may be variants of monograms that arc to be found under X. In such a case it is the M shape that is dominant in the overall pattern of the monogram. On the other hand, an A flanked by vertical lines, which do not in turn make a clear letter shape. is indexed under A. Where, in such a case, there is a central horizontal line between the verticals the monogram will accordingly be indexed under H. Similarly a bar linking the two top angles of an M (rvi) or N ( l'l) has been placed under Fl, but a small line across the inner angle of an M ( M) has been retained under M. Where there arc two letters that are of equal weight in the outline of the monogram, as, for example, where one letter has simply been placed next and linked to the other, the shape is indexed from left to right and top to bottom. A above n (~)will therefore come under A. whereas n enclosing A (p$J) will come under n. In general, dear and simple shapes come before those that arc more complicated. Although it distorts to some extent the logical alphabetical arrangement. On several occasions reversed monograms are placed with their mirror image, since overall shape would seem to demand this. Clarity and case of reference have been considered the most important factors. Some guidance has been given where it has been thought that it might be helpful. Single letters and names have been interspersed throughout the monogram index to give some clarity to the general sequence. Index of symbols: One problem for the reader will be to recognise the names to be given to particular symbols. For those versed in Greek numismatics the accepted use of most terms will be self-explanatory, but for case of reference it was decided that it would not be practical to make drawings of all symbols. There are, indeed, some symbols which defy explanation, and arc marks which are neither composed of letter forms nor are identifiable objects. These are placed at the end of the list of monograms. At the beginning of the index there is a group of drawings which illustrate some of the objects listed in the index of symbols. An asterisk placed against an entry in the index indicates that 2 drawing is to be found at the beginning. In order to simplify the identification of gods and humans, all figures have been indexed under Figure and all heads under Head, with cross-reference from the name of the deity when appropriate. Similarly, when there may be two or more objects for which a generic name is more practical, they are all indexed under the one word. with appropriate cross-referencing. Thus lyre and chelys are both to be found under Lyre, all types of bird under Bird, all vase shapes under Vase and alI forms ofhelmet under Helmet. Parts of animals arc to be found under the name of the animal The terms used to describe the symbols will mostly be familiar to those accustomed to numismatic terminology, but there is unfortunately the possibility that some of the names will be conventional rather than accurate representations of the object named. With the small size of these symbols there is plenty of room for dispute as to which object is actually intended, and the few accompanying drawings (opposite) arc intended to help in the identification of the term employed.

NOTE: "PO(1)" and "PO(2)" refer to the Prokesch-Osten lists in NZ 1 and NZ 3


Acrostolion * AU Sardes 2591-2 Sardcs 2593 AR Sin ope 1254-5; Baby Ion 3667

Altar AR 1467-9

Altar on which snake AR Peloponnese 769 Amphora see Vase

Anchor AU Aradus 3340, 3348, 3351; Mara thus 3437; Ecbatana 3917, 3930; uncertain M 1491; M 1509 Ecbatana 3937 AR Aradus 3339-44, 3346-7, 3349-51, 3353, 3356t 3358-9, 3363; Marathus 3434-6, 3438-41, 3"3-4, 3449-51; Susa 3861-2, 3872-4; Ecbatana 3918-9, 3923-5, 3928, 3931-3, 3936A, 3938, 3941-2, 3945; uncertain PO(t) 145, P0(2) 26 Anchor contd DR Aradus 3345A, 3354, 3360; Ecbatana 3920, 3929, 3934; uncertain ML 28 FR Aradus 3345, 3355, 3361-2, 3364; Marathus 3439A, 3442, 3445-8; Susa 3871; Ecbatana 3921-2, 3926, 3935-6, 3939-40, 3943-4,3946-50,3953,3955 AE Susa 3875- 7, 3879-81 Ankh AR Myriandrus 3219-24, 3230-tA; Aradus 3363, 3363A, P139; barbarous B20-B21; false f76 DR

Ant AU (Lf) Greece 831-2 AR Amphipolis 454

Antler AR M accdonia 111 Aplustre" AU Greece 860; Sinope 1220-2 AR Macedonia 75, 129; Corinth 681-2, 685-7 A; Greece 861; Sinopc 125SA. 1256-75; Mytilene 1713-5; Babylon 3668, 3771; barbarous B34 DR Greece 862-862A AE Macedonia 346 Arion see Figure

Arrow DR (Lf) Macedonia SO see Spearhead

Astragalos * AR (Lf) Babylon 3610-1, 3674, 3770 uncertain 4032 Athena see Figure, Head

Axe AR Macedonia 139; Pella 2.f6; Baby Ion 3753

Axe, double AU Milerus 2136A, 2140, 2143, 2147 DR Miletus 2137-9, 21«, 2148 AE Milerus 2063-S, 2131-3, P64-P64A obv, Milctus 2067-8 Barley see Com-ear

Bee AU Pella 201-2; 1875; Sardes PtOO, 2623-4; uncertain P0(2) 23 Pella 203; Sardes 2625; false F47 Babylon 3688 AR Ephesus 1877-8; Magnesia 1936-42, PSO; Sardcs 2563-4, 2576-7, 2595, 2626-8, 2631-2, P72-3, PlOt-4; Babylon 3690 Bee (ontd Sardes 2596, 2629-30, P71 FR East ..015

Bee on rose AR (Lf) Pella 206

Bell* AR (Lf) 3035

Big a AR

Bird: Cock AU false F47 AR Macedonia 79-80; Corinth 684; false F63 DR (Lf) Macedonia 81 FR Macedonia 82

- Dove standing AR

- Dove feeding AR (Lf) Sicyon 718-21

- Dove flying AR Sicyon 713-4 FR (Lf) uncertain PO(l) 400

-Duck AR Babylon 3662

- Eagle standing AU Salamis 3127, 3132; false FS6 (Lf) Salamis 3126, 3128 Greece 7'17; Sardes 2616; Salamis 3125, 3129-31; Cyrcne 3988- 9; false F4 AR Aspendus 'JJf17 A, 2903 DR

- Eagle flying AR Amathus 3085- 7; uncertain 4051 (TH) Chalcis 666 DR Amathus 3088 FR

- Heron(?) AR Babylon 3661

-Owl AU Magnesia 1964 AR Black Sea 1320; Pcrgarnum 1474, 1495; false F92 DR (lf) Abydus P21; Magnesia 1965

Bird on branch DR 1436

Boar-forepart AU uncertain PO( 1) 24

Boar-forepart, winged AR Clazomcnae 1740-9 OR

Boar-head AR (Lf) Syria 3575

Bow AU Salamis 3138 AR Macedonia 48-9; Greece 845; Salamis 3139, 3142; uncertain P237 DR (Lf) Salamis 3140 FR (Lf) Salamis 3141 AE Amphipolis PJ

Bow and quiver AR Macedonia 106-7, 110; barbarous BS DR 2744 Bow-case AR

Branch AU obv, East 3993A AR false F65 AE Macedonia 377, 381

- laurel AR (LF) Macedonia 117, 124, 140; Pergamum 1472

-oak(?) AR (Lf) Macedonia 126

-palm AU Sidon 3471, 3473 (RW) Sidon 3470, 3472 AR Sinope 1276-7; Pergamum 1485; Asia 2718 (EX) 1662 DR 2259-60

Breastplate DR uncertain PO(l) 341

Buckle* AU Lampsacus 1368, 1370-1, 1374, P11-P14, P17; false F14 DR (LF) Lampsacus 1369, 1372-3, 1375-7, 1379-80, PtS-6; false F94 Lampsacus 1378

Bucranium* AU Macedonia 184; Sardes 2539 AR (LF> Macedonia 93-4; Amphipolis 429-33; Greece 833-4; Parium 1459-1460 ======1549-60; Sardes 2540; barbarous B9 Macedonia 94A; Magnesia 1934-5; Sardes 2541 uncertain PO(l) 283 FR Macedonia 97-8 AE Macedonia 341

Bucranium with fillets AR Argos 727-8; uncertain PO{l) 168, P0(2) 16

Bull AU Tyra 1214 (bull butting) AR Parium 1461-4;x 2469-70 Magnesia 2010 (butting r.) 5 Bull-forepart AR 1906 (butting left)

Bull-head facing* AU 1217, U, L4A, L 7 AR Pella 261A; Greece 843; Parium 1458, 1458A; 1610; Babylon 3657; Susa 3862 Sardes 2540

Bull-head and neck AU Greece 791 profile, head facing

Bull-head profile AR Greece 815, 874 DR Asia 2750

Caduceus AU (Lf) Greece 802; Tarsus 3043, 3045-6; Aradus 3331, 3331A; uncertain P0(2) 5; barbarous B22 Sidon 3458 AR Macedonia 33, 36- 7, 65-8, 99; Pella 247; Samothrace 662-3; Caduceus contd Larnpsacus 1342, 1344-5; Aspcndus 2889A; Tarsus 3044, 3047-55; CiJicia 3069A; 3190; Aradus 3332; Babylon 3627-8, 3682; uncertain PO(J) 259; barbarous BU, B23, B31; false F79-81 Am phi polis 487; Pella 500; M ytilcnc 1712 (Rf) 2457 Mcthymna 169SA; Babylon 3629; barbarous B28 DR Macedonia 34, 69, 101, 144 Macedonia 100; Lampsacus 1343; 1754; Magnesia P54; Asia 2754, 2798; A rad us 3333; uncertain PO( 1) 333 Abydus1541, 1544-7, 1579 AE obv, Sardes 2604-7, 2612-4, 2688; Tarsus 3058-63 rev. Macedonia JS, 273-4, 331, 372, 419A, 420; Sardes 2604-7, 2612-4, 2688; Asia 2803; Tarsus 3058-63; Salamis 3158-62A, P131; Aradus 3335

Caduceus with fillets AR Macedonia 36- 7

Caduceus in monogram AR

Chimaera AR

Cicada AU

Club AU Erythrae 1887 (Rf) Eryrhrac 1888-9, 1891; Sardes 2550, 2560-2; Asia P117A FR Macedonia 146-7 AE obv. Macedonia 419 rev. Macedonia 399

Club with fillets AR Macedonia 127, 140 DR (Lf) uncertain PO 284

Club held by crab AR Cos 2500-4

Club in circle AU Tyre 3557 AR Tyre 3541, 3556, 3558-61

Club on which lionskin AR uncertain 4058-9 Cock )ee Bird

Cone and star AR (Lf) Uranopolis 509-11, 513-23 FR (Lf) Uranopolis 512

Com-ear AU Abydus 1518-9; Milctus 2098 M ilctus 2096 Miletus 2094, '2097 (Rf) Milctus 2095 AR (Lf) Macedonia 39-40, 116, 122, 130; Aegeae 199; Black Sea 1326, 1326A; Miletus 2099; Babylon 3656, 3755; Memphis 3972 Callatis 922-6, 928-41, 945-6; Magnesia 2061-2 DR Abydus P24-S; Miletus 2100 (Rf) Macedonia 40A; Asia 2700 FR Macedonia 41-2 (Lf) Miletus 2101; Ecbatana 3884, 3885A AE Macedonia 290-1, 330; Milctus 2071-2, 2102-2102A; Asia 2805-7

Com-grain DR (Lf) Colophon 1750, 1752 Colophon 1751, 1753; Asia 2701; uncertain PO(l) 295 (Rf) Asia 2699

Cornucopia AU (Lf) Abydus P28-30; Magnesia 1948 Black Sea 1332; Abydus 1524, 1556, 1562, 1571, P36; Magnesia 1947, PS9; false F16-F19, FP49 (RW) Abydus 1569A; Sidon 3464 AR (Lf) Macedonia 104, 108; Paeonia 659; Corinth 691; Pergamum 1477; Aspcndus 2908-9; Came 3431-2; barbarous B4 Sestos L6; Magnesia P61; Asia 2753 AE Asia 2808A Cowrie see Shell

Crab AU Greece 789 AR uncertain PO(l) 339

Crab-claw DR Colophon 1835, 1837-8

Crater see Vase

Crescent AU <1.F> Pella 608-10; Lampsacus P13, P13A, Pt7; Carrhac 3812, 3815, 3820 Lampsacus 1372-3, PtS; Colophon 1821, 1825-6, 1830, L24; Magnesia 1982; uncertain P0(1) 376 FR Macedonia 90 Crescent contd FR

Crescent and disc AR (Lf) Amathus 3086 Dionysus see Figure Dioscuri see Horsemen

Disc DR

Dog AR

Dolphin AU Amphipolis 485; Pella 501, 506-7; Babylon 3586 DR Macedonia 74 Lampsacus 1438-40; Magnesia 1950-2; Asia 2798A Magnesia P63 AE Macedonia 323-4, 337A, 339, 41SA

Dolphin on which Arion AR Methymna 1691-5 Dot see Globule Dove see Bird Dragon see Monster Duck see Bird Eagle see Bird

Eagle-head AU (LW> Salamis 3133 AR Macedonia S l FR Macedonia 52-S AE Macedonia 56

Ear AR Babylon 3612 DR Peloponnese 768 Elephant head DR See wildwinds Freeman & Sear Mail Bid 11, 80; Harlan-Berk (2004) Elpis see Figure and Gemini I, 86. Figure, fem ale - Artemis with torch AU Lampsacus 1386 AR Babylon 3636 Greece 825 DR Lampsacus1379, 1387 see Phosphoros

- Athena AR Corinth 694-6, 702-6; Greece 816; Syria 3571

- Athena Promachos AR (Lf) Macedonia 105, 109; Peloponnese 757-60; false F66

- Demeter with AR (Lf) Corinth 692-3 cornucopia

- Elpis AR

-Nike AU Corinth 675-6; Clazornenae 1740; Tarsus 3037-9, 3042, 3044, 3047-SS; Babylon 3625-6, 3678, 3760; Susa P217; uncertain 4026-8, MP40

- Phosphoros with 2 AR Cabyle 882-9; Lampsacus 1351, 1353, 1355 torches DR

-Cult image AR Mylasa 2491; Asia 2720 DR (LF) Mylasa 2492-JA

Figure, male AU (LF) Abydus 1496-7 AR Abydus 1498. 1500 DR (LF) Abydus 1499, 1501

-Actor AU (Lf) Aegeae 185-6

-Athlete AU

-Boxer AU Aegeae 188 AR Aegeae 187, 189

- Boy (Arion) on AR Methymna 1691-5, 169SA dolphin

- Boy with taenia AR Sicyon 708-26

-Dionysus AR Teos 2312

- Herakles, Farnese AR Corinth 680

- Hcrakles with raised AR uncertain P0(1) 173 club

- Herakles and Hydra AR uncertain P0(2) 15

-Henne~ DR Abydus 1502-3

- Lyre player seated AR Teos 2313-4; 2474

- Warrior AR

Fish AU Carrhae 3821; false F47 AR (LF) Carrhae 3822, 3824 DR Abydus 1513; Colophon 1762, 1766; Carrhae 3823; uncertain PO(t) 334 Flower AR (TH) 476 Fly set Hee Fulmen see Thunderbolt

Galley AU (LW) Sidon 3480 AR (LF) Sidon 3481 set Prow

Gazelle AR

stt Stag

Globule(s) AU Babylon 3736 AR Amphipolis 469, 471; Tarsus 2992; Myriandrus 3231, 3231A; Ake 3239; Marathus 3450-1; Sidon 3521; Ecbatana 3923 Greece 878; Tarsus 2996, 2998, 2999A, 3011-6, 3018-20, 3031-2, 3034; Ecbatana 3903, 3909-11; uncertain 40~ Tarsus 2991 DR M ilctus 2091; Sardcs 2555; Asia 2791 AE Macedonia 379, 392, 406 obv, Miletus 2072-3

Goat-head AU Aegeac 200

Gorgoncion AE obv . Miletus 2063-6, 2069-71; Salamis 3157-62A

Grapes AU Odessus 1142; Asia 2704 AR (I.f) Macedonia 29; Pella 574-603; Dionysopolis 947-52, 954-60; Black Sea 1324; Mcthymna 1692; Chios 2441-S; Nagidus 2988-9; Aradus 3336, P155-6; Babylon 3641-2, 3685, 3758; uncertain PO(l) 21 O; P0(2) 32; barbarous Bt Chios 2316-26, 2373; Asia 2763, 2766-7; uncertain M1535; barbarous B19; false FtOO Asia 2705, 2768 FR Macedonia 30 AE Macedonia 31, 283-5, 347; Tarsus 3028-30

Grasshopper AR

Griffin AU Teos 2274-5, 2279-82; P65A; Ll6-41; uncertain PO(l) 288 Teos LJS

Griffin-forepart AU Paeonia 651; Greece 842; Phocaca 2225

Griffin-head AU Sardcs 2533-5; false F21 Abydus 1558, 1563, 1574, 1583 AR Abydus 1564, 1575-6, 1584, L16, L18, L20

Hand AR (Lf) Pella 242 DR Abydus 1512 l larpa* AU (Lf) Salamis 3136 AR (Lf) Argos 734-9

Head, female wearing AR Peloponnese 787 polos. facing

- Artemis AR Pcrgamum 1470-1

-Athena AR (Lf) Greece 881

- Hera, on Ionic capital AR (Lf) Chalcis 665 Head, Tychc AR (Lf) 2246-58; Sardes 2692-3 DR (Lf) Sardes 2694

Head, male DR false F95-6

- bearded AR (Lf) Asia 2816-8

-in Phrygian cap AU Sardes 2543, 2556- 7 AR (Lf) Sardes 25'4 DR Sardes 254'7 and 2558-2559 Abydus 1565-7, 1577-9, 1581-2, L17, L19; xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sardes 2558-9

- Dionysus with thyrsus AR Peloponnese 786

- Helios facing AU Greece 792; Babylon P203-4 AR (Lf) Babylon 3697-8, P20S-6

- Herak lcs facing AE obv, Sardcs 2546; Asia 2801-SA

-Satyr AU Babylon 3735-6

-Zeus Ammon AU (Lf) Abydus 1550 AR Abydus 1549 DR (LF) Abydus 1551

Head, double (janiforrn) AR

Helmet, Attic AU (Lf) false F2-3 774-775 AR (Lf) Macedonia 21-2; Pella 215-6; Peloponnese XXXX74-S; Seleuceia 3780-2 Alabanda 2467-8

- Corinthian AU Greece 794 Mcscm bria 973-4; false F42 AR Mesembria 9TI Pella 212; Pelo ponncsc 778; Mesembria 975-6, 979-1120, 1124-7; Odessus 1178; Syria 3576; false F90 Mesembria 971-2, 978

- Macedonian AR Macedonia 113; Pella 621-32

-Phrygian AR (Lf) Macedonia 114; Greece 872-3

- conical pileus AU Greece 801 see also dr 1527, ivy (Lf) leaf on stalk resembling pileus AR Babylon 3649-50, 3685 (with M: 3650) - two pilei AR (Lf) Tomi 1211-2; Mytilene 973-4

Helmet-crest* AU (Lf) Miletus 2135-6 AR Milctus 2136A DR (Lf) Milctus 2138 Milctus 2137 see Sickle Heraklcs see Figure, Head

Herm AU (Lf) Lampsacus 1432 AR Assos 1609 Macedonia 78- 78A; Greece 827 A; Black Sea 1327; M ytilene 1698, 1721-6; false F62 DR Lampsacus 1433 Hermes see Figure Heron see Bird

Hoe AR Babylon 3666, 3677 see Rake Horn see Acrostolion

Hook* AU (Lf) Uncertain MP41 AR Cilicia 3070

Horse AR Colophon 1854-60

-grazmg AU Alexandria 1590, 1592-8

Horse-forepart AU (Lf) Greece 793; Sinope 1219 Ecbatana3882,3888,3893,3901,3927,3930 AR Ecbatana3900,3905,3929,3934 FR (LF) Ecbatana 3906-8, 3935-6 see Pegasus

Horse-forepart in circle AR 1638

Horse-foreparts, two AU

Horse-head AU (Lf) Susa 3864 Abydus P37 AR (LF) Macedonia 59; Corinth 689-90; Magnesia 2051-S; Susa 3863, 3865-6; Ecbatana 3914; uncertain PO(t) 230 DR Macedonia 60

Horse-leg AU Salamis 3134 DR (Lf) Abydus 1511, 1515, 1517, P20; Colophon 1830-1; Sardes P74 Sardes P75 FR (TH) Abydus P26A

Horsemen (Dioscuri) AR Peloponnese 779-80

Ivy-clustcr* AU Greece 828 AR

Ivy-leaf AU Sardes 2608; Asia 2706-7 Acgcac 198; Abydus 1550, 1553; Sardes 2609; Sidon 3465 AR Macedonia 23-4; Pcrgamum 1487; Ephesus 1874; Sardes 2661; Cilicia 3080A; Sidon 3479; Babylon 3618 Ivy-leaf contd (TH> Pella 576~ 579, 581; Assos 1603; Mytikne 1733-6; Sardes 2610, 2650; Tarsus 3023-4; Cilicia 3080; Damascus 3215; Babylon 3583; uncertain P0(2) 1; false F92 Pella 578; Sardes 2649-2649A DR Lampsacus 1383; Abydus 1555; Colophon 1763 East 4008 AE Macedonia 27-8; Macedonia 289, 383-4, 407 Janus see Head

Jcrboa DR (LF) Lampsacus 1435 see Mouse Khnum see Ram head

Ladle* AR Babylon 3670, 3767

Lago ho Ion AR Pella 241; Cilicia 3070 Laure I spray se« Branch Leaf set Ivy, Olive Leg set Horse

Lion AU 1307-11; Magnesia 1988; Miletus 215S-2222A; Babylon 3646 DR (Lf) Abydus 1554; Magnesia 1985-7 Abydus 1555

Lion-forcpa rt AU Lysimacheia 1215; Sestos 1217, L4; Lampsacus L9-10; Abydus 1583, 1585; Magnesia LJO; Sardes L42, L42A AR Greece 879; Colophon L22-3; Magnesia L31, L31A; Sardes 2690-1, L43-5; Babylon 3647 DR (Lf) Lysimacheia 1216, Lt-3; Sestos LS-8; Lampsacus 1438-43, Lt 1-5; Abydus 1580-2, 1584, 1586, L16-20; Colophon 1839- 43, L2'-8; Magnesia 2001-3, L29; Asia 2478,xxxx 2795-7; uncertain ML 9-10, ML28 2748 FR Macedonia 43~, 436A, PSA AE Macedonia 437., 437A, P3-S

Lion-held facing DR Asia 2701-2

- profile AU (Lf) Magnesia 1990; Asia 2698; uncertain ML29 Black Sea 1313 AR (Lf) Babylon 3608, 3759 DR Magnesia 1994 Abydus 1533; Colophon 1796A, 1805, 1811-2, 1832-8; Magnesia 1989, 1991-3; Asia 2699-2700, 2748, L32-4; uncertain PO 290; false F105-6

Lion-head in circle DR

Lion-skin on dub AR Uncertain 4058-9 Lyre AU Colophon 1772; uncertain P0(2) 4 AR Colophon 1765-6

-Chelys AR Pella 637-8; Greece 830; Pergarnum 1492; Mytilene 1697, 1699-1733, 1735-9; Asia 2821 DR

- ¥"'view, squashed AR (Lf) uncertain 4046-7

Macandcr AR Magnesia 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012-43, 2045-60; 2241-5 DR Magnesia 2045-7, 2009, 2011, 2043A-4

Mask AR Parium 1469

Mast (sty/is)* AR (Lf) Macedonia 20; Pcrgamum 1493-4

Monster AR Babylon 3664

Mouse AU (LF> Larnpsacus 1430 DR Larnpsacus 1422-9, 1434-5 AE Macedonia 382 Nike see Figure

Obelisk AR Ambracia 664 Ocnochoe see Vase

Olive-spray AR

Olive-sprays, two AR (Lf} Cilicia 3067

Olive-leaf AE Asia 2808

Omphalos AR

Palm-tree AR Greece 847; Abydus 1507; Aradus 3365-3404; Came 3431-2; Gabala 3433; Marathus 3452; Simyra 3527 DR A bydus 1508-10; Colophon 1814

Patera AR uncertain 4052-6

Paw AR uncertain 4057

Peacock AR Samos 2450

Pegasus AU (Lf) Memphis 3973 AR Alabanda 2454-68; Asia 2820; Memphis 3974

Pegasus-forepart AU Lampsacus 1381, 1384, 1386, 1388, 1392, 1392A, 1393A, 1445, 1447, 1450, 1453-4, LtO; Abydus 1504; false F15 Lampsacus 1457 AR Macedonia 44-5; Greece 866; Odessus 1158A; Larnpsacus 1444, 14«A, 1446, 1448-9, 1451, 1455-6; Cilicia 3082 (TH> Amphipolis 459-60 Pegasus-forepart contd DR Lampsacus 1378, 1382-3, 1385, 1387, 1389-91, 1393-S, 1437, 1'41-3, L11; Abydus 1505-6; Asia 2775 Teos 2266A Pellet set Globule

Pent2gum AU Abydus 1523-6, P36-9; false F16-19, F45 AR Colophon L22-3 DR Macedonia 87 A; Asia 2737, 2789 (TH> Colophon 1832-4, 1836, 1840-3, L26-8 FR Macedonia 88 AE uncertain MP62A

Pentagram in circle AU East 3996-7 Phosphoros see Figure Pileus see Helmet

Pinccone* AR (Lf) 2922

Plough AU Tarsus 3009-10 AR (Lf) Tarsus 3011-3, 3016-20, 3023-8, 3031-4; uncertain P0(2) 20 DR Tarsus 3014, 3021 FR (Lf) Tarsus 3015, 3022

Pomegranate AU (Lf) 2966, 2971 AR

Prow* AU (Lf) uncertain PO 5 AR (Lf) Macedonia 1, 4; Pella 640-1; Mcthymna 1695, 1695A; Samos 2446-52; Cnidus 2471-3; Cilicia 3071; Amathus 3091, 3095-8; Aradus P158; Babylon 3764; false F60 DR Macedonia 2 Abydus 1540-3 FR Macedonia 3, 3A AE Amathus 3099 Pyramid see Cone

Quiver AU

set Bow

Rake* AR

stt Hoe

Ram-forepart AR uncertain 4096

Ram-head facing AU Magnesia 1926, 1941

-profile AU obv, Magnesia 1923-5, 1928-9; Asia 2706-7 (Lf) Magnesia 1917, 1923, t 928-9; Sardes 2529-30 Ram-head facing contd Magnesia 1925; Sardes 2528; Tarsus 3010 AR (LP> Greece 835 (TH) Samothrace 663 DR Magnesia 1922, 1930; Teos 2307 (TH) Magnesia 1927, 1931-2, 1~

Ram-head wearing Isis AU (Lf) Memphis 3963 crown AR (Lf) Memphis 3964

Rose AU (Lf) Sardcs 2548, P91; Memphis 3965, 3966A-9 Sardes P90; East 3999A Memphis 3966 AR (Lf) Macedonia 76; Rhodes 2509-27; Sardes 2611, PtOS; Cilicia ~3; Babylon 3648, 3766; Memphis 3970-1 Paphos 3119 DR Macedonia 77 Sardes 2554-5, 2582, 2584, 2586-7, P66, P92, Pt06-7; Asia 2743 Sardcs 2553, 2569-71, 2585, P92A Sardcs 2580 FR Sardcs 2572 AE Miletus2070;Sardes2573,2604-7,2612-4,2688

Rosette DR false F105-6

Rudder AU Myriandrus 3217-8 Seal AU false F47 AR 2227, 2229 DR Magnesia t 953-4; Phocaea 2230

Sheath (sword) DR

Shell (scallop) AU Sardes 2530 (LW) Abydus1525, 1559, 1572 AR Macedonia 102 DR (Lf) Asia 2752 -cowne AR (Lf) Macedonia 137 -murcx AR

Shield, round AU (Lf) Asia 2704 AR (LF) Macedonia 57; Pella 209; Greece 804, 811; Cyme 1638; Marathus P16S Greece 804 DR Asia 2705 AE Macedonia 337 -Boeotian AU (Lf) Macedonia 176, 176A AR Pella ~52, 254-5; Susa 3865-6 (TH) Pella 253, 256 DR Susa 3867 Shield, round contd AE Macedonia 351-2

Shield, side view AR (Lf) Macedonia 136 AE Macedonia 350

Sickle* AR Asia 2746 stt Helmet-Crest, Strigil

Silphium* AU Cyrene 3984 Cyrcnc 3988

Sistrum* AR

Sling AR Aspcndus2883,2911

Snake AU (Lf) Lampsacus 1366; Abydus P31-2, P34; Sardcs 2532 Greece 803; Abydus 1523, P33, PJS, P38-9; false F19 AR Pergamum 1490; Babylon 365 Lampsacus 1363, 1365; Asia 2751, 2762; barbarous B12

stt Buckle, Wreath

Snake on altar AR (Lf) Peloponnese 769

Spear-head AU (Lf) Salamis 3137 AR Aspendus 2907 DR (RF> Colophon 1750-9, 1761-4, P40; Magnesia 1933, 1935-42, PSO; Teos 2260-1; Asia 2728; uncertain P0(1) 331, PO(t) 337 Greece 800, 807-8; Chios 2339, 2348 AR (LF) Greece 809, 813; Chios 2330-4, 2336-8, 2340-2, 2345-6, 2349-72, 2374-2445; Perga 2933-4; Babylon 3663; uncertain PO(t) 206, P0(1) 329, PO(t) 332 (TH) Chios 2328 DR

Sphinx on amphora AR Chios i.t09-45

Sphinx on thunderbolt AR (Lf) Chios 2400-6

Stag AR ctro Asia 2723

stt Gazelle

Stag head AU Teos 2273 DR uncertain PO(t) 331 Asia Ptt6

Star AU Pella 499; Greece 802; Sardes PSS; Asia Pt 11; Sidon 3462-3; false F26 Sardes 2644 Star contd AR Tomi 1213 Amphipolis 474-81, 483, 488; Pella 499; Greece 822-3; Odessus 1195-7; Pergamum 1471; Sardes 26S7A; Marathus Pt60-1, Pt67; uncertain PO(t) 250; false F67 Tomi 1213 Greece 853; Assos 1608; Sardes 2647-8 DR Sinope 1253 Lampsacus 1350; Abydus 1516, P18; Colophon 1759-60, 1765, 1781; Magnesia P53; Sardes P88-9; Asia P112-4; barbarous BIS P18 var Abydus 1517, P20; Colophon 1758, 1761, 1771, 1780, 1780A, P42, P49; Miletus 2089; T eos 2280A PR (Lf) Carrhae 3790 AE Macedonia 272, 277-8, 349, 379-81, 387, 394, 408, 410-1, 414; Tarsus 3061 see Pentagram Stars, two AR Cilicia 3081 DR uncertain P0(1) 382

Star between crescents AR (Lf) Carrhae 3787, 3789, 3789A; false F86 DR (Lf) Carrhae 3788

Star in circle AR Macedonia 103 see Patera Star on cone AR Uranopolis 509, SU, 513-23 Amphipolis 475 FR U ranopolis 512

Star on prow AR Macedonia 5 Strigil* AU Abydus 1561, 1563 Stylis see Mast Sword in sheath see Sheath

Syrinx AR Megalopolis 744-52 (Rf) Megalopolis 753 Thunderbolt AU obv, tvtilctus2077,2079-84 Macedonia 165; false F53-S Macedonia 163-6; Aegcae 191-2; Pella 498-9; Miletus 2103; Memphis 3975; false Ft Sidon 3461; false F2-3 AR Macedonia 8-9, 138; Pella 231-2, 237, 247, 257--60, 500-2; Thunderbolt contd Paeonia 650; Peloponnese 760A, 764, 766. 781-5; Alexandria 1588; Mi Ictus 2086; Mari um 3115; Ala band a 24s.ta; Ake 3238; Aradus P141; Babylon 3637-8, 3680, 3762; Memphis 3976-7; uncertain PO( 1) 65; false F91 Alexandria 1592.; Miletus 2087, 2161; Aspcndus 2881 Greece 852; Assos 1605-6 DR

Th yrs us AU Magnesia 1943 Magnesia 1944 Magnesia 1949, 1964 AR Pella 253, 256; Lampsacus 1444; Pergamum 1480; Antioch 2470; Asia 2819 Pella 2SS, 257, 259-60 Pella 252, 254 DR Macedonia 148 Magnesia 1945, PSl Magnesia 1946, 1950-1, 1954, PS2; barbarous 842 FR Macedonia 149

Thyrsus-tip* AU Black Sea 1337

Torch* AU (Lf) Sardes 2588, 2618-9, P95, P108; East 4000; uncertain 4021 Magnesia 1948; Sardes 2598, 2600-1, 2633-4, P67, PTl; uncertain P230 Sardes 2574, P83 AR (Lf) Amphipolis 438-97; Paeonia 643; Dyrrhachium 661; Greece 821, 876-8; Sardes 2622, 2635, 2669A, P98, P109; Babylon 3669; East 4001; uncertain 4068, M24, M82; barbarous B10; false F67 Pella 564; barbarous B9 DR Macedonia 151 Magnesia 1956; Sardes 2565-7, 2578-9, 2589, 2599, 2602-3, 2636-41, 2669B, P68-70, P80-1, P97, P99, PttO; uncertain P0(1) 282 Pella 564A; Sardes 2575, 2580, 2590, 2600, P78-9, P82, P96 (RF> Sardes 2601, 2602A FR Macedonia 152 AE obv, Macedonia 420 rev. Macedonia 338, 389; Asia 2800

Torch with fillets DR

Torch, long* AU (LF) Larnpsacus 1454, 1457 Lampsacus L9-10 AR (LF) 1339-41; Colophon L22; Aradus P153; Babylon 3644-5, 3681 Abydus 1548; Colophon 181St 1829t 1834-5, L24, L26 Lampsacus 1437-8, L9-1S; Colophon 1816

Tortoise AR Greece 851

Tridcn t-head AU Tarsus 3008 AR Priene 2232-3, 2233A~ 2235, 223SA, 2238; Miletus 2073 AE Macedonia 279-82, 342-3, 386- 7, 398, 398A, 420; Alexandria 1587

Trident with fillets AR Pella 233-5

Tripod AU

Triskeles AR

Triton AR Macedonia 524-30 Trophy see Figure, Athena

Vase, Amphora* AU (Lf) Odessus 1161 Lampsacus 1415, 1420 AR Corinth 688; Greece 863; Odessus 1147t 1152-7; Pergamum 1475; Myrina 1648-64; Mytilene 1705; Chios 2327, 2329, 2343-4; Sardes 2648, 2656; Asia 2719A, 2722; Marathus P163; Babylon 3690A Sardes2649,26S2-3,2655,2659-60,2661A,2662,2674 DR (Lf) Greece 864; Lampsacus 1416-9, 1421 uncertain PO{l) 341 (Lf) Sardcs 2641, 2651 AE Macedonia 353

-Cantharus AU Macedonia 167-9, 177; Sinope 1218; Tarsus 3004; false Fl Tarsus 3005 Sidon 3466 AR (Lf) Macedonia 12; Paeonia 649; Clazomcnac 1746; Teos 2308-10; Asia 2719; Susa P214 Amphipohs 468-9; Pella 596-8; Peloponnese 773 DR Greece 865; Abydus 1S32, 1539 AE Macedonia 345 Vase, Crater 5tr Amphora

- Crater on prow AR

- Cup, one-handled+ AR

- Janiform AR (Lf) Macedonia 6 DR Macedonia 7

- Jug, one-handled= AR Cyme 1612-44 No kylix on 3642-3644 -Kylix (low drinking bowl) AR (Lf) Babylon 3642-4,XXXXXXX 3687, 3757

-Ocnochoc AR Pella 565

- Oenochoe and vine* AR Teinnos167l-83, 1685-90 DR

Wheel AU Babylon P189-90, P192, Pl94, P197, P200, P202 DR (LF> Babylon P191 FR Babylon Pt 95

Wing AR Macedonia 135

Wolf-forepart AR Argos 740

Wolf-head AR (Lf) Peloponnese 767

Wreath AU Sidon 3456-7 AR Macedonia 14, 125, 132; Pella 229, 262; Paeonia 645, 647; Corinth 673-4; Peloponnese 777; Greece 822, 827, 848; Clazomenae 1742; Aspendus 2905; Pamphylia 2984; Syria 3566A-70, 3572; Babylon 3655; Susa 3853-5, 3857, 3859, 3861-3, 3865-6; uncertain 4032-3, PO(l) 95; barbarous 826, 836 Abydus P27, P27 A; Colophon 1799; Magnesia 1994; Asia 2760; Susa 3853A, 3858, 3867 FR Amphipolis 15-7 Susa 3856, 3860, 3868-70 AE Macedonia 18-9; Macedonia 348, 388; Memphis 3960

-com AR Hermione 7 41

-ivy AR Pergamum 1478, 1491-2

- around whole type AR Erythrae 1911-2

-on tripod AU false F22-3 - in which club AR Erythrae 1916; M yriandrus 3230-tA AE Myriandrus 3232

- in which dove AR (Lf> Corinth 670-2 wreath, in which jug AR Cyme 1642-3

- in which snake AR Asia 2820A

- in which star AR Amphipolis 488

A in wreath AU Magnesia 1976 AR Magnesia 1974; barbarous 816 Amphipolis 429 DR Magnesia 1978-80; barbarous Bt7

~in wreath AU Magnesia 1975

A in wreath DR (lf) Magnesia 1989 ~in wreath AR Asia 2714A

~in wreath AR East 4006A

~in wreath AR Parium 1466

A in wreath DR Magnesia 1981-4

AI in ivy wreath AR (Lf) Cilicia 3066

~in wreath AU Black Sea 1330

Win wreath DR Erythrae 1893 bl/ in wreath DR Erythrae 1894 t°t in wreath AR (Lf) Antioch 3196 +rl in wreath AR

IA in wreath AR (Lf) Pella SSt

II in wreath AU lstrus 968

~in wreath AR

Min wreath AR (Lf) false F87

M in com wreath AU (Lf) Abydus 1561-3 DR (Lf) Abydus 1566

Min wreath AU (RW) Pella 608-10 fVE in wreath AU

MI in wreath AR barbarous B33

~in wreath AR (Lf) Greece 810

IY1 in wreath DR (Lf) Abydus 1564-5

N1 in wreath AU Greece 814 t1> in wreath AU false F30-4 hf in wreath AU Babylon 3703, 3709 AR

~in wreath AU Babylon 3715

~in wreath AU Seleuceia 3783 ~in wreath AR Magnesia L31 '*1 in wreath AR Magnesia L31A f¥f in wreath AR Erythrae 1889

Min wreath AR uncertain 4043 hf in wreath AU Babylon 3716-7,. 3720 Babylon 3711-2,. 3721, 3738, 3745, 3749-SO Peloponnese 772-3; Babylon 3700, 3704, 3704A, 3713-4, 3718-9,3731-4, 3737,3741 Babylon 3708, 3726, 3740, 3746, 3751-2, 3757-71 FR Babylon 3702, 3705, 3727, 3728A, 3729, 3743-4

Min wreath AR barbarous B34 Pif in wreath DR Eryrhrae 1887 hf in wreach AR Babylon 3723, 3742, 3747 Babylon 3725, 3753-6 txJ in corn wreath DR Pella 603

Nin wreath AU uncertain PO(l) 31

~in wreath DR Erythrae 1890-1 r"I in wreath AU (Lf) Odcssus 1133 rY1 in wreath AR (Lf) Erythrac 1892

TI in wreath AU Sardes P95


A AU obv, Citium 3105 Black Sea 1329; Larnpsacus PtJ. P13A, P17; Sidon 3516-7; Babylon Pt96; uncertain P234 Callatis 895; Chios 2339; Sardcs 2643 AR

A AR (Lf) Peloponnese 762

~ AR

~ AU Lampsacus 1370-1, P11-2, Pt4 DR Lampsacus 1367, 1372-3, Pt5

AB AR Aradus 3393 A AU Sinope 1253 Sinope 1252; Cymc 1621; Aradus 3344

A AU Lampsacus 1452

~ DR Colophon 1819, 1822

AU Istrus 963; Aspendus Pt 18 AR Tomi 1211 Pella 550; Greece 840 DR



AfEMAXOl: AR Rhodes 252SA

~ AR

A AU Pella 548

AE AR Corinth 705 f'f. AR Tcmnos 1681; Syria 3565


~ AR (Lf) Myrina 1651

/If: AR

~ AR Miletus 2216

~ AR

~ AR

!!! AR cuo Myrina 1655

~ AR


A8 AR Cilicia 3071-2 DR Sardes 2636 A AU Sardes P108 Sardes 2633-4, 2644; M yriandrus P135 AR Sardes Pt09, 264SA, 2652, 2659-60, 2662; Myriandrus P134, P136-7 DR Sardcs 2630, 2639-41 Sardes 2631, 2638, P104-6, Pt 10

l DR Erythrae 1904 A9HNIKQN AR Cyme 1635, 1642

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2376

Al AU Lampsacus 1379A, 1380, 1385; Susa 3858; false F94 AE Macedonia 363


AII DR Ca1latis 946

AIII AR Callatis 945

~ AR

A AU Lysimacheia 1215 Callatis 902; Magnesia 1975-7 AR

-A AR Cnidus 2472A

~ AU uncertain 4030 AR Colophon 1860

stt Wreath

AKTQP AR Cymc 1636

~ AR (Rf) Heraclea 1311 DR

A AR Marathus P162-6

~ AR (Rf) Miletus 2189

AA AU Peloponnese 785 DR Lampsacus 1394; Colophon 1773, 1777, 1779 AE Macedonia 337. 364 AAE AR Peloponnese 779 AAI AR

AAKIMAXOl: AR Chios 2417

M AR Lampsacus 1389

AM DR Lampsacus 1417A

A AR Paeonia 657-8; Magnesia 2055 ~ AR

AN AU uncertain P230 AR (Lf) Chios 2365 AN contd Sinope 1274 Argos 737 ANT AR obv, Mescmbria 1095, 1098

ANTIQN AR Chios 2415-6 p.J AU Greece 807; Black Sea 1335; Salamis 3174 Greece 808 AR Greece 809; Odessus 1146 Amphipolis 494; Odessus 1183, 1187; Lampsacus 1344; Parium 1458, 1461-2, t462A; Miletus 2176-8; SeJeuccia 3779A, 3781; uncertain 4054; barbarous B26 Miletus 2194 Mesembria 1032; Odessus 1182 DR Magnesia 1996; Mylasa 2483

~ AR Magnesia 2033

,Al AU Sinopc 1232

~ AR Mesembria 979

;tJ AR Cymc 1625 tf.J AR Erythrac 1907 Pella 52SA

~ AR (Lf) Erythrac 1908 N AR Pella SSO; Pergamum 1490; Cyme 1624 Sinope 1260 N AR Magnesia 2012 °A AR

~ DR Asia 2759

N AR Pella 546 M AR Tarsus 3038-9 ~ AU Tarsus 3040-1 AR Alexandria 1594 (LF> Odessus 1147, 1152; Tcmnos 1669; East P225, P227; uncertain 4053, P0(2) 17 Tarsus 3042; Carrhae 3799-3800A Argos 738; Greece 856 FR East P228

M AR East P226 ~ AR Odcssus 1151

~ AR Mescmbria 1056

~ AR Mescmbria 1055 A AR (LF> Rhodes 2515

~ AR (Lf) Mesembria 1060 ,A}f AR Cymc 1624

IR AR (Lf) Myrina 1653-4 ~ AU Lampsacus 1430-t

~ AR Chios 2401

~ AR

~ AR

~ AU Sardes 2669 AR Miletus 2123; Babylon 3773 Sardes 2667, 2669A, 2671, L44; Babylon 3719, 3772, 3774 Miletus 2177 DR

~ AR Sardes 2673, 2679

!All AR uncertain 4067

~ AU

iOf> AR (Lf) Parium t463B

L4> AR (LF) Miletus 2169 Miletus 2168, 2168A Miletus 2171

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2371

~ AU (Lf) Susa 3825 Susa 3826, 3826A~ 3828 Susa 3831 AR (TH> Susa 3827, 3832 DR Susa 3834

AU (LW) Carrhae 3815 AR (Lf) Carrhae 3816, 3816A

~ AU Sardes 2670, 2676 AR Sardes 2674, 2681, 2691 DR Sardes 2686-7

AR (LF) Colophon 1865

"'~ AR (TH> Mcscmbria 1 t06A w AR Mesembria 1012 ff AR (Lf) Pella 240A

1\ AR Tarsus 3037

4 AR Pella 237 Pella 239, 240 Pella 238

Al] AU Odessus 1140 An contd AR Odessus 1141 AR Mescmbria 1080; uncertain PO(t) 215; P0(2) 52

AnOA AR (Lf) Priene 2241

AnOAAA AR Mesembria t 120

~ AR Marathus 3435 Greece 818; Marathus 3436 DR (Lf) Lampsacus 1362-4 For ~ shapes see n

~ AR Pella 629

N1 AR Sinope 1254

A.01 DR (Lf) Tcos 2281

~ AR Mcsembria 1081

~ AR Mcscmbria 1059, 1082

~ AR Callatis 938

AP AR (Lf) Chios 2427-37 Susa 3873-4 DR

APr AR Argos 727-9


API AR Mesem bria 1112

APil:TOBOYAOl: AR Rhodes 2516, 2516A

APll:T04HMOl: AR Chios 2434

APll:T04IKOl: AR Chios 2410

APll:TOTEIXHl: AR Chios 2407, 2409

~ AU Aradus 3313, 3315, 3331, 3331A; barbarous B22 Aradus 3306, 3314 AR Aradus 3304-5, 3307-9, 3316, 3320-9, 3332; barbarous B23; false F77-81 DR

AU Callatis 905; Byblos 3423 Callatis 904, 906; Byblos 3422 AR Amphipolis 446, 525; Peloponnese 782, 784, 787; Greece P7-8; Mesembria t t 18; Miletus 2158; Aradus 3365-3403; uncertain PO(l) 167, PO{t) 336 Milctus 2206-8 DR Abydus P24-5; Magnesia 1942, 1987, 1990-4, 2003 AE Byblos 3425. 3427-8 see Wreath

~ AR (Lf) Magnesia 2054

A AR Byblos 3424; false F82-4 AR (TH> Aradus 3404 Miletus 2205 AE Macedonia 366

Al AR Corinth 680; Megalopolis 752

A AR Sinope 1261

AU Magnesia 1998 " AE Macedonia '367 ~ AR

AU uncertain MPt 30 " AR Cyme 1614 AR Ephesus 1879

/i... AU Callatis 913 AR (Lf) Magnesia 2043, 2048 FR uncertain PO(l) 404 fie AR cuo Pergamum 1480-2; Smyrna 22SOA

APTE AR Methymna 1695A

~ AR Pella 559; Erythrae 1900 Mesembria 1107, 1107A

~ AR Magnesia 2030

~ AR (Lf) Erythrae 1901 ft.. AR barbarous B25

,4r AE Macedonia 368

M AR (LF> Aradus 3405 AX AR (Lf) Damascus 3197-3200

~ DR (Lf) Lampsacus 1410, 141IA

4\ DR Lampsacus 1411 AI AR Greece 811; Odessus 1157-8, 1158A; Chios 2360; Aspcndus 2876-2913 Pella 216

AIKAHillAAHl: AR Chios 2412 AIIlEIIOY AR Susa 3852

AITYTIMOI AR Chios 2440 AIX AR uncertain PO(t) 206 AT DR Teos 2266; Asia 2796 For ~ shapes see also T

~ AU ~agncsia1958,1969,1972 Magnesia 1949, 1999 AR (Lf) Callatis 931; Alexandria 1589; Carrhae 3820 Amphipolis 497; Alexandria 1588 DR (LF> Magnesia PSS, 1966-7 Magnesia 1950, 1952-3, 1957, 1959, 1965, 1968, 1970-1, 1973, 1978, 1981; Asia 27'1"/; false F99 '*' contd FR Carrhac 3795 AE Macedonia 365

AU Magnesia 1963 DR Magnesia P57, P62, 1954-7, 1961, 2000

~ AR Tarsus 3054

~ AR

~ AR Miletus 2159

~ AR Chios 2379

~ AR Rhodes 2513

~ AR Sinope 1265

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2380

~ AR Greece 818

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2374

~ AR Asia 2711 AY AU Greece 805; uncertain P238

AU Magnesia 1997 uncertain ML29 AR (Lf) Temnos 1682 DR Magnesia 1980, 1995-6 P57 FR East 4010

~ AR (TH) Sardes 2689; uncertain 4052

~ AU Magnesia 1964 A DR Magnesia 1960, 1962, 1979 ~ AU Sinope 1240 AR Pella 539

Py AU Magnesia 1972 DR Magnesia 1973

~ AR (Lf) Cyme 1620 M AR Tcmnos 1679-80 (TH> Temnos 1673

A4> AR Side 2975 X AU Babylon 3720, 3724 Babylon 3721 AR (Lf) Paeonia 646; Callatis 936A; Babylon 3725-6 Black Sea 1327; Babylon 3722-3 DR (Lf) Asia 2765 Magnesia PSS FR Babylon 3727-9

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2398 (Rf) Miletus 2217

~ AR Temnos 1683 ~ AR Mesembria 1016 AU Susa 3838 Susa 3835, 3839 AR Susa 3836, 3840 DR Susa 3837

~ AR Miletus 2200

~ AR Pella 542 A DR Asia L46 ~ AR Megalopolis 750 M AR Tcmnos 1670 ~ AR

X AR Cos 2501

A.. AR Smyrna 2250 .l AU Pella 552 AR Pella 547 Pella 549, 553, 556-61

)f AR Mesembria 1017 At AR Mesembria 1092 A( ... ]QPOI AR Colophon 1870

B AU obv, Asia r707 Pella 585; Heraclea 1298-9; Samnos 2447; Phaselis 2833-4; Perga 2916; Tarsus 3050-1; Bcrytus 3406, 3412-3, 3415, 3418-20; Sidon 3522-3 Pella 580A, 582, 633-4, 636, 640; Heraclea 1300; Samos 2448; Alabanda 2461; Asia 2820; Aspendus 2878; Tarsus 3000-1, 3011; Salamis 3142; Berytus 3407, 3410; Babylon P182-3; Ecbatana 3909; false F68-9, F74 DR Colophon 1801, 1807-8, 1811, 1827 A, 1833; Magnesia 1960, 1979; false F98 Colophon 1770, 1800, P45, P48 Magnesia 1957, 1959 FR Berytus 34 t 7 a AR (Lf) Berytus 3416 DR Barbarous BIS PR Berytus 3409 BA AR Miletus 2220 see Wreath

BAK AR Mescmbria 1119 B1J AR Myriandrus3228-9,3233

~ AR (Lf) Black Sea 1326A

~ AR Syria 3574

BE AR Susa 3868

BI AR Priene 2234, 2234A-B DR Priene 2235, 2235A -B AR Side 2953 BIDN AR Clazomenae 1748 Teos 2313 BA AU (RW) Babylon 3779 AR

Bl: AU Side 2956 AR Side 2952-3, 2955

BY AR Mesembria 1069, 1071-2

~ AR

~ AR Cymc 1634 l AR Marathus 3454 l AR (RF> Miletus 2206 ~ AR Pella 591 Pella 590

BC DR uncertain PO(l) 372 r AU Salamis 3178 Salamis 3181 AR Sardes 2646-2649A; Phaselis 2835-6; Aspendus 2881; Perga 2917; Sillyum 2'1T1; Aradus 3303; Sidon 3524 Sardes 2651 Tarsus 3014; Salamis 3183; uncertain PO(l) 282 Aradus 3364 Salamis 3179 Greece 791 AR Aspendus 2879 fA AU uncertain P0(2) 12 AR uncertain 4055

~ AR (RF> Miletus 2220

I'" AR Callatis 945

~ AR (Rf) Milctus 2203

~ AR

d6. AR Chios 2393-4

~ AR Sicyon 719 r AR Gabala 3433 fEITAl: AR Tcmnos 1690

I' AR (TH) Greece 852- 7 f7\ AU Black Sea 1316 tr AU (RW) Black Sea 1335; Babylon 3738; East 3999 AR (TH) Babylon 3737 FR Babylon 3739 AR Miletus 2197 AU obv, Aradus 3306 uncertain Mt 608 Macedonia 183; Lampsacus 1357; Memphis 3967; false Fl2 Tyre 3535 AR obv, Aradus 3307 Uranopolis 517; Paconia 648; Myrina 1649; Phasclis 2837, 2837 A; Aspendus 2882-3; Perga 2918; Sill yum 2978; Aradus 3323; Sidon 3525-6; Ecbatana P221; uncertain PO 145; barbarous B21 Pella 234; Amphipolis 442, 458; Corinth 670, 672-4; Lampsacus 1353; Mytilcnc 1715-7, 1723; Chios 2331-2; Alabanda 2463; uncertain 4065 Mytilene 1708, 1718-20, 1729 DR Lampsacus 1380; Asia 2744; Aradus 334SA; Ecbatana P222; barbarous 842; false F94, F103 Lampsacus 1354; Teos L39; Sardes 2685-6; Asia 2749 FR (TH> uncertain PO( 1) 422 AE Macedonia 275, 277, 280-3, 287-90, 292-5, 354, 394, 41SA, 417 su Wreath

'l AE Macedonia 276, 279, 284-S, 291

AA AR Mesembria 1039- 70; Aradus Pt39 Corinth 699; Messene 755; Mesembria 1075; Colophon 1861; Damascus 3197-3200, 3202-15

AAMATPIOl: AR Rhodes 2521

6AMOKPINHl: AR Rhodes 2523 A AU (LW> Macedonia 182; Memphis 3963 AR Mytilene 1727; Babylonia 3786 Amphipolis 431, 438; Memphis 3964 AE uncertain M851 A AR Odessus 1157 & AR (Lf) uncertain P0(2) 1 7 aE AR (Lf) Cilicia 3068 Corinth 685-6, 688, 690, 702; Temnos 1674

AEI AR Mesembria 1130; uncertain PO(l) 211 fl. FR (Lf) Aradus 3345

AH AR Odess us t 178-80; Temnos 1672; Colophon 1861 Caby]c 885 DR Colophon 1788-9

AHMH AR (EX> Halicarnassus 2475

~ AR Mesembria 1061

~ AU Callatis 927 AR (Lf) Callatis 928

Al AU Istrus 962; Black Sea PIO; Tcos 2263; Carrhae 3817 Greece 791; Sinope 1245-7; Aradus P138; Memphis 3969, 3975 Salamis 3175; Memphis 3968; East 3999A AR (LF) Greece 876-7; Mesembria 1001, 1072-3; Pcrgamum 1483A; Colophon 1858; Magnesia 2060; Side 2951; Carrhac 3818 Messene 756; Greece 875; Mcsembria 1000, 1070; Colophon Al contd 1857, 1867, 1869; Side 2948-50; Tarsus 3055; Salamis 3176; Scleuceia 3784; Susa 3862-3; Ecbatana 3914; Memphis 3970, J'T/6-7; uncertain M139; barbarous Bit; false F7t-2 false F91 Mcsemhria 1002 DR Ecbatana 3915 AE Macedonia 322 see Wreath

~-I AR (Lf) Marathus 3449 DR Miletus 1076

AIA AR Colophon 1860


AIOfEN~ AR Cyme 1638

AIOrNHTOl: AR Chios 2419-20

41040TOl: AR Erythrae 1914

4IOKAHl: AR Chios 2408

AIONYl:IOl: AR Cyme 1640-1; Colophon 1871

AIOl:K AR Mescmbria 1003, 1005

AIOl:KOYPI~A AR Mesembria 1004

4IOANHl: AR Rhodes 2504 414>1 AR Antioch 2469

~ AR Pergamum 1483-5; Cyme 1616; Chios 2357, 2367 Amphipolis 495; Pella 599A; Sicyon 726 Colophon L25-2SA

~ AR Mytilene 1733

~ AR

Lb. AR Mytilcnc 1725-6

&. AR Mytilene 1732, 1734

~ DR uncertain PO( 1) 301

~ AR (Lf) Asia 2823

~ AR (Lf) C yzicus 1339

~ AU

AK AR Mesembria 1079 I!! AR (TH) Amphipolis 457

fj AU Lampsacus 1450 Lampsacus 1449. L4S


~ AR (LF) Mytilenc 1731 ert AR Sinope 1275 6::: AR Aradus 3396 L\O AR

& AR

! AU East 4002 ~ AU Odessus 1134-5

~ DR

~ AR Callatis 930

~ AR Miletus 2163

A AR Aradus 3363, 3363A s AU Greece 848-9 .s AE uncertain M 1708 ~ AR Mesembria 1102 ~ AR Magnesia 2015 s AR (TH) Callatis 929 !::. AR Amphipolis 476

~ AU Heraclea 1286 fi AU Sinopc 1239 s AR Smyma2253 '1f AR

~ AR Sinope 1275

2ft AR Milecus 2210

~ AR (Rf) Miletus 2210A

.$ AR (Lf) Asia 2824 lv AR Milctus 2211

~ AR Callaris 937

.fJ AR

4 DR Tcmnos 1675 9 AR Mcthymna 1693 t AU (Lf) Alexandria 3982 AR Tcmnos 1673-5 '~ AR Magnesia 1977, 1999 (LW) Memphis 3965 Sino pc 1226, 1230-1; Magnesia 1997-8 AR (Lf) Pella 256; Sinope 1254-5; Pergamum 1479; Temnos 1676-8; Phaselis 2838-9; Aspendus 2884; Sillyum 2979; Tyre 3562 Amphipolis 432-3, 440; Alabanda 2464; Aspendus 2885; Susa 3854 Miletus 2193 DR (Lf) Magnesia 1980, 1993, 1995-6, 2000-1 (TH) Magnesia 1983; Alabanda 2.t65 (Rf> Magnesia 1989-91 f.R

3 AR Syria 3572

(!_ AR (Lf) Hcraclca 1284A EB AU

~ DR Asia 2769

E~ AR Temnos 1671 B AR

-s DR (LF) Asia 2794

~ AR (RF> Miletus 2192


EKA AR (Lf) Odessus 1196-9

~ AU Sinopc 1232 AR Dyrrhachium 661

AU Lampsacus 1366 AR Greece 836; Parium 1469 DR (Lf) Lampsacus 1367; Colophon 1795-6

AR Pella 263; Cilicia 3073


( AR (Lf) Lampsacus 1456

lE AR uncertain 4049

~ AR Colophon 1857 j( AR uncertain P0(2) 14

EAi AU (LF) Colophon 1772 DR (Lf) Colophon tnl-6

1£ AR (Lf) Miletus 2168A (RF) Miletus 2164, 2182

~ DR Colophon 1777-8, 1780 ~ AR Priene 2242

~ AR (Lf) Pricnc 2244 s. AR Miletus 2181A f' AR

~ AR (LF) Parium 1462A EH AR Milctus 2205 ~ AR

~ AR Side 2951

~ AR (Lf) Asia 2812

~ AR (TH) Carrhae 3789A EE AR

~ AU Sardes P83 AR Sardes 2549 DR Sardes P80 AE Sardes 2551, 2605-7

DR (Lf) Sardes P79 Sardes 2554, P72

EDI AR Mesembria 1020 DR (Lf) Asia 2796

E1 AU (Lf) Cyrenc 3988 Sinope 1235; Tarsus 3043, 3045-6; East 3994 AR Amphipolis 492; Peloponnese 763; Mesembria 1022; Tarsus 3044, 3047-53; Marathus 3435, 3444 DR (Lf) Lysimacheia 1216; Teos LJ7 FR Marathus 3445, 3447 AE Tarsus 3062-3

ETI AR Mcscmbria 1021

Ek AU uncertain 4023

E' AU Marathus 3437 AR Marathus 3434, 3435A Marathus 3439A PR (TH> Marathus 3442, 3446

AU (Lf) Sinopc 1232 Sinope 1231 [: AR Rhodes 2510 ti AR Erythrae 1895 El AR Magnesia 2021 EP AR Mcsernbria 983

EPMOKAEITOl: AR (EX) M ytilene 1739

EPMQN AR Erythrae 1916 (Lf) Erythrae 1909, 1911-4 Erythrac 1910 DR (Lf) Erythrac 1915

AU Cilicia 3079 (RW) Isrrus 936-4 AR Pella 627; Parium 1464; Cilicia 3078 Teos 2313

~ AU lstrus 965

~ AR (Lf) Tcmnos 1686 Pella 625; Hcradca 1284A

'E AR (Lf) Chios 2364

3> AR Asia 2816

( AR (TH> Mesembria 980 Mesembria 981 E AR (TH) Marathus 3440 El: AR (Lf) Odessus 1204

El:l:TIAI AR Odessus 1207

El:TI AR (Lf) Odessus 1205

EITIAI AR (EX> Odessus 1206 EY AU Carrhae 3793 AE Cyrcne 3990

EYEA90l: AR Mytilene 1737

EY9YaAMAl: AR Clazomcnac 1749 EYKAEQN AR Chios 2421 EYEE AR Odessus 1174 EYl:EBHl: AR Chios 2429


~ AR Pella 620; Heraclea 1297; Cnidus 2473 Amphipolis 465; Pella 599; Sicyon 720; Heraclea 1296 (Rf) Miletus 2198, 2200-2, 2209, 2215, 2215A DR (Lf) Lampsacus 1425 ~ AR (TH) Miletus 2189

~ AR Milctus 2190 'E AR Amphipolis 486

'£ AR (Rf) Milctus 2199 f AR (Rf) Milctus 2199 Er AR Greece 871 E- (E-bee-Phi) AU Ephesus 1875 DR Ephesus 1877

Ecl>E AR (Lf) Ephesus 1876 DR (Lf) Ephesus 1878

AU Lysimacheia 1215 DR (TH> Lysimacheia Lt; Magnesia 1984; uncertain ML28

EX AR (TH> Corinth 692 EXE AR Corinth 693 EXENIKOI AR Temnos 1690

F AU uncertain P232 AR Sardes 2652-4 Peloponnese 757; uncertain PO(l) 103 FA AU Aspcndus Pt 18 R AR (RF> Miletus 2179 tr AR (Lf) Sardes 2656

(f AR Sardes 2650, 2657-62 c: AR Alabanda 2467; Phasclis 2840-1; Aspcndus 2886; Sillyum 2980 Amphipolis 439; A)abanda 2466

I(Z) AU Pella 498-9 Pella 500-2; Greece 878; M ytilene 1710-1; Phasc1is 2842; Aspcndus 2887; Perga 2919; Aradus 3325-9; false F78 AR Macedonia 479; A ma thus 3098; M yriandrus P136-7; Aradus P139, Pt41-2, P144, Pt47-8, PtS0-3, PtSS-6, Pt58, 3338; Susa 3862-3 Mytilene 1709; uncertain P0(2) 26 DR (Lf) Abydus 1529; Colophon 1804; Aradus 3325A; uncertain PO 377 Larnpsacus 1419; Abydus 1528, 1534-5, 1541; Asia 1:/87 FR Aradus 3330; Ecbatana 3955

IHNO~OTOI AR Chios 2427

IHNQ DR (Lf) Erythrac 1896- 7

i AR Asia 2713-4

i AR Asia 2712A

! AR (LF) Tcmnos 1687 is DR (LF) Tcos L40 FR East 4007

~ AR Magnesia 2017 :a AR M ytilene 1718 :& AR Mytilene 1719 R AR

II AR Simyra 3527 :I1 AR Sinope 1250 AR (Lf) Paeonia 650 (TH) Sinope 1269

I AR Pella 602

~ AE Macedonia 320

(I; AR Colophon 1862

Iol: AR (EX> Cabylc 885 Ic AR Laodicca 3237; Ecbatana P221 DR Mylasa 2476; Ecbatana P222

j: AR (Lf) Sardes 2679; uncertain M 1260 (TH) Abydus 1537 DR Ecbatana 3949 zs AE Miletus 2069

:1: AR

~ AU (LW> Aradus Pt46 AR (Lf) Aradus P147

AU (Lf) Ecbatana 3888, 3901, 3917, 3927, 3927A, 3930, 3937 Ecbatana 3893 AR (Lf) Ecbatana 3883, 3902-4, 3911-2, 3918-9, 3924, 3928, 3931, 3933, 3938,3942,3945 Ecbatana 3889, 389-4-5, 3899, 3923, 3925 DR (Lf) Ecbatana 3905, 3921, 3929, 3934 Ecbatana 3990 FR Ecbatana 3908 Ecbatana 3884-388SA, 3906-7, 3922-3, 3935-6, 3939-40, 3943- 5,3~ Ecbatana 3890-2, 3896-7 AE Ecbatana 3916 AR (Lf) Ecbatana 3909- 10, 3913 FR (Lf) Ecbatana 3946- 7

~ AR Aradus P148

i: AR (Lf) Asia 2815

~ AR (Lf) Aradus PlSO 121 AR uncertain 4063 i't AU Abydus 1504 Odessus 1144 AR Odessus 1145 DR Abydus 1506 Abydus 1505, 1531 H AU Lampsacus 1415 Babylon 3703, 3707; East 3992 AR Asia 2741 Asia 2742 For~ shapes see A and below for delta on H types w AU (Lf) Sinope 1234 Sardes 2677 Sinope 1228; Black Sea 1312 AR Ecbatana 3910 OR Sardes 2683

AU (Lf) Sinope 1244 Sardes L42A AR Pella 630 AE Macedonia 317

~ DR Colophon 1757A, P.W

~ DR Colophon 1757-8

~ AU Sinope 1233 AR Sardes 2684

.tll AR Smyma2258

M AR Pergamum 1488, 1491-2 Greece 826; Sinope 1273 DR Tcos 2285

AU Sinope 1230 AR Heradea 1281-4; Pergamum 1486-7; Temnos 1686; Colophon 1864; Chios 2404; Cilicia 3076; Salamis 3186-7; Aradus 3351 Sicyon 712-3, 716-7, 723-4; Ephesus 1874; Miletus 2167; Ecbatana 3913 DR Abydus 1581; Teos 2287 Tcos 2286 t-1 DR (Lf) uncertain P0(2) 79

~ AR (Lf) Mesembria 1107 w. AR Mesembria 1107A ~ AU Babylon 3779 AR Babylon 3778; Seleuceia 3779A-81 AE Asia 2803

Ill AR Cyme 1633 ill AR uncertain 4047 al AR (Lf) Alexandria 1596; uncertain 4048

~ AR uncertain PO(t) 111

~ AR

HrHIIMAXOl: AR (Lf) Colophon 1872 tf AU M yriandrus Pl32 AR Amphlpolis 430, 441, 445; Myriandrus P134 (Rf) Miletus 2222 "H AR Amphipolis 444 R DR Lampsacus 1412-4

H~ OR Colophon 1790 f1 AU Sinope 1220; Miletus 2077-8; Teos 2283; Sardes 2678; false F20 Mescmbria 1053; Odessus 1184, 1198-9; Miletus 2086; Chios 2368-9; Marathus 3438; uncertain 4046 uncertain 4047 DR Macedonia 153 Miletus 2089-91; Tcos 2284-6, 2288-92 Colophon 1791; Miletus 2088; Sardes 2682 AE Macedonia 318 see Wreath AR Odcssus 1164, 1166 Odessus 1165, 1168, 1172-4 DR Sardes 26698 AE Sardes 2688 AU Sinope 1242; Chios 2339 AR Chios 2338 Amphipolis 464 t8I AU Greece 7'17 fot AR Lysimachcia Lt-2 AU Babylon P193, P196, P198; false FPSt AR Babylon P194, P197 DR Asia L46 FR Babylon P19S AE uncertain MP91A

~ AR Memphis 3979

~ AU Salamis 3167 AR Greece 867-8; Salamis 3170

~ AR Salamis 3168-9 1t?I AR Colophon 1854 tit AR Amphipolis 527

~ AR (Lf) Calla tis 920 ~ AR Odessus t 171

~ FR Ecbatana 3887

~ AR Mesem bria 1122 Magnesia 2011 ~ AR Colophon 1859 ~ AR Milctus 2203 ~E AR (Lf) Erythrae 1904

~ AR Samothrace 662

IEi AU (LF> Miletus 2114, 2116-8 AR (Lf) Miletus 2120 DR Miletus 2121 AE Miletus P64, P64A

~ AU Milerus 2115 ~ AR Miletus 2119 H DR Lampsacus 1429 ~ AU

Mf AR (Lf) Cyzicus 1340-1 lti AR (Lf) Mesembria 1123

~ AR Chios 2387

~ AR Chios 2377-8

~ AR Chios 2384

HN AR Aradus 3387

HP AR Corinth 687A

H-P AR (RF> Tcmnos 1672

HPA AR Mesembria 1084, 1087, 1101

HPAK AR Erythrae 1912

HPAKAEITOl: AR Chios 2406, 2428


HPAKAEOY AR Odessus 1208

HPO~O AR (Lf) Clazomenae 1743 H> AU Black Sea 1315 Callatis 910-1; Sinope 1244; Black Sea 1333; Babylon 3715, 3717, 3775; East 3995 Babylon 3716 AR Pella 541; Paconia 654; Cabyle 883; Callatis 912, 936, 936A, 939-40; Mesembria 1018, 1071, 1094-5, 1131; Heraclea 1306, 1306A; Cyme 1625; Tcmnos 1685; Samos 2452; Salamis 3188; Babylon 3776 Corinth 678, 687; Hermione 741; Cabyle 884; Mesembria 1066, 1086, 1116; Colophon 1848; Miletus 2175; Cilicia 3068-9; Marathus 3450-t; Babylon 3718 Miletus 2208 DR Abydus 1580; Asia 2734 Callatis 909 AR

Odcssus 1154-5 tfA AR (lf> Mcscmbria 1054, 1083, 1085


H< AR Mesembria 1009

~ AR Miletus 2155 w AR Alexandria 1598 w AR Erythrae 1898; Chios 2392 w AR Magnesua 2032

~ AR Alexandria 1597

M AR Mcsembria 1103

H AR Mesembria 1104

~ AR Sicyon 714

~ AR

M AR Miletus 2157

~ AR (Rf) Erythrac 1909 kri AR

~r AR uncertain P0(1) 211 t-H AR Abydus 1500 DR Abydus 1501, 1503

~ AR Alexandria 1595 l9f AR

W4 AR ciro M ytilenc 171 t

~ AR Paeonia 651-2

~ AR Mesembria 1089 e AU ob«. Tarsus 3045 (Lf) Odessus 1139; Tarsus 3045-6 Sinope 1226; Lampsacus 1407; Tarsus 3040 AR Pella 213A; Uranopolis 518-20, 522; Paeonia 655; Asia 2809; Phaselis 2845-6; Aspendus 2889, 2889A; Perga 2921; Pamphylia 2983; Tarsus 3048-9, 3052 Tarsus 3022 AE Macedonia 298-9, 357; Tarsus 3029, 3063


,a DR (TH) Lampsacus 1395

9E AU Babylon 3709-10 Carrhae 3812 AR Odessus 1181-.f; Chios 2382; Carrhae 3813 (TH) Corinth 700-t, 703; Sicyon 721; Mesembria 1100; Babylon 3786 DR (TH) Asia 2781 <::E AU Sinope 1249 AR Chios 2330 Pella 623-4

~ AR Chios 2382; Salamis 3166 Asia 2785 B FR Ecbatana 3887 Ee DR Asia 2784

~ DR Asia 2783 Asia 2817

~ DR Asia 2780

Jl DR Asia 2782

Cli AR Teos 2310

0£111 AR Odcssus 1189 9EO AE Carrhae 3814 9E040TOY AR Cymc 1637 8EOTIOMilOl: AR Chios 2•32

8EI AR Mesembria 1119

0EOYME AR Odessus 1209-10

9EQNAHl: AR Samothrace 663

!Z AR Sicyon 709, 722

91 AR Aradus 3389 ~ AR Amphipolis 451A

~ AR Magnesia 2020 l:J AU Sardes 2557 DR obv, Sardes 2SS8A, 2569A Sardes 2558, 2562-3, 2567 t::f DR Sardes 2560, 2569A Sardcs2559,2564-5,2568

~ DR Sardes 2566

I AU false F30-3.f AR Phasclis 28'7-8; Aspendus 2890; Perga 2922; Aradus 3323 Mcssenc 755; Carrhac 3796, 3798, 3808 AE Macedonia 299, 329; Tarsus 3060

IA AR Bcrytus 3416

IA.ION AR Mylasa 2•96 m AR Phaselis 2851-2; Aspendus 2892; Perga 2924

Ir AR (Lf) Phaselis 2853, 2853A; Perga 2925; Tcrmcssus 2987 Ia AR (Lf) Phasclis 2854-5; Aspendus 2893; Magydus 2914; Perga 2926 uncertain PO( 1) 95

14H AR (Lf) Mescmbria 1036 l&N AR (Lf) Mescmbria 1038

~111 AR Mesernbria 1037 IE AU uncertain P232 AR

~I AR Alabanda 2468

IC AR (Lf) Phaselis 2856A; Aspendus 2895; Perga 2928 II AR {Lf) Phasclis 2857-8; Aspcndus 2896; Perga 2929


10 AR (Lf) Phaselis 2861; Aspcndus 2898; Perga 2931

IK DR (TH> Asia 2788

IKE AR Mcsembria 1007

IM AU (Lf) uncertain PO(l) 21 AR (Lf) Heraclea 1310 Mesembria 1058; barbarous BJS

I~ AR (TH> uncertain PO( 1) 80

IO AR Berytus 3414

IOd AR Memphis 3970A

In DR (LF) Pricne 2232 IIlA AR (Rf) Miletus 2218 l°l AR (Lf) Syria 3577 I rot AR Cyrcnc 3987

Il: AU lstrus 965 AR lstrus 970 Peloponnese 780 see Wreath ll:A AR (Lf) Ecbatana 3899 DR Erythrac 1910 lei> AR Argos 731

K AU Seleuccia 3783 AR Callatis 945 Pella 561-2; Callatis 912-3, 915, 931-5, 943; Cyme 1613; Sardes 2663; Phaselis 2861-2; Aspcndus 2899; Pcrga 2932-4; Cilicia 307SA; Antigonca 319-4; Marathus Pt61; Sidon 3495 Amphipolis 467; Greece 799; Callatis 919; Mescrnbria 1078; Cilicia 3069A, 3070; Paphos 3121; Marathus 3439; Susa 3859 Antigonea 3193 DR obv. Miletus 2090A K contd DR Pella 503; Callatis 946; Colophon 1795A, 1826; uncertain PO(t) 307, PO(t) 376 Lampsacus 1348, 1426; Colophon L25; Magnesia 1933 FR Susa 3860 Marathus 3439A AE Macedonia 300-1, 358; Miletus 2064-2068A, 2071-2

AR Pella 558, 560; Asia 2716 barbarous B8 DR (Lf) Asia 2792 AE Macedonia 302; Miletus 2063

KA AR Phaselis 2863, 2863A; Aspendus 2900; Perga 2935

KAA AR Mesembria 1087 KA AR Came 3431-2 KAI AR (Lf) Mesembria 998 let AU (Lf) Callatis 903-4, 908, 910, 914, 916 Alexandria 1591 AR (LF) Pella 599A; Callatis 917, 921-3, 9~, 929-30, 937-8, 942, 944;

Alexandri2 1593; Asi:a 27217 2821; Carne 3429-30; Susa 3850 Carystos 666A, 666B; Callatis 918, 920; Odessus 1148; Lampsacus 1448; Parium 1463-1463A; Miletus 2166, 2195; Sardes 2693 DR

~ AR Heraclea 1306A

1(1 AR Cilicia 3065-6

)I AU (Lf) Callatis 927 (LW) Macedonia 180

K AR uncertain 4032

~ AR

-1( AU Callatis 894 Sinope 1238 AR Alexandria 1595 (Lf) Alexandria 1590, 1592, 1594 Alexandria 1589

)I- AR era> Pella 242, 639

~ AU Calla tis 898 ~ AU Callatis 899 ff AU Callatis 895, 897 see Wreath

1{ AR (Lf) Magnesia 2019

~ AR Miletus 2188

~ AU (Lf) Callatis 900

~ AR -XXXX(LF> Colophon 1849 gJ AR Callatis 924

KB AR Phaselis 2864; A spend us 2901; Perga 2936 false F70 Kr AR (Lf) Phaselis 2865-6; Aspendus 2902; Perga 2937 K~ AR Phaselis 2867, 2867 A; A spend us 2903; Perga 2938 KE AR Phaselis 2968; Aspendus 2904-5; Perga 2939 DR Mylasa 2479A KEP AR Cabylc 885 Cabyle 886 KC AR (Lf) Phaselis 2869; Aspcndus 2906-7; Perga 2940 KI AR (Lf) Phaselis 2870; Aspcndus 2908; Perga 2941 K-I AR (Lf) Aspendus 2909

KH AR Phaselis 2871; Aspcndus 2910-1; Perga 2942 DR (TH> Mylasa 2480

Km: AU Aspendus P118

K8 AR Perga 2943 Aspcndus 2912

KI AU (Lf) Lalllpsacus1396, 1402, 1406A, 1407 AR <1.F> Larnpsacus1397, 1399, 1400, 1403, 1405 DR Lanipsacusl398, 1401, 1404, 1406, 1408-9 -IE AU Callatis 896 ,_IE DR

KA AU Babylon 3711-2 AR Babylon 3713 DR

KAE AR Odessus t t 72 KAEAN AR Odessus t 173 KO AR (Lf) Colophon 1845-9, 1853 Colophon 1850

KOi AU <1w> Odessus 1161 AR Odessus l 162-3, 1166-70 Odessus 1164 Odessus 1165, 1171

KOA AR (Lf) Colophon 1854

KOAO AR Colophon 1863 KOAOcl>Q AR Colophon 1871

KOTYl: AR Mesembria 1033

AR (Lf) Chios 2381 '1<* AR (Lf) Heraclea 1306; Ephesus 1885 Greece 821 1< AR Pella 532-3, 535-41, 621-2; Greece 824; Parium 1466; Mcthymna 1696

AR Antioch 3196 DR (TH> Asia 2743 AR

~ AR Magnesia 2013

~ DR Colophon 1827-9; Asia 2740

Chios 2397

~ AR (Lf) Chios 2403 ¥ AU (Lf) Ecbatana 3930 AR (Lf) Ecbatana 3931-3 DR Ecbatana 3934 FR Ecbatana 3935-6 * AR Selcuceia 3782 ~ AR Miletus 2196

AR (Lf) Smyma2251 (TH) Mcsembria 1010

~ AR Odessus 1160

~ AR Odessus 1150, 1159 td or cf:J see Ankh


KY AU Babylon P203-4 AR Babylon P205-6, 3697-8


A AU ob», Aradus 3314; Berytus 3411 Sinopexxxxxxxxxx 1236; Side 2963; barbarous B7 false F37 AR (Lf) Amphipolis 426, 429-33, 438-97; Paeonia 643, 659; Corinth 701; Phaselis 2872; Perga 2944; Aradus 3320, 3358; uncertain P0(2) 3, P0(2) 27; barbarous B9-10; false F67 Amphipolis 421-5; Side 2964; barbarous 89 (RF> uncertain PO( 1) 102 DR Asia P115A; Side 2965; barbarous 841 false Ft08 FR (Lf) Sidon 3477 Aradus 3364 AE Amphipolis 161-2; Macedonia 278, 305, 336-337A, 359

AA AU Sinope 1236, 1249; Susa P207 AR (LF) Odessus 1191, 1195; Phaselis 2873; Aspendus 2913; Perga 2945; Susa 3847 Mescmbria 1027, 1029-32; Susa P208, P212-5 Mesembria 1032 DR Odessus 1192 AAKO AR (LF) Odessus 1193; false F70A

AAKCN AR Chios 2435

AAYMOI AR Chios 2436

AB AR (Lf) Phaselis 2874; Perga 2946

Ar AR (Lf) Magnesia 2056; Phasclis 2875; Pcrga 2947

AE AU Priene 2238


AEONTIIKOY AR Dionysopolis 960

If:. AR Pella 589A; Syria 3566 Cilicia 3064 Miletus 2214 AE Macedonia 370

1\ AR Asia 27148

IE AR (Lf) Miletus 2168A

/ti DR Colophon 1779-84 ri AR barbarous B18

~ AR Peloponnese 782 DR Teos 2265

AE AR Mescmbria 1109

~ DR

Al AU Beryrus 3411; uncertain 4020 AR Berytus 3413-4 AE Susa 3877

Alfi AR (Lf) Priene 2231 A DR barbarous B 17 fi?c DR Magnesia 2045

/o\ AU (Lf) uncertain P0(1) 15 (LW) Macedonia 177, 179; Acgcae 191-2, 196-8; false F8-9 AR Asia 2710 AE Macedonia 306; uncertain MP91

7' DR uncertain P0(2) n

~ AR


AR Chios 2375 ~" AR Colophon 1845 ~ AR Odessus 114SA

!,\ FR Ecbatana 3926 AU Side 2959 Salamis 31SOB AR Side 2960 DR Side 2961 FR Side 2962

I\ AR ern> uncertain PO(l) 102

7\ DR uncertain PO(l) 367 AE Milerus 2071

AY AU Aradus 3337 <1w> Aradus PtS7; Babylon 3688, 3691, P178-80; false FPSO AR Callatis 932; Aradus P158, 3338 Side 2958; Babylon 3689, 3692, P181 DR Baby Ion 3690, 3693 FR Macedonia 434-436A, PSA Babylon 3694-6 AE Macedonia 437, 437A, P3-5 AYI AR Megalopolis 745 ~ AR uncertain 4038 + AR Magnesia 2047 ~ AU Lampsacus 1374; Salamis 3152 AR Salamis 3153-5 DR Salamis 3156 Lampsacus 1375, 1375A

~ AR Asia 2826

M AU obv. Teos 2305; Babylon 3691, P179 lstrus 966; Sinopc 1226; Babylon 35~7; P179-80 Lampsacus 1402; Magydus 2914; Sidon 3497; Babylon 3593-4, 3596, 3671-2; uncertain M1509 Babylon 3592, 3595, Pt 79; false FP50 Magnesia L30 AR obv . Aradus 3304 Macedonia 65; Greece P7; Mcsembria 1074; Sinopc 1267-8; Heracles 1301-2; Pcrgamum 1493; Magnesia 2053; Asia 2715; Ake 3239; Sidon 3498, 3519-26; Syria 3564; Babylon 3578, 3602- 3,3611,3617,3619,3624,3626,3634-5,3638-41,3644,3650, 3652, 3666, 3673-87, 3692, 3740-1, P181-3, Pt85; East 4017; barbarous B27-9, B3S Amphipolis 480-1; Uranopolis 513; Pella 607; Dionysopolis 951; Mescmbria 1093; Lampsacus 1403; Milctus 2164; Salamis 3154; 3216; Ake 3240; Aradus 3358-9; Babylon 3581-9, 3598-9,3608-10,3612-4,3618,3618A,3620,3622,362S,3627, 3631,3633,3636-7,3645-9,3651,3654-65,3667-70,3742; uncertain 4033, M1310, P0(1) 82, PO(l) 98; false F57-8, F67, F88 Antigonca 3195; uncertain PO(t) 98; barbarous B32 Mytilcnc 1726; Babylon 3600-1, 3615-6, 3621, 3623, 3632, 3642-3, 3653 DR Abydus L20; Temnos 1684; Asia 2760, 2774; Babylon 3604, 3693; uncertain PO(t) 304 Lampsacus 1404; Mytilcne L21; Phocaea 2230; Asia 2773; Aradus 3360; Babylon 3580; false Ft04 Babylon 3604A FR Babylon 3607, 3743-4

MA AR Mesembria 1075-82, 1111; Magnesia 2056, 2057 A, 2058

MAf AR Magnesia 2059, 2062 MArN AR Magnesia 2057, 2060-1

MA8Y AR (LF> Methymna 1696


M AU (Lf) l>clla 609; East 4003 (LW) Sidon 3516 Sidon 3517 AR Amphipolis 491; Pella 588, 611-7, 619; Chalcis 665; Mesembria 1019 Mesembria 987 DR Asia 2786 FR East 4013 see Wreath

M AR Sinope 1266

N AU Sinope 1241 AR Myriandrus 3234-5

t"1 DR Magnesia L33

1)(1 AR Pergamum 1494

AR Chios 2331 ""~ DR (Lf) Colophon P49 ~ DR (Lf) Colophon 1771

~ AR M yrilcne 1730 Mesembria 991

N AR (Lf) Babylon 3660

~ AR

P'-s AR Magnesia 2032

M AR Magnesia 2034., 2046 ~ AR «» Magnesia 2024

~ AR

MENEKPATHl: AR (EX) Chios 2426

MEl: AR Messene 754-5

MEl:A AR Mcsembria 1123

MEl:AM AR Mcscmbria 1121-2, 1128

MEl:AMBPI AR Mesembria 1124-5, 1127, 1129

MEl:AMBPIA AR Mesembria 1126 MEIAMBPIANQN AR Mesembria 1131

f"t AU Sinope 1227-8; Black Sea 1317; Abydus 1556-9 Lampsacus 1431 AR Mesembria 977 Megalopolis 744, 746, 748-50, 752-3; Messenc 756; Greece P8; Mesembria 975-69 978; 1318; Colophon 1868; Magnesia 2039; Asia 2810; Cilicia JOM; Carrhae 37'n, 3798-9; Susa 38S 1 Miletus 2176, 2204, 2209-12, 2213, 221JA Colophon 1872 DR (Lf) Abydus 1560 2131 1406: also seen with a Lampsacus 1406, 1410, 1417, 1423, 1439-40; Miletus 2127, XXXX 2129; rounded E Chios 2373; Asia 2744; uncertain PO(t) 350 AE Macedonia 319, 330; Miletus 2131 see Wreath

~ AR Chios 2371 (TH) Miletus 2184A, 2186-7, 2190

AR Magnesia 2040; Carrhae 3797A Pella 508

f-1 AR Salamis 3170

~ AR Alexandria 1593

~ AR (Rf) Colophon 1867

~ AR Mesembria UM2

~ AR (LF) Assos 1602

~ AR (TH> U ranopolis 523

t1 AR Pella 632

~ AR (LF) Black Sea 13 I 9

M AR Myriandrus 3218 M DR (Lf) Lampsacus 1422

rf AR Miletus 2184

11 AU Lampsacus 1406A

J1 AU «» Lampsacus 1420 M AR Megalopolis 747


ti AR (Lf) Erythrac 1911

~ AR

~ AR Asia 2813

flt AR Peloponnese 760

~ AR (Rf) Miletus 2184A

t{ AR Miletus 2212A


~ AU Heraclea 1287-8 Mi contd Sinope 1258, 1269 DR Abydus 1520-2, P26-7A FR Abydus P26A

~ AU Greece 800 M-fT AR Cabylc 888 M AU

~ AR Mytilenc 1713-S

~ AR (TH) Mesem bria 1117

~ AU Chios 2369 DR Abydus 1548 A DR Asia 2778 ~ AR Greece 815

~ DR (LF) Pricnc 2233A

M AR (Lf) Greece 823-6 '81 AR

M> AU Abydus P34, P39 see Wreath

~ AR Mesembria 1120 m AR (Lf) Mesembria 1106A M9 DR (TH) uncertain P0{1) 342

M3 AR (Lf) Dion ysopolis 952

MI AU (Lf) Babylon 3749; uncertain M 1310 Babylon 3748; false F35-6 Babylon 3745 AR (LF) Hcraclea 1311; Babylon 3751-71; uncertain 4067; barbarous B25 (TH> Berytus 3418; Babylon 3746-7 see Wreath

MIA AU Salamis 3150 AR Salamis 3tSOA

AU (Lf) Miletus 2149, 2154 AR (Lf) Heraclea 1305; Magnesia 2037, 2059; Miletus 2150, 2152-3, 2156-65; Phocaea 2229 DR (LF) Miletus 2151, 2154; uncertain ML10 Colophon 1839 see Wreath m AU Sinope 1227; Myriandrus P132; Babylon 3775 AR Magnesia 2046, 2057; Milctus 2166-2222; Babylon 3776; false F88 Myriandrus 3220-4, 3228-31A, 3233-5, P133-4; barbarous B20; false F76 DR Sardes 2584; M yriandrus 3225 FR (TH> M yriandrus 3226- 7 tt1 AR (Lf) Magnesia 2023A tt1 AR (Lf) Colophon 1870 ~ AU <1w> East 3999

~ AR

~ AU Salamis 3189 tR1> DR (Lf) Colophon 1850 ffi AR Heraclca 1283; Magnesia 2038 MO AU (Lf) Carrhae 3821 AR (Lf) Carrhac 3822 DR Carrhae 3823


~ AR Milctus 2222A

~ AR Abydus 1516; Teos 2262 lampsacus 1380; Abydus P18-20, 1517 AE Macedonia 420

~ AR (Lf) Clazornenac 1745

M AR Babylon 3659

~ AR

¥t AR (Lf) Chios 2388

~ AR Chios 2389

"i AR Miletus 2197 r1 AR Sinope 1264

111 AR (Lf) Mesembria 1114

1r1 AR

MY AU uncertain 4020 AR obv . Aradus 3403

MYI AR Black Sea 1319

MYPI AR Myrina 1663-4 rt1 AR Magnesia 2023 tr1 AU A bydus 1527 A AR Pella 606, 613-4, 616-7, 619

~ AU Pella 610 fY1 AU Susa3826,3826A.,3844-S AR Magnesia 2022; Asia 2827; Susa 3827, 3846 DR uncertain PO(l) 382

1¥1 AR XXX TH Amphipolis 456A

M> AR (Lf) Magnesia 2004; Chios 2341 DR Magnesia 2005 see Wreath

crv1 FR East 4014 rYr AR Myrina 1661 see Wreath

M AR Magnesia 2006; Marathus 3453 A£ Milctus 2111-2

AU (Lf> Ecbatana 3893 Sardes U2A. AR Magnesia 201:1, 2038; Sardes U3-4; Ecbatana 3894-S DR

~ AR Erythrae 1905 m AR Mesembria 1102 DR Chios 2316

M AR (Rf) Milctus 2207A

M> AR (LF> Marathus 3454-5

[!)> AR Smyrna 2247; Chios 2362A. m DR Abydus 1535 ~ AR (LF> Magnesia 2031

~ AR Sinope 1263 f1 AR Sinope 1262 r-t AR Sinope 1258-60 tt AR (TH) Sinopc 1261

~ AU Sinope 1237 f¥f AU lstrus 967 AR Macedonia 118; Pella 536, 542; Peloponnese 786; Myrina 1656; Magnesia 2026; Carrhae 3822, 3824 Amphipolis 455, 456A---> Pella 627, 631; Abydus 1507; Cilicia 3067; barbarous B38 Milctus 2219 DR Abydus 1508; Sardes P69 see Wreath

~ AR uncertain PO(l) 101

~ AR Lampsacus 1457 AR Peloponnese 787; Parium 1462; Magnesia 2028; Chios 2332, 2351; Cilicia 3065 (TH) Amphipolis 526; Colophon 1863 DR (Lf) Magnesia 1957; Asia 2762-4; false FIOO FR

~ DR (Lf) Asia 2791 ffi AR Chios 2354 AR Magnesia 2033 "' DR Chios 2317 AU Abydus 1569A AR Pella 537, 545; Myrina 1652 DR Magnesia 1962

AR Dionysopolis 954 Dionysopolis 955 f¥f AR

M AU Dionysopolis 953 DR Lampsacus 1414-

'}a{" AU Black Sea 1328

M AU (Lf) Abydus P35 AR Tcmnos 1687 Cilicia 3070A Miletus 2219A DR (Lf) Erythrae 1894A (TH) Sestos L8 set Wreath

"'1 AR Sinope 1275 ~ AU Abydus P33 AR

~ AR Marathus 3449

M AR (Lf) Myrina 1657; Magnesia 2025; Chios 2355 Mara thus 3447; uncertain Mt 152, PO(t) 221 DR Sestos LS; Lampsacus 1409 see Wreath flit DR uncertain ML9

AR (LF) Magnesia 2035 "' AU (Lf) Black Sea 1314 '" AR Chios 2334; Susa 3873 DR Chios 2335

J'1 AR (lf) Pella 538, 5" WE AR Myrina 1658

~ AR (LF) Assos 1603 m AR Sardes 2690 For ~ shapes see T r;f AR (Lf) Asia 2830A tx1 AR Pella 604 ~ AU Sinope 1221

~ AR (Lf) Magnesia 2010

~ DR (LF) Aradus 3357 A FR Aradus 3357

~ AR false F92


Ds1 AR (Lf) Pella 597, 599

~ AU (Lf) Susa 3831 Susa 3841 Susa 3830, 3833 l2J> AR Cyme 1630 t¥J> AR Magnesia 2036 M AR Alexandria 1592

~ AU

~ OR Magnesia L34

~ AR Magnesia 2051

DI(] AR barbarous B30; false F58 DR false Ft02 AE Asia 2804 t)'(3 AR Megalopolis 749 t¥l AR (Lf) Chios 2368 FR Ecbatana 3947

AR Magnesia 2008 Greece 876, 878; Sarnos 2450 DR Magnesia 2009 see Axe, double c: Babylon P186

~ AR (Lf) Magnesia 2031

M> AR (Lf) Cos 2504 Mcsembria 997

AR (LF> Dionysopolis 957 DR Abydus 1541A

~ DR Abydus 1542 l*l FR uncertain PO( 1) 408 AR (Lf) Ecbatana 3945 fR (Lf) Ecbatana 3946 '~ DR (Lf) Abydus 1543, 1547 M DR Abydus 1544

~ AR Aradus Pt52 M AR (Lf) Dionysopolis 956; Abydus 1537 DR (Lf) Abydus 1540-1 lt1 AR (Lf) Aradus P151

~ DR (Lf) Abydus 1545

~ AR false FS9 t*J AU Susa 3825 M AR Mytilenc 1717 M AR (Lf) Mytilene 1716 Mel> FR Babylon 3591

~ AR Amphipolis 456; Babylon 3615-6, 3621 Pf AR Amphipolis 449A DR uncertain ML32

161> AR Mescmbria 1049

[X1 DR Magnesia 1968 FR Carrhae 3795 set Wreath

~ AU (TH> Ecbatana 3917 AR Ecbatana 3918-9 DR Ecbatana 3920 FR Ecbatana 3921-2

AR Ecbuana 3924 FR (Lf) Carrhae 3794 rm AR Peloponnese 788

(Hi DR (Lf) Asia 2750-t

~ AR Carrhae 3792 FR Carrhae 3793

N or N- AU (Lf) Sidon P168 <1w> Sidon 3500 Greece 803; Black Sea 1333; Babylon Pt98, P20t, P204 AR (Lf) Nisyros 2507; Sidon 3501, P169; Babylon P200 Amphipolis 482-3; Lampsacus 1345; Magnesia 2052 Greece 855 DR Colophon 1798-9, 1801, 1803-5 AE Macedonia 360; Tarsus 3030; Salamis 3147 su Wreath

V1 AR Nisyros 2508 DR Asia 2730-1

VIA DR Asia 2733 NAY AR

~ AU

~ AR Black Sea 1326A

~ AR Aradus 3346 Cabyle 889

NH AR Aradus 3386

~ AR Syria 3570

~ AR Syria 3569

N9 AR Aradus 3388 Gf\J AR (Lf) Callatis 919

NI AR Magnesia 2058-61; barbarous 834 Megalopolis 747-8 DR

NIKIAl: AR Chios 2437


NIKOKAEOYl: AR obv, Paphos 3118-23 NII AR Babylon P206 Kl AU Sinope 1231

~ AR uncertain P0(2) 28 ~ AR Marathus Pt65 ~ FR

N AU Callaris 914 AR (Lf) Cyme 1626

AU (LF) Pella SOS (LW) Pella 552 AR (Lf) Pella 504, 506-7, 546A, 553-4; Mesembria 1116-7; uncertain PO(t) 211 Sardes2S76,2578,2580-83

V1< DR «» Sardes 2577 bi AU (Lf) false F45-6

~ AU Sardes 2574 DR Greece 865; Sardes 2575

NO AR Corinth 676-7, 679, 681, 691; Sicyon 708; Greece 858 r'1 AU Lampsacus 1381, 1396 AR Lampsacus 1397 DR Lampsacus 1382-3, 1398, 1411, 1411A, 1443

N1 DR (Lf) Sardes 2579

~ AR (Lf) Samos 2451 tfJ AR Amphipolis 466 N AR Paeonia 648 N AR false F93 NOY AR Seleuceia 3780 For fq shapts see under n tJ AR

N AR Syria 3566A

AR Pella 593

-'*... AU Abydus 1497; Sidon Pl 71 AR (Lf) Pella 572-3; Sidon Pt 72 Susa 219; false Ft02 Abydus1499,1502,1514-S FR (LF) Sidon P173-4; Susa P220 EA AR Aradus 3391

~ AR Aradus 3392 Er AR Aradus 3394 :::~ AR

E:E AR Odessus 1200; Chios 2359 Aradus 3397

E:EN AR (Lf) Odessus 1201


~ENQ AR Odessus 1203

:SENQN AR (EX) Chios 2418

:::I AR Aradus 3399

E:H AR Aradus 3401 :SOY80l: AR Chios 2425, 2438

E AR (Lf) uncertain ~9 t AR uncertain 4062 ± AU Sardes 2548 DR Sardes 2555, P73, P81 AE Sardes 2552

~ AR (J.f} Callatis 941

~ AU Magnesia 1929 DR Magnesia 1930-l

0 AU uncertain P0(2) 23 Sidon Pt7S, 3512 0 contd AR Pella 235, 580; Phaselis 2832, 2834-5, 2837 A, 2839, 2841, 2845, 2848, 2850, 2852, 2853A, 2854; M yriandrus 3234; Ake 3244; Berytus 3412-3, 3416; Memphis 3970 DR (RF> Magnesia 1971 FR (TH> Ecbatana 3884-5, 3950-2, 3954

AR (LF> Black Sea 1324; uncertain 4066 (TH> Magnesia 1988 DR uncertain PO 338

@ AR Sardes 2691

@ AR (Lf) Cyme 1627 8 AU Sestos L4A AR (Lf) Salamis 3173

Carrhae 3810-1, 3813-4, 3818, 3818A, 3820 DR (Lf) Carrhac 3819

AR Carrhae 3816, 3816A *@ AR (Lf) Cilicia 3075 8 AR (Lf) Erythrac 1902-3 ® DR Teos 2299 * AU (LF) Tyre 3533 ~ AR Chios 2328 OB FR Berytus 3414 ® DR (Lf) uncertain PO(t) 354 @ AR Cilicia '3077 o~ AR Aradus 3402 O~H AR Odcssus 1206-10 Odessus 1186-8, 1191-6, 1198; false F70A

O~Hl:ITCN AR Odessus 1197, 1199

@ AU Odessus 1139; false F14 Odessus 1137, 1140, 1142-4 Odcssus 1135-6 AR (Lf) Odessus 1138, 1141, 1145-7, 1155

@ DR Asia 2747

@ DR Asia 2772

@ AR East 4006

@ AU Sestos L4 DR Sestos LS-6 @) AR Tyre 3539 @ AR Tyre 3529, 3531 DR Tyre 3532

@ AU (Lf) Tyre 3554-S Tyre 3528 AR Tyre 3543, 3556 ~ AR Tyre 3534, 3544

@ AR Greece 869- 70

® AR Cyme 1613

@ AR Corinth 669

® AR Sicyon 718

® AR Marathus 3443 ® AU Tyre 3545

® AR

@ AR Chios 2342 oc AR Chios 2366

@ AU Tyre 3549 ® AU Tyre 3545 AR Tyre 3547

@ AR

@ AR Tyre 3546

® AR Tyre 3540 8 DR Chios 2323 ® AU Tyre 3552, 3554 AR Tyre 3548, 3SS3

@ AR Chios 2349

01 AR Asia 2810A

OINIA AR (TH> Mesembria 1026, 1039 Mesembria 1024-5

OINOillam: AR Chios 2405

© AU (Lf) Black Sea 1329 DR Lampsacus 1434~ Colophon 1795; Asia 2758, 2778-9

® DR Colophon 1796 ® AR uncertain 4057 ® AR (Lf) Sardes 2689-90 ® AR Tyre 3560 Oh AR Corinth 704 FR

OAY AR Colophon 1869 Corinth 695-6

® AR (Lf) Amphipolis 424A ® AR (Lf) uncertain P0(1) 161 6) AR Cyzicus 1340

@ AR Cyzicus 1341 w AR Smyrna 2256 QM(l)A AR (Lf) Mcsembria 1124 e AU false F.f 3-.f AR (Lf) Paconia 656; Babylon 3777 Greece 881 DR

® AR uncertain P0(2) 29 e AE Milctus 2133

@ DR Sardes 2687

@ AR (Lf) Tyre 3543 e AR Tyre 3542 @ AU Sinope 1225 AR (Lf) Greece 811

@) AU Greece 808 Greece 809; Miletus 2108; Sardcs L.f2 AR Tyre 3539

® AR (TH) uncertain PO(t) 188

® AU Tyre 3555

@) AR Cilicia 3082 8 AR (Lf) uncertain 4059 Tyre 3559 ® AU Chios 2321 e AR Chios 2340 ® AR (Lf) Chios 2363 @ AR (TH) Tyre 3551 ® AU Miletus 2109 DR Miletus 2125

(1' AR Side P120 8 AU Tyre 3552 Carrhae 3821 Greece 813

AU Tyre 3528 AR Chios 2352; Cilicia 3064 DR Miletus 2126; uncertain 4042 8 AR (Lf) uncertain 4040 @ AR Tyre 3529, 3548, 3553

AR (TH> Tyre 3550 @ * AU Chios 2348 Tyre 3557 AR Chios 2336A, 2346 (TH) Pella SSS, 562; Tyre 3558 8 contd DR (Lf) Chios 2325, 2347 ® DR (Lf) Chios 232SA 8 AU (Lf) Tcos 2300

~ DR (Lf) Teos 2302

@ DR (Lf) Tcos 2303

(e AU (LF) Tcos 2305

~ DR Tyre 3536 AR

® AR

@ AR

® AR Asia 2712-3

@ AR (Lf) Asia 2712A

® AR

@) AR Chios 2353 © FR Ecbatana 3943-4

@ AR

ort1 AR Mesembria 1043

ON AR (Lf) Pamphylia 2984

ONIA AR uncertain PO(l) 184 La mpsacus 1399 DR (TH) Lampsacus 1401

® DR Aradus 3347

ti AR

fl AR Priene 2236

8 AU Sardcs 2670, 2676 AR

(@ AR Babylon 3734

@ AR

@ AU Miletus 2146 AR (Lf> Miletus 2147 DR Miletus 2148 @ AR Aradus 3339

@ AU Sinope 1219

® DR Asia 2nJ ~ DR Asia 2774

(@ AR Sardes US e AU Tyre 3549 ® AR Pella 563 @ AR Tyre 3542

OP AR Memphis 3962

@ AR (TH> Cilicia 3084

® DR

~ AR

® DR Asia P116 ® AR (Lf) Aradus P156 ® AR Aradus P154 AR (Lf) Aradus P155, 3336

® AR

® AR Aradus P151

(1' AR Black Sea 1318 ® AU (Lf) Sardes 2608-9, 2619-20

OY AR uncertain .w64

(Y) AU

® AR Chios 2350 0 see also Club, Shield, Wreath n AU (Lf) Magnesia 1997-8; Teos 2305; Sidon Pt76 Aradus 3352 Asia 2707; Aradus 3340, 3348 AR (Lf) Heraclea 1289; Temnos 1666; Magnesia 2034; Sidon P177; uncertain PO(l) 84 (TH) Macedonia 122-7; Uranopolis 514, 516, 519-21; Teos 2308; Chios 2358-9, 23S9A, 2361-2, 2364; Mylasa 2481; Susa 3861; barbarous B37 uncertain PO(l) 74 DR Priene 2233 FR Aradus 3345, 3355; Susa 3860; East 4011

IlAMcl>IAO:I AR Miletus 2197

IlAPMENICN AR Erythrae 1916

~ AU (Lf) Sinope 1227-9; Black Sea 1314; Larnpsacus L9 (LW) Callatis 915-6; Side 2971; Salamis 3181; East 3993 Sinope 1235, 1251; Salamis 3171 AR (Lf) Amphipolis 421; Pella 575; Corinth 698; Greece 839; Callatis 926; 1109 Mescmbria 992, 1118; Heracles 1285-9, 1293, 1296-7, 1303-4, 1308; Temnos 1667-8, 1676, 1678, 1683; Colophon 1866; ~contd Magnesia 2055; Chios 2358; Sardes 2671; Salamis 3182; uncertain PO(l) 167 (TH) Uranopolis 515; Callatis 925; Mcscmbria 993, 1068, 1097, XXXX 1109; Odessus 1175; Sinope 1262, 1266; Heraclea 1310-1; Parium 14S8A; Colophon 1868; Erythrae 1898-1902; Chios 2351-7; Salamis 3171A, 3187-8; Susa 3850-1 (Rf) Miletus 2178A, 2212, 2212A, 2219 Methymna 1695; Colophon 1866 DR Sestos L 7-8; Lampsacus L13; Colophon P46-8; Magnesia 1959, 2044-5; Sardes 2672; Asia 2756-9; Salamis 3183

~ AR

~ AR

~ AU (LF) Seleuceia 3785

lzqt AU Salamis 3163 AR Salamis 3165

~ AR Colophon 1865; Chios 2387-9, 2393

13J AR

~ AR Colophon 1864; Magnesia 2(M(), 2049; Paphos 3118-23; false F75 Colophon 1855 AE Paphos 3124

~ AR Mesembria 1106, 1110; Cyme 1622

~ AR Chios 2375, 2382

l2>J AR (Lf) Mesembria 1108 and 1106

tt\1 AR Clazomenae 1744

~ AR (Lf) M ytilene 1701; Colophon 1866 Temnos 1670 Miletus 2196 DR Teos 2280A

~ DR (Lf) Tcos 2280, 2293-4; Asia 2739

~ AU Black Sea 1334 AR Temnos 1677 Milctus 2196A

~ AR (Lf) Magnesia 2039

~ AR (Lf) Callatis 933-4; Mesembria 1089-90; Mytilenc 1703-4; Tarsus 3036 Heraclca 1283 Milctus 2219A DR Teos 2296 Colophon 1796A

~ AU (Lf) uncertain P235

~ AU Colophon 1785 DR Colophon 1786 Colophon 1792

~ AR Miletus 2214

~ AR Assos 1606 AU Salamis 3186 DR (TH> Susa 3830A see Wreath

~ AR Pella 637; M ytilene 1702 Susa 3829-30

~ AR Mcscmbria 994

"1 AR Mesembria 1034

~ AR Mesembria 1121

~ AR Aradus PtSJ

~ AU Memphis 3973 AR Memphis 3974 t:W< AR (Lf) Smyrna 2254

~ AR (Lf) Aradus 3350

liq AR (TH> Sinopc 1263 M ilerus 2217

AU Aradus 33-48 AR Aradus 33-49 Sarnothracc 663

~ AR M iletus 2213

AR (Lf) Smyrna 2252 "'WI AR Abydus 1518 AR (Lf) Heraclca 1291-2

JZSI AU (LW> Abydus 1519 nEil:IrfPATOl: AR (EX) Mytilcnc 1738 re AU Salamis 3175 Salamis 3164 AR (Lf) Magnesia 2041; Salamis 3168, 3176-7 (TH> Pellcnc 742; Salamis 3165-6, 3173 DR (Lf) Lampsacus L14 list AR

~ AR Alexandria 1598

~ AR Ternnos 1669 t!E AR Smyma2255 ~ AR Cymc 1632

~ AR Magnesia 2016

It! AR (Lf) Cymc 1631

~ AR (Lf) Smyma2248 r8E AR (Rf) Milctus 2213A

~ AR Carrhae 3811 ft AR

WJ> AR (Lf) Pariurn 1468 tN AR Cyme 1618 fi1 AR Aradus 3404 tl1> AR (Lf) Cilicia 3078 I AR Macedonia 121 ~ AR Amphipolis 427

~ AR Amphipolis 425 Amphipolis 426 m AU Tcos 2278, 2300 AR Mesembria 1067 DR Teos2279,2293,2299

AU Sinope 1233 OR Teos 2270 Fil AR Ecbatana 3941 KP AR Cnidus 2472A n AR Mcsembria 989; uncertain P0(2) 23 DR uncertain PO(t) 372 Heraclea 1309

~ AR (Rf) Miletus 2218

$ AR Erythrae 1899 r'I AU (Lf) Sinopc 1218 AR (Lf) Pella 596; Magnesia 2043 Babylon P187 AR Mesembria 1114 m AR Mesembria 985 fi1 AU Babylon P188 AR Babylon P191

~ AR «» Assos 1601 r(1 AR (TH) Pella 626

F1 AU (LF) Seleuceia 3785A AR Pella 583

AU (Lf) Asia 2709 AE Macedonia 413-4 m AR Pella 533-4', 587; Heraclea 1283; barbarous B40 Pella 568, 595; uncertain P0(2) 23 rt1 AR uncertain M 1659 Mesembria 1048; uncertain Mt658

WI AR Asia 2824

Fl1 AR Greece 877 DR Asia 2738

AU Salamis 3185 Pella 586; Mescmbria 1104; Salamis 3171A Asia 2825 DR (LF> Asia 2770 FR Susa 3848 see Wreath

~ AR Ca11atis 918 Pella 584-5, 602 lt1 AR uncertain M 1658 ITr AU uncertain PO(l) 28 m AU Callatis 901 fSP1 AU Sinopc 1238 AR Assos 1600 r2t AR (Lf) Mescmbria 990

AR Cyme 1617 ITB AR (TH> Mesembria t 105

WI AR Heraclea 1304 ff AR Chios 2402 r8E AR (Lf) Carrhae 3810

~ AR Mesembria 1105; Mytilene 1701 DR Abydus 1586

~ AR Babylon Pl90

~ AU Abydus 1570-4 DR Abydus1575-9,1582-5,L16-7 r(1 AR Babylon P187 AR Babylon P189 DR Babylon Pt91 ltl DR Tcos 2271 lt1 AU Mesembria t t 13

191 AR (Lf) Smyrna 2257 l?f AR

~ AR Corinth 706

~ AR Colophon 1854 l5(f AR Mytilcnc 1720


Cll AU Cilicia 3079 "' AR Cilicia 3080 l!J contd (TH) Cilicia 3080A

~ AR Cilicia 3070A ri'r AR Mesernbria 1013, 1051, 1076; uncertain PO(l) 110

Fr AR Carrhae 3824 rf1 AU uncertain P230 ~ DR Abydus 1534, 1538 lff AR (Lf) Magnesia 2035 r(f AU Abydus 1536 DR Abydus 1539

FT AE Miletus 2110 ri> AR Mescmbria 1014 AE Macedonia 335 m AR Mesembria 1052 "1 AR (Lf) M ytilene 1709-10 r'1 AR ciro Pella 598 ~ AR Chios 2372 r¥I> AR Asia 2811 DR Chios 2322 crrr AR Aradus 3342 m AU Aradus 3340 Pi2I AR Aradus 3341 p.q> AR Parium 1464; Magnesia 2036

~ AU

~ AR Chios 2390 m DR Abydus P22 ~ AU Alexandria 1591 liJ> AR Cyme 1628

~ AR Mesembria 996

$ AR cuo Magnesia 2050

~ AR (LF) Callatis 935

~ AR Mesembria 982

~ AR (Lf) Clazomenae 1747


~ AR (TH) Miletus 2172 ~ AU Black Sea 1330

~ AU Pella 548 AR (Lf) Pella 549

J'l DR Asia 2793

~ AR Colophon 1871 no AR Chios 2416-9, 2421-6 (EX> Callatis 942

IlOAYrNCTOl: AR Cyme 1~9

(01 AU Lampsacus 1388; Teos 2263, 2268 uncertain ML29 AR Mesembria 988; Magnesia 2047-9; Asia 2822 Macedonia 129-33, 135-40; Corinth 697-8; Callatis 938; Mesembria 1090; Miletus 2152; Teos 2291; Chios 2383; uncertain 4031 DR Macedonia 141; Teos 2264-7, 2269 Magnesia 1966; Teos 2292; Asia L46 AE Macedonia 401A

UPI AR Priene 2231, 2234B, 2236-7, 2239-44 DR Pricnc 2232-3, 2235A, 2238 n-PI AR Priene 2234, 2234A DR (Lf) Priene 2235 fiPO AU Mesembria 1084-6 Mescmbria 1063

IOllP AR (Lf) Odessus 1156 ror AR Mesembria 1062 DR Lampsacus 1441-2

Pl AU (Lf) Salamis 3171 Susa 3856A AR Babylon P192; Susa 3853-5, 3857, 3859 DR (TH) Abydus 1521, 1521A; Teos 2290, 2295; Susa 3853A, 3858 FR Susa 3856

Fl AR Chios 2363 rr AU Lampsacus 1392A Miletus 2093 AR (TH> Pella 572 DR Lampsacus 1393 AE Miletus 21 t t-2

AU Milctus 2092 DR uncertain PO(t) 345 Colophon 1787 n AR Miletus 2186 nv AR (LF> Megalopolis 748-50 Peloponnese 766-9; Side Pt2SA DR Side 2973, Pt26 tl AR Asia 2724 DR Asia 2725 a AR Pella 620 m AR Amphipolis 529 lfc AR Chios 2444 r;t AR Chios 2442 m DR Asia 2749 rn AU (Lf) Sardes 2588, P67 Teos 2268; Sardes P68 AR Sardes 2663, 2666 DR (Lf) Teos2269;Sardcs2586,2589-90,P70 (TH> Sardcs 2587, 2590, P66 rft AR (Lf) Chios 2445 r'1 AR (TH) Amphipolis 530 nl AU East P223 AR Magnesia 2037 r¥a AR Chios 2395 ffB AR Chios 2396 lfJ AR Mytilenc 1706

[1 AR Mararhus P167

$ AR

riJ AR Pella 581 DR Abydus Ll8-9 ~ AR Mcscmbria 1038

~ AR (TH) Mesembria 1036 sa> AU Magnesia 1920, 1928 DR Magnesia 1921-2

~ AR (Lf) Assos 1605

w AR Assos 1607

p AR Susa P219 Magnesia 1989 FR Susa P220, 3871 AE Salamis 3145

PO AR (Lf) Rhodes 2509-10 Rhodes 2511-2SA; Susa 3855 FR Susa P2t9, 3856 ~ AR Sinope 1255


pg fR uncertain PO(t) 430

I AU obv, Aradus 3315 Tarsus XXXXX 3043; Sidon 3503; false F28 Tarsus 3043 Black Sea 1331; Tarsus 3041; Salamis 3178; Sidon 3473 AR Pella 259-60; Sicyon 711-2; Heracles 1290; Chios 2343-S; Sillyum 2981; Tarsus 3053; Aradus 3316; Sidon 3504; false F8S Pella 249A, 258; Amphipolis 450; Odessus 1158; Heraclea 1294- 5; Chios 2346-7, 2349-SO, 2378; Salamis 3180; Sidon 3474, 3479; Syria 3576; Susa 3873-4 Pella 257; Tarsus 3042, 3044 I contd DR (LF> Colophon 1803; Magnesia 1992; Asia 2'nt; Aradus 3317 Colophon 1802; Asia 2741 (RF> Magnesia L32-4 FR (LF> Aradus 3318-9; uncertain P0(1) 415 AE Salamis 3146-7; Susa 3876

AU Salamis 3179 AR (Lf) Peloponnese 762A; Salamis 3180 Sinopc 1277; Hcraclea 1281; Chios 2377 Heracles 1280 see Aramaic letters

[) AU (RW> Chios 2348 AR Pella 600, 612

~ DR uncertain PO(l) '367

~ AR (LF> Pella 601

~ AU East 3992

31 AR Alexandria 1596 IA AU Sinope 1270-2; Babylon 3730 DR Sinope 1223 AE Salamis 3143-S IAfA AR Side 2957; false F24 ~ AR Myriandrus 3217 IE AR Sicyon 707 s AE Salamis 3157 E AU Teos 2276A ~ AR (Lf> Pella 226

~ AR Erythrac 189SA

~ AU Sinope 1233, 1247-8 AR Greece 817; Magnesia 2018 (TH> Erythrae 1895; Chios 2329-30 DR Erythrac 1893-1894A, 1896-7 FR (TH> East 4009

AU obv, Pella 225 AR Rhodes 2511 Macedonia 524, 543-4 Pella 545; Miletus 2178

IJ: AR (TH) Aradus 3363A E AR (TH> Sinopc 1265 E AU (Lf) uncertain 4019 !: AU Black Sea 1338 AR Temnos 1689 r AR Temnos 1680 t AR Amphipolis 451

~ AR Pella 251 Pella 250; Sicyon 710-1 DR (Lf) Magnesia 1971; false F99, F107 r AU (Lf) Lampsacus 1450 t AR (Lf) uncertain 4062 ~ AR uncertain PO(l) 111 l: AU Magnesia 1969 DR Abydus 1538 r AR (Lf) Temnos 1688 l2 AU (Lf) Ca rrhae 3802 Carrhae 3801 Salamis 3185 AR Carrhae 3798-3800, 3803-5, 3807-8; uncertain PO( 1) 145 FR Carrhae 3806

J[ AU (Lf) Milctus 2141 t AR Asia 2809 ~ AU (Lf) Lampsacus 1445 t AU (Lf> Lampsacus 1447, 1453-4 AR (LF) Lampsacus 1448-9, 1451, 1455 I: AU Milctus 2142 AR Miletus 2143 DR (Lf) Miletus 2144

~ AR XxxxxxxxPella 531 Miletos 2143 var

~ AR

~ AU (LW) Aradus P149 r AU Salamis 3184-S AR Dionysopolis 949 Dionysopolis 950

'" (Lf) II AU Sinope 1222, 1241; uncertain PO(t) 15 (LW) Sinope 1224-30, 1232-40, 1242-51; Sidon 3472, 3480, 3482, 3484, 3486, 3490, 3494, 3496; false F27 AR Pella 236; Sinope 1254-75 Sinope 1276; Sidon 3475, 3481, 3483, 3485, 3487, 3491, 3495, 3498, 3501, P169, Pt 72, P175, Pt77, 3502, 3504, 3506, 3508, 3510-2, 3514-5, 3518-26; Syria 3568; false F85 DR Sicyon P6 Sinope 1223; Sidon 3488 FR Sidon 3476-8, 3489, 3499, Pt 73-4 AE Sidon 3492-3 Ill\ AR Dionysopolis 948 IIIl AR Callatis 944 IKA AR Mcscmbria 1111-2 ~ AR Milctus 2202 IO AR (TH) Pricne 2239 .LU.L 1 r A 1 U.L AR Cos 2505 [: AU uncertain 4022 AR (Lf) Pella 222-3, 576; Black Sea 1326 (TH) Amphipolis 452; Sinope 1274; Sarnes 2"6A; uncertain PO(t) 100 (Rf) Miletus 2185, 2201 DR

3 AR Pella 224 [: AR Colophon 1853 Colophon 1852 z AR (LF> Chios 2440 z DR Mylasa 2493A ~ AR Salamis 3172 l:T AU (Lf) Carrhae 3801 Carrhae 3802 AR Carrhae 3800A, 3803 Carrhae 3804 Miletus 2220 CT AR (Rf) Milctus 2222A l:TAl:ICN AR Sinope 1234 AR Sinope 1273 AU East 3993 AR uncertain PO( 1) 188 I: AU (Lf) Lampsacus 1452 DR (Lf) Teos 2297; Asia 2776

1: AR (Lf) Pella 606 :i AR Pella 611, 614--5; Chios 2-439 i AU Salamis 3152 AR (Lf) Pella 605, 613; Magnesia 2042 Salamis 3153 AE Salamis 3159-60 AU (Lf) Pella 608 Pella 609 AR Pella 607, 616, 618 z AU Pella 610 m AR Magnesia 2062 nPOil(?) AR Miletus 2208A £ AR Chios 2361 ~ AR Sinope 1257

~ AR Miletus 2204 )- AR (TH) Mesembria 1108 l:Y AR Carrhae 3805 FR Carrhac 3806 r AR Tcmnos 1681-2 r AR (Lf) Temnos 1679 ~ AR Amphipolis 473

E AR (Lf) Pella 592; uncertain 4069 IC AU (LF> Ecbatana 3927 (LW> uncertain P231 Ecbatana 3930, 3937 AR Mesembria 984 Ake 3241; Ecbatana 3928, 3931-3, 3936A, 3938, 3941; uncertain 4045 (Rf) Miletus 2198 DR Ecbatana 3935-6, 3939-40 r< DR Colophon 1788-9' Y'- AU Teos 2276 AR Aradus 3321; Carrhae 3807-8 uncertain 4028 FR

~ AR Sinopc 1268

~ AR (Lf) Marathus PtS'-'O Teos P65B

~ DR (Lf) Asia P117

T AU Black Sea 1317 (LW) Sidon 3505; false F29 AR Amphipolis 423. 433, 438-42; Paeonia 660; Termessus 2986; Sidon 3506; Babylon 3698; uncertain 4034 AE uncertain M278

~ AU (Lf) Callatis 892

A AR Laodicea 3236-7 ~ AR (Lf) Myrilene 1736

~ AU Callatis 893

TE AR Megalopolis 751; Tcrmcssus 2986


~ AU Babylon P201 AR Macedonia 83; Amphipolis 422, 440A; Babylon P202 AE Macedonia 390, 400

AR (LF) Macedonia 84; false F64 DR (Lf) Macedonia 85 FR

"t AR (TH) Pella 628 TEB- AR Miletus 2207 THI AR Teos2308-10,2313 Teos 2311 Teos 2312

TI AU (LF) Sardes P83-5, P90, PtOO, 2617-8, 2623-S; Susa 3864 Sinope 1251; Sardes P9t Sardes 2621 TI contd AR Megalopolis 752-3; Sardes 2610 Sinope 1272; Sardes 2611, 2622; Susa 3866 (RF> false F91 P93ff DR (Lf) Sardes P82, P87-9, P94, P96-7, P102-3, 2617, 2626, 2628-9 Sardes 2611, 2615, ']L,'27, P92-3, P99, Pt01; Susa 3867 FR Susa 3868- 70 AE Sardes 2612-4 see Wreath

T-1 AR Greece 850

TIMAIOl: AR Rhodes 2526- 7

TIMOl\AMAl: AR Chios 2433

TIMOKPA THl: AR Chios 2431 TIMQN AR Chios 2411 I DR Colophon l808A, 1810 false F97 -r DR (Lf) Colophon I 787; false F98 Colophon 1781, t 783, 1808-9

'r UR

TPA AR Mesembria 1127 1' AU (LW> Citium 3100-1, 3104-5; false F25 Citium 3102-3 AR (Lf) Pella 556-7, S63; Heraclea 1303; Citium 3106-8, 3110 DR (Lf) Citium 3109; false F101 AE Citium 3111

=I( AR Pella 617

lC AR Greece 854

li AU Callatis 891

~ AR (Lf) Aradus P139

-t AR (Lf) Black Sea 1323 ~ AR Heraclea 1305 (TH) Sicyon 725

M AR Sinope 1264

fl1> AR Heraclea 1295

~ AR (Lf) Heraclea 1294

~ AR Miletus 2215

~ AR

T AR Greece 819A 7 AR uncertain 4035

lt AR Chios 2399

Ji AR Odessus 1149

~ AR Greece 819

f AU (Lf) Salamis 3164 ~ DR Lysimacheia 1216 ~ AR Sinope 1267 TY AE Ake 3268-9 y AU Sidon 3507 Memphis 3965 AR Sidon 3508

YBPll:T~ AR Cyme 1643

Y·8 AR uncertain 4038 yr AU Sinope 1241 (RW) Sinopc 1240, 1242, 1244 AR Sin ope 1270- 1

YA AR Pella 594

¥ AR Mesembria 1073 r AR Ephesus 1882 tt AR Heraclea 1301 ~ AR

4> AU Babylon 3592 Babylon 3593 AR Pella 508; Paeonia 6'9; Peloponnese 763-763A, 796; Temnos 1685; Smyrna 2246; Asia 2717; Phaselis 2831, 2832-5, 2837A, 2839-75; Sidon 3510; Syria 3572; Babylon 3581-8; uncertain 4031 Chios 2345; Phaselis 2831A, 2836, 2838; Antigonea 3192-5; Syria 3571; Babylon 3578 DR (Lf) Colophon 1816-9, 1828, 1836, 1838-41, L27 (TH> Lysimacheia L2-3; Colophon 1820, 1823-4, 1831, L25A AE Macedonia 313, 361 obv, Macedonia 315 cJ)A AR Cilicia 3081; uncertain 4045 DR Erythrae 1915

t AR (TH> Babylon 3731 cl>I AU Side 2956 Side 2957, 2959, 2963; false F24 (RW> Sinope 1136- 7, 1245-6, 1259 AR Clazomenae 1749; Cos 2503; Side 2955, 2958, 2960, 2964; Aradus 3344A Side 2961, 2965 Side 2962 AE Macedonia 314

Cl>IA AU AsiaPttt DR (Lf) Asia P112

AR (TH) Milctus 2179-83 * Miletus 2191, 2193-5, 2221 AR Miletus 2104 Babylon 3494-7, 3671-2 AR Babylon 3629 Milctus 2105; Babylon 3598-3603, 3608-14, 3617-20, 3622-8, 3630-70, 3673-87; barbarous B28-9, B31 DR (Lf) Babylon 3604A (TH> Milctus 2106; Babylon 3604 FR Babylon 3607 Miletus 2107; Babylon 3605-6; uncertain PO(t) 415

14'1 FR (TH) Babylon 3605A ltJ AR (TH> barbarous B27 ctM AR Babylon 3579 FR Babylon 3591

~ AR Pella 581A, 582 + AR (Lf) Pella 540A Milctus 2178A ... AR (Lf) Cymc 1626 AR (Lf) Pella 567-8 •~ AR

CZ-Q AR Asia 2828

AR Greece 837 •x AR (Lf) Uranopolis 509-11, 513-5, 520; Ephesus 1884; Chios 2360; Antigonca 3192-S; Sidon 3511-2 (TH> Uranopolis 512; Mesembria 1046; barbarous B4 DR (Lf) Susa 3830A (TH> Asia 2772; uncertain M1692 AE Macedonia 362

XAPHl: AR Chios 2414

XO AR (Lf) Mesembria 1101 XPY AR Mesembria 1065 x AR (LF) Pella 574 ~ AR Ephesus 1883 FR Ecbatana 3955

AR (Lf) Chios 2443 (TH) Salamis 3169

~ AR Mcscmbria 1015, 1088

~ AR uncertain P0(1) 184

~ AR Clazomenac 1741

)I( AR (Lf) Pella 569-70 + AU Callatis 907 )«: AR (TH) Mescmbria 1023 x AR Mesembria 1057

~ AR (Lf) uncertain 4070 ¥ AR uncertain PO(l) 129 ~ AR Methymna 1695

~ AU Aradus P140 ¥ AR (Lf) Aradus P141 AU Sidon 3514

Q AR (Lf) Sidon 3515

!Al AR Mylasa 2484 !l.3 AR uncertain P0(2) 3 -'fl. AU Colophon 1785 AR Phocaea 2227-8 DR Colophon 1787 (TH> Colophon 1786

.!Al. DR (Lf) uncertain PO(l) 329

~ DR Lampsacus 1376 A AR Chios 2320 ~ AR Chios 2329, 2333 DR Chios 2318

~ DR Mylasa 2488

.alil. AR ctro Mylasa 2489 DR Mylasa 2486

.ail DR Mylasa 2'87 .(p). AU Susa 3841 Aradus 3352 AR (Lf) Aradus 3353, 3356 DR Susa 3842 Aradus 3357 A FR

m AR (LP) Macedonia 66, 70, 72

1WL AR Macedonia 67-8, 71 1xl DR (Lf) Mylasa U76-7, 2479-80 ~ AR uncertain P0(1) 259 ffel DR Mylasa 2478

~ AU

~ AR

@l AR (Lf) Tyre 3540

© AU Sardcs 2682, 2684-5

@ AR Sardes 2681

.®. DR (LF) Sardes 2683

@ AR (Lf) Asia 2714

® AR Milctus 2153 tt AR Side Pt99 ~ AR

~ AR (Lf) Miletus 2108-9

~ AR Marathus 3441

~ AR uncertain 4041 a DR Mylasa 2485 ~ AR Greece 818-9

~ AR Mylasa 2481

@)_ DR Mylasa 2482

~ AR Tyre 3541

)l\OKAHl: AR Chios 2408


~(A) AU Ake 3267, 3274; Sidon J.t67; Syria 3573

~ (B) AR Came 3431; Sidon 3468 AE Sidon 3469

~ (B) AR

I\ (G) AR (TH) Came 3432 i4(DK) AR Syria 35T1 1' (Z) AU (Lf) Sidon 3482 AR Sidon 3483 l:=4 (l:I) AU Sidon 3484 AR Sidon 3485 ~ Sidon 3486 AR (Lf) Sidon 3487 DR (Lf) Sidon 3488 FR Sidon 3489

<\ (K) AU Sidon 3491

~~(LMA) AU

~ ..llf (MA) AR (Lf) Aradus 3303A

~~O('BL) AR Marathus 3454

~O ('Y) AR Byblos 3421 0 (') see Greek 0

-I 0 ('K) AU Ake 3284

~OCK) AU Ake 3277, 3300 Ake 3259, 3261 AR Ake3256,3260,3262,3267,3279-80,3287,3297,3301-2 lfO ('K) contd DR Ake 3255 AE Ake 3269

'iO('K) AU Ake 3285 Ake 3294 (RW> Ake3263-4,3266,3270,3278,3288 (TH> Ake326S,327t-2,327S,3281-4,3286,329t-3,3295,3298-9 AE Ake 3268 r (~) AR Sidon 3467-8 ~1 (RQ) All Marathus 3455 3 (S) AR Gcrrha 3958 FR Gerrha 5959

W(S) AR Gerrha 3957; uncertain PO(t) 182

~~(ST} AR Aradus 3369-85; Carne 3431-2; Cabala 3433; Marathus 3452

Cypriote Signs

1$ (ZO) AR Amathus 3085 *'9 (E) AR Amathus 3085-6 ·f' (E) AR

Uncertain Marks

)( AR Pella 540 8 AR Greece 871 i:t FR (TH) Carrhae 3794

Ill AR barbarous B39 m DR Teos 2284

>-O AR barbarous B39

~ AR uncertain PO( 1) 65

~ DR Teos Ut

H AR uncertain PO(t) 82

00 AR uncertain PO(l) 214 1 AR uncertain PO(l) 104 ~ AR barbarous B39

~ AR false F76 , AU Asia 2703

~ AR Asia 2818

DR (LF) Asia 2781 +3, "tor~ see Ankh ~ seeH M seeM m seen PHOENICIAN NUMERALS

-i. = 20 -= 10 lor•=t Years: AU Ake (33) 3284-S Ake (10) 3300; (30) 32TI; (35) 3288-90; (38) 3294; (39) 3296 Ake (6) 3263; (21) 3251; (23) 3257-8; (24) 3259; (25) 3261; (26) 3264, 3266; (27) 3270; (29) 3273, 3276; (3) 3278 AR Ake (8) 3298; (9) 3299; (10) 3301; (t 1) 3202; (20) 3250; (21) 3252; (22) 3254; (23) 3256; (24) 3260; (25) 3262; (26) 3265, 3267; (27) 3271; (28) 3272; (29) 3274-5; (30) sm, 3277A, 3279-80; (31) 3281-2; (32) 3283; (33) 3286; (34) 3287; (35) 3291; (36) 3292; (37) 3293; (38) 3295; (39) 3297 Aradus (17-45) 3366-85; Carne (35) 3431-2; Gabala (35) 3433; Marathus (30) 3452; Sim yra (30) 3527 DR Marathus (35) MS3

The following varieties have no symbol or monogram:

AU Macedonia 169A; Callatis 890; Asia 2696; Salamis 3148; Memphis 3961; Cyrenc 3983; East 3991, 3991A, 3993A; false F38-F41 AR Pella 217; Greece 844; Odessus 1132A; Sinope 127SA; Black Sea 1321; Pergamum 1473; Pamphylia 2982; Tarsus 2999; Cyrene 3985; East 4004; uncertain P233; barbarous B6; false F89 DR Miletus 2130; Asia 2727,. Pl 15; Side 2974; Ake 3245 FR Ake 3246; East 4012, 4016; false F109 AE Macedonia 266-7, 326-8, 393, 396-7, 419, P2; Tarsus 3002, 3056-7; Citium 3111A; Curium 3114