University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 8-21-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 078, No 1, 8/ 21/1974 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 078, No 1, 8/21/1974." 78, 1 (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974/81 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1974 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ':. ·-~-...."' • 'f ~'. ,/_, .. ... ,. • ' • Do. you compl~in because your ·professors require you to buy Who OwnS' "Epidemic" Rentals? ... ·....... - _ -- __ 12 textbooks they have written? In addition to the~royaltY check some UNM faculty members are Cashing in on another.aspect of How to Form a Tenants' Union ___ .:.. ....... _ -----5 student life: apartments and old hquses~- Anthropology Is RENTEX a Rip-off? __ ... --:- ... "...... --- ......... _-_-- ~2 professor Frank Hibl!en owns an .apartment comp,lex on Stanford ~nd Lead, and history professor Edwin Lieuwe_n owns Getting Your Deposit Back~ __ .......... - _ ... --............ 3 •' most of the 100 block of Columbia·. Roger Entringer of the Luxury Life on Columbia Street _ ... _ ... _ ... --...... - 6 · .. math department owns several.duplexes on Gold. But the teal university land 8aron is Gary Hofbauer, ex-UNM economics Portrait of a ._and lord ....... :- .................... -~ .. ..: ........ _ - ... 5. ' .. professor. who (along with his wife's family~ the Ravelles) operates 125 hQU~ and apatttttents in the so-called student. · . ghetto. · . · . · · · · · . also~ ·. Albuquerque Mayor Harry Kinney is .in the act too with his t · UNM Married Housing - _ -- ...... _ ................. -- ....15 -· j . property on Coal. .. Although mo$t of the housing io this area .has probably been -Living ln the Dorms ............... - ................................ - :.. ... 6 rented by now '(some students pay rent for ~hree months in the summer juSt to save a place for September)· the LOBO has · Blue-Bandana Rapist ... f"' ......................... _ .......................... 9 .. CI)' compiled this housing supplement. It contains articles on the Wild Dogs and Garbage - ........................................ _ ... _ 11 ··- landbarons, the dormitories, renters insurance, RENTEX, and - • • • • .t • c~ tenants unions.. - Weeds ........ ....; ..... _ - -·- -.... - .................... - ......... -~ - ........ -- ..... 9 .. S,V~ ;~ for '-"')(t year.-it mi!ttt come ~n hahdy .. ... ·Renters' lnsu~ance •- ............................. .;... ~- ...... _ ·--14 - ' ·- :- " . ' ~ en... ..;"" Getting Rentex Trying To Remove Rip-OffImage ...r IN By MICHAEL O'CONNOR to lure people into their offices. description of the property he saw from the outset." provi;eg access to ... a~d 0 t~~se list~ngs ~ "' FOR 25 YEARS YOUR Jn these days of CllVellt emptor Once there the people would did not correspond to tht:l Gooch bought out Homefinders o over . prober an a ill Q d I 11 Your (buyer beware) and high prices be required t~ pay the fee before descritpion in the advertisement. in October, 1973 and e~tablished f.h~ne se;"tc~ m:m ers can ca t'to ~ ~ finding a place to live that sui~ they could learn exactly where There is one businessman in a Rentex rental agency m the old hn thou . atou n~w proper tes !"' :;.:; y0 u and your pocketbook ·can be the property was or even if it was Albuquerque, however, . who is l:lomefinders storefro!lt at ~015 .t ~. 1 av~rs cor;:e m.ads f th §' a difficult task still for rent trying to overcome the sttgma left Central N.E. Rentex ts a natwnal ~rr'· e dmy wt~ ofr the '5l"' HOUSECAMPUS SOUND CENTER More and· · more prospecttve- · Somettmes· · t h e custom!lr woul d b y rental agene~es· w h'tc h use sueh organtza' t' ton o peratt'ng out. of· classt te , Gsec h ton'd o" d Ie t~1:::1 "'c Deposit renters have been turning to rental pay the fee only to be told that tactics Denver and has 70 franchises in newspaper, b'oot~ satd, an ~ 1l ESS HElL SPEAKERS agenctes· · to relteve· themselves of the spectftc· · · property he wanted· ''It's· a new game, a new k'.m d o f th ree co~n t rtes,· G ooch sa'td. · try to be'bl as, o Jec JVe an accurate· t" ::: the hassles of combing the was no longer available. If the business," said Dennis Gooch, 25, . He satd that th~ baste problem as b0 !!81 he. 'd th t II' g. 0 newspapers and roaming the palee was still for rent, many owner of Rentex of New Mexico, m Albuquerque ts that people R tooc. sat_ . a :ny~ne cad mhg .o .g streets. times he would find that the "and there's bound to be flaws don't like the rental mar.ket. en ex mqum!'g a ou an a e :::;: ..:l Back /.".0~····.e .·· Gooch said that people come mto had placed m the newspaper ,. ;;., ....· r his office looking for a would be told whether the §' -·~ t nosh ·~··.. ·.· .. ..~ •Ill.. ·.· . .·. three-bedroom house for propertywasstillavailable,before m l:=i"' t;;O : $80-a-month. (Continued on p11ge 16) !t 8 The novice home-renting , .·exiCO' "They want something <;:heap ::.: -~ .student ·is often cheated by JBLCentury M. · . · and nice at the same ttme," ca·nterbury Chapel !;" ~ capitalistic landlords who refuse Gooch said. "They look at what ~ li: to pay for repairs, or return a we have to offer in a low price .~.. g:_ ~ damage deposit. Supershelf. range and they say 'every place Sunday 9:30AM ,, ..... - "" you have is a dump.' They're . , !"' «i Providing the tenant does not llli'l:l ll:l eonduct indoor soccer games in l \~:, going to have to lay out more Saturday 4:30PM '"' ~ome_ to our place and hear the new JBL Century. It's money to get the kind of place ~ ~ his living room, or other activities JUSt like the compact monitor they make for recording they want." . · . Daily Evening Prayer 7:00PM ~ &! that might do extensiye damage, He said that the $30 Rentex fee 425 U · 't NE he or she is usually entitled to ~tudios, and then some: Oiled Walnut. Dime!1sional grille entitles customers to service 13 ntversi Y some or all of the damage deposit "The transparency, and overall 1n colors like Ultra Blue or Russet Brown or Burnt Orange. hours a day, seven days a week, upon leaving. Many times, And individual controls on the front that let _y_ou.match however, landlords will refuse to clarity were state of the art'' the sound to the room. $ g each return any of the money-even if 2 7 U Southwestern Life the damage was merely a cigarette burn on a $10 throw rug. But Stereo review July 73 Hear JBL speakers from $136.00 U Insurance Company there are certain measures tenants can take before kissing their Heil Speakers from $159.95 Your JBL dealer since 1953 deposit goodbye. •-, . FENTON S. KATZ The Consumer Protection Hear the Brand new ADVENT 2 . Agency, located downtown in the ................ National Building, offers help in Speakers complete system $344.00 Your Marantz Dealers since 195g Mortgage-Life-Health Protection situations like this. The agency . , Spell L-0-Y--E acts as a mediator between the Advent is a rather new com· .• "'' Ad pany in today's audio world. It 120 Vassar, S.E. 255-1613 ,, Ve n was founded by Henry Kloss, t' founder of both KLH and AR. Shure Cartridges except V 1 5 agencies list properties Advent's first product was their for rent, free of eharge to the loudspeaker system: It's a sim­ landlords, much the same way ple two way system which, that employment agencies list since its release a year and a joblt. half ago, has become the fourth For a fee, usually $20 to $30, best selling speaker in the United the agency will show a prospective States. It has received unpar­ 1lz PRICE ; renter ita listing of houses or alleled acceptance from review· ,\ apartments for rent which ers, dealers and audiophiles alike. correspond to hia price 1he Smaller Advent preferences, location, type of Loudspeaker, offers unparallel· dwelling, whether not not pets are COED & WELL FED ed ba$s response. It has useable allowed, ete; and it promises that tenant and the landlord, stui:lies response down to 32Hz. Speak· he can use the agency for one the lease if one was signed, and ers in this price range usually 3m Scotch Cassettes year. informs them as to what action sacrifice bass response. But now, However, to many people the can be taken, if any. thanks to this speaker you can worda "rental agency" have hear all the music for Hi Energy 3 for Price of 2 become synonymous with the In the case of, an obstinate for a complete system. $4_44 words "rip·off." landlord, the tenant will usually have to sue in small claims court, One. Albuquerque ,age~cy, ·The College _Inn Is Now Coed Homefindera, became the obJect if the claim is less than $250. The of an investigation about a year cost is $2.50, but if you win the ago by the New Mexico Conaumer in both buildings, all floors trial, your landlord will not only BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS Protection Agency after numerous have to return the claim, but pay eomplainta had been filed against , the $2.50 court fee as well. Any it. Another, Rental Specialist&, witnesses for the trial are entitled folded after being in busine11 le11 to $5 plus mileage, if they ask for than six months. This Fall You Can it.
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