Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 DOI 10.1007/s11258-015-0495-3

Asteraceae invaders have limited impacts on the pollination of common native annual species in SW Western ’s open woodland wildflower communities

Xingwen Loy . Claire E. Wainwright . Margaret M. Mayfield

Received: 2 April 2015 / Accepted: 2 July 2015 / Published online: 9 July 2015 Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract The York gum–jam woodlands of south- weed). Only two of the five native species examined west support diverse annual wild- had significant seed set benefits attributable to insect flower communities despite extensive habitat pollination. One native species, Podotheca fragmentation, remnant isolation and the invasion of gnaphalioides, had pollinator assemblages that over- many exotic annual plant species. Few studies have lapped significantly with exotic A. calendula, with explored the pollinator–plant relationships maintain- some reduction in pollinator visitation evident. One ing these persistently species-rich ‘novel’ communi- species, , was found to benefit from ties. We examine the pollination ecology of five native insect pollination only in the larger of two surveyed species common to York gum–jam woodland annual remnants, which may reflect emerging reproductive communities to determine whether native pollinators polymorphism among geographically isolated popu- may be mediating impacts of exotic annual on lations. We highlight two mechanisms in this system native wildflower species. We determined the polli- that may buffer pollinator-mediated impacts of exotic nation requirements of native focal species and the species on native species: autonomous seed produc- diversity and frequency of pollinator visitation to these tion, which may be increasingly prevalent in isolated focal plant species across invasion gradients. We also populations, and segregation of pollinator resources recorded the pollinator community of a dominant among species. Our findings illustrate the ways that exotic herb in this system: Arctotheca calendula (cape pollinator-mediated interactions can affect seed set within plant communities persisting in highly frag- mented and invaded agricultural landscapes. Communicated by Philip Ladd. Keywords Pollen limitation Á Biological invasion Á Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11258-015-0495-3) contains supple- Annual plants Á Indirect interactions mentary material, which is available to authorised users.

X. Loy (&) Á C. E. Wainwright Á M. M. Mayfield School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia Introduction e-mail: [email protected] C. E. Wainwright Biological invasions are considered one of the largest e-mail: [email protected] threats to biodiversity worldwide (Gurevitch and M. M. Mayfield Padilla 2004; Wilcove et al. 1998). While negative e-mail: m.mayfi[email protected] impacts of exotic plant species on native plant 123 1104 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 communities are well-documented, the mechanisms impacts of pollinator-mediated interactions between driving these impacts are less clear. Though direct native and exotic species are clearly variable, and the competition with natives is often suggested to be key introduction of an exotic species into a native plant to mediating impacts of invasion on native commu- community can produce contrasting effects on differ- nities (Levine et al. 2003), interactions between native ent native species (Waters et al. 2014). Studying and exotic plant species can also be indirect and pollinator-mediated interactions between native and mediated by third-party mutualists, such as pollina- exotic plant species across many systems is key to tors. Though indirect interactions have been recog- gaining a more complete view of the role pollinating nised as important to the dynamics among native and insects play in driving changes in or maintaining exotic species, they have not been as widely studied as native biodiversity. direct impacts (White et al. 2006). As seed production In this study, we examined insect pollination in five in many plant species is pollen-limited (Joar Hegland native annual plant species from annual wildflower and Totland 2008; Kelly et al. 2007; Law et al. 2010; communities found in semi-arid woodlands of south- Pauw and Bond 2011; Rosenheim et al. 2014), west Western Australia. Using natural variation in invader-driven disruptions to pollinator–plant interac- plant community composition (and invasion extent tions that influence seed production may reduce the within communities) across two isolated remnants, we fitness of seed-limited native species and contribute to examine whether successful exotic species changes in local populations and community have pollinator-mediated effects on the reproductive dynamics. success of locally abundant native annual forbs. Exotic plant species can affect local native plant– Specifically, we asked: pollinator relationships in several ways. They may, for 1. Is there evidence that seed production in the native example, increase the diversity of available floral focal species is pollen-limited in this system? resources, leading to increases in local pollinator 2. Do the native focal species share pollinators with abundance (Feldman et al. 2004; Ghazoul 2006; the most common insect-pollinated exotic Aster- Jakobsson et al. 2009). Such pollinator increases may aceae (cape weed) in this system? or may not benefit native plants, however, as these 3. How does pollinator visitation to native plant new pollinators will not necessarily visit native species change between different densities of species and even if they do, may increase heterospeci- exotic Asteraceae within remnants? fic pollen exchange (transfer of pollen between different plant species) rather than intraspecific pollen transfer (Eaton et al. 2012). In addition, exotic plant species may reduce the pollination success of neigh- Methods bouring native plant species by outcompeting native plants for available pollination services (Dietzsch Study system et al. 2011; Knight et al. 2005; Waters et al. 2014). In spite of the often shared biogeographic and evolu- The York gum–jam woodlands of southwest Western tionary histories of native insect-pollinated plants and Australia experience a Mediterranean-type climate, their pollinators, pollinator interactions are more often with cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The opportunistic than oligolectic in nature and pollinator canopy of these woodlands is characterised by sparse infidelity is common (Kearns et al. 1998). Even where York gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba) exotic and native species do not share pollinators, and jam trees (Acacia acuminata) with an understorey exotic species may indirectly impact native plant of sparse shrubs, perennial grasses, and diverse and pollination by reducing native species densities and abundant ephemeral annual flora dominated by Aster- thus floral density (through direct competition) (Kar- aceae species. The annual wildflowers in this system ron et al. 1995; Kirchner et al. 2005; Steffan- have a growing season that runs from July–November Dewenter et al. 2001) or by driving a reduction in (winter/spring), with flowering and seed production flowering effort per individual (driving a reallocation occurring between September and November. of resources away from flower production, Suter York gum–jam woodlands are found in the South- 2009; Wang et al. 2014). The mechanisms and west Australian Floristic Region, a hotspot of 123 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 1105 biodiversity and endemism, which has suffered severe 2.4 km2 of which only 0.2 km2 is York gum–jam population declines and extinctions due to widespread woodland. Due to variability in the composition of the land clearing for agricultural production over the last annual assemblages in these two reserves, data were 60 years (Beard 1990). Fertiliser application in farm- only collected in both reserves for W. acuminata and lands surrounding remaining York gum–jam wood- R. manglesii. P. lessonii was surveyed only in Kunjin, land fragments has increased nutrient availability while G. berardiana, P. gnaphalioides and the exotic along woodland borders, which has facilitated the A. calendula were surveyed only in Bendering. invasion of exotic annual plant species into remnant woodland plant communities (Hester and Hobbs Measuring invasion: landscape invasion levels 1992). These invasions have resulted in new plant and invasion parameters assemblages that support mixtures of native and exotic plants (Dwyer et al. 2015). These ‘novel’ communities The York gum–jam woodlands found in Bendering present ideal systems for studying the small-scale and Kunjin reserves span a gradient of mild to interactions between exotic and native plants in severe biotic invasion. To survey pollinator com- species-rich communities, particularly given their munities of native focal species across invasion close proximity to native-dominated reference gradients, we marked out four to eight 5 m 9 5m communities. study plots for each focal species spanning the natural variation in exotic cover in each reserve. Study species Each focal species was surveyed from at least four plots in each reserve where it was studied (Online Five native focal species and one common exotic Resource Table 1). Where possible, we surveyed species were selected for this study (Fig. 1): Goodenia multiple focal species within the same plots for berardiana (Gaudich.) Carolin (Goodeniaceae), efficiency and located plots so as to include large Podolepis lessonii (Cass.) Benth. (Asteraceae), populations of each species. Graham (Asteraceae), Rho- We used estimates of available floral resources and/ danthe manglesii Lindl. (Asteraceae), Waitzia acumi- or plant community composition as explanatory nata Steetz (Asteraceae) and one exotic Asteraceae, variables in analyses exploring the differences in Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns. The native focal pollinator visitation rates. Within each plot, we species are common and regularly co-occur with each estimated the extent of exotic invasion by counting other and various exotic annual species in York gum– species abundances in five arbitrarily located jam woodland annual communities. Exotic plants in 30 cm 9 30 cm quadrats and determining the relative York gum–jam woodlands are predominantly annual abundance of exotic species (includes annual grasses Asteraceae (potentially insect-pollinated) and Poaceae and forbs—mostly Asteraceae). In addition, within (wind-pollinated). A. calendula (cape weed) is a major each plot, we recorded fluctuations in the proportion agricultural weed in the region and can form near cover of open flowers belonging to various non-grass monocultures in and around remnant native vegetation invasive and native species for each day that we including York gum–jam woodland remnants. While conducted pollinator observations in a given plot we did not assess pollinator dependency in this (detailed below). species, we conducted pollinator observations to determine if this species and the native focal species Assessing pollinator dependency share insect visitors. The focal species were studied in the growing To determine if native focal species benefited from season of 2013 in communities from two reserves insect pollination, we set up simple pollen limitation located 55 km apart and more than 4 km from any experiments. For all focal species except P. gnapha- other natural remnant: Bendering (32°2307.8800S, lioides, we arbitrarily selected 12 plants in each plot 118°2305.6600E) and Kunjin reserves (32°21019.3100S, and assigned them one of four treatments representing 117°45042.3200E). Bendering reserve covers approxi- all combinations of pollinator exclusion and manual mately 16 km2, with York gum–jam woodlands pollen addition (Online Resource Table 1), resulting covering less than 3 km2. Kunjin reserve covers in three replicates of each ‘treatment’ per plot per focal 123 1106 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115

Fig. 1 Five native focal species and one common exotic manglesii, E Waitzia acuminata and F an exotic Asteraceae, species selected for this study: A Goodenia berardiana, Arctotheca calendula (cape weed). Photos by Xingwen Loy B Podolepis lessonii, C Podotheca gnaphalioides, D species. P. gnaphalioides did not occur at high enough We selected and assigned a single inflorescence one densities to assign three individual plants to each of four treatments: unmanipulated natural pollination treatment in each plot (there were generally 10 or (‘‘open’’), natural and hand cross-pollination fewer P. gnaphalioides individuals in each plot), so we (‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’), exclusion of all insect arbitrarily selected four large individuals and assigned pollinators (‘‘exclusion’’), or pollinator exclusion with the four treatments to four inflorescences on each of hand cross-pollination controls (‘‘control’’). We these plants. marked ‘‘open’’ inflorescences with a piece of

123 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 1107 coloured yarn but they were otherwise unmanipulated, lower than in the ‘‘open-hand’’ treatments (wind, allowing pollination to occur naturally. We also insects and hand-pollination) (Kearns and Inouye marked ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ flowers with a 1993; Knight et al. 2005). Control treatments in this piece of yarn tied to the base of the inflorescence but study helped account for unexpected effects of exclu- added pollen from another individual from the same sion treatments and to test the efficacy of our hand- site to supplement the amount of pollination received pollination technique (Kearns and Inouye 1993). naturally. We enclosed inflorescences in the pollinator ‘‘exclusion’’ treatment in mesh bags constructed of Pollinator observations white organza fabric, with holes no wider than 1 mm, which allowed airborne pollen to pass over the flowers We conducted pollinator observations to determine but excluded insect pollinators. We attached these which, if any, insects were common flowers visitors of bags while flowers were still in the early budding each native focal species and exotic A. calendula.We phase to ensure no visitation had occurred pre- also determined if the relative abundance of exotic treatment. We enclosed ‘‘control’’ treatment inflores- plant species and native focal conspecifics in commu- cences in mesh bags but also hand-pollinated them nities, as well as changes in the proportion cover of with pollen from other individual inflorescences in the open flowers of native or exotic flowers through time, study plot once flowers bloomed. We performed hand- was correlated with potential pollinator diversity and pollination by rubbing an inflorescence from a differ- visitation rates. We conducted seven to ten 10-min ent conspecific plant on the appropriate test flower observations on each focal species in the 5 m 9 5m (‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ and ‘‘control’’). Our study plots for 7–9 days (detailed in Online Resource experimental design follows the standard approach Table 1). We distributed the observations for each for assessing plant species reliance on insect pollina- species roughly over the 2-month-long flowering tors and pollen limitation in the field (Kearns and season and across three times of day: morning (from Inouye 1993; Steenhuisen and Johnson 2012; Abdala- 0900 to before 1100 h), midday (from 1100 to before Roberts et al. 2014). 1400 h) and afternoon (from 1400 to 1700 h). For Once seeds of all experimental flowers reached each native focal species in a given study plot, we maturity, we collected and counted fully developed conducted only one observation in a single day and seeds and undeveloped ovules in each inflorescence in made at least three observations in each time slot per the four focal Asteraceae (P. lessonii, P. gnapha- species. Pollinator observations of A. calendula were lioides, R. manglesii and W. acuminata). We used conducted in five of the 5 m 9 5 m study plots at these values to calculate the proportion of developed Bendering reserve in a fashion consistent with obser- seeds (developed seeds/total ovules) and used this vations conducted on native focal species. proportion as a proxy for the rate of successful At the start of each 10-min pollinator observation pollination. For G. berardiana (Goodeniaceae), it was period, we estimated the proportion cover of open not possible to determine the number of undeveloped flowers from all annual species, native and exotic, seeds, and hence for this species, we used total seed within the study plot. Within the plot, we then counts for analysis. ‘‘Open-hand’’ treatments that randomly chose an observation area of received all potential pollinating agents (insects, wind 20 cm 9 50 cm and recorded the number of blooming and hand-pollination) were expected to have higher flowers of the relevant focal species in that area. proportions of developed seeds than other treatments. Where possible, multiple focal species were observed If wind alone is inadequate for maximal pollination at the same time for efficiency. Only insects that and insect pollination improves seed production in a behaved in a manner consistent to gathering nectar or focal species, the proportion of developed seeds was pollen from flowers were considered as potential expected to be higher in the ‘‘open’’ treatments (wind pollinators and their visits counted. Potential pollina- and insects) than the pollinator ‘‘exclusion’’ treat- tors (henceforth referred to as ‘‘pollinators’’) were ments (wind only). If pollen was still limiting seed set categorised into recognisable taxonomic units (mor- despite pollination by locally available insect pollina- phospecies). We recorded the total number of visits by tors, the proportion of developed seeds in the ‘‘open’’ each pollinator morphospecies during each observa- treatments (wind and insects) was expected to be tion. It was not possible to keep track of individual 123 1108 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 pollinators once they left the observational area. variance. We then used principle coordinates ordina- Following observations, we collected voucher speci- tion (PCO) to plot dissimilarities in pollinator assem- mens of observed pollinators for identification. As blages among focal species in two-dimensional space some insect species observed in the field were (Anderson et al. 2008). impossible to distinguish on the wing (Halictid bees and Syrphid flies), morphospecies in this study Pollinator visitation and pollinator species richness provide a conservative estimate of pollinator species richness in this system. We used a two-step modelling process to assess if the composition of plant communities and/or available floral resources within plots affects plant–pollinator interac- Data analysis tions in each of the focal species. First, we modelled the probability of observing at least one insect visit (binary Pollen limitation experiments response) using GLMMs with binomial errors and a logit link function. Second, when insect visitation occurred, We analysed the seed production among pollination we modelled the number of visits (excluding all treatments using generalised linear mixed-effects ‘absence’ data) using GLMMs with Poisson errors and models (GLMMs), using the Gaussian function for a log link function. This two-step approach was required seed count data in G. berardiana and specifying due to the large number of observations with no visitors. binomial errors and a logit link function for proportion Over-dispersion was evident in the Poisson GLMMs so data in the other focal species. The GLMMs consisted in addition to ‘plot’, ‘observation’ was also included as a of a fixed factor of experimental treatment (four levels: random effect to capture variation in visitation that was ‘‘open’’, ‘‘open-hand’’, ‘‘exclusion’’ and ‘‘control’’) not adequately described by the Poisson distribution and two variables included as random effects: study (Bolker et al. 2009). plot and reserve (for species with experimental plots in For each response variable, we constructed 12 both Kunjin and Bendering reserves). For P. gnapha- biologically feasible candidate models of varying lioides, we also included ‘plant’ as a random effect, as complexity (Online Resource Table 2) and selected the four experimental treatments for this focal species the most parsimonious model explaining the largest were nested within individual plants. We performed amount of data using weights based on corrected post hoc multiple pairwise comparisons between Akaike’s information criteria (AICc) (Anderson et al. treatments with generalised linear hypothesis testing 2000; Hurvich and Tsai 1989; Wagenmakers and assessed using Wald tests. Farrell 2004). We considered the simplest model with the number of flowers observed during an observation Pollinator assemblages of native focal species period (model 2) as the null model for each species. and A. calendula We determined that a model was superior to all others when it had an Akaike weight of at least 0.25, and this To determine how pollinator assemblages varied value had to be at least twice as large as the second best among the five focal species and if they shared model. Where no single model was clearly superior to pollinators with exotic A. calendula, we used multi- all others or no models were superior to the null variate permutational analysis of variance (PERMA- (model 2), we concluded that none of the constructed NOVA). This was based on a resemblance matrix models adequately described the observed pollinator– constructed using Bray–Curtis similarity values (An- plant interactions in the focal species. Where a model derson et al. 2008). This analysis used Type III sums of emerged superior, we then investigated which fixed- squares with 9999 permutations, with plant species effects were statistically significant based on Wald identity as a single fixed factor. Pollinator assemblages tests (Bolker et al. 2009). For analyses with visitation of each plant species were characterised at the plot- data from W. acuminata, we did not include model 9 level using the total visitation rates of each visiting (interaction between proportion cover of native Aster- pollinator morphospecies as a proxy for abundance, aceae flowers and focal conspecific flowers) as peak which we square root transformed prior to analysis to flowering for this species occurred after that of most meet the assumptions of multivariate homogeneity of other native Asteraceae species. 123 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 1109

Using the visitation data (excluding absences), we Online Resource Table 3). For P. gnaphalioides, the also modelled pollinator species richness per obser- proportion of developed seeds from flower-heads in vation (number of morphospecies) using the same ‘exclusion’ treatments was significantly lower than approach described above for numbers of visits. In those in the ‘open’ treatments but seed production in addition, we modelled total species richness of the ‘control’ treatments (‘‘exclusion ? hand-pollina- pollinators (observed over the entire study period) as tion’’) and ‘‘exclusion’’ treatments was not signifi- a function of the estimated relative abundance of cantly different. The proportion of developed seeds in exotic plants in each plot using linear regression. flower-heads from ‘‘open’’ and ‘‘open ? hand-polli- Unless stated otherwise, we conducted all statistical nation’’ treatments was also not significantly different analyses in R (R Development Core Team 2012) and for this species. constructed mixed-effects models using the glmer For W. acuminata, treatments had different impacts function from the package ‘lme4’ (Bates and Maechler on seed production in Kunjin and Bendering reserves. 2009). We performed multiple comparisons between In Kunjin reserve, seed set was significantly higher in pollen limitation experiment treatments using the the ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ treatment than in the ‘multcomp’ package (Hothorn et al. 2008). We ‘‘exclusion’’ treatment but the seed set in the ‘‘exclu- conducted model selection with the model.sel function sion’’ and ‘‘control’’ treatments was not significantly in the R package ‘MuMIn’ (Burnham and Anderson different (Fig. 2; Online Resource Table 3). In con- 2002). We analysed variations in pollinator assem- trast, seed set in Bendering reserve in the ‘‘open’’, blage among focal species using the statistical package ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ and ‘‘control’’ treatments Primer v6 ? PERMANOVA (Primer-E Ltd 2008). was all significantly higher than in the ‘‘exclusion’’ treatment.

Results Pollinator assemblages

Pollen limitation Pollinator communities were largely distinct among native focal plant species (Fig. 3; p(perm) \ 0.01; We found significant differences in seed production Online Resource Table 4). The potential pollinators among experimental treatments for P. gnaphalioides visiting exotic A. calendula overlapped significantly and W. acuminata but not the other species (Fig. 2; with those of P. gnaphalioides but no other focal

Fig. 2 Seed production from treatments in the pollen limitation species, and the total seed count (number of developed seed) for experiments conducted on each focal species (E exclusion, EH G. berardiana. Box and whisker plots show median values control, O open, OH open ? hand-pollination). The y axis (solid horizontal line), 50th percentile values (box upper and shows the proportion of developed seed (the number of lower limits), 90th percentile values (whiskers), and outliers developed seed/total ovule count) for the four focal Asteraceae (circles) 123 1110 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 species. Very few insects were observed to visit G. Asteraceae flowers and focal conspecific flowers berardiana and R. manglesii. Insect morphospecies (Fig. 4; model 7, Online Resource Tables 2 and 6). observed visiting each of the other native focal species Only the pollinator assemblages visiting P. gna- and A. calendula are listed in Online Resource phalioides and W. acuminata were sufficiently diverse Table 5. to statistically explore pollinator diversity. However, none of the tested models were clearly superior in Visitation probability, rates and diversity explaining the number of pollinator morphospecies detected visiting either P. gnaphalioides or W. Local plant community and floral resource composi- acuminata (Online Resource Table 7). Across all tion appeared to influence visitation probability and study plots, we found no significant relationship rate in only one focal species: P. gnaphalioides. between total pollinator richness for either species Although the proportion cover of open W. acuminata and the relative abundance of exotic Asteraceae plants flowers and exotic Asteraceae (model 7, Online or exotic grasses in communities. Resource Table 2) best described the probability of visitation to W. acuminata, there was no statistically significant relationship between any fixed factors and Discussion visitation probability (Online Resource Table 6). For P. gnaphalioides, the relative abundance of In this study, we found extensive variation in the exotic Asteraceae plants (model 12, Online Resource impact exotic annual plants have on the pollination of Table 2) best explained the probability of a single visit five common native annual plant species in the heavily occurring, with visit incidences becoming rarer as invaded and fragmented York gum–jam woodlands of exotic Asteraceae abundances increased (Online SW Western Australia. These communities seem Resource Table 6). Where insect visitation did occur, dominated by self-pollinating native species, with visitation rate was best explained (significantly) by the interaction between the proportion cover of exotic 40




Insect visitation per observation 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Proportion cover of exotic Asteraceae flowers

Fig. 4 Relationship between the number of insect visits per day to P. gnaphalioides and the proportion cover of exotic Asteraceae flowers in study plots. Data points represent the number of insect visits to P. gnaphalioides flowers within the 20 cm 9 50 cm observation areas during each 10-min pollina- tor observation per day, when the proportion cover of P. Fig. 3 Principle coordinates ordination (PCO) based on the gnaphalioides conspecific flowers was above (black) and below visit rates of pollinator morphospecies to each native focal (grey) the mean of 0.19. Lines show the relationship between species and A. calendula.(plus symbol) A. calendula,(filled number of visits and exotic flower cover, at the mean of P. diamond) G. berardiana,(inverted triangle) P. gnaphalioides, gnaphalioides conspecific proportion cover values above (0.45, (square) P. lessonii,(filled circle) R. manglesii,(filled triangle) black) and below (0.11, grey) the overall mean proportion of P. W. acuminata gnaphalioides conspecific flower cover of 0.19 123 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 1111 the pollinator assemblages of only one of five native to confirm pollinator dependency. Though not signif- focal species, P. gnaphalioides, overlapping signifi- icant, seed production patterns in open and bagged cantly with that of a common co-occurring exotic treatments for P. lessonii were similar to those for P. species (A. calendula), possibly reducing pollinator gnaphalioides. A lack of significant differences visitation to the native. For one focal species, habitat between experimental treatments in P. lessonii may fragmentation may have more substantial impacts on reflect high variance among plants rather than a pollination than invasion extent within reserves, a complete lack of dependence on insects, and a larger finding that highlights the complex ways that land use sample size may be needed to elucidate possible changes can impact native plant-pollinator dynamics pollen limitation in this species (Fig. 2). of species persisting in habitat remnants. Though For W. acuminata, proportional seed set from exotic plants do have direct negative impacts on the ‘‘control’’ and ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ experi- native wild flower species in this system (Lai et al. mental treatments was fairly consistent between the 2015), they do not seem to be driving consistent reserves but seed set from ‘‘exclusion’’ and ‘‘open’’ pollinator-mediated reductions of seed set in common treatments differed substantially. Excluding pollina- native species. tors to W. acuminata resulted in significantly reduced seed set in Bendering but not Kunjin, and this species Is there evidence that seed production in native may be more reliant on insect pollinators for seed set focal species is pollen-limited? in Bendering. Population-level differences in pollina- tor reliance have been noted for other species We found that restricting insect access to flowers had elsewhere, and have been interpreted as indication of little to no impact on seed set in all but two native local adaptations of breeding systems (Kalisz et al. species, P. gnaphalioides and W. acuminata, suggest- 2004). This likely occurs when pollinator services are ing that autonomous self-pollination may be a com- deficient over numerous generations, driving selection mon pollination strategy in this flora. This is for increased selfing rates, thereby producing spatial somewhat surprising given the showy floral morphol- variation in pollinator dependency within a species ogy of the species examined in this study (Fig. 1). The (Kalisz et al. 2004; Moeller and Geber 2005). Natu- main role of insect pollinators in this system seems rally available pollinator services may have been very likely to be in mediating gene flow (though direct tests inconsistent in Kunjin reserve, as evidenced by the are needed to confirm this) rather than seed produc- large variance in seed set from the ‘‘open’’ treatments. tion. Alternatively, it is possible that exclusion When natural levels of pollen deposition were sup- treatments failed to keep out extremely small insects plemented by hand-pollination, the variance in seed (e.g. thrips) that ameliorated pollen limitation in the production was reduced substantially (compare ‘open’ absence of larger pollinators. Furthermore, hand- and ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ treatment for Kunjin; pollination treatments for some species appeared to be Fig. 2) indicating that our hand-pollination treatment ineffective. While pollinators clearly did not affect did have an effect for this species. Though more W. seed production in G. berardiana and R. manglesii acuminata individuals were included in the pollen (Fig. 2), our hand-pollination treatments may have limitation experiment in Bendering (7 study plots) had a negative effect on seed production in R. than Kunjin (4 study plots), at Bendering, variation in manglesii, though this did not have significant impacts seed set between individuals receiving ‘open’ treat- and appears to have been inconsistent. There was no ments within study plots was consistently lower than evidence that P. gnaphalioides suffers from pollen in Kunjin (not shown), and thus, this difference was limitation in Bendering based on comparisons of not due to differences in sample size but reflects real ‘‘open ? hand-pollination’’ and ‘‘open’’ insect-visited differences in seed production between these two sites. flowers. We did, however, observe much lower seed Bendering and Kunjin reserves are highly isolated production in flowers from which insects were woodland fragments (55 km apart and 4 km to any excluded (both bagged treatments). This suggests that other natural remnant) in a matrix of agriculture, it is insect pollinators do provide seed production benefits perhaps not surprising to find evidence of some in this species but our hand-pollination technique differentiation in selfing rates within species across appears to have been ineffective, limiting our ability this landscape, especially for species that are reliant on 123 1112 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 insect pollinators for maximised seed set. Admittedly, This could be because most native focal species in this determining whether W. acuminata populations truly study, G. berardiana, P. lessonii and R. manglesii, exhibit population-level differences in breeding sys- have flowers or florets that are much smaller or are tems will require tests on genetic differentiation that morphologically distinct from A. calendula and most extend beyond the scope of this study. other exotic Asteraceae species in this system; differ- ences that may, in combination with differences in Do the native focal species share pollinators floral rewards, promote visitation by distinct insect with the most common insect-pollinated exotic taxa. Similarity in floral traits between species has Asteraceae in this system? How does pollinator been shown to be more important in eliciting pollina- visitation to native plant species change tor-mediated interactions than geographic origin (Car- along gradients of invasion within remnants? valheiro et al. 2014). Thus, while some studies show that exotic species can significantly impact pollination Exotic Asteraceae appeared to affect pollinator inter- of co-flowering natives (Dietzsch et al. 2011; Knight actions in only one of our focal species, in line with et al. 2005; Waters et al. 2014), here we find limited several recent studies showing that pollinator–plant evidence for strong impacts. Furthermore, the relationships can be resilient to extensive exotic plant observed effects of exotic Asteraceae on visitation in invasion (Bartomeus et al. 2008a; Kaiser-Bunbury P. gnaphalioides may be attributed to superficial et al. 2011; Carvalheiro et al. 2014). similarities in inflorescence colour, floret size, plant We found that insect visitation to P. gnaphalioides size and flowering times (pers. obs), rather than plant was less likely in communities with higher relative species origin per se. abundances of exotic Asteraceae plants. This may Although analyses reveal that potential pollinators reflect competition for pollinators between exotic visiting W. acuminata were largely distinct from those Asteraceae, including A. calendula, and P. gnapha- seen visiting other native species and exotic A. lioides. Certainly, our results show extensive overlap calendula, the common visitors to W. acuminata in the potential pollinators visiting P. gnaphalioides appeared to be generalist foragers. The segregation of and A. calendula, and reductions in daily insect pollinator assemblages between W. acuminata and visitation rates to P. gnaphalioides with increasing other focal species may be due in part to differences in proportion cover of exotic Asteraceae flowers (Fig. 4). flowering phenology, as W. acuminata is reliably one Although the significant negative relationship between of the latest blooming annual species in these wood- increasing densities of P. gnaphalioides flowers and lands (pers. obs). Common insect visitors of W. visitation rates also suggests strong intraspecific acuminata were also observed visiting the few indi- competition for pollinators among P. gnaphalioides viduals of earlier-flowering focal species that persisted individuals, at very low conspecific densities, the late into the season. This may indicate that the delayed benefits of reduced intraspecific competition may be flowering of W. acuminata provides at least some overwhelmed by stronger interspecific competition release from competition for pollinators by more with A. calendula. Thus, individuals of P. gnapha- attractive and/or rewarding species that complete lioides will likely have the highest pollination success flowering earlier in the season. Temporal segregation at low conspecific densities, provided that exotic of flowering to avoid competition for pollinators has competitors for pollinators are also few. Nevertheless, been found in other systems as well (Pleasants 1980; changes in pollinator visitation rates do not always Raine et al. 2007). However, the greater variety and affect realised changes in seed production, and distinct assemblage of visitors to W. acuminata may competition for pollinators between species may also be attributed to temporal differences the repro- sometimes significantly impact plant fecundity only ductive biology of pollinators, which may or may not when available pollinator services are already limiting play a role in pollinator-mediated plant interactions (La´zaro et al. 2014). (Olito and Fox 2015). Among the remaining native focal species, neither For P. gnaphalioides and W. acuminata, we did not the relative abundance of exotic Asteraceae plants nor find a significant relationship between the total proportion cover of blooming exotic Asteraceae richness of potential pollinators and the extent of flowers appeared to affect pollinator relationships. local exotic invasion. Other studies have found that 123 Plant Ecol (2015) 216:1103–1115 1113 pollinator species richness can remain unchanged in pollinator dependency between remnants. This even when invasive plant species interfere strongly study illustrates variability in reproductive strategies with pollinator visitation rates (Bartomeus et al. within and among annual native insect-pollinated 2008b). Additionally, even where pollinator commu- plant species. In spite of apparent resilience in many nities suffer due to an invasive plant species dramat- native plant-pollinator relationships in this system, we ically modifying vegetation structure and local abiotic found that the influence of exotic plants can extend environments, pollinator richness can rapidly recover beyond direct interactions with some native species. once invasion is controlled, while recovery of polli- Though exotic plants seem to rarely lead to direct nator abundances can be more gradual (Fiedler et al. declines in seed production in the native species extant 2012). This suggests that although pollinator abun- in this flora, many other indirect interactions may dance and visitation rates could be lower in heavily influence the dynamics of native and exotic plants in invaded study plots, pollinator community richness this system. The lack of apparent impacts of exotics on may be more resilient to exotic plant invasion than the pollination dynamics in this system may also expected. Due to the difficulty of making species-level contribute to the explanation as to why so many native identifications for even common pollinators (for species persist in these communities, despite extensive example, all syrphid flies were regarded as one invasion, fragmentation and isolation. morphospecies in the field), it was not possible to statistically assess how invasion impacted species- Acknowledgments This work was made possible by grants to level visitation rates in this study. MM Mayfield by the ARC (DP1094413 and DP140100574). We would like to thank the ERIE group at the University of Western Australia for logistical support. We would also like to thank John Dwyer, Michael Sams, Hao Ran Lai and Tobias Smith for Conclusion consultation on statistical analyses, and Tobias Smith for help with insect identifications. 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