'sdnor8 eterisrp ,tll€llurrs.reglouo sradedeq IIv'\ ,a\olloJol :aldurexeue qcns st zizadsolD{H snue8 sq1 'aJar{^\eslelno pouJ?c Eureq suorle8ttsa,lut aql uo e8utdrur lou op IBI{| ptle peqlrJsunsrlt trllp J er" leqt ereuaE elvSer8cs aql Jo rrreJ ? uo s:eded Puolsl^er qsllqnd ol elqPrrsep 'qceo:dde sEedde lr eurnu ru eql u1 polJrun ? arnbeJ pue suorlnlusul leqp uI slsluouoxsl 'uoperuderd ,(q palpnts Sureq are pa,ryo.ruraaue8 eqt So euog ut s dnorS arzs&t1cr1a1ywntalfu1ap eql ur "xul rI?qe-qsnv erll Jo uorl"JrlsselJ posodold e Suluqlno Jcd€d v

'?rIsISny ur f,uBqlr^\ cueue8uocpoJeplsuoo eq rcu pForls satcedsuersanE pu€ u?Jr{V oql lsql pue exa u?lt€rsnv ol 'sol€ds esuesl3lqs oq1u perldds eq um aureuJeqleu l€ql almlpur ed,t eql Sulprpu'unsfuqJlzH pur- unraJdlpH sarteds ueJuJV pue ueedorng Jo ,(pnts snuaS o(lres eql ul sdnorS :eqo ol Jo 'tq;uegDu?oluxl "sseJ drqsuorlulo.r esolc ou o^"q 1uql solf,eds sdnol8 lruqsrp ere pue naqtopod Jo 'Kelpurl ''qtue6 snpqdacolttrr'{ 'Ipuer11 DlzilDA 'ral1r1 wnsfuqulalJ wnDJfuPH ultlll^\ elrt1,ln' 'seuo ercuaE lue.re;yp ur pcJpld ueoq e^eq pet?lej ,{lesolJ erP teql sorcod5 pmleu lou ers prlnlnsuoJ 'ums['t1l4pu 'unDld?l7H ,(Itueuno s? sJaue8 eqt lsl{l luepl^e ,{Ja^ euP}oq lI exsl pel?ler pw ur papnl.u ere leqt so1:adsuell€rsnv osoqr Jo dSoloqdrou aql olul uopeSpse,ruru€ Sugn(

uollJnporlul rapmxu.^uou.{s orpocnpe.(rsnonerd sa.e.rs aarrr '3p?ru er? suon€Irlq-"" ;f:I"frii;ft1#H:liT:iffi!'jffl .peso&td i unl4dqaH luojJ purtsrp snu33 .nuepuo u?rlersny Ln sE 4.ers oulzdsotn(Il Jo uouu?mar aql pessncsP sr unllatdqaq elfiud!.Iret.! yo uonecldde sq1 pqou are auu-qzqdYuS eqr unlr^{ Erau38 Suqzultuucsrp uI p3sn sral3uBqC 'uosIIiA 16g6D I0I-9/ (D/Ers nN (3"uneqd"ug :a"alf.'.lI ieee.eralsV) sw)adsolaql snua8 aql Jo uorsh"r Y C In"d


'ZS 'ouroJ 'tOI 'O 19 yl"nsnv uqsaid rog d 1uauE3"uPI,,{ puq pn" uorledasuoJ Jo Nauru"oac unu"qjaH UeIIEl1snv tu4saa


(aeu1;yuqdeug:aealnul:aeerereIsY) DwradsolDfg'snua8 aql Jo uolsl^a5 Y

(686r)ror-s,:(r)/ "n nN , '16 Nuybia vol.7,No.l (1989)

The nameH elipterum

The name,Heliptenrm hasalways been attributed io Augustin"of de Candolle(1g3g), however, it was,fir_st p.ublished ty John Lindley ,'A in Narur_al Sysie. noany,, "On Z, ZOOti'fifOj. i" Gis work Lindley listed seyeralgenera that were obtained "Prodromus", 'Dc.,pr.' from a manuscriptcopy of de iandolle,s to riese he adds indicaringth; origin;i:;;,'u,nes. Amongrhe accepted names ' _was X. k.', In synonymyunder it- wercArgyrocome Gaerln., Damiinia Cass.,syncarphtnc., _ RoccardiaNeck.,'Ed.mon&a Cass., and Ap hetZ;is Don. rne eariiestor tt ese namesis Argyrocorye-.,paern. (1791) wirh the typeA.'retorti (t_) Gu"nn. ff,is S""t Afri""" speciesis cunently(Hilliard 'fhe.name r 983) to Glong to thegeNS'Herichrysr. p. na l". HelipterumnC. .considered tii-s+j. ex Lindley (1836)h tr,ererircan r'uegitimate,supernuous name based on ArgyroconE retorta.

',Natumt pubJigari;olof Lindley,s Sys|emof Borany,.edn2 and year pnor^,:,I",lA^{:l-ri'e "prodromus", rhe .o ne appearanceot vor.6 ofde candolle's rhereappeared a work by Endricher "^,.1]:!l,8ll]:":ntilr GeorgeBentlram v/rote up the AsreraceaecoUectiit by Xart ntiger'in Wesd Ausrara anc descnbed.N new,Herichrysum cotura. Bentham included under this slcciesa short on irs **$:io1 secr.ionalor Benericdlstincr.iveness and on irs possibrefuturc iilrusio; i; l; unpubtishedEenus Hetipterum of which he had seenmendon in Lindley,s 'tarular-Jystem.:i:-":i"".:^::.:",Cly e{n 2 (to whichwork herefers) and evidently also in a manuscriptcopy of vol. 6 0f de Candolle's"Prodromus".

In 1838'vol. "prodromus" 6 of de candolle's fina[y appe'red;it includeda descriptionof fte Helipterum bur no referenceunder that na-e io tlre publication of Lindley (fA:O). O" Candolleincluded in rherexr rhe tlpes of a numberof validtyp'ouiist eo generaor *hict tt e #tiesi is DC. fl810) which ii-basedon Sorft Af;A;S.;-iipnZtioiaes O-.1DC:;; ;;";;; currgldy..referr* t. _roHetipterum (Hilliard 1983). The type of th6 gcms Argyricime Cae.ti. *as specificaflyexcfudcd by de CandoIleand placed, in .

,_ .Tlerefore HelipterumDC. eI L^'I'^dl:t(tg3_6) is. an illegitimatename and a synonymof Helichrysum-while 4elipterumlrc. (1838) an illegitima* naire,a laterhomo "y* rtli;l;;;;;;; DC. ex Lindlel (1836) -is and a synonym Slryarlha DC. (1310). If it were t b" ;gr'J fi;; Bendram(1837) 2t hadpubrished rhe name ltetichryium sert.ieriptLrum ir would eirhertriue to G consideredIo be barcd on HeripterumDC..ex Lindtcy or it could be lecrotypifiet on Llericirysim cotula Bent\., a sqcies which in this paperis placedin Hy alospermt Stertz.


ceorge Benrham(183?) described the tirst species,as / lerichrysumcoura, thatis now incruded rn rne genusHyatospermai he indicaredit shourdpossibly bc placcdin the genusHeripterum. a mme which 'pridromus" _wouldbe appearingin vor. 6 of Augusdn'dccando e's ot which sennam tlad evrdenuyseen a manuscriptcopy. In the following year de Candollc (lg3g) $-ansfenedHelichrysum cotura to H.elipterim and praccl it in his sectio=nzerco cn ysu, aon[ iiri three other 4yltralian spcies which are now reiognised as being conspecific undcr the"namc Heliprerumalbicans (A. Cunn.)DC.

The genus -- Hyalosperm.awas describedby Stectzin tg45. He ptacedin it two new species, H. strictwn,and grutinosrnn- H. steetzdistinguished Hyarosperma ftom Heripteram on the ulsis oi the lnving plano-compressed .former acheneiand a paieacebuspappus, characters that do not serve to distinguish genus the as it is her-ecircumscribed. The g"nur'*ui aaepteowittrout commtni ui wat.pers (1846) andr indley (1847).Asa Gray (1852)siggesrcd -' thar ir was merelya srction of Helipterumbtrthedrd not publishany new combinations. '(686I sur?r.ncJuoruod leuruJel eql uoslrl,i) wnllttldoufl? snue8 ,"rau er1 ol rcded SultruPdtuocae 'serccds 'Ja,\e,{\oH'rolleus 'uonlod 'Jelr\ol ue ur pcua;e: e,rrg;o dno:E euo uI SuluoJaq snooJ?lloJ aq puu snorrecsSumoJeq JIJI aqt;o uonrod IBuIuml cqt Jo uuoJ eql saln uonrsuPr eql serleds ]sou q slcEJqIerjnlo^u o1 se^?o[ uolJ uorttsuer pnperS:o ldn:qz ue sI eJoql pu? ul,nlntldes eql qteeuoq ozls uI qslultulp so^m[ cql dnor? utnst'tllJuaH-wnD1dllzH aqt ;o sercads u1 'euruel 3I{l olu! cnuquoJ ,(?tulo /'\€lJ eql Jo xcd? 'pJtlJuBJq eql le eteuruusl f€ul eJen IPJluaJoql lo J-lduls'sJJcrl [BJO^asJo'sJB.u JEInJS?A IaJluao peorq e bus stuo;els:o dras uetlsur pcualorql e surquoJ flpnsn 1r:eurp.{q pue leg ol IPf,rJpuIIdJ uoq edeqsur soue^ MEIJeql TultuBl e pue ,^ABIJB Jo lsrsuoJAlJEnsn sltBrq cql slJDrq p.lJnlo^u]

'(t86t) lttng pJellllH ur punoJ eq,{BuI sJelc?JBqJeuos uo sclou Joqund ssuo Ieuoqlper oJou eq Jo./i\eJ€ T 'JJuJUIuloJd Ullin aricitexqoq pelsq are pue uoqeueldxaue ernbel slclJeJeqceql Jo lJqunu V olul eruoc (puecar dluo a,reqro'pas11nn {1snor.'rud ueeq tou e,r?qleql ourospcpnlf,[ o^eq I esmeJelsv eql Jo sraqureur Surqucsep usq^\ pesn ,{lIPJlssBIf, uoeq c^?q leql srelsefiqJ ol uolllpp€ uI

s.ralru:uq 3 1er13o1oqdro141

'enlg eulpmlol uI peuEls suolms puP(€16I snou,{uouv) elpourSurppeque dllsotsr^-.,|^ol 'edocsorclu r.rnd5 ur pappaque ueeq osF a^eq seuaqcy eql JopunpeuruExe pu€ (016I uosulqou 'eeelnq 8ur;f uonnlos s,re,(oH uI pelunou uaeq e^€q uPIJ€rsnV Jeqlo Jo eJcucEJo selteds 4 'unnldlap eapauese:dar;o pue 1o sarcadsuutpasny 1e 30 slcJouJo suollJesslppue saueqJy 'unu€qroH '(OH) rxnwqroH usruptusEJeI$ pue (CV) apEIepV elels eqt uo{ pe,{\orroq uaeq seq sal:eds wnstuqrnaH wllerlsnv eulos Jo Iuualeu uonrype uy '(16) euuer,l'urnesnfi seqJsuolsrqmtsNell ptrB'(t{g) utnesn141qsnlJg aql'()) ,tte){'suopjeg 'eueq:eq cluetog p.{og eq l€ uees ueeq e^Bq ,(pnls srrl ol lu?Aeler suerurcods eddl FlcpoC pue olsls u€Iersnv IIp lxo.U pe,trouoq ueeq e^?q sn121dyap 1o s€Iteds uulprsrtY Jo suerulcads

spo{lrl l 'uonJcs

Jo uollearpul lnoqlr.,iiro (9931) eltopueJ ep ^q peqsllqase seureupuollsJs snoIJeAeql Jo rallo lo euo rapun Jeqlre 'wntaltfipg sntn? .,gt ur uraql peceld ercq nuadsolotl! uI papnlcur ereq s3l33ds ar1 pJleaJl Jo peqlrisop oq^\ sroqln€ roel tW 1€98t) Jepuos ol tuanbosqns dn ua{vl uteq e^Pq ^BJg Jo pup aJels Jo sJurpu l€uonJesetn lou 4aels aaDdsolo(.H eurBu]uJue8 Jql lJqltJN

'dttadsolotH ut pepnlcureraq s:rc.rdsrrqto '1tts o1,4trug;e elqlssod uonueu ou tDr,{rlnq (uoDJesud,{louou e) srsdouoSodotal4 uoSodotalT 3o '.{319 'selteds ur ,{erg ,(q paceld pue Zg8I uI pequtsep sP/'\ snss lzp uoSodoDtJ Jeq}mJ V 'l '?lprlsnv 'o7n1ot'11 o1 f,'trurtses1t SursruSocer ,{puap\^e'unraid&lJod Jesol 'zoml ll.rglseI uo{ serceds ,trau e'(um tnd matadsolo(11 =) wn1psrul wntaldllall peJreJer 'antadso1oK11 ,{\ouluezJnJ u1 01 pqelaJun elrnb exet Jo dno$ B o s8uoleq sal3eds ls?l 1gg1 '(Dfl|oJ s!trt:lmai\u wnlatdlpH antadso\otll =) xaldwts wntatdtTall DuladsolD(H We'(xaldwrs 'ol 'unDd{1l2oJ = qJrq/( Jo rFoq umuufix untaldgag lor wnnrd42Il t1 u1 Sutceld TJes umrafilpH eujeu eql peqsnqnd oslu aq ttlltadsolotl.l pequtsep (9t8I) 4aols leqt eun eql lV

'zlaelg go sarcadsrzi.r.iadsolD(H ol l ?'.l'!seqarJe^ o1|\l slrJo euo JppunVapnlljl ptlP-2l1qolJD^ ouadsolD{H pequcsap oq^\ (tg8l) rapuog ,(q snue? e se petdeJj€ lxe[ set owadsolo(1]

ou.Edso\oi(H'vo9l|I t Ill,ed NuyrsiaVol.Z,No.l (1989) foliaceousand the basebecomes s appeario representa substantial in ttrenature or ttre transfu;;ffi:#:H;Ttsrvould difference ff:;':;;:#'^!'(;':iJix.Tmr absentrrom- most species orrhe Hnrtr"3,ilfsx*F,;?*i,n!,:#*iiffi,,,ffix1kli;.i,'{f ,#^;l,*i.s:*'# .flt f,'""'j'ft"'ffffi"T$ffii:#il1,"iff"TH,?Lfi ##;i,i?,e.fft i,,fl ,ffi.#tTffi: il*$i' i.":i,H: iffrounded,{"[1i:eiilrJrf or papitlate; s##ff ,ap;nxiq"t"#fu urecells may be f{ifranangeo eirhii;iirn"ll oin"nanru.rs"r.o*r. *"*jflTtr f:{;ii,!.'.3.fr:i1.r:diF*ll'"iJ:t#T"#,ffii:'f;:""$:91il#,""ifJ111i:Ti3::#fl #:H*'#f"J*f3'f;:T,*T#'f;":ffi f"*:lin';*"li, ti"xi[',$#ii**],,"r,sfi

ttt'*t H;T'ST$[f,t#crsand€picesorrowerleaves.A-rryarospernnsinptex.B.tr.praecox.C.H. 'se^Dsler sll Jo etllos pue 'Ilenht C lluoduaaopwns(4t4ag p seueqoeeql uo punoJseurleuos sr lreq ol€lreslqJo iieuairun:o ad& srql :qloJoa €ql uo punogdluouuroc rreq punoduroc3o od{r eqt reeq f,eur tr .rosnbrqi:I8 oq ueqt (etu aueqcueqa luesqeere aelpdedpue s4eq xeldnp sat:edssuros u1

's3e11lnuepnxe pue dp sql le lsrnq,(eur ,{aqt peuelslour ueq.t,. 'd:ecuad 'sl teql'ilue3ox,{u uaJo eJDsllal xoldnpeq1 el{tJo sluuepldeeqlJo u€d aJepu? auaqJeerll eceJmsaqt uo elntl oc Jo Pfllded popunore uuoJ slleJ Ieseqeql pue Etqlcel Jo 'xede are igsc pauur,rueq1 (mttadsolo(g use) ses?Jeuos u1 eq p ,(pq311seleredas f,eur pelruorapuels rmd e pw et e qllt,r sl lsql'(186I lunq prell[H ms) luq i11ec 3o Iuseq 'slrD1lT eddr xaldnp eql Jo eJesrreq eql eJuellp luntatdqag at41o selcedstsotu ul lolualJv

'e:i.nr11eumtaillag eqydn eleut ler;l sdno.r8 eql u uuguot 01 olqe uaaqlou e^PqI slql :eJueJJIuS$cueuaE ;o ftqtssodeq ot (L861) poq5 ,(q poraprsuoJsP.|i\ suopel,{lot eql ol uoqeloJu[ drecuad eql uI sasell JEInJS€Aotll ,tq perdncro uonrsodeqJ sdnorEserceds luereJJrp sJeqtuetuuee^\loq ,{IpelIuur sJeJJIp Jo 'somltnrs pue d-reouedaql smlsu eqt relncnred q &eue^ e pellqlqxe uagb etset Jo Jo '{utolouv s€q suoEteso$e^su€I Jo plrg seuoqteJo $unour eloqr' peJEelJJo ,{pnlsY 'auaqsv

'xedeaqt alqnuds stuosoqJo sseu)l3rtlluI uuoJluneq r{stulI :dp le 'uolllpp? eulo.qxeer0 te ro'eaepuoddeeql ur'qoueJqel,{ls aql u elsuluJa .{euleier 3ql uI :sdnoJ8seloads ueeNeq ssol-qt1{lIlBJeAo ut punoJsr uousrre^elqeJeplsuoJ arDrt rolrlJSDA

'll punorms teql sflJr?qeq go qfual puE luaua8ueIJPaql ur pu? edeqsur seqe,rsrrlJ- 2SopuaddDa$]S '?tt s

'suoncesro ueua8 elnlqsuoJ d€u leql sJalsnlJselceds ulqll^\ luslsuoJ 'se^lestuotll ,{lr€J eJe srsl3€JeqJeseqJ slleJ sql Jo omlJnls eql u pus'sllac luenlpsuoJ 'eare e[i jo odeqs pue luauraSuu:u €tll ur pluoJ peue{Jl]l ? Jo JJuesq€ro eJuJsJrd '(p11r aqr i1 qlec preres ol 7) ssetnltltl llere^o ur Fr€^ .teul tr l€I{l u.toqs seq e8elqurasse wistttqcllag-wn.otdqa4aql:;l.eiepuaddeaqtgouoneultrrexepel\rra1'?SopuaddoDlltuv

'adfi .Ierpa, a$ Jo ,(nuelslsum aq ol sJ€eddersllue eql Jo enssD Iulroqopuo eql ur squ eII Jo luotuo8uuue aql ecurs xaldmoc unr4dnaH erll ur a:uecgru8p cueue? 3o tou $ Jelaereq3slql (296I .teuuoq eos) Suruapqt lDpzlllopug

'1a,te1cyauaS ro puollses eql le ,(lrelnonnd sdrqsuolplor EulssesseroJ lnJcsn sr eJnlJn-ls slql 'eJnlxel pue q8uel ul(lqueplsuoJ d:e.t ,(aq :(luasqe eJe ,{fleuolsBJto lnq) oeolnlrl aqt Jo srequeu Jo sllsgetoeJ?qj 3q ol poreprslroi aJP eseql'sll,l taqluv 'ueueE ro sarcedsluereJJlp uoe^leq W8uol pu? 'sller'r edeqs u1 ser-re,r11 patyuSq qlr,t slleJ Jo slslsuoJ pII? lueuIBIIJ [euIuJEs 3II Jo uoluoc e,rucuor ,{laxupe Frsrp pslqlrereJ}lp eql sI sJtll'(tt6l EU1;1T uosurqo1) lDlloz raqiuv 'suTuols

aa ta d soI odH' uos[ lnpe d Nuysia vol.7,No.l (1989)

carpopodium. The term usedfor the structurethat forms the abscissionzone at the baseof the achene(tlaque & Godward 1984). In somespecies of i1eliptertun it is absent(e.g. in li. uniflorum l. Black) but in most is_represented byi fairly well-defined mort uy"*i ,Eii., oi thick-walled cens. The morphology of tne carpopodiumvaries but is generary constani within a speciesgroup.

Nectory' The ne{w- takesthe form of-a lobed or entire cup that surounds the baseof rhe style. It rt. fruir or ir may be deciduouswith the c^orclla.In somespecres lr rs mlnuteor apparenuylry^_ryTi19labsent.

MycorrhizalAssociations- It has been shown-by warcup & McGee (19g3) that the Australian speciesof Helipterumand Herichrysum,as rhese.geneia-. - "utr"nriy_iiriuri..ru"i,' ,iiy"uL equalty inro rwo- sroups: dfise ir,rr 16rrn-botn ecbmycorrhrzas 1i:i9:9,{ry:tvesrcurar-arbuscular U) and mycorr_hizasand (2) thosethal form only ectomycorrhizas.Funher axa weri suDsequenuy examrnedbv Warcup(pers. comm..19g6) and lhese iniluded four species (wilh one additional subspecies)thai are herdriicognised as bein(memuei of-- ity"tosper,r-:'*ir,-- oi G" ri"i speciesform bdthectir- and vesicular-arb"ur"utu. *yioEt iru.."--"

Evolutionand Bre€dingSystems

As part of an investigationinto the classificationof the subtribeGnaphaliinae some interesting comments.,eremade by shon (1981)on breedingsystems and on therecbgnition of derivedversui ancestralcharacters. These observations are relevlni to Hyalospermc.

Threeof .. the,ninespecies of Hyarospermsare small rounded ephemerals to 5 cm high,these are H. zacchaeus,H. demissutn,and H. stoveae. Their involucres are dull coloured wifiout radiant bracts;the flowers are small with colourlesscorollas tlnt are very shonly 3-4Jobeo,ano trreanttriii included and relatively short (0.15{.3 mm). Thesecharaciers ate all oncs that suggestan autogamous-breeding system. Shon (1981) has in dicatedthat H. demrssarnhas a pollen-oiJe ratio of 84.6 which conespondsto the rado establishedfor other inbreedingspeciei in the subtribe. Hyalosperrra demisswn arrd H. stoveqeare morphologicartyvery siriilar uno -" p."rorutry closely relatedwhile H. zacchseuswhile of the sam-ehabii is quitc distinct anclevidently evolved its aulogamousbreeding system independently of tie other two.

It is reasonableto postulate that tho ancestral form of these species was a prant with pentamerousflowers and showy involucres such as is foundin theotlrer members of ayaiospernn'.

r:: yol?:frza wirh ,^_ll." yybt 9f,,H showyradianr involucres have anther locuti rangingin fe-ngth trom 0.5 mm (H. pusillum)to 1.0mm (H. semisterile),and 5_merous corollas toUeO t/S _i/S of tleir lengtr; theyare presumabry a[ leastpredominanLry ourbrceding. within i /. grutinosumcan De oDserveda tsansttronlrom a typical.oulbreedcr to a scmiaulogamousplant. The puative ancestraloutbreeder fonn is to be foundin l/. g-rutinos,wnsubsp- veiuttto, ihich hu, ""ry ;h;;i involucralbracrs (rhe yenow laminae ro_ 15 cmlong), deeplylobed corolras (lobcs 1/3 t'nliier| of corolla),and exserted anthers with relatively_tongloculi (iveragefrom five co "ciionsb.l,nfij. Oy the-othg hand in 11.glutinosrun s,bsp- glutiiosum th; laminaeof fte involucralb.il;; relatively short(ro 5 mm), the corollais stiortlylobed (c. l/5 lengthof corolla),wr, e ttc antr,ers remainin corolla tube and haveshorter loculi'(average from tericollecnonsacross Ausualia 0.7 mm). The subsp.venustrm is resFictedin it' distributionto west-cenrralwestem ; however, subsp.g/r.rtinoszrz is found from thewest coast of westemAusfialia io centralNew Souih Walesand Victoria.

similardisnibuti^on patern ,..1' wasnoted by Shortin closelyrelated species pairs of which one (me puEltrveancestral lorm) wasan outbrcedcr and the other an inbreeder- (HIlI:Id rPr{ sn@?d-H aucqrv- r3rtuv-d.JEa.l-g 'ruetdJo t€89 AJuo{ llv D rrqEH- C s;qJu?rqat&S - ) r^oqBtuo{ p"aq-raaou- g rerol{ ' v rcraDrdouladsop(H .ZelnArJ

ourla d so | ^t H' uosll L\ tnz d Nuytsia Vol.7,No.1 (1989)


The specieshere included within Hyalospermaform a homologousassemblage whose closcst 'Achyroclinoides' affinities in the Helipterum complexappear to be with membersof the alliance, an informal namebased on Pteropogonsert. Achyroclinoides A. Gray (1852). In this allianceI place Helipterum laeve (A. Gray) Benth., H. corymbosum (A. Gray) Benth., Helipterwn polycephalum (A. Gray) Benth., and H. F-Mluell. Hyalospeznc 'Achyroclinoides' forrestii differs from in havingt€rete (not flat) leaves,glabrous (not hirsute)achenes, uniscriate (not biseriate)hain on the corolla, and smoothand sfaight (not papillose and undulate)walled cells in the inner epidermisof the corolla.

O\tside the Helipteram complex affinities are possibly wiLhBlennospora A. Gray which shares wilh Hyalospermaterete leaves, glabrous and sometimesmyxogenic achenes, deciduous pappus, and similar style appendicesand starnels. Blennosporadiffers from flyalosperma in inflorescerrce characters,in the inner epidermal cells of the corolla being variably papillose and with undulate walls,and in hails on tie corollabeing biseriate. Shon (1987)has suggested rhat rhe crustaceous layer of the achenein Blennosporais formed from the pericarpbut my observationson B. drurnnwndii A. Gray indicate tlat it is formed from the integumentand is thereforetre tcstaas it is in Hyalosperrra. Numerous homomorphic narrow-oblong crystals occur in the testa of 'fhey the acheneof Blennospora. are absentin tlle mature seel of Hyalosperna (but present in the young s€ed);I am uncertainof the valueof this characterfor ascertaininggeneric limits.

',_ ---+- I \\.- | - ] il

Figure 3. Disribution of Hylosperrna pusi um (A), andH. pruecoa (a). 4aels fq lslu pslsllouo oql 'olntoc g adho'lte1sepq?u8lsop atroqprm owadsopr(;; snue8eq1 o1 8uo1oqf,a\!'una^P H JoJ 'amlS 'H'4r45 'II "JC tdeJxe'lqt JaprsuoJ um2^1uH puz'nn1S,xalduls u uutrJ ('qtueg) I 'nes Dfltot H eJa^{eseql luntaldttlto4 unDtdllaH ur serJedsmo; paczld (St8I) 4eels

'(eunu sql repuncos) '4eels wnsouunlSli €uraueql pauleloJe^pq I JqloodsuoJeq o1ursql Suuaptsuoo uI unsouunf H pue zl€ts wnpy$ 'H 'ssrJedso,t! pepnlsul (St8I) neetg mutadsolo{11snueE eq1


'zlprtsny eluaduel ol 3rtll3puaeJB l.lrrq.t ssrteds curu sutsluoJ snue8 sIqI

'(tx31ss) pue']|].'8sraqwnuatosoltiortlJ '(lP-guue) Zt 'ulql 8uu,ry'or:euemuru e unlpododJDJ:snoleur,{qouerelcs ro snoeJqsruJ Irr.trtilueSoxdut .{1pnsn eseq'aegldedxeydnp repqolS-pesse.rdep ol enp esoJuro^ ol olelnJlllo3rc'qtoous stuueptdeeql 'ele^oqo 'plo^oqo lluecnlsuE-qpu? lJos dloJllad :Z sryDtlstolnrso^:Euot ulur puepeuelleu Jo 'ptollep-^\orrsuZ-I ol prosdllo auaqcy 'esolt..ded,(pueuturord ol ,(lelnulut ol -p€orq ro popunoJ xadn a\&g xade ,ro1aq Eupequuel 'ev..I nort rDlnJSD^ :szllJuDtq at&S 'enagxeuo luglstsrad 'aif.rww dnJ KrDpaN 'snoueqdappus oulJ sl!r, :(peue{3lql sr uon:od ptslp eql I{qIl^\ w wn1snd 'p 'uI$ 'qloouls 'e1nxe '.snqluy ro; tdecxe) s et-Z saSopuaddolottdo s e^\ lq8le-qsqlr,{ Irrql 'Suolqo-,'rro:ruu leoJqlJo srureprdaJeuur Jo slloJ :s.{or u tou o18uo1qo segol Jo sryrapld? r?uul lo slleJ:seqol olur EulnuEuoclou BlIoroJJospuorts rDvost^:urql1a,r asollded pu'sn?q JelnpuP{8-uou ',.'to11a.{ ercuesrunelnuru.{aJ e qlr^\ Jo sno:qe1?'paqo1S-t:leq reddnuI lspEolq epd,tlunsn 'Jecgprnl{c 'percElul. '?IIIJ ollotoJ Jo ol€^€lJ seurleuos eIIIJ Isuruuet sql curJ q1t.n (;1eq reddn 'rapury,{c ul ,{1uo.ro) lnoq8no:q1esournld uoqs ? uuoJ ol JIeq Je,{\oIul sstreds ctuos q pue eseq 'Wq le 8uu e uI petlun Je^\oIur psoJqro el?ulunJe-J?aurl,salt.silg :eloq^\ € w snoJnpeasflddrJ 'eprrl 'slrldJotuounc? 'pt'trd 'elEetJEJqo'snoJqelS ,{IeuoDounJlsouuauu eql ro J€nxoslq sta,rolg 'IerruoJ ol xe^uo3al JodaJav 'tnesqen dD enb?do e trq paueseJderslqt ro eutuel aulJqode '(peqJu?lqun)lletus tltll^ slzDtq rzuu.t:/\e1c3o xede ,.iro1aq3u-pue alduurspuDrts rDpxsr^ :snonJrdsuoJur pue urrpro'preq '?uolqo-A\o::euol reew1zulo?t2ls ',ul8lr"ur uo au1u,4q'peorqa.tzlJ :,t oo^\ dlesJeds 'snoueSouJoq'poJe^{ogu1ntu Jo snoJq"l8',tssol8 'eleyos-Flnlol ol -E snDtq pnryo^ul 'pIoJSIp 'fty]ilcx spoaq p64oll 'eleJelllJu€s'lepuels 'eltsoddo sauo Ja^\ol e$ rc elevle4le s2^Da7 '.ropuels 'snoJqElSqns 'sqraq 'es?q o^oqe ro le Eurqcuurqro eydurs uars ol ,{uo 03 lmruuv ' 'y f,ztg snssrutapuo7 odont 4 'tsqll 'tog 'I 'du:g-'y '1ras :adKJ'(Zggi)69T:t prsg ^\at s.Je{ooH stsdouoSodotald uoSodonld

'(saoN oes)'^ou oltel "Je ('I{ueg) ,lnror wnnldtlap :ad(lo1ca1ed :ct:el '[eu lemtelcueruoN'ad 'd 'ssrerd'ld "uqe-I 'lJes ol se pu€ (gt8l) ttt :I ul 4eas unD|dtllrtd w DldqaH ees)'^ou orrer 'aoels unsoutn4 naDdsoto{H :adKroioa'r '(ssgr) f9?*t"#l+1Y3fr""i 'sledpi& '[d "ruqelors :@r8D Z?Z:9 ls[S 1og ued€d :GnlD 9LV:I ssrerd ul 4€aS BurradsotB,{H


Dulrad s o t a

Key to species

1.hner involucralbracts withoue a radiatinslarnina or thelamina less than I mm Iong: 2-4 cm high, much branchedl corolla l-4-lobed.

2. Involucrec. 5 mm long:inner involucral bracts with a smallovate pale brown lamina0.5-1 mm long (W.A.)...... -.-....1.II. zacchaeus

2. Involucreto 3 mm long;inncr involucral bracts entiely hyalineor witi a very snolterect opaquo apex.

3.Leaves slender tcrete; very sparsely pilose...... 7. II. demissum

3.Leaves fleshy, elliptic to obovate; plant moderately pilose ...... 3.H. stoyeqe

l. lnncrinvolucral bracts u'ith a prominentwhile or yellowradialing larnina over 2 mm long;plants mostly l0-20 cm high;stem sirirplc or branch&;corolla 5lobed.

4. Involucre turbinateto cup-shaped,glossy, glabrous; radiaLing bracts with yellow lamrna;acnene wafiy.

5. hvolucre (excludingray) turbinatcto broadlycup-shapcd, reddish brown; lowerleaves with roundedapex; pappus bristlcs broad towards basc and variablyunited into a sheath;achene broad-oblong, flattened, hyaline on margin(W.A. & Easl,cmStates) .. ..4. H. glutinosum

5. Involucre(cxcluding ray) broadly cup-shaped, silvcry m palebrown; lowcr leavesobtuse to acuteor acuminate;pappus bristles narrow in lowcrhzrlf qld unitedonly atbase; achene narrow-obovoid, not hyalincon margin (EastemStates)...... 5-H. semiskrile

4. Involucrespreading from base,somewhat woolly l,osubglabrous; radiating bractswith whiteor yellowlamina; achene warty or smooth.

6. Leaves(middle and lowcr) blunt; innermost involucal bracts with very shofl. roundedor truncatelamina 0.25-1.5 mm long.

7. Reccptableconical; innermost involucral bracts wift cxtremelyshort (c. 0.25mm) truncatewhirc limb; pappusrips white, clavate (W.A., Bunburysouthwards)...... 9.H. pusiLlum

7. Receptaclerounded; innermost involucral bracts with shofl(0.5-i.5 mm) whitc or yellowrounded lamina; pappus tips yellow, clavate (W.A., Geraldtonsouftwards)...... 6.H. cotulo

6. Leaves(middle and lowcr) acuminate; inncrmost involucral bracts with prominent(c. 5 mm) radiatinglamina.

8. Stemusually branched at andabove base; receptacle rounded (W.A., Perthsouthwards) . ....-...... 'l. IL simptex

8.Stembranchingatbasc;rcceptacleconical(south-easternAustralia)...... 8..Draecox '3uo1 'J 'al€ulunJ? a1f,nlo^ul se^eel eAerToJ,tq pepualqnspue soqJu?Jqol le:Ulwre!sptaH urtu g 'snorlonbu-.reau1 'ol?tuetp 'seseq pu? elrsoddo st^ta1 JEel tuerrn':p eql ulo{ pcqqlr dumJsqo 'q8rq sallJuotg sno:qey3 ol snolg,r ,(lesrnds urur 0Z-9 lDtruuD popunor peqJu€rq-gJnlI

'(z906tsI 'ISAI'x 'rflN:olitar 'Errorrra:""J"tT;fi :orierosr:Lz06gsr )./alpnw'r'BS8I ,"que^oN yno91 :ad&ona7 ',saiuea e1?ng€rll ur pu? 'u^\oual^\€D:eau 'se8ued eyolal1 pue ?xas eql 'suerdrrlBrC€ql go serlr,rlpap,(uots Kpues u1, :uoqotn a,ltJ '(L98lD 'lErsnv ' qlueg 'l3S 'uecue^pv 'lrl^ '3otd "llonI6W:€ 'C H :(99SI) 6€ :9S8I-'98I lsul T, SUEIJ I unflqta wnrartupll '(\:opq) 99 puouwr?rcrI'rc^ru ue.n5;adr(-1 '(t96I) upoprl€rsnv qlnos '{cqg :(tr6l) :Z euolrr^ 'sI[nA 'I m6'Z 'tC 'll?,rE '.(Lt6D IC f 'cos601 'qtxE Id'qpusH'e3ruC :(I€6I) SZII lrIA L79:t salsl ]Irg qntJ 1og (,{€rC'V) unssnuapunratdlpH -'(ZgBlD 'tsrhl preC .re){ 'log 'f s rolooH ',tuC 'V 'E)toJ 'uoslt[692:t snssllap uoSodoDtd- ^ou 5 FoJ ({Drg V) urnsslurepeurradsole.{g 7 'uondr:osep aql peruudruoocuteql ZI aeld uo tueldeq gouollersnlll eqtroJ slseq eq dlqeqo:d s€^\ prr? u?,,!\E.{q paetouup se.trleql uauttcedse 3d,{lotJrl s? paBuSlscpa.IoJoroql e^pq I :ue^\g ,{q pel1:se,tr uonmllot :o i(ltpcoyoN raltofim? wnnirpH lo uortDr!ftdKtotta1 'scare prsodxr:o lsaro.;uado ur 1:,ru3:o ureol,{pues ror'lqolt

't c.rnSrJls"J Jrll ur c8ueg rcserg puz 'uolrnqutst(I apre81oo3ol lse,r eql ur 8ura,roca,ro3uo{ ell€rsnv tuetsoi[ uelsa,t-qlnospr]ptul '0iluad zo€zr uosl!^4 'eiE-ISraEuoW:(HIUAd "ISN) DurnJ 't g'orpnStooJ salu :(HlEAd) 9 d 'urqqeroog 16Z9 Jo S 0€ 2698 taqtraN y)/ :VITVUJSOV NdEts:t/td (Kluo uupaps) uaas su?uoads '(9461) '1 'clnurul .nurnl 9 eprJ8 =u DEanu aaosauollJ'rz1aunv tutu l 0 luJuqtqle :(etset)p3es u,4\orq qspper eW qtl^\ pellrJlnq lueJnlsusl 'sseFnoloJJo u^\orqqsrpp drrJzrd 'e€urd?d '8uol :crue3ox,4u xeldnpre1nqo13 pesserdep spssas eql ol enpalulnJllloo ruruZ'J'ep^oqo 'eso1yded.,{lelnuru'eleaunr 'Buol ol Suolqoaua1cy dli afrs ruru€ 0 , rlniot :papnlours:avruy 'peqoyy,{p-roqs ,&a,r 'snorqulE 'Euo1 ruu 'J 'relnqnl-.torsuDllotoJ 'snrog reqlo esoqlpunor? Z 'lnoqSnorql Jo 'asEq pelmJ PIIrt psuq "^^o[of apd f:e,r elllJ Ieulurreleql ro sselmolo, esounld l? 8uu e ur polrun'olEururnr€ Juaurl-/r\ornu :8uolruul ')'0I x saltsuq:snddrJ soue^ooluols '0I-g Wqs'qlootus 'JoleurErp Z 'c'xe^uoa qlr^{reuur ar{l ro elrurJ IJE sra,'l.rolrl uIuI ,'0 f,jt1?r1sapotdatay 'eu|us[ 'J'ae^o E lnoq]Lrpu? apqrca'Euo1uur t slcerqlsousouu :8uol ultu,'0 ol eurueJ Surpuerdsleq,tiatuos u,to:q apd d:a,re qlr.\\pue q€r1Je'8uo rutrr lnq relno ol rslrurs lprus 'cruorJc1s t'J spotq Duur pue avlpallJaiul :ur8Jsruuo e1e11rc,tgooat recuJlteg ro; ldecxs euqe,{q '8uol ruru g'7 'c 'cud111a-peorqspDJq JaJno :snorqElS 'pernolo$,rB.qs ',{ssol3 'etc-:'lies-U ) sl7otq pnqo^ul 'retauIu-rprurx 'q8rq uu g J 'Jtsloe)n ol pJgpurtlt peorqanryo^ul 'seqrueJq '.&glllos 9'g'se8epuedde ol Ipuruuat spoaH snoueJsuoqs Suu qpue aelnlrdecpunoJp poretsnlJ .sr,1rrl :e1n)e'3v4 ultu qarolluas 'rapuals,!a,,rra1 'Japuels saqJuotg '\ ,(lesredsfuaa o1 lounaDi 'q8rq 9-E 'espq loox snolp,r.flasruds rm g r a^oqepue te Eurqcuuqlonuuo pepulr.ott],..Je ol tuaqumrec 'GJUgd 'r{S '€206€9I'MIl{) Z60I qrox W'1061 ldcs 3ur,1or^d.oJ :C{JdEd '8686rI .Igl 'n'106I '8nV '3ur^{or^,'oJ '^ou iASN'€Z06SSI I) LffiI tlrox :sadhDtodopa1 oloel 'G.IIdEd '8686rI :o]oelosr:ZZ06E9I qrox 'ht 'VO6I 8ny '3ur,troc,to3 i[SN 'l '28 '.02 1 ^l:olret)'cog 'foX t60I 'cord 'uD.,'\A :adfuoJraT (L06i ZI s'u suol'l^ nlKolln? untald4ag '(fgt':f '3ny 'arpre31oo3.reeN :os!:t{g :oloq)aroortl S'968I :ad(J Gl6I) t€8 :t td ''UplrlA'pnsnv uralsed\?t\ou] ol 1r\oH'll€Io?lg 'id e^arrg 'B :(/68I) :9t 1og 'I'erooIAI'S 'Aou 'quoJ 'uoslJiA'g T 99I '1 sn?DqtJDzuntald\ap - 1ne4(o:oo4'5) sneeqJJ?zeuuadsole,{g

su 1ad so p( H' tloslr A InEd 86 NrrytsiaVol.7, No.l 0989)


) a"."",S T\ N\ t\' \

I \ a I a a a a \p a I a ""Wo P 7 !o I

ru'* a' Hvtosperna mcctocus(o)' H' sinpler subsp.sinPrex (o), and rl. siarpla subsp. ,D#$rlt1,1?'<#

Figurc 5. Distribution of Hylospe.na cotuta (O'), zr'd H. sto,reae(a). -T I

'(1s 'S 'tnotoo-t Dr689 rlnw {J'A ,gO^ZVt-'(cv) .9t .S€ urqs€ElJo /tS txl S'0''d'N pla.p:d.{16:VIUOJJIA gt 'w'x's, 's 'sndouEJ:vtrvuisnv 'GL;6A}LylLrpflubl3'1y'uona5ep,r"uure4:y11iga51vNdg.ISld'uaassuawltadgltbttv .zvoqrt .0[o[[ Hrnos.

'eueqceol peqcsue,(lpcrluacxa e11o.roJpu9 snddPd 'ruep uru gg'g 'o 8u1te!nu1ue atoqdodnt 'Jrue?ox,{u 'c 'plo^oqo :u^\oJqapd ol sselmoloc lou'rDoous'xede rc pepunoJ'3uo1urur 9'0 ,{IpeoJqfta^ auatlcy 'esoyrded,'alqeredes ,{lecftcs pu? uoqs ,{re,r seqol aql 4eu\tu:l.aexado 'raquz al&g ot qrEuelu Isnbo'leeuJl relloc :rsln8uslDunlnJd? :snoueqdslppw uoqs slpl :elnae eseq:8uol unrr :pepnlcw'E s0llluv 'snddedol ,{[uoqsd.Ia^'eplsul SI'0'c In.ol Fnbo'peqol-€ 'EIIII pus eprstnosnorqelE 'pqrpu11,(.-^ormr o o.toJ 'sselmolot'eseqt? 8u.uuoqs P uI pallun 'aeulun:e Jep[olsql!^\ eseqJBeu ruo4 asoumld reeuq-aro.ueulrbtTs :8uol ultu Z'l'.'8-9 szlrslrq 'ap:nJ'srrolowrru 'releruerp 'J 'IPJIuoJ-peoJq 't:r.':.q s ddod stanll uuJ L'0 ol xer'uot apwdany 'c 'pJeq'lPU 'reau\l 'anbedolues rl8ual A[ auloarzls:snorq€l8 seurl€u.nsxde oql qlun auqef,q Jo'Euoy 'oeues-Z'Supelpsl 'nlaunrp nrur 7'c'x.de pepunoJrltr/r\ op^oqo lou stzDtqprxryo^ul nrur 'q8rq uu 'J 'pedeqs-dnJK1peotq atcnlo,rul 'unlntrd?J elssas drallos eql Eupunorns 7 ,'[ 'c 'Po^oqo-,t\o[Pu pue 3uo1ruur 't'erc^o-peorqol ep^o't'c se,reallsouueddn :8uol urur g S'Z ', 'Euolqo-^\ou?u 'etpoddoqns or cpd11esa,reol .reddn :8uol ultu S se^eol Je^\ol i,{qseg saoaT ']opue$ 'snogr,r. 'releu?lp satlJuolg ,(lesreds uur 09 01pnuuD ele4sord-[uaspeqcueJq-qanw

.(OV : otoq) a,lars:.X.8L6I $eS 'duI?^\S 'J 'pBolseuloH9S9 'BII?.qsnV ,(spqug pue u€I$nos tltl I Jo S SI WnoS'(986I) 'J Jo'9?SI 't Jo ^ASS 'lc 'ueIIeoJ ,rBtuo8ul, uq9'7't:adt1 upe?Ilp.tlsnv qtnos ry dosseluy a1oo3 '1g:q J00,'t'ut StgI 'quoc 'uosll1.\ 'C 'Y'O) 'g aoad,otsunblilgag - 1ned(e)poJ a?a^olsBuradsolef,H 'sertods 'H 'rraN Jalq er$ repun sas aDa^ots'H rlo:g wns$wap ele.[PdJsot a^lJS leql sJqJeJeqteql JoC

'suonent1spesodxe uI uo;o 'narqeq;o ,{prre^ 3 tn sllos ,{\olpqs uI s^\oJg 'rI2tlgtly

'g emirg 'erueurse;pue 'apn16uo1 sEls€€ JBJ sB soleA llnos .lroN 'sFolJrA 'erle.Dsnv 'efleusnv 771 'uolnqu$IQ ueqtnos wnos uaqlnos ruslse{\ lsa^\-qlnosw puoo{

'O{S\D ,t dqou 'Z'eureJsrpurl:06gZS s?un)'N'A'UeqoH :yItWAISvJ '(1S 'CSJ) OH) l 2809!rIAJ'g'J's8w\erapuBJJeN :O{SN) 069taK,lr1 'll'I'9161 'lro 'sroruoJ:Ct[S$ uorrogrlAl 'de9 uraputl:SATV 9t89€ 1-g'Am) I HJnOS's8uza ndgN slwn H'I'9L6I rca noa 'gJ 'e8ueu :(Iilltl) 2809 4nN erepu?JreN:(1qI,0 ZtoI uolsy J11'seydety ll^l :YIdOJJIA '(CfV) '77q'e8pug,{?Jml gt{g uq |EZVHmquaqaoty '1-g ',(esuregJo ST,l(qV)6IU {rrruoJ'g'd.)lJBd uow^resuoJ ^\er^rEC :(OV) 7g1qto1Ko1g 3o pa+unH :VITVUISnV HInOS tGtUEd ,rosrtt '9'd 'axotspues UDI :GJAAA.A6?,6gnpuro'y'1coa ulEe,tog t688 'Euuaddrp Jo td,S 99 '61uo :fiSW\ LSnninW'tt :VITVUISnV NuEJSAnd. uouralzs)uaas suaalrads

'aueqrego xedeyo e-ouecol peqcs|leBIIoror pup sndded 'Jelerrrelplllru 'J 'olnqu anqdodroJ lcrueSoxiur 'snomYllre8lBu 'eelldPd xeldnp esoqolE 90'0 'Euo1 'c 'pessatdum passeJdepellssos rgll'\ alelnJllloJ u.Ilu L'0 l?q^\euos ro p\o^oqo auaq,V 'asolpdud 'pepunor'etnuftu '8uol 'c 'VJqlol ,{pueu[[ord rad, ,ftr S: urul g'0 ilzJol :popnlcu!slaqruv y ro g ,{p:oqs ,fie^ 'snorqelS'sndded ot pnbo ',no11e,{el?d ro elq^t 'pcytputlf,i-mot:r.u o11oto3 '?uu 'sselmopc 'pIIIr Jepualsqlr,lr lnoqEnor[ asourqd e ur eseq le pelun ,{Iuoqs eteu}unJe JEourI-.AorJ?u :8uol urur g'I 't '0I 't seFsuq: snddDd 'elwe!'ga-gl slat$oll 'Islalu"lp uul 'J 'IeJruor!i?qs 'xede ,'0 ot Vapunoralrodatay (no11efapd dlaru) erq^\-JJoot urorq epd papuno.r 'c) '.ql?uel (uulr uoqs l'em up qtr^r .rrrrrq rauu eql ilZ-7A 6u1pue1xesuoeJols lPaull leu Z'0 'Euol 'dssolE WI^\ eqle,{q uru 9'6-3'Euolqo peorq o1a1e,r.o ,{:a^lISJo pemolo.-,'(e.usol uaarEapd 'elsuas 'snorqplE'Je1eurerp '3uo1 '3 h€ siJDrq pnflp^ul urur g'1 tutu E padeqs-dntot o1elmJrn

r&rrdsola(H'rrosFtd FBd Nuysia Vol.7,No.1(1989)

Disrribution. Found in south+entral reg_ionof west€m Australia, the kke Eyre and Murray Regionsof SouthAustralia and in westemVictoria. Figure 5.

Habirqt. Acacio anewq wo.Jdland.(Lake Eyre region, ) and mallee woodland (westemVicloria).

Notes. Hyalospermastoveae isvery similarin appearancett H. d.emissutn:il ditters from the larbr sp€clesln havmgsomewhat more villous branches, broader leaves, and a smoothachene on which tnecorolla rs excentncally alEched. Al thoughH. stoveaeis smalland certainly easily overlooked, it must be more rare than H. demissutnsince, altiough evidentlywidely disriburcd. onrv lour collectionshave been seen in Australianherbaria, alt co'ilecledbet\ieen f SZ'gand lsgn_

4. Hyalosp€rmaglutinosum Steetz in Lehm.,pl. heiss. l: 477 (1845)1- Helipterumglutinosum (Steetz)Druce, Bor. Exch.Club Brir. Isle_s1916: 6].7 (1917);Domin, Vestn. fra. Cesfe Spoftin. Nauk.Tr. Mat.-Prir.2: 118(1923) nom. illeg. non Hook. (rg49). Tvpecitatioz: 'In york. solosubiimoso prope^oppidutum d.4. Sept.1839. HcJb.preiss. N

'ln Hyalospe.rmt.s.rrictwn. slettz in Lehm.,Pl. heiss l: 47745).Type citation: calculosisapricis faEnsonenhrls monfis tsrown el montsLehmann, d.4 Sept.'l839. Hcrb.preiss. No. 20.' Type: (MEL 1538985,MEL 1538986). llalgsperrut variabile Sond-,Linnaea 25: 519 (1853),nom. illeg. (lnth H. strictumSieetz and I!. BluyinosumSteerz were cited in syno_nymyoi an lncluded uile'ty; - naipterum iiiaUiti Osrenf.,Biol. Meddet.Kongel. DansG vioenlr. Selsk.3(2): t4l 09tD,.o-ti.'iii"!. i- "artiei eDithetavailable).

4)lalolpenry variabile Solder y3r.preissii Sondcr,Linnaea 25: 519 (1853),based on typesof H . strictum Sbetz andH . glutinosutnSteetz.

H-elipterumhyalospermum F. Muell. ex Benth.,Fl. Ausrral.3: &4 (1967),based on rypesof tty^alospermumstrictwn stentz and, H. glutinosumsteen, nonll elipterumstriclarn (Lindleyj ilenLh. (1867 ) necH eI i p te r um gI ut i nos um H@-k.(1848).

Il:lipr:r( venustum .M[ S. Yggr",.l, Linn. Soc.Bor. 45: 180(1920). Type citarion: Magner drsf.ncl.Youanne; Maryon-' Type: (holo: BIvf). lHyalospermtvariabile Sonder. var. muzllei Sonder.,Linnaea 25: 519 (1g53)p.pte. as to ,Burra Burra' not asto lectotype.lSee Notes.

Erect annual.herb 10-20cm high, simpleor branchingat and abovebase. -Br,rclrs slendcr weakly sinuous,glabrous or very sparselywoolly, inconspicuouslyribbed by rhe narrow greenleaf decurrencies.leaveJ altemate,filiform, 5-40 mm long, glabrousto sparselywoolly with-obtuseto roundedapex, abruptly diminishing and bract-like in upper-branches.portion ofbranches andtrere with short scarious appendages.Hesds sotitary, tcrminal to- Involucre turbinate becomins hemisphericalat matudry with radiatinglaminae, 5-10 mm high ancl wide (excludingrays)i Involucrsl ,rdcf multiseriat€:outer bracts glossy, pale to dark brown, atmost gt-aUr6ui, broad-ellipticwith flat lanceolatestereome, grading downwards into uppercauline bracts; inner bracts: claw broad-ellipticto suborbicular,c. 3-4 mm long,hyaline, mCmbranous, woolly ciliate, with narrow-oblongthin flat stermmeextending throughout length; lamina oblong-elliptic, acute, 3-15 mm long, yellow; innermostseries of bractssimllar to inier or with uery ieduceaiamina. Receptacleconvex, 2-5 rnm diameter,promincntly pitted. Flowersnumerous,- fertile exceDrfor some_in.centre. PcpTr.JJ colou essor towardsapex yellow; bristlesc. 12; shafi linear_acum'inare, broaderin lower half,2.5 mm long, variablyunited towards base into a shcath,plumose in uppei 'unsolhfllq dsqns unsoutflf aa!"dsolb

-(o\ avaryluas H pvg'(a) umlsnuad'dsgrs unsoulrntt otuadsol^(H Jo uotQqursrq 9 "rn8rC

Duodsot?(H'no6lrr'i|-yted Nu)tsiavo1.7,No.1 (1989)

half, the terminal cilia filamentousor in those of the central florets clavate to obovoid,. Corolla tubular, narrow in lower half, somewhatbroader in upper,2.5 mm long, glabrous,yellow, 5Jobed to betweenV5 and l2 of irs lengtl. Anther loculi 0 .7-0.9 mm long. Sryleipex very iroadly deltoid, papillose. Achenebro€Ld.-oblong, 1.5-2.5 mm long, baserounded, apex truncate and slightly concave in centre;pericarp translucent, soft, brown or coloudess,densely colliculate with small low rounded duplex papiUaethat are myxogenic;seed occupying central ponion of achene,testa brown; margins of achenehollow, ftanslrrceng carpophore inconspicuous, c.0.2 mm diameter.

Figure8. Disniburionot Hylosperna denbsum.

Key to subsp€cies l. Inner involucral bractswith lamina !o 5 mm long; corolla lobed to c. l/5 of length a. subsp.glutinosum l. Inner involuc-ralbracts with lamina 5-15 mm long; corolla lobed l/3 to 1/2 of length .-.- b. subsp.yenustum

4a. Hyalosp.ermaglulinosum Sestz subsp.glutinosum, synonymy as for the species,except for the nameHelipterum venustum.

Leav,es ytrth 5-15mm l9rrg. Inner inyolucralbracts lamina-5 mm long. Innerflorets , ith teminal pappushairs filamentous or slightlyclavate. Corolla c. 2.5 mm long,lobed to c. V5 of is length. Anther loculi c.0.7 mm long. chromosomznumber n = 11 fide B.L. Turner in sched. (Turner 5339). lpe,cjrye41s:e1ge-lection only). WESTERNAUSTRALIA: 4.1 km N of piawanning, H. Detnrz 7410 (PERTrf; 33 km SW oi Rawlirura,A.S. Georgett890 (PERTII);W*Ati", E:j. r"iiii"ry 'uur-I'I'orool^I'S (OZO1)Ogt :St'log'ros arfltsnua^.tunta'dlpH '^ou']r?ls 'qulot 'uosll/{\ 'c' 'qt !a Insd (eloot{ s) urnFnua^'dsqnsurnsoullnlE eulaosole^H 'pasBaslp 'cgtradsuoc pu€ ere sueulcadseddl stl ecus qeunuoJunsl stql ?uteq se polea4 ,{lqlssod lueJoq? 'Z' 'UY 'uIoN oJs o^\l eql Jr pesn€q oJoJeJeqllsrr]Od umsoul lS Dllltadsolo(H eweu eqJ. (t86I L9 'log opoJ 'urqul) peulquroseJ? ,{3I$ uaq,{l.dluoud 8ut^?q se s€ur?uo,/tu eql Jo 3uo esooqsol ISJIJ aqr er6gareqr*i et4,imtcuts nttadsoloQl pw wnsougn1Smttadsolz(p 4oq '{ru'{uou'ts-q parlc peqslqnd(gZ6I) lnq .ur.uro(t(neasj umsouurySuntad1ap, uoneulquot oleunr8elpeules eW uruoq 'tru,(uou,{su! aeets seunuaaradsolD(H o.trl oII Jo JeqlleotIJ plp aq lnq.'qlueg Jo '\ooHumsoultnF'H lou tunu.ndsolo&19 peculdartr teq Sunmlpul(8t8I Jo ul^uouoq JelBl?) e3ruq (neag u.s6uitiig w:uatd4afi uorleuiqurocaleutqr8sllt aql opgu LI6I uI eon.l( wnnld4ag J3pm elqpIIB^? lou eral\ ,umsouunlS,-unatdtaH, prn ,unPlos, slaqtrda relroe aql eJuls arcupF?l *'^ qcolin" unlou ueurou eW Papl^ord wnntdllag ot sertods ,*r*t"dsoloQll 'saueu p"utq.irdi eqi Enuregsueauo (r98I) u?qlueg peurquora\l n) .a\!qD!rD^owadsolof, 11, iuniriu uauiou :1eunrSep uE pepl^ord oq,l\ (€S8I) lepuos dq cgltedsuor aq, ol palqs tsnJ era.ll (St8I) aeas umsouurySttwzdso1oKp pus (St8I) n&!S umpllrs owadso1of,11

'(aryDtswas m.uradsolo(11 =),uassa I unDtdtlzH, '?llng peuuuelep ,tpcoJoc uaeq seq (t068tJI ?rng ruo{ s.rollen]Al s€ mllenw,{q J!U^l) '3'l uoFrellor jeqfmJ y 'apqoyo^ ouuadsoloKpnpuf.'u,{s ord uctuoue se Japuos,(q PJ]rase^\ Jo 'C '4tels 's,Japuos ,'llenhl odrDJootaY D!uass?I',zweu eldl umsoulrnq II Jo s! ueur!3edsslql 'q 'lr 'pu€ s.lelen4 ur .'puos IJoIInN alqDln^ m)uadsolotH,otr€u eql e^oqe Euqtrmpueq ui id.rocotitau oluas.trf eurpuplp^q u? sreeq(6816€S1 1s{) lepuos ,{q petrc sc,t teq1uorlceloc 'uosllid 'C 'C) 'H 'H s.rmg, V InEdCIlanhI zlua$ra1as pw uasouunlS IIoq Jo sluDldJo ."rmg 'q p?4USUoJlD ?nu 2llqmr0^ m'uodsolr(H euPu aql JopunpapnlJul repuos leql IPFelsu eqJ

laeqs unu€qraq eues eql uo pelunou pue 'Jer{lg8otpalJeIIoJ 'pleg etll uI pesnJuotseurleuos aq o1re11ur1s dpuelcgyns a.re selleds o"rtlelll ' 'dsqns : aluqsluas H sEvam eures aql uI snor8 seulFelllos,zrlsol.rrrn lt urtsolt z fi nuadsolotll 'uorFpeJdloesul puB aql uoll3olloJleqlo Fueuo uolJr:)assttl| paru:sqolou ^q pesnBJuoeq e^Eq ,(?ur l! setJeds Jo 'uottarr:s a*ht 'ututuis'g jo sueuir5adsedft ot relrurs fu6^ osr,trJtloeJe sl-uu1d :q1 snoutsel '-1iir-e.res e ,(qfore,roc are uaese,req 1 q 4qm jo'wnsoulnp olaDdsolDKHJo sueurlcedsed'{1 salolg 's pos;o,{roue,r apr,tr e ut suorl€nllspesodxA,D tt qo H

'L eJnBtC 'epnlr8uol '?golq^ u.I4sei!\-qUou'selBrt\ qlnos /t\3N tuelse,r\pue p4ueJ'sllP-rlsnY WnoSuaqnos 'epnlnq qlnos Ell€llsnv uslso tuelse,,l\-wnos uolrnqll|slo otzl Jo lso/{ pue Jz Jo \ 'uorsllr]JJo 'CA[S$ aldwas L '7J' 'SuopqwlA98tI /1 i ]I'.erc,{I :OdSN) unqSutuutt)'N't prIP.zdrotltllw lhl :S:fTVl& HInOS AIIN 68ZI 'AN) Sr\ 4nW' gl'lseroCoorequlrJ i(1f,N) t68 ltoqsuaH' J 'rseroc 'A{N a10qa13noag "dN pleJ].ed,(.,l1A:vIuoq)IA elqs eJ?uel :(1tr0 0t682 ,'y '(AV) 'A'e Onj6uotu{S '1IH 'lst?rlJ .tauuo1 'N'N '{..3€.d ,{qq'*sa:dderre3orpeolseuioH Jo aS?eprs^ :LSS uourf5 Eq PurdltlA-:(qv) 89€g r"yAg;r"#;nA+??"fi$ltiT",Ilmtaiffi ?3u,

ruredrola(I1'uoslr^{ FBd 92 NuytsiaVol.?, No.l (1989)

Leavesfildfclm, 10-40mm long. Inner inyolucralbracts with lamina5-15 mm lonl. Inner .;f/orerswith someof tie terminalpappus hai$ clavat€to obovoid.Coro a 3.5-4mm long.lobed f3 to l2 of length.Anther loculi c.0.9 mmlong.

Specimznsseen (seleclion oaly). WESTERNAUSTRALTA: l0 km N of MI Masner.t. Coolev 1237 (AD); WatherooRabbit Fencc.M- Koch 1333(AD); 'Waniedar' I km S of Murch"isonn. bri'de6, l.S._Shq41595(AD, MEL); 26 km W of Homesread,p.G. Witson12271 (pERTfD;2 km S of WonganHills township,P.G. lVilson12355 (PERltI).

Distribution. From near the -westcoast of lat. 27" (near Ajana) to 30o (ncar Badgingarra)east !o long. i22o (neart€onora). Figure 6.

Habitet. Often folnd in Acacla scrub in sandor loam.

Nztes. This subspeciesoccurs within rhedisribution of subspeciesglutinosum with which it has closeaffinity andpossibly intergrades. The two may be distiirguishedby the charactersindicated aDove.

5. Hyalospermasemisterile (F. Muell.)Paul G. Wilson,comb. nov. Llelipterumsemisterile F. Muell.,Fragm. 2: 157(1861). Tlpe: DarlingDesert [near I-ake Pamamaroo fide J.H.Witlis, 1962], 3l Oct. 1860,fl. Aeckler(holo: MEL 108292).

Hyalospermauariabile var. muelleri Sonder, Linnaea 25: 519(1853). Type citotion: 'Gawler-town, Sept. Burra B_urraet.-in regionibusinterioribus lrequens et gregatim crescens.'.Lectotype: 9awler-town,Sept.1848,F. Mueller (lecto: MEL 1538937;isolecto: NGL 6036531,tecto nov. liee Notes.)

Helipterumjessenii F. Muell.,Viclorian Naruralisr 7: 48 (1890);Maiden & E. Betche,Census New Sol't.lr1yut". "t. 203 (1916)lEwart, Fl. Vict. ll29 (1931);J. Black,Fl. SouthAusrratia edn 2, 903 (1957);J. Willis, Handb.Pl. Vict.2: 708(1973). Lectotype: Pon Augusra,1885, Mrs AnnRichard.s (MEL 1538889),lccto nov. (see Nobs.)

lHelipterumhyalosperrntan atct. nonBenth.;Benth., Fl. Austral.3: 644(1867) p.pte.l

Erect qnnuql herb to 15 cm high, branchingat and abovebase. Branchesslender, sparscly cottonyor glabto\s. Leavesalternate slender semiterete 5-15 mm long, obtuseto acute,sparsely piloseor glabrous,tcrminal leaves much reduced and bract-like with hyalineappcndqges. Head.s solitary,lerminal. Inyolucre broadly hemisphcrical, c. 4 mm high, 8 mm wide (excludingray). Inyolucralbracts multiseriate, glabrous; outcr and intermediatc bracts glossy, silvery to stramineous with palebrown apices,claw suborbicularhyaline, membranous, c. 2.5 mm long andwide, with a shortflat, triangularstermme; inner bracts: claw suborbicular, hyaline, membranous, c.3 mm long andwide with a flat narow-oblongsiermme extending length. lqmina oyalrr., obtuse, 2-5 mm long, bright yellow. Receptacleconvex c. 2 mm diameter,somewhat pitbd. Flowersnamerous, fcrtile exceptfor thosein centre. Pcppm: bristlcsc. 12; shaftnarrow-lincar acuminate, c. 2.5 mm long, evenlyplumose (terminal cilia not clayate),united in ring at base,clear or palc yellow nwards apex. Corolla narrowcylindrical, broader in upperhatf, c. 2.5 mm long,5-lobcd, to V3-2/5lengrh, glabrons.Anther loculi c.0.9 mm long. Styleapex broad deltoid, papiltose. .4chene compresscd obovoid,c. 1.5mm long;pcricarp clear, totally filled by seed,verrucosc due to the sessilcdepressed globularduplex papillae, myxogenic. Chromosom.e number n = ? or 8 fide B.L. Turncr(1970J.

Specimznsseen (selection only). SOUTHAUSTRAI-IA: Between Hartlcy and Langhom's Creck, D. HuntzTU (AD); Mannum,D.E. Syrnon 6758 (AD); DruidRange, G.F. Tetfer 42 (AD). VICTORIA: 30.6km SE of Walpetp,M.G. Corrick6ST (MEL); BerribecTank,29 Aug. 1948, J .H. Willis (l{ELJt t-akcH indmarsh, 1889, H . worsleytltttELl. T

',tuottoc '3uo1 ro xedesnoursa: u,r,roJq-qsrppeJ lunlq e ol po.rorr€u dlesredsot ,(lete.repou uru 91-g 'elerelJopuels'arsoddo Je,^Aol eql ro Jl€uJa\Iesa^Da1 'xade sp:z,rot d11oo,n'xo1cq duottor ,{lesreds 'repusls 'es?q sorlJuerg eWe^oq? ptr€ te ?urqruuq:o aldurrs'q8rqurc gT,ot qoq lDnuuor.JJi1

sddrorcelor serou (U I 'lJrA868f9I ''llen]Al TA].^{)'J ,p1a{p16'tuo8atg uod, eddtu,(sol sB 'urru eld'd (068I '3nV) gt :l tsrJ€rnlpN nuassa[unDtdtpHl

'C&'trgSgl 'tz8t09'IgI/{) :sadr(-; ssrard qrcH '6981'^oN 'p '8uruue3 ,17'o1q'Jol 'zltels 7 unr^ng p€ rerlrueldsrsoueJ€ u1, :uonarcsd,{1 trc umuunt wnn1d4a11 '(I0€80I '96280I 'sslr./J'qreH '0t8I '^oN 11gtN):sadtJ' Ll'oN L p'111rrE:oagsrEar snurs suouolurosoeJplS osourlqns olos uI. :uouDtrJad(J ')\J ':'ol'zizJ$ raldwts 'nt' DF oJ wnlafirpH

'(rlnror 'I1Joed,{t sepnlJur) '3a11'urou '(SVSD 'ld "uq€'I Vw :I ssreJd u zlools ut?t t.rsrsoulo|m^ optot untatfulag '96 'lerlsnv 'lC ''r1lueg :oloq)1a3aap 3'aprseuetg'.ad(1uru od'd (1991)7t9 :g :(8€SI) :9 'rpord"CC (\tue8) DryiorwnDfilpH - :Og8I) "p le'lpuA 'Wue{SIZ 'Aou 'quoa 'uosllrtd'C 99'8enHld'urnug '9 q o1ryocwnsfuqt1ap - 1ne4( q1ueg)e1n1or uuuadsoluf,g

'snua8trunslp snp JJqueu 'unlnltdec3tr ,(luo €r{l ss pasluSocarls3q eq ol readdepyno,n lI :seqlue aql pw'euoqJ? aq1 aqt;o amicn.ls eqt rn ,{IqBrep$uoJsreJJW lnq aflr4slwas Dwladsolo(g u n1yw1s,{lprcrjredns s! seneds '['qtuag 'v) 'S Jellel sIqJ (dag sl JotS sryoqdatou(1.1pue aroo]l umpuncaa^wnotdqaH 'u,{sl 'z nI o11olmua1oltaqpg go suaurlcedsJo uorlBJrJnuaprsrurB uo peseq,{lledrsuud uraq e^?qsprof,ar esoql lnq (986I ueerC'S16I[p{J€lg ? e^euC'016I prees'086I reupr"C)erlPrsnv uJ4seld uI luesordSuroq se papJoJeJuee

'nuassafwntatdqaggo anEololord aqt u :a11anp'g ,{qpetou su,^,r se 'uzsoullziS dsqns umsauunq muDdsolDtH 'rltrtl. SuLroJBpunoJ uauo prrp 'ol JBUrurssr aluaistuas rlu.tadsoloKg

'Dflior -Ifl DutadsolDtHfl qrrqa (2868€9I D ,nathlo'AroEerg uod, 'alua$rwas 'o/r! uolJelloi gr{tsr uopdacxa oq1 IlJo eJ?eseqt Jo euotdccxa yJu ,{lue/$uees a^eq I qorq,t\Jo JellanIAI,(q patrc ue,t' suoD3alloJa,rrJ dtue,,rrl yuassaf untaldt\ag SurquJsepueql\ 'serJods pes?qflp?orq srq ol rapuos dq ue^!8 s?,,nrcqt ,al!q2uD^,taqtlde cglceds a6u eql JoJlunoJre osl? d€ul uorsnJuocsrqJ 'serJedsl3uusp se exq o.{l eql esluSo3arpue ( peqcsu!) uoqsoSSns s,reJlenlI1t\oIIoJlouprpJepuosleqluorsnJuo3srqlotenpdlqeqordsrtI'r'b'naatlunsougnlS'11 'g sl Brmg ermg uro4 adf,1u,{seqa aryJa$tuas r111.,nogrcadsuof, sr lpql [,4\ol Je[A\sC uroq uoIlJoIIo3B uo per]rddlolrol s repuos uafia w 'm^ altqmna antadsolof,;7eureu aqa satalg '9 oJn8r{ ?ruerus?JpuB'(s€qrlerol petelosl ro3 ldmxe) sap1tr I{lnos.reN urelsEa'EIJolJrAtsea puB qlnos'e{e.Bsnv qlnos uJsts -qlnosuo{ luesqE'epnlFuol 'elp4snv 'uolnq!4s.1o oIEI Jo lseo pu? epnlnq o9z Jo $nos tllJlseo pu? p.quar u.nqlnos 'suonenlrsposodxe Jo puepoo,lrrur 'sdorclno elluerSuo plrg 'pues'qsJBurULs 'ureo1 ,{:1s',{e1c f,reeq E'a'slos;o ,{leusl e uo prmol 'tDilqoH '(llg) 'ep^spv '7 ZB9aorppurs J Jo A lu)I09 :0Uq) IIIE,sy?^g 5 'urs eululg :(IuO puoltog g q 'erpunrroN uq :CNV-ISNEEnO '0(S$ Zrot to ASS'IaqeHrwN:OASND 8'00I z/r{8u!uunJ Wfpwadtoqtttw Td .sqarry.S "13 6tg€ '7'evro?1coC 990I eredu4d:Cl\[S$ 6€fI Saop Jo ANg url €Z :SETV,t HmOS iAAN

Dundsop{H'Uosyttr1aea 94 NuttsiaVol.7, No.1 (1989)

ones acute; uppelmo_st *,:pp"l leaves much reduced and with a hyaline ap,pndage. Heads sorrtary' terminar !o branches.Ineo-lucre at fi.st almost hemispherical(tre bracti spreiding from b.ary)'ro ? cm_diamererevenrually becoming constricted in a ring that to... at a r"i"t t ariav uo tne rnqer rnvofucral bmcls.Involucral bractJ multiseriate;outer bractselliptic, scarious,very pali brown, unif_ormin texture apart from th9 hqrl rarow-triangular stercomein rir*e. trrtir, spliery woolly at basei intemtediate bracts: craw broad-oblong,i. 2 mm long, s"-ious, pui"'uio*ti, slighrly woolly with hard linear stermmethroughout its length:lamina nanow_elliptic,papery, 5-ld mm fong, white or yellow; innertrrostbracts: iimilar to iniermediatebut wi1-I1very ,r,irn ,u'tit" oi yellow faminarounded at apex,0.5-1.5 mm long. Receptaclerounded, slightly'pitted, 3_4 mm dlu''eter. Flowers numerous,fertile exceptfor a few in the centre. rcppr.r: bristies c. 10, c. 2 mm long; shaftlinear-acuminate, contiguous below, united in a ring at base,ptumose, the termiBalcilia shorter,clavate and yellow, lower cilia fine acute,and colourless.Corolla eq.,alto pappus, narrow-tubular in lower half nanow-turbinatein 'pper, shortly (l/a-vs) 5-loberl, gtaurousjpate yellow' Antherlo*1i c. 0.6 mm long. sry/etrps deloid to ovaie,'shortly'papittose..iclrene ouloio to obovoid, c. I mm long, colliculate,glabrous, pale brown, glossy;attachment minute; duplex cells sessile'depressed globular, - myxogenic.chronnsome nunlbe, i = 12 fide n.r. rurnei lilio;. Fisue l.

seen (selection ozly). WESTERN AIJSTRALIA: Howatharra, A-M. Ashby 25lO _C_a_t!CullgadrlRJ. erafietd 4362@ERTII); tZ mi W-oiNorOi;,' J.W.Gr;en 536 17.5km NE of Eneabba,N. uoyte173 (pERTi{).

Distibwion. Souti-westem western Australia from Northamptonin the North to Albany in the south. Figue 5.

periodically ylljJat: .In .dampsiruations on a variety of substrates,jarrah or wandoo woodland, neaan,or m pocketsot so on grani[eoutcrops.

specieshas been confusedw-irh l1..p usillutn and,H. simplex F',omWestem Australia, {-.rf:,.3i,.ano \ltth. praecox H. trom easbm Australia; it is most simllar ro H.- sitnplex't and shareswith thai speciesth€possibility of having either yellow_orwhite involucral bracts. " te.y rnon in""*ioii rnvolucrarbracts may be either white or yellow inespectiveof 6e colour of-the inner bracs. tl,yarospermacotula may be distinguishedfrom H. implexby havingthe lowerand middle leaves ooruseto rounoeoat tne apex(no[ acuteto acuminarc),the innermostinvolucral bracts with a verv snonroundedlam.rna (not similarto the innerbracs),and the terminal cilia of thepappus shon and cravateor obovold(no[ of nolma]lengtll and slender).

Renrham(1867).and subsequent Australian authors, included in Helipterumcotula several specieshere recognisedas distinct,i.e- H- praecox F. Muell., H. semiiterileF. Muell., and H ' pusillun Turcz.;Bentham also includedin synonymyHelrc hrysam orsield.ii F. Muell. tie type of whichis referabletoWaitzia citrina (Benth.) Steetz.

7. simplex (steeu)_PaulG. wilson, - .Hyalo.sp-€rma ,tn.u.ligi_nosiscomb.nov. Itelipterumsimprex st,etz in Lehm., Pl. Preiss.l: 475 {1845).Type- cirarion: arenosiiqiesyl""" ti"d-procJ16 oppiduloGuildford. d. 3l Aug.1839.'Herb. preiss. No. iS'iypei: fuml, w.

[H3lfurum c-otylaaucr. non (Benrh.)PC.i ge!qt-.,y. Austral.3: &4 (1967)p.pte.: BJ. Grieve& W.E. Blackall,How ro krow WesreniAustral. Wildfl. g29(19?5) p.pte.j

Er*t annual herb 10-15 cm high; srem simple or spanely branchedat lower nodes,slender, very sparsely cottony. Lesyes oppositebelow otherwisealtemate, slender,semiterete, c. l0 In- long,acure. to acuminate,.verysparsely_cottony to glabrous; upper leaves shorter and more widely spacedwith slender scariousapex and grading abruptly into-involucral bracts. Heads solitari,

I 'V)ttcs ''I'g '(56rg raumi trl JeumJ aprJII =u taErnu auosouotq7'ee111ded 'rlootus '3uo1 'e\\Nr xeldnp lnoqlr.{{ UJUJ7-l au?113v sl}DJqpnnlo,lu! Jeuurpua olapeuuelul '(1sr,I'X'SNVJ :osr:HJUgd :oloq)t LEZIuosll^ 9 J'986I ',ro51 'Aruer6 'dlqsu,tAol 31 JeAopr€1r\s ssou u :elp.gsnv uJolse{\ uouwqs Jo.dA]\lItrqL :sndtl 'snqnuerec 'e^eel 'urn8uol snqrclldnps1ld?d ultx z-I unltrollJv

',rou'dsqns 'uos1q1 '9 pe4 elollluerE 'dsqnsxaldurls eurradsolef,g 'q4 'rollqoH 's/(opEeu ro puelpoo^\uI 'ellnrE Je^ouEoI q suo[eruls {qsJew n $rcIN

'7 ornSlg tcrlsrp 4sn8ny ot 'uolrnqlrlslcl qlnos qued Jo ls"e eaued 8u!Fe( puEuPld Istssot eql u.Io{ qPrsnY uatsea-qlrlos 'GtJ,l{qd '!' 'dnullfusl Z9t I /ad{ttl.l l Jo actoy'q'y'n?ueg:GJugd) 9t99 &a73pX'59'pde310 N ur{ 6:((V) 09-t nd,:GIUgd'suen16 9r€t s!,ra6,7a Jo s uDt 9I :YI'TVu,ISOY N|EJSETt (quo uograps) paugmx? suTwlrads

'ePlldedxeldnp pepunol elssos 'Suolwl0u 'x ',,^o11ef qly'r esocn:re,r I auaqJv ro alrq,n sl.:otq pnnp(ul tea pue alelpauJelul 'dsqns '9 'e1 xaldurls uoslri[ lned(4eels) xeldurlseulradsolef,g " """" " ' 'I o1oc1t1uot3'dsqns 'q """"""" ""'-" 3uo1urur 7-I qloous auaqJv -"""" 'a 'I rrlolzrs 'dsqns'B "'" 8uo[uIuJ I esoJuJe^oueqrv saltadsqnsof ,{aI

'qued tryou uDt0o9 la^o sI tlJrq./llla^Id uoslqcmn aql uo4 eurot e^aqol pels$ sr Jo 'y,(q 're,rer'roq'qued (g6Ig0I 1il/0 p/alp1g uouceloc1991-erd euo Jo lseea8uug Suqreq eql ut oo1oroo16reeu sr serradssq1 ;o uotnquslp ,{Forluoulsou eql leql tseE8nssuorltelloo lueJell 'slJ8lq olslpeuuelu eql 'u8tll JaIIeus ,([qBIs FIuo pug 'ol JeIIunsBuloq $aeJq lso[ueuq-eql lII pg€ so^"el eleu]ulnJaol olnte JP,IsnloAuI'Dfipc aiirieq ui'pgr1rm ueeg seil tr i1c1q,nrprar' mundsola(H tuo{ sleJJIpsepsds slqa sa;a1g 'elssos '1 ernirg 'luxqe ro 'c1ue?ox,(ut'relnqol3 possordep 'c 'elnulu 'ud\olq 'qrcous oelpdedxeydnp lrateuqp uittr lueurqszlle qslpp€lIJsp ro elqntqlot 9I'0 'esolyded 'osnlqo 'cldl[e-Worq '8rid1 ruur 'plo^oqo ol plolqo aua4cy .{p:oqs xado a1&g Z-I 'paqo1-g 'mddn '?uoy runr l nqluy 'No11atepd'snoqel8 ,(p:oqs u eleulqml-^\olJeu 9'O UnJol 'ssalmoloJ '1'\o[e{ 'JI?q n^\ol ur rqnqnr rrroueu 'sndded ol DllotoJ pus auIJ Brln ra,{\ol Iefin 'eseq ilsd,{rer 'qe,\ep ,{pq?Is pup raroqs ?l[t eB lnoq?nonp esoumld te 8uu e ur parun 1euuuet 'e!.ru:o 'apurnrnce-reeurl :8uol uul g-Z '0I 't sonsuq snddD{ ^\eJ e JoJ ldeoxe elEleJ Ueqs 'paprmoJ { 'selJos 'snonunu sr,{allr 'pattd fpq8qs 'Jaaurqp utx g '3 apoldatay ele1peuuaul (uErlr reuoqs r(pqEls lnq) ot rqFus slt?'Iq $ouu€uul :,tedBd Suol t w 8-9, rpdll|te ou|lllDl ',v'e1cgo q8ual Eupuelx€ euoolels uF[ Euolqo-^\ofisupue uprur (1oo,v' ,(lssJBdssnoueJs p?orq ',ftso18 qrrri duoi urru'g 'i-cnd111e-Euolqopeorq llrE) :spDtq atLttpatutatu!:aseq le d11oo,!r,(pqE11s 'Snouem '3uo1 urur 'J 'ellssas'ae^o-pEoJq $3eJq rolno :e^neu epd lo u^\oJq epd seuo Jelno € 'Jlsllesplnu qll,t\ ellq^\ Jo'u/t\oJq qsr,nole,t apd seuo.relnoq+/r\ ,tlolled Jeqlle stxotq lorJnlo^uJ 'Je1errturp '@srq 'lzr4rrual ruJ E-Z nroq Surpeardsslcu.rq eq) pcuaqdstrueq $olllIe znnp^ul

our tdsot D(H' uoElrM F,ed 96 Nu)'tsiaVol.7, No.1 (1989)

S^e"^9jrytr_y"l\election orll). WESTERNAUSTRALIA: CapeNaturalisre road , LAR. Haesi ?.S9.(IVFL)-'To"g River,Oldfield 59 (MEL); 44 mi Nw of Wal'pote,.t.pdrr, 326GERrnt; i rfii q.q krD Nry of ShannonRiver Mill, BL. Turner 5a99 O.trlj; 24 km SE bf pe-birrton, P .G. Wilson6294 (PERTII).

Distribution. sotLh-westemwestern Ausfialia from nearBusselton south-east to Albany. Figure 4.

Habitq,t.I-nany soil, frequentlyon graniterocks. ly'otes.The distributions ofthe two subspeciesoverlap in theregion south ofBusselton. However, it wouldapp€ar $at in thatarea they are aJlopao-ic.

A number of collections examined have achenesthat are not in a condition suitable for allocating the plant to a subspecies;the distribution datais thereforeincomplete.

The characterof smoothversus verucose for the acheneswould appear!o suggesta specihc difference. In this casethe colliculae are formed from round sessileduplex papilhd;1tre diffirence between the achenesis therefore the presenceor absenceof these duplex papillae. In different collections of subsp.simplex the densityof the colliculae variesand it ii posiilite tirat with further collectionsa clinal variation betweenthe two subspecieswill becomeapparenr.

The subspecificepithet graniticolarcfers to thehabitat on whichthis plant frequcntly occurs.

8. Hyafosperma-prae_cox (F. Muell.)Paul G. Wikon,contb. noy.- HelipterumpraecoxF.M]uell., Trans.& hoc. Vict. Inst. Advancgm.Sci. 1854-1855:38 (1855);G.M. Cunriinghamer al., pl. WesEmNew SouthWales (1981); pl. 'Abundant 697 S. Jacobs& J. Pickard, New SourhW=atcs 80 tl98l). Type citation: on the less fenile plains and low ridges along tlre Avoca,'Avoi, VlTrmera,and Richardson Rivet'. Lectotype:In planitiebushumidiiet siccis-adfl. Avoca,3 Dec. 1853,F. Mueller(lecro: MEL 653826,isolAb: MEL 65j82?, W), tecronov. lHelipterumc9t4q 9!:.non @enti.) DC.; Benrh.,Fl. Ausrral.3: €A4 (1867) as ro Victorian specimencited; F. Muell.,Key Sysr.Vicr. Pl. t: 319 (1888);J.H.Willis, Ha;db.pt. yictoriaZ: j\j (i973).1

_ Erect-ennualherb 10-20cm high simpleor branchingat base. Siemslender, sp:rsely cottony. Leavesaltr,mat.r, slender, semiterete, acuminate, 10-15 mm long,glabrous or very sparselycottony, the uppemost shorterand piliferous or with a narrow scariousappendage. aeads soiitary, rcrminal. Involucrealmost hemispherical (the bractsradiating from base),15-25 mm diameter.Involucral bractseither all ,whiteor all yellow (usuallythe formcr),multiseriate; outer bracts: claw vcry short and broad,woolly ciliate, larninanarrow-elliptic, acute, c. 5 mm long; inner bracts:claw very broadlyoblong-elliptic, c. 2 mm long,scarious, woolly ciliatc,with a faint narrowlinearstercom-e throughoutits length;lamina narrowelliptic, acute, T-10 m mlong; iruermost b,.acls similar to inner bractsbut with a shorterlamina. Recepracleconical, pitted. Flowers nnmerous,fenile exceDtfor a few in centre.Papprs: bristles46, wcll-separated,c. 1.5 mm long (shofterthan coroUaj,shaft narow-linearacuminate, united in a ring at base,plumosc, uniformly very pale ycllow or clcar,the teminal cilia somewhatthicker than the rest but similar in length. Corolla c. 2 mm long, nanow-tubular in lower half, turbinateabove, 5lobed !o c. 1/4 lengttr of corolla, yellow, attached slightly excentricallyto achene.Anther loculi c. 0.7 mm long. Sry/eapex rhombic,papillose. Acheneobovoid, c. I mm long,smooth to venucose,glabrous, pale brown; ca4ropodium minutc, c. 0.15mm diameter;duplex papillae, when present, depressed globular. Figures 1,2.

Slttilr."lt,t^r^r!t.!t:ltction't'3. only).^YlCfORiA: Minyip, J.p. Eckert 131 (MEL); Ulupna Island, Muir 6834(l'ttEl-): Narhalia, Ocr. t932,J.H.wjtlis (MEL l08ll9). T

'ureo1d,reaq u1 ro .{elJJe^o puss ul suoDenllspeSSoFel?,n ,(lpuoseas u ,(lvnsn lalgtrg 'uo!rnq!4s!Q 'g emSrg ,{ueq1yot ,{mqung rceu ulo{ glle.rlsnvtuolsald ls3^\-qtnos 'CIfUSd uosttA'I' J'ootJ€red:(8I66fI 's 'dn8urlpg €€IZI anrllu l€p :(.Iil,.{) Jlttw dnm8uo.ro4:CilUSd-) ASN) Ij'aJJIIrquoN U tt6€ {J'e8uug E1LZKqqsv /,t y Jo S :yITVt SOV NUAISS d, 6luo umrralas)uaas suatlllrads 'c1ua3ox,tur '1 em8rg 'uep uur gI'0 J'etnulu aroqdod.ruciu,r,orq qsrppar 'esotn-Lro^ 'xode 'pesselduoJ'8uol 'J 'prolqo tou 'glelessal,tlatnurur tou pueeseq le papunor ultu I 'esolyded 'esntqo 'plollep-/(oueu 'Euo1 ro proloqo-,4AorJeuauaqty ,{Droqs sdu zltJs uur 9 g 'sr€q 'o rtnJol:pslsl.{\l l?q.teuros pue uoqs d:e ^ slra-l7qluv paqoyg,{poqs sldrus uoqspeJerets .,r\eJ? qlr,!\ snolrueqnd.{lesruds d:er"Gleq roddnul lcp€olq dlqAls) rqnqnl'sndded o1 pnba 'sllq^\ 'pelse?uoc '(3u uo lspellP 'sldmd:o) ssolmoloJDllotoJ pu?'el?^elJ erlls lPuluuolaql + 'e1?uttrrnle-Jeeul 'c'0I 'J 'esournld,tp:oqs l;teqs:Euol ultx 8'I saqsrlqsnddoJ elnreJ'snomunu 'pntd'Iv:4ucJ 'J snaolg apodaJay 3uo1urur Z'0 sultu€l lsera eleaun-rlol pepunor,{peorq 'J '8uol uoqs drar'.atlq.rr e dq peroproqEuol urur .{\elapeorq l$l{\ siJDlq ,sot uauu! :?u!pe3Jds ulul Z '3uol 'a 'Jlldl[a-,\to.uPu ?ururplrlr^{ lnq Jetnool JelIuIIssttelq al?lp6uueltn:ellq^\ ultx 0I-S €-Z 'sp!,t. eurtuq 'eleqrc (1ooar 'euroerals reeuq aIUIJeput ue JoJ ldocxo snolrsts pue ?uo1 'J€letrerp 'sl€ulqml uru-rg'1 ':'peorq fue^ ,{\elJ:slcejq lelno :alelJesplnustJr-rg lDlJnlo^ul urc 'Jeutuuat'dra11os Z-I ,(lpeorquoruod Jeaol eqt:o pcueqdsrureqlsowle ?nryo^ul speeH ,(uo oJ 'oSepusdde 'c ,(lasreds,$erl..ro snorqel8 snolJ?tsB tltl.,t\sa^Bal tsouueddn eg lunlq'3uo1 tutu 91 'a?tuelp 'alarelrues '.Iepusys'unJnlrdec ol dn luasajd seu4leuos esl^uerpo,to1eq alrsoddo sa,tnaT 'espq ',tuouocdlesreds aql e^oqeEulqJuuq ro oldtulsuels :qAIquJ 0(, ol qDq Pnuuo IJr.JA

o1"-'prmo5s,s8roeg 8ut;, pue 'u'lIo) tl19 1',p7a1lp1g'nt4aw,tr5 'lensnv'H'tlua{ .7gg WotltturuO, ol sBls?al te ed'd (L98I) tt9 :€ :'Jq Cqluog)uou'lJ'.r.e ofllox unDldlpHl

'(l^t 'HJUEd "IS^{ :osr:uees oloqd ',4[>l :oloq) 'u nllot r1t9puowauq t8[ 'dur1 7 '6t8I ouue '[?rp.!snt urase :adQ '(1gg11 :?Z noJsol,''{sa]slpmlsN co5- - d 'Ettor 'uosllA08 . 11ng'6 ':ic:ll.a umllsiiI wnadlpH -'^ou C fod (zrt J) run111snderu.radsole,{g

'suoplpuoJ uIsLIef,ol peltelqns Suloqlaqe ^luo dlqlssodJo e8elrcnur IeJrs,(qd 'xoJaotd opnxa,(gpret ,(1uo qlar xeldnp eq1salteds srql ur lrrg olquqo:dsreadde t1 H lo suorl}alloa requnu ? tuo{ spaes ur eur .{q p€^Jesqoueeq lou seq JaltaEqi slql seeraq,t orueSoxf,ur Jo 'oryroJ 'dsqns are eellrded esoqt sxsl o^u lsq eW u1 11 ul pue xa@wls xaldwrs l-l u purro! esoqtsp uuoJ eu€s eqt e^eq xoraDtd 'H ur solllaqu pepunoreqt uuoJ rcq eellded xeldnp eg1

'seps!.rq eII dluo snddedlsuoqs eql ur pueelJsld$er Jo Jaqunu JIPqlnoqe $L'l\ 'sa7o61 IeJIuot aqf ul ,qqeocpoulsour sragrplI'xqdwls'll ol Jellu{s s1xocantd owadsoloQl 'ureo1f,reaq;o puesul suooenlrsuedo {pte1 'tDrlqDH

'g emElg u,,'rou1esrmraqto s-e a8uer $t :ptslnoqem st f1t1eco1 'lJexocur aq ,(euJprotor sltll pJrelle uaeq seq ueurtredsslql qll^\ pulSuo eql e._uls lellJ '1961'ldas't' Ieqq 'uonsoS?ns lnq IIH uolorg ruorJeu.roJ e^?q ol suodmd19q3 t.l,r7)uoBte o, euo srqr urrrluo: ot olqeun ye I lnq qlensnv qlno_Sut SuurJ.o ,(lqtssodse (DlnroJwtuz,dlpH s?) (986I) uo{laoJ dossal u1 e{ooJ 'V'(I ,{q p9lsl"I suolrl^ 0| lsBe suelduaC 'salelA ? JBrluet 'uo!tnq!t1s!o er$ rnnos .roN Jo sulBldurqse d qlnos pue sedols usjseia qlnos pue [BnueJ '(tdsI:i 'oBJ?uoJ '.filzvg Wgumqt W !'/{ reaN A}&J) arcow'g'A'J '4ooqruoiA:0[sN 'g'a '?uruol^l 90ts uosllt Jo N IUI 6 :saTvid. HJnos a:IN

ou2a d s o I o* H' $o6Vltr lred 98 Nuyrsiavol.7, No.l (1989)

N.otes. Although. this species.hasbeen synonymized wder Helipterum corula since Bentham's (160/, rearnent rt ls very drstlncl.._ the whre pappustips and the very shorland broadinnermost row ol mvolucral bractsenable it to be clearlv disdnsuishcd-

r amsnreful .o ph ip stro.tror tne $ffi;rlffH:l$rt", ,o*s fromwhich the classirrcation of -the__Helipterum group has evolyed. I should also like to tiank Hansjorg Eichler (CANB), D.H. Nicholson(JS), R.K. Brummiu (K), C. Jeffery(K), and my colleigui cillian ierry foi digussing with me someof the nomenclaturalcomplexities surrounding the name llelipterum. To J.]I. warcup I am grateful for sharing with me some unpublishedresults regarding mycorrhizal lelationships. Margaret Menadue carefully preparedthe illustrations. cheryl p;kei and Ray cranfield painstakinglyprepared numerous slides of sectionsthrough composiieachenes. Finally to the curalorsand saff of the many herbariathat havesent specimens on loan I wish to expressmy particular gratitude. References

Anonymous(1973). Spun low-viscosiry embedding media. Polysciences Inc., Dara She€r no. 127.

"W€sr Beard,J.S. (1970). AusrratanPlanrs." Edn 2. (Societyfor crowing Auslralianptanrs: picnic poinr.)

"Enumerario Bentlam'G. (1837).ctrnposirae. In S.L Endlichereral., ptanurum."(Beck universiry Biblio.: vienna.)

"Flora Bentham,G. (1867). Ausrraliensis."Vol.3. (t ovel Reeve& Co.iLcndon.)

"Prodromus Candolle,A.P. de (1838). sysremarisnaruralis reSni vegerabfis." Vol. 6. Clreuuel& Wunz: paris.)

Domer, K.J.(1962). The fibrous layer in theanrhers of rheCqnflositae. New phylol.6l: l5Gl63.

"Enumerario Gardner,C.A.(193G1931). PlanhrumAusrraliae Occidenratis..' (Covemmenr prinrer: perrh.)

Gny, A. (1852). Characle.sofsome soirth-westAustralian Composirae, principaly of lhe SubrribeCnaphalieae. Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard.Msc . 4: 2E-232.

"Crnsus Grcen,JW (1985). ofthe vascularPlants of WestemAustralia." Edn2. (westemAusrralian Herbarium: penh.)

"How Gri€ve,B.J. & Blacka[,w.E. 0975). !o know wesremAust.alian wildllowets." Pan IV. (Universirvof wesrern Australia Press:Penh.)

Haq'e, M.Z. & Godward,M.B.E. 0984). New recordsof rhe carpopodium in cqnpositae and its raxonomicuse. J. Lim. Soc.Bot. E9:321-340.

" Hiliard, O.M. (1983). Floraof SouthemAfric.a. vol33 Asleraceae.Pan 7, fascicle 2, Cmaphaliinae(finr pan)." l-325, (Depanmentof Agriculrure: Preroria.)

Hilliard'o.M. & Bunt,B.L. (1981).Sorne generic conceps in compositae-cnaphatiinae.J. Linn. soc., Bor. 82: 181-232.

"FIon Jessop,J.P.and Toelken, H.R. (1986). of SouthAusrralia." (Soud Ausnrlian Govemmenr Adelaide.)

King, R.M. andRobinson, H. 0970). Tle newsyranrherology. Taxon 19:6 11.

"A Lindley, J. 0 836). Narural Sysremof Boiany." Edn 2. (Iogman: I-cndon.) ,

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.0€9-6t, :!z so"uu.q .a?ueltellanll a8'rusld (t98I) A.\'o'lepuos

.89€-6'€:9 BuaIFnI^ (eeu.rlqdaug :aza1nul:asllsodtroJ) ,(elD v './rd.'ou1./rigJotrorsr^er Y t86I) S'd'uoqs

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