Message from the Chair Newsletter of the Ifla Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments
NEWSLETTER OF THE IFLA SECTION ON LIBRARY A ND RESEARCH SERVICES FOR PARLIAMENTS J U L Y 2 0 1 6 MESSAGE FROM THE CHA IR INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dear Colleagues, Message from the Chair 1 Planning for the 32st Annual Pre-Conference of the IFLA Section on Library and Research Services How to join the Section 1 for Parliaments, hosted by the US Library of Congress, is going well. For the first time, the Section had to set a limit on the number of delegates, and we exceeded that number by the time registra- IFLAPARL Pre-conference 2 - 3 2016 tion ended in late April 2016. I wish to thank those who registered for your patience in working with the pre-conference staff to re-confirm your attendance so that we can accommodate those Share and connect 3 who were on the waiting list. At last count, we have confirmed delegates from 54 countries and 7 IFLA WLIC in Columbus, 4 - 5 parliamentary-related organizations. Delegates can expect a very interesting pre-conference pro- Ohio gramme. Recent events 6 - 7 The Section is partnering with the US House Democracy Partnership (HDP) and the National Dem- News from Parliamentary 8 ocratic Institute (NDI) to organize a two-day HDP Parliamentary Staff Institute with funding support Libraries & Research from the US Agency for International Development. Thirty-two delegates from Colombia, Georgia, Services Indonesia, Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Macedonia, Myanmar, Peru, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste, Tunisia and Ukraine were selected to participate in the Staff Institute on 8-9 August 2016 in the US Capi- tol.
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