Ramstein Dining Locations
RAMSTEIN DINING LOCATIONS (See Ramstein Map on Back) DINING FAST FOOD (12) Deuts~he Ka tine 480-5353 (8) Enlisted Club 480-5637 (4) Burger King 480-2555 Chili's Restaurant •• Open to all ranks! Offers all/lientic German Meals (1) Bowling Center 480-5547 Offers typical Burger King menu plus breakfast . Breakfast Mon ay-Friday, 0630-1100 Sandwiches, salads, and daily specials Orders "To Go" 480-6890 & "Call Ahead" 480-5258 Lunch Monda Friday, 1100-1600 Monday-Thursday, 0630-2100 Mexican dishes, steaks, salads, burgers Monday-Thursday, 1100-2200 Friday-Saturday, 0600-2300 Bldg 2400 (adj outhside Chapel) Friday-Saturday, 1100-2300 Sunday-Saturday, 1100-2200 Sunday, 0600-2100 JRRockers' •• Open ro all ranks until 2200 daily! Sunday-Holidays, 1200-2200 . Drive thru Friday & Saturday open 24 hours (13) Dcutsches H' us 06371-4659-3700 Bldg 2139.(east of 435th Medical Group) Breakfast, sandwiches, salads, burgers, grill items Pork, beef, all fish dishes, Bldg 1135 (east of terminal) Monday-Tuesday, 0630-1030 & 1100-2200 soups/salads, /ld pastas Wednesday-Friday, 0630-1030 & 1100-2400 (5) Doner Kebab 480-5866 Breakfast Mo day-Friday, 0700~1000 (2) Community Center Saturday, 0990-1330 & 1400-2400 Lunch MOl day-Thursday, 1130-1330 Pizza Gallerie 480-6760 Also offers Robin Hood sandwiches and pizza Sunday-Holiday, 0900-1330 & 1400-2200 Monday-Saturday, 1030-2200 Fri ay, 1130-1300 Ca/zones, pizza, salads, and sandwiches Bldg 2140 (adj Bowling Center) Sunday, 1200-2100 DlImer MOlday-Thursday, 1730-2030 Monday-Saturday, 1100-2100 Bldg 2171 (east of 435th Medical Group) Bldg 544 (east of Prime Knight) Sunday, 1600-2100, Holiday,·Closed (9) Officers' Club 480-2824 China Town Restaurant 480-2908 .
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