - . Serious students knew

democratic institution which is not run in the interest

that it was founded upon political and economic quick of . It is of a special few the most feasible form bus sands — the quicksands of a moribund and obsolete by be iness which can conducted the Negro and organ , bourbon feudo capitalistic- economy . With the pas , , . be of

sing of ized workers One must aware however the the Solid South will come the political en

large of masquerad number fake business schemes franchisement of Negro men and women . The white

ing under the name of the cooperative . South is being industrialized . Industrial and financial

capitalism is invading and claiming it . The political THE BLUE LAW ATAVISM democratization of the South is bound to follow in the ; no in of is principle operative of its THE atavism less the wake dissolutin after which recourse will be

in biological . A to to social than the field return made the same means of deception and repression , ,

prototypes is biological- theory social the socio from that are employed against white workers of the North , . which alone the recrudescence of " blue - lawism " can East and West

. autocracy of the priestcraft in be explained The As Mark Sullivan , the political correspondent for social habits and thought during the Medieval period , , N. Y. Evening ap the Post remarks in reporting the , , is its - . progenitor It is historico social too interest , in - pearance of President elect Harding New Orleans

ing and illuminating testimony of the intellectual decay “ of

opinion is the the South today that its products stark reaction which ,

and social follow wars while ,

protection it need and views the Republican party as , , of it also portrays the uniform behavior the monistic ,

the party of protection ” assuming that the Republican

development of society . As the Espionage Act in party will be no different from a Democratic party ,

America the ukase against “ dangerous thought " in ,

on the South and the Negro . Indeed it is not possible , Japan and the Defense of the Realm Act in England

for the Republican party to champion the cause of the

were framed to control political and economic thought

Negro and cater to the South at the same time . One , during the war so movements grow for the con will , , or the other must and will be sacrificed and experi trol and regulation of our social conduct .

ence has taught us to expect that the Negro will be , , if it is For necessary to have Burleson Palmer up offered as a holy sacrifice to the bloody God of , , ;

Sweet Lusk et al to straight - jacket our political and

Race Prejudice . ; economic thinking why not defer to the dictatorship

It is quite likely that the Republican and Democratic of brothers Pussy foot- Johnson and Anthony Com

parties will allow the Negro to vote in the South just , ? is stock One as logical necessary and socially ben

as the Socialists are allowed to vote in New York . ,

eficial as the other . Besides they are two souls with In the North the Socialists get the vote but not the ; a single thought two wings of the same bird .

count . to GENERAL WRANGEL Either method amounts actual disfranchisement . , it is of GENERAL BARON PETER WRANGEL , another However evidence progressive change that . the Old Solid South has broken It means that the , of the military ikons of international capitalism has , ,

Negro of in be ,

by the South the , will near future raised . fallen One one the counter revolutionary- forces , to the political plane of the Negro of the North . bent upon destroying the workers ' republic in Russia Of ,

very in of , , , course that does not mean much terms are being destroyed . Denikin Yudenich Kolchak all ,

political advantage . the Negro is of and economic Yet

military dip the Napoleons of desperate capitalist , up in to , justified fighting break the Solid South and lomatists perish before the onward march of the vic , for the right to vote though it be of little immediate torious Soviet Army . , ,

political consequence . in reality the ballot is of of For The Red Army Russia is the only existing mili . no value to the Southern whites tary organization which has justified its raison d'etre . ,

It is fighting to preserve the of up - fruits the October and of With the break the Solid South capitalism in November revolutions which overthrew Czarism , truly America becomes national . December , 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 165 ap to GOMPRISM IN POLITICS Republicans . What applies the Socialists here .

- Party plies with equal accuracy to the Farmer Labor in politics might be tersely stated in GOMPERISM So what does this mean ? Simply this . Of Hard

phrase “ rewarding friends and , belonged the now notable : ing's 16 million accorded vote three million punishing ” In terms of political results to Harding actually enemies . . of to some group labor Therefore

, merely empty verbiage , the workers it is . Wherever received about 13 million votes while labor repre Gompers sought to punish labor's enemies , they won , sented by Debs and Christiensen polled about four and , the aid Gompers mighty pen and voice , with of ' million votes . labor's alleged friends seldom won . for This is a very good showing labor with the It is simply proof of the emptiness and impotency ,

handicap of the American Federation's reaction and of Gomperism . Probably the recent political repudia

its fool policies of rewarding friends and punishing tion of the slogan of " rewarding friends and punish

enemies . ing enemies ," will arouse the workers to the falso

leadership of Gompers . Let us hope that Gomper Capitalist parties may steal the votes to keep labor , , capital

its power ism in politics is dead and that it will soon die in the from knowing nevertheless knows ; . of is councils of labor for Gompers is about as valuable to labor's power All which very disconcerting as is to to the American Labor movement Wrangel the capital .

Russian Revolution .

Finally the election was a reversion to reaction . It

was just such a reaction as has followed all wars .

reactionary . Harding THL ELECTION The most candidate was elected

stands for all the things that the people voted againsi . , Ho is for the League of Nations for profiteering and is .

Harding is THE election over elected president . profiteers , against labor unions , for espionage , for The Republican party has won a large majority conscription and military training in peace in each house . The Democrats have been defeated in universal

, Japan , , , against

. time for war with Mexico etc. the unmistakable fashion Beyond this the average man , use of the Force Bill to suppress the Ku Klux Klan has no fundamental conception .

a straddler on the Negro question but nevertheless for

To the political scientist much more is discernible . sacrificing Negro Negro's

an the of . the wherever interests He reads first election hate He sees a vote is conflict with the white south . He also for im

not so much for harding but very much against Wil

perialism . , son . He sees the repudiation of Burleson the con

The election a disappointment to . As

, was liberals of demnation Attorney General- Palmer the repudia

the Nation very truly predicted — it was an election tion of Secretary Daniels . by disgust . Not that Harding was hated less but be

Tho League of Nations was also feared as a war

cause Wilson was hated more .

producer . Hateful memories of war were aroused

Political reaction for the moment is enthroned . and people felt they must vote against the League , in

be dragging lest every war of Europe would them CLASS WAR AND POLITICAL PRISONERS is in A vague belief that the administration office , responsible for the high cost of living the unemploy PRESIDENT WILSON has pardoned the German

panic . , ment and the was also traceable bomb agent and spy , Herr Von Rintelen from the , by , Republican . Negroes of habit But course were Atlanta Prison . The remainder of the conscientious , the imperialism in Haiti lynching throughout the objectors have also been released . The class war and ,

country segregation at Washington in government , de , political prisoners however still remain in jail . Our of partments came near creating a solid block out the 10 - called liberal President has greater appreciation of

Negro voters . up an agent whose work was to bomb and blow big

significant thing is

The about the election the , American ships at sea than he has of Eugene V. -- vote polled by the man in jail the Socialist candidate — Debs one of the world's greatest leaders and prophets given

president - Eugene V. . Debs was for Debs of the new order of society .

nearly one million votes . Ida Crouch Hazlitt writ , , President Wilson it is true has all to gain and , ,

ing in the 25th said her New obser . York Call Oct. nothing to lose He could not be repudiated more

vation and experience constraineå her to believe tho completely than he has been . He yet has an oppor

Socialists were robbed of two million votes . Any , , tunity though during his remaining three months to

close observer and student of ballot frauds knows this

perform a few acts of justice and fair play and there ,

is any exaggerated on contrary

estimate but the , not by mitigate the shame chagrin and political calumny

. actu a very conservative one This means that Debs which history holds in store for him .

ally received about three million ( 3,000,000 ) votes . , Again the Farmer Labor- Party approximately was SELT GOVERNMENT

accorded 14 million votes . It is conservative to say , ,

organization money or that with limited little few SOUTHERN whites are wont to assert that Negrons ,

incapable of government . om they of at are self Their no watchers too were robbed least three

. give . light upon times their vote This would them one million behavior sheds their capability to govern , ,

including ,

and the . Labor then the Socialist Farmer themselves For instance they attempted to solve the

price slump by night riding burning Labor vote received actually a vote of six million . cotton and the

Ida Crouch Hazlitt not only states that the Social . cotton . Wherein do they excel the wild men from

robbed . also states ists were of two million votes She Borneo or the inhabitants of the Fiji Islands in the of ? that the two million votos stolen were given to the art government 160 THE MESSENGER (December, 1920. , , . . it is THE PANIO Quite true but even so not too late Atroci ;

going on in IN September we wrote an article on " The Coming ties are still Haiti our Mexican relations ;

are as rotten as ever and Negroes would( you Panic ." We predicted unrest , increased and in be

lieve it ? ) are still being burned in the United States . creasing unemployment , low wages and no wages ,

Magainze to The MESSENGER suggest a with prices falling , but not nearly so fast as wages. wants course

of action for British liberals and laborites on the Since September we have been richly corroborated by

Negro . It

problem is as American quite acute as the events . Factories are closing daily . The New York

Irish question . Times reported that on November 28th there were two , ) propose ( Herald the million men unemployed in the United States. Fac We that the London labor , ( liberal ) Manchester Guardian or the London Globe tories are announcing new closings daily . The Penn a sylvania Railroad has laid off thousands of raise fund for investigation of burnings and lynch

ings of Negroes in . a of Fifty thousand men are unemployed in Detroit . Fifty America Select similar set

thousand are unemployed in Dayton . Seventy per reputable scholars and public men as judges . Select get cent of the men's clothing workers are out of work a committee to visit America and first hand evi on

Negro . dence lynchings propose a in New York . Ladies ' garment workers, fur workers, We will ten , by

may be . To

of slate capmakers , all are also out work the hundreds tative but another followed illus

a composed of of following : of of thousands . We predicted the failure banks trate committee five the , , ,

Angell J. Sydney by Robert Smillie Norman Hobson and ther have failed the dozens . We pre A. Webb , Arthur Henderson , Ramsay McDonald , E. D. low

wages no dicted and wages . The unemployment

, , Philip , , attests to the latter and evidence that employers are Viorel Bernard Shaw Snowden John Ratcliffe

Bertrand Russell — would be quite satisfactory .

. predicted cutting wages is overwehlming We fall ,

let judges to appear ing prices but not such fast falling as in wages . W. Then the invite before them

Philip Randolph , , Jett Lauck , the economist and statistician , points out A. Chandler Owen James Weldon , , , , prices E. Mary Ovington that have fallen 2 and three quarters per cent Johnson W. B. DuBois White , , a . of in negligible amount This follows one the laws Martha Gruening John E. Milholland Morris Hill , , , , , as an paradox economics known economic namely quit Scott Nearing John Haynes Holmes Chas . A. that prices fall less rapidly than wages and prices Beard , Lillian Wald , Marcus Garvey , Jane Addams , , , , R. R. Wright William Pickens Oswald Villard rise more rapidly than wages . The panic is here as G. , , , , Sharp Hope we predicted and the end is not yet . The worst is Monroe Work John Williams John , , truly Joseph Schlossberg K.

yet to come . Hoke Smith James Varda , , , mann Samuel Gompers Thomas Watson Fred C. , , , PROPOSED BRITISH COMMISSION TO STUDY Howe Senator Curtis of Kansas Archibald Grimke

THE AMERICAN NEGRO CONGO William Haywood , Carter G. Woodson , Thomas , , , ,

Jr. Thomas , , Dixon John Mitchell Neval Robert THE NATION America's leading liberal magazine H. Russa Moton , Ida Wells Barnett , William Monroe

has instituted an investigation of British atroci , , , Trotter Moorefield Storey John R. Shillady F. P. in . It a

ties to Ireland has raised fund cover the ex , , , Walsh Dudley F. Malone Basil Manly George Fra , , penses secured fair and impartial judges to take tes , Bishop , Campbell , , zier Miller John Hurst Grace timony go to and selected another committee to Ire , , , Kelly Miller E. K. Jones Geo . E. Haynes W. A. get land to first hand evidence . It has also called , , , Domingo W.N. Colson Emmett J. Scott Algernon witnesses representing all factions to testify before , . Lee Chas . W. Ervin

taking at the committee evidence Washington . This

It is always easier to examine conditions in an is a commendable effort to get at the truth which Mr.

other's country than in one's own . The reason is the Villard and the Nation have inaugurated .

as allowing to sit The London Globe is peeved over this intermed same the one for not contestants as on judges their own cases . dling in British affairs . Its November 27th edition

“ inquired : says Great Britain never into American Who will second this motion and give us a lead ? , " in " policies in the Mexico the water cure Philli We are perfectly willing to allow the British public . " in

or burning Negroes pines the South . on Congo the of to pass our American

An Open Letter to America on the Ku Klux Klan . : organization FELLOW AMERICANS strong condemnation of this vicious The , ,

In addressing you as fellow Americans we include ugly undercurrent of this criminal stream however

by anything be powerful to other all persons residing in the United States . We speak was too checked

, along no liberty organization upon grave matters concerning which lov than a strong dam of counter of in . dykes be ing person can indifferent with wide spread publicity . The puny by Some months ago it was announced that the Ku coherent individual opposition were swept away of Klux Klan was reorganizing in the Southern States . this black recrudescent tidal wave southern bar . Many so called- " respectable ” citizens sponsored the barism .

governors - .Negro as as - gave move Various Southern and members of Votes for women well whites

alleged to organization a pretext parallel to southern civic bodies could be found among the new the ex - .. of the roster Governor Bickett North Carolina re cuse for its predeccesor after the Civil War votes , of Negro . the Klan fused to join but replied to the invitation with a for men The members Ku Klux December , 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 267

began night riding . They burned supplies cotton only is . Not this Ku Klux Klan opposed to the They paraded in their gruesome They ; dress. lynched Negro it is also opposed to Labor . Under the guise and killed They . , up of

murdered according building an to a report organization to suppress the Negro the of National Association , for the Advancement of race it hopes to appeal to short - sighted labor to re Colored People , forty Negroes in it Florida who were main dormant and still while perfects its machine attempting to vote at the presidential election , Nov. against both . Only recently was the Ku Klux Klan 4th . in

against . used the miners Alabama And all of these tendency

The so - of crime like disease is to propagate , called Americo American- organizations are gen if unchecked . , , Therefore , drunk power , It is with erally if invariably this not used against Labor . savage society

has its to announced organ of . It

legion is intention true the American true of the Loyal

ize throughout , the North . East and West Indeed Legion and many other patriotic fakirs . Most anti an interview in the New York World of November Negro groups are also anti - labor . Surely most people

27th from the Imperial , Wisard Col. . Joseph Congressman Wm remember that of Blanton Texas was as , an Sinuons up announces that be Order will set anti - labor as he was anti Negro- . Most southern Con in

New York City . , goes , , , on

Simmons to also say gressmen are . Burleson Palmer Daniels Wilson

" Recently great

and in . , favorable interest the charac , -

Negro - all are anti and anti labor too . ter of the work of the organization has been manifest , Moreover just as the spirit of mob violence which ed in of various states the North and , among West permeated , the nation and atrophied its from

, conscience ,

which are , Maine Vermont Massachusetts Michigan ,

long practice in lynching during - so

, the war this Ku Illinois Nebraska , the Dakotas and especially .

Cali be to to Klux Klan will not limited cruelties Negroes . . " (

fornia , Watch this reference to California the , it is hot Even now vaunting its Americanism the fore of bed anti - Japanese prejudice

and . race baiting ) runner of all kinds of Trojan Horse frauds and labor A word next about the early . Ku Klux Klan It attacks . , , was so criminal barbarous and disgraceful Cong that Again , religious ress passed the by this Ku Klux Klan threatens Force Bill which it was vigorously , , and speedily liberty . Already Georgia ( its seat ) Florida the back

suppressed . The memorial to Congress , door to Georgia and Alabama have passed anti - Cath

called to attention the fact that not only had Negroes

olic laws . These night burning been massacred and , riders are Catholic murdered but that more than , persecuting one thousand , churches the priests and threatening the white men or known suspected to have

been sympathizers very life of the Catholic church in the South . Very

with , the Union Cause or the North

shortly - fouly this rabid anti Catholic spirit will result in the as "

were " murdered dam Yankees . When their , ; cases lynching of Catholic priests laymen and nuns their were called , for trial in court they were repre ; be by churches and convents will burned down their sented one of the ablest attorneys in the United communicants run out . ( States Johnson ) . say We represented because after , is hearing Next this Ku Klan - . the he Klux anti Jewish Most evidence refused to defend those Southern Huns . reading people Instead - he delivered a diatribe remember the tremendous anti Jewish by against these sentiment created Tom Watson of Georgia not criminals whom he represented and threw them upon many years agora sentiment which resulted in the mercy , the of the court summing up

as :

follows unjust of . lynching Leo Frank It was probably due to the the vision and memory of the Jewish merchants , , of Birmingham Alabama which recently caused their Sinclair's Aftermath of Slavery states : , to refusal join the anti Catholic- crusade despite the of “ boycotting Their leading lawyer threats their businesses . was the noted and learned ' is - The Ku foreign . It Reverdy , Klux Klan anti , divides tho Johnson of Maryland who after hearing the , , people into national pre of rivalries it evider.ce much confessions by the Ku Klux intensifies national

judice -- , the passing of which should be desired and his themselves honest nature revolting , to

refused by is every

a thinking plea , desired liberty loving make for his clients and person . but left them to the mercy ,

In very on , truth of of this Klan feeds the manna race : “ the Court saying I have listened with unmixed ; . It

prejudice in thrives the South finds its next to horror some of the testimony which has been in brought most responsive chord California -- both of which

before you . The outrages proved are shock are the of seats black and yellow races -- Negro ; the ing to humanity they admit of neither excuse nor and the Japanese . justification ; they violate every obligation which law Lastly , is a this Ku Klux Klan menace to American

and impose ; nature upon man they show par that the , traditions and professions of life liberty and the ties engaged were , brutes insensible to obligations

the , pursuit happiness . Liberty like other plants of humanity of social . and religion "

is dependent

upon its . It environment grows in in . certain It soils and dies others may be starved This is , the same Klan of criminals the or same clan according to stimulated it what feeds upon . , of political prostitutes the same of order ossified ,

and , Destruction of life liberty property and of

, denial fossilized tyrants the

same of

barbarous , band south political religious liberty , civil and of

, the subversion ern bourbons the self same clique of clay eating to the constitution prevent Negroes from voting , ,

crackers the , same counterfeit knights of Sir Galahad

vetoing , in the laws an the same murderous actionable sense oppressing marauders and yeggmen masquea , labor inciting to violence these are against avowed

rading as -

Americo — a Americans who are offering ,

dis at traditions of America least . carded and discredited and , derelict organization of the In very truth we are confronted with the question past to the great World's new day .

whether we shall have the Black and Tans of Ireland 168 THE MESSENGER [ December, 1920 . be here in America . Shall we import the Black Cossacks Yet he who would free must himself first strike , the blow . Hence we urge Negro civic organizations of the Czar ? Do we want to try a little of Horthy's , , white terror of Hungary ? Do we need Attila and fraternal societies etc. to denounce this Ku Klux ,

. following speak — the Pythians his Huns ? Shall the Black Hole of Calcutta be repeat Klan Let the ones Odd , , , Negro Improve ed ? Shall Leopold's atrocities in the Congo be re Fellows Elks Masons Universal , , C. P. A. vived ? Do we want the Amritsar of India ? Do we ment Association N. A. National Urban

, Alpha Alpha . seek to outdo the Turk's massacres of the Armenians ? League the St. Lukes and Phi Shall we countenance the subjection of women in the - Besides we call upon the other so called American world's period of expanding democracy by denying in press which claims to stand for the best American Negro women the vote ? Shall we permit the rise of , , traditions such as the New York World the New the Inquisition in America as against either Catholics York Globe , the New York Tribune , the Boston or Protestants ? Shall we open our door to pogroms , Transcript , Springfield Republican the Hearst by the on the Jew's ? Shall we sit idly while out Japanese

anarchy . papers to condemn this American of a relations are so complicated that by murder few

nien of a different hue our beloved country will be We call upon president - elect Warren G. Harding ,

pushed destroying of young - of into war the lives our to make special mention the anti American and , , men making stumps of young veritable our manhood criminal character of the Ku Klux Klan in his inaug , sending them on journey of to and their life armless ural address and recommend in his first message

legless , maimed and mutilated ? to legislation a Congressional Committee draft for

its complete annihilation and its speedy extirpation

We believe all good Americans are opposed to the from the Anierican continent . ready foregoing contingencies . We believe they are , , upon municipal to condemn this Ku Klux Klan spirit . We believe We also call the state and bodies , city , legislatures , aldermanic chambers and councils however that they have not taught seriously of its , and assemblies to draft state and municipal legisla consequences . by tion to supplement that adopted Congress . , , of We are therefore as the executive secretaries

With respect to labor unions and the Socialist Party , the Friends of Negro Freedom calling upon the labor we urge that they adopt resolutions prohibiting their it . officially to movement of the country condemn We

members joining the Ku Klux Klan under pain of , call upon the American Federation of Labor Amal

expulsion . , gamated Clothing Workers of America International , Ladies Garment Workers , United Hebrew Trades We would request all bodies adopting such resolu

Socialist Party Branches , the Socialist State , National tions or laws and all papers writing such editorials

and Local executive committees , Debs and Stedman , to send copies of same to the Friends of Negro Free , the Workers United Cloth and Cap Makers of

Fur , , dom , 2305 Seventh Avenue New York City for codi , , North America the Industrial Workers of the World

fication and further publication . , , the Brotherhood of Painters United Mine Workers , the Railway Brotherhoods the State Federations of Colonel Simmons calls himself the imperial wizard of an

empire .

day of Labor and all central bodies , like the Central Trades invisible The empires has hap , and Labor Council of New York to condemn this Ku pily almost passed . The Romanoffs have gone . The

Hapsburgs . is in . Klux Klan . have fled The Kaiser exile The of

Bulgaria is premiers of Czar no more . The the , We next call upon other organizations and indi powers that made the Peace of Versailles have all been repudiated to and Lloyd George . viduals condeinn the Ku Klux Klan . We call upon overthrown save of is

of day , All which the adumbration , the United Labor Education Committee the Young the new of

passing — ,

decay of Democracy the Intercollegiate Socialist Society , the the reaction the empires — the , , of of Friends of Irish Freedom Friends of Freedom for renaissance the spirit political economic and , , . , India , the National Cosumers League the Former social democracy Secret forces invisible empires ,

-- dying wizards and of Labor Party , the Women's International League for witchcraft these are echoes , ,

yesterday — of to - . Peace the Non - Partisan League the Cooperative not the nascent voice morrow , , League of America the Workmen's Circle the For

Verily mankind is exchanging old worlds for new , ward Association , the Jewish Socialist Federation the in --new worlds which race prejudice cannot thrive , , , Inter - church World Movement the Teachers ' Union

religious bigotry , the Civic Club , the City Club , the Single Tax Society , cannot flourish national hatreds can , , the Federation of Women's Clubs the C. antagonism Y. M. A. not survive and class will cease to be . , , Y. and the W. C. A. the Union League Club white The new world a world of brotherhood in which

and Negro churches of all denominations . , the Black and Tan will be unknown the white terror , vanished the Black Cossack's , upon unwelcome the Amrit We call the radical and liberal press in partic

sars and the Black Hole of only vestiges to Calcutta ular write editorials of exposition and condemna and , , , of a tion . We appeal to the Nation New Republic Free rolics sunless climes the Ku Klux Klan byword

, Searchlight , , Daily man New Jewish , York Call a hissing For and condemned and not condoned . , , ward Milwaukee Leader Jewish Times , Seattle , This is a program true we American urge in , , Union Record Butte Bulletin , the New Majority and , of of Liberator , Good Morning and other radical and liberal the name the Friends Negro Freedom that . organs to the tocsin

sound respond to it is Americans the call ere too late . December , 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 109



attempting to the Russian of tionary overthrow TURKEY was once known as the sick man forces

d'Orsay of Revolution . So much for the Quai school

to European Europe . Thanks and American secret .

, politics is , right wing

is international diplomacy all Europe now sick and America . . or , , Downing not well Philip Gibbs the English novelist says A word now about Street the Center of , ? is it " . is that " Europe dying This the verdict radicals What is its policy and how does function Charac

. great , liberals and conservatives alike The war has teristic of English thought and action it represents : is

There no . Downing of compromises stands neither been followed with many little wars . series Street ,

be general anywhere to peace and there seems no with the reactionary imperialism of the Quai d'Orsay . . a of to agreement as what shall constitute solution nor with the revolutionary radicalism the Kremlin , of At present there are three schools international The wily and crafty British statesmen seek to secure thought and action struggling for control and suprem advantage by playing the right wing against the left :

following of in or acy . They arrange themselves the order wing . England would sacrifice either both schools , , ; thought if it The Quai d'Orsay of France or the right wing the international and action would benefit , or of of of thought , Downing and action the thing is Street school her . Of course the same true either by ; , . A is Center and the Kremlin of Soviet Russia or the left the other schools policy which guided the , .

wing is necessarily school principle of compromise indefinite

, any

represent Europe ,

be has Now what does each and how are hence it cannot said that Great Britain or

respect to and America responding to these international prog definite policy either with Soviet Russia .

of thought of rams and action conquered Germany . She sees the futility the ,

plan of thought of d'Orsay The and action the Quai school of the Quai d'Orsay and her imperialistic in , in is definite clear and unmistakable . Two main objects terests counsel that she keep her hands concealed , , ,

' Republic . engage the attention of France namely the destrue dealing with the Workers Therefore she of of tion Soviet Russia and the enforcement the Peace favors lifting the blockade on Soviet Russia when

of . of these ends is Versailles The attainment two the Soviet Army is apparently invincible and sup of of to stability the nation bank essential the French ports Poland and Wrangel when they seem to be gain . , be . ers . If Soviet Russia survives Poland will either ing ground against the Bolsheviki Britain would by by at a re conquered the Soviet army or overthrown trade and not trade with Soviet Russia the same . of is a in

of position volution froin within Either which menace time . She is not sure her the Near East to . a as a France , With Soviet Poland next door with an hostile victorious Red Army . , , . is

neighbor capitalist of Dowing France doomed Of this the As to the Peace Versailles Street stands This accounts for French bankers are not . unaware for enforcing and not enforcing it . Whichever pro

the strong and inflexible anti - Soviet Russian policy She mises the greater advantage will be adopted . , of Clemanceau and Millerand . Besides France hopes wants the German trade , and she does not think that to of to recover the three billions francs loaned the Germany can pay her if she pays France or anybody by ,

repudiated . Czar which have been Soviet Russia else . Only Italy champions the Downing Street ,

As to Germany upon receiving of “

insists her ” France school Give and Take world policy .

" pound of flesh . " Nothing short of the complete en , Now for the Kremlin . What are its objects and forcement of the peace treaty is even countenanced in , methods ? First its immediate object is to secure

Paris . It is felt among the French that the death of

peace . The Soviet Government wants peace in order Germany is essential to the life of France .

that it may reorganize and reconstruct the economic , With the cost of living mounting higher and higher . political and social life of Russia and the exchange value of the franc going down lower es is program of thought and action

; The Soviet and lower what else is France to do except make

sentially revolutionary . All other questions are sub Germany pay . And it is the two attitudes upon Soviet

sidiary secondary to preservation of the Russia and Germany that shape and determine the and the Rus . sian Revolution The Workers ' Republic has also entire international policy of the French Republic . In

adopted a flexible policy which enables it to secure up , support of this policy she is building a " Little

advantage advantage . ,

, after , Entente ” composed of Hungary Rumania Greece supports is no and Czechko - Slovakia . There government which the Kremlin , Among the great powers Japan and America accept school of international thought and action . It stands

as of a working - as against a the Quai d'Orsay school of thought and action . They alone the advocate class . capitalist of debacle represent the right wing or extreme financial imperial solution the international , ism . They have supported all of the counter revolu- Now a word as to the instrumentalities through 170 THE MESSENGER [ December , 1920 .

political which these three schools of world and econ the Kremlin's idea of an international instrumentality

thinking propose to , omic function . for realizing world peace . Briefly the Kremlin school

of international thought and action opposes the League

The Quai d'Orsay , while tolerant with the League

of on ground it is an organization of , Nations the that of Nations doubts its usefulness in reconstructing , capitalist governments , capitalists

, from which alone Europe and still looks with favor upon the old Eu ,

can hope no benefit . Against the League of Nations

ropean doctrine of the " balance of power . ” France is

the Soviet Government would offer a league of by demonstrating her faith in this principle attempting , Scialist republicts where the power to declare wars up to build a " Little Entente . ” For France senses the in of rest the hands those who fight wars . unreliability of both Great Britain and America in

This is a brief outline of the three broad streams ,

backing her position on Soviet Russia and the en by of world thinking . They are guided certain think forcement of the Peace of Versailles . She is attempt . . ers and statesmen Clemanceau stands out as the

ing to improvise a number of different secret compacts ; leading figure of the Quai d'Orsay Lloyd George of and agreements to obviate her reliance upon the League , ; . Downing Street and Lenin of the Kremlin of Nations .

Strictly speaking , the Quai d'Orsay and Downing , To Downing Street the League of Nations is noth ,

Street are one as against the Kremlin for the former

ing more than a convenient pretending makeshift for represent international capital and the latter represents

to supernational organization to achieve

favor some ,

international labor between which there is an irrepres

peace . Already to world Persia has been induced nego sible and irreconciable conflict . , tiate a secret pact with Great Britain and France

For the nonce the Downing Street school of interna

America and Great Britain are members of a secret tional thought and action will manoeuver itself into the of of agreement . All which proves the lack confidence by commanding position securing a modification of the

in the League of Nations as an effective agent for ,

policies of d'Orsay seeking

, , the Quai and the Kremlin securing peace . But England as usual takes the po

thereby to effect a series of compromises in order that sition on the League of Nations : " I am for it if it the existing European capitalist frame work may ; serves to protect what I have and to get what I want

endure the fierce storms of working - class revolts . , , and I am against it if it doesn't . ” Downing Street Eventually , , the d'Orsay and , however Quai Down however recognizes the bankruptcy of the old " bal

ing by Street will be driven together the menacing

ance of power " system in the present economic chaos

growth of power of . Then , the the Kremlin the issue and political disorder of the world . Hence ruling

between capital and labor will have reached its final

opinion of England will accept the League of Nations

stage and a world - wide revolution will be the last act ,

with British reservations what ever that may mean !

of a great world drama precedent to the establish d'Orsay of Both the Quai and Downing Street oppose ment a socialist economy . Garvey : A or The Movement Promise a Menace , IN of we In the October number the MESSENGER indi Communities League . speaking from the same roughly angles Garvey cated the from which the platform , with the founder of the movement we were , be Movement would discussed . Here the political chiefly interested in educating its membership in the of . aspects the organization shall engage our attention , class - struggle nature of the Negro problem and re , , to it Precedent our discussion however might not taining the sympathetic attitude of the Movement , be to of amiss observe upon the past the by relations toward Socialism which can be attested a refer

editors of the MESSENGER to the Movement . At one ence to numerous editorials which appeared in the ,

time the editors of the MESSENGER spoke from the official organ and the speeches of Mr. Marcus Garvey . ,

platform moving spirit of organiza same with the the Now as to the policies and principles of the Move ,

in question . tion Then the Black Star Line Idea was ment .

no part of its effects . the slogans “ Negro Judging were of Nor from the editorials the official organ of , , , , " an "

Empire ” “ First African Back to Africa ” the organization during the recent_campaign the in race baiting prominent its , , and extreme movement sponsors a Negro party . This of course

program . representation of Negroes at The the is a natural and logical outgrowth of the doctrine of as

employed gen It in . Peace . ” Conference was the basis for “ Negro First must be remembered this con

erating Negro , considerable consciousness and the nection that the political program of the said Move , , of

Negro organ is to World the official the Movement ment intended meet the needs of the 12 or more , , by

A. Domingo a which was edited W. Socialist was millions of Negroes in United States and the hundred

or of Negroes in the leading Negro Weekly propagating genuine rad . more millions the West Indies and , . icalism in the country . Moreover it is no little il Africa , ,

luminating organization as of that the selected one First then let us determine what are the needs of ,

its representatives to of the Peace Conference one the Negro . , of a the editors the MESSENGER - exponent of

of political well known Upon a cursory survey the status , , by

Negro in of Socialism which is now derided and condemned the America the West Indies and Africa

its organ spokesmen . official and it will be seen that the Negro is the victim of condi of The editors the MESSENGER have never been tions that find their immediate cause in the politics , , of or in any

way .

members affiliated with the Univer of government . , sal Negro Improvement Association and African First in the Southern States of the United States December , 1920.] THE MESSENGER 171

of America the Negro is denied the right to vote ; al action on the white man . For if it is logical and jim to to he is - crowed or denied the right of equal access right for Negroes combine control the govern , , ; Negroes only then it is logical to public conveniences his property is depreciated ment for also and ; to to through the operation of laws of segregation he is right for white men combine control the govern ,

people only . the victim of lynch law vagrancy laws and peonage . ment for white disabilities which have the sanc These are his racial And when the white or black man once secures through , tion of legislation enacted the instrumental control of the government he is justified in adopting ity . of political party action legislation calculated to perpetuate himself in office by The question now arises : Can a Negro party remedy throttling his opponent with discriminatory legisla ; , , jim , . it - lynching this can abolish the crow car the tion In fact this is what happened in the South , , , vagrancy laws disfranchisement and peonage ? If it after the Reconstruction period and the white South Negro in to can it ought be known order that the raised the cry of “ Negro Domination ” in justification ; , , , be to

it ought jim if it of may accept it cannot also known the terrorism intimidation persecution - crow ,

in order that he may reject it . If it is a sound solu ism disfranchisement and lynch law employed against ,

of political problems Garvey tion his civil and the the Negro . During the Reconstruction period the program Movement's political deserves the endorse Negroes did not seek to put only Negroes into , ; , ment of all Negroes if it is not a sound solution it public office but the White South pretended that that

repudiation of all deserves the condemnation and , was their aim . Now is it not clear as to what the

Negroes .

reaction of the psychology of the American white

A as to logical implications of a Negro word the workingman would be upon learning that all of the

party . Negroes of America were combining in a Negro party

As the Prohibition party nominates only prohibi to capture the government for Negroes only .

, party only ; Repub

tionists the Socialist socialists the , a plan of Thus such political action is not only

party only republicans ; party lican the Democratic , negative from the point of view of results but it in ; only Democrats so will a Negro party nominate only

vites an unspeakably violent revulsion of hostile op ,

public a police Negroes for offices from commissioner position from whites against blacks . It only serves . of to the president the United States , to lend aid and comfort to the Vardamans Hoke ,

it is a Negro party ,

Indeed inconceivable that would , Smiths . Watsons Thomas Dixons Cole Bleases and

a presidency of name white man for the the United , John Sharp Williamses in denying the Negro the ; a States just as it is inconceivable that white man's ,

right to . if it is vote Therefore iinpossible for a party would nominate a black man for the highest ; Negro party ever to win it will be impossible for it office in the land . For the very racial names of the ; to legislation secure for the benefit of Negroes and

parties suggest the purpose for which they are formed . if it is impossible for to the Negro party achieve le ,

Fortunately possessed of political

some , we are recent gislation ,

Negroes is which will benefit then there no

history factually Garvey on

which sets the Movement , earthly reason for its existence . Besides if it will , record in this connection . In the recent campaign the , ,

only serve to illicit new forms of antagonisms then , ,

Liberty party a Negro party

which dubbed itself , it is only of no it not value but is a positive menace , nominated for president of the United States Mr.

10 Negroes . So that as a remedy for disfranchise , Eason who was elected leader of the American Ne , , jim , ment crowism- lynch law and peonage the Negro

groes by Negro Congress convened the World which . party is ineffective , , in

City August ist New York and lasted thirty days . So

operation of much for the the principle of a by This Congress was held the Garvey Movement .

Negro party in the interest of the Negro in America . a of

Now word comparison .

What about Africa and the West Indies ? you Have heard of a Jewish party which nominated , In

, Africa and the West Indies the conditions are only Jews for public office as a remedy for their ills

slightly . different In both places the Negroes have or of an Irish party which nominated only Irishmen

less political privileges and power than they have in for public offices as a solution of their problems ? No. of the United States . They mostly Why ? The reason is to be found in the fact that the America hold the

relationship of subjects to . aforenamed groups are like the Negro , minority the British Crown One , , interesting side of the situation there however is that groups and can never expect to become majority

they 95 to 98

per of population . or or constitute cent If it the groups . were possible for the Irish Jews , It would be quite easy with intelligence and the right to

Negroes get of each member their groups to adopt , to

Negroes to

capture of , vote for the the government a such course of action the end which they are aiming the West Indie Islands and Africa , at would be unattainable . For if all of the 12 million ,

granted it possible Negroes Negro men women and children voted for a Negro But that were for the , , , . of he president could not win Of course children to capture the governments America the West , , it don't vote and Negroes in the South don't vote . Indies and Africa does not follow that the condi ,

of of Negroes be . Hence the advocates of a Negro party are pursuing tions would better Have , , ,

they a Negro of a political doctrine of " impossiblism . " Irish and Jews not had President Haiti Liberia and , , a

king of ? Abyssinia a and other minority groups who have problems to Would Negro King Emperor , , ,

or give liberty justice democracy to solve don't adopt the idea of racial religious or Czar and black , as a of nationality political party action solution the subjects more readily than a white King Emperor or , . give liberty justice same Czar would and democracy to white , , - to ? Moreover there are other phases the subject . subjects The Russian German and Austro Hun

so . subjects A Negro party will not only not achieve any political garian peoples did not think Are Japanese , ,

autocracy of Japanese just results advantageous to the Negro but carrying out content with the rulers

, they the race logic it will impose a similar course of politic because are Japanese ? 172 THE MESSENGER [December , 1920 .

Does in appear any civil war Ireland to be less other questions entering in as a decoy to groups who being waged violent because it is between national are not conscious of their economic interests and who groups same color ? of thc have problems pregnant with an emotional appeal . foregoing From the analysis it is apparent that a Shrewd politicians recognize that an appeal to feeling political party , in order to be an effective and useful is more effective than an appeal to reason . , along purely political instrument must be built other than Thus a Negro party can only misdirect the racial lines . political an Negro . organization sets Modern science reveals that power of the For which ,

political up in

A of Negro action is the reflex of economic interests. itself as the guide the his economic political party of nothing group a is more than a of persons political and social life to advocate such form

who agree upon a body of principles which are em of to political action is to expose itself the criticism , bodied in a platform and during political campaigns

being distressingly unwitting of its political way .

an effort is made to get control of the machinery of ,

However we want the Negro public to judge upon a government in order that the said platform may be of basis fact and reason as to political program

adopted in which of the form legislation . All party plat . forms are chiefly concerned with economic questions , he shall follow LOMMORDIA

Education and Literature MURUND of The Passing Show of 1920 — Woodrow Wilson By the Editors ; , to forts avoid an namely WOODROW WILSON is passing . He is passing inevitable conclusion that

monopoly is logical development of . in

is the and . desirable in politics He passing world drama He ; , it is passing in physical vigor . He is passing as the business that makes production cheaper increases , ; it . of it self - imposed guardian the world's moral forces eliminates waste but also increases power which is dangerous in of a . as a be He is passing scholar the hands few and must lodged . is Probably the most ardent advocate of Woodrow elsewhere What then the solution which Wood row : be

. Industry Wilson would not now deny that he is passing . He Wilson could not grasp This must ,

monopolised power it be is passing in the political life of America . Denied a but the which controls must

democratized . of in of Congressional is only vote confidence the elections This the way to enable the , by to

many advantages of 1918 he was unmistakably repudiated the over secure the the monopoly prin

ciple . And this means the introduction of socialism . whelming vote for Harding in 1920. He asked for a , Why you , solemn referendum on the League of Nations . The ask did Wilson not accept the next logi

people spoken . So have and Wilson has the answer cal step ? Let him answer in his own words : “ The of thoroughly repudiated was Wilson that the solid south masters the government of the United States are the combined capitalists of was broken . It is not merely a statement of Wilson's manufacturers and the

passing United States . They have upon of attempt . erected that we shall here We propose to the forms

democracy an empire . ” These combined explain the reason . invisible

In politics Wilson belonged to the 18th Cenutry . manufacturers and capitalists wanted the advantages ,

of monopolies His political philosophy was that of competition . He and trusts for themselves not for the , .

people . They so he to

of early was an exponent the laissez faire school He made Woodrow Wilson had

listen to or

period of be did competition in his master's voice long not . understand that the broken ago It is go as to monopolies passed . thought high possible natural had He the about make business back to the

period of as it is to cost of living would be brought down if dealers were competition make the tributaries of forced to compete because ( as he thought ) each one the Mississippi River flow back into the main body , , or be trying to . a . pooling would undersell the other matter trunk agreements in As Trusts restraint of ,

of day fact that had passed about 1873 when the trade monopolies are here to stay . Their next change

simply be in

period of large inaugurated . will of scale business was From the extension the monopoly of , 1873 to 1898 capital was getting ready for the period the means of production distribution and exchange by of monopoly . big in Since 1898 business the United to a control a monopoly which shall be all the , , ,

States has been syndicating monopolizing integrating people in their collective capacity . , trustifying vestige of competitive is until the last the Woodrow Wilson passing in world drama but not

passed . - League is era has The Sherman Anti Trust Law was because his of Nations lacking as one of the

a harking to past . It attempts to

back also pressing of the make most needs world capitalism . The League of by is up

compete of day businesses with each other breaking the Nations the order the for capital - not . .

monopoly of to

so opposed All these attempts were many ef labor Labor was the Versailles Treaty December, 1920.] THE MESSENGER 173 ,

of speech asesmblage of happier of and the League Nations . The imperialist treaty and became relics

, days to be in the robbery and stealing the impossible peace — lost hereafter found the museum of memo .

ries on a slogan Wilson his popularity . He could no longer fool the Elected of having kept us out of , people . They following . capital ceased him And war he went into war within thirty days after his . of must use what tools it has . Hence with Wilson's election He secured the enactment the Conscrip , , ,

to approach apparent passing the French began Hard tion bill the Espionage Bill large navy and army ap ,

ing . Unofficial couriers of Harding began to approach propriations . He bullied Mexico invaded her soil ,

Harding justification it pleased the Russian government concerning trade . without remained there till him , had to adhere to diplomatic usage and deny that a to withdraw and came away without apology for this department French courier had approached him or that Washing unfriendly act . His state became the , , ton Vanderslip represented him to the Soviet govern spokesman of the oil interests Franklin K. Lane his , ment . ( Students of political science know that nothing secretary of Interior actually resigning to become an

is probable . ) more officer at $ 50,000 per year in the Doheny Oil Com ,

is passing in - Woodrow Wilson also world drama pany the largest American oil company in Mexico .

an in politics . because he was amateur world The A cynic once disparaged a tyrant's free speech rules , by , , wily Lloyd George the subtle tiger Clemenceau the saying : " I have a right to say what I think and , so in I . ” to • crafty Orlando the shrewd Makino had been schooled you have a right say what think Not . by To quote a . long experience in the twisted and tricky course Wilson's judgment him was crime of . so . world diplomacy Not with Wilson He was Eugene V. Debs was jailed for ten years because he

maid what identically in a provincial Wilson uttered almost St. American representing a still more pro . , Louis His freedom the seas . vincial group in America the Democratic Party of the of was British freedom , ,

. Republic South The Nation New and MESSENGER His open covenants were closed in the covenanting

, , having and closed . Trotsky Lenine the British Labor Party — all very after been covenanted His oppo

to imperialism expression in properly and promptly charged him with ignorance of sition found ridiculous , , the sacking of Nicaurauga the seizure of the European geography . This ignorance ran true to its Haiti , at - of - attributes all times dogmatism unwillingness to dissolution her regularly elected assembly the by , ,

of 3,250 . take advice from those who know Wilson there murder American marines Haitians at , by , , ,

tempts as holding fore paid no attention to Colonel House Lansing coercion and extortion such up , of of

president to White or any of his advisers . He insisted upon his the salaries the ministers and

compel to sign a in in omniscience world politics . The European diplo Haiti vicious Convention favor

mats flattered him . They of a monopoly on foreign exchange to needed American money . the National

City of They . discovered that he was exceedingly vain and easy Bank New York Russia was unconsciously by de betrayed . and for their pickings . After putting a head on each of Woodrow Wilson He his state ,

partment of every reactionary ' points became his fourteen making the seas free to British the allies force to , destroy people's monopoly converting open which desired the government of the covenents openly ar . , , , , at . at rived into secret covenants arrived in the dark Russia Kolchak Denikin Semenoff Yudenich , , ,

Wrangel a these old European diplomatic foxes tigers barons Poland all found welcome at our money , , and hyenas turned loose our naive president picked coffers munition bins clothing and food warehouses . as a of of

-- Representatives government no clean chicken and point of the fourteen the defunct the ,

pointing to recognized

peace or either democracy . Czar became the ambassadors ministers of plenipotentiaries at All of this was made the easier since Woodrow Wil . and the Wilson Court Democ ,

epitome of chang . son is passing in physical vigor . Political contro racy Wilson was the vaccillation

, ing night on versy intellectual pugilism and diplomatic combat use his mind over nearly everything . up he - a great deal of energy . The president has been Upon one thing remained firm throughout the ,

failing ( if he ) in

indeed health he has not failed to for Negro . From beginning end held the south

. is no longer equal to . some time He the task With erner's traditional position on " keeping the Negro in ,

a huge war chest the Republicans took full advantage his place . " of

his a is . weakened physical strength . As scholar Woodrow Wilson also passing He

Again always high in quarters . The is as Woodrow Wilson passing the self im was rated too certain

posed guardian of . the world's moral forces He en New York World made the rather phenomenal dis as

political a . in tered the frequently of English arena liberal He covery that he was the best writer

pleased . . A rigid application of high powered a the radicals He was man for peace . He America the to

opposed to kept us of our war . He was universal lens of scientific criticism his works would reveal as an -- military training . He was for the Mexican people him average scholar not any exceptional his

working problems by out their own undisturbed Ameri torian or political scientist . He is not in class with

, , , , Taussig , can oil interests . He was for free speech . He be McMaster Beard Robinson Patten Karl , ,

Nearing Myers . lieved Americans should not forget how to kick . He Becker His State and New Free , of by was . for freedom the seas He was for open cove dom will when appraised a non - flattering future ,

be as simple compilations nants . He was for tolerance of difference in opinion . historian discarded and , ,

in deep original campaign speeches - lacking He was the implacable foe of imperialism . rich ,

thought . In spite of these lofty professions in the face of a , to

survey of war make the world safe for democracy he inaugu We would not close this Wilson without . of upon ' He a reign of commenting selection assistants rated terror throughout America . He his to no .

of strong a

of him made the Constitution scrap paper . Freedom seemed desire man about Someone 174 THE MESSENGER [ December , 1920 .

to flatter his vanity was the Doctor's order . The As Woodrow Wilson passes from public to private slight show of independence on the part of Lansing life March 4th , 1921 , his friends will probably say cost him his portfolio in the State Department . Bur to him : “Go in peace and sin no more .” He carries leson and Palmer and Daniels are the blackest blots a heavy load of sorrow . From a world popularity upon the Wilson escutcheon . The mere mention of he has fallen so low as Caesar when Mark Anthony their names awakens a train of memories which all viewed him upon the ground . He fell like Lucifer . liberty loving Americans are trying hard to forget . He adds corraboration to the philosopher who main The brightest spots in Wilson's administration were tained that public men should retire before they aro Frederic C. Howe , Louis F. Post , Frank P. Walsh retired . compelled and Basil Manly . The historian will be to Radicals , liberals and Negroes will not shed a tear hold Wilson for the savagery of Burleson , Palmer and over the fast approaching " Ides of March " -when the , power put up Daniels since he had the to them and American Nero is retired to obscurity and oblivion . take them down , and he always chose to keep them up . Bent in body, broken in spirit , blasted in hope , bowed The stench of corruption at Hog Island smells to in affliction , the world's curtain will fall upon à high heaven . The army , navy , and aircraft produc blighted drama , a veritable tragedy - Tlie Passing tion reached a new highwater mark in governmental graft . Show of 1920-1Voodrow Wilson . The Invisible Government of Negro Social Work The National League On Urban Conditions Among Negroes

power language employed by Congressional Com “ The power over a man's subsistence is the The the over his will .” mittee investigating the National Security League on year page of Congressional “ He who pays the fiddler calls the tunes.” 572 the Record of the , to 1919 might with equal propriety be applied the

League on Among Neg FREQUENTLY we are asked : What is the National National Urban Conditions .

ros report of in part : Urban League ? What are its objects and pur The that committee reads “ or it The Security League organ

do ? National it does do and like poses ? What does And how ? in political a

do izations their activities constitute propose to that what

secretary serious menace to representative government . Some superficial student or Urban League ,

Ordinarily purpose is would answer this question right off the bat by say their real concealed and

appeal is to public on prin

, made the some of their ing the National Urban League is a group the bet . ciple in harmony with dominant sentiment Usual ter class of white and colored people working together ly , , , for better industrial social and fraternal relations as in this instance they have access to almost , by

" respectability " Big unlimited It " Big wealth and borrow between the races . does Brother and , , in of of

, honorary positions Sister " work nakes industrial and housing surveys the use the names If of prominence . their , men pur , jobs people national real in the cities secures for meets travellers

pose were apparent danger would be to , fellowships the coming into cities gives a few annual University relieved . " college men and women in Columbia and If in , the reader will insert social place of political the New York School of Philanthropy fosters co , , , ,

Negro in operation fraternity good feeling and Americanism activies and progress place of representa , . people jobs government quotation be substatially ac and supplies 100 or more with fair tive the will

curate as applied to the Urban League . The close thinker and deep student of social service

let us its the will straightway ask : Who finances the National Next examine from own records con a

to In bul tributors the National League . of Urban it Urban League ? Where does get the bulk its by , letin that organization entitled " Idea Made

is An ? its noney ? Who are backers What the source

” we find among the contributors the of its economic life ? In this way he can the more Practical fol :

, lowing intelligently answer what is the National Urban

League ? What are its objects and purposes . What CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NATIONAL AND does it do ? And how does it do that what ? Because NEW YORK URBAN LEAGUES by , be the first question what it is will determined , , .

of League those who supply the funds the Urban Jan. 1 1919 to Dec. 31 1919

by finding be What its objects are can ascertained ; ; , , Armour & Company $ 500 Paul D. Cravath $ 200 out what are the objects and purposes of those who , ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Erdmann $ 250 A. S. Fris finance it . It will do what its backers demand that it , ; , , ; V.

$ 50 Macy

H. Kelsey sell $ 250 Everit

by Clarence , do . It will do it in the manner directed its bosses ; , ; $ 3,500 $ 1,250 Spelman Rockefeller Memorial . So Laura its controlling contributors much for the method ; , ; , , 50 of $ . $ or Esq 2,000 research inquiry . Julius Rosenwald Arthur Sachs December, 1920. ) THE MESSENGER 175

? brings

its purposes Dr. Barney Sachs , $20 ; Ella Sachs , $ 125 ; Harry supporters . What about This

us to its program is Sachs, $ 100 ; Julius Sachs , $ 12.50 ; Sachs , Paul J. industrial and labor which its Big

being . $65 ; Samuel Sachs , $ 350 ; Mrs. Samuel Sachs , $ 175 ; reason for All the talk about Brother Mrs. Walter E. Sachs, $50 ; St. John's Institutional and Big Sister Moveinents and other nice sounding or

so camouflage Activities , Inc. , $ 10 ; Jacob H. Schiff , $ 200 ; Morti pretensions is simply much window ,

dressing to purpose its mer L. Schiff , $ 135 ; Mrs. Phelps Stokes , $ 50 ; Mrs. conceal the real reason for ,

. Eugene

its program being - Jones Willard D. Straight , $ 50 ; Hon . Wm . H. Taft , $ 12.50 ; economic Kinckle

League on Secretary of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt , $ 200 ; A. T. White & Sisters , General the National Urban , Conditions ainong Negroes , New York contributed $ 1,400 ; Wm . G. Willcox , $300 . of at a paper the National Conference Social Work

special In in These “ Negro names more indicative than the pamphlet is in 1919. The entitled the capitalists capitalist representa amounts . All are or dustry . ” It is carefully designed to say chiefly non

tives . , And these are just a small number of the objectionable things to employers to take every con ,

to any hundreds . venient slap at labor unions disclaim desire , for social equality and especially to niake an appeal ( in

of Negro for a larger number welfare workers

order that more patronage may be at his disposal ) . Let

It needs to be said that certain very reputable and to us take a few typical quotations illustrate and , N. public spirited men like Roger Baldwin Albert prove these contentions .

DeSilver and a few others may be found among this by list . This action is explainable the American psy .

" Sufficient testimony is available to chology which still deals patronizingly with the Negro .

Men like Mr. Baldwin and DeSilver feel that the prove conclusively that the Negro labor on the

white race of America has oppressed the Negro so whole was found to be extremely promising .

inuch that they ought to help almost any concern They were loyal to their employers . In fact they among Negroes which apparently promised to do the

took proprietary interest in their employers ' plants . slightest thing for his uplift . You constantly find , ready They were American to the core and their great this spirit among liberals and radicals . They are

advantage was their ability to speak and under Negro . They

a leaway to permit little for the will

English . They easily tolerate in him what would not be brooked among stand were not inflamed

. They be applied whites feel that the rule should not against their employers for imagined grievances

with strict rigidity to a group which has been so op , pressed denied so inuch opportunity in the race of , life . To illustrate during the war the office of the

paragraph is interesting in determining , , This the Urban League at 2303 Seventh Avenue New York W. influence of capital upon the Urban League .

was used as a draft registration center . The Rotary

learn from its spokesman that Negro labor was found

Club again used it in the so - called Boy Scout drive . ,

to be extremely promising . Why ? Because says an af be Now among white organizations it would , Mr. Jones they were loyal to their employers . Loyal front to Roger Baldwin to ask him to support an or , to : their exploiters we should say loyal to employers

ganization which would willingly be used as a draft

who overworked them and underpaid them . How did registration a military center espionage quarters .

they ,

- ?

loyalty “

, They , show their Mr. Jones Again a movement emanating from the Rotary Club answers

took proprietary interest in their employers ' plants . which is simply a replica of the National Security ,

of appeal to , Think the that made Rockefeller Aro League or the American Defense Society would not , mour , Swift Morris and their political and legal have the unmitigated effrontery to call upon either , spokesmen like Taft Cravath and Wickersham . Neg De or Roger Nor Mr. Silver Baldwin for support . , ,

exploited part of working - would the Boy Scout Movement , whose dominant roes the worst the class

taking proprietary in exploiters ' plants .

, interest their

in boy purpose is to instill militarism the meet with

That nieans they took the same interest in the fae any response and support from Baldwin and De Silver

tories and plants where they worked as if they were if white groups made the appeal . Of course the spirit

the proprietors . of , Think Rockefeller and Armour which actuates these men is commendable but the

taking the laborers ' interest in their plants . Mr. Jones method is decidedly unsound . And niethod and means

us they

to The tells that were American the core . , are material for I may desire to give you quinine for , , American workingmen is the most backward ignorant , , your fever but if I am ignorant of drugs I may , disorganized reactionary and patriotic laborer in the , ,

give you cyanide of potasium resulting in your death capital Negro despite my good spirit and my commendable inten world and Mr. Jones assures that the

all . you

. shares those see tions So the liberals and radicals in the United attributes Can't Rockefeller

smiling with delight ! Now Jones reaches the States must understand quite clearly that the same Mr.

. “ They easily against to be

applied to climax were not inflamed their rules whites must applied Negroes . ? " employers for imagined grievances . Isn't that rich You cannot support liberalism and radicalism among

If a group of Negro workers decided that they were

whites among , and .

Negroes If indorse reaction so , , being underpaid over worked- and were being worked is gained on be what the one hand will lost on the , as other . under the most abominable conditions the result , of , which they decided to organize unionize present , - So much for the contributors or in other words , , , their grievances and if necessary strike why that

League is . It is its what the Urban contributors and would be getting inflamed against their employers for MESSENGER , 176 THE December 1920 . ? imagined grievances . Do you see the slap at labor ? Through what means ? What channels Who are is ? Do you see the bait thrown to Rockefeller ? Well its instruments — its tools The first answer that gave Rockefeller $ 3.500 for this bait ! the Negro social work organizations employ the same

as organizations . They After commenting on the conditions of work , the methods and tactics white Negro , migration as the condition of the his result aim to get hold of intelligent and bright men just as

supply , suggests " A , of and demand Mr. Jones Pro white capital gets hold of men like Dr. Richard Cabot Improvement very thing in this gram .” The first , , for E. T. Devine Samuel McCune Lindsay and others . program proceeds :

The first director of the National Urban League was , an . “ I suggest however , the following : George E. Haynes He was A.B. from Fisk A.M. , from Yale and Ph.D. from Columbia . Suave and 1 . That those who know the situation will , cool he marshalled Prof. E. R. A. Seligman L. Hol make it very clear to all persons who entertain , of lingsworth Wood A. S. Frissell the Fifth Avenue the overemphasized thought that to give the , ,

Bank New York and various financiers to support - Negro opportunity will advance the so called , ,

League . George E. Haynes desire for social equality for the Negram that the Urban however held

the chair of sociology at Fisk University which neces the Negroes are a great deal less concerned about

frequently being away from New . " sitated his York it . this bug - bear than those who talk about , , In his absence therefore forces were marshalled

This statement is aimed at the South . It is intended

which eventually resulted in elbowing him out of the ,

to secure the acquiescence of Vardman John Sharp League . He is now a deputy in the U. S. Labor , Williams Thomas Watson and Cole Blease . It was , Major Department in charge of a " war baby ” sinecure called probably framed at the instance of Robert . is the Department of Negro Economics He known Russa Moton who is a dominant Negro figure who . as its director took the place of Booker Washington on the Urban , League Board . Just think this was the first plank in

present of The director the Urban League is Eugene an Industrial Platform for the Improvement of the

Kinckle Jones . He is an A.B. from Virginia Union

Negro . equality !

Down with social University . is and A.M. from Cornell He a good , of English a writer has fair grasp of economics and Let us make an observation here . The statement is ,

sociology is an and indefatigable worker in any line

absolutely false . Increased and equal industrial op

attempts . , , he it to portunity does as ought advance desire for . social quality It is an inevitable consequence and Supplementing Mr. Jones's work are several young

one which white labor must and will accept out of men and women in about thirty two- ( 32 ) different

enlightened . sheer self interest We cannot work to cities where there are branches of the work . Most , , of ( gether in factory mill and mine and then maintain these young men there are some notable excep , that we cannot touch elbows in theatre restaurant tions ) have fair or above average education but little , or

public no and so conveyance . accept satisfy We cannot the de initiative themselves with an average .

position is largely mocracy of work and at the same time maintain the salaried Their work the collection of . of

is at scals magnates autocracy leisure What gained democratic for the industrial and capitalists in by .

in these League work the day will be destroyed autocratic cities who finance the And just as the , , at

night . leisure Moreover these speeches and papers overseer is usually harder than the master the head , a are prepared strictly for white contributors . They waiter worse slave driver than the hotel proprietor so of young to are money appeals . Mr. Jones would not make this some these men will resort very ex

to good . speech before an intelligent Negro audience . It is treme measures make with their bosses We in

have of young mind the case in one charge of not intended that these speeches will be distributed man a of

League in branch the . year , Urban Detroit Last to colored people . Hence this sychophantic slavish

the editors of in . disclaimer the dark the MESSENGER were planning to spend

& week in Detroit at the request of the Socialist Sec , ,

retary I. Taylor of ' . Now comes the patronage appeal . Mr. Jones con Paul the Auto Workers Union , , tinues : " I should think that in order to develop Negro The League secretary John Dancy probably the least ,

they up

to greatest efficiency in large in educated one workers their our have called or upon nearly ,

be every dustrial plants Negro welfare workers should Negro minister in Detroit and requested that employed complaints grie they who will look after the and would not extend their churches for us to speak " in . vances of the men .... Some less independent men like the Rev. Robert

Bradby ,

responded to but the credit of others like

The opening of new places enables the various the Rev. Joseph Gomez and Father Robert Bagnall

social work organizations to get their hands upon the the appeal upon The fell deaf and indignant ears . promising young college men and women with a view

significant thing is objects here the and purposes of ,

to stifling independence thrwarting their their ener League the Urban which cropped out of this tactless gies and sapping their judgment . This is one of the

. Dancy move Mr. had nothing against us . Normally most regrettable phases of the Urban League and he be would quite friendly . But industrial magnates other social work organizations with which we shall who control automobile manufacturing in Detroit later deal .

inessage of didn't want the unionism and socialism to , Lastiy how does the Urban League do its work ? reach the Negro workers . Those magnates control December, 1920.] THE MESSENGER 177

the Urban League because they finance it . And the of Wall Street . In approaching it thinking Negroes , power over a man's subsistance is the power over his radicals and liberals should watch their step ! will . He who pays the fiddler calls the tunes . , Truly the Urban League is more completely dom The Urban League is an organization of, for and by of is a capital . Negro inated by capital than any organization among Neg The race race workers

roes . It is the Booker Washington's northern and of laborers . The interests of labor and capital are clearing western propaganda tool. It is the northern opposed . Thereiore the capitalist Urban League can .

- Negro house of the Major Moton idea . It is the instrument not represent the working class race


NEVAL H. THOMAS of his association with the Negro radicals and pres . sure brought to bear toward securing his withdrawl say ROBERT G. INGERSOLL used to : " Liberty

But they liad reckoned without their host . His answer ,

is cheap at any price . " Liberty to speak liberty to , was unequivocal and courageous . Mr. Thomas , , swift act liberty to teach the truth to students liberty to High replied : " I do not control the Dunbar School

choose one's friends without the leave or permission

building and therefore cannot say that the meeting

of any third party — these constitute real liberty . ; go shall on there but if Messrs . Owen and Randolph , ,

Anong age of thirty - spirit men above the five this speak here wherever they speak I shall chairman the is in . and practice rarely found the Negro race Indeed , meeting . " The meeting was held January 20 1920

the nuniber of such men is so infinitesimal that to dis in the John Wesley Memorial Church at 14th and by a cover such character is like the sudden glimpse Corcoran Streets . The house was filled even though

the weary traveller of an oasis in a desert . It is there

charged . a high admission fee was Mr. Thomas did

refreshing to among . a fore list our acquaintances man act as chairman like Neval Thomas who while free from bluster and ,

to be completely his , Not flouted enemies and our

hrag is nevertheless as intelligently courageous and

enemies presented the matter to the president of the

independent as any man we know . , in school board the District of Columbia but were by is a Mr. Thomas profession school teacher . He again routed when the president announced that " out , instructs in history at the Dunbar High School Wash

side of the school hours and the school building he , D. C. ington There he has very properly arrogated , had nothing to do with the activities of a teacher to himself the right to teach his students something

unless those activities were criminal or immoral and more than the American history books record . He thereby reflected upon the school system and person , explains the real forces in American history free nel . ”

praise of so - from effusive the called fathers of the

Most men who hold good or fairly good jobs feel country . He presents the history of the Negro show quite contented position have little

, with their and

ing of the work Denmark Vesey . Nat Turner Gabriel

concern for other activities . Not So with Neval and Douglas — not stuffing the children with laudation . is Thomas He active in most vigorous , race and of - - some me too boss - in - Negro hat hand leader who uplift .

organizations is a

social moving spirit in

, He never had an original thought nor any which his , A. C. P. the N. A. the Friends of Negro Freedom master did not give him . in and the political and educational world . His heart In academic independence Mr. Thomas ranks as is

always in the securing of larger appropriations , for

high as Dr. Scott Nearing formerly of the University equipment of , , the school and teachers Negro boys and of Pennsylvania Professor H. W. L. Dana Charles .

girls is a He gadfly to the sychophant and

, servile A. Beard and Cattell formerly of Columbia and Negro

politicians - , and appointed . . Glassberg self race leaders He Schneer Schmaulhausen and Berenberg of , , , is high energetic quick witted- a good writer forceful the New York and public schools . He maintains , advocate effective newspaper correspondent , agilo to that his contract teach did not and does not carry courageous controversialist and .

, leader it a with of upon deed trust his mind a mortgage upon , , It , does not

a follow of however always his soul surrender his principle . And this prin that we agree . with Mr. Thomas We were sharply at ciple was put to a severe practical test about one year variance with on , him the - ago . of Emmet ap The editors the MESSENGER Chandler Owen Scott DuBois controversy . We ,

preciated he trying to and A. P. Randolph were booked to speak in Wash that was show that Scott had as or , ,

done much . ington D. C. at the Dunbar High School auditorium more than DuBois But we felt the proper as to and Mr. Thomas was slated chairman . Some hot and sound position was show that both Scott

in hand- Negro and DuBois had been leaders called the attention of the reac derelict and compromising in

the performance of tionary to Senator Reed Smoot to the fact that Negro their duty Negroes during the

war . ( as it

put ) Bolsheviks was were going to use the . school auditorium , True to form Senator Smoot Despite our slight differences here and there with to to threatened , use his influence block the school's , him Neval H. Thomas courageous and intelligent , if .

appropriation spoke is we Thomas was wamed a figure Mr. fine Negro youth to for our emulate . 178 THE MESSENGER (December, 1920 .

SAMUEL UNTERMEYER ine remedy of the housing problem would be devised by him . The forces that shape and determine affairs permit devise any such THE present housing investigtion in New York City in America would not him to

the findings was largely due to the revelations concerning the measure to solve the problem . However, by an

- investigation a Building Materials Trust , that were made by Samuel of such nation wide conducted , in , type of subject Untermeyer . Under a masterly cross -examination of able respectable liberal of the the

, propaganda for the radi witnesses, he has disclosed the existence of an amaz question are useful material

. It is a to courage of ing collusion between corrupt labor leaders and vari cals also tribute the the man of

to School he dared defend the Rand ous dealers in building materials . Will he be permit that even ted to follow out the logical thread of his findings ? Social Science when persecuted by the Lusk witch

hunters . It has been discovered that the combination to hold up the prices of building materials is national in scope . Samuel Unternieyer is one of those enlightened representatives Hence , the remedy must be national . We should like capitalist whose intellectual acumen

Untermeyer , of to see Samuel named as the chairman of enables him to perceive the trend world events

a housing through , national commission on conditions and who seeks through liberal reform measures to if . rising of out the country . Of course , we are not so naive and stem the tide revolution And revolution , . unsophisticated genu it be a peaceful as to believe that an actual and must come he would have one

WHO MOV07 WAWAN The Open Forum


or no in of conserving present My dear Randolph and Owen : the interests the eco , , " " )

system ( Tuskegee New Crowd

is to etc. Your it

you a This tell that was set purpose of mine nomic , ,

to promising policy to at call the office of the MESSENGER see you has another and me more and and my

I friend . old when I was in N. Y. program wonder what father's

By , Frederick Douglas would have said . the way A to cold confined me my room in the morning and why don't you sometimes remind the young Negroes we Wood( and self ) had to leave early in the eve

that great man - perhaps getting out a popular ning to fill meeting engagements in N. J. Therefore of my edition of his autobiography ? disappointment . , ,

I to say my publisher B. Wishing you success and good luck , write also that W.

, you soon be sending for review notice

. Huebsch ) will ( Signed SEYMOUR STEDMAN , “ of poems Lynching of a copy my last volume The ,

Bee " which has some interesting subject matter for ,

I happen to be on the Coast now and I want to , , it to if you get your race . You will note time read testify to how exactly you hit the nail on the head in

that I am strictly avoiding any sentimental appeal . pp your editorial on " The Japanese Problem ” on .

I even make the poor creature that is lynched guilty . 143 and 144 of vour November issue of in of rape and brutal rape which( lynchings course

The greatest active barbarity in the country for by go is no means always the case ) —but I on to un

- propaganda the present is this anti Japanese and

idea even on basis the lynching is , fold the that that mania . But as you indicate it will very likely prove

a hideous mockery of civilization and the lynchers

to be a situation where barbarian meets barbarian . , more horrible than the creature they toture etc. I'm Very truly yours ,

sure the thoughtful Negro will get my point : the poor . . ) ( Signed WM PICKENS re in poem is as far intelligence savage in my and as a sponsibility from a civilized negro from civilized . , white Letter from Mr. William Ellery Leonard of the

Very truly , . University of Wisconsin , , . . ) 2015 Adams St. Madison Wis ( Signed WILLIAM ELLERY LEONARD , 1

Nov. 1920 . , ) Mr. Chandler Owen and Mr. A. Philip Randolph ( Copy


de Publique Gentlemen : Ministere Instruction and Des Beaux Arts

I've been intending to write you for some months BIBLIOTHEQUE ET MUSEEE DE LA GUERRE , 22

of thoughtful expressing my appreciation the and Paris Le Juin 1920 .

Chandler Owen , vigorous work you are doing and of the help I have Mr.

Editor , THE MESSENGER , derived from your paper in understanding the Negro ,

significant I and his problems . Particularly have 2305 Seventh Avenue -

philan . found your analogies of the earlier Negro New York City

Dear : by Sir thropic movements as conditioned and of course , , , by controlled the dominant whites and consciously On October 24 1919 you were kind enough to let December, 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 179 all

copies of your us know that the esteemed periodi ( Copy ) published cal since 1914 and prior to September 1919 “ THE A. L. P. ” (

which liberty to request we had taken the you for )

Agence de et de . to were being forwarded to us . We regret to have Librairie Publications , , , to , Order you of No. 19 confirm January 5 271 our letter 1920 stating New York Nov. 1920 . ,

copies in question THE Publishing yet to MESSENGER that the have not come hand . Co. ,

As we are most anxious to have a complete file of 2305 Seventh Ave. ,

, New the MESSENGER on our shelves we should be greatly York N. Y.

Gentlemen : obliged to you if you would kindly inquire into the

at your Have Kindly a possible . matter opportunity subscription of earliest enter one year to your , , , , the copies been actually despatched and lost through magazine starting January 1921 to be sent to the

following : the post ? Perhaps ( if we are not asking too much ) address

you it possible to let us would find have another com AGENCE DECHENNĖ

plete file for the dates referred to above ?

I desire to emphasize the fact that the MESSENGER 20 Rue du Persil is to us

important on

light ( most for the Negro ques BRUSSELS Belgium ) , tion and we sincerely trust that you will accede to , Please send the bill to our New York office less the our request . , regular agent's discount and cheque will be forwarded , The last current issue received is that of May ( 5 ) . at to you once , and if you can let us have the numbers published since

Very truly yours , us that date and place again on your mailing list for , all be to future issues we shall you . much L. P. " indebted THE " A. , , Thanking you in anticipation I beg to remain . et de Agence de Publications Sincerely yours , Librairie . ) ( Signed . SLOOG . P. FONTANA Secretary General M.

Concerning The Messenger Editors

To the Public : entirely unjustified statement could have been made .

Very , We wish to state that the MESSENGER editors truly yours , ROGER BALDWIN Chairman . , have no secret agreements compacts or understand League Civil ; for Mutual Aid and Director National ings with anybody and if anybody thinks that there

Libertics Union . is some secret agreement which will reflect upon the , of integrity indepedence or courage the MESSENGER , , , , 8 . editors if exposed we not only invite such person to New York December 1920 ,

space in publish same but we will grant free the Mes Mr. A. Philip Randolph , publication . SENGER for such Editor of the MESSENGER , . Again if anyone will name a single responsible radi 2305 Seventh Ave. New York City , , ,

group or cal liberal labor union socialist individual Dear Comrade Randolph : of of and alleged to have repudiated the editors the Mes The letter Mr. undated , ,

to of claiming he a in SENGER we will produce the next issue from the written one our Locals that had . of parties named a letter refutation conference with myself and Mr. Budish asking for , . I support is unqualifiedly false

. ) MESSENGER Signed ( The Editors for the , never met the man and in any case since I was in by formed you that he is no longer connected with , the MESSENGER I could not discuss this matter with , , 6 New York November 1920 .

him .

Mr. Chandler Owen , , I have already warned our Locals and I shall do ,

City . 2305 Seventh New , Ave. so York again to any not send contributions to any person

Dear Mr. Owen : to claiming to represent the MESSENGER but direct

Our attention has been called to appear statements all their contributions directly to the following ad , in of 6

ing Negro , the World Nov. 1920 and the New dres : Mr. A. Philip Randolph Editor of the Mes , , of 27 , to

York , Amsterdam News October 1920 the SENGER 2305 Seventh Ave. New York City . you effect that have been removed from the Executive Fraternally yours , , , of League because of Committee the for Mutual Aid M. ZUCKERMAN Gen. Sec’y - Treas . alleged irregularities in the management of the MES

United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers of North America .


This statement is wholly without foundation . The A. of Executive Committee of this organization not only Resolved that the 21st D. the Socialist

has never taken such action but has never even con Party at its regular weekly meeting held at its head , , as

on Thursday sidered it . Nothing has ever been written or stated quarters November 11th declares , , , by misleading re any officer of this organization which could be so false and vicious statements which , , Negro in . I

at a cently appeared construed am loss to understand how any such the New York News World 180 THE MESSENGER [December, 1920 .

acquainted you may suppose these New York Age and other Negro newspapers , to the with that stories effect that this branch had preferred charges to Local have some foundation in truth . New York, Socialist Party , against the Editors of the I hope that you will be able to get just redress for , Philip MESSENGER Chandler Owen and A. Randolph , the great wrong which has been done to you , and to for mis-appropriation of campaign , or any other funds, publicly brand the circulators of these stories as con rightly belonging to the branch . scienceless slanderers . If I can in any way help to And further states that the relationship between the this end , I shall be very glad to do so . branch and the two comrades, is now , as it has always With best regards, I am , been of the most cordial and fraternal character . Fraternally yours ,

ALGERNON LEE . New York , December 10 , 1920 . Director Rand School and Treasurer New York Messrs. A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen , Party Editors of the MESSENGER , Socialist Local . 2305 Seventh Ave., New York City . Dears Sirs and Brothers :

The Amsterdam News of October 27th , and the Dec. 13 , 1920 . Negro World of November 6th , came out with the To the Public : statement that the liberal, labor and radical organiza During the past two months , there have been circu tions, which had been supporting the MESSENGER, had lated by certain individuals and newspapers statements repudiated Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph , to the effect that the Editors of the MESSENGER had Editors of the MESSES NGER . been repudiated in many quarters. The undersigned ,

This statement is a great revelation to us — as far as regular contributors to the magazine , have given this , our organization is concerned for at none of our matter their close personal scrutiny . They have meetings was the question of repudiating the Editors found these statements to be either false or malicious , up of the MESSENGER even taken or discussed . or both false and malicious . A survey of the facts

It is that our Organization has received several true shows nothing to impeach the integrity of the in by communications from a man the name of dividuals maligned ; nor is there any evidence of the which communications were full slanderous of wholesale repudiation as alleged . , assertions against these two brothers but we paid no , , , to attention them and moreover we did not consider The contributing editors feel that the work of the ,

these assertions as anything more than mere stupid MESSENGER is indispensable to the cause of Negro , , of . slarıderous malicious attacks upon the characters workers , , They therefore hasten to express their , ,

of great growing organized the leaders the labor confidence ( 1 ) in the general principles for which the ;

amongst Negro — pur movement the toilers for the MESSENGER stands and ( 2 ) in A. Philip Randolph ,

pose of hurting retarding its that movement and de and Chandler Owen . We write this for due consider , , . velopment - or better still STOP ITS PROGRESS ation of our many friends who may have been labor ,

to you Randolph ing falsely We want assure Brothers and under created assumptions . ,

Owen that far from having any thought or inten WILLIAM N. COLSON ,

tion of " repudiating " you you are most welcome to W. A. DOMINGO

appear at our Board at any time with messages from


the thinking masses of our Negro Brothers .

Fraternally yours , , Louis LANGLY Secretary ,

N. Y. Joint Board Cloak Makers .

ago I Six months offered my resignation as a mem

ber of the MESSENGER Staff . My action was due to

my onerous duties elsewhere and my consequent in , . December 6th 1920 ability to keep in touch with the every day work of , . Messrs Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen the . A. MESSENGER At that time owing to the crisis

Editors of the MESSENGER , through — I which the magazine was passing was re

New City . . York a quested not to sever my relations until later date

I would be greatly pleased if you would release me at Dear Comrades : , this time because of the reasons above stated .

I have learned with astonishment and indignation I have enjoyed my association with you . If the

of charges against you

the scandalous directed and , MESSENGER can maintain its high and clean standard in the

against published Negro a the MESSENGER and and insure continuous and regular existence - it

World . Among those who are at all familiar with will no doubt be numbered among the most brilliant

the work of the Socialist Party here in New York journals in the country . I am in hearty accord with ,

charges no and elsewhere such could have effect ex , its principles and wish to express confidence in its by . cept to arouse amusement their absurd falsity and editors

a feeling of contempt toward their authors . The un Very sincerely yours ,

fortunate thing is that many persons who are outside

the Socialist Movement and who are not personally WILLIAM N. COLSON . December , 1920.] THE MESSENGER _181 tida , as & Upon advice of counsel not to let certain detailed MESSENGER acknowledged rule upon our , ,

stationery as though getting facts out for the moment we have withheld publi . we were same and se , , of of post July cation dozens checks undated letters and cured since 24th 1920 . , , mark dated cards of acknowledgement etc. signed The contributing editors have had access to this . by data

persons in and received not the employ of THE




84 BOWERY NEW YORK , , Books Magazines Newspapers in all languages .



Compliments of

The United Book Binding Co.

84 Bowery New York WOULUTUSULUDILO YO17011070 NOT mahala 182 THE MESSENGER December, 1920 .


Christmas Greetings WARNAVALVOLLI

Transport WE the Philadelphia Workers extend of our heartiest greetings to the workers the , LLLL world without regard to race creed or color .

We urge all workers to form One Big Union

a understanding to secure better under more

efficient organization . LLLLLLLL

We are the only organization in America which has , uniform wage for engineers , holemen , truckers , riggers

and water boys .

Of our three thousand and five hundred paid up mem LLLLLL , bers over two thousand are Negroes .

please LLLLLLLL All Atlantic Seaboard workers will write to us :



TO THE NEGRO Education SOCIALIST WORKERS Put Your Purse in Your Head

Receive our message of cheer | a We have full line of appropriate

greetings . and The Jewish Que , , ,

Books on Socialism Sociology History

Socialist Workers deeply ap Economics , Politics , Labor , Science , Dra preciate hardships you , the are ma Music and Fiction . Also Pamphlets . up against and the tremendous 1 Come in and look them over .

| promptly to . of value your work . Mail orders attended

On with the struggle for a bet SOCIALIST PARTY BOOK ROOM , , , ROOM 5 1325 ARCH ST . PHILA . PA .

brighter day .

ter and ONDON


FEDERATION LONDON A Book's a Gift that's Never Forgotten


our Colored

Greetings to

Greetings from Brothers and Sisters through

VIVIMO the coming year MOLLALLAN 25 .




1107 184 THE MESSENGER (December, 1920 .

Oy 10W

Fraternal Greetings Comradely Greetings


Bakers ' & Confectioners ' AND CAP MAKERS OF



OV 11017 MW


Compliments of

the Season

Local District Council





Amalgamated Clothing Workers



Now engaged in a struggle with employers who have locked out

their workers in order to turn labor conditions back from 1920 to , 1910 from conditions of civilization to the barbarism of the sweat

shop .


In this sign we have won and shall continue to win


RATIONAL LIVING Compliments 61 Hamilton Place , New York Health Conservation , Social Hygiene , Industrial Hygiene , Personal and Sexual Hygiene , Child Hygiene , Plain , Drugless Treatment of Disease, Birth Control , All Truths from All Medical Schools, Fighting Dishonesty KING'S SOCIALIST in the Healing Professions , Answers to Subscribers ' Questions, Art , Freedom in the Bringing -Up of Chil dren , Vegetarianism , Fighting Superstition . Rational Living is an independent illustrated monthly LOCAL devoted to the teaching of rational methods of living . an educational guide for manual and mental workers . It is not sensational . It has in view the plain , ordinary people, and not the extraordinary athlete. It is scientific , ut pop ular . It saves you money. THE DECEMBER ISSUE OF RATIONAL LIVING IS OUT . It contains all the articles advertized in the last numer of the Messenger and more. Among many other articles : Dr. Maries Stopes, of England , on Birth Control ; Influenza ; Labor and Industrial Hygiene ; Women in the Textile Industry ; Food and the Child . Phone : Franklin 2507 The January issue will appear within a few days. It will contain а large number of interesting and educational articles . Here are but a few : Fighting Disease in Soviet Russia ; Exercise , Good and Bad ; Water as a Remedy ; Labor and Health ; Stammering ; the Breakfast ; Pictures POINTER'S CAFE NICE CREAM PARLOR by Ranoir and Van Gogh. 40 cents a copy. 4 dollars a year in United States vakae. FOR THINGS GOOD Corresponding rates for shorter periods. No free sample copies TO EAT AND DRINK EVERYTHING SANITARY

New Jersey Avenue and L Street N. W. Stock may be purchased in the CORAL J. POINTER , Prop Washington , C. . D. DOUGLASS THEATRE


by seeing Telephone Stuyvesant 6665 I. E. JACKSON Republic Machine & Motor Co. AGENT'S OFFICE Pennsylvania , Md. SEWING MACHINES 1212 Avenue Baltimore ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ELECTRIC PLANTS INSTALLED Madam R. G. Trent 23 EAST 15th STREET G. OLLENDORFF NEW YORK CITY Instructor in Dressmakiny

By the most accredited Parisian and American methods

... Creator of Original Styles ...

Get THE MESSENGER Designing and Sketching Patterns A Specialty desiring may up Avenue Scholars information call 2305 Seventh MORNINGSIDE 1709 New York City 168 W. 128th Street New York

The MESSENGER is offering a three ( 3 ) months ' trial subscrip , 40 . If

you a 10 tion for cents send check send cents extra for ex

change charge . This is an excellent opportunity to get a thorough , and scientific knowledge of world politics the conflict between labor , , and capital and other problems of political economic and social sig ;

. today nificance Subscribe don't delay !

Mention THE MESSENGER December , 1920. ] THE MESSENGER 187


WILL BEGIN A COURSE ON Have beautiful hair by using LaRose Hair

Preparations . It will grow the most stubborn

hair if instructions are carefully followed . of at . Internationalism Learn to take care tho hair home I will and , jar of Shampoo send one one box of Pressing , , of Oil one box Hair Grower with printed in . to . structions how care for the hair Price $ 2.00 The Negro Problem If troubled with any scalp disorder which prevents the hair from growing , send stamp

envelope to . addressed Mme Rosa L. Burger

and I you to will mail instructions how a , have , p

January 5 at . . 1921 m 8.40 healthy scalp and grow long beautiful hair with

AT THE LaRose Preparations . , RAND SCHOOL OF SOCIAL LaRose Hair Grower per box 55c . , La Rose Pressing Oil per box 50c . , SCIENCE La Rose Shampoo per jar 50c .

Agents Wanted ! Liberal Commission

Courses by are also offered correspondence in , , Socialism Co - operation Economics and Write today !

the Labor Movement . For information These goods are put up only by of about fees courses apply to the



Comradely Greetings QALOQVAAALLLOW

1. L. G. W. Duuuuu we YOYO 188 THE MESSENGER [December , 1920 .

they winning Most everybody would take a chance at playing the races " if knew the horse . And thousands of people take " the chance " without knowing and lose. But the sensible investor knows he cannot get something for nothing and what is worth

having is worth paying for . So that we are pleased to make the Τ Ε Ν Μ Ε Ν C Ο Ν Ο Ν Α THE Vito OF OPENING 110 SALE OF STOCK

IN THE DOUGLASS AMUSEMENT CORPORATION WILONOROTVRDILOILOLVAVILAWADIOLO " . At $ 10 Per Share participating Preferred PROUD 7 per cent property in gives an the valuable Ownership of which the holder interest TEILUNA : of the corporation THE DOUGLASS THEATRE , , Street Baltimore Md . and Now under construction on Pennsylvania Avenue near Lanvale , at sharing in profits the same of your

a the of having own and an OPPORTUNITY theatre big that will pay you re a time putting your money in SAFE AND SOUND INVESTMENT OTVALV9.6.01 , . constantly in value turns in DIVIDENDS and increase .

that the Dunbar Theatre in Phila

in FACT ( THE THE SITE - of this magnificent theatre now guidance has been on

) is Pennsylvania delphia same course of construction under the

8 % during of the a first

to pay , Avenue between Lanvale Street and Lafay . able dividend , prove conclusive . , a year of operation should and is the best location for its etto Avenue pay

ly venture will , to anyone this latest . in city that building of this kind anywhere the . handsome Dividends to the investor

purchased - THE GROUND was for cash thero any to present

be necessary IT SHOULD NOT is - are no mortgages or ground rent such

of purchasing greater arguments in favor this of our faith in the possibilities Baltimore as

building is now , stock than the fact that the al . - a theatrical money maker and we havo . being erected and the personnel of the man . ready commenced the building of the theatre

Corporation . THIS THEATRE will cost four hundred thousand agement of the SALDO ex to in tho IF the Race be as

) interested dollars ( $ 400,000 and will beautiful YOU ARE or

a where

of desiring theatres as the Dunbar Theatre in Philadelphia . tent theatre

go freely see the yourself or family can and THAT THE colored people of Baltimore may have finest Broadway productions presented by of a the opportunity of having theatre their , capable in the Douglass , own and at the same time share in the artists investment

Stock make this possible . profits , we have organized the Douglass will 0,90LODSUMO , of in putting Amusement Corporation incorporated under IF YOU ARE interested most all 1MAVIMOOV , , a the laws of Maryland and Capitalized for your money in safe sound investment which ,

pay big in dividends and con $ 500,000 . will returns , is stantly in then here the AT THIS TIME we are offering for sale a limited increase value to safest , surest investment offered tho number of shares of the 7 % Participating

colored people of any city . Preferred Stock at Ten Dollars & share . DOOR

has come to the efforts Ownership of this stock gives the holder an THE RESPONSE which Corporation thus far has been highly interest in the valuable property of the Cor . of the

grandly to , by poration which will be made profitable gratifying . Baltimore has rallied

idea of a theatre for our people and the production of the finest theatrical pro the

ductions obtainable . owned by our people . ! ! ! IS THIS ISSUE OF STOCK IS LIMITED ! ! ! NOW THE TIME TO ACT do . to Do not let tomorrow find you undecided what

Delay may mean another lost opportunity over which you may have many regrets . , E.C. BROWN CO . Fiscal Agents MAIN OFFICE ONVINVONALONVIVEDUVAD , 427 SOUTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA PA . , , . Branch Office : 1212 Pennsylvania Avenue Baltimore Md

ivat LILLY