Right Arm Resource Update
RIGHT ARM RESOURCE UPDATE JESSE BARNETT jesse@rightarmresource.com (508) 238-5654 www.rightarmresource.com www.facebook.com/rightarmresource 12/10/2014 Counting Crows “Earthquake Driver” The second single from Somewhere Under Wonderland, available on PlayMPE and going for adds now! First week: KINK, WCOO, WEZZ, WEXT, KROK, WVOD, KOHO and KMTN Already on WNCS, WWCT, KCSN, KPND, WJCU, KBAC, KFMU, KMMS, KOZT, KSPN, KTAO, KYSL, WEHM, WFIV, WMWV, KCLC, KNBA, WAPS, WBJB, WMVY, WNRN, WYEP... FMQB Tracks Debut 44* on add week! Still on tour: 12/10 Louisville, 12/12 Indianapolis, 12/13 Madison, 12/16 Davenport IA Just added to the lineup for 2015’s Isle Of Wight Festival! Check out the lyric video on our site now Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars “Uptown Funk” The killer first single from the new Mark Ronson album Uptown Special, in stores January 27 Over 20 million views for the official video in just three weeks, fantastic performance on SNL Huge adds this week from WFUV, WXPN, WWNU, WRSI, WBJB, WJCU, WMWV, WCBE, WOCM and more Already on WXRV, KRVB, WZEW, KCMP, WFPK, WYMS, WNKU, KOHO and WCNR “Too good of a tune to just hand to CHR” - Jim McGuinn/KCMP “Stations like ours should be taking chances on songs like this” - John McGue/WNKU All Is Bright - Amazon Prime holiday playlist A brand new 43 song collection, available for your holiday programming now via PlayMPE download Features new holiday songs from Liz Phair, Anna Nalick, Ruby The Rabbitfoot, Blondfire and more along with brand new recordings of classics from Beth Orton, Lucinda Williams, Yoko Ono & The Flaming Lips, No Sinner, Brandi Carlile, Heartless Bastards, Houndmouth, Jessie Baylin, PHOX, Ruthie Foster and more Available for streaming for Amazon Prime members and individual track purchases through Amazon Music Bleachers “Rollercoaster” Foo Fighters “Something From Nothing” The second single from Strange Desire, featuring Jack Antonoff of fun.
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