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1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

8-21-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 078, No 1, 8/ 21/1974 University of New Mexico

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' • Do. you compl~in because your ·professors require you to buy Who OwnS' "Epidemic" Rentals? ... ·...... - _ -- __ 12 textbooks they have written? In addition to the~royaltY check some UNM faculty members are Cashing in on another.aspect of How to Form a Tenants' Union ___ .:...... _ -----5 student life: apartments and old hquses~- Anthropology Is RENTEX a Rip-off? __ ... --:- ... "...... --- ...... _-_-- ~2 professor Frank Hibl!en owns an .apartment comp,lex on Stanford ~nd Lead, and history professor Edwin Lieuwe_n owns Getting Your Deposit Back~ __ ...... - _ ... --...... 3 •' most of the 100 block of Columbia·. Roger Entringer of the Luxury Life on Columbia Street _ ... _ ... _ ... --...... - 6 · .. math department owns several.duplexes on Gold. But the teal university land 8aron is Gary Hofbauer, ex-UNM economics Portrait of a ._and lord ...... :- ...... -~ .. ..: ...... _ - ... 5. ' .. professor. who (along with his wife's family~ the Ravelles) operates 125 hQU~ and apatttttents in the so-called student. · . ghetto. · . · . · · · · · . . also~ ·. Albuquerque Mayor Harry Kinney is .in the act too with his t · UNM Married Housing - _ -- ...... _ ...... -- ....15 -· j . property on Coal. . .. . Although mo$t of the housing io this area .has probably been -Living ln the Dorms ...... - ...... - :.. ... 6 rented by now '(some students pay rent for ~hree months in the summer juSt to save a place for September)· the LOBO has · Blue-Bandana Rapist ... f"' ...... _ ...... 9 .. CI)' compiled this housing supplement. It contains articles on the Wild Dogs and Garbage - ...... _ ... _ 11 ··- landbarons, the dormitories, renters insurance, RENTEX, and - • • • • .t • c~ tenants unions.. - Weeds ...... ; ..... _ - -·- -.... - ...... - ...... -~ - ...... -- ..... 9 .. S,V~ ;~ for '-"')(t year.-it mi!ttt come ~n hahdy .. ... ·Renters' lnsu~ance •- ...... ;... ~- ...... _ ·--14 - ' ·- :- " . . ' ~ en... ..;"" Getting Rentex Trying To Remove Rip-OffImage ...r IN By MICHAEL O'CONNOR to lure people into their offices. description of the property he saw from the outset." provi;eg access to ... a~d 0 t~~se list~ngs ~ "' FOR 25 YEARS YOUR Jn these days of CllVellt emptor Once there the people would did not correspond to tht:l Gooch bought out Homefinders o over . prober an a ill Q d I 11 Your (buyer beware) and high prices be required t~ pay the fee before descritpion in the advertisement. in October, 1973 and e~tablished f.h~ne se;"tc~ m:m ers can ca t'to ~ ~ finding a place to live that sui~ they could learn exactly where There is one businessman in a Rentex rental agency m the old hn thou . atou n~w proper tes !"' :;.:; y0 u and your pocketbook ·can be the property was or even if it was Albuquerque, however, . who is l:lomefinders storefro!lt at ~015 .t ~. 1 av~rs cor;:e f th §' a difficult task still for rent trying to overcome the sttgma left Central N.E. Rentex ts a natwnal ~rr'· e dmy wt~ ofr the '5l"' HOUSECAMPUS SOUND CENTER More and· · more prospecttve- · Somettmes· · t h e custom!lr woul d b y rental agene~es· w h'tc h use sue h organtza ' t' ton o peratt'ng out. . of· classt te , Gsec h ton'd o" d I e t~1:::1 "'c Deposit renters have been turning to rental pay the fee only to be told that tactics Denver and has 70 franchises in newspaper, b'oot~ satd, an ~ 1l ESS HElL SPEAKERS agenctes· · to relteve· themselves of the spectftc· · · property he wanted· ''It's· a new game, a new k'.m d o f th ree co~n t rtes,· G ooch sa'td. · try to be'bl as, o Jec JVe an accurate· t" ::: the hassles of combing the was no longer available. If the business," said Dennis Gooch, 25, . He satd that th~ baste problem as b0 !!81 he. 'd th t II' g. 0 newspapers and roaming the palee was still for rent, many owner of Rentex of New Mexico, m Albuquerque ts that people R tooc. sat_ . a :ny~ne cad mhg .o .g streets. times he would find that the "and there's bound to be flaws don't like the rental mar.ket. en ex mqum!'g a ou an a e :::;: ..:l Back /.".0~····.e .·· Gooch said that people come mto had placed m the newspaper ,. ;;., ....· r his office looking for a would be told whether the §' -·~ t nosh ·~··.. ·.· .. ..~ •Ill.. ·.· . .·. three-bedroom house for propertywasstillavailable,before m l:=i"' t;;O : $80-a-month. (Continued on p11ge 16) !t 8 The novice home-renting , .·exiCO' "They want something <;:heap ::.: -~ .student ·is often cheated by JBLCentury M. · . · and nice at the same ttme," ca·nterbury Chapel !;" ~ capitalistic landlords who refuse Gooch said. "They look at what ~ li: to pay for repairs, or return a we have to offer in a low price .~.. g:_ ~ damage deposit. Supershelf. range and they say 'every place Sunday 9:30AM ,, ..... - "" you have is a dump.' They're . , !"' «i Providing the tenant does not llli'l:l ll:l eonduct indoor soccer games in l \~:, going to have to lay out more Saturday 4:30PM '"' ~ome_ to our place and hear the new JBL Century. It's money to get the kind of place ~ ~ his living room, or other activities JUSt like the compact monitor they make for recording they want." . · . Daily Evening Prayer 7:00PM ~ &! that might do extensiye damage, He said that the $30 Rentex fee 425 U · 't NE he or she is usually entitled to ~tudios, and then some: Oiled Walnut. Dime!1sional grille entitles customers to service 13 ntversi Y some or all of the damage deposit "The transparency, and overall 1n colors like Ultra Blue or Russet Brown or Burnt Orange. hours a day, seven days a week, upon leaving. Many times, And individual controls on the front that let _y_ou.match however, landlords will refuse to clarity were state of the art'' the sound to the room. $ g each return any of the money-even if 2 7 U Southwestern Life the damage was merely a cigarette burn on a $10 throw rug. But Stereo review July 73 Hear JBL speakers from $136.00 U Insurance Company there are certain measures tenants can take before kissing their Heil Speakers from $159.95 Your JBL dealer since 1953 deposit goodbye. •-, . FENTON S. KATZ The Consumer Protection Hear the Brand new ADVENT 2 . Agency, located downtown in the ...... National Building, offers help in Speakers complete system $344.00 Your Marantz Dealers since 195g Mortgage-Life-Health Protection situations like this. The agency . , Spell L-0-Y--E acts as a mediator between the Advent is a rather new com· .• "'' Ad pany in today's audio world. It 120 Vassar, S.E. 255-1613 ,, Ve n was founded by Henry Kloss, t' founder of both KLH and AR. Shure Cartridges except V 1 5 agencies list properties Advent's first product was their for rent, free of eharge to the loudspeaker system: It's a sim­ landlords, much the same way ple two way system which, that employment agencies list since its release a year and a joblt. half ago, has become the fourth For a fee, usually $20 to $30, best selling speaker in the United the agency will show a prospective States. It has received unpar­ 1lz PRICE ; renter ita listing of houses or alleled acceptance from review· ,\ apartments for rent which ers, dealers and audiophiles alike. correspond to hia price 1he Smaller Advent preferences, location, type of Loudspeaker, offers unparallel· dwelling, whether not not pets are COED & WELL FED ed ba$s response. It has useable allowed, ete; and it promises that tenant and the landlord, stui:lies response down to 32Hz. Speak· he can use the agency for one the lease if one was signed, and ers in this price range usually 3m Scotch Cassettes year. informs them as to what action sacrifice bass response. But now, However, to many people the can be taken, if any. thanks to this speaker you can worda "rental agency" have hear all the music for Hi Energy 3 for Price of 2 become synonymous with the In the case of, an obstinate for a complete system. $4_44 words "rip·off." landlord, the tenant will usually have to sue in small claims court, One. Albuquerque ,age~cy, ·The College _Inn Is Now Coed Homefindera, became the obJect if the claim is less than $250. The of an investigation about a year cost is $2.50, but if you win the ago by the New Mexico Conaumer in both buildings, all floors trial, your landlord will not only BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS Protection Agency after numerous have to return the claim, but pay eomplainta had been filed against , the $2.50 court fee as well. Any it. Another, Rental Specialist&, witnesses for the trial are entitled folded after being in busine11 le11 to $5 plus mileage, if they ask for than six months. . This Fall You Can it. . FEATURING -Duai-Marantz One particular tactic that rental agencies have been accused of is Last year the agency handled the use of mialeading advertiainlf leave your car-no gas 22(· complaints against landlords in their ne1111paper 'cluaified ada most of which dealt with damage no commuting, walk to class and cleaning deposits. Exactly half of the cases were won by the Pio·neer-Garrard -Panason ic tenants. E Siedl••• Consumer Protection Director 'P i'lat14. Viola Pena said the agency is now e.. All The Food You Can Eat working with others on legislation AI tee-Sony /Su perscope that will also prevent the invasion 2820 Rhode bland Street N.E. of privacy by the landlords. Albuquerque, New Mexieo 87110 No worry about food prices, Phone (505) BJ-8181 "There is one landlord in we do the shopping and the dishes town,'' she said, "who feels he has Complete Electronic the right to just barge into his KLH-DYNA Wollensak Watts tenants' homes whenever he feels Supplies like it. He also charges extra rent if the tenants are having guests· for the Hobbyist from out of town for a certain . . Experimenter Maid Service-Linens length of time." and Others Pena said the agency is having Professional We do the cleaning and make your bed the attorney general's office look Ampllflel's Antenna into the legality of the matter. Bciolcs BaHeries If a tenant does not have the Hear 4 Channel We Take Trades Ca.. cltors Microphones 'Intercoms time or transportation to ·Diodes Consumer Protection, they can Sound Advice We Sell Used Equipment Resistors Rotors pick up a complaint. form at the Transistors Transfonnen Ia Inn Consumer Affairs office located Service Department Equal Level Speaker Comparison Test Equipment Wire . upstairs in the Student Union Speakers Building within the ASUNM Receiving Tubes Telephone 243-2881 senate offices. The complaint Picture Tubes Controls ' 303 Ash St. N .E. form will then be taken Cables . Recording Tapes II•• .,_, ~ .. ,. a ,. downtown by the workers there, 3011 Monte Vista 255-1694 Northeast of Triangle near Girard and Central .. "" ...... ,. •"' "' •• r-A - or it can be mailed. ;Jl .... ~ (I)""' til .... Tenants' Union Holds Rent Strike; How A Student Ghetto !'- ...r z ~ Lab a Lab a 11> ... :!! ! Landlords Make Few Concessions LandlordI ' Views ' Tenants = ~ < By DIANE TAYLOR the formation of the union. "Ann utilities except heat. Cheap ~ :;.:; By GAIL GOTTLIEB know?" he says, leaning back in Japan. Houseman in 8~- .. Renting a house or apartment Arbor is a college town. About building materials were used, and The surprising thing is, it's easy behind his desk. It is hard to catch front of Buddha. David Houseman ] in Albuquerque can be a trying 35,0 00 of its popul01tion of apartment buildings were not to get him on the phone, They the flavor of his conversation, in Rome. David Houseman in S1 experience, with problems such as 110,000 are students, and more maintained. Numerous violations =: = high rent, poor maintenance and put you on hold for a minute, and for his words come rolling out of a front of a new car. David GENERAL STORE '< 'il than 50 per cent of these students of the local housing code resulted you hang in limbo for those sixty remarkable Jewish nose and arrive Houseman in the mountains. t:-1 unfair lease requirement~. And are tenants," he said, in apartments called "luxury 0 a: seconds, listening to some tiny stuck full of r's in unlikely places. David Houseman by the sea. One C" since there are no landlord·tenant Other sources show that rents slums," e I ectronic heart in the phone "The lease? I ask for a year has a brief image of Houseman, .0 laws in New Mexico, the only way were often over $300 a month for In February 1969 the Ann ticking itself away, and then lease, usually. From September 1 lnstama tic in hand, accosting :::;: ..:lf tenants can solve these problems an ordinary two-bedroom Arbor Tenants' Union began a suddenly there you are, out of to August 30. Yes, I know it strangers in Japan or Italy, saying, 1!. » is in court-or by getting apartment; 12-month leases with rent strike, Over 1200 tenants put doesn't coincide with the school "Would you mind taking my ';I together and striking back. two months' rent in advance and a their rents in an escrow fund in a suspended animation, and David BaP,.k to school special, =II> picture while I stand in front of J:l These conditions and worse G. Houseman is saying "Law year. I make exceptions. What ~ damage deposit were often Canadian bank to prevent seizure. office, David Houseman," students don't seem to realize is, that statue?" ll> 0 ones have led to the formation of required, plus the payment of all I've still got to make my ::0: .•.:" student tenants' unions in other Law offices? Actually it should "Where were we?," Houseman be lawr orffices, because' payments on those buildings > ~ states. These tenants' unions, during the summer. I've still got says. "Oh yes, repairs. Now that's King-size waterbeds, = working to get habitable housing Houseman has a New York accent the rub. I tell my manager to tell ~ ~ so thick that for one hilarious gj. at an affordable price, operate like them that they lease the premises ~ labor unions. If a landlord refuses moment you flash that maybe as is, No repairs. Something ....t<> during those sixty seconds of hold You wouldn't believe the . .r; to make repairs, tenants can happens, they pay for it .... I!Q withhold rent in a rent strike. The they have so!llehow transferred nants' 9:00-6:00 major, then I'll have to take care practice as an attorney, Houseman taxes during the summer. Life 7 days till Midnight unions was the Ann Arbor Sat. 9:00-4:00 owns enough land in the doesn't just stop because school is of it. But broken windows, Tenants' Union at th~ Uniwrsit.y I University area to make him out.u anything like that, they pay for. of Michigan in Ann Arbor. David 511 Wyoming NE 265·3668 265-3667 They take better care of it that Goldstein, an atlol·ney who was qualify as one of the top three ()r "1 usually ask for a damage 111 Harvard SE four ghetto landlords. He is irate deposit that ranges from fiHy to a way. I'"" u vm·y busy man, I can't once active in the tl'nants' union, :a.. New Office 4523 4th NW 345-5301 ....._. when he learns the purpose of this hundred dollars. I h!ll my manager he stopping in the middle of £>xplain('d the situation leading to phone call. to look at the people that are something to go loolt at a window that got broken because o;: - - - :l...... , ...... , ...... "What?" he says crossly. "If renting the place and make her ,~:..·····················································E·'I "•.tt'2tt?.u?.w.• - - .... =.. .,?.tt?..,- .,..., ...... a···=·····ulc!itl:' tt .t.:.:4t.-. ·••·... .w.l ...·• ... tt2tt ..... =•••• ,r.l~..... ------you're going to do a crusade I own evaluation. If they look like somebody put their foot through • • . . ~ ~t won't talk to you. No crusades, people who are going to tak!! care it during a party. I was a student You want to do a straight story, of the place, then I only ask for once, believe it or not, and I ~::~ Charisma House Bazaar ~~~~ know. You just don't take care of ~~ get the facts, be objective, then fifty dollars, If they look like ..~~ ~~ alright. But no crusades." He people who are going to mess things if the landlord repairs ~•• ~ Foothills Shopping Center Juan Tallo & Menaul293·1510 ~lt~ them...... df: ,. b •• sighs, apparently contemplating it up, well, I have to ask for more. ~•• ~ An ol as uon azaar ~11~ the dismal possibilities a crusading You wouldn't believe the way Last question: What happens to student newspaper might present, some of these people live. Really. those tenants who are late with ~··~ ~.~ eSbicca and then relents. "You want to They live like animals. Drugs, the rent. "Actually," Houseman ~~~ ~n~ aSll.: come and see me today? Five needles, everything. Honestly, like admits, "I'm a sucker. If they call ~~ ~r thirty okay? It doesn't matter to animals. You would be horrified me, and tell me what the problem l'.... Artists and craftsmen to come ,;,o~ eDurango me, I'm here all the time. When at the condition some of those is, I'm very easygoing. But if they ~ and sell from tables. This ~113 you come the receptionist might houses are left in." don't call, or if I catch them in a "':i l'~l.. DB'S have gone home, so just make. Speaking of animals, what lie, well that's it. I start eviction t§ may sound like a flea market fxf some noise, make yourself known, about pets? Houseman smiles at proceedings, and i.t only takes LEATHER eCiarks of England and l'U come out and find you." this. "I like animals," he says. It is three days." End of interview. a but it ain't. ~~~ Houseman's office is clear that a responsive chord has exquisitely appointed, a huge, been touched. "[ have two dogs, Houseman walks me to the it Hours: Monday thru Friday 10-9 ~~~~ GOODS eAcme fluffy red carpet overlaid with a Every man should have a dog. It front door, and produces a card ~ s ~~ • large polar bear skin complete makes you a better person. It's by sleight of hand. "Take my ·~ i. aturday 10-6 ~ ~ with an intact and snarling head. good for people. to take care of card, you should want to get in "'""•':t.:"···••···••···••:s•···••:a:••·•·tt········••···••···,.:a:••···••:r.:•r..,;••:t:•:a:t•:s:••all.: & eFrye The desk itself is almost as large as pets. Still, I have to consider the touch with me for some reason." J-'•"-'!l!tt!!'-tt~tt!!!.,!l,,!l!,,!F.,,!F.,,:;:.,!J!,,~,,.9.'t•7.t1Zt!'-tt"-•' a king-size bed. Houseman must house. A small housebroken cat or foot fetish be used to his visitors' gasps of dog, okay. But not one large dog eDexter awe upon entering the office; he that is going to chew up tables Cornell /E ignores them. He is a tall, thin, and chairs." 266·8383 thirtyish man with ·long, sensitive Houseman's desk is topped fingers that might have belonged with glass, and between the glass Custom leather work to a violinist instead of a lawyer. and the desk top are innumerable "So what do you want to little snapshots. David Houseman by Rob & Valla

1srA ...,., ... - """" .... . Specials for the fall semester and are exceptional. Open 9-5:30 1 0°/o Discount on Men's Clarks, Closed Sundays The Deep Country and Treks Peugeot 1 0% to 30% on Ladies shoes BankAmericard & & boots from Sbicca, Dexter Master Charge Accepted & Dun hams. We also carry a Tenants living in the house pictured in the center said the SALES and SERVICE front garden was a result of their own work. Money for large selection of fine turquoise fertilizer, seeds and plants came out of their own pockets. No help from the landlord was given. and silver jewel The Finest Racing and Touring Equipment

BIC'r'CL€ V/OQL() SHOP 221 5 Central s.E. 255-3777 Convenience At $1165.00 A Year ~ Housing Services has tried to can't find an apartment in the ~ capitalize on convenience, the university area, · ~ dorms' chief commodity, in the There is no deadline for dorm 8' battle against sagging dorm living, as long as there is space 1:1 occupancy, available. Housing will prorate §: Although Housing has a your con tract. '< capacity of 2000, the.reservation Formerly, freshmen football t"< Counselling manager has predicted 1600 players were required to live in g. residents for this fall. Onate Hall the dorms. This fall, th!'y will be .o was completely closed down, due required to live at The College ~ Work Shops to lack of residents. Inn, a privately owned residence c. "The more students that live hall. This new rule accounts for a ; Religious with us, the more economical it . big drop in revenue ·ror the dining ~ could be," said Bob Schulte, hall, Schulte said. Last year 60 ~ Idenity housing services director. We have foot ball players were in' the;. Luther House a real management task ahead of dorms. Only 20 will return. :: Crisis us. We're trying to meet the needs Major complaints include the ~ of the students, but not raise the. smallness of the rooms and [<';. 1805 Las Lomas NE price." problem~ with neighbor noise. ~ 242-0607 The price, this academic year, is Schulte hesitated when food· $1165. Fall semester will cost complaints were mentioned. :0..., $657.50 and the spring semester (continued on page 10) o:. will cost $150 less for returning rcsid en ts. In effect, the fall resident has already paid $7 5 on his spring contract, even if he LOBO Opticians Baptist Student Union Tenants pay as much as $160 for a 1 bedroom apartment at the Columbian East and West. decides not to stay in the dorms. A deferred payment plan is also across from 401 University NE available. Simplifying the contract, more Vale Park 243-5401 efficient clerical work, putting out we polish contact lenses Life on Columbia Street: a better brochure, and advertising Prescriptions filled, more extensively to UNM Coffee House applicants are some of the Repairs, methods Housing is using to Replace!llents Weekends The High Security Slum increase occupancy. Some students use the dorms as 2318 Central SE After the Game Columbia SE is one avenue in the student $160 and include carpeting, refrigerated air, an "insurance policy" in case they 288-4708 ghetto which ·embraces all cultures and garbage disposals and a swimming pool. classes of university life. The houses and Two-bedrooms rent for $225 a month. Get Togeth~rs apartments typify the dwellings available in History professor Lieuwen's six-building UNM's luxury slums. The first two blocks of Varsity apartments lie somewhere in quality Education the street are owned practically lock, stock between the Academic houses where .bikers Roach Ranch West and barrel by three bigtime UNM-area used to live and the Columbian mansions Scripture landlords: Gary Hufbauer ( ex-UNM that house some of UNM's athletes. economics professQJ;), Donald Keith and Landlord Keith is well-paid for the luxury The Southwests Most Complete Head Shop Inquiry Edwin Lieuwen, professor in UNM's history and maximum security his Columbian department. apartments off(.'lr. They are hidden behind a Body Oil Complete Line of Papers • Theology locked gate and an eight-foot wall. To gain Kama Sura Incense Dwellings range in type and condition Patches Roach Clips United Discussions from a half dozen dilapidated Academic entry a visitor must press a button by the Tapestrys Water Pipes Rentals houses to the prestigious Columbian mailbox of the person he wants to visit. If Comix-if it's in print we bsve it. Bongs East and Columbian West apartments where the tenant is home he walks to his intercom Pipes & Pipe Kits T·Shitts Ministries one-bedroom apartments go for as much as and talks to his prospective guest. Spoons Carbs plus much more -----:---:----:----:-~:----:---;-..,_,...... ~- (continued on page 10) SuperStones Books • Presbyterian 120 Yale SE Disciples of Christ 0 1 0-1 0 Monday thru Saturday Good Old Fashioned One-To-One Trading

Dalh• Trick Methodist Bring your books and a desire to Buy-Sell-Trade. 1801 Las Lomas NE New Mexica Schaal af BOOKSWAP Ceramic Arts August 28, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Now taking registration for fall and winter session 180 1-1805 Las Lomas NE starting Sept. 16 and Nov. 4. Beginning ceramic {in the street) ~lass~s wil! consist of b~sic wheel throwing techniques. l.ntermed1ate classes 1n wheel throwing techniques CLOTHING Will be offered Monday evenings. A separate class in hand building will be offered concurrently on Tuesday in a and Thursday evenings. • Aquinas ~ewman Center *by approval of instructor 1815 Las Lomas NE 247-1094 Day and Evening Classes Offered For further informotion call· lllllllJJI.JllllllllNHIIIII-IIIIIIHHIJIIIIJ-JIIJIIIIIIIII------.. ~i~fl sfi ~~e 247-2158 or 266·5222 ~&l~f;>ePeci ffi&Ji@e~ 2517 Quincy NE Worship 2937 Monte Vista N.E. 113 Romero N.W. Eucharist OPEN SOON •• 3107 Eubank N.E. Suite a .Fellowship Communion Service Bible Study IIIJIJIJIHIJJJJJJJIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHINNIIIIIIJIIJJIIIIIUJIIJJRJJJJJIIUJHIJIJIHIIJIIJI~llllnl~~~~ ;;p "' ~ ""'en Landlords Make til ...... " -""z N... U. women fear rape; Few Concessions ::;"' ~ bl) (continuetl from page 85) ::; ~ The tenants' union sought The strike proved some relief ~ < many change lifestyles recognition as the bargaining and some t~nants were.a~le t~ get -·""0 ~ agent for its members, substantial ren~ reductwns, an~ m!uncttons ~ rent reductions, a say in the agamst the tenants umon were ~ C> By KAREN HOYT the front door and ran For two weeks after my ~ length of leases, lower advance prevented. Although landlo~ds '< 1l= Every night before I go across my roof. I felt n ei gh bor was molested, deposits with the interest on the tried harassment, such as. turmng t"' :::: to bed, I brush my teeth, caged and helpless because "rape" was the password deposit paid to the tenant, and off the heat. to obt~un rent, 0 0 imp1·oved maintenance of tenants dealt d1rectly w1th gas or _o0" .g wash my face, put the I have no telephone. in my neighborhood. The apartments. oil companies and subtracted th.e :;: ..:l C-clamps on my living hysteria has died down, amount of their bill from the1r ID » Q. room windows, and check but "The Mad Rapist" is rent. Landlords were forced to go ::; =; to make sure the hunting still the topic of lively through expensive legal battles to ..ID ~ These weeds are probably in violation of city ordinances, but Q. 0 knife is still under the discussion. It bothers me obtain rents. I» .l:! pillow. as one girl who lives in the university area said, ''I don't chop Goldstein said that while some ~ that so much of my time is down my weeds because they provide at least some sense of maintenance was upgraded and spent in fear, and so much > ~ privacy.'' Landlords often have no more inclination to cut them s orne' rents were lowered, the ...= One of my neighbors of my conversation centers tenants' union was not able to ~ got masturbated on by the than the tenants. ~= z on "that man." significantly improve the 1>:> Blue Bandanna and ..... a) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii landlord-tenant problems in Ann . an o ther had her house I find it hard to talk to Arbor. In fact, the Ann Arbor ..... = Garage For Rent <:> §'. broken into and every guys on the street-a Tenants' Union appears inactive, ..... discomfort comes over me, as it no longer has a telephone. .... If possession with some value GENERALS Many UNM area landlords convert garages behind houses into a~artments. In some cities this is I don't want to meet A similar student tenants' illegal but in Albuquerque it is a cheap way to increase rental mcome and further saturate a had been removed. I figure union was formed in Madison, my number is just about anybody, this conversation Wisconsin, about four years ago, high·demand area. This residence is accessible not from the street but the alley. has got to be cut short; 7 days till Diane Waldman of the Madison up. Tenants' Union said that the My life should not be Midnight tenants' union began by helping Like Charleston Heston this limited and my house stu dents at the University of in the movie Omega Man, I should not have to be a Wisconsin with problems of high fear the approach of night. guarded enclosure. DECORATING YOUR rents and poor apartment With the waning sun, I The police cannot Complete ROOM? maintenance. Rent strikes in nervously gravitate toward Madison resulted in a change in always be there and you A WHOLE HOUSE? the landlord-tenant laws-allowing home and venture out selection Pachama and Latin Amer- can't always have a Jan dl ords to sue tenants for only for necessities, and Living alone in the neighbor come sleep on ica can help., . withholding rent. never on foot. My bike is of plants Tapestries from Panama, Co­ "The Madison Tenants' Union "student ghetto" instills the floor for "protection." not very . good protection, an underlying dread, lombia. Ecuador, Peru, Boli­ now concerns mostly but as long as I keep I just have to accept via. From $16. non-students in public and private especially if you are a that there is no safety. housing," Waldman said. While moving, I feel less woman. Rugs from Highland Peru, some students do belong to the vulnerable. Some men ~e very starting at $22. tenants' union, Waldman said that . Women have to get used understanding of a Plus •.. Guatemalan ham­ most are there for only four years; My brother-in-law tried to the feeling of beinJ:t a woman's predicament, and mocks, lots of straw hats, non·students are more interested to teach me a few constant victim. My male others are not. embroidered shirts and in the union, since they live in the community and have more at defensive tactics that he friends must get tired of My friend 'Bill and I dresses, heavy wool swea· Welcomes learned in the Navy. I escorting me home if I ters, rare books, leather stake. were talking about the 111 Harvard SE dulfels and purses. No student tenants' unions wonder if I'll be able to happen to get stranded rash of rapes and he said in have been organized in New All handmade. All handsome. UNM students remember them when someplace after dark. It's parting, "Well don't get Mexico-yet. Mike Benavidez of faced with the very .frustrating to feel like Pachamama . . . an ever­ the Office of Research and raped." changing g[1Jiery of tradi- Consumer Affairs at UNM said and faculty muggerman. a target while on the • 'Yeah,'' I replied, ' tiona! and contemporary that he would like to see one Last' spring on four streets and to feel insecure smiling weakly_ crafts from Latin America. organized. He is working at different nights, somebody when you're trying to go "But if you do," Bill @ 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW present on getting the Uniform back to campus Residential Landlord and Tenant climbed the tree next to to sleep at night. said, "try to enjoy it." Phone: 345-6856 Act passed. , THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Helpful Hints DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION ~~~~======~~ AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Attention Women: Pencil-sized We buy, sell, trade teargas guns are available at Good Quality Cook's Sporting Goods. It is Community College Recycled Furniture Fall 1974 Ice Cream Sale possible to rig electronic signalling Semi·Antiques ... ,.._ ...... ~ . > devices from your apartment to your neighbor's. Albuquerque Non-Credit Course Schedule Buy I, get I for lc pol ice protection is obviously Pancho's ~------~ inadequate: the blue-bandana Adob ..Bulld·II-Vou"'elrJ Jnv ..llngln the Modem Sermenl Learher: Conremporary Arts and 12:00 noon to II :00 p1n UNM Discount Bridge Crafl• Media CableTelrti•lon Produiew I Natajol from the Beadshop Chrn ..el The Now Coole ChrisJion Varu .. in Conlemporory SOicoCoolcery coffee cake, dee's cheesecak.• Olympi~ Sports Inc. Conlemporory Doll Making New World Weaving I I Coup! ..: The Prom;,.,. and Painting, Beg., ond lnrennediale Problem• of Pairing Phlllography I " blessed light lulce, keflr. I N;IDS e:l nymE.. GOOD5 I Crtalite Wrillng: Fl dog droppings and on hot me, it's fot· the dog," is $1,165. Fall semester will There is a trend among life." ~ cost $657.50. The spring ~ N> semester will cost $150 less r Alleys: Fine Boots, Foods and Backpacks .... for returning residents. In

..-' " in New Mexico To Carry: •A¢ iJ-f

Come see our n2w shipment of vintage clothing ()---.9~ ltlli8 11illa ...,.. We Continue To Provide Qual.ity' ..,..t;- For Appointments Call Lines and Service . Ron Cisneros 255-3279 . . ;;p ...'d' ...C> t= ...... IN Academic Rentals closes doors; -~' Berger-Briggs takes over house$ z ~g, ~ ~ (Continued from page 12) $160. It was rented by the yards, notice and cleans the house students, beginning in popular with the tenants," Academic on an "as-is" basis "Bob's not trying to rip we'll return the deposit," she September. By GEORGE JOHNSON Academic way. But they ,.,f ~ McBride said. People would which meant that the off the students," McBride said. "If we don't get 30 days "I forgot all about them," Until last May Academic have lowered the rent on all -·0 ] call and say 'we have bugs landlord would not make said. "You don't have to notice but still can rent the McBride said in the (~icknam e: Epidemic) the commercial property and =e. ~ crawling up the refrigerator' improvements. One bedroom worry any more about not Rentals controlled 125 pieces a good deal of the houses. '<- [:!:: and he'd say, 'so what.' was actually a utility room getting your deposit back. If of property mostly in the They are also improving the t"' 0 "In one case I advised which didn't have heat or a tenant gives us 30 days Berger-Briggs' cold professionalism is a stark contrast to area between Yale and Girard property. g. .g 9 ..::1 the old folksy Academic way. But they have lowered the and Central and Coal-the Academic's informality ::;; :» UNM student ghetto. The was appealing to students but ~ rent on all the commercial property and a good deal of the a. ·~ property, owned by ex-UNM their inefficiency resulted in == 0 houses. They are also improving the property. One house economics professor Gary several cases of legal action !. .. ":.< which Academic rented for $245 is now $145. Another Hu fb auer and his wife's initiated by teQants. One :;<: ·-., ~ house, which formerly rented for $205 is now being rented family, the Ravelles, includes Academic manager, Richard >c the buildings leased by Dunphy, reportedly ~ for $160. Berger-Briggs is putting five new roofs on ~rn z Roach Ranch, Natural intimidated tenants with .... .,; existing houses. Last spring they paid $1000 to the city Sound, The Grinder Factory ~ ... references to his "friends" r ~ and several workers to haul trash from the yards. and the Sundance Cafe...... , the Banditos, a motorcycle II) bl) It also includes most of gang who lived in several ..:r ~ the houses in the ghetto area. Academic Rental houses. """ house in time, we'll retum interview. Now it's under the He called them his the deposit anyway." "I didn't know about management of "eviction service." Ostlie said Academic ltept that," Ostlie said, "I've Berger-Briggs, a downtown "We don't work for him," poor records-and that some already rented the house to problems have occurred in someone else." the changeover. When I gave And all the rest of Academic notice that I'd be Berger-Briggs university on·e Academic manager intimidated tenants with moving out in August they property has already been leased the house to three references to his "friends" the Banditos, a motorcycle gang rented. who lived in several Academic Rental houses. He called them his "eviction service." Since taking over management of Academic Rentals, Berger-Briggs has lowered the rent & foreman 1nc. realty "We don't work for him," one member of the Banditos on this house at Columbia and Lead from $205 to $160 a month. The house was rented -aJ! by Academic on an "as·is" basis: no repairs were made by the landlord. It is rented as a Buy? Sell? Rent? said. "I wish people wouldn't spread rumors like that. It three·bedroom house although the back bedroom is actually a utility room without F C I • Academy Plaza gets us in trouble with the police." electrical outlets or a heating duct. or omp ete 4410 Wyoming, N.E. Real Estate Service Albuquergue, N. M. 8711 r This is one house that Berger-Briggs has apparently raised the rent on. Academic rented it for $60; Berger·Briggs is asking $100, a pretty steep price for a glorified tool shed with real estate corporation that one of the members of the deposit in an out-of-court the man a new house and "Richard wa~n't very windows. Walk down the alley between Princeton and Columbia if you'd like to check it FRED M. DART already controls several Banditos told my roommate settlement. paid for his moving costs. (Continued on page 1 3) out-at last report it was sti II vacant. (505) 292·0090 apartment complexes in the once when we were renting The lawyer, Richard ' UNM vicinity. from Academic. "I wish Mosher, was involved in j,} people wouldn't spread some tenants to· call the, electricity. It had to be But their new addition, another case, this time on the Dual Revox health department-they powered by an ext,ension Academic Rentals, consists stories like that. It gets us in side of Academic, when didn't have heat in their cord run in from almost entirely of run-down trouble with the police." Dunphy was sued by a tenant Omega 150 3 way house." The back door didn't have a Enrich your life ex-middle class houses. The The same manager was for defamation and medical 3 waywas$189.95 Despite the poor service, lock. neighborhood used to be involved in legal action when damages. Now $1c9.00 Academic's prices were as "We're making Albuquerque's northeast he took a $250 deposit for a "Basically she claimed that high as any in the area. 'improvements," Ostlie said. house on Gold and promised 88 Plus heights. Dunphy told someone else Sin c ~Berger Briggs took over, "But the property-if you "You get about a 12 to have it renovated by that she wasn't paying rent. was $241.00 Meet today's challenges NOW $199.00 "the rents have come down," can call it property-is still so percent return on your September. The house had She claimed that the mental McBride said. "Notices were . bad that I won't put any of investment by keeping the previously been gutted by anguish aggravated a medical sent to all tenants to come my signs in front of it. I old houses standing," Bob fire. When · the prospective condition," Mosher said. The and negotiate a new lease," expect it will take about a Ostlie of Berger-Briggs said. tenants returned for school case was thrown out of she said. "We lowered the year to upgrade it." Enroll in· Bible "When you tear them down the house was in the same court. Ostlie said Berger-Briggs is condition. In January it still rents if they came in." to put up apartments, the In another case Academic One house on Gold which putting five new roofs on return is about 2 percent hadn't been repaired-but evicted a tenant, an old man, ex is ting Academic houses. Academic had the deposit. Academic rented for $245 is Bible Course Schedule less." when a commercial operation WATTS PARASTAT n ow $14 5 a month. Last spring they paid $1000 Unfortunately Academic The tenants retained a lawyer offered more rent for his Special price ., i;J Berger-Briggs is renting a to the city and several who finally recovered the property. Ostlie has found HARMON KARilON come in and ask N Fall, 1974 Rentals pushed the return ;;;· house I used to pay $205 for workers to haul trash from even higher by virtUally 330 B Receiver and save. ., 20/20 RMS/Channel eliminating upkeep. ~~ Description Course Time ~ was $249.95 Now $199.95 ''When Bob (Ostlie) N.T. Greek GREEK 1411 9:00-10:30 a.m. MWF showed Hufbauer some of YOV the property he couldn't r Old Testament Survey Bible 2323 10:30-12:00 MW believe the condition it was Scnnhciscr · g:f,/tEvt! Life and Teaching of Jesus Bible 1313 10:30-12:00 TTH in," Carol McBride who H0424 I I I The General Epistles Bible 4365 6:30-9:30 p.m. Tues. NIKKO 7070 I \ worked for Academic and Stereo Phones The History of the Bible Bible 4385 6:30-9;00 p.m. Wed. Reg. $79.95 35 watts RMS/Chan. now works for Berger-Briggs by ( 1701 Gold Ave. S.E.) said. Now $54.95 Reg. $349.95 She's moved from a Now $299.95 Garry Trudeau Fees-$5.00 per course storefront operation where MIRACORD Registration-At Christian Student Center or at first class meeting she was the only person in 50 HMK II the office to Berger-Briggs' Base plateglass office building .TRAIL HAUS Dust downtown. She's had to ADC H Southwestern Life· Eight Reasons for Enrolling adjust to Berger-Briggs' 8 to 240XE 5 operation, complete with U Insurance Company I. To enrich my understanding of God's word. cassette deck Cart. 2. To strengthen my faith as a Christian. monthly rental bills, office Save $80.00 List $351.00 Now $255.00 vouchers and an official Outfitters for ski touring and backpacking 3. To understand my role as a servant of God. List $239.00 Now $159.50 4. To understand the value of my soul. Berger-Briggs work corp. The Sales-service-rentals-clinics FENTON S. KATZ old office actually had a sign S. To obtain the proper philosophy of life. T E 6. To balance my academic development. that said "Epidemic since 1967 CHRISTIAN STUDENT CENTER Mortgage-Life-Health Protection 7. To use my electives where they count most. Rentals." 256-9190 8. To set a good e~amplc for others to follow. 130 GIRARI> NE Berger-Briggs' cold TRAIL HAUS l . ""' .."' ~ ~ < Waiting Lists Are Long f ~ Economy is the big housing doesn't give the list. <>~· ., 0 attraction of UNM's 20·unit applicants false hopes about To get on the list, you I:) .,~ married housing facilities at fast placement, The Georges must be married and one El. Yale and Lomas. A had to wait a year, but the person must be a full-time '<- ~" Insurance t:-< one-bedroom, furnished Ulibarris only waited four student at UNM. A woman 0 0 Presently UNM Housing Services provides 20 apartments for , months. The 17 couples C' .g apartment, utilities and with a child will also be .0 ...1 ·married students-and there's a waiting list to get in. On the other maintenance included, costs ahead of them dropped off (Continued on page 16) ::;a :;.. hand they have room for 2000 single dormitory residents, but $100 a month. 0.. :a they are expecting only 1600 this semester. Companies "' Q The apartments are tiny, = 0 "'~ but "The amount of rent .. .Sol compensates ·for the lack of ::: ~ CREATir'•, :21 space," said Babu George, a ~ ~ foreign grad student who Reluctant '\§.,... z lives there. "And it's close­ lll ~ .... we have fairly easy access to c .)-' .... Ill the student community." """ The N go las have two To Insure '""of>. l children (the limit at married Bo Renters: You too can convert a financial tragedy into an inconvenience-if you housing) and they say the can wangle a policy from your parents' insurance firm. Student ghetto houses are living space is cramped. old and easily broken into. They often contain stereos, cameras, bicycles and "We'd like a two-bedroom jewelry-real incentives for a burglar to break a window or kick i~ a door. In addition to painting his house, maybe this guy place, but the rents are by Renters should think about improving its security by always too much." They installing a double cylinder dead bolt, nailing his have lived in the complex for window screens down, and buying a German six years. • Shepherd: Even then he could still get ripped off. Now there is a three·year unmarried students of different Prowlers, robbers and rapists sexes who Jive together, but will handle roommates of the same sex apparently don't afflict this as long as both are willing to take area, tenants reporterf. It's out a policy. \ ''"'" l•I>TTLiEB If a student has other policies well lit and police respond ,\, 1uerqw ,,, , city with the with a certain insurance company, quickly. dubious distinction of having one i.e. life insurance or car insurance, of the highest crime rates in the Sale his chances of obtaining a renter's lim1t on living at the country. One insurance agent insurance policy even in the worst wryly describes the problem as apartments, and "Most of neightborhoods increase everybody stays the limit," "no longer being a question of considerably. Tenants who are will you have a robbery, now it's a willing to install double cylinder said Robert Ulibarri. "If I question of when will you have a dead locks and otherwise hadn't gotten this place, I robbery." would have commuted from Students, who rarely have the safeguard theh· property may find capital 'to replace a costly camera agents more willing to issue a SUMMER CLOTHING Belen." High rents and the or stereo, may find a robbery to renter's insurance policy. dangers of living in the be a financial catastrophe. Renter's insurance covers and "student ghetto" area are the "They just cleaned me out," basically the same things that a main factors, he said. His son said one victim. "They even took h omcowner's policy will cover. SPORTSWEAR FRYE makes boots the way you'd my clothes, sweaters, shirts, Most policies protect the insured attends .the UNM day care make them younelf •.• if you'd everyfuing, The neighbors saw against fire, theft, liability, and center. been making them since 1863 them carrying the stuff out, but vandalism for a. premium that ~off Prowlers, robbers and ..• like FRYE. they just thought we were usually ranges between thirty and rapists apprently don't afflict moving.'' fifty dollars a year. The amount this area, tenants reported. People who own their own de d u c ti b I.e varies widely, homes usually protect themselves de pending on the particular It's well-lit and police with some type of fueft and fire policy. respond quickly. insurancE'. but renter's insurance is Many students who inquire Also, people seem to know Monterey Boots and Shoes a poui'ly understood alternative about renter's insurance may be II one another better than in for the !C'nant, and even students doing so unnecessarily. If a student's parents have a lobo I~ the average student 924 Juan Tabo N.E. who are aware of its possibilities ; ~i may find that a renter's policy is homeowner's 'policy, and that community where people are student is claimed as a tax i constantly moving in and difficult to take out for various MENS SHOP ! Lomas at Juan Tabo reasons. An insurance agent deduction on their income tax, or I out. evaluates his potential client very if he maintains a bedroom in his Getting an apartment 294-0050 carefully before underwriting a parent's house, his possessions are 2120 Central S.E. policy; fue low premiums and usually protected by his parents' requires patience. The high rate of claims on renter's insurance policy. waitin list is and insurance make for a low profit margin. The first point of the \ evaluation will be the location of the house or apartment. Although federa.l laws prohibit GENERAl, STORE "blackouts"-areas of the city in which agents refuse to issue policies because of the high crime ----11UII lli!Ult<& rate, insurance companies keep · extensive computer records . on ®J£N wJfj~ tiJINJwfE 1Elt1Efll iiA crime rates in various areas of CENTRAL at YALE phone 243-4446 Albuquerque, and consequently fue location determines what type Pipes-papers- Cleaners-bongs- &1!1N<&~A&&1E&.Ih ®JTJT of policy can be issued. The university area is viewed complete: book and magazine selection, unfavorably by most companies, toiletries, coffe shop, pharmacy who feel that because of the high Mini: grocery, hardware, tobacco counter, crime. rate and fue old, easily entered homes, their profit on the clips-spoons rolling machines-scales I / art supplies & check cashing for students policy is likely to be non-existent. Roommates are likely to be another s tu'mbling block for waar•a aaatta AM students. Most companies prefer Junlolt G~op not to issue a fire, theft, and liability package on a student who has a roommate. Some companies ' 7202 vUcnnue CB~vd.• JJ. 8. will make an exception it fue <.A~buqucAque. JJew vUe£iCo 87 f I 0 student and his roommate both take out separate policies at the cpboM 29S·8664 same time. One company, Irick 111 Harvard SE - and Koller, prefers not to handle ;;p Ill§ Rentex Tryi'ng To Remove Rip-OffImage ~ .. 1-' (Continued from page 2) "If a landlord's property isn't a year and has had no complaints place for them." any guarantee that they will ever ..(!! paying the fee, verified within three days," filed against him wjth either the The main gripe·of many former find a plaee to their liki'ng. Z Gooch said· that an index Gooch continued, "the property Consumer Protection Agency or rental agency users is that $20 to Gooch reiterated the fact that ~ number at the bottom of each ad is dropped from our lists ·until he the Better Business Bureau of $30 is a lot of money to pay for what he offered was a time-saving =::: can be checked against his list, can be reached." which it is now a member. something that is not a sure thing. convenience to his pat~o~s. ~ and the person inquiring can be He said that he checked his "Most people don't have · Moat people regard going to a ''The rent market in r'J. saved a trip if the property is no newspaper ads daily, as well, enough time to look for a new rental agency as a ''you pays your Albuquerque leaves a lot to be c longer available, ' pulling those properties that had place to live," Gooch said. "We money and you takes your desired," Gooch repeated, "and ~ Gooch is very careful to make been rented that day. sell people the service so they can chances" proposition in which we· can only reflect the rental '<. ·sure that his listings are kept up to "We are watched closely by our stay at home and let us find a they have to pay the fee without market." t:"4 date. national organization," Gooch "l have a secretary who has said, "and if a dealer is running a nothing to do but verify over 700 schlocky operation, his franchise l properties each day,, Gooch said. can be pulled." "If we can't r-each the landlord Gooch has been operating during the day, I have another Rentex of New Mexico for almost person who calls him that night., Married Housing When it comes to shoes

• Is- Popular and apparel for the dancer • • •<• (Continued from page 15) stickers are supplied. considered. Formerly,.. Two hundred new married foreign and grad students housing units are being built m ad e up most of the near the football stadium on population. Buena Vista and will Collle to .PARIS! All units are air-condi· probably be finished tioned. There is a grassy '7 5. One, two and three commons and each place has bedroom units will be a small back yard. Bikes and available, with a price range toys are seen on the of approximately $145-170, walkways, and some people dependinJl_ on what's c u 1 t iva t e their own approved, Marionetti said. vegetables. Only the one-bedroom Marionetti said parking places wili be fully furnished . . CLASSIFIE'D ADVERTISING Rates: lOt per word per day with a prior to Insertion ot advertisement. $1.00 per day minimum charge, or 6t Where: Marron Halll Room 132, per word per day with a 601! per day or bllmai minimum charge for ada publlahed five Cla.!lslfied Advertising or more consecutive days, UNM :P.O. Box 20 Terms : :Payment muat be made in full Albuquerque, N.M. 87131

1) PERSONALS 5) FOR SALE CHILDREN-SITTER WANTED, 3:30· BICYCLES: over 100 of the finest Euro• 6:00 pm, Monday thru Thuraday. MUHt pean bicycles in atock, $90 to $1iOO. be rcepon&ible, own car, rcterenccs. Call WORLD CHAMPIOl{ BICYCLES. 2122 Dr. Bernard Spolsky (277-2334, 277- Coal Place SE. 843·9378. tfn 6749) or Dr. Ellen Spolsky ( (277·4436) . or either (243·6038). Equal opportunity ----SKI TOURING & BACKPACKING equip- affirmative action. 8/21 ment from the professional's at the Trail Haus-Sales, rentals, service, 811d PREGNANT AND NEED HELl'? You clinics. Sfnc:e 1967, New Mexico's lead­ have friends who care at Birthright. ing ski touring center-Trail Haus, 247-9819. 1031 San Mateo SE. 256-9190, 8/29 3) SERVICES SKIIS: Red Hot Rock 556'a with. look· Nevada bindings.;I,_, Call nights 266·5014.....,. __ INSTRUMENT REPAIR&: piano tuning. MUST SELL 1973 Honda CB 350, good Ten year~ experience, all work guaran• teed, to arrange for pick-up, call 243· condition. Call after 1Z noon. 255·5648. 7262. 8/30 8/29 THREE 4x5 Speed graphics $95-$125-225;. ' PASSPORT, IDENTIFICATION photoe. 1 in Metz 2C3 flash new; 2 .4 enlarger, 2 lens; Lowellt prices town, faat, pleasing. m~cellaneous dark room items; plastic Near UNM. can 265·2444 or come to hard top for MG midget or sprite SSO; '1· 1717 Girard N.E. lfaranb: tuner, Sony amp, fender :Princeton" amp $160. Gunrunner :Pawn. 4) FOR RENT 3107 Central NE 8/21 FURNISHED A:PARTMENTS. AAA RADICAL AMERICA. A 11oeialist maga. Apartments. One, two, and three rooms. zlne of working-ci&S.'!I history and theory. Very clean, near University and north Available at Living Batch Book Store west, 242·7814, 247·1006, 242-1871. tfn on Central. 8/21 \I TWO BLOCKS lJNM, deluxe 1-bdrm ANTIQUE CLOTHES: hugh new selec• \ apartment. $155 mo.• utilit.leil included. tion of women's & men's clothes from ) 301 Harvard SE 265-6348. tfn Vk iet.orian to 1940's. Velvet, silks, furs, \ COTTAGE NEAR UNH! Air..conditioned nicker~, feather boas, &: JarR.'e assort­ ' 1-bdi'IJ1 With fenced yard for pets. Only ment of tO's di'C!!Ses. The Silver Sun­ 1110. (4911) RENTEX. 266·7991. $30 beam. 3409 Central NE fee. """ 8/21 WOW J Car S-track decks $26.95 •. United FURNISHED HOUSES•. AAA two and Freight Sales, 3920 San Mateo NE. tfn three bedroom.t. Very clean. Near Uni• WOODEN. VIEW CAMERAS, daguerro­ versity and north wat. 242-7814, 247- typeil, 1tereo earda 6 Yiews. antique 1006, 242•1871. Un furniture 6 quilts~ The SUver Sunbeam. THE CITADEL APARTMENTS- An 3409 Central NE apartment complex for the ~oung and STEREO HEAD PHONES 84.95, 6 foot the young at beart. Bents •tart at 8130. cord, 110ft ear J)ada. United Freight Large swimming pool. Efttelenciea a- Sales. 3920 San Mateo NE, tfn For. fine quality Capezio tight$, .leotards and footwear for 1 bdrm available, furnished or un• furnished. Walking distance to UNM. BACKPACKERS ...... Come inspect New 1520 University NE. 243-2494. 10/4 Mexico's m011t complete selection of dance or exercise classes • • • in an extensive range of equipment.. at B A C K COUNTRY NEW TRIPLEX: each one bedroom apart,. SPORTS, 2421 San Pedro NE. 266·8113. sizes ••• visit UNM's friendly neighbor, Paris-UPTOWN, ment. for rent near Univel'!lif.y. . No children or pets, Phone: 242-4489: 266· 7837 aft..-r li pm. 266-2531. 8/21 6) EMPLOYMENT at 3701 Central NE • • , or SHOE CIRCUS· at the new UNFURNISHED HOUSES. AAA two and PART-TIME .TOD, graduate students three bedrooms. Very clean. Near Uni· only. Afternoons &: evenings, Must be northeast entrance to Winrock Shopping Center. lierslty and north west. 242-'7814, 247• able to work Friday & Saturday nights. 1006, 242·18?1. tfil Must be over . 21 )tears old. AJ)ply in person, no phone caUs please. Save SHARE TWO BDRM avt. with female. Way Liquor Store, 5704 Lomas NE. Pay ¥.z rent, ¥.z gas, 1h groeery bill, 9/13 & 2h lights. 115 Spruce NE, Apt. E 8 am•2 pm. 8/29 7) MISCELLANEOUS 5) FOR SALE SOLIDARITY. A libertarian socialist TIRED OF PAYING bookstore prices and group, for sell-management of a genu• need good hooks !or PsychologY' 101 &: • inely . human eoeiety, against capital· 102 or Historical Geology 102. Call 299· ism and state capitalism, Ellllt and 1502 after 5 pm for a price lower than West•. Our literature is available at the bookstore. the Living Batch Book Store. 8/21 FURNITURE,~~~------~~~~ . USED but good qUality. KINDERGARTEN: NURSERY; near fine shoes Panchos Golden Puerta1 7320 4th NW, UNM; creative program, ages 2-6: day 898•1234. 8/29 care, the. Girard School, 801 Girard NE, 266·2994 day, ,268-9984 evel1ings. FINE BOOTS, foods &: backpacks•. Tents, 9/6 kayaks, tueksacka, We can illl all your needs lor Mu~cle Powered Travel. WOMEN IN AMERiCAN SOCIETY. Mountains & Rivers. 2210 Central A'Ve. Women's labor. Two special issues ot SE. 268·4876. across from Yale Park Radical Amerlca. Available af. the Liv­ 8/29 ing BatA:h Book Store on Central. 8/21 .o Runs What Who· Owns ~71,_'·T~ Th You Do· st.rc~~~~ '',,·~'~. The "I "'''3.~"'! e . •, v.-t.Unlverslty? section A In Albq.?pgs. f~~~4 ~~tudent Ghetto? sections ~ .

00 at tine


1. t

.. ' . , 'i! • .. • \ . , • --'{~; ~ "'· ~ .I " • .. " .. • "' ..•.


The Men at the Top------2 l The Lowdown on ASUNM ------32 GSA------31 A Constitutional Crisis?_------4 1.1.1 What are the Regent~ Doing Now? -- .... - 5 c also

Cll- Rudy Anaya ..•...... ~ ... ; ...... , ...... 35 .... :' AGORA .. -.4 ...... ~~ •• 4 ••••••••••••. ~ ...... ·. ,. ••••••. . 31: z ~... ~' Mllh!t .. Steve Schroeder holds the Harold Lavender is an ex· Innovative Classes ...... 3 5 - caption among college adminis· most sought after job in the How to Get Through Regb~tration ...... 33 ASUNM bureaucracy. He should trators. Vice President for Stu· ; be smiling. To find out why he's dent and Campus Affairs, he and: not, turn to page 32 where the talks about the university, where Lobo looks at your ASUNM Stu· it's been and where he'd like it What Are You Doing In School Anyway? ...... 34 dent government, its figures and to go. See page. 8. its foibles. i ..

The Men at the Top· ------:------...... _ ;p ~ > UNM's VIPs: The View F.rom Olympus ~ ~ By JOHN RUCKER LOBO certainly doesn't recom· Programs (which mainly serves " :II Any casual reader of the mend that students take trivial foreign students), the Women's ~ UNM General Catalogue is un· problems; all the way to "the Center, Parking and Police Ser· i:!. top," but some familiarity with vices, and Popejoy Hall. doubtedly cognizant of the fact "0 that Ferrel Heady is president the views and duties of the var­ "Those are my functions on ~ of the university. In general, any ious vice presidencies should P.aper," explained Lavender, !. function ascribed below to the prove helpful and informative. 'but the real job is hardly so '<- vice presidents is subject to final In case of dire emergency, stu· neatly defined. I have to deal t" approval by Dr. Heady. This dents can no loilger complain .with any problems re.lated to _g means that Heady is the arbiter about being in the dark about to campus affairs at a pohcy level, of the various and not-so-sundry whom to write those indignant and this means I try to have as ~ disputes. which always arise dur· letters. much contact with students as Q., ing the school year. (Nostalgia As a result of last year's reor· possible." [= Entire Motown-Gordy-Soui-Tamla buffs may wish to reflect on, the ganization, there are six vice Lavender is bothered by what ~ black athletes' boycott, the Jesse presidents coo~dinating activi· he feels is an unfair stereotyping ::0: Kirk incident and dorm ties at the university. Although of top administrators by some > = I problems, not to mention crises most of their duties, at least on students. He refers to this • paper, are well defined, there bromid.ic attitude as "in loco ~ '{ Catalogs on sale thru Aug. 28th of years past.) ~ .Heady also serves on the are areas in which. functions parentis" ("in place of pa· ~ Board of Regents and is the overlap or complement each rents"), the idea that college .!"' ..... man responsible for presenting other. For example, all vice students were only overgrown CQ -.1 proposed UNM ·budgets to the . presidents have some say in children and that discipline was 110 Board of Educational Finance determining the university's as much a part of the learning (BEF) and Legislative Finance budget. process as education .. "Perhaps Committee (LFC). Of these six eminent perso­ 'in loco parentis' had a place Newcomers to the university nages, the Vice President for when students went to college at may be interested in knowing Student and Campus Affairs, the age of 13 or 14,'' said Laven· that Heady holds weekly rap Harold W. Lavender, is the man der, "but I doubt that the atti· sessions in the lobby of the the average student is most like· tude has been held widely in SUB. In addition to being a ly to come in contact with. recent years. I'd like to elimi· forum to air your views, it's a Eleven department heads report nate that stereotype." once-in-a-lifetime chance to ac­ to Lavender, covering Admis­ It is doubtful that Lavender tually meet the man at the top. sions and Records, Student ever need fear being tagged as Many students at UNM never Aids, the Career Services Center authoritarian. E vcn the most meet a vice president in their (job placement), the Counseling cynical of the LOBO staff, .like Ferrel Heady entire academic career, and al­ and Health Centers, the Dean of Pontius Pilate. could "find no most every vice president inter· Students (which includes hous· guilt in this man.'' viewed expressed a wish to ing and activities services), the Lavender is an unusual admi· make more student contact. The Office of International (continued on page 8) Four Tops Anthology Marvin Gaye Anthology Junior Walker and List $9.98 Now $6.79 List $9.98 Now $6.79 3-tP set the All-Stars 2-LP set List $7.98 Now $5.79 HEWLETT· PACKARD HP~35 A scientific-language ·pocket calculator that combines slide f rule por.tablllty with the precise accuracy and problem· ( Super-Lows. Feel the Flt! J solving power of a small computer. Yet you can compute complex transcendental functions with exceptional ~ accuracy In less than half a second. As easy to use as an adding machine. ! Description· The HP-35 is a 35-key, pocket-sized scientific and engineering calculator. It performs logarithmic, '! trigonometric, and mathematical functions with single I keystrokes and eliminates the need to ~er to log ,or trig tables. It displays up to 10 significant decimal digits [...J and automatically positions the decimal point throughout its 200-decade calculating range (10·99to 1099), Stevie Wonder The Commodores Machine Gun Marvin Gaye Live II combines the portability and convenience of the slide I ~~ Fulfillingness First Finale List $6.98 Now $4.19 List $6.98 Now $4.19 rule with the problem-solving power of a desk-top •l scientific calculator. However, it provides answers in a ! List $6.98 Now $4.19 fraction of the time required for slide rule calculation.

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- - ...... ~,;...... ~ ·~ -.:t ...... s ...... 4- ...... - ... .& ...... *' ...... "" ...... 'llo Jo...... -- ...... ;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ..iiiii ..iii. iii.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!ii!~i!i!ii!!i!ii!i!i!!i!!ilii!i!i~!!iii~!ii!l!!liiiiiiii ~ ------~------~-~----~·~---~-~~··- . ""' --Analysis of Djuric Case------:P ....~ • (IQ Letters i C'l Daily Lobo !" I ~ Editorials 2: t e. I The Damage Might Already Be Done Perspective ~ ~ . . Opinions a:: ~ ~ By GEOR.GE JOHNSON Djuric has antagonized the EE department for course. Even in a system as convoluted as this you IS' '5l The damage might already be done. Unless a New years dismissing his colleagues research as "mickey need evidence to remove a man from his office. On page five of the housing supplement you will if the police search would have been more intensive 0 "' Mexico Supreme Court stay materializes while this mouse stuff" designed to win corporate grants. No During one semester Djuric suffered a stroke and 1::1 = find an article on tenants' unions. Buried somewhere had he chosen the heights to haunt. al paper is being printed, the UNM Regents will have one there like him-but it's not clear who started had to drop two of his classes. He admits himself e. 1:1: succeeded in wrenching power from the Academic Rape, robbery, dangerously substandard housing­ '< the fight, Although he has been granted tenure, that his teaching was below par, and it wasn't hard else in the housing supplement is an article on the - o· Freedom and Tenure Committee and deciding for Djuric has been denied promotion every year since these are problems we live and breathe every day. t" for the department to solicit statements from difficulty students have obtaining renter's insurance. g. .g themselves whether a professor is psychologically 1966 because of "irrelevant" research. It's not students who agreed, Another article describes in poignant terms the fear all In this year of such deeply pressing-and frighten· .o ~ disabled and should be involuntarily retired. engineering they say, but physics-he thinks he can But the next semester he was well and back on a ing-national problems, many students have simply I>. women are learning to live with: the fear of rape. ~ At this point no one seriously believes that link the laws of gravity and magnetism and explain full teaching load. The most recent evaluations :a some discrepancies. And compared to discovering All of these problems deal, more or less lost a sense of their own community. "I'm just 2. ~ associate professor of electrical engineering Jovan conducted by EE fraternity Sigma Tau rate his trying to get by," is the philosophy most commonly ::1 ..,0 Djuric will be granted a stay ·of execution. The Teflon for skillets it probably is irrelevant, teaching "good to excellent" in every category. indirectly, with the problem of the student as ni9· Regents have had the trial scheduled since mid-July. It's hard to tell if Djuric was miffed after being But things are too far out of hand now, ger. Define nigger to mean any person who is forc~d heard on campus, and it is a frightening one, for we s. ·-~ If allowed to proceed (an apparently they will be denied promotion-and as a result antagonized the Explaining and refuting so-called hard evidence is = ;:!; to exist within a certain social strata-whether for cannot, any of us, get by alone. !:d allowed to) charges brought against Djuric by 0 ne useless, No one involved in the process thinks they economic or racial reasons- and who, because of his As students we must support that community => ~ branch of the UNM administration (President Heady are hurting the man. Djuric is strange enough that which, whether we care to acknowledge it or not, g z. and ex-Dean of Engineering Richard Dove) will be anyone who deals with him can't help wondering if supports us all. Only a sense of community will get ... IIi tried by another branch-and the committee elected he'll crazy, Riding the crest of twelve years' Nl < by the faculty to decide such matters will be When Dove came knocking on momentum it's easy to convince and be convinced Editorial us those things which we so desperately need, better !" "' short-circuited in the process. that the benevolent university must help this man. housing, better lighting in the streets, better (and '"'cc l The AFTC has twice ruled that the involuntary Heady's door it wasn't hard to convince But dealing with Djuric you can't help thinking more equal I law enforcement. -.1 retirement action set against Djuric is improper him that Djuric should be removed. he is brilliant. Bureau of Engineering Research since the UNM Faculty Handbook authorizes such a Director Harold Southward once called him "the position within that strata, is quite unable to do It is true that we are in a temporary purgatory; "" man (in the EE department) most likely to achieve anything to make his life safer, more dignified, or we are niggers only so long as we choose to live in procedure only as administered in accordance with greatness." state statutes. more secure. "poor risk." Mind you, if the student's father hap· the arms of the universitY, but that is not a reason And the man least likely to fit. Legal proceedinga Many landlords get away with providing substan· • pens to have several profitable policies with a com· for refusing to improve our situation. Those four Since there are no statutes on the subject-and may continue past Tuesday, but unless the New since state law does not provide benefits for department until no one would loan him a Mexico court changes it judicial mind, it won't be dard housing for students simply because students pany, and if he call up and drops a few appropriate years will be long indeed if you are brutally raped, if professors who have not reached retirement age typewriter or a paper clip-or if he antagonized the long before the man with the funny shirts is gone, lack both ttui politico-economic clout and the legal hints, then the policy gets written. your possessions are stolen, if you must spend four .(Djuric is 48}-the committee voted to hold the department in the first place with his anti-social, blackballed from the country club, know·how to force their landlords to meet city Rape has become a living nightmare for those years in constant fear. Joe Hill, a man who perhaps matter in abeyance pending the availability of a a bit-too11erious behavior, He wasn't one of the It's easy to forget that the point is whether or not housing standards. women living within the confines of the student did more for his community than any other, said it state statute. boys. he can teach, And that unusual behavior and Insurance agents do not care to write renter's ghetto. The "blue bandanna" has been at large for very succinctly: "Don't mourn for me boys, orgah· ·There is speculation that the rift first opened controversial research is protected by academic In essence they have ruled that th11re is no such because of his outspoken anti·VietNam stand in a • freedom, by the AFTC. insurance policies on students because students are a many months now, and one cannot help but wonder ize!'' thing as involuntary retirement, and so, they say, profession that is typically conservative, which For Djuric it's almost over, The rest of us will they cannot conduct a trial on whether Djuric is means "hawkish" in 1965. have to live with a university that conducts ita "due unfit to teach. But when Djuric began attacking research and procea" in a manner which at ita lower echelons is The Regents have interpreted this as a refusal to calling for a faculty-elected engineering dean, the like the Elk's club. And it's an oligarchy at the top. Lucky Bunch act, and under a Regents' bylaw which gives them entire department ganged together-there's safety in By NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN the power to act "in any matter of importance to numbers-and Djuric was out of the club. Like the The past weeks have seen the mortua rial face done to a point approach· the university" they have decided to judge the case kid who wears glasses and reads too much when he I. themselves. should play baseball, Djuric was an outcast. ing burlesque. Politlcans and journalists can't phrase a sentence without NewMexieo lugubrious adversions to the constitootional crisis during which we must be In May the AFTC and Djuric protested this as the He wasn't attractinlt industry, wasn't pulling his load. And with every member of the EE faculty to DAILY LOBO aware of our grave and awesome responsibilities in this sad hour, etc., etc., usurping of AFTC powers. They called the move a sign a petition it was easy to pressure Dean of blah, blah, blah. They should hang less crepe and more bunting. violation of academic freedom to Djuric and the Engineering Dove into asking Heady to initiate Vol. 78 No.1 Let's get out the Red, White and Blue and do a little restrained celebrat­ faculty as a whole who elected the AFTC. They termination proceedings. ing, for in driving Richard Nixon from office we're observing our bicenten· took the matter to district court where Judge Box 20, University P.O., UNM When Djuric filed an Equal Opportunities • Albuquerque, N.M. 87131 nial anniversary in the most fitting way possible His downfall is our recon· Joseph Ryan ruled in favor of the regents. Commission complaint alleging discrimination in secration of the organized liberty which we call our Republic. Editorial Phone (505) 277- So, as of this writing, Djuric and the committee pay and advancement (and especially when thQ 4102, 277-4202 Patriotic oratories may mark the 200th anniversary by imploring us to I( have 24 hours for the Supreme Court to decide AFTC found that discrimination did exist and reverence the Constitution, but until Watergate most Americans were like otherwise. recommended that the Regents make retroactive The New 1o(uleo .,ally Lobo u J>Ubo Jlahed Monday throu~rh Fl-lclay evoey Christians in the days before the Bible was translated out of Latin into the salary adjustments) the administration flinched. reguJar week of the Univendty yar modern vernacular. We revered the Constitution, we just didn't know what My hunch is that their bid to the high court will The Regents voted against adjusting Djuric's pay and weekly durfng the aummer aeuion fail and the Rel(ents will join the rest of th!l bY tlte Board of Student Publications of was in it. Until six weeks ago, how many knew that the House of Repre· and refused to organize a committee of EE peers to the Univenlty ot New Mexico, and ls senatives impeaches and the Senate convicts? electrical engineering faculty and Heady himself in ~ evaluate Djuric's research. Meanwhile the university not ftnanclaUy IIM

Editor Arts & Media Proofreader Staff Advertising Editorial Board Michael Minturn Jon Bowman Nancy Morris Unsigned editorials represent a major- 35 Win rock Center, NE lty opinion of the Daily Lobo staff. Managing Editor Sports Editor Morning Editor Dan Buller Kendall Hanson Michael O'Connor Harty"chapman RD.Oaes Coronado Center AU other columns, cartoons and letters SCott Eaton Oel Jones Valerie Gonzales Chris Eaby Dick Kelleher Diane Ross Dean Canol! Telephone 298-7811 represent the opinion of the author Editor Editor Photo Editor Gail Gottlieb Orlando Medina John Rucker BUI HalseY and do not necesoarlly reflect the views News Copy Jeff Hudson Joe Monahan Diane Taylor Michael Davis of the staff, George Johnson Dan Williams Michael Gandert Bob bess Wendy Axelrod 1 l ,.\ ;p ~ Grad Students-Where Do Your $9 Go 7 > 01 By MICHAEL O'CONNOR the GSA is described as "a service-oriented organiza- ~ Every graduate or law student at UNM automat· tion supported financially through fees asseS&ed to ~ ically becomes a Graduate Student Association graduate students and law• students; it is basically ::;: (GSA) member by virtue of a fee which must be the graduate/law student government, separate and ~ paid each semester along with tuition. distinct f.rom the undergraduate equivalent ~· If you are a graduate/law student, YoU probably ASUNM." ' o already know this small fact of academic life. But . The GSA government has an executive, Jegisla· t::1 do you know what is done with the nine big ones tive, and judicial branch, which all function in the ~ you Jay out every semester? traditional manner. The GSA Council is the legisla· ; That is the main concern of fast-talking Stan tive branch composed of representatives from all o Read, GSA president and almost·a·lawyer. He can graduate departments. These representatives are g' usually be found at one of the Clinical Law Offices apportioned according to the number of graduate ~ ·a unique experience in thrift store shopping"' slaving over hot technicalities, or tucked away in thl! students in each d~Jpartment, ~ GSA offices which are themselves tucked away be· The Council and the president make up a budget §' hind a partition in the northeast comer of the bot· each year which is voted on, usually in September, ~ '1720 lomas n.e. tom floor of the SUB. by all graduate and law students who also choose ~ hours: 9-9 "We're taking money from, graduate students," their GSA officers and representatives for the com· :.< Read said quickly, which is the way he says every· ing year. > (<:orner .of university) 11-6 sun. thing, "and we want them to know what we are "GSA serves many invisible functions for our ! doing with their money." members," Read said, "such as the Student Re· ., What GSA does with between $50,000 and search Allocations Committee (SRAC) which gives ;:; .,... $60,000 budgeted each year happens to be quite a . small grants to graduate ·students •for research, a .!"' lot, according to Read-not only for graduate stu· thesis and dissertation copying service, and a great ... < dent members, but for the entire university and the party or picnic each semester." ~ general community as well. Read said that all graduate students get all ser· ""' I within walking distance of UNM The GSA put out a publication last year called vices regardless of the number of hours being taken. "The GSA Consuming Handbook, or you can't be· He also said that any organized graduate department Stan Read lieve everything you read in phone booths." In it, (continued on page 31) I DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau NEW and USED For Fashion • • • • everything you need to set up housekeeping • • • • Dishes Televisions


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j •! ~------The Men at the Top ------1:16 ---The Men at the Top ------.oo> :1 The Six U Vice Presidents-- t WhO They Are, What They Do (Continued from page 2) is to solve problems and make it dents more realistically accept· college departments and two problem is to encourage internal possible for students to profit ing the limitations of.jhe college non-departmentalized colleges communication with the admi­ ~ (continued from page 8) d fi . . f f 11 • •• Community Affairs, Alex Mer- outreach ann ofUNM." such as the Technological Ap· nistrator. He recently took a ~ ' e lOitlon o a u -tame equ•~a- cure. · ISRAD, the Institute for plication Center (T AC), which sabbatical, (a thing not usually from everything they do in e~tperience. They've found that (the School of Law and College nistration on the mission of the r.l' ' Travelstead's comments no Q '' lent (FT~) student, on W~lch These organizations at first Social Research and Develop- Js funded through NASA, and done by those in his field) to university life." college can't be expected to ful­ of Business and Administrative institution, and how this mission .doubt merit an article in them­ Sciences). relates to students, If UNM I;; these ratios are base.d. .Rfght glance seem disparate, but as ment, is the organization most which attempts to link govern- "read in the field and do some ' As the Vice President closest fill every one of their life's selves, but an especially salient now, the student.body as dav•ded Mercure explains, "They all concerned with innovative ment research with civilian to the students, Lavender has needs." In addition, Travelstead over­ views its mission as accepting ~. teaching, I'm still pulling my '< point stressed was that of fund· by 16 '? determane the number have one thing in common- programs at the comm11nity needs. Only. ·si!' such T_AC notes together, but I plan to often found himself occupying "Although it was futile for the sees the ROTC and Ethnic every high school graduate, then 1:'< mg. "At present, UNM is fun. the hot seat, especially during activists to try to change the programs, the University Col­ it is imperative that programs be g. of FTE son c~mpus, regardless -they all relate the University level. Several of its programs programs ex1st m the Umted make some recommendations in ded on a ratio of 22 students per of class ~tandmg. We want to to the community. We're the are unique in the Southwest States. my report to reduce the ambi· the activist period of the late entire educational system over­ lege, Zimmennan Library, the more diversified, and this is very .o professor, regardless of level. In lower thas • number to 15 for ' valence in the functions of the night, significant changes have Honors Program, and Comput­ expensive, Some faculty feel reality. to make up for more undergrads and 12 for grad stu- .-::=iii various deans, and to allow for taken place. I think the present ing and I nfonnation Science, . that even with the funds neces­ ~ expensive graduate programs, dents, which, with the lower some long-range planning." generation is getting ready to Travelstead is responsible for sary to carry out remedial we fund at 36: I for lower level, "For ten years we've worked progress in areas unsuccessfully planning and budgetary con­ education, this should not be 18; I for upper level and 9: I for To be continued with the organization and struc­ explored by the activists, al­ cerns for academic affairs, but UNM's mission-but then what i grad classes. What we are look­ ture to get the right departments though perhaps in a different also makes recommendations to happens to students who aren't ing for is differential funding, on Monday's Lobo. at the University. My goal is to way." President Heady concerning the admitted?" Travelstead predic­ which would set 26: I, 18: I and get these departments to per­ "I'm an optimist. I find to­ appointment, promotion, te· t~d that sli.ghtly higher, admis­ { 8: I (respectively) as ratios for day's students fascinating and nure, leaves and salary increases saons requarements would be student-teacher mtio, would in· form in the best interests of the ~ calculating funds." inature, and I thirik the future is of faculty members. adopted. .!"' crease the faculty and make for community, especially the stu­ "We also want to change the smaller classes." dent community. One of our in great hands in your genera· "I would say our greatest . (Continued on page 9) ... tion. There is still a great deal of !S The branch colleges, ISRAD, emphases is that whatever hap· the Alumni Office, KNME-TV, pens to a student while on cam­ idealism pres~:nt, and I find that very healthy." "" the Public lnfonnation Office, pus is part of his or her educa­ and Continuing Education tion. We're not just landlords, Chester Travelstead is Vice President for Academic Affairs, Custom Jewelry programs are all overseen by the we try to act as facilitators and Vice President for Regional and environmentalists. Our function as position that (among other by TOM THOMASON functions) includes coordinating the educational affairs of 39

-Harold Lavender- " For ten years we've worked with the organization The Studio Gallery and structure to get the right 400 San Felipe N. W. departments at the university. Old Town My goal is to get these departments to perform to the best of their abilities, and in the ·best interests of the community, especially the student community." SCHAUMS Solves Problems -Alex Mercure- " Right now, we put our highest priority on lncludln&' lrrfr~ THEORY and t."ae stabilization funding. Many SCHAUM'S OUILIIIE SERIES SOLVED PROBLEMS •'~n• ... of our programs are ...... dependent on federal funds, -Chester Travelstead­ which are not always secure, -Robert Kugle- · ACCOUNTIN8 I ...... $3.15 ElEMENTARY AlCEIIl •• $3.50 MODERN ALCEBU •••••• $3.15 Travelstead is responsible lnclll

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Many of our audio . :-.··., :~- ...... :...... others of a given price range, and . are a no-charge service to you. friends visit us at least once a .., . - offered only. if we would honestly -Although we offer terms for those week, only to chat and see what is but them ourselves. Along with this who want it, credit cards are not new. We welcome and encourage viewpoint, we always welcome you honored which results in a mm1- your browsing. Please stop in and acquaint yourself with our store and staff, and.see for yourself why ''shopping for audio components" is probably not necessary. SPEAKERS BY: HARTLEY -KLIPSCH-OHM-BRAUN-CELESTION- CAR STEREOS by: BIC-DYNACO-AR-MARANTZ-PHILIPS SONY-CRAIG-BRAUN-PHILIPS -and our own SOUND IDEAS CUSTOM designs HEAD~HONES by: SENNHEISER-KOSS-SONY AMPS & TUNERS by: . CROWN-MciNTOSH-MARANTZ-SAE­ New lines to be offered very shortly SHERWOOD-DYNACO AUDIO RESEARCH HIGH DEFINITION ELECTRONICS & MAGNA PLANAR SPEAKERS RECORD PLAYERS by: SUPEX CARTRIDGES CONNOISSEUR-THORENS-PHILIPS-AR­ NAGAMICHI RECORDERS MIRACORD-GLENBU RN-BSR-SME Arms STAX HEADPHONES TAPE EQUIPMENT by: SONY-CROWN-REVOX MAXELL-SCOTCH-CRAIG-SUPERSCOPE ACCESORIES by: Film Committee's Fall Program __ ------12 DBX-SOUNDSCRAFTSMEN-WATTS-DISCWASHER SONY REEL TO REEL STARTING AT $250.00 Btaugl'lt to you by Dan Butler Reviews Power Play __ - _-- _- 13 MICROPHONES by: CASSETTES START AT $130.00 SUPERSCIJPE. dr.dada------14 SONY-SHURE-AKG-SENNHEISER-EV PORTABLES START AT $75.00 1.1.1 Records in Review ______- _------1 7 -1 t:.HMS-SYSTEM DISCOUNTS-AR-DYNA -KOSS AT MAIL ORDER PRICES ALWAYS Q Diving In: A Guide to Albuquerque Bars ______--_~-- _23 -Cll OPEN: 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Mon.-Fri. ·' Eating Out: The Lobo Looks at OPEN: UNTIL 6 P.M. Sat. age of , Kurt , Jr. Local Restaurants ______----- _24, 25 Eubank z Harry Kinney at his first press has remained on top in the youth book sales market. State Fair in Pictures _- _------25 conference? A prop for a David - Combining 'black humor' with Bowie Concert? No, the face can PEC Music Survey ______------28, 29 292-1188 next to the audio clinic his ever present streak of be found on a totem outside . 0 sentimentalism, he tackles the UNM's Maxwell Museum. For a .,. ~ establishment in his latest, guide to the university's -c museums, galleries, theatres, and - Wampeters, Foma & ~ . I Granfa/lopns. ·For review see upcoming lectures, see pages 26, I page 18. 27. picking up the critics' esteem but -8th International Tournee of '0 • it recently acquired the acclaim it Animation," Nov, 2. The 7th was ~ Flamingos, Frankenstein and rightly deserves. I don't mind say· great and this one should be no > ing I've seen it five times and plan different, Includes short animated '"' ..... to be present on the 19th. · works from throughout the world, ~ ~ Derricks 61 the Dominion h~t don'~ come expecting Walt ~ tl "POWER PLAY: Oil in the Mid· wife he experienced before de­ the crisis, in spite of cutbacks in -"A Night at the Opera," Oct. D1sney. · • ~ Zappa Coming to SUB This Fall 24. The Marx Brothers, Margaret i g, die East" livery, should divorce her." Inter· American oil production? Why do ~ by Leonard Mosley esting, And abominable. But ir­ American taxpayers absorb the Dumont, the opera, immigration. -"Wind From The East," Nov, By JON BOWMAN -"Long Goodbye," Sept. 7. death, particularly that infamous What more could you want? f :>: Penguin/$2,95 relevant to the book's ostensible immense cost of Arab and other .6. Godard again, only this time l'l' subject of "Oil in the Middle royalties on oil operations, while Be fore tying myself to a Once agin, Chandler is brought to horse head scene ·everyone had al· he's abandoned the star radicals 0 ~ * * * wretched life at the Lobo type· ~"Lenny Bruce at Mason 1 By DAN BUTLER East," companies like Gulf pay the U.S. the screen, only he's been updated ready beat to death, and replaced them with the real . writer, I worked on the ASUNM fit the insanity of modern day Street West & Betty Boop car· ~ .§ "Once upon a time," writes I can recommend the final 37 only 1.2% in taxes on a year's to -"Tout Va Bien," Sept, 25. I thing, Danny the Red, the guy t;f Film Committee, That means I Southern California. Elliot Gould toons," Oct. 30. Lenny was one 111 Leonard Mosley, "the United pages including an epilogue and earnings of 990 million dollars? who led the students in their bar· t" helped select the fall's program of stars and Robert Altman directed haven't seen the flick, but Godard of the most beautiful guys a=: States used to exploit the oil wells appendix of facts and figures. Clearly, what one writer called directed and Yves Montand and ricade of Paris streets in 1968, g. J of Arabia for the money to be Here we learn at last about the "the oil industry's efforts to affix films and that I really shouldn't what has to be the best film re· Jane Fonda star so it could be stars. 9 be writing a column on upcoming leased in the past year. 0 made out of them; nowadays it Israeli usurpation of Egyptian oil blame for the energy crisis upon One form of entertainment readily accessible to quite interesting. · the Arab states" must be rejected movies at the SUB (conflict o£ ..:l bas become more interested in the fields in the Sinai Desert in 1968. Albuquerqueans is a stay in the Sandia Mountains. For those too interests, you know). But since no -"Nights of Cabiria," Oct. 3, -"Bride of Frankenstein," ~ i' oil itself.'1 Mosley notes that our Here too, the prospect of na· out of hand, But the more one one etse is volunteering for the Early Fellini, Done in the days be· Nov, 7, Frankenstein seems to be !t j:l 1970 oil consumption was around tionalization of oil production is learns about profits and stocks lazy to camp out, there's still hope in "motor campgrounds" such job, you'll have to put up with my fore "811.." and "Satyricon" and · receiving renewed attention nowa· !, 15 million barrels daily, and pro· discussed, with rea.Sons it's being and sales of oil products, the more as Jellystone Park, pictured above. . all the other surrealist, mind· 0 biased garbage on UNM flicks one days. Warhol's 3-D version of the ~ ·~ jected 1980 needs have been esti· delayed: 1) Arabs haven't been questions one begins to ask, and blowing pageant flicks. Fellini's more time. Without further small myth is tearing them up on the • 111 mated at between 20·25 million allowed to participate in top level the more elusive answers become, talk, the Lobo now: presents a wife, Giuleta Massina, stars. coasts and other Frankenstein ~ ::!l barrels daily, of which U.S. pro· management and lack some neces· At this point I'm still looking brief look at some of the fifty-six -"Pink Flamingos," Oct. 5. film projects are soon to be re· ! II= duction can reach 13 or 15 mil· sary skills, and b) in the present for answers to many questions (yes, count 'em) flicks to be un· The film has been touted as the leased. This is one of the 30's ~ z lion at most. Hence continued and legislated price-structure situation, about the oil industry and its for· furled in the basement bastion of most obscene in existence and originals starrring Boris Karloff ~ t£ even increasing dependence on it remains more profitable for eign (as well as domestic) opera• UNM's SUB Theatre. after seeing it last January, I can and Elsa Lancaster. .!" ,.... Arab oil, and possibly revision of Arabs to sell and tax their oil tions-answers I didn't find and see why. Extremo·underground, it ... -"Play It Again, Sam," August ~ < our attitudes and policies toward through the existing arrange· questions that weren't even raised 28. Woody Allen, a Ia Bogie, plays includes transvestites, freaks, and -"Macbeth," Nov. 8 Roman ~ i the little-known and much· ments. The book also indicates in Leonard Mosley's book about a film critic failure whose every -"200 Motels," Sept. 14. some weird scenes with chickens, Polanski (Chinatown) has taken "" tf! maligned Arabs can be expected. potential trou ble·spots like "Oil in the Middle East." I used to FAIR PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER bungle is the makings of comedy. Originally done on video tape, this Good clean fun. , thrown in a large. The recent energy crisis (what· Kuwait, where a pampered popul· esteem the publisher Penguin, but 8001 PL LOMAS BOULEVARD, N.E. Some have called this Allen's flick contains some of the gros· -"White Heat," Oct, 9. Cagney helping of blood and gore, and ever it really was, besides a bon· ation of rich Arabs treats as it might be an augury of ills to ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87110 greatest. I wouldn't, It's funny, sest, most self-indulgent moments stars in the flick considered to be presto, came up with an adul· anza for oil companies) has made menials a foreign-worker popula· come that Penguin has been pur­ but it's much too polished to dis· ever put on celluloid. It also the definitive expression of WWII terated mash which drew block us aware of the national addiction tion of poor Arabs, But after all chased by financial conglomerate, play Allen at his anarchic best. shows instances of sheer brilli· Hollywood nihilism. In light of long crowds during its first run. to oil, and increasingly suspicious of this, there are a lot of questions which has already ordered cancel· ance, but with Frank Zappa and PHONE 266·3110 -"The Big Sleep," August 29, the Andrew Sisters, and all those of the oil pushers (Exxon, Mobil, that are unanswered, or not even lation of at least one controversial OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY Bogart and Bacall bounce from the Mothers at the helm, what can "support our ·boys" pictures, -"The Wild Child," Nov. 15. asked. projected publication. They were yop expect? that's saying alot. November 7th is the date. This is about the only Truffaut I Why did American stocks of wasting their paper on a volume scene to scene in this Raymond haven't seen, but if the rumor ' Chandler classic. The plot makes -"Sunset Boulevard," Sep· -"Right on!." Oct, 12. New Bride of Frankenstein is the petroleum products increase 9% of such limited value as Power little sense, but the one·liners are tember 15. Gloria Swanson is the York's The Last Poets put this mills have any validity, it's sup· during 1973, the year of war and Play by Mosley. faded silent screen star, while Wil·. one together. Revolutionary, yet movie. Starring Boris Karloff posed to be delightful. . Iiam Holden plays the young man strikingly real, the film explores and Elsa Lancaster, the flick she tries to seduce. Made in Holly· what it's like to be a denizen of -"It Happened One Night," wood in the fifties, this little the Big Apple, Harlem division. is being brought by the Nov. 22. Frank Capra, master of a number is one of the few records brand of old·timey, optimistic • -"Priest & the Girl," Oct. 17. ASUNM Film Committee. of decadence produced by that From the maker of "Macunaima," humor termed "Capra-corn," Gulf, et al) who supply that addic· era. It's the kind of film Ambrose Joaquim Pedro de Andrade. The directed this Hollywood flick fea· tion, at increasing profits to them· Bierce might have liked in his own film is not quite up to the madcap around. We killed him, not the turing a battle of the sexes, Clark selves. So, when Jon Bowman sharp and come so fast that plot is twisted way. insanity of the other Andrade fea• heroin. This is the only film ac· Gable and Claudette Colbert style. showed me a brand·new book quickly forgotten. -"The Godfather," Sept. 20 ture, but it still manages to imaprt count of one of his night club per· about "Oil in the Middle East," I -"Captain Blood," September &21. Personally, I found both formances that I know of so even -"Marat/Sade," Nov. 23. a heayy load of Brazil nuts spiced Kinda slow at times, but still a jumped at the chance to read it, 5. Errol Flynn plays a doctor film and book about as exciting as with melodrama. if you hate comedy, you owe it to hoping to learn more about the turned pirate and Olivia de Havil· the fact that the largest hambur· the man to see it. film that hauntingly explores the -"McCabe & 'Mrs. Miller," gulf between passion and reasoned gigantic industry which daily fuels t: land is the civilized lass who final· ger ever was created in Australia. the nation, often fools its critics, ,I ly tames him, Lots of hokum, Rather than elaborate, I'd be con· Oct. 19. Another Robert Altman -"Bananas;" Nov. 1. Woody cynicism. Sounds corny. Defin· !j creation, McCabe was slow in and hourly fills the pockets of good clean fun. tent to let the film die a quiet Allen at his anarchic peak. itely isn't. some of the richest individuals in } theworld. · As it turns out, I was bitterly disappointed in Power Play by Leonard Mosley. A person could learn as much about politics of oil from The Aramco Handbook Guitars published by the Arabian Ameri· can Oil Company of Saudi Arabia Yau,.. Dne for its employees-that book at least has some pictures, and maps which are indispensable for the study of oil concessions in ten &Only Hand111acle Guitars countries, shipping routes, pipe· Choose from New Mexico's lines, changing boundaries and . social and political developments largest and finest slection in the Middle East. I'll go further: Mossman a person could learn as much of acoustic and electric guitars, about the Middle East from Rich and amplifiers includings "Lawrence of· Arabia," which Alembic Such Names as Gibson, Guild, Martin, Lo Prlnzl Ovation1 Rickenbacker, Peavey Damler S.G., systens and many others DeMand Pimentel seems to have been in the mind of author Mosley as he wrote his Also Power Play, Page after page is wasted ·on the irascible sexual appetites of shaikhs, the incred· JBL ible conniving of Armenians and other international adventurers, and the fabulous fortunes of 1.35 Fro111 England and HElL Sound entrepreneurs such as Getty, 1.35 Gulbenkian, Hunt, etc. Colorful Systems images abound, with one nation 1.45 Sound City described as "the land of the date 1.45 palm and the greasy palm," and there's an outrageous incidental Mellotron description of atresia, a horrible disorder of pregnancy caused by Hayman Arab women sometimes ·packing rock salt into their vagina after Dan Armstrong childbirth. Why? "To contract the vagina lest the husband, not de· ·(and longer hours too- Marshall riving the satisfaction from his 2212 CENTRAL, SE .-.2331 11 a.m.-Midnight Mon.-Sat. HI Watt . . (Across from UNM) & 1 p.m.- Midnight Sun. IIID Harvard SE­ T•I•phan• 2Eili-i12!12 ~ .,..... ~ en > .... dr·~ ...... ; !" 1:<1 tl r i dodo ~ ~ ~ The New Triangle. Lounge n~- ~ 0 t::j " 1 10 s:: By JEFFREY HUDSON . bf!r is indeed spacey (I'm all spaced out, man. I 1:: ~ 'i Dada data; The bugles ring: "Somekind of mani· forgot what I was doing.) Driving a delivery truck is ~ festo, someking of manifesto, somekind of mani· not a place to space out (I was spacing qut on the ~ 0 festo:" Dr. Dada deomonstratively dishes ·out the radio when I ran intc;~ the parked car.) .t:l t, 1 0 Central at irarcl at Monte Vista Manny Festa for the contemporary art form 5, Fredrich Durrenmatt (Contempory German . .... SAPCEY ART. . :::;;: ,e. playwrite) gives in an essay on problems of the B. 1. Like bells steeped in gypsy wine-or at least theatre that "Langu11ge can lead a writer astray .•• •. :s ·; somebodies wine-SPACY ART transcends the past Dialogue, like playing on words, can also lead an The above work of art is from the "Nephew Knee-Bump ~ forms of abstract whatever art.•.• Based in spiritual l 0 author into byways, take him unawares away from Series." Created by Sam Pillsbury, it is but one of several pieces .!it passion and• interesting outlooks, SPACEY ART de· his subject." Durrenmatt goes on to say, which ~ notes depth-defying images beyond the reflection of "spacey art" currently being done by local artists. You won't &! agrees with the, Spacey artist: "Yet ideas flash into >c ::;; of the mirror, beyond knowing. Experiencers exper· his mind again, ideas which he ought not resist, even see it in any of the local galleries though. iencing the experience; the fourth consciousness in if they disrupt his carefully laid plans." The Spacey '! t lets get better art, the reader becoming what is read; more than the ~ z artist l!!ts it run away from him; they feel the tug, to 1.:> .,; beat of the heart but the length of_ the brain wave. endure, to see where this train of interest takes ...... 2. Coming out of the film Fantastic I .... a~uainted. them, to be it whether rhythmic, harmonious, or cg < heard these words describing the feature: "That was onomatopoetic. (That's Spacey!) .GENERAL STORE .... 4> really Spacey!" This set off the chain reaction that 6, A friend of mine in the folk pop, rock slop, "" l the new art form was none other than SPACEY Mon. SOc Tequila Sunrises ART-because of its ability to space out the audi· hot dot, musical group 'Anything' told me how, sit· ence and to move past into future imagination, new ting in a Texaco station, waiting for someone worlds, past mind and time; energy evolution of coming to pick him up, he began plunking on his 'lues. I Oc Beer man and art. SPACEY ART is a combination of dulcimer (Appalachian melody-drone instrument) Christ and uraziness, of painting and memory, of when some donut came up and shoved two coins of astral progressions into infinite pools and creative low denomination into the holes of his dulcimer­ Wecl. 2Sc Tequila fountains. SPACEY ART is neither a blugeoning of the first money the artist had earned. A young the scenes nor a decadent defilment of them. greasemonkey came up to him while he was digging 3. Writing for this newspaper, any newspaper is the coins out of his instrument and asked: "Can you 'lhur. I Oc Beer perpetually SPACEY. Hans Arp (Dada poet and boogie with that thing?". OK, you asked for it," my sculpturer) wrote of how he would tum his poetry friend said, bringing out his pick. He started to blaze Fri. The best time In town in jarbled, jllegible forms so that the printer would away; those of you who know the dulcimer can hear Sept. 1 st only have to try and make them out; thereby, creating the harmonious twanging of the strings along with anew, This .is a Jot like how the paper works. The the firey melody to which the greasemonkey replied: Sat. Dance contest, 7-8 p.m. 1 Oc Beer churning typewriter coffee drive chain smoking "That's Spacey man, just like that George Harrison journalust hacks out copy and when it comes back shit." winners receive a IS gal. keg of Beer 8-9 p.m. 25c Tequilla from the printer it could be something entirely dif· 7. Spacey art and its social derivatives, its cause 9-1 0 p.m. 25c Wine Coolers ferent, This is Spacey. One can know use these daz· and form induces and ponders. In most cases. · Omar had Tents zling mishaps to cut up and paste into new creative HA HA THE PHANTOM 10-11 p.m. SOc Tequila Sunrises interests. What is this? I go away for a few minutes and 4. ,Trying to write this in a movie theater while some dumptruck called the phantom comes and Music by Dorthy Laye the movie is going on is Spacey as the Italian dia· steals the rest of my words and I've looked all over 111 Harvard·SE Iogue flickers across the paper pale blue, pale cream the damn place for them and at printing time they colors; TALKING OR SINGING IN an echo cham· are still not to be found. Who has my words? 7 days till Midnight

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Leather-hack Game ·room downstairs, Pool & Fooslaall Turtle Leethersnd sht!J1Jp81cin fiiiTmtJtJt$ OldTOIMI WI also serve Pizza 107 RomeroNW Triangle Liquor Store 842-8496 Delivery to Unlv. area. Hot Pastrami Sandwiches .9Sc, Tacos .sOc, Every clay special . Boone's Far• 8Sc a 1/S. Open 11:00 A.M. to 2:00P.M. & 5:00 P.M. to Midnight La•ge Selection of colcl · beer and wine. Carry Out

~' ' .. ... Si The paino stairway is appro· fire, sets in the new light of dawn; pools into warm arm& that are i .... priate. The albums emphasis is on the sound of sunhues: crystals never quite there but near enough tD ... the piano, Most of the songs are clear shivers, chandelier shimmers, to be soothing. > IN predominated by the piano either nearer to dream than to sleep. The Dream's use of wen tuned ... 1i lobo electronic music-even the sound F' -& working as the rhythm instru· Phaedra is the epic viewing of 2: ment, or brought out into the ph an tasma ·historical tapestries effects are on key-provide com· ~ front. The piano is sometimes sup­ with ornate embroidered comers pelling, appealing mood en· ~ plemented ·by a moog. that draw· your attention;· it is chanting drifting music. a:: Review There's no doubt that Stevie interesting, impelling as your con· ,,.~ Wonder is a great musician, He has sciousness swims back into its tex­ 0 f influenced people from Paul ture. 't:l of .McCartney to Eric Clapton, It's The music never peaks; it is e. ,, ~ just that Talking Book and Inner­ never overwhelming. It moves in '<- visions were such great albums, it the field of mental feelings like a t"' I ~ seems that on First Finale Stevie continuous emerging from cool J .,;! Wonder has opted to level out j ;;., Records instead of trying to better them. :; Many artists have expressed the =e ~ a. 0 thought that the reason for 1:1 .. making works of art is to create l something better than anything ~ ~ previously done by the artist. If !1: "Fulfillin!llless" First Finale" much airplay on KDEF or other this is the case, on his new album, >a ~ Stevie Wonder M.O.R. stations. It's unfortunate Wonder Jtas failed,lf the object of "If it takes, makes or projects '2 • (Tamla-Motownrr-saa251) that in his older years 'Wonder is music is to develop your own =- ~ * * * turning in this ·direction, The form and play your own brand of a picture we'll repair it .. , ....~ < By DICK KELLEHER world lost a great rocker when he music, Wonder has released a hit . t Stevie Wonder, it seems, has went into semi-retirement at 15, album. The ones who will decide 11-o lost his image of trying to be the after he had made it to .the top are the :record buyers. ....~ personification of Ray Charles. with 'Fingertips.' This follow-up, and that's all it Stevie Wonder,-even though he can be called, to his last album, may not be able to see them, has t We also buy, sell and trade top Inner-visions, shows that. Wonder some of the most fantastic art· . • is finally developing his own style. work on his album covers, quality used equipment. The song that was chosen as the Whereas Innervisions and Talking ••••• •• single off this album is almost an Book relied on color to project exact copy of 'Higher Ground,' the album from the record rack (a which has already proven itself to major concern for albums that arc be a hit. The similarities between expected to sell well), First FiTUJle ,.-· Hilum Rllffli 'You Haven't Done Nothin' and depends on an excellent drawing. 'Higher Ground' are that both use It starts at a bottom panel with "PHAEDRA" practically the same notes. Both Little Stevie Wonder with a har­ Tangerme Dream Wt!6bm ~&IlK songs were released with commer· monica in his hand and other (Virgin Records/ VR-13·108) ·cia! intent, and they both open images conveying that state of his * * * HaMeMAui the second side of the albums. life and career. It progresses to the By JEFFREY HUDSON The rest of the album has its Stevie Wonder period, when he Virgin Records is synonymous J!eiw. similarities to Inner-visions, but dropped the Little, got married with contemporary instrumental what recording artists cannot be and released Talking Booll, In­ music. They were the people who 'Pacfe" cited for this fault nowadays? nervisions and Music of My Mind. brough you Mike Oldfield's Two songs in which it seems The front cover, or third panel, Tubular Bells and now they pre· Cruuum CAMERA CLINIC. Wonder may be trying to break shows the modern Stevie Wonder sent Pllaedra by the German lf(Qceffa out of old habits are 'Too Shy To with steps, levels, or plateaus to group, Tangerine Dream. 6327 Acoma S.E. Say' and 'Smile Please.' These two be reached in the future. Through­ Phaedra, the story of a love for tend to be middle-of-the-road out the drawing a piano stairway the unattainable and the consum· BLK E. of San Pedro, BLK N. of Zuni songs which will probably get leads to the sky. · mation of this desire in its own \

~~ ...... ~~~~~~~ • a r sa!

Liv Band FridayandS turday Nir:~ht Wil:hD ncift'd nd Cackt ·1 • Nollocly makes. malt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody. 1:1 I Every Nir:~ht )•, ;p ....~ ~ Cll > .-4. Vonnegut's Lo.test: Acid o.nd So.p Revisited .... .-4 .<¥> IN change and fortunately Richard Z tl ''Wampeters, Foma & Granfal· book of the month club scene." It who did not commit adultery or impart the secrets of the trade, He g, might have been the-war in Asia masturbate." deals with the technician-scientist Nixon won't be around for people ~ loons" like Mr. Vonnegu t to kick around by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Vonnegut continually protested, In a piece of gonzo journalism who discovers something big with· =:: ~ out being conscious of the uses any longer and fortunately the ~ Delacorte/ $8.95 hardcover It might have been his cartoon­ (a style of journalism associated ~ style depiction of a technological with Rolling Stone's Dr. Hunter S. governments may find for the dis· space program was curtailed and 1j' the unfortunately, the Biafrans Von- by JON* BOWMAN* * w or I d s u.p p osedly beyond Thompson, although Vonnegut covery, Vonnegut is at his didactic o l· ~ best when writing about the negut praised are dead. Which ~ c: Kurt Vonnegut began his caricature. It might have simply claims its first practitioner was 'i writing career doing press releases been his appeal to a cadre of Thucydides) entitled "Biafra; A u It i mate in techno-artifice-the brings us to the point of whether ~ a= for General Electric of Sche­ Cronkitized, post-Dylan WWII People Betrayed," Vonnegut ex­ space program. He states, "It is or not Wampeters, Foma & Gran- t"' falloons should he read. Undoubt- o 0. nectady. After sensing the dishon· babies living in and laughing at a plores the foma used by the world the Houdini aspects of the space .g of the multi· crowded world where nuclear during Nigeria's genocide of progr-am which reward most edly, quibblers would say no; 8" Earthlings-the dumb ones, the citing the argument that the col- ·::;; .,;j destruction was a real possibility. 'B i afra. Biafra wan ted support. t>. Whatever, the fact that Vonnegut Instead, it was given sympathy, or dropouts, the elevator ,operators lection is but a rehash, that E. r.: ::1 Ol has been and still is the most at least enough care packages to and stenographers and so on. Vonnegut's writing is pulp, that ~ widely read novelist among youth feed a handful of its starving They are too dense ever to care his time in history has passed. m 0 presents is undisputable. babies and their near dead par­ about the causes of craters on the Vonnegut is sensitive to this ~ -~ In many ways, he became our ents. moon, Tell them about the radio critique. He ends Wampeters with :;< Qj own PR man. In others, he be· Foma and granfalloons are both signals coming from Jupiter, and the promise of a new Vonnegut, > ;a came our avenging angel propbe· covered in a series of lectures in· they forget again right away. What of future time tripping exercises ~ ~ sying doom. Both roles are as· eluded in the book on the topics they like are shows where people of a fresh sort, Hopefully, he 'II ~!!­ z sumed by Vonnegut in his latest, of science and the art of writing. get killed." succeed, but even if he doesn't, he WI ai Wampeters, Foma & Gran{alloons. He lambasts the essence of the Wampelers, FomQ & Gran{al· remains all he has been. And he's :" .-4 been alot. ,... A collection of essays, addres· ·two-day writers' conference, a loons is old material. Times

No tnt un•tr NIGHT IN Casablanca 8:30 AJERRY~KGEMGEliiTOPrOOL

The Cultural Program Committee and the And The Sandia Associated Kiwanis Club Students of Albuquerque

: Present

The 1974-75 Cultural Entertainment Series IT'S A WIDE WIDE WORLD Personally Narrated Travel-Adventure Films Twelve Major Events on Subscription at Discount Prices ' ,., ·r------~------r------~.------~Wed., September 25 Sat., October 5 Wed., Ocfober 9 Bernard Shaw's Direct from the USSR DON JUAN Broadway Hit Musical THE SOVIET GEORGIAN CLAY FRANCISCO KEN WOLFGANG: . Reveals IN HELL SEESAW. DANCERS AND THE Returns With His Excit~ng Film Myrna Loy, Ricardo Montalban "A Love of a Show" Kerr TSILITSI CHOIR · THE SOUL Kurt Kasznar, Edward Mulhare BRAZIL , $8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 $9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00 $7.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 Friday, October 11-7:30 P.M. OF JAPAN Tuesday. November 5-7:30 P.M. · . Sun., November 17 Mon., November 18 Fri., November 22 - National Players in National Players in Zubin Mehta Conducts the .. Moliere's Shakespeare's LOS ANGELES SCHOOL HENRY IV PHILHARMONIC

o• I( ERIC PAVEL FOR WIVES PART I Sidney Harth-soloist ' Takes Us Through $5.00, 4.50, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 $5.00, 4.50, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 $10.00, 9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00 Exciting Ideal Colorful SIX GATEWAYS TO Entertainment Wed., December 4 Wed., January 29 Tues., February 4 Educational THE CARIBBEAN For The The Fabulous Hilarious Bonus Broadway Hit Musical Monday, January 27-7:30 P.M. Entire W. C. FIELDS- PIPPIN Family MARTHA G~HAM . DANCE COMPANY 80PR00F wmner $6.00, 5.50, 5.00, 4.00, 3.00 Five Tony Awards $9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00 . $9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00,· 5.00 Tues., February 18 DON COOPER . ED LARK Newest Tues., March 4 Returns With And His Spectacularly S~t., March 1 Neil Simon Comedy Company of 60 CANADIAN Beautiful Film THE CLAUDE KIPNIS THE HUNGARIAN HOLIDAY HAWAII SUNSHINE BOYS MIME THEATER FOLK BALLET Sunday, March 2-7:30 P.M. Tuesday, March 25-7:30 P.M. Robert Aida ' . $7.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 $7.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 $7.00, 6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00 . Subscribe arGreat Savings F acuity /Staff-$4.00 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Subscriptions: Section I Section II Section Ill Section IV Section v· You Save Students/Children-$3:00 Value of Ticket $89.00 80.50 72.00 61.00 50.00. Price to Public 62.00 56.00 . 50.00 40.00 30.00 29%+ Single Tickets: . Adults $1.50, Fac/Staff$1.25, Students/Chil.-$1.00 Faculty /Staff 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00 44%+ Stud. WI Act. Card 24.00 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 73%+ Tel277-3121 ;;p

1 INGMAR ~ PLAY IT . THE BIG BERGMAN'S > DIVING IN: A Guide to SLEEP September !3 August A GAl z SAM with ~ Yo')r FQvorite HQngou.ts Clark Gal~lel f By GAIL GOTTLIEB atmosphere. There are a couple of Alfredo's ~------~--~~4------~~~~~~------t------t g' When you turn twenty-one the informal communes in the area so Cocteau's on. •.- ...,. DECAMERON t:l Liquor Control Board ought to Rosa's always has a handful of Alfredo's has about the best look you up and present you with beatific freaks on the dance floor dance floor in town hut •the THE·BLOOD !: a complimentary sil'·Pacl' and a and two or more amiable natives quality of the music is often vari· handbook entitled Guide to of Algodones leaning against the able, Drinks are reasonable and OF A POET Stars: Errol Flyl}n, ·~ .o Albuquerque Bars. They've been pool table. The m!lsic is excep· there's always a crowd. Most Olivi~ de Havilland too busy to get around to it tionally good and the crowd is people come here to dance, and & lately, so the Lobo is going to congenial and ever-present, even Siinon of the Desert ~ the crowd is fairly straight, but • c. present you with their own bar on Sunday nights. There's a cover young . 4 by llllS BUNU£l 5 = guide. The complimentary six• charge, but again, it's well worth pack you 'II just have to present to it, ~~~~~~--~~ yourself. Ned's Satyajit ~ay's Big Jim's Jean-Luc Godard's . This is Albuquerque's number KING ~ Okie Joe's This is a great-although some· one singles bar. They don't have a THE WORLD "a A discussion of Albuquerque what citified-western bar. The . cabaret license so you can't dance, Of ~ bars has to begin with Okie 's, music is good and there are ISO but there is a group that does folk · OF APU TOUT VA BIEN ... which is practically an institution. enough rock numbers so that even songs, or tries to, over the buzz 200 MOTELS ... Out Clnd About The back room is cleared for if you don't know a polka from a of conversation. The social scene IIEAQT8

November Brings the Finest in Nationally known R&R, R&B, & Down Home Blues Artists.

BRIDE OF We've brought you such greats as: MAC Godard's -John Hammond WIND FROM BETH 8 -Johnny Otis -B. W. Stevenson -King Biscuit And will bring such greats as:

-Don Williams & The Last Mile Ramblers -(Aug.28,29,30,31) -Steve Young (Sept. 11, 12, 13, 14) Dece•ber COOL HAND LUKE .I A mixed drink show bar, with great dancing. \ .... your teeth you can enjoy a plaY. '·- This is what dinner at MeDonalds and a first-run movie would cost Lobo Looks at Local Restaurants ....' Local Restaurants you. Well, almost, ::! (continued from page 24) special. These aren't raunchy Lake By GAlL GOTTLJEB be found here almost any day of teeth, but they can't afford to on the banks of the Rio Grande in Bali Inn f S, sandwich (northern style barbe­ A remarkable portion of one's the week; dawdling over their eof· take the chance that you are a restaurant run by a Greek." Erie catfish, but tender, l!Uceulent Casa de Buon This is Dutch Indonesian food . ::1 C)le) is really excellent and the land of sky blue catfish. social life seems to center around fee and pretending to read the actually a famous movie star on Traditional Mongolian food is f < wine coolers are the best in town. food, particularly the preparation paper. If they had a little money your day off. So take heart, even meat dipped in special sauces and at reasonaple prices. The most i;R· a· Appetite and consumption thereof. they would undoubtedly order if you don't know your wine eapi· grilled right before your very eyes. teresting 1tem on the menu 1s, If you count the tomato juice, Recently, going to the one of the Lobo-burgers, too. tan from an oyster fork you too, There is also a new menu coming Rijsttafel: a fourteen course meal ~ j Taro's Gorden Cosa Viejo . the dinners here consist of five with various delicate dishes com· supermarket has become such a can dine with the cremil de Ia out that promises close to ninety .:r .§ Delicate Japenese food served Contrary to what the name courses-and they offer you distressing experience that lncreas· creme. different dishes of northern bined with rice. Sample courses 1:'" The Brass Kettle ~- (if you prefer) in individual implies, this isn't a Mexican food seconds if you didn't have enough ing numbers of students are dis· Chinese origin. The most intri· include steamed vegetables with g. place, but rather good, subtle to eat. For four dollars the pizza guing one was "delicate abalone peanut dressing, prawn crackers,. .o • booths with rice mats on the pensing with home cooking, This is an obscure little place Khansson's ,.S floors and papery· walls. A subtle Italian cuisine. There isn't a meat­ dinner consists of tomato juice a arguing that it is a good deal Jess hidden away in the triangle shop· with mushrooms and wild ginger and Samba) Badjak, a chili, sugar, ~ ball in sight. The gazpateho seems giant antipasto, minestrone so~p, This place is absolutely number sauce." Portions are more ·than and spice mixture so hot that ,S and enjoyable meal, but not par­ painful to spend a dollar on a ping center which is distinguished a. » tieularly filling. to have sneaked in from Spain, a small pizza with a bowl of meat­ hamburger than to spend twenty by their righteous 'green chili. In one on any list of good restau­ generous, the service is great, and you 'II never forget it. It is served :s :; but it was good anyway. balls IU)d sauce, ice cream and dollars in the supermarket and fact, all of their Mexican food is rants. The owner wryly describes the whole place rates four stars in layered with oil, probably because !. homemade cookies. You have to then still have to cook the thing pretty good. it as "traditional Mongolian food any book. it would burst into flames if it ~ ~ montona ffiining call in advance for the lasagna and yourself. There seems to be a flaw came in contact with oxygen. This • Vista the chicken cacciatore. There is in the Iogie here, but be that as it Powdrell's is another place that deserves four i!: ·a Company no atmosphere (the tv was on in may, the fact remains that these stars. ~ ::e This place is the last word is Bella Vista in the Sandia moun· the dining room) but they don't days more students are eating out This one isn't near the univer­ ~ steak places, and with good rea· tains is a cheap, fancy restaurant charge you for any. than eating in, and spending more sity, but it has the best Southern· lndrapuro. 1.:1 son. The service is so good that it with good food in the form of It's Sto.te Fair Time Again money at it, too...... daily specials: $1.95 for all the style. barbecue in the city at re· This is the new place where is almost eerie, and the salad bar is The annual NM State Fair • mothers are exhibited. This is a somewhat fanciful markable low prices. Quarter's ...

Who Can I complain to about parking Why am I here Student WEDNESDAY FREE FILMS *All o~ the films w~ll be on Wednesday, with the What am I going to do after graduation except1on of the October 24 film which had to be Where ore student government offices rescheduled because of the inavailability of the Do they serve solt peter at the dorms Center Sponsored by Student Activities Office SUB. Theatre. They will all be from 10am-3pm, Where do I go for a personal problem conunuous showings. Can I sell things on the mall Semester I, 1974-75 What is ASUNM ond where is it Information September 4-Laurel & Hardy, "Way out West'' (1937) October 30~Bela Lugosi, "Return of the Vampire" Where do I go if I've lost my J.D. Where can I get a port time job Are the Rolling Stones coming Is the Union food really fresh in the main lobby of the SUB September ll-Bela Lugosi, "The Phantom Creeps" (-1939) November 6-Rudolph Valentino, "Son of the Sheid" (1926) · What do I do for this itching sensation Con you get birth control pills on compus September 18-Looney Tunes-Merry Melodies November 13-Three Stooges Shorts What is happening on campus or call How do I DROP a class September 25-East Side Kids, "Pride of the ~owry" November 20-Buster Keaton, "College" (1927) How do I ADD a closs 277-46061277-6441 October 2-Hoot Gibson, "Lucky Terror" (1936) 'December 4-Wallace , Buster Keaton & Are the Rolling Stones going for these answers October 9-Lassie and Timmy, "The Treasure" Keystone Cops, Where is the Sociology Department How can I get out of here · and many more October 16- W. C. Fields Shorts 'Charlie Chaplin & Hours: 8:00 ani-5:00 pm & 6:00 pm-9:00 pm ' Wha is the Vice President for business and October 24- Buster Crabbe, "Jungly Man" (This Fatty Arbuckle-·Shorts . contact the fino nee Monday through Friday · Wedne,sday film is on Thursday) _ December ll-_Christmas Special-Shorts ·. $1:15:~!CS!C!CU!C-lll~S~~~~!5U~~S&~ 5 !CS!C!$!CO~ , II • ~ "" George Kelly, adapted and di· ": rected by Joseph Young; evenings, • • > ~ more Wasteland Oct. 29, Nov, l, 7, 12, 15, 20 and It ffiight be o Wostelond, But page 26) • ~ (Continued from 23, and one matinee performance -~ Nov, 24, on "The Psychological Challenge i, been selected, will play w. c. If you're tired of sitting on Jonson Gallery, 1909 Las lectures. Admission for UNM stu· ;:s Fields in "80 Proof" Jan, 28, All three plays are part of the your ass with nothing to do or of Bilingualism." Theatres f Lomas, Sun, 3-6 p.m. and Tues.­ dents is by ID card with series ": "~ippin," the Broadway hit Southwest Theatre Conference. see, UNM offers a number of· Sat. noon to· 6 p.m. Closed Mon­ tickets at $6 and individual tickets She will be followed, Sept, 19; Popejoy Hall located in the 3: Other plays in Rodey will be an· 1914 museums, galleries, speakers series Fine Arts Center complelt, in con- ~ 1>o mustcal and the winner of five days. The gallery features various at $1.50 available for the general by another UNM education pro· Tony awards, will be presented nounced at a later date. and other assorted entertain· public. Most lectures will be held . junction with the Cultural Com· ~· ~ exhibits of paintings on a rotating fessor, Anita Pfeiffer, talking on ~ Feb. 4 and Neil Simon's newest Keller Hall, also in the Fine - ments-most of them free. mittee, each year presents a num· w NEW MEXlCO basis by contemporary artis Theater Conference performances, the Southwest," a Pueblo kitchen, Also, Jan. 30, Khigh Alx On Sept. 25 George Bernard iii the Albuquerque Symphony connected to the U.S. Coast and Also, Nov.' 21, Joan Rubin, ~ Daniel will direct and Herbert and elttinct mammals of the Geodetic Survey's Albuquerque Dheigh on the I Ching and Shaw's "Don Juan in Hell," star- ., · z. Orchestra and the Albuquerque .Levinson will conduct " in Southwest. Acupuncture; Feb. 10, ·black University of Hawaii East-West ring Myrna Loy and Ricardo Mon- ;: ~ Youth Symphony, as well as other Seismic Center located in the Center, on "A Report on Multi­ New Mexico" Nov. 1-3, at 8 p.m. Manzano Mountains southeast of feminist author Maya Angelou; taiban. :-- < groups. The Coffee House, located on museums and and in March philosopher Herbert lingualism ill Hawaii"; Bernard The Broadway hit musical, ...... Rodey Theatre is also located the city. Spolsky, UNM, on "The Uncon­ the south end of the Student Galleries The Meteoritics Museum, open Marcuse. Additional lectures may "Seesaw" is scheduled for Oct. 5 ~ ;E in the Fine Arts Center anc each Union, is open Friday and Satur­ be added later. founding of Tongues: Trends in year presents a number of student University Art Museum, Fine 8 a,m,-noon and 1·4 p.m., main· the Study of Multilingualism and with the Soviet Georgian Dancers "" day evenings from 7 p.m. until Arts Center, Tues.-Fri. 11 a.m.-5 tains a display of meteorites in­ "Multilingualism in the South· and Tsilitsi Choir appearing Oct. plays at varying prices. midnight. The Coffee House pre­ west" is a series of lectures pre· Bilingual Education;" and two The fall season includes three p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sun. cluding the world's largest known additional lectures by William 9. sents local musicians and singers 1·6 p.m. Closed Mondays. Show· stone meteorite. sented by the New Mexico The National Players will pre· . plays, each beginning in October in a small, intimate atmosphere. It Humanities Council and co· Labov of the University of Penn­ and running through mid·Novem· ing througli Aug. 25 in the lower Museum of Southwestern sylvania and Gustavo Gonzalez of sent Moliere's, "School for Wives" will open Sept. 6, gallery is a show of student work Biology-not open to the general sponsored by the department of Nov. 17 and Shakespeare's, ber. Evening performances begin The Union Theater is located in linguistics. All of the lectures will the University of California, Santa "Henry the Fourth-Part One" at 8:30 and matinees begin at 3 while a Randall Davies Retro• public-is a teaching and research Barbara, to be announced. the basement of the Student spective is showing in the upper museum for the use of serious stu­ be held in the Kiva beginning at 8 Nov. 18. p.m. The plays are: Union and· presents a number of dents of southwestern field biol­ p.m. on the dates indicated. Addi· A number of other University Zubin Mehta will conduct the "When You Co min' Back Red movies each semester, most of gallery through Sept. 1. The Art departments such as English, Museum costs 50 cents for adults ogy. tionally, each lecture will be fol· Los Angeles Philharmonic Nov. Rider," by Mark Medoff eve­ them costing 99 cents. and 25 cents for children for non· Art Students Association Gal· lowed the next day with a more mathematics, chemistry and the 22. nings, Oct. 17, 18, 19, 2S, 30; The Experimental Theatre is UNM related personnel. lery, Student Union, M·F 11 detailed look at the subject area. library also present speakers from The Ma.rtha Graham Dance Nov. 5,. 8, 13, 16 and 21, and located in the Fine Arts Center Upcoming exhibits include: a.m.-4 p.m. Showing through Aug. As part of the program, UNM time to time. Information on their Company is scheduled for Dec. 4. matinees Oct. 20, Nov. 1 a11d 17. and is just that: an experimental Sept. 1, a three-man faculty show; 31, "Urbanscape" photographs by professor of education Vera speakers' series was not available A guest artist, who has not yet S t r in dberg 's "The Ghost theatre for student producUons. at Lobo press time. Sept. 8, the First National Bank Richard Reap and Steve Yates. John-Steiner will speak Sept. 12 · (continued on page 27) Sonata," directed by Louis Criss; Totem at Maxwell Museum ~othing scheduled at this time. Photo Collectioll featuring works evenings, Oct. 24, 26, 31; Nov. 6, by Ansel Adams, Edward Curtis, Lecture Series 9, 14, 19 and 22, and matinees Paul Strand and Edward Weston; we are Oct. 25 and Nov. 10. Oct. 6, contemporary Brazilian ASUNM and GSA Speakers "The Torch Bearers," by prints; and Oct. 27, performing Committee Lectures each year . arts in the 19th Century. present a series ot wide-ranging Bugger City The Bu~ger City Poverty Players once agam bring the essence of contemporary experimental drama to the campus ofUNM. featuring This time William Weldon and company put into production Terr­ Indonesian and European Cuisine ence McNally's (two 'I. '•.I YouA. VER-Y American soldiers of intellectual PIY&H ll;loL ~l9R Saturdays: 7 pm: br~eding passing the time waiting for the enemy to emerge from Large Variation of Sandwiches G~Me:. ~ National Lampoon Radio Show hiding), Sam Shepard's Cowboys Uitsmyters-Tortas-Heros-etc. Saturdays 11 pm: No. Z (another chaotic situation' of HIDEOUT. .. ridiculous proportion by the author Excellent Soups & Salads On Tour. Encoded for quad, of Chicago), and ANYTHING who the JUST L.\ ~E. BUTcH ancl ~·· will play their music in the wings of Sundays 7 pm: your mind before the top-billed Ricetable Lenny Bruce (William Weldon) (for 2 or more-with reservation) EARL SCRUGGS REVUE t;,oo7.. PI'TCHEJZ. o'F BE'Ql o~lf1$f=Rt:M f'/lxN 1'o8FM Dr. Demento emerges to do an hour of monolo­ ALL SANDWICHES Of'l_!.y $1.0° Alternate Sundays 9 pm: gue along the lines of Bruce's col­ September 21 & 22 lege act.. King Biscuit Flower Hour Performance will be held Sept. Reasonable Prices of course Encoded for quad. 5th thru 8th, Thursday thru Sunday at 8: I 5 p.m. in the theater of the Bike rcwh.fiJryrmr l'dlll'l!llii!IIC't'. Other Rodeo Stars- new Humanities Building. Admis­ sion is only a dollar. Johnny Rodriguez -Sept 13-14 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK erq11• At this time the Poverty Players . '><'·.~.. 0 Charlie Pride -Sept 15, 16, 17, 18 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY ~ -1<; ... are looking for actors and actresses FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -12:00 PM to 2:00AM • < ••• ··-·' .. to play controversial characters in Lynn Anderson -Sept.19, 20 ,:...,o larger cast productions of contem­ SUNDAY 4:00PM to 12:00 AM porary wetrd dirty experimental Earl Scruggs -Sept. 21, 22 plays, plays that aren't being done -·· anywhere but off-off Broadway. 1600 Central SE Student Activities Night What's going on this weekend? Tonight? Are there any Concerts, Plays, Movies? -Robbie Basho in Concert -All at the SUB -Games, in ballroom -Sept. 13 -Folk Groups, in cafeteria -6:30 to 11:00 CALL TELA-MESSAGE -Booths -Just 25c to Enter -Displays -the Door. 277-5243 -Movies (All Free Once Inside) Coffee House · Daily listings on campus activities. • Information on more than 160 student organizations . . ' ' Travel Films Scheduled ·The Cultural Program Don Cooper and. "Canadian PEC mUSIC SURVEY PEC mUSIC SURVEY- Committee of UNM and the Holiday," Sunday, March 2; and Sandia Kiwanis Club of Ed Lark and "Hawaii," Tuesday, Albuquerque have scheduled five March 25. The following is a list of Maria Muldaur MSFB educational travel films for the Rounch 'n' Roll Jazz- Rock New York Dolls 1974·75 season. All films will be shown at 7 : 3 0 musicians compiled by the Lobo Tracy Nelson O'Jays Helen Reddy Pink Floyd p.m. in Popejoy Hall on the UNM and the ASUNM Popular Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Freda Payne Films include Clay Francisco's, Alice Cooper Alice Coltrane Buddy Rich & Or~hestra Billy Preston "Brazil" Friday, Oct. 11; Ken campus, Entertainment Committee. In Black Oak Arkansas · Mose Allison Phil Ochs · Persuasions Seals & Crofts Procol Harum some ways, it's complete. In Wilson Pickett ~man Brothers Wolfgang and. "The Soul of Tickets may be purchased at Black Sabbath Dave Brubeck Johnny Otis Show Carly Simon Mark Almond Qui~ksilver Messenger Service others, it's ridiculous. Tom Paxton Platters Japan," Tuesday, Nov. 5; Eric the Popejoy Hall box office or Deep Purple Billy Cobham Paul Simon Azteca Rolling Stones Pavel's, "Six Gateways to the through the Sandia Kiwanis, Whatever, the list exists solely Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show Chick Corea Pentangle Lou Rawls Dusty Springfield RoxyMusic for you to express your opinion Diana Ross Bachman·Turner Overdrive Caribbean," Monday, Jan. 27; 255·4571. J. Geils Band Larry Coryell John Prine Ringo Starr Bad finger Santana on who should he brought to Grand Funk Railroad Miles Davis Bonnie Raitt Smokey Robinson Cat Stevens Savoy Brown UNM in the coming months. & the Miracles , Band James Gang Lionel Hampton Linda Ronstadt Barbra Streisand Barnstorm & Joe Walsh Boz Scaggs Please circle the twenty Led Zeppelin Keith Jarrett Ry Cooder Shirelles B. J, Thomas Sha Na Na performers you'd like to see. If Stylistics Beach Boys Mott the Hoople Rahsan. Roland Kirk Buffy Saint·Marie Three Dog Night Beck, Bogart & Appice Lynyrd Skynyrd your favorite is not on the list use Leon Russell Ramsey Lewis John Sebastian Supremes Dionne Warwick Sly & the Family Stone the space provided by "others." Pete Seegl)r Temptations Capt. Beetbeart Edgar Winter Charles Lloyd Andy Williams David Bowie Steely Dan After completing the survey, Johnny Winter Mahavishnu Orchestra TajMahal Tower of Power Nancy Wilson Ten Years After detach it from the Lobo and Jackson Browne Z.Z.Top Herbie Mann James Taylor Ike & Tina Turner Other: Chicago Traffic return it to any of the following Other: Modern Jazz Quartet Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee Jr. Walker & the All Stars Yes places: War Eric Clapton Ben Sidran Band Loudon Wainwright Ill Cold Blood Xit STUDENT ACTIVITIES Doc & Merle Watson Bill Withers Weather Report Crosby, Stills, Nash & Ypung Other: STUDENT INFORMATION Country Jess!;! Colin Young Bobby Womack & Peace LOBO Other: Doobie Brothers Lynn Anderson & Other: Stevie Wonder Dr. John PEC The Country Store Other: Results of the survey will be Grab Bog Eagles Blue Ridge Rangers Folk Blues Soul Electric Light Orchestra tabulated and then published by Glenn Campbell Y the Lobo. Easy Listening Emerson, Lake & Palmer Johnny Cash Joan Baez Bar.-Kays Faces Comedy· Roy Clark Harry Belafonte Brook Benton Herb Alpert & TJB J. J, Cale Fanny Commander Cody & His David Bromberg Booker T & Priscilla America George Carlin Jimmy Cliff Flash Cadillac & the Lost Planet Airmen Tim Buckley James Brown Blood, Sweat & Tears Rita Coolidge Continental Kids Cheech & Chong Ferlin Husky Paul Butterfield Chairmen of the Board Brewer & Shipley Firesign Theater Dan Hicks Fleetwood Mac Lester Flatt Canned Heat Chambers Brothers Carpenters John Peter Frampton Martin Mull Merle Haggard Leonard Cohen Ray Charles Perry Como Lily Tomlin Loggins & Messina Grateful Dead Doug Kershaw Judy Collins Cornelius Bros, & Sister Rose Mac Davis Roger McGuinn George Harrison Flip Wilson Kris Kristofferson Bob Dylan Drifters Sammy Davis, Jr. Other: Bette Midler It's A Beautiful Day Jerry Lee Lewis John Fahey Earth, Wind & Fire Dawn ,Mothers of Invention Jefferson Airplane Roger Miller Fairport Convention Roberta Flack John Denver Randy Newman Jethro Tull Oldies But ffioldles New Riders of the Purple Sage Arlo Guthrie Four Tops Neil Diamond Poco Elton John Roy Orbison Tim Hardin Aretha Franklin Jose Feliciano Pointer Sisters King Crimson Andrew Sisters Buck Owens Richie Havens Funkadelic Art Garfunkel Chuck Berry Lou Reed Kinks Pure Prairie League John Lee Hooker Marvin Gaye Tom Jones Ravi Shankar Dave Mason Chubby Checker Marty Robbins Incredible String Band Isaac Hayes Carole King Bo Diddley John Stewart Paul McCartney & Wings Johnny Rodriguez B. B. King Imperials Liberace lOCC Steve Miller Band Fats Domino Earl Scruggs Revue Leo Kottke Impressions Lobo Everly Brothers Wendy Waldman Blues ' Tanya Tucker Miriam Makeba ' Jackson Five Henry Mancini Other: Van Morrison Bill Haley & the Comets Jerry Jeff Walker John Mayall Gladys Knight & the Pips Liza Minelli Jay & the Americans Tammy Wynette Melanie Kool & the Gang Anne Murray Little Richard Faron Young Joni Mitchell Love Unlimited Olivia Newton·John Bobby Vinton Other: Muddy Waters Curtis Mayfield Distributed by Quality Import Company . l Other:

: t Dancing Everynight )1 In Back Room T.G.I.F. ' ROCK-N-ROLL 3:00 to 6:00 SOc Cocktail Drinks every Friday Pizza Slices 2 for 25c $1.00 Pitcher of Beer

1720 Central SE 11 AM-2 AM


Package l!lilt.:•r•·:."' Turtle Keg Beer Lflllthst snd shtJIJfJskin !JIIfment! Keg $25. OldTO'Ml Y2 Sandwiches Anytime Keg Deposit $1 .00 107 RomeroNW All Taps Available Pizza 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. 842-8496 r rat the U. Gre r t .Qkie ... ' ( • I . I ! . KNffiE Airs Bored? Well, We Need Help .... ~., .. - ,...,...... ,.... -:o .,., ·•-. .,_.,. """ .. .,.- .. .., -•,. •""., ..,._,..·r~--1>~--. • -•-•• ,..._ ...... _._ l ' The t...obo Arts & Media staff, cancerous body that it is, wis~es to expand. To do so, we need researchers, reviewers, g~aph1cs Grad Students Where Progrom on people and almost anyone else. If any of these labels f1t you, come by the office at 138 Marron Hall or call 277-4202. Do Your $9 Go? Enrollment ·up Solor Energy There are places along the road, (Continued from page 6) independent boards such as KUNM, The Daily t~;;;/ ?'-'-:·~""' Production of a sefies on solar Where the Rowers grow ••• receives one dollar per semester for each student in Lobo, or the International Center, UN M goes into the 1974-75 semester anticipating an energy for national airing will Rosa's is still such a place, the organization. . "Where GSA and ASUNM have joint interest con­ overall enrollment increase of 3%. Heaviest enrollment gains • highlight the upcoming season for Your place • GSA also funds many campus organizations, cerning funding of other campus groups," Read are expected at the branch colleges in Gallup and Northern KNME-TV Channel 5, said A big welcome back to all of our Until a year ago, the presidents of GSA and ASUNM said, "we want to have joint budget hearings. That New Mexico. Enrollment at the main campus in Albuquer­ osa's would sign an agreement each year on the amount way we won't have groups playing each of us off on que is expected to be up 2% over last year. Knight, KNME program manager. wonderful Animated friends of money GSA would allocate to each campus or­ the other, for instance, by asking for funding from Gallup, now in its sixth year, expects a 20% gain in The solar energy series, six half ganization and ASUNM would administer the fund­ ASUNM and saying they have matching funds from enrollment. They will offer a new two-year program for hour programs, will air over PBS ing. GSA when, in fact, they don't. physician's assistants. weekly beginning Feb. 27. Read said that there were many problems with "We support the Rape Crisis Center and the Child The Northern New Mexico branch will offer classes in this set up. Day Care Cooperative," Read said. "We think it is­ seven locations throughout a wide area of north central New "The programs will deal with "Our money got lost in the ASUNM budget," important that people with children should be able Mexico, and is expecting an enrollment increase of nearly the development and utilization Read said. "Groups didn't realize that GSA was to go to school and still see their children." 25%. of solar energy,' especially in the funding them along with ASUNM." "I'm seriously considering running for GSA pres­ Increases are also seen at the UNM Andean Center in southwest. We'll be making use of He said that GSA is now going to administer most ident again in September," he continued. Quito, Ecuador, where 15% more students will be enrolled the scientific expertise of New of its own funds so that the graduate students will "The welfare of our people is our highest con­ this fall. Mexico scientists from the "know, out front, where their money is going." cern," Read said, "and how to make their Jives in The Los Alamos Graduate Center is expected to enroll250 University of New Mexico, New Read said that GSA was going to negotiate in­ the University and the community better and Mexico State University, Los dependently with any campus groups governed by easier.'' students, up 2% from last year. Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Sandia LaboratorY," Knight says.

(""'"'! -·~·,-~,-"'_.,;:·; "We have been busy this f-·. < ''*<.-, .. summer preparing scripts for the series," he adds. KNME-TV is one of just 15 public television stations throughout. the nation chosen to produce one of these six-part series which are being made possible through the Station Program Cooperative, a new PBS t service, Knight says. a e '\ "About 100 stations submitted Save up to proposals for series to PBS. The affiliated stations then decided 50°/o themselves which of the proposals Rrts &' Crafts Center they wanted produced. The Arts & Crafts Center, located in the basement of the SUB Production of these series is near the Games area, is open for use by UNM students. The funded by the PBS affiliates Center provides darkroom facilities (for a 50 cent charge, you themselves," he says. provide the contact sheets), as well as potters' wheels and other equipment. New Fall Merchandise Included Free Parking Free Alterations I ·'' Gold Street Circus ·--,t., .. Lost? Check The Info Desk Students drift past the information desk all fields a remarkable variety of questions, and PHONE 293·3458 day tong, at times in a dizzying stream, other admit that they ate no longer surprised by any· times in . a languid trinkte. The bem~sed staff thing. 1820 Central S.E. AGORA Staffs Avoid t'M fuss-­ Crisis Center Rick tlt1 AGORA, at UNM, will continue to supply crisis-center services this BUS. year. AGORA listens to approximate­ ly four thousand people annually, who need to talk-out personal FREE SUNDAE 243-1988, problems, academic stumbling blocks or general depression and loneliness. The center also serves as a referral agency to guide students LIMIT ONE BUY ONE to professional assistance if neces­ AD PER sary. Although AGORA is primarily GET ONE FREE for the use of the university com­ munity, it also offers its services to 40 CI:NT OR non-students. The walkinlphone­ 50 CENT SIZE in center is open 24 hours a day op·en during the regular semester, and is OFFER EXI>IRES MIDNIGHT staffed by approximately 120 stu­ SATURDAY. AUGUST 24 dent volunteers specially trained to be good listeners and to handle crisis situations. · UNIVERSITY 10:00· A.M. 6:30 P.M. Organized in 1970 through the efforts of UNM students ·and professors, AGORA will celebt:ate DAIRY QUEEN its fourth anniversary in October. Monday-Saturday Students wishing to contact 2300 CENTRAL BUS PASS REQUEST AGORA may call 277-3013 or NAI!t------SOCIAL SECURITY 110---- come to the center at the northwest THIS AD MUST BE PRESENTED AOORESS: ______~---- corner or Mesa Visw Hall on the UNM campus. "l' ;;p t- IIQ· Cl> ----ASUNM------'-----:----- lD .... > ..... Guidelines For Walk- Through C"' .~"' lf you haye to_go thr?ugh_walk- to one. of, th_e checkers. who, if class for audit or under the pass/. 1: through r~g!stratlon ~IS Fr1da~- everythmg Js m order, wdl stamp fail credit option that the sect· GENERAL STORE ~ g. and admiSSions offi~u1ls predict your Student Header Card ioner has marked the card to so Senate Needs Student Response E nearly ~alf of us will-there are "cleared for sectioning." indicate. ~ so~e thmgs you should know and You may now proceed to the -That the sectioner has written are all killed· in a bus accident there can be conti­ ~ do m advance. · main gym where you will very the correct entry on your Student By ORLANDO MEDINA Gonzales' major project now is the student lobby !;'f The full-time student at the University of New nuity," he said. Q 1 Who knows? If !ou f?llow all likely find that some or all of the Header Card recording the issue of committee which has been working duri11g the sum­ c:: of the procedures m their proper courses you wanted have been your class card Air Hockey Mexico is paying twelve dollars of his tuition to an mer preparing for the next session of the state . Gomez feels that the recording of the laws would l:j aid the student court in interpreting them, This orde~ you ~ay even hav~ been filled anyway. On the other hand, ' . organizatipn he' probably knows little about, legislature. a: able to retam some vest1ges of however you might even get just When you have rece1ved all of A mandatory fee is imposed 011 all full-time problem was evident in the last election when argu- "-= ~ "The committee has been in a training program this t:"" . sanity. what yo;,. want and need. So per- Yol.!r class c_ards go to the I,D. vali· students fo.r the Associ;~ted Students. of the University summer hearing speakers and learning hqw to operate ments were based on precedent. . · First and foremost, if you severe. · dat1on settlon a~ th.e west end of of New Mexico (ASUNM), The fees collected will in Santa Fe," he says. "Student governme11t is now so l<~rge and compli­ _g ~ haven't paid your tuition yet you Present your Student Header the gym. By thiS tJme you have Fooseball total over $300,000 for the 1974-75 school year and ;1 Gonzales wants to add more people to the lobby cated we may find ourselves in student court or civil aren't going to get anywhere. Card at the station for each de- probabl~ put your I.D. card away major percentage of the money has already been effort besides the five-person commiltee. court action," he said, i Tuit!on paymentl; are made in the partment in which you want to but get •t out an~ Y?U will be is­ Gomez wants the hierarchy of government used as ~ ~ allocated. The ASUNM lobby previously has been somewhat 1:1 Q c~shier'~ ~ffice of the administra- take a class. Ask for your class by sued a c~rrent_ VaiJdat1on Ia bet The UN M graduate student pays a nine-dollar fee ineffective due to its small work force of only four an information source for the studen.t. The student t1on buddmg, room 158, (Scholes course and section number. At this pomt you are almost to the Graduate Student Association (GSA). should be able to get answers somewhere along the ~ ·~ Hall), And now for a word of caution . through. Go to the final class card Pinball members and a chairman. This year the committee ~ Together, ASUNM and GSA fund all major orga­ will increase in size to eleven people chaired by UNM bureaucratic scale, . =S To make your payment present Some of the people at the station~ check room and tum in your Stu­ nizations and services on the main campus. law student Pertha Parker. Lobby is the main instru­ "If the student wants to know something he should your "Appointment for Registra- sometimes are unable to read or dent Header Card and your class be able to ask a senator, and if that senator doesn't ~ ~ hear and they will give out the cards in the order they are listed This includes the Rape Crisis Center, the Student ment of ASUNM and hopes to push many issues ~ z Veterans Association, KUNM (the student radio through Santa Fe because of their stronger ·research know the answer he could come to me. And ifl don't ~ ..; wrong cards. Therefore make sure on the front of the header card. station), and the Daily Lobo. · force this year. know the answer we'd better damn well find out," he ~ you cheek the cards before leaving Congratulations, If you are the 111 Harvard SE In the past there was joint funding by ASUNM and "This is &o we don't end up with the chairman said. .... <"' the station for the following: average student you have sue- ... -That it is the correct class ceeded. You have persevered. You GSA but with new bookkeeping procedures the busting his ass and we'll have more of a full-time • • • ~ & The most sou~ht after job 'in the ASUNM govern­ card. are registered, Go out and buy organizations will fund separately, This will enable lobby effort," Gonzales said, ~ a: 7 days till Midnight GSA or ASUNM to study funding requests more This year the lobby effort will be working on child ment is the chairmanship of the Popular Entertain­ "'' -That if you are takinl( the yourself a drink. carefully. · care, 18-year-old drinking, veterans benefits and other ment Committee. Money will still be appropriated to groups on the interests. Steve Schroede.r is the new chairman. campus by the ASUNM Senate, composed of 20 Gonzales' general policy will be to make commit­ Schroeder sits in an office with three other commit­ students elected from the student body at large, tees autonomous and less dependent on the executive tees surrounded by calendars and spends most of his The senate and the executive branches represent branch for direction. time on the telephone. the students and appropriate funds. "My role is as an administrator, assistant or coordi­ Schroeder describes the job as, "Frustrating and a .• The Judiciary branch of ASUNM serves to inter- nator, not to give directions," he said. large game of logistics," This contradicts what most I "'i'P>'l\i@}illli I llf Ill, '. Gonzales talks about the past image of an executive which was the power Gi·ve Your Room hungry officer who talks to a few and . .. manipulates many. a NEW LOOK This Semester I . ASUNM is at a saturation point right now with • creating new organizations and obligations. The majority of programs have been good and well • developed, but they can't continue to grow at this time It's easy with the huge selection of due to financial and manpower limitations. Victorian rattan and willow furni­ ,. ture at our Coronado store. tion" and .. Cashier's ·Record Form" along with your money. r Gomez admits that he was once a ·<. . Or, if you have already paid but .. ' haven't received your "Appoint­ militant when it came to working with ment for Registration" form back, - student government but now he thinks you may pick it up from the ' cashier's office. ~...... _ that working within the system is Having gotten past the (U'st . ' hurdle take that self-same ap­ possible. pointment slip to the west end of .. Pres. Gil Gonzales Vice P'res. Ernesto Gomez Johnson Gym and pick up your "' student I.D. The I.D. card is sort of like pret the laws and by-laws of the ASUNM Constitu­ • • • students have considered a glamorous, plush job. your tuition. Namely, if you tion which covers all students and helps guarantee The Vice President of ASUNM is Ernesto Gomez Instead; Schroeder is trying to operate the commit­ haven't paid or you haven't their rights. and his prime duty is to preside over the senate or tee like a business, which means making money. He picked the I.D. up you can't get • • • what a former member termed "the circus." · has plans for making a profit and plans on how to through registration: ASUNM has its offices on the second floor of the Gomez dislikes that label and he is attempting to spend it. • I.D. cards are currently avail­ Student Uriion Building with the executive office set prove different to the student body. "We've made some money renting out our lights able 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the west in the southwest corner, two glass doors surrounded "I want to make sure that students and senators are and we might need the money in March when we end of Johnson Gym. They must Also, see our great collection of by wooden mailboxes aild cabinets. more informed. I also want the senators to accept and won't have any facilities to put on concerts," he said. be picked up by no later than use more self-discipline," he said. Schroeder explains that due to renovation, the Aug. 30 or you will become a Madras prints, stoneware, nostalgia The student sits in the outer office talking to the former pr011pective student. receptionist while waiting to plead his cause to either He wants communication between the senators and UNM Stadium and Arena will be unavailable. If you still haven't decided to signs, straw flowers, posters, fish the ASUNM P"resident Gil Gonzales or Vice­ students opened with forums and more commiitee Schroeder wants to use the profits to perhaps co· drop out, proceed this Friday, President Emesto Gomez. work, promote some shows, and have funds available to Aug. 23, to the east entrance of nets, bamboo curtains, wind chimes, Various people come wandering in to see Gil or The open forums would appear as a revamping of make up possible losses, Johnson Gym at the time printed Emesto, asking a minute to spare for another life or the Steering Committee to make a direct link with the In keeping with the new policies of the ASUNM on your "Appointment for Regis­ grass mats, hampers, doormats, and death crisis. student body. Gomez and the committee would meet govefnment, Schroeder wants to open up more com­ tration" slip. You walk into the President's office after passing with students to hear complaints and requests. munication with the student body. When you do show up at John· on and on and on! through another secretary's office and sit in a. car­ "We will make an attempt to take the student "The lack of communication with the student hurts son on Friday make sure you have peted, intimate room with a conference table. Gon· government off the second floor and I think we can us the most," he said. "People don't usually respond. your appointment slip and your zales greets you and then proceeds to informally listen do it with the high caliber of senators we have," he They just wait·around until there is a group they like." (here we go again} I.D. card. to your cause or gripe. He is pleased with his position said. Schroeder hopes to remedy this by pllblishing a list Once inside "Fortress Registra· and describes the view. Gomez also feels these types of forums would take of groups that could appear and handing the list out tion" you will be presented a "I wish everyone had the view from this office," the load off the Finance Committee by enabling a to the student body to make choices. . · whole bunch of forms and cards. Raske Gonzales says, "you see the problems of student better understanding of budget requests before they Another solution Schroeder has in mind is in the Correct or supply answers to all government but you also see the potential and the appear. selection of the new members of the committee. the questions on the blue and diversity."- • Gomez admits he was once a militant when it came "I'd like. to sec more freshman representation on white "Personal Data" form. Shop Gonzales talks about the past image of an executive to working with student government but now thinks !he committee and perhap.s the committee broken While you are writing, however, which was the power-flungry officer who talks to few that working in the system is possible. He wants to mto three men and three women. We could also use DO NOT write on your IBM Stu­ and manipulates many. improve the system by reworking the laws. peop!e with tastes in jazz, soul, rock and other music," dent Header Card. If you do, a Coronado Center Old Town Plaza Gonzafes and his vice president emphasize more "I'd like to go over the constitution and laws and he said, new one has to be made, that communication with the students other than simply have fewer and more understandable rules," he said. Schroeder wants to open more communication with takes time, and that time m.ight 296-5559 842-8022 mean the differenCe between get· handing out money. Gomez said the standard procedure in past senates the community tastes In music with surveys of record 1 0-9 Daily, 10-6 Saturday Everyday! g.g "ASUNM is a!,.a saturation point right now with all over the cotintry is to have outdated laws and then , stores, radio stations and Albuquerque businesses ting that one clas!l you need this creating new organizations and obligations. The proceed to pass more laws to counteract the old laws. , selling concert tickets, semester or only being able to en­ 1 0·5 Sunday majorify of programs have been good and well He believes that all information should be recorded roil for 15 hours of "Basket He would like more concerts in Popejoy theater Weaving for the Professional Stu· When in Old Town, visit the Old Town Ice Cream Parlor developed, but can't grow at this time aue to financial and catalogued to enable continuity. · and perhaps another general admission concert. His and manpower limitations," says Gonzales. "The government is open to the students and biggest dream is to have a completely separate facility • dent." .. should be arranged for them to look up what we've Once you have completed the "This year my job will not entail creating new for concerts and entertainment. . personal data forms turn them in things, but evaluating what we already have." done. Also when the administration changes or if we (continuned on page 34) ;! A vari~d Jll:OUP of new cl:a.sse. focuses on women's status in tions," which will focus. on the ~ will be offered this fall by the society, Discussion topics ~-m Representing the C nited States '"'. Undergraduate Seminar Program, psychological-social base of 84 after preliminary 'iltins over A us· include socialization and stewo­ various types of communication in Israel the UNM basketball team tralia (109-80). Holland (119-SI ). ~ the Women'~ studies Program, the types of st>x, race and class, as :~~.-ored its tournament loo: of 104 Senate Needs Student Response 1i International Programs Center, in a mass society•. Belgium t l08-6S) and S~itzerfanq well as women's role in the eco­ The department of Modern and points in winning the final game, tl06-76}. (continued (rom page 82) ;, the Langua~ Department, and nomic world. Permission to email capturing t'irst place at the World :s the Sociology Department. Classical Languages will offer a Bob · Toppert was named the "The administration would never allow il, but stereo equipment, even a place for clothes," he said. amid cabinets, paper and stenciling equipment and must be obtained from Gail new course designed for area t: nilrersit'i Games. most valuable player of the touma· draws up what amounts to a game plan wit~ the State ": The UndPrgraduatp Seminar Baker,. Women's. Studies Collective maybe ouiside help could make it possible," he said. Benavidez wants to encourage students to meet 1;' Program has had l!Ome VPrY suc­ school teachers in bilingual cla..." ATTENTION/ dinator of Jhe ASUNM Consumer Affairs Commit­ "Selling on the mall should be regulated. Not This cooperat.ion among the c~mmittee a~d infor­ .c ter at the USP office in the new dents who must obtain a reading knowledge o( some foreign la.n· tee. everybody on the mall is .dishonest but someone mation from different sources 1s to estabhsh what j Honors Center which is loct~ted on STUDENTS and FACULTY Benavidez sits at his desk filing through complaints might come in and rip off a student,'' he said. Parker calls, "trying to get an air of professionalism." ;., the ground floor of the new guage in order to receive a degree Like the rest of the ASUNM officials, Parker wants will also be offered. and lists of possible student discounts. He has a lot of Benavidez said there are things that students fail to :; Humanitil'S Building. aegistration Courses to The International St.udies semi,. to open up more communication with the student ~ time is Saturday, August 24 at plans for his new committee and is presently putting pay attention to such as deducting gas mileage on nar will be back this fall, in spite together a student discount book. their income tax. 8 9:00 a.m. and early arrivnls will be Limited seating body. · 'II b d ''d l'k 'x given numbers in lint>, stnrting at of earlier doubts as. to its future. ·"Right now we've got about 22 places that will give The committee was set up to act as mediators to aid "All our meetmgs w1 e open an we 1 e as Design~d primarily for global­ student discounts. The only problem is getting the in student complaints and Benavidez wants students many students as possible to attend. I will be sending ~ 8:00. Persons wishing to registl'r minded graduating seniors, the students to· use these discounts. If we don't get to come into the office with any complaint. progress reports to President Gonzales and anyone !!: should bring their validated st\t· Be Offered class is shared. by the departments is now available students to take advantage of them, then we can't • • •• can have a copy," she said. . . lll dent LD. cards with them. of sociology, political science, keep getting the discounts," he said. ASUNM is going to take student gripes to the Santa · Parker is now in the process of contactmg orgamza­ :Z: Classes offered under the USP geography, economics, modem ~ program will include "Biblic!tl for LOW Christmas Benavidez talks about discounts on everything from Fe Le~islature in the form of the ASUNM Lobby tions to find out what kind of legislation they favor. languages and literature. The car parts and repair work to records. Committee this semester. She believes the committee represents all organiza­ < Hebrew," Ht>alth Care in the course is useful to students pre· 11> 70's" "T'ai Chi Ch'uan " and paring for the Foreigu Senice "We've got a place that will give us a 50 per cent The committee will be led by the new lobby tions and students. If~ "John. Wayne vs. the Frito' &n· This Fall group flights to N.Y., discount on oil filters, a place for tires, a place for chairwoman Bertha Parker, who sits in her office examination, graduate work in dito," which will t>xplore the international affairs, and careers stereotypes of the Tejano 1111d the Other courses offered by the with multi-national corporations. Chicago, Los Angeles, The September ES'juire, publi­ are even worse off. Last year "there try to bluer· their way to better Machlup and Princeton economist Chicano. Las V~gas buffs may Women Studies program include The course can also provide aid in shed this week, contams a special were 117,000 positions available to grades." That's what's happening Christopher Jencks both agree with enjoy "A Scholarly Appraoch to "La Mujer Chicana," "Lesbian obtaining scholarships and grants the 231,000 elementarx and to tomorrow's wou14.-be doctors. the Interrelation of Probt~bility, Feminism in America," "Women college . report that reveals what's Esquire that college graduates earn PersonaL Finance, and the Alloca· abroad. and San Francisco. happening on camf'US. " You name secondary-school teachers looking more "because they were brighter and Media," and "Women in The Institute of International tion of Scarce Resources-or an Literature." t ' it, It's happening," Esquire says. for work." or better off to begin with," and Intensive Course in Blackjack." Education announced the official Fewer students are buying the most of them "would earn just as New courses in researclt metho­ opening of the 1975·76 fellowship college-as-the-road-to-success illu­ The General Honors Program dology and stntistics will be of· competition for graduate study or In one article, a disgruntled Vas­ According to the Esquire study, much if they didn't go." will offer nine honors st>minars call: sar co-ed says her school didn't 41,000 applicants are competing for sion: there are now 680,000 vacan­ fered this fall through the sociol· research abroad. It is expected THUNDERBIRD What designed mainly for juniors and ogy department. The curriculum that approximately 300 awards to really go co-ed, ·~ust bisexual." In 14,400 medical openings; 86,000. cies on American campuses, notes seniors. These multi-disciplinary will include an advanced under· 46 countries will be available from the southwest, students are boozing · applicants are competing for 38,500 Esquire. Fewer students means courses will cover suclt topics as it up in down-to-earth working fewer teachers. Many colleges have graduate course in intermediate the Fulbright·Hays program, for· 265-5961 law-school openings (one top-rated "Approaches to Self" and "Major statistics and a two semester grad· eign governments, universities and class bars. Meanwhile, back east at Jaw school liad 3,800 applications tired both tenured and non­ Traditions of Western Cultul'l!." TRAVEL Are You !enu,red facu!ty. Apparently, teach­ uate program in methods of social private donors. Counseling, appli· Yale, "nobody has time for any­ for 290 places), "and equivalent The Women's Studies program research. A graduate research cation forms and further informa· thing outside of school." proportions of applicants to many mg 1s no longer the secure profes­ will offer 12 undergraduate and practicum will'also be offered. Early reservations are advised. sion it once was. tion may be obtained from the other gradu~te p_rogram pl~ces." Prescriptions filled, graduate courses about women Other new sociology depart· campus Fulbright Advisor at the Going west to the U .S.C. campus and feminism. There will be ten ment courses this fall will include in Los Angeles, Esquire reports Office of International Programs Doing Apparently, the worst is yet to Repairs, sections of Introduction to "Sociology of Mass Communica· and Services, 1717 Roma, N.E. that "the high-rise off-campus come. Administration studies pre­ Is college worth it? According Replacements Women's Studies, a course which ap11rtmeilt has replaced the frater­ dict that for approximately 9.8 mil­ the Esquire, "nearly one third of WI polish COniiCIIItlSIS mty, the disco and the beach as the lion college graduates entering the college graduates don't earn more Anaya Joins In School social nexus." Pinochle is the name labor force during the 70's, "only on the average than high school 2316 Central of the game on both coasis. Ap· 6.6 million jobs requiring more graduates." Harvard educator Fritz 268-4708 English Staff parently, says Esquire, "it doesn't than high school educations will be Albuquerque novelist Rudy obsess the player like poker or available to them." Anaya has been named a visiting Anyway7 chess ... doesn't Jceep you away professor at the University of New from the books." II'S not always the fittest who Mexico for the 1974-75 academic! year.• Air Force ROTC ...The college survive in times like these. Pre-med Marijuana is taken for granted Anaya, author of Albuquerque on most campuses. students at one Michigan colle$e best seller "Bless Me Ultima," will admitted they were willing to "he, teach two creative writing courses What's happening after college? cheat, steal, sabotage or do any­ and a course in Chicano literature. scholarship program with Unemployment. According to thing else it takes to get into medi­ The 36-year·old Anaya is a reporter Roger Rapoport, most col­ cal school." A chemistry grader and · native New Mexican hom in Las lege graduates "aren 'I likely to get tutor told Esquire how, after exams Pasturas. Prior to joining UNM he into graduate schools or find jobs." were handed back, an average of taught in the Albuquerque public sky-high benefits. The American Bar Association re­ SO students would flock to his door schools for eight years (63·71) ports that there were only "16.000 "clamoring for a few extra points." and was the director of guidance JObs for the 29,000 lawyers admit­ "Many made crude attempts to pecial Offer and tounseling at the University ted to the bar last year." Teachers chan~e wrong answers and would of Albuquerque during the period 1971-73. ·Lube ancl Oil New Mexico Marine Only -DIVING CENTER 1 I SCUBA-SALES, RENTALS, & SERVICE • 44 Some people might need to be coaxed with more than a full college scholarship to enroll in the Air Force ROTC Program. So, if free tuition, lab and incidental DACOR DIVI'NG Includes up to 5 quarts of fees aren't enough ... the Air Force offers a monthly allowance of $100.00, Quaker State a·il, lubrication, and eMpert safety inspection tax-free, in your junior and senior years .. even if you are not on scholarship. And flying lessons to those qualified provide the most exciting benefit of all. EQUIPMENT Interested? This offer good by ask about the Albuquerque Desert Divers Club Appointment at both Central stores Contact Major Austin, Air Force ROTC det. 510 701 Central NW 243-3701 at the Unh·ersity of New Mexico 345-2527 Morys -Hines 4601 Central NE 5004 San Mateo N.E. Manager and P.A.D.IInstructor 255-5573 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER IN AIR FORCE ROTC •• " ,., -· .... , , . . -. r------,~'I§ > .~ f New Coaches Ably Fill Old Shoes By DEL JONES "Joe (Ferguson) has done a great "( never really discussed coach­ going 'to be a policeman but if r racket hurling by coach Ferguson Lobo Sports Editor last season brought on several re­ ·~== job coaching," said Pucci. "He ing philosophies with Feldman," hear of anything going on a~ainst n· UNM athletics may have the brought tennis up from nowhere," said Mondt "so I don't know if we my rules, l won't be afra1d of ports of unrest in the tennis camps. c flaws of a new car and the early taking disciplinary action." · "My main gripe about last year's l:j But despite his respect for his differed or not," stiffness of Levis but excitement predecessor, Pucci plans to be more But it is evident that Mondt has Mondt is also in favor of training team was that they had no pride. ~ can be felt as three new head of a disciplinarian and says this will differing stratagy since he's chan­ rules but he made it clear he en­ This year we're not going to blow it coaches are taking over the helm in develop pride in his players. ged both the offense and the de­ forces only those which he says will at the big meets. l really don't think football, swimming and tennis. "I expect these kids to work," fense this year in hopes of adding provide for a better football team. we're going to have much dissen­ .~ The names Rudy Feldman, John said Pucci. "Beginning in the fall excitement and wins. "I think players should be in sion this year though." :Ill Mechem, and Joe Ferguson won't we'll have workouts four days per "Football is one of the hardest good condition, get plenty of rest Pucci also has put pressure on a. be heard much this year as the week, and three days a week jobs in the world said Mondt. and notdrink. But the old days are himself to win. "Nobody told me I names Bill Mondt, Rick Klatt, and weight lifting. And if [ don't see "When you play it you're always gone when you regulate dress and have to win to keep my job," said Tom Pucci take over. any acceptable amo.unt of imp.rove­ tired, even 'if you're in good condi­ hair cuts. These things don't affect Pucci, "but I'm making my own Mondt was the first of the three ment we'll practice seven days a tion. Good players just get used to their play so I don't make rules on pressure, I want us to be ranked ! them." nationally in a few years and I coaches to be named when Rudy · week. I'm not afraid of getting out ·it. I think this makes my job harder Feldman was "relieved" of his there and working." because when all the players are pne problem faced by both don't see why we can't be," football coaching duties after com­ Klatt admits he learned a lot putting out so much they depend Klatt and Pucci is their youth. Both Mondt contends that the main Z piling a 24-37-2 record over five from Mechem and therefore his on the coach to do his job too." are under 27 years old and still job of a football coach is to instill a t~ ...... ,; seasons. Mondt was Feldman's coaching philosophy will bear When it comes to training rules active in their respective sports, reason for every player to give his r:i offensive coordinator, quite a bit of resemblance. 26-year-old Pucci remains a disci­ Rick Klatt was an All-American in best for the team. ~ Klatt was then named as interim "After all he was my coach for plinarian. "Lets face it. These guys both water polo and swimming last "If there's any sport that takes J swimming coach while John five years and l was going to be his are ~n scholarships and after con­ year as a senior at UNM and Pucci the strenuo•1s conditioning that ~~< Mechem took a years leave of assistant this year before he took centrating on an education they ' absence for personal reasons. Klatt leave of absence," said K !aU, should think, live, and sleep tennis. swam for UNM under Mechem "But I will be different in that Nobody's going to go out and get since 1969, missing the 1971-72 I'm going to try to stay in touch drunk the night before a match like season with a broken leg. with young swimmmers, especially has happened in the past." Pucci was given the nod as those in the AAU (Amateur Athle­ Rick Klatt also intends to en­ UNM's tennis coach when Joe Fer­ tic Union). Making contacts with force stringent training rules. "I Daily Lobo guson retired after 13 years with a the swimmers and the coaches don't believe in a military camp 156-71-1 record. Pucci served last early will prove invaluable when but I'm an organized person so I SPECIAL REGISTRATION HOURS year as Ferguson's unpaid assistant. I'm recruiting." · stress rules. Water polo, especially, All three of the new coaches are Since Mondt acquired his job is a very precisioned game and it quick to admit they learned a great under different circumstances, in just can't be played right if every­ Sports deal from their predecessor but are that Feldman was released rather one's doing their own thing. . Saturday August 24 8:00 am-5:00 pm also quick to say changes-especial­ than quit by his own choice, he was "I intend on making it clear what ly in coaching philosophy-will be less willing to talk about his prede­ I believe is proper and it won't only Monday August 26 8:00 made. cessor. be during practice hours. I'm not Tuesday August 27 8:00 am-7:00pm .. is presently ranked sixth in nor­ lootball does, it's boxing. But when Wednesday August 28 8:00am-7:00pm thern'New Mexico in tennis. a boxer trains it's all for himself Klatt realizes his problem in that while each football player has to only last year he was a team mate of rely on the other man doing his job the same 'swimmers he's now going or they all look bad. Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00pm, to coach. Will this cause any trou­ "That's why it's important that ble in enforcing the discipline he no player think he's better than the plans to initiate? rest. There's always a few guys who Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 prn "Only in a very few instances," get all the credit. Pro teams have to said Klatt. "I've been team captain build stars to sell tickets." for the past three years and this will A unique problem which Klatt help me alot. People have gotten faces is the prospect that Mechem .I used to me instructing and expres­ may return after his years leave. UNM BOOKSTORE STILL IN THE S.U.B. sing my opinion," But Klatt says he's going on the "As the team begins coming in assumption that he won't be here after the summer I'm just going to for only a year. . "'··trt say I'm no longer a teammate and "Even if Mechem does come One stop for textbooks, school supplies, , I'm no longer a l!ompetitor, but I'm back I'll remain as his assistant." a coach." l t appears we have more than full line of general books and gifts. ?:"~.. ;~ \ : ~... Pucci comes into a situation three new coaches. It appears we "' Three new head coaches-three new coaching philosophies. Left to right, Rick Klatt (swimming), Bill where dissension has existed for a have three brand new outlooks. Mondt (football) and Tom Pucci (tennis). year. Accusations of laziness and (Photo by Mike Gandert) (Photo by Diane Ross) (Photo by Mike Gandert) MEDICAL-LEGAL BOOKSTORE We're here on .------. Located at the corner of Marble and Stanford '!'ourc.4eeountf ·1 I DOWNTOWN OFFICES Special hours Saturday August 24, 10:00 am-4:00pm weiN fNra ••• HEAD OFFICE 123CentraJAvanue N_W welra fNra • •• SIMMS OFFICE I I Regular Hours Monday through Friday I 0:00 am- 4:00 pm 4th & Gold Avenue S W. welra JNra ••• DOWNTOWN MOTOR BANK 6th & Lomas Bfvd. NW I I HEIGHTS OFFICES welra Jwra... CARLISLE OFFICE CarliSle Blvd & CMdetar.a Rd N.E welra fNra ... EAST CENTIIAL OFFICE 4401 Cenlfiil Avenue N.E. I I welra fNra ••• EASTDALE OFFICE C81'kfelaria Ad. & Eubank- Blvd. N.E. .. welra fNra ••• EAIT LOMAS OFFICE 5600 lCJmas Blvd N.E, welra fNra,..EAST MENAUL OFFICE I Gasoline is scarce. And when things get scarce, nomical, manueverable, and highly parkable.ll 5305 Menaul Blvd N.E. they get expensive. Which means that your car Oh, we're not saying that you should do away welra J!Nra,., JUAN TABO OFFICE Juan TabG & Brentwood H1ll1 N.E. I is going to be carving an even bigger chunk out with your car entirely. You'll still need it for some weir• fNra, ..MENAUL MOTOR BANK of your budget. Unless you can find a more eco· things. Like getting down to your Yamaha dealer.. 7201 Menaul Blvd. N E. 1 •r• fNra,..WINIIOCK OFFICE nomical means of transportation. A Yamaha, for 115 W•nrockCenler N C. I -•ra Jwra... WYOMING OFFICE example. Think about all the gasoline you'll save. I 4301 Wvoming Blvd. N.E. NORTH VALLE't OFFICES The fact is, the six·passenger sedan is used -•ra Jwra ... NORTH FOURTH OFFICE I 161041h NW most of the time for commuting. With one pas· I welra flare •• • NORTHDALE OFFICE NEW MEXICO'S 4th & Osuna Rd. NW I senger. In our biased opinion, if you set out to LARGES'r BANK SOUTH VALLEY OFFICE design a vehicle especially for commutin. g, you . ·I we•ra J!Nra,.,ISLETA OFfiCE couldn't do much better than a Yamaha: Eco- 765-2211 33231sleta Blvd. S W I WEST MESA OFFICE welra fNra .. , NORTH COORS OFFICE ~ Someclay,yo'u'lownaYamlha. · a1110 * tDI'I coors & Bluewatet Rd. N.W. ------;.p ! ,.of ": C> > .... eo .... Hopes For Lobo Mascot .'¥> ~ It's A Brand New Season Folks ~ f g, f ~ Sasha, Appear Caged-In l'l ~ By HAROLD SMITH Q-· Sasha was so she would never have .helped take care of the furry S11sha Ofthe Lobo Slatf 1:1 1 to live in a cage. Being the Lobo who required that Ms. Touchon e. .a Since last spring it's been mascot would make that possible." and Ms. Kuhn feed her every three .. rumored that UNM is finally going -<"' !:: "But," Ms. Touch on said, "I was hours, and treat the injured leg t" to get its first mascot, but it now no. tified. last night that Sasha is to Sasha received at the same time her g. appears the 16-week-old wolf pup be kept in the Children's Zoo now. two siblings were killed by their 9 t-l~ will only be seen behind bars rat11- It looks like everything we worked mother. :;; :>. er than between goal posts, for is down the drain." Outgoing assistant sports infor- §'"' :; Sasha, a timber wolf, raised since Dr. Stringer said, "I'm using mation director Don McGuire said ~ birth by Pauline Touchon, a zoo Sasha a! the . benefit zoo not , "We will keep trying to get Sash~ s. Q emP.loyee, is going to be. at the because 1t's well-known now, but as a mascot if it is at all legally ~ -~" Chaldren's Benefit Zoo at Winrock because it's tame and won't eat possible. The city does have an ~ Center during September. anyone. That's what was planned ordinance against exotic pets." e- Dr. Bruce Stringer, Rio Grande ~ all alqng." • McGuire said that fmding the ! Zoo director, said that he might "Ho~estly, 1:m ;.unning t~e zoo," dog-like Sasha a place to stay is no "Football" ~ z consider selling Sash a to UN M ~ Dr. Stranger saad, not Pauhne (Ms. problem, He said Norm Ellenber­ .!'"' i after September. "Until that time," Touchon) or anyone else. I have ger, UNM's varsity basketball ... < he said, "arrangements might be the say so:: . : . mentor, "really wants to keep her, One good thing about football at· The Lobos' first three games will DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau = ~ made for her to be at the football UNM_:.there's always next year. Concernmg the possabahty that or at least I presume he still does. be at home against Colorado State, ..."" rf games." . Sasha might be sold to UNM Dr. He did before the team left to play Well here it is-next year-al­ Texas Tech, and Arizona. Ms. Touchon, who personally Stringer said, "No one from the in Israel." ready for a brand new season. But "I'm really looking forward to 9~CAIJS!i 511/i F~Et-5 took care of the animal in her own the unique thing about this new , mRii (1)!1f'ORTA8/.E ~ University has ever contacted me. "I have tried to contact Dr. Stein­ playing the teams on our sche­ home after it was deserted by its They've contacted Pauline ger several times," McGuire said, season is that it is all new. dule," said Mondt, "but the only UH .. M/55 StAPE, IN WHAT 511Eri 60T Her.. MAYIMAKeAN ON!! NOW AREN'T Yt:V BUJNOifi­ t.!CI I?/ VII .. mother, said Monday she hoped Touchon, Debbie Kuhn. and the "but when I've called I've been told A new coach, a new coaching Wvi-V'• e /.051HY complaint I have is the way it's OIJS5RI'ATIONP St/P~O TO IJ!i YOII!IE N/Cfi, Sasha would be allowed to become press, but I've never beel) contac· that we would have to wait until staff, a new pro set offense, a new arranged. We play too many good -...... G/V!N611 t.&C!URE?l I \ PtA~. the Un,iversity's mascot. She said, defense, a new plan of attack, a ted." Debbie Kuhn, the daughter- Sasha was a little older before they teams early and this could hurt us "The whole idea of taking care of in-law of Fire Chief Ray Kuhn, could even consider selling her, I new night schedule, and new tur­ because the team's so young. A lot quoise uniforms. "" was told that we would just have to of our improvement will come wait." Fans and press got there first after the season gets started. Both look at the new uniforms las't Texas Tech and Arizona are ran­ Lobo Boosters Shoot "So," McGuire said, "We're Saturday at the annual picture day. ked in the top ten or twenty." waiting. and that's about all we can The outfits arrived only ten hours do,'" before hand. Reactions from the For All Time High Debbie Kuhn, who also has a Support keen interest in Sasha's future, said crowd included "elegant," The UNM Lobo Booster Club Club membership. Fortunately for ... that Dr. Stringer's decisions con­ ·~ ,· "Southwesterny," and "downright Lobo Football expects to meet·or surpass $127,000 the young Hackett, who only had colorful." cerning Sasha are based on his by tomorrow in their membership­ $8.67, club President Bob Mat­ quest for publicity for the zoo, and (Photo by Mike Gandert) The jerseys are turquoise with ' IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fund drive for a record amount of teucci paid for the remaining $1.33. "Sasha" white numerals bordered in red. not the W~i,lfare of the wolfpup. She $225,000. Previous drives totalled J. D. Kailer, Executive Director said, "He is totally contradicting . The pants are white with red and · $195,600 in 1973 and $207,500 in of the UNM Lobo Club, said he Ms. Kuhn said the exotic pet owned campus with the Ellenber­ turquoise stripes. The helmets are what he said before. Earlier he said 1972. hopes many UNM students will he thought that Sasha would retain ordinance problem had been taken gcrs." turquoise and red. The drive was kicked-off when purchase the $10 Lobo Fan Club care of by herself through Mayor If only the fictitious Dr. Doolittle All home games (6) will be her tameness only if she weren't four-year-old Gregory Hackett, son membership. put in a cage. Now, at night they Kinner's office. She said. "A could become a realily so Sasha played at 7:30 p.m. Three of the of UNM Track Coach Hugh Ha­ '' 100 workers are involved in the specia permit would be issued so could tell us where she wants to five away games will be played in I put her in a little cell all by her­ ckett, bought the first Lobo Fan month-long drive. that Sasha could live off the state- live, the day, self." Freshman head coach Bill Mondt said he likes the all-night 2421 San Pedro Dr. N.E. schedule. "At least the players will Phone 266·8113 be used to a set routine before all I :':nr:~: I our home games. When some are New Mexico Complete Backpacking Mountaineering Shop I ; played at night and some are 5 5_ played in the day the set consi­ = Welcome Back UNM Students stency is missing. = ~- "Of course a winning football 5 team is the most important thing in getting good attendance but I think the night schedule will put more 'Tear after year, semester people in the stands," said Mondt. Bicycles! Parts! Accessories! "During the day on Saturdays I after semester, the many people hunt or fish or work." The one change Mondt has CollegeMaster~from 10 Speed TAKARAS-Japans Finest Bicycle made which received the most at­ tention was his decision to change FideU~ If you want something Mens & Womens....;...4 Frame Sizes 5 Different Colors the offense into a pro-set pattern. Union Life has I I This said Mondt will enable the quarterback to go to the air more been tlie most accepted, I unique, something really ! Regular 127.50 Now 99.95 often, an element which has been Bike Flags-Reg. 3.25 NOW 1.89 Book Racks-Reg. 4.00 NOW 2.59 missing in recent years at UNM. most popular plan on "' 1 special. See our fall I "I'm going to the pro-set basical­ ·campuses all over America. Thorn Proof Tubes-All Sizes-Reg. 9.00/Pair Back Packs-Reg. 9.00 NOW 5.99 ly for two different reasons," said i selection I Installed, NOW 6.00/Pair Installed Mondt. "First I think the best way = - to move the ball is to put pressure ~ i Master 9/32 Cables & Locks-Reg. 15.00 NOW 8.99 Also on sale tennis and paddleball equipment on the entire defense. If you spread Find out why. = - out your offense you put pressure everywhere. Five people can get Featuring the out for the pass and at the same Call the Fidelity Union I I time the defense must be ready for the run. Coll~eMastere .....----. "The second reason is that the =-~ i players like the pro set because it's Field Associate 265-6631 = ·The handmade bicycle from France more interesting. When the team • Ed Boykin I=_ I runs the wishbone offense every Dave Whorton I player does pretty much the same m your area: thing on each play. But each play Corky Frederick I ! in the pro-set calls for a different Susie White ~ assignment from each player. "Many of the nationally ranked Brad Bramer teams use the wishbone or other David Bean I Wholesale THE BIKE Thurs -Sat ;; ~.: running oriented offenses because Julie Goh rick = they have big. superior pl~yers. If SHDP they can run raght over thear oppo­ Richard Monk ! i sition there's no cause to put the ~5011 Menaul· N.E. 1 ball in the air where it can be 1 ! Sale intercepted and cost a ball game. 255 7950 Aug22-24 • But . they're not winning because I - Old Town I they're using the wishbone-they're ... winning because they just have the i .. 323 Romero #1 i talent that the other teams don't," '=lillllttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIHIIIIIIIItltiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIItlhllmHiftHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIS8USIIIIIIIIIIIM-IIIt•l ' Other.. Cultures Studied UNM students are afforded the offered by the University. The lems. "Mostly what I do is play oppomtunity to study different counselling service also helps stu· employment agent for students," cultures through Native American dents adjust to college life. Mondragon said. "Employment is Studies, Chicano Studies and Paymella said, "The mete fact the biggest problem. It's gotten to Afro-American Studies programs. that these youngsters come off the point where we get people Harvey Paymella, coordinator the reservation means there's coming in offering jobs." He said of Native American Studies, 1812 going to be a degree of cultural that Chicano Studies programs Las Lomas N.E., said that his clash for them." He also stated tries to help anyone who comes in program will be offering eight that this, like all three cultural with their problems, but adds, courses this semester. Courses programs, is open to all UNM stu­ "We've had some failures too.'' listed are: Southwest Indian Life· dents. · Afro-American Studies, 1819 style, Indian and the Law, Current Courses offered this fall by Roma N.E., will be offering si:~C Issues-American Indian Law, Chicano Studie:;, 1815 Roma courses: Afro-American History, General Indian Affairs, Five Civil· N. E., are Chicano Literature, Black Woman, Swahili, Black ized Tribes, Introduction to Chicano and the Media, Hispanic Native American Literature, Plain Latin-American Philosophy, Indian Art, and Teaching Pueblo Sociology of the Barrio, Introduc­ Indian History, "Indians through· tion to Chicano Thought, Mexican out. the country are becoming Guitar, Chicano and the Law, La interested in Qur program at Raza History of Mexican Ameri­ UNM," Paymella said. cans, History of CoJ?flict in New Native American Studies &)so Mexico, and La Mujer Chicana. offers counselling services to help Antonio Mondragon, program Charles Becknell .... students who need help finding director, said that much of his such things as student lQans, time is spent helping students and ------~~------ON.UNIVERSITY HILL ~ work-study, and other services non-students with personal prob- WELCOME BACK •• WELCOME BACK!

Antonio. Mondragon Family, Wright and Ellison, and Institutional Racism. Other acti­ vities Afro-American Studies is involved in, according to program director,· Charles Becknell, are tutoring, counselling, recruitment, advisement, job placement, and planning activities. • The Summer Youth Program ~d Uhuru Sasa Dance Troupe are also sponsored by Afro-American . Studies. Outside programs consti­ tute a large part of the work aone YOUR PERSONAL SERVICE.JEWELER by the program. Becknell said, "I OFFERS YOU: DIAMOND and ENGAGEMENT RINGS \ think the university should .be an extension of the community." EXPERT WATCH REPAIR CLASS RINGS and JEWELRY . l { . All three programs offer ACCUTRON' 1 \.1 courses in different departments. SORORITV-i=RATERNITY JEWELRY 1/ The programs, funded by the EXPERIENCE ..• FRIENDLY f university, hire professors to teach BACK HOME FEELING flJ the program-sponsored courses BULOVA/ ACCUTRON WATCHES approv~d rr.: through various university .depart­ on-prepuse serv1ce Harvey Paymella ments. 2312 CENTRAL SE • the Store for Diamonds • ON UNIVERSITY HILL It ~ ~ SPECIALTY FOODS 'll FOB GBEAT SNACKS quaRt€RS .J!lOO.flliO!'f' DISCOUNT LIQUORS ._...... ~-· .... 905 YALE S.E. {~ ~ List~n to KRKE August 24 Broadcasting live -

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