Polyploid Evolution in Arctic-Alpine (Brassicaceae)
DOI: 10.2478/som-1992-0003 ,..;· t sommerfeltia~i h 11\\ ned and edited hy thl' Botanical ( 1arden and ~vtusi:um, Lniversity of Oslo. S< )\1\1LRF+L IL\ 1" n:m1cd in honour l)I the eminent ~onh'gtan botani-.t and clergyman ~\~r-cn ( h11st1a11 Sommt•rfl'lt \ I 79-+ I ~nx J. The gcnt·nc narm: S"nm1a/clnc1 has hecn used in 1 (II llil' l1d1Cns hy Hork.1.· 182 . 110v. \o/01111L1. (~J h1haceae by Schumacher 1827, mm /J1tJ 1<1111i: u,1,11., • .111d 1 ,) \-,tt-racca~ hy Lcssing Pn2, nom. con-... S\ >\1\H RfLL IL\ 1, ~t '-1..'rtt'" 1.>f ITJ()Tlo~raph-, tn plant taxc,nomy. phytogt:ography, phytosocio ll'2~:- pla11t l'L 1.ilo~_1,. p!d11t 1111,rplwl,'f~. and ch>lutwnary hutany. \1ost papt:rs are hy \prv, l't'. 1:w author"· \utht,r lllll llfl IIll -..tat I t)f tllL' Botanical Uarclen and \1u-,eum in Oslo pay a ('1\l' d1,lf!:-'.1.· n1 ~l)l\_ ,,)(HJ S< >\1\ll RF+L r L\ .ippc,n" ell irregular 111terval-... normally une arlKk per \Olumt:. S0\1 \ffRHJ .TIA Sl J>PLL\H:'\ I 1s a suppkment to SOMMERFEU IA, for publications rwt 1nk11dcd to be l irif m~tl mu11Pf r~1phs. Autth)f-.;, assu1.1all'd Vv 1th tht: Bota111cal Garckn and \tu"1.tm1 m <hlo. art· n·-..r,011 ... ibk for their OVvll n>ntnhut1un. L.\.'h 111.al cd1to1: RllllL' lidl\.,,r-..L'It OkLmd . .\.d\lrl' : SO\l\ILRl+L r L\, Botarncal Garden anJ \1us~um, lni\c~rsity of o..,Jo, Trondhe1ms , c1l'rt ~,H.'\ 05t _ (hil> ), ~orna),.
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