Symbols: One Problem for the Reader Will Be to Recognise the Names to Be Given to Particular Symbols

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Symbols: One Problem for the Reader Will Be to Recognise the Names to Be Given to Particular Symbols may be variants of monograms that arc to be found under X. In such a case it is the M shape that is dominant in the overall pattern of the monogram. On the other hand, an A flanked by vertical lines, which do not in turn make a clear letter shape. is indexed under A. Where, in such a case, there is a central horizontal line between the verticals the monogram will accordingly be indexed under H. Similarly a bar linking the two top angles of an M (rvi) or N ( l'l) has been placed under Fl, but a small line across the inner angle of an M ( M) has been retained under M. Where there arc two letters that are of equal weight in the outline of the monogram, as, for example, where one letter has simply been placed next and linked to the other, the shape is indexed from left to right and top to bottom. A above n (~)will therefore come under A. whereas n enclosing A (p$J) will come under n. In general, dear and simple shapes come before those that arc more complicated. Although it distorts to some extent the logical alphabetical arrangement. On several occasions reversed monograms are placed with their mirror image, since overall shape would seem to demand this. Clarity and case of reference have been considered the most important factors. Some guidance has been given where it has been thought that it might be helpful. Single letters and names have been interspersed throughout the monogram index to give some clarity to the general sequence. Index of symbols: One problem for the reader will be to recognise the names to be given to particular symbols. For those versed in Greek numismatics the accepted use of most terms will be self-explanatory, but for case of reference it was decided that it would not be practical to make drawings of all symbols. There are, indeed, some symbols which defy explanation, and arc marks which are neither composed of letter forms nor are identifiable objects. These are placed at the end of the list of monograms. At the beginning of the index there is a group of drawings which illustrate some of the objects listed in the index of symbols. An asterisk placed against an entry in the index indicates that 2 drawing is to be found at the beginning. In order to simplify the identification of gods and humans, all figures have been indexed under Figure and all heads under Head, with cross-reference from the name of the deity when appropriate. Similarly, when there may be two or more objects for which a generic name is more practical, they are all indexed under the one word. with appropriate cross-referencing. Thus lyre and chelys are both to be found under Lyre, all types of bird under Bird, all vase shapes under Vase and alI forms ofhelmet under Helmet. Parts of animals arc to be found under the name of the animal The terms used to describe the symbols will mostly be familiar to those accustomed to numismatic terminology, but there is unfortunately the possibility that some of the names will be conventional rather than accurate representations of the object named. With the small size of these symbols there is plenty of room for dispute as to which object is actually intended, and the few accompanying drawings (opposite) arc intended to help in the identification of the term employed. NOTE: "PO(1)" and "PO(2)" refer to the Prokesch-Osten lists in NZ 1 and NZ 3 SYMBOLS Acrostolion * AU <LW> Sardes 2591-2 <RW> Sardcs 2593 AR <LF> Sin ope 1254-5; Baby Ion 3667 Altar AR <LF> Parium 1467-9 Altar on which snake AR <LF> Peloponnese 769 Amphora see Vase Anchor AU <tF> Aradus 3340, 3348, 3351; Mara thus 3437; Ecbatana 3917, 3930; uncertain M 1491; M 1509 <L w> Ecbatana 3937 AR <LF> Aradus 3339-44, 3346-7, 3349-51, 3353, 3356t 3358-9, 3363; Marathus 3434-6, 3438-41, 3"3-4, 3449-51; Susa 3861-2, 3872-4; Ecbatana 3918-9, 3923-5, 3928, 3931-3, 3936A, 3938, 3941-2, 3945; uncertain PO(t) 145, P0(2) 26 Anchor contd DR <LF> Aradus 3345A, 3354, 3360; Ecbatana 3920, 3929, 3934; uncertain ML 28 FR <LF> Aradus 3345, 3355, 3361-2, 3364; Marathus 3439A, 3442, 3445-8; Susa 3871; Ecbatana 3921-2, 3926, 3935-6, 3939-40, 3943-4,3946-50,3953,3955 AE Susa 3875- 7, 3879-81 Ankh AR <LF> Myriandrus 3219-24, 3230-tA; Aradus 3363, 3363A, P139; barbarous B20-B21; false f76 DR <ue M yriandrus 3225 FR <LF) M yriandrus 3226- 7 Ant AU (Lf) Greece 831-2 AR <TH> Amphipolis 454 Antler AR <LF> M accdonia 111 Aplustre" AU <LF> Greece 860; Sinope 1220-2 AR <te> Macedonia 75, 129; Corinth 681-2, 685-7 A; Greece 861; Sinopc 125SA. 1256-75; Mytilene 1713-5; Babylon 3668, 3771; barbarous B34 DR <LF> Greece 862-862A AE Macedonia 346 Arion see Figure Arrow DR (Lf) Macedonia SO see Spearhead Astragalos * AR (Lf) Babylon 3610-1, 3674, 3770 <TH> uncertain 4032 Athena see Figure, Head Axe AR <LF> Macedonia 139; Pella 2.f6; Baby Ion 3753 Axe, double AU <Lf) Miletus 2097, 2134, 2141, 2146 <LW) Miletus 2135-6, 2142 <RW) Miletus 2095-6, 2103, 2113-7, 2122 <Rf) Miletus 2092-4 AR <LF) Tcnedos 1611; Miletus 2074; Babylon 3769 <TH> Milerus 2136A, 2140, 2143, 2147 DR <LF) Milctus 2075-6, 2128, 2137 <TH><LF> Miletus 2137-9, 21«, 2148 AE Milerus 2063-S, 2131-3, P64-P64A obv, Milctus 2067-8 Barley see Com-ear Bee AU <tr> Pella 201-2; Ephesus 1875; Sardes PtOO, 2623-4; uncertain P0(2) 23 <LW> Pella 203; Sardes 2625; false F47 <aw> Babylon 3688 AR <LF) Pella 204-6, 227-8; Peloponnese 765; Greece 859; Pcrgamum 1476-7, 1479, 1481-4, 1486; Ephesus 1876, 1879-81; Babylon 3618A, 3619-21, 3689, 3754; Carrhae 3810 <TH) Amphipolis 453; Sardes 2658, 2661A; Paphos 3120 DR <LF> Ephesus 1877-8; Magnesia 1936-42, PSO; Sardcs 2563-4, 2576-7, 2595, 2626-8, 2631-2, P72-3, PlOt-4; Babylon 3690 Bee (ontd <TH> Sardes 2596, 2629-30, P71 FR East ..015 Bee on rose AR (Lf) Pella 206 Bell* AR (Lf) Tarsus 3035 Big a AR <LF) Peloponnese 761-762A Bipennis see Axe Bird: Cock AU <LF> false F47 AR <u=> Macedonia 79-80; Corinth 684; false F63 DR (Lf) Macedonia 81 FR Macedonia 82 - Dove standing AR <uo Paphos 3116-7 - Dove feeding AR (Lf) Sicyon 718-21 - Dove flying AR <uo Corinth 670-2; Sicyon 707, 722-3~ P6; uncertain PO(l) 112 <ru> Sicyon 713-4 FR (Lf) uncertain PO(l) 400 -Duck AR <tr> Babylon 3662 - Eagle standing AU Salamis 3127, 3132; false FS6 (Lf) Salamis 3126, 3128 <LW> Greece 7'17; Sardes 2616; Salamis 3125, 3129-31; Cyrcne 3988- 9; false F4 AR <TH> Aspendus 'JJf17 A, 2903 DR <uo Sardes 2615, 2617, P93-4 - Eagle flying AR <LF> Amathus 3085- 7; uncertain 4051 (TH) Chalcis 666 DR <LF> Amathus 3088 FR <LF) Amathus 3089 AE Amathus 3090, 3090A - Heron(?) AR <LF> Babylon 3661 -Owl AU <LF) Magnesia 1963 <LW> Magnesia 1964 AR <LF> Black Sea 1320; Pcrgarnum 1474, 1495; false F92 DR (lf) Abydus P21; Magnesia 1965 Bird on branch DR <LF> Lampsacus 1436 Boar-forepart AU <LF> uncertain PO( 1) 24 Boar-forepart, winged AR <LF> Clazomcnae 1740-9 OR <ue Tcos 2261 Boar-head AR (Lf) Syria 3575 Bow AU <LF> Salamis 3138 AR <LF> Macedonia 48-9; Greece 845; Salamis 3139, 3142; uncertain P237 DR (Lf) Salamis 3140 FR (Lf) Salamis 3141 AE Amphipolis PJ Bow and quiver AR <tr> Macedonia 106-7, 110; barbarous BS DR <LF> Asia 2744 Bow-case AR <LF) Erythrac 1900-10, 1913-4 DR <uo Erythrae 1915 Branch AU obv, East 3993A AR <LF> false F65 AE Macedonia 377, 381 - laurel AR (LF) Macedonia 117, 124, 140; Pergamum 1472 <TH) Paphos 3123; Babylon 3588 DR <LF) uncertain PO 336 AE Curium 3112-3, 3114A -oak(?) AR (Lf) Macedonia 126 -palm AU <LF) Sidon 3480, 3482, 3484, 3486, 3490; false F27 <LW> Sidon 3471, 3473 (RW) Sidon 3470, 3472 AR <LF> Sinope 1276-7; Pergamum 1485; Asia 2718 (EX) Myrina 1662 DR <LF> Teos 2259-60 Breastplate DR <LF> uncertain PO(l) 341 Buckle* AU <LF> Lampsacus 1368, 1370-1, 1374, P11-P14, P17; false F14 DR (LF) Lampsacus 1369, 1372-3, 1375-7, 1379-80, PtS-6; false F94 <TH> Lampsacus 1378 Bucranium* AU <LF> Macedonia 184; Sardes 2539 AR (LF> Macedonia 93-4; Amphipolis 429-33; Greece 833-4; Parium 1459-1460 =======1549-60; Sardes 2540; barbarous B9 <TH) Pella 218; Sagalassus 2985 (.EX) Greece 8SO DR Macedonia 95-6 (Lf> Macedonia 94A; Magnesia 1934-5; Sardes 2541 <TH> uncertain PO(l) 283 FR Macedonia 97-8 AE Macedonia 341 Bucranium with fillets AR <LF> Argos 727-8; uncertain PO{l) 168, P0(2) 16 Bull AU <LW> Tyra 1214 (bull butting) AR <LF> Parium 1461-4;x Antioch 2469-70 Magnesia 2010 (butting r.) 5 Bull-forepart AR <LF> Erythrae 1906 (butting left) Bull-head facing* AU <LW> Sestos 1217, U, L4A, L 7 AR <LF> Pella 261A; Greece 843; Parium 1458, 1458A; Assos 1610; Babylon 3657; Susa 3862 Sardes 2540 Bull-head and neck AU <LF> Greece 791 profile, head facing Bull-head profile AR <LF> Greece 815, 874 DR <LF> Asia 2750 Caduceus AU (Lf) Greece 802; Tarsus 3043, 3045-6; Aradus 3331, 3331A; uncertain P0(2) 5; barbarous B22 <aw> Sidon 3458 AR <LF> Macedonia 33, 36- 7, 65-8, 99; Pella 247; Samothrace 662-3; Caduceus contd Larnpsacus 1342, 1344-5; Aspcndus 2889A; Tarsus 3044, 3047-55; CiJicia 3069A; Soli 3190; Aradus 3332; Babylon 3627-8, 3682; uncertain PO(J) 259; barbarous BU, B23, B31; false F79-81 <TH> Am phi polis 487; Pella 500; M ytilcnc 1712 (Rf) Alabanda 2457 <EX> Mcthymna 169SA; Babylon 3629; barbarous B28 DR Macedonia 34, 69, 101, 144 <LF> Macedonia 100; Lampsacus 1343; Colophon 1754; Magnesia P54; Asia 2754, 2798; A rad us 3333; uncertain PO( 1) 333 <TH) Abydus 1540; Colophon 1755-6 <RF> Abydus1541, 1544-7, 1579 AE obv, Sardes 2604-7, 2612-4, 2688; Tarsus 3058-63 rev.
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