Uniform Singlets Top: Club uniform – original and new 1981/82 version Middle: Interstate uniforms used until 1998 Bottom: Club and State uniform from 1998 Embroidered shield badges are sewn on, others are integral Right from the Start 1974 – 2014 In celebration of the 40th anniversary of WAVAAC and MAWA The Club for Veteran and Masters Athletics in Western Australia by Christine Oldfield Right from the Start 1974-2014 In celebration of the 40th anniversary of WAVAAC and MAWA Author: Christine Oldfield ISBN: 978-0-9529-6456-8 © Masters Athletics Western Australia Inc, 2014 www.mastersathleticswa.org Material in this publication may be reproduced for the purposes of marketing and promoting Masters Athletics and athletics in general, provided acknowledgement of author and source is given Published by the author, Christine Oldfield E-mail
[email protected] Cover design and artwork by Paul Martin Paper version printed by Docuprint, 63 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle 6160 For paper copies contact the publisher ii Foreword I had originally discussed the idea of a veterans’ club in WA with Cliff Bould in 1971 and such a club was formed in 1974. But the road was not always easy. The idea of veterans’ athletics didn’t appeal to everyone, with some members of our local sporting media ridiculing the idea. “You are nothing but a bunch of old men running around” mocked one sports journalist. But membership grew and it was not long before women joined the Club’s ranks – and they now represent some 40% of the club’s membership. At times the patronising attitudes were hard to take but, forty years on, the concept has proven to be an unqualified success.