David Hyde Pierce Shares His Acting Insights at Ten Chimneys

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David Hyde Pierce Shares His Acting Insights at Ten Chimneys David Hyde Pierce shares his acting insights at Ten Chimneys. page 21 July 10, 2014 | Vol. 5 No. 17 Wild, wondrous Wisconsin Spectacular scenery, great fishing, disease-ridden ticks and more pages 10–14 ILLUSTRATION: TRAVEL WISCONSIN, STOCK ART Wildcat Mountain State Park in the Driftless Area. 6 High Court brouhaha 7 Defiant clerk 23 Natalie Merchant 26 ‘Rope’ 28 Screaming Tuna The Supreme Court set off Boulder County Clerk With gray hair and a lot Give Dale Gutzman At Milwaukee’s first a firestorm with its ruling goes rogue and refuses more life experience, the enough rope and he’ll ‘green’ sushi restaurant, that businesses can deny to stop granting marriage Pabst-bound singer issues show you the underlying the emphasis is on health-care benefits based licenses to same-sex her first album of all-new homoerotic tension of the both flavor and seafood on their owners’ religions. couples. music in 13 years. classic thriller. sustainability. 2 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM July 10, 2014 News with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg and put her in coach. She friend of Jes- ever been accused of being HAIRY EXPERIMENT STRIPPED PRIEST did the switch with no sica (Deborah Ann a body double or a robot.” A gender studies profes- The Vatican’s former fanfare and without the Woll) on HBO’s True sor at Arizona State Uni- ambassador to the Domini- soldier’s knowledge, but Blood, has left the MAN HUNGER versity is offering female can Republic has been con- ESPN’s Numbers Never Lie show because he refused There was a lot of male- students extra credit if they victed by a church tribunal host Jemele Hill also was to play gay. Season 7 was to on-male biting going on stop shaving their legs and of sex abuse and defrocked. on the plane and turned to include a romance between during the World Cup. First underarms for 10 weeks and The sentence was the first Twitter to share his admira- his character and the openly Uruguay striker Luis Suarez keep a journal documenting against a top papal repre- tion. gay Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis). was banned for biting a their experiences. Professor sentative. Monsignor Jozef Writers and cast members member of the Italian team. Breanne Fahs wants to get Wesolowski was found PHOTO: COURTESY BURGER KING BEE-ING UNKIND of the show are reportedly It was Suarez’s second biting students thinking critically guilty by the Vatican’s Con- Research from Friends angry over Grimes’ reaction, ban. Then an English fan had about societal norms and gregation for the Doctrine of WRAPPED IN PRIDE of the Earth shows bee- especially given the show’s part of his ear bitten off by gender roles. the Faith and stripped of his Burger King ended LGBT friendly plants sold at Home overt LGBT undertones and another Brit while watching ability to perform priestly Pride month with the unveil- Depot, Lowe’s and Wal- homoeroticism. the June 19 match. British MEMORIAL FLIGHT duties or present himself as ing of a “Proud Whopper” Mart are in fact pre-treated police have vowed to find A young woman named a priest. wrapped in rainbow paper. with pesticides that can be Too MUCH TEA AT the biter and press charges. Amelia Rose Earhart took Inside the wrapper, BK print- deadly to bees. The group THE PARTY? a 17-day flight around the SUITING UP ed, “We are all the same tested plants from big retail- Far-right Oklahoma HATEFUL GATHERING globe in a single-engine A wedding survey for inside.” And, in fact, the ers in 18 cities and found Republican Timothy Ray The World Congress of aircraft to honor her pio- The Knot and The Advocate “Proud Whopper” was the 51 percent contained neo- Murray refused to admit Families has decided to hold neering namesake Ame- shows that about 42 per- same as the regular Whop- nicotinoid pesticides. The defeat after losing his pri- its next major convention in lia Mary Earhart (the two cent of male and female per — a flame-grilled quar- European Union has banned mary challenge against Salt Lake City in October are not related). In one of same-sex couples are wear- ter-pound beef patty, sesa- three of the most common incumbent Rep. Frank Lucas. 2015. The WCF, classified as the great mysteries of the ing suits or tuxedos for their me seed bun, mayo, lettuce, of these pesticides because Even though Lucas won 82.8 a hate group by the South- 20th century, the first Ear- wedding day. About 91 per- tomato, pickles, ketchup, they can kill bees outright percent of the vote, Murray ern Poverty Law Center, hart went missing 77 years cent of same-sex couples onion and 670 calories. and make them more vul- insisted Lucas was dead. “It promotes anti-LGBT legisla- ago while attempting to fly know what their partner is nerable to pests and patho- is widely known Rep. Frank tion and spreads anti-gay solo around the world. The wearing in advance. And ANGEL IN THE SKY gens. D. Lucas is no longer alive rhetoric around the world. younger Earhart tweeted on about 49 percent of male After spotting a U.S. sol- and has been displayed The conference will be the July 2, “On this day in 1937 couples and 20 percent of dier at the gate before her VAMPIRE? OK. GAY? (sic) by a look-alike,” Mur- group’s first in the United Amelia Earhart went miss- female couples are wearing recent flight, Amy Adams HELL NO! ray posted on his campaign States. Could the WCF be ing. Her spirit of adventure matching outfits. asked flight attendants to Actor Luke Grimes, who website. Lucas responded: attracted to SLC because it lives on in many women give him her first-class seat played the vampire boy- “This is the first time I’ve is the LDS’s hometown? around the world.” Wisconsin Gazette is hiring experienced account executives Wisconsin Gazette is the state’s team and take your career a fastest-growing alternative news giant step forward. In addition publication and Milwaukee’s to a great work environment, most honored. Now in our fifth we offer: year, we’ve tripled circulation • Base – commission – bonuses and won 17 Milwaukee Press Club Awards, including best • Company provided iPad designed newspaper in the state • Travel expenses (2013). Join our dynamic sales • Paid holidays To apply, submit cover letter and resume to mrichards@wisconsingazette.com. WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | July 10, 2014 3 4 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM July 10, 2014 Amid strong field, Marina Dimitrijevic is best choice to represent Milwaukee’s 19th Assembly District WiG staff concern to progressives, includ- On June 6, Milwaukee County ing environmental sustainability, Executive Chris Abele announced voTE 2014 public transportation, public edu- to a cheering crowd at PrideFest ENDORSEMENT cation and rights for workers and that he was keeping the court- immigrants (Dimitrijevic is fluent house open that evening for same- ments includes spearheading the in Spanish). She’s the strongest sex couples to get married. Abele effort to extend domestic partner candidate to replace Richards. We didn’t want lesbian and gay cou- benefits for county workers. endorse her and expect a great ples who’d been waiting for years Now Dimitrijevic is a candi- future for her as a progressive to have to wait any longer after date in the Aug. 12 Democratic leader. a federal judge overturned Wis- primary to choose a successor Dimitrijevic’s other endorse- consin’s same-sex marriage ban for state Rep. Jon Richards in the ments come from Milwaukee earlier that day. 19th Assembly District. Richards is Mayor Tom Barrett, U.S. Rep. Gwen Among the first to arrive at the stepping down to run for attorney Moore, the Wisconsin Education courthouse to lend a helping hand general. Association Council, the Milwau- was Milwaukee County Board The district includes the East kee Teachers’ Education Associa- Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. Side, downtown, the Third Ward, tion, Clean Wisconsin Action and She stationed herself at the doors Bay View and parts of River- more. To learn more about Dimitri- leading to the clerk’s office to hand west, making it not only one of jevic, go to www.votemarina.com. out numbers for couples seeking a the state’s most heavily progres- PHOTO: COURTESY The other candidates in the position in the growing line and to sive districts but also one that has Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. race also have drawn prominent answer questions about required among the highest concentrations endorsements and have promising documentation and so on. of LGBT constituents. futures. They’re worth getting to It was not surprising to find know (in alphabetical order): Dimitrijevic faces three other district’s residents. progressives need representatives Dimitrijevic at the forefront of the Dan Adams, 31, a former Mil- challengers in the primary — each But Dimitrijevic is by far the who know the system well enough activity that night. LGBT equality waukee County Assistant District of them promising in his or her most experienced candidate in the to recognize and exploit opportu- is one of the issues she’s cham- Attorney, is the candidate backed own way. All three have compel- race, and experience counts more nities to work it. pioned in the decade since she by Abele. Adams is unique in that ling narratives to support their than ever for progressives in Madi- Moreover, Dimitrijevic has a became the youngest woman he expresses a willingness to work candidacies, and all three hold the son. The tea party majority rules proven track record of advocat- elected to public office in Milwau- progressive, pro-equality values the Assembly with an iron fist, and ing for the issues of most kee.
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