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NEWSLETTER Cbirleo F WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History of the Second World War) ISBN 0-89126-060·9 NEWSLETTER CbIrleo F. DelzeI V_ Unlva'Iity Anbur 1. funt ISSN 0885-5668 GainaYille, fIoridlI No. 50 Fall 1993 ~H~California,;J, CONTENTS P~.!.Torp1ia Tenna cqJiriDc 1993 WWISA General Information 2 Dean C. Allard Naval HiitorlcaJ Center TheN~~~u 2 SlcI>bcn E. Ambrooe Onivenity of New Orleans Annual Membership Dues 3 Robert DaM Notes from the Chairman, by Donald S. Detwiler 3 Univcnity of California, Loo AnsCJcs Harold C. DeulKb St. Pau~ Minnesota FORTHCOMING CONFERENCES RK.fIiot "&bcnoo,G.."p "MacArthur's Return to the Philippines, 1944" 5 David Kahn "The Holocaust: Progress and Prognosis, G.- N<ek, New Yod 1934-1994" 5 Ric:banI tl K.obn U~ of Nonh CatoIina at Ulapd HiG "World War II in the Pacific" 5 Carol M. PeIiIIo American Historical Association Annual Meeting 6 Booton~ Robert W~e Other Conferences 6 National An:bM:s Tenna c:qJiriDc 19M RECENTPROGRAMS Jamc:o 1. C<>Uios. Jr. Micldlcburs. V"qinia ''America at War, 1941-1945, Part 1: From the Jobn Lewis Oaddio Beginning to the 'End of the Beginning, , Obio Um-wity Robin Higl>Bm 1941-1943" 8 1'8..- SIaIe Univcnity "World War II: 1943-1993; A 50-Year Warren P. Kimball Rutg:n Univcnity, Ncwart Perspective" 9 Aancs P. PcIcnOD t100vcr Insliwlion on War, "Wartime Plans for Postwar Europe (1940­ RcvoIulion and Peace 1947)" 11 RUSICII F. Wciglcy TettlpIe Univenily Naval History Symposium 12 Roberta Woblaldler "Eating for Victory: American Foodways ~ ~=-'~fomia and World War If' 13 J"'lfn=- of California, l.oo AnFlco Society for Historians ofAmerican Foreign Tenna c:qJirin& 1995 Relations 13 Martin BlumcnJon ''American Women During the War" 14 Wubinp1n, D.C. Organization ofAmerican Historians 15 D'Ann Campbcll Austin PC")' Stale Univcnity SIJln.... 1. Fait ~Vqinia OTHER NEWS Maurice Mado/f Maurice Matloff, by Alfred Goldberg 16 RocbiIIe, Mal)'Iand Opening of the United States Holocaust ~..~.ttj~Mnity Research Institute 17 Dennis E. SbawallCr CoIoc-. CoIIqc New Journal: War in History 18 GcrbanI 1. Weiobcrx UnMni of Norih Carolina Navy Bibliographies on World War II 18 ",cm~Hill Rockefeller Archive Center Grants for EorI F. Ziemke UniYcnily of GeotJia Travel and Research 18 (Continued) -- International Clearinghouse For Americanists 19 "Resistance Against the Third Reich" 19 National Archives: Archives II 20 RESEARCH MATERIALS An Insider's View, Number 7: World War II Holdings of the Hoover Institution on War Revolution, and Peace, by Agnes F. Peterson 20 An Insider's View, Number 8: World War II Holdings of the Rockefeller Archive Center, by Harold Oakhill 31 Select Bibliography ofBooks and Articles in English Relating to the World War II Era 33 WORLD WAR II STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly the American Committee on the History of the Second World War) GENERAL INFORMATION Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in aU its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, with the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. TIIE NEWSLETfER The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned International Standard Serial Number [ISSN] 0885-5668 by the Library ofCongress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from Robin Higham, the WWTSA archivist, through Sunflower University Press, 1531 Yuma (or Box 1009), Manhattan, KS 66502-4228. L- 3 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Annual membership dues of $15.00 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, iftheir circumstances require it, pay annual dues of $5.00 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the secretary of the wwrsA (not through an agency or a subscription service) in U.S. dollars. The Newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. NOTES FROM THE CHAIRMAN by Donald S. Detwiler On behalf of the World War Two Studies Association and myself personally, as one of its two elected officers, I wish to thank D. Clayton James for having served with me as secretary since January 1991, and his associate, Anne S. Wells, for having edited the newsletter, with its valuable series of essays on the foremost research repositories and centers of military studies and its indispensable bibliographic coverage of books and articles in English on the World War II era. I am personally grateful for their gracious cooperation, and my regret that they are not continuing beyond the end of 1993 in no way diminishes my appreciation, which I know is widely shared, for all they have done during the past three years to further the work of this association in World War II studies. In order that membership renewals for 1994 could be sent to the new secretary's address rather than to Lexington, Virginia, the annual election was held early in the fall. The directors nominated as new secretary Robert Wolfe of the National Archives, who, like several other directors of this association, is a member of the Board of Historians of the Battle of Normandy Foundation. He was nominated with the understanding that the secretariat would be based at the office of the Foundation (Suite 612, 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036), which has kindly agreed to donate limited secretarial support on a year-to-year basis, beginning in January 1994. The new arrangements will be discussed at our next business meeting, but it will not, as in the past, be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Historical Association (scheduled, starting this academic year, in the first week of January instead of the last week of December). For the second year in a row, the AHA Program Committee has rejected our proposal for a joint session. Although last year's proposal--a panel on the Soviet-German War organized by Tim Mulligan of the National Archives--was rejected, it was nonetheless conducted and well attended (in Washington) as an affiliated-society function, apart from the AHA program. At the AHA's San Francisco meeting in January 1994, it will not be feasible to implement, on the same basis, the proposal by Ben Frank of the Marine Corps Historical Center for a joint session of the wwrsA with the AHA on amphibious operations in World War II; however, the theme of the subsequent annual - 4 meeting, in Cincinnati in January 1995, is to be World War II, so the proposal is being submitted for consideration as a joint session at that time. Meanwhile, because we are not having a panel in San Francisco and because considerably more members of our association and its board are apt to be able to attend the annual meeting of the Society for Military History (formerly American Military Institute) in Washington in April than that of the AHA three months earlier in San Francisco, we are planning to hold our next business meeting during the SMH meeting from Friday through Sunday, April 8-10, 1994, at the Hyatt-Regency Bethesda, located at One Bethesda Metro Center, Bethesda, MD 20814, at the Metro station at the junction of Wisconsin Avenue and Old Georgetown Road. We are making tentative plans to meet on Saturday, April 9, at a precise time and place to be announced. Detailed information on the SMH meeting, the general theme of which is civil-military relations, will be mailed to members of the Society for Military History in January 1994, together with registration information. wwrsA members wishing to reserve rooms at the Hyatt-Regency for the meeting may contact the hotel at the address above by telephone at (800) 233-1234 or (301) 657-1234 (or fax at (301) 657-6453), requesting booking, at the group rate for historians during the Society for Military History meeting of $95.00 per room per night (for one or two beds, and one, two, or more persons). On the agenda at our April 1994 business meeting will also be plans for the sequel to our conference on America at War held at the National Archives in May 1993, as well as plans for the quinquennial conference of the International Committee on the History of the Second World War planned for the day-long symposium to be conducted at Montreal during the International Historical Congress from August 27 through September 3, 1995. Montreal planning was also a principal topic on the agenda of the executive board of the International Committee when it met at the Imperial War Museum in London on July 3, 1993. Convened under the chairmanship of David Dilks, it was attended by Henry Rousso as secretary-general and Peter Romijn as treasurer. Dusan Biber, Donald S. Detwiler, and Oleg A Rzheshevsky, who had been at the foregoing meeting in Amsterdam in September 1992, were joined by Domokos Kosary of Hungary, Czeslaw Madajczyk of Poland, and Georgio Rochat from Italy, who had not been at Amsterdam, as well as by Gerhard Hirschfeld who replaced Juergen Rohwer as representative of Germany, and Norman Hilmer of Canada, whose invitation had been resolved at Amsterdam.
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