Newsletter Precinct Campus Date: 21 August 2014 Key Dates

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Newsletter Precinct Campus Date: 21 August 2014 Key Dates Newsletter Precinct Campus Date: 21 August 2014 Key dates: Thurs 21 Aug Studio Art Gallery Thurs 21 Aug VCE Theatre Studies Fri 22 Aug Cunningham Dax Centre Fri 22 Aug Supreme Court Mon 25 Aug Legal Studies Court Wed 27 Aug Summit Abseiling Wed 27 Aug Athletics Final Fri 29 Aug Street Art/Gallery Message from Campus Principals To get the latest news join Hello Everyone Nello Carbone & Geoff Block kurnaicollege Every four years Victorian government schools are required to undergo a review. This review looks at the work that the school has done in the previous four years, the extent to which goals that were set then have been met and helps to form a plan for the future of the school. An important part of this review is to get feedback from all sections of the school community on what has been achieved. To help with this a random sample of students have been asked to take home a sheet of four questions to which parents can respond. This survey is anonymous and will only take a few minutes to complete. If one of these comes home please take the time to fill it in and send it back to school. The more feedback we have, the more accurate and useful is the review. Student Cars at School As happens every year, the number of students turning 18 increases, as does the number of students driving cars to school. The Department of Education has very clear guidelines around this which we are required to apply. Student drivers are allowed to have one passenger in the car when driving to and from school. If that passenger is under 18 then parents will need to provide a letter to the school approving this arrangement. No letter, no passenger. During the school day the driver can drive the car when there are no classes but must not have a passenger in the car at this time. Parents Driving to School While on the subject of cars, school and driving; please be aware that the bus loop is not allowed to be used by cars. There have been a few parents who have been using it as a pick-up/drop-off but the University and Council Officers have made it clear to us that this is not allowed. We have been told that police will be contacted if this continues. Newsletter Precinct Campus Message from Campus Principals Contd... Parent Feedback Recently a number of parent feedback sheets were distributed to students in a number of classes. If you received one of these and still have it at home we ask that you send it back to school so that we can gauge the areas that you as parents are satisfied with or areas that you are not happy with and that we need to give attention to. Please put these feedback sheets in an envelope and return them via your student to the General Office. Nello & Geoff. MechX Regional Challenge Kurnai entered three teams in the MechX Regional Challenge on the weekend. One team competed in the robot construction that challenged other teams in the collection of table tennis balls. Well done to Curtis Williams and Leslie Penney for their efforts in this. Another two teams competed in the programming of a racing robot that followed challenged other teams in following a black line on a number of different racing tracks. Kurnai won first and second place in this. Congratulations to Bryce Garden and Mitch Pattie for First prize and Isaac Van Rhine, He Lui and Tony Lin for their Second prize. College Magazine The Annual College Magazine has already started to be collated for the end of the year. To ensure your copy of the College Magazine, payments must be made by the end of Term. Charges are already on your family account if you wish to make payment. Please contact the Office on 5132 3800 if you have any concerns with payment options. Bob Hillman Lecture Eighty Year 12 English students attended the Bob Hillman Lecture at Lowanna College last week. Students joined with Traralgon College, Korrumburra College and Lowanna College to hear Bob Hillman (English Examiner) share motivational stories and strategies aimed at improving results in VCE English. Feedback suggests that students were engaged in the presentation and were able to take away proactive strategies to improve their study behaviour and motivation in all their VCE classes. Year 11 Cross-Country Ski Trip The two Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies classes went to Mt Saint Gwinear on Thursday 7th August. The excellent snow season meant students had lots of snow to play with. Students ventured up toward the summit where they could practice basic Cross-Country Ski techniques. The journey back down proved to be exciting and also a little difficult! Students also participated in tobogganing. Overall, students enjoyed the opportunity to experience snow and had lots of fun. Page 2 Newsletter Precinct Campus Congratulations to our PBS Recipients Excellence Engagement Work Ethic Relationships Sean Zhu Kaitlin Nardino Jesse Berryman Lambert Shayla Radford Hayley Beyer Nanyin Huang Cassie Godden Kobi Amoruso Tyler Spicer Paris Fisher Danielle Dowe Dayna Milito Daniel Blakeley Jassica Maxwell Sharni Wright Frances Simmons Hayden Stephens Jaymes Piripi Chelsea Townley Maddy Lewis Wayne Rowley Josephine Slater Sam Flanigan Regan Webster Brayden Duve Nyabhan Jiath Michelle Hawkes Sophie Fitzpatrick Mikayla Fry Hayden Goodwin Ginny Brick Meg Van Rooy Nathan Prezioso Andrew Adams Matthew Berend Lucy O’Sullivan Rowan Flake-Farrell Dylan Day Cody Woodgate-Price Danielle Dowe Hayley Mills Maggie McMillan Isaac Van Rhine Jacob Campbell Tristan Turpin Wayne Rowley Mel Hughes James White Fabienne Schoutens Kayley Hodson Year 12’s Baby Photos Find one Baby Photo (0-6yrs). Try and find one that doesn’t obstruct your face and preferably facing the front. Convert to digital and save it as a jpeg file. Send it to Kallitsa at the following email: [email protected] Also, any photos from your time at school are welcome. Examples of photos can include Excursions, Camps, Spots Days, Social, Deb, and any general photos of you and your friends taken at school, (Year 7-12). Page 3 Newsletter Precinct Campus VCAL Update VCAL – we have proceeded over ‘hump week’ for Term 3. Students are working hard to ensure all work is completed in a timely manner. Many projects are coming to fruition - presentations and evaluations are taking place. As reported in earlier editions of the newsletter….The “flavours” of our Personal Development classes this year are: Hospitality / Foods Woods Metal Work Coaching & Mentoring Business / Enterprise Past newsletters have focussed upon the Business / Enterprise and Woods and metals classes. This “update” is about our Catering/Foods class. This year we have introduced a new theme for our Personal Development units - Foods. This unit has had a catering emphasis and students have been involved in an array of fund raising activities to test and extend their culinary abilities. Our Cam- pus staff have fared very well throughout the semes- ter and are very willing recipients to eat lunch and various sweet treats with donations to organisations such as RSL, RSPCA and Breast Cancer research. Stu- dents will be participating in the ‘Relay for Life’ providing some good energy food for our walkers. UP & COMING events include; cupcakes in the form of animals to raise money and awareness for the RSPCA. A Mexican Spud Day – to raise funds for the VCAL HPV (Human Powered Vehicle) team to ride at Maryborough later this year. Stay Tuned for more updates in future newsletters… Sausage Sizzle As part of our participation in this years ‘Relay for Life’ the VCAL Coaching and Mentoring class will be holding a fundraising sausage sizzle. Where: Churchill Woolworths. When: Saturday 23rd of August. Time: 10am until 2pm. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Cancer Council for research into prevention strategies and finding a cure for cancer. Please come along and support our students in their endeavours to support this important cause. Page 4 Newsletter Precinct Campus VCAL Update Contd... Without the ongoing support of local businesses and community organisations, our VCAL Structured Workplace Learning program would not be viable. Students in VCAL must complete a work placement one day a week as part of their studies. This provides students with experience in a variety of industries and with opportunities that they cannot get in a classroom setting. In upcoming newsletters we will acknowledge some of the other local businesses/organisations that have supported our program by taking on VCAL students. A big thank you to: Silcar (Moe) Vista Day Services (Morwell) Holydale Rural Holdings (Yinnar South) Lifeline (Morwell) Burson Auto Parts (Morwell) Aaron Pearce Plumbing (Churchill) Valley Auto Repairs (Morwell) Latrobe Valley Machining (Morwell) C'Est Si Bon Skin & Body Care Centre (Traralgon) Latrobe Community Health (Morwell) We are always looking for willing businesses to take on work placement students. If you would like to find out more about the VCAL program or to discuss the benefits of taking on a work placement student either this year or in 2015, please call the VCAL team on 5132 3800. Kurnai College Four Pillars Engagement: We actively participate in our own learning Excellence: We do the best that we can do Work Ethic: We are committed to working hard Relationships: We value and respect each other Page 5 Newsletter Precinct Campus VCE Written Exam Timetable Monday Languages examinations: Oral component 6 October (except Classical Greek, Classical Hebrew, Indigenous Languages of Victoria and IMPORTANT To Latin) Tuesday Dance Dates 28 October VET Dance 6 October Drama: Solo 28 October Theatre Studies: Stagecraft Examination Monday 6 October - Music Investigation Sunday 2 November- Music Performance ovember VET Music Mon 13 October - Extended Investigation: Externally-assessed Task Oral presentation Fri 17 Octoberay 2014 Written Examinations October Languages examinations: Written component Each examination, except for Arabic, Korean First Language and Korean Second Language, commences with a 10-minute reading period which is included in the times shown in the timetable.
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