Ambo ST. THEODOSIUS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL Mailing: 733 Starkweather Avenue MAY 13, 2018 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 T 216. 741. 1310 SUNDAY OF THE F 216. 623. 1092 BLIND MAN - Archpriest John Zdinak, Dean
[email protected] SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN Cell: 216. 554. 7282 - Father Jacob Van Sickle - Protodeacon Daniel Boerio - Subdeacon Theodore Lentz, Sacristan - Reader Julius Kovach, Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster - Reader Paul Pangrace, Ambo Editor Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days 5:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Great Vespers Sundays and Feast Days 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy *AMBO: Articles for publication should be submitted to the office by Wednesday of each week before noon. * CALENDAR: Event dates must be submitted by the 15th of each month. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 After the Midfeast (John 7:14), the Lord Jesus Christ came to the Temple again and taught the people who came to Him (John 8:2). After leaving the Temple, He opened the eyes of a man “who was blind from his birth (John 9:1). The miracle described in today’s Gospel (John 9:1-38) is even more remarkable than it might seem at first. Saint Basil and other Fathers tell us that this was not just a case of giving sight to a blind man born with eyes that did not function, but to someone who had no eyes at all! The second Exapostilarion for this Sunday says, “Along the way, our Savior found a man who lacked both sight and eyes...”.