The Inventory Ofthe Gene Kelly Collection #401
The Inventory ofthe Gene Kelly Collection #401 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Kelly, Gene #401 Gift of 1968 I. Subject Files. Box 1 A. SINGING IN THE RAIN, 1953. GK co-director. [F. 1] 1. Working script of film. T 2. TS with many holograph notes and additions, 120 p. 3. Production schedule, cast list, props, etc., TS, 45 p. [Returned to Mr. Kelly, 8/28/72]. B. THE TUNNEL OF LOVE, film, 1956. GK director. [F. 2] 1. Production notes, TS with holograph correspondence, 19 p. 2. First preview report (poll ofreaction to movie from 158 poll cards), TS, 10 p. 3. 4 reviews of film from The Film Daily, Motion Picture Daily, The Hollywood, Reporter, Variety. 4. "The Do-It-Yourself Director," printed article (magazine) re: GK. 5. Notes on film, holograph, 3 p. C. PAS DE DEUX, Ballet for Paris Opera. GK choreographer. [F. 3] 1. Correspondence. a. Julien, A. M. To GK, TLS, Sept. 10, 1959. b. Bretty, Beatrice to GK, TLS, Sept. 10, 1959. c. Julien. A. M. To GK, TLS, Sept. 11, 1959. d. Kelly, Gene to A. M. Julien, TL (carbon), Sept. 29, 1959. e. Julien, A. M. To GK, Sept. 23, 1959. f. Bretty, Beatrice to GK, ALS, Oct. 15, 1959. g. Gershwin, Ira to GK, TLS, May 16, 1960. ............ h. GKto BeatriceBretty,TL(carbon) with.holograph correspondence. 2. Draft of agreement for GK to sign, re: ballet, holograph. 3. Program synopsis, holograph. 4. Ballet Synopsis: English typescript, 3 p. French typescript, 3 p. 5. Direction ideas for ballet, holograph notes, 1 p.
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