KONSTANTINOPEL RARE & FINE BOOKS FINE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS 2018 CAT . no. 7 NO. 151 FRONT COVER NO. 121 BACK COVER NO. 1 R. A. van den Graven Kortenaerstraat 17 7513 AC Enschede The Netherlands phone : + 31(0) 53 4324675 e-mail:
[email protected] web: www.konstantinopel.nl rare & fine books MANUSCRIPTS BEFORE 1600 14 TH CENTURY: UNRECORDED COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. 1. COMMENTARIA IN NOVUM TESTAMENTUM: Decorated Latin manuscript on parchment. Paris around 1350. Large quarto. IV + 120 + IV Leaves. Folio. 19 th century vellum. Complete exegeses on the New Testament, by an unknown author. Signed by a scribe named Ludolphus, in the colophon. Possibly, Ludolphus is also the author of the commentary. € 82,000.- / $ 95,000.- This is an unpublished text of a scholastic exegete giving a commentary on the New Testament. The manuscript must have belonged to a member of one of the mendicant orders. While mostly only single book was discussed, like Bonaventura or Stephen Langton does, this commentary covers rather unusually, the entire New Testament. The text betrays great sophistication and it is surely not a mere draft. Many comments are taken from the Homiliae in Evangelia, the Epistolae, and the Regulae pastolaris from Gregorius Magnus, we do not know why the author had a special preference for them. No other version of the text could be found using the usual means. Also Stegmüllers Repertorium biblicum which covers more than 24.000 commentaries in 1 MANUSCRIPTS BEFORE 1600 manuscripts gives no hints on the commentaries present in this manuscripts. It is extremely rare to find a corpus of not registered commentaries .