Krikščionys Ir Nekrikščionys Kiti Christians and the Non

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Krikščionys Ir Nekrikščionys Kiti Christians and the Non l i e t u v i ų k a t a l i k ų m o k s l o a k a d e m i j a / l i t h u a n i a n c a t h o l i c a c a d e m y o f s c i e n c e b a ž n y č i o s i s t o r i j o s s t u d i j o s , v i KRIKŠČIONYS IR NEKRIKŠČIONYS KITI s t u d i e s i n c h u r c h h i s t o r y , v i CHRISTIANS AND THE NON-CHRISTIAN OTHER VILNIUS, 2013 1 Projekto kodas: VP1-3.2-ŠMM-V-02-002 Periodinių mokslo leidinių leidyba LKMA METRAŠTIS, t. XXXVII / LCAS ANNUALS, vol. XXXVII Serija B: Bažnyčios istorijos studijos / Series B: Studies in Church History BA ž N Y č I O S ISTORIJOS S T U D I J ų redaktorių kolegija / Editorial Board Dr. Liudas Jovaiša (vyr. redaktorius / chief editor) Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Dr. Vytautas Ališauskas Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Dr. Darius Baronas Lietuvos istorijos institutas / The Lithuanian Institute of History Dr. Mindaugas Paknys Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas / Lithuanian Culture Research Institute Dr. Arūnas Streikus Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Dr. Paulius Subačius Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Mingailė Jurkutė (ats. sekretorė / executive secretary) Tomo sudarytojas / Editor of volume dr. Arūnas Streikus LKMA Metraščio redakcinės kolegijos pirmininkas LKMA akademikas / Chairman of the LCAS Annuals editorial board LCAS academician vysk. dr. Jonas Boruta SJ Pilies g. 8, Vilnius, LT-01123 [email protected], © LKMA, 2013 ISSN 1392-0502 2 TURINYS Sudarytojo pratarmė . 5 Editor’s Comment. 7 S. C. Rowell. 9 Christian Understanding of the Faith through Contacts with Non-Christians in the Late-Mediaeval Grand Duchy of Lithuania Paweł Kras. 23 An Overview: The Conversion of Pagans and Concept of Ius Gentium in the Writings of Cracow Professors in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century Yves Krumenacker. 55 Can We Give the Gospel to Those Who Have not Heard of It? Reformed TheologicalDiscourses about the Salvation of Pagans in the Early Modern Era Hartmut Lehmann. 71 Martin Luther and the Turks Vaida Kamuntavičienė. 77 Catholics and Jews in the Diocese of Vilnius in the 17th Century According to the Catholic Church Visitations Wioletta Pawlikowska-Butterwick. 87 The Vilnius Cathedral Chapter and the Jews in theS ixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Cases from the Acts of the Cathedral Chapter Sergejus Temčinas. 105 Jewish Attitudes to Byzantium’s Troubles? The Definition of Hebrew Kaftor in the Cyrillic Manuscript Manual of Hebrew (According to the Extant Sixteenth-Century Copy) Elena Keidošiūtė. 115 What Should a Catholic Know? Shifting Trends in the Preparation of a Jewish Catechumen for Baptism in the 18-20-Century Lithuania 3 turinys Philippe Denis . 133 Mission, Civilisation and Coercion in Colonial Natal. Abbot Frantz Pfanner and the African “Other” in Mariannhill (1882–1909) José Andrés-Gallego . 155 Christians in Search of Non-Christian Certitudes: Naturism, Spiritualism, Theosophy (From Catalonia to Asiatic Cultures, 1917–1930) Antón M. Pazos. 169 Vision of the Other for Catholics, Christians and Non-Christians in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) Gašper Mithans . 189 On the Field of Conflict: Power Relations Among Catholics,S erbian Orthodox Christians, Muslims and State Authorities in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia Anders Jarlert . 207 The Application of theN uremberg Race Laws on Christian and Non-Christian Jews by the Church of Sweden, 1935–1945 Bernard Ardura. 219 Effects of the Second Vatican Council: Pope John Paul II’s Attitude Towards Non-Believers Maria Petrova . 229 Religious Situation in Post-Communist Russia. Santraukos / Summaries . 241 Asmenvardžių rodyklė / Index of Persons . 253 Vietovardžių rodyklė / Index of Place Names . 263 Apie autorius / Notes on Contributors . 271 Guidelines for Submissions . 277 4 SUdarytojo pratarmė Krikščionybės istorijos tyrimų skatinimas visuomet buvo ir tebėra prioritetinis Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos veiklos baras. Tęsdama prieš kelerius metus pradėtą Lietuvoje vykdomų Bažnyčios istorijos tyrimų integravimą į tarptautinį akademinį diskursą, 2013 m. birželio 6–8 d. akademija, bendromis pastangomis su Tarptautine lyginamosios Bažnyčios istorijos komisija (Commission Internationale d‘Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée), surengė mokslinę konferenciją ,,Christians and the Non-Christian Other“. Konferencija, kurioje pranešimus skaitė dvi dešimtys Bažnyčios istorikų iš Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių, nors ir turėdama aiškiai apibrėžtą teminį rakursą, išsiskyrė plačia chronologine bei geografine aprėptimi. Krikščionių santykis su nekrikščionimis nagrinėtas pradedant kryžiaus žygių epocha ir baigiant šiuolaikine tradicinių krikščionių konfesijų bendravimo su nekrikščionimis bei ne- tikinčiaisiais problematika. Nors dauguma konferencijos pranešėjų pristatė krikščio- nių konflikto ar sugyvenimo su nekrikščionimis (daugiausia žydais ir musulmonais) pavyzdžius iš Europos istorinės patirties, juos tikrai įdomiai papildė Dominikonų ordino brolio, Kvazulu-Natalio universiteto istorijos profesoriaus Philippe’o Deniso pranešimas apie krikščionių misionierių patirtį XIX a. pabaigos Pietų Afrikoje. Šeštajame Bažnyčios istorijos studijų tome publikuojami šioje konferencijoje skaitytų pranešimų pagrindu parengti straipsniai, išsamiau pristatantys konferen- cijoje dažnai tik punktyrine linija nužymėtas temas. Nors ne visi konferencijos dalyviai savo pranešimams ryžosi suteikti tekstinį pavidalą, galima tvirtinti, kad 15 spausdinamų tekstų ir pakankamai reprezentatyviai atspindi konferencijos pobūdį, ir sudaro solidų teminį straipsnių rinkinį. Palydėdamas jį į viešumą, viliuosi, kad jis atras savo vietą ne tik Lietuvos akademinių bibliotekų lentynose, bet patrauks ir užsienio tyrinėtojų dėmesį. Taip jis padėtų išsipildyti konferencijos organizato- rių vilčiai, kad tokie renginiai gali būti prasmingi ne vien nedideliam specialistų būreliui. Arūnas Streikus 5 bažnyčiossudarytojo istorios pratarmė studijos. t. 1. lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis. t. 31. 6 EDITOR’S COMMENT The promotion of research on the history of Christianity always has been and continues to be a priority field of the activities of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science. Continuing the integration of the on-going studies of the history of the Church in Lithuania into international academic discourse started several years ago, on 6-8 June 2013 the Academy together with the International Comparative Church History Commission (Commission Internationale d’Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée) organized the scholarly conference “Christians and the Non-Christian Other”. Even though it had clearly defined thematic perspectives, the conference, at which a score of Church historians from Lithuania and foreign countries gave presentations, was distinguished by its wide chronological and geographical coverage. The relations of Christians with non-Christians was analyzed beginning with the era of the Crusades and ending with the modern problems of the interaction of traditional Christian denominations with non-Christians and non-believers. Although most of the conference speakers presented examples of the Christian conflict /coexistence with non-Christians (mostly Jews and Muslims) from the historical experience of Europe, they were really supplemented in an interesting way by the report of the Dominican friar, KwaZulu- Natal University history professor Philippe Denis, OP about the experience of Christian missionaries at the end of the 19th c. in South Africa. The sixth volume of Studies in Church History contains articles based on the papers presented at the conference, discussing in more detail topics often only outlined at the conference. While not all of the participants at the conference decided to give the text of their reports, it can be argued that the 15 texts printed in this volume reflect in a sufficiently representative manner the nature of the conference and make a solid collection of thematic topics. With its public appearance, I hope that it will find its place not only on the shelves of Lithuanian academic libraries, but will also attract the attention of foreign researchers. In this way it would fulfill the hope of the conference’s organizers that such events can be meaningful not just for a small circle of specialists. Arūnas Streikus 7 bažnyčioseditor’s istorios comment studijos. t. 1. lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis. t. 31. 8 b a ž n y č i o s i s t o r i j o s s t u d i j o s , v i . v i l n i u s , 2013 l i e t u v i ų k a t a l i k ų m o k s l o a k a d e m i j o s m e t r a š t i s . t. 3 7 b . i s s n 1392-0502 S. C. Rowell CHRISTIAN UNDERStaNDING OF THE FAITH throUGH CONtactS WITH NOn-CHRISTIANS IN THE Late-MEDIaevaL GRAND DUCHY OF LITHUANIA t goes without saying that we often define ourselves by comparison Iwith others, whom more likely than not we regard as different and perhaps dangerous, as it suits us. Fourteenth-century Lithuania was defined by her Catholic enemies as a quintessence of Otherness, a dangerous place on the very edge of Christendom, where pagans, schismatics and Tatars abounded.* This geographical definition of Lithuania’s position in the physical and spiritual worlds was accepted by Lithuanians themselves once the country officially had become Roman Catholic in 1387, and they exploited the established cliché for their own benefit. In the fifteenth century, for example, newly elected bishops of Vilnius or Žemaitija used the argument that they lived in partibus, in confiniis christianitatis, as lambs surrounded by ravenous wolves in the form of Mohammedan Tatars, pagans and Orthodox schismatics to obtain release from their duty to travel to Rome, ad limina apostolorum; ring the pagan bell and the Pavlovian Pope might grant your supplication for a spiritual privilege, or award princes the right to deflect funds owed to Rome towards pressing local needs1. We might therefore be justified in imagining that relations between Lithuanian * This paper was given as part of a research Project funded by EU Global Grant No.
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