
Math 52 0 - , Spring Semester 2012-2013 Dan Abramovich

Inner or product in : v = u · v = u1v1 + ··· unvn ←examples

Properties: • u · v = v · u • (u + v) · = u · w + v · w • (cv) · w = (v · w) • u · u ≥ 0, and u · u > 0 unless u = 0.

1 2 = length:

√ kvk = v · v

u is a unit vector if kuk = 1.

If v =6 0 then 1 u = v kvk is a unit vector positively-proportional

examples→ to v. 3 We argue that u ⊥ v if and only if ku − vk = ku − (−v). ←perpendicular or or- thogonal This means (u−v)·(u−v) = (u+v)·(u+v)

Expand and get kuk2 + kvk2 − 2u · v = kuk2 + kvk2 + 2u · v

So u ⊥ v ⇐⇒ u · v = 0 4 Exercise: u ⊥ v ⇐⇒ kuk2 + kvk2 = ku + vk2

Angles: We define the angle cosine between nonzero u and v to be cos θ = u·v examples→ kuk kvk

This fits with the law of cosines! 5 n W ⊂ R a subspace. we say u ⊥ W if for all v ∈ W we have u ⊥ v.

⊥ n W = {u ∈ R |u ⊥ W }. 6 Theorem: if {v1,..., vk} spans W then u ⊥ W if and only if u ⊥ vi for all i.

⊥ n Theorem: W ⊂ R is a subspace.

Theorem: dim W + dim W ⊥ = n

Theorem: (W ⊥)⊥ = W . 7 Key examples: Row (A)⊥ = Null (A). Col (A)⊥ = Null (AT ) 8 {u1,..., uk} is an orthogonal set if u ⊥ u whenever i =6 . 3 examples - fill in R → i j

Theorem. If {u1,..., uk} is an orthogonal set and ui are non-zero,

prove it!→ then they are linearly independent. 9 An orthogonal set of non-zero vec- tors is a for its span.

Definition: An of W is a basis which is an orthogo- nal set. ←just a change of per- spective

Theorem. If {u1,..., uk} is an orthogonal basis for W and we want to decompose a vector ∈ W as y = c1u1 + ··· + ckuk then y · ui ←examples!! cj = . ui · ui 10 Things get better if we normalize: {u1,..., uk} is an orthonormal set if it is an orthogonal set of unit

examples→ vectors. 11 Theorem. A U has or- thonormal columns if and only if UT U = I.

Theorem. If U has orthonormal columns then (Ux) · (Uy) = · y

Corollary If U has orthonormal columns then •k Uxk = kxk • x ⊥ y ⇐⇒ Ux ⊥ Uy 12 If U is a with or- thonormal columns then it is called an orthogonal matrix.

Note: UT U = I, and U a square matrix means UUT = I. meaning the rows are also orthonor- mal! 13 Suppose {u1,..., uk} is an orthog- onal basis for W but y 6∈ W . What can we do? Theorem. There is a unique expression

y = yW + yW ⊥ ⊥ where yW ∈ W and yW ⊥ ∈ W . In fact yW = c1u1 + ··· + ckuk where y · ui ←examples!! cj = . ui · ui 14 If {u1,..., uk} is orthonormal, the formula gets simpler: yW = (y · u1)u1 + ··· + (y · uk)uk

Writing U = [u1 ... uk] this gives

T yW = UU y 15 We call yW the perpendicular pro- jection of y on W .

Notation: yW = projW y


y = projW y + projW ⊥ y. Then yW is the vector in W closest to W . 16 Gram-Schmidt Algorithm. Say {x1,..., xk} is a basis for W . Think about Wi = Span {x1, xi} We construct inductively vi as fol- examples→ lows:

v1 = x1

v2 = Proj ⊥ x2 =x2−ProjW x2 W1 1 x2 · v1 = x2 − v1 v1 · v1 . vk = Proj ⊥ xk Wk−1 xk·v1 xk·vk−1  = x − v1+···+ v k v1·v1 vk−1·vk−1 k−1

1 We can normalize: ui = vi. kvik 17 QR factorization Matrix interpretation of Gram-Schmidt: say A has linearly independent columns A = [x1 ··· xn] and say = [u1 ··· un]. Since Span (u1,..., ui) = Span (x1,..., xi) we have xi = r1iu1 + ··· + riiui   r1i  .   .    rii meaning xi = Q   0   .   .  0 So A = [x1 ··· xn] = Q[r1 ··· rn]. 18 In other words A = QR, where Q has orthonormal columns, and R is invertible upper triangular. Note: R = QT A 19 Least squares approximation. Say Col A does not span . You still want to approximate Ax ≈ b. We’ calculate xˆ such that kAxˆ − bk is minimized. Then we’ll apply. 20 The closest an element Axˆ of the

Gram-Schmidt? column space gets to b is ouch!→ ˆ b = projCol A b.

Now bˆ ∈ Col A, so we can solve

Axˆ = bˆ. This seems hard. But. . . 21 ˆ Axˆ = b = projCol A b. ⇐⇒ (b − bˆ) ⊥ Col A = Row AT ⇐⇒

AT (b − Axˆ) = 0 ⇐⇒

AT A xˆ = AT b 22 Linear regression Theoretically a system behaves like y = β0 + β1x, and you want to find βi. You run experiments which give data points (xi, yi). They will not actu- ally lie of a line. You get the approximate

β0 + x1β1 ≈ y1 β0 + x2β1 ≈ y2 . . β0 + xnβn ≈ yn 23 In matrix notation:   1 x1     y1 1 x2 β1 . . .  ≈  .  . .  β2 yn 1 xn or Xβ ≈ y. 24 To solve it we take XT Xβ = XT y

We can solve directly, or expand:  P     P  n xi β0 yi P P 2 = P xi xi β1 xiyi