
Unit No. 16A Year Group: UKS2 Question: How did the Anglo Influence Britain?

I already know… Essential Knowledge and Vocabulary Timeline of Anglo Saxon Period Romans leave Britain unguarded – they The law is a system of rules Anglo The Anglo-Saxons were made of three tribes – the , the withdrew to return to defend the centre of their enforced by a countries legal Saxons Saxons and the . They were immigrants to Britain. empire. system with consequences for For a long time, England was not one country. Anglo-Saxon 450 AD The first invasions of the Julse from Jutland, those who break them. Kingdoms kings ruled lots of small kingdoms across the land. Angles from the South of Denmark and Saxons The UK is separated into from Germany, across the . Britain is Saxon lands were divided into shires – the start of our counties which have their own then divided up into the Seven Kingdoms. counties. Shire Reeve was the peace officer of a shire, later local authorities. 450 AD Saxons Hengist and Horsa settle in Kent Anglo-Saxons known as ‘sheriff’. Each shire had its own court Shires The is established (primarily A society is a group of people and was under the control of an earl, who had authority but 455 AD living in an organised by the Jutes) had to pay the king 1/3 of any money collected in 477 – community. Social means The Kingdoms of and are formed fines/taxes. 486 AD things relating to these people. The Battle of Mount Badon: Britons under an Brigstow Bristol started as an Anglo Saxon settlement on a bridge 516 AD Christianity is a religion that is unknown leader defeat the Angles and Saxons followed by Christians. Community The community was mainly a rural one as people depended 547 – The Kingdoms of Northumberland, East on the land for survival. There was a hierarchical system, of Monarch is a king or a queen. and Social 586 AD and were formed Kings, Earls (ruling nobility), (army), Freemen (upper Our Queen is Queen Elizabeth II. System St Augustine arrives in Britain from Rome and commoners) and Serfs (Slaves). introduces Christianity was the language spoken There were no prisons but punishments included fines – King Ethelberht of Kent gave him land in by Romans and their Empire to build a church. Ethelberht –payable to the dead person’s relatives when you 597 AD became the first Ango-Saxon king to turn his Primary sources were created at Legal system killed someone. This was to stop long blood feuds. If they run the time period. Secondary back on paganism and become Christian. By away, they became outlaws. Anyone could hunt them down, 600 AD Ethelberht is now one of the most sources were created after the unless they hid in a church. powerful kings in England. time period. A year-by-year account of major events at the time, including Anglo-Saxon 617 AD became the Supreme Kingdom Timelines can be split into BC battles/kings. It begins with the story of Hengist and Horsa becomes the first Chronicles 627 AD (before Christ) and AD (Anno. in AD 449. Christian king in the north for England Domini, Year of the Lord). A scholar/saint who famously wrote the Ecclesiastical History 757 AD Offa declared himself King of England Different scales can be used to of the English People including the idea of the English nation. Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom and represent time. 779 AD King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh Staffordshire The largest collection of Anglo Saxon goal and silver that has Magna Carta was an agreement Border. Hoard ever been found. between rebellious barons and First recorded Viking attack in the King made in 1012, some of Doomsday A survey of England and Wales completed in 1806 by William 793 AD Vikings attacked Lindisfarne monastery, which still stands today. book the Conqueror. Northumbria Period to Harold 11 and Battle of Hastings, continued in Early Britain was the Stone, Two ship burial sites of an Anglo Saxon King. next unit of work. Bronze and the Iron Age. Prehistory means before things were written down and it ended History in the Iron Age. Chronology Interpretation Cause and Society Settlements Beliefs Culture and Location Food and farming Travel and Artefacts Location and main and Consequence Past times exploration events Perspective Quality Texts Fiction to focus on particular rights Collaborate and of interest to pupils. Coherence – Prior Critical thinking and Creativity Communicate connect with the Knowledge compassion community LKS2 – Chronology, How did Anglo Saxons make Narrate a journey Educate the wider Anglo Saxon Using sources, and impose law? Was Anglo- around the community about settlements Prehistoric Britain, Saxon society fair? What settlement and its their Anglo Saxon through WW2 Home front, impact did they have on British society roots through a video sculpture. Ancient Egyptian life and culture today? How do considering explaining elements Creating a and Greek we know about the Anglo audience and of a settlement and video UKS2 – Justice and Saxons? How has immigration purpose using key how it runs – map/journey. human rights changed since this time? vocabulary. legal/society.

Coherence – Connections between subjects Enrichment/Organisations Cycle A  http://www.teachinghistory100.org/objects/about_the_object/king_alfreds_jewel Be Safe Celebrating Difference  https://www.history.org.uk/primary/resource/3865/anglo-saxons-a-brief-history  https://www.bl.uk/anglo-saxons/articles/who-were-the-anglo-saxons Science Evolution and Inheritance  https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/galleries/sutton-hoo-and-europe Computing Impact of technology  https://www.buildinghistory.org/bristol/origins.shtml PE Year Group Specific  https://historicengland.org.uk/content/docs/education/explorer/heritage-schools-case-study- anglo-saxon-bristol-pdf/ Drawing and Sculpture:  https://offasdyke.org.uk/ Art Anglo Saxon and Viking  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxsbcdm/articles/zqrc9j6 Architecture

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