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あああ プロジェクト業務完了報告書 報告書の構成 ケニア共和国 洪水に脆弱な地域における効果的な洪水管理のための能力開発プロジェクト プロジェクト業務完了報告書 報告書の構成 第1巻 主報告書 第Ⅰ部 プロジェクトの背景と概要 第Ⅱ部 プロジェクト活動内容(成果 1) 第Ⅲ部 プロジェクト活動内容(成果 2) 第Ⅳ部 プロジェクト活動内容(全成果共通) 添付資料 第 2 巻 技術協力成果品 第 3 巻 付属資料(1/2) 第 4 巻 付属資料(2/2) 適用通貨換算率 USD1.00 = Ksh 85.02 = JPY 102.20 円 2014 年 3 月 ケニア共和国洪水に脆弱な地域における 効果的な洪水管理のための能力開発プロジェクト 第 3 巻 付属資料 リスト(1/2) 第1部 プロジェクトの背景と概要 付属資料 1-1 WRMA 職員の洪水管理に係るキャパシティの変化 第2部 プロジェクト活動内容(成果 1) 付属資料 2-1 WRMA 洪水災害データベース(案) 付属資料 2-2 WRMA 職員の能力評価指標 付属資料 2-3 WRUA メンバーの能力評価指標 付属資料 2-4 WDC マニュアル洪水モジュール抜粋版 付属資料 2-5 本邦研修実施報告書 第3部 プロジェクト活動内容(成果 2) 付属資料 3-1 コミュニティベース洪水ハザードマップ作成活動報告書 付属資料 3-2 Isiolo 川流域洪水管理計画案 付属資料 3-3 Lumi 川流域洪水管理計画案 付属資料 3-4 Gucha Migori 川流域洪水管理計画案 第 4 巻 付属資料 リスト(2/2) 付属資料 3-5 Constitution of IFMC 付属資料 3-6 Isiolo 川流域における第 1 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-7 Isiolo 川流域における第 2 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-8 Isiolo 川流域における第 3 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-9 Lumi 川流域における第 1 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-10 Lumi 川流域における第 2 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-11 Lumi 川流域における第 3 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-12 Gucha Migori 川流域における第 1 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-13 Gucha Migori 川流域における第 2 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-14 Gucha Migori 川流域における第 3 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-15 Gucha Migori 川流域における第 4 回 IFMC 会議議事録等 付属資料 3-16 Isiolo コミュニティ防災活動実施計画案 付属資料 3-17 MOU-Procurement-Com-Isiolo 付属資料 3-18 Minutes-Procurement-Com-Isiolo 付属資料 3-19 MOU-Riverbank protection works-Isiolo 付属資料 3-20 Isiolo パイロット事業契約報告 付属資料 3-21 Lumi コミュニティ防災活動実施計画案 付属資料 3-22 MOU-Procurement-Com-Lumi 付属資料 3-23 Minutes-Procurement-Com-Lumi 付属資料 3-24 MOU-Environmental improvement of evacuation camp-Lumi 付属資料 3-25 Lumi パイロット事業契約報告 付属資料 3-26 Exchange Visit to Nyando and LOGUMI 付属資料 3-27 FEWS フォーラム議事録等 第4部 プロジェクト活動内容(全成果共通) 付属資料 4-1 第 1 回ワーキンググループ会議議事録等 付属資料 4-2 第 2 回ワーキンググループ会議議事録等 付属資料 4-3 第 3 回ワーキンググループ会議議事録等 付属資料 4-4 第 4 回ワーキンググループ会議議事録等 付属資料 4-5 第 5 回ワーキンググループ会議議事録等 付属資料 4-6 ニューズレター 付属資料 1-1 WRMA 職員の洪水管理に係るキャパシティの変化 Pre-Project and Post-Project Capacity Assessment for WRMA Project Purpose: In the Project target areas, institutional framework of flood management in the context of integrated water resource management is to be established for effective and sustainable implementation of community-based activities. Output 1) At each level of WRMA (headquarters, regional offices and sub-regional offices), sustainable organizations in charge of flood management are to be strengthened. Output 2) For promoting community-based activities with respect to flood management, WRMA staffs are to support WRUAs and communities are to be strengthened. Targ WRMA Capacity to Required Capacity Pre-Project Assessment et Post-Project Assessment th th th th Actions be Developed Element ( 29 to 30 Nov. 2012 ) Grou (4 to 5 June 2014) p 1. [Personal aspects] To Develop a System Improvements attributable to the Project Cable ways to capture high flows for Collecting and Skills and expertise: (To select “Very much improved”, “Partially improved”, and “Not On the job-training on the use of Analyzing 1) Regarding collecting and analyzing information/data of rainfalls and improved yet”) equipment Information/Data with river flows, which may be the cause of floods, staffs of WRMA-HQ, On collecting and analyzing information/data of rainfalls and river Installation of automated gauge respect to Flood RO and SRO have skills and knowledge of low water, but they don' t flows, which may be the cause of floods: ADCP available but other stations (telemetric) Phenomena have enough skills and knowledge (few staffs with skills) of high logistical (accessories) challenges in measuring high flows. Partially water(lack of equipment for high flow measurement). Improved 2) Regarding the observation of rainfalls, WRMA staffs don't have 1-1 On the observation of rainfalls, WRMA staffs don't have enough enough knowledge and technique (few staffs with skills) for short-term To collect and analyze knowledge and technique for short-term interval rainfall observation. interval rainfall observation. SRO, information/data about 1) Partially improved 3) Regarding the observation of water levels and river flows, they don't RO, rainfalls and river flows 2) Partially improved have enough knowledge and technique for one-hour interval water HQ which may be the cause (Reason shall be described) level observation and high water discharge observation. of floods 3) Partially improved Supplementary Notes: 4) There are some opportunities for training the staffs of HQ, while there Challenges remaining are few opportunities for training staffs of ROs and SROs. 1) Additional equipment are required. 5) No technical instruction books for hydro/meteorological observation 2)Staff numbers are inadequate exist. 3) Accessories to equipment (cable ways) 6) WRMA stuffs can collect data but cannot analyze and bank 4) Vandalism to metallic installation information/data. 5) Capacity to analyze 1-2 Skills and expertise: On WRMA-SRO staffs cannot collect and analyze information/data Enhancement of liason with KRCS, To collect and analyze 1) WRMA-SRO staffs cannot collect and analyze information/data about about the human damages, Partially Improved Agriculture, Transport and information/data on the human damages, such as the number of missing persons and Improvements attributable to the Project Education sectors impacts and damages deaths, physical damages which constitute the number of destroyed 1) Partially improved: Strengthening of IFMC by floods houses and crops affected by floods, etc. a. Trained WRMA staff designated as flood management Enhance the capacity of WRUA in SRO officers collecting data Establish/ enhance a system of data Challenges remaining collection, analysis and 1) Liason between WRMA and other stakeholders with crucial data dissemination 2) Capacity to collect and analyses㻌 the data in a timely manner Establishing knowledge centre at various levels Targ WRMA Capacity to Required Capacity Pre-Project Assessment et Post-Project Assessment th th th th Actions be Developed Element ( 29 to 30 Nov. 2012 ) Grou (4 to 5 June 2014) p On WRMA-SRO staffs usually don't use maps in their Improve the use and display of works-Partially improved maps Improvements attributable to the Project Capacity building in the use of GIS 1) Partially improved: a. Maps are being used in the three pilot project areas Skills and expertise: b. Maps are also being used in water rights permit processing 1) WRMA-SRO staffs usually don't use maps in their works. and WDC application 2) It is common that flooded areas have not been identified and 2) Partially improved: 1-3 delineated on maps. a. It has been done at the three pilot areas To collect and analyze 3) Records on river course changes have not been identified and shown b. Training has incorporated delineation of flooded areas skills both the characteristics SRO, on maps. 3) Partially improved: of river basins and RO 4) Only for Lumi River, such kind of records was listed on a hand writing a. The change of GuchaMigori river course has been identified cause and effect of map. and documented and shown on the map floods by using maps 5) WRMA-SRO staffs don't have maps, which show the location of 4) Not improved yet rainfall stations and water level gauging stations. 5) Very much improved: 6) The use of GIS maps remains minimal in WRMA-HQ. a. Maps showing rainfall and water level stations 6) Partially improved: a. GIS maps are being used in the reports, presentations etc Challenges remaining 1) Bullet 5 Maps are yet to be displayed 2) Bullet 6 Inadequate capacity in the use of GIS at the Regional offices 1-4 Skills and expertise: Improvements attributable to the Project Procure and train staff on the use of To summarize and 1) WRMA-SRO staffs don't have enough skills and expertise to collect 1) Partially improved: the equipment, report the status of and analyze information/data of rainfalls, flow rates, geographical a) Data collection has improved as a result of some staff being Establish the system for flood floods and their characteristics, flood affected areas, flood affected population, etc. trained, reporting and dissemination, damages b) Some of the equipment have been distributed to the SROs To make a work plan and budget c) Participation in the development of IFMP in the three pilot for the remaining 13 flood prone project areas, areas. d) WRUA sensitization and training, e) Established CFMOs under the WRUA, SRO f) Development of flood management module in the WDC manual g) Establishment of flood management department from the headquarters to the SROs h) Submitted flood disaster reports are available Challenges remaining Inadequate equipment at the SRO, Developing of IFMP for the remaining 13 flood prone areas Inadequate system for flood data collection, analysis and dissemination [Organizational aspects] (Human, physical, financial, knowledge, etc.) 1-5 Organization: Improvements attributable to the Project Develop observers’ manual To collect and arrange 1) There are no common methods of installation, maintenance and 1) Partially improved: Establishing of data analysis information/data calibration of hydro/meteorological observation equipment. a) There are staffs that have been trained, section SRO, systematically and 2) There is no particular system for installation, maintenance and b) Standard procedures for installation, and operation Establishment of instrument RO, appropriately with calibration of hydro/meteorological observation equipment. 2) Not improved yet specialists office HQ respect to rainfalls and 3) Although there are staffs in charge of data collection, there are no 3) Not improved yet Enhance data management capacity high water discharges instruction manuals for guiding volunteer observers. 4) Partially improved: Develop quality control manual for 4) There are no officers in charge of checking and statistically processing a.