Essex Area Ramblers

Havering and East Group – Annual Report 2019

Another year has soon passed and that means another report from Havering and East London Group

Our AGM in October was interesting as we had James Rose from Havering Council as the speaker. James told us that his duties covered parks and open spaces as well as footpaths. Previously, in July, Chair Person Ellen Owen and member Mickey Doyle had a meeting with James to discuss path problems. They were advised that had a schedule of paths that they clear for the council in our area. There are 10 trained volunteers, The Council pays Thames Chace trust £200 per clearance. This should help us a lot as we have still not been able to find a Footpath Officer.

Adrian Vincent Jones led a walk from Rainham to Grays during the Festival of Water week in October. The day before Peter Owen led from to Rainham following, as close as possible, the River Ingrebourne.

The groups outing during the year was not a coach but a train ramble. Members caught a train from Stratford International and had a speedy journey to Margate, then a coastal walk to Broadstairs. This meant that we could turn up at Stratford on the day. No need to book in advance.

Ellen and Peter Owen organised two pub dinners during the year, as well as the Christmas lunch. These were well attended and we look forward to more social events this year.

As usual we would welcome more walk leaders. Any gaps on the programme can be filled at short notice by notifying the Rambles Secretary and they can be e-mailed around the group.

Hoping for good walking weather in 2020.