Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis
This file was created by scanning the printed publication Text errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Compilers P.E. HENNON is a research plant pathologist, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station and State and Private Forestry, USDA Forest Service, 2770 Sherwood Lane, Suite 2A, Juneau, AK 99801; A.S. HARRIS was a research silviculturist (now retired), 4400 Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK 99801. Annotated Bibliography of Chamaecyparis nootkatensis RE. Hennon A.S. Harris Compilers U S Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Portland, Oregon General Technical Report PNW-GTR-413 September 1997 Abstract Hennon, P.E ; Harris, A.S., comps. 1997. Annotated bibliography of Chamaecypans nootkatensis Gen Tech Rep PNW-GTR-413 Portland, OR US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station 112 p Some 680 citations from literature treating Chamaecypans nootkatensis are listed alphabetically by author in this bibliography Most citations are followed by a short summary A subject index is included Key words Yellow-cedar, Alaska-cedar, Alaska yellow-cedar, bibliography Foreword A considerable amount of material has been published on Chamaecypans nootkatensis (D Don) Spach in the 28 years since the 1969 printing of "Alaska-cedar, a bibliography with abstracts The current bibliography is a revision and expansion of the initial 1969 publication, now out of print The original 301 citations are included here with new ones
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