OCTOBER 2015 wwww.hwhpra.org.uk THE BULLETIN The Voice of the Community Delivered by the Residents’ Association Santa is Coming What a Disgrace! We are planning to bring Santa to our local Fly tippers have been dumping their roads again in early December. We wish to raise cash again for the local Rainbow rubbish on a pathway which runs Children's Charity. The local children love to alongside the slip road that leads from see Santa and it is a great start for the the M25 to the A12. The sight of this Christmas Season. We need your support. If rubbish is appalling and we are grateful you have a car with a tow bar and can to a local resident who uses this path for volunteer for several evenings, please contact reporting it to us as not many pedestrians me. We also need volunteers for collecting and assisting the driver marshalling the float do utilise this pathway which is on the and the towing vehicle. boundary between Havering Council and Please help us raise cash for such a Brentwood. We have reported this matter worthwhile charity. to Streetcare and have asked them to Get in touch with me on 01708 373 027 or clear this mess up. Unfortunately fly tipping is a constant issue that we face in email me on
[email protected] Many thanks. Havering like many boroughs and we are doing our best to catch these people. Cllr BRIAN EAGLING, Mayor of Havering If you do see anything or any vehicles dumping rubbish, then please do contact us and we will pass the details on.