If you would like to be added to our mailing list please use back side of order form to submit your info Free Spring 2020 Catalog Checkout our Electric fence netting on page 73. Perfect solution for Raccoon & Rabbit Control in gardens Place Orders Online at www.dutchgardennursery.com Edina, Missouri New for 2020 Dear Valued Customers We Have online ordering available now !!!! Greetings At “www.dutchgardennursery.com” Welcome to our 2020 gardening catalog. We want to thank all We also offer shipping to those who need that service. our customers that made the past years a success and wel- Please use order form in back and fax or E-mail it to us come any new customers in 2020. We hope this catalog can be Fax# 636-898-0930 or E-mail;
[email protected] a help to you. There are items we have or can get for you that are not listed or are not a regular in stock item . Please let us know of your needs and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to seeing you at our garden center Due to market fluctuations, Prices are subject to change without notice Just plant your seeds and plants and add a little water and let God do the rest We Praise God for the blessing of good health and safety in the past and look to Him as our guide in the coming year May God bless your gardening James & Christine Burkholder and Family Annuals, Perennials, We are open all year Large Variety Veggie Plants & Herbs Feb thru June ~ Mon.– Sat.