

'sdnor8 eterisrp ,tll€llurrs.reglouo sradedeq IIv'\ ,a\olloJol :aldurexeue qcns st zizadsolD{H snue8 sq1 'aJar{^\eslelno pouJ?c Eureq suorle8ttsa,lut aql uo e8utdrur lou op IBI{| ptle peqlrJsunsrlt trllp J er" leqt ereuaE elvSer8cs aql Jo rrreJ ? uo s:eded Puolsl^er qsllqnd ol elqPrrsep 'qceo:dde sEedde lr eurnu ru eql u1 polJrun ? arnbeJ pue suorlnlusul leqp uI slsluouoxsl 'uoperuderd ,(q palpnts Sureq are pa,ryo.ruraaue8 eqt So euog ut s dnorS arzs&t1cr1a1ywntalfu1ap eql ur "xul rI?qe-qsnv erll Jo uorl"JrlsselJ posodold e Suluqlno Jcd€d v '?rIsISny ur f,uBqlr^\ cueue8uocpoJeplsuoo eq rcu pForls satcedsuersanE pu€ u?Jr{V oql lsql pue exa u?lt€rsnv ol 'sol€ds esuesl3lqs oq1u perldds eq um aureuJeqleu l€ql almlpur ed,t eql Sulprpu'unsfuqJlzH pur- unraJdlpH sarteds ueJuJV pue ueedorng Jo ,(pnts snuaS o(lres eql ul sdnorS :eqo ol Jo 'tq;uegDu?oluxl "sseJ drqsuorlulo.r esolc ou o^"q 1uql solf,eds sdnol8 lruqsrp ere pue naqtopod Jo 'Kelpurl ''qtue6 snpqdacolttrr'{ 'Ipuer11 DlzilDA 'ral1r1 wnsfuqulalJ wnDJfuPH ultlll^\ elrt1,ln' 'seuo ercuaE lue.re;yp ur pcJpld ueoq e^eq pet?lej ,{lesolJ erP teql sorcod5 pmleu lou ers prlnlnsuoJ 'ums['t1l4pu 'unDld?l7H ,(Itueuno s? sJaue8 eqt lsl{l luepl^e ,{Ja^ euP}oq lI exsl pel?ler pw ur papnl.u ere leqt so1:adsuell€rsnv osoqr Jo dSoloqdrou aql olul uopeSpse,ruru€ Sugn( uollJnporlul rapmxu.^uou.{s orpocnpe.(rsnonerd sa.e.rs aarrr '3p?ru er? suon€Irlq-"" ;f:I"frii;ft1#H:liT:iffi!'jffl .peso&td i unl4dqaH luojJ purtsrp snu33 .nuepuo u?rlersny Ln sE 4.ers oulzdsotn(Il Jo uouu?mar aql pessncsP sr unllatdqaq elfiud!.Iret.! yo uonecldde sq1 pqou are auu-qzqdYuS eqr unlr^{ Erau38 Suqzultuucsrp uI p3sn sral3uBqC 'uosIIiA 16g6D I0I-9/ (D/Ers nN (3"uneqd"ug :a"alf.'.lI ieee.eralsV) sw)adsolaql snua8 aql Jo uorsh"r Y C In"d lJBrlsqv 'ZS 'ouroJ 'tOI 'O 19 yl"nsnv uqsaid rog d 1uauE3"uPI,,{ puq pn" uorledasuoJ Jo Nauru"oac unu"qjaH UeIIEl1snv tu4saa uoslriA'cJnBd (aeu1;yuqdeug:aealnul:aeerereIsY) DwradsolDfg'snua8 aql Jo uolsl^a5 Y (686r)ror-s,:(r)/ "n nN , '16 Nuybia vol.7,No.l (1989) The nameH elipterum The name,Heliptenrm hasalways been attributed io Augustin"of de Candolle(1g3g), however, it was,fir_st p.ublished ty John Lindley ,'A in Narur_al Sysie. noany,, "On Z, ZOOti'fifOj. i" Gis work Lindley listed seyeralgenera that were obtained "Prodromus", 'Dc.,pr.' from a manuscriptcopy of de iandolle,s to riese he adds indicaringth; origin;i:;;,'u,nes. Amongrhe accepted names 'Helipterum _was X. k.', In synonymyunder it- wercArgyrocome Gaerln., Damiinia Cass.,syncarphtnc., _ RoccardiaNeck.,'Ed.mon&a Cass., and Ap hetZ;is Don. rne eariiestor tt ese namesis Argyrocorye-.,paern. (1791) wirh the typeA.'retorti (t_) Gu"nn. ff,is S""t Afri""" speciesis cunently(Hilliard 'fhe.name r 983) to Glong to thegeNS'Herichrysr. p. na l". HelipterumnC. .considered tii-s+j. ex Lindley (1836)h tr,ererircan r'uegitimate,supernuous name based on ArgyroconE retorta. ',Natumt pubJigari;olof Lindley,s Sys|emof Borany,.edn2 and year pnor^,:,I",lA^{:l-ri'e "prodromus", rhe .o ne appearanceot vor.6 ofde candolle's rhereappeared a work by Endricher "^,.1]:!l,8ll]:":ntilr GeorgeBentlram v/rote up the AsreraceaecoUectiit by Xart ntiger'in Wesd Ausrara anc descnbed.N new,Herichrysum cotura. Bentham included under this slcciesa short on irs **$:io1 secr.ionalor Benericdlstincr.iveness and on irs possibrefuturc iilrusio; i; l; unpubtishedEenus Hetipterum of which he had seenmendon in Lindley,s 'tarular-Jystem.:i:-":i"".:^::.:",Cly e{n 2 (to whichwork herefers) and evidently also in a manuscriptcopy of vol. 6 0f de Candolle's"Prodromus". In 1838'vol. "prodromus" 6 of de candolle's fina[y appe'red;it includeda descriptionof fte genus Helipterum bur no referenceunder that na-e io tlre publication of Lindley (fA:O). O" Candolleincluded in rherexr rhe tlpes of a numberof validtyp'ouiist eo generaor *hict tt e #tiesi is Syncarpha DC. fl810) which ii-basedon Sorft Af;A;S.;-iipnZtioiaes O-.1DC:;; ;;";;; currgldy..referr* t. _roHetipterum (Hilliard 1983). The type of th6 gcms Argyricime Cae.ti. *as specificaflyexcfudcd by de CandoIleand placed, in Helichrysum. ,_ .Tlerefore HelipterumDC. eI L^'I'^dl:t(tg3_6) is. an illegitimatename and a synonymof Helichrysum-while 4elipterumlrc. (1838) an illegitima* naire,a laterhomo "y* rtli;l;;;;;;; DC. ex Lindlel (1836) -is and a synonym Slryarlha DC. (1310). If it were t b" ;gr'J fi;; Bendram(1837) 2t hadpubrished rhe name ltetichryium sert.ieriptLrum ir would eirhertriue to G consideredIo be barcd on HeripterumDC..ex Lindtcy or it could be lecrotypifiet on Llericirysim cotula Bent\., a sqcies which in this paperis placedin Hy alospermt Stertz. GenericHistory ceorge Benrham(183?) described the tirst species,as / lerichrysumcoura, thatis now incruded rn rne genusHyatospermai he indicaredit shourdpossibly bc placcdin the genusHeripterum. a mme which 'pridromus" _wouldbe appearingin vor. 6 of Augusdn'dccando e's ot which sennam tlad evrdenuyseen a manuscriptcopy. In the following year de Candollc (lg3g) $-ansfenedHelichrysum cotura to H.elipterim and praccl it in his sectio=nzerco cn ysu, aon[ iiri three other 4yltralian spcies which are now reiognised as being conspecific undcr the"namc Heliprerumalbicans (A. Cunn.)DC. The genus -- Hyalosperm.awas describedby Stectzin tg45. He ptacedin it two new species, H. strictwn,and grutinosrnn- H. steetzdistinguished Hyarosperma ftom Heripteram on the ulsis oi the lnving plano-compressed .former acheneiand a paieacebuspappus, characters that do not serve to distinguish genus the as it is her-ecircumscribed. The g"nur'*ui aaepteowittrout commtni ui wat.pers (1846) andr indley (1847).Asa Gray (1852)siggesrcd -' thar ir was merelya srction of Helipterumbtrthedrd not publishany new combinations. '(686I sur?r.ncJuoruod leuruJel eql uoslrl,i) wnllttldoufl? snue8 ,"rau er1 ol rcded SultruPdtuocae 'serccds 'Ja,\e,{\oH'rolleus 'uonlod 'Jelr\ol ue ur pcua;e: e,rrg;o dno:E euo uI SuluoJaq snooJ?lloJ aq puu snorrecsSumoJeq JIJI aqt;o uonrod IBuIuml cqt Jo uuoJ eql saln uonrsuPr eql serleds ]sou q slcEJqIerjnlo^u o1 se^?o[ uolJ uorttsuer pnperS:o ldn:qz ue sI eJoql pu? ul,nlntldes eql qteeuoq ozls uI qslultulp so^m[ cql dnor? utnst'tllJuaH-wnD1dllzH aqt ;o sercads u1 'euruel 3I{l olu! cnuquoJ ,(?tulo /'\€lJ eql Jo xcd? 'pJtlJuBJq eql le eteuruusl f€ul eJen IPJluaJoql lo J-lduls'sJJcrl [BJO^asJo'sJB.u JEInJS?A IaJluao peorq e bus stuo;els:o dras uetlsur pcualorql e surquoJ flpnsn 1r:eurp.{q pue leg ol IPf,rJpuIIdJ uoq edeqsur soue^ MEIJeql TultuBl e pue ,^ABIJB Jo lsrsuoJAlJEnsn sltBrq cql slJDrq p.lJnlo^u] '(t86t) lttng pJellllH ur punoJ eq,{BuI sJelc?JBqJeuos uo sclou Joqund ssuo Ieuoqlper oJou eq Jo./i\eJ€ T 'JJuJUIuloJd Ullin aricitexqoq pelsq are pue uoqeueldxaue ernbel slclJeJeqceql Jo lJqunu V olul eruoc (puecar dluo a,reqro'pas11nn {1snor.'rud ueeq tou e,r?qleql ourospcpnlf,[ o^eq I esmeJelsv eql Jo sraqureur Surqucsep usq^\ pesn ,{lIPJlssBIf, uoeq c^?q leql srelsefiqJ ol uolllpp€ uI s.ralru:uq 3 1er13o1oqdro141 'enlg eulpmlol uI peuEls suolms puP(€16I snou,{uouv) elpourSurppeque dllsotsr^-.,|^ol 'edocsorclu r.rnd5 ur pappaque ueeq osF a^eq seuaqcy eql JopunpeuruExe pu€ (016I uosulqou 'eeelnq 8ur;f uonnlos s,re,(oH uI pelunou uaeq e^€q uPIJ€rsnV Jeqlo Jo eJcucEJo selteds 4 'unnldlap eapauese:dar;o pue 1o sarcadsuutpasny 1e 30 slcJouJo suollJesslppue saueqJy 'unu€qroH '(OH) rxnwqroH usruptusEJeI$ pue (CV) apEIepV elels eqt uo{ pe,{\orroq uaeq seq sal:eds wnstuqrnaH wllerlsnv eulos Jo Iuualeu uonrype uy '(16) euuer,l'urnesnfi seqJsuolsrqmtsNell ptrB'(t{g) utnesn141qsnlJg aql'()) ,tte){'suopjeg 'eueq:eq cluetog p.{og eq l€ uees ueeq e^Bq ,(pnls srrl ol lu?Aeler suerurcods eddl FlcpoC pue olsls u€Iersnv IIp lxo.U pe,trouoq ueeq e^?q sn121dyap 1o s€Iteds uulprsrtY Jo suerulcads spo{lrl l 'uonJcs Jo uollearpul lnoqlr.,iiro (9931) eltopueJ ep ^q peqsllqase seureupuollsJs snoIJeAeql Jo rallo lo euo rapun Jeqlre 'wntaltfipg sntn? .,gt ur uraql peceld ercq nuadsolotl! uI papnlcur ereq s3l33ds ar1 pJleaJl Jo peqlrisop oq^\ sroqln€ roel tW 1€98t) Jepuos ol tuanbosqns dn ua{vl uteq e^Pq ^BJg Jo pup aJels Jo sJurpu l€uonJesetn lou 4aels aaDdsolo(.H eurBu]uJue8 Jql lJqltJN 'dttadsolotH ut pepnlcureraq s:rc.rdsrrqto '1tts o1,4trug;e elqlssod uonueu ou tDr,{rlnq (uoDJesud,{louou e) srsdouoSodotal4 uoSodotalT 3o '.{319 'selteds ur ,{erg ,(q paceld pue Zg8I uI pequtsep sP/'\ snss lzp uoSodoDtJ Jeq}mJ V 'l '?lprlsnv 'o7n1ot'11 o1 f,'trurtses1t SursruSocer ,{puap\^e'unraid&lJod Jesol 'zoml ll.rglseI uo{ serceds ,trau e'(um tnd matadsolo(11 =) wn1psrul wntaldllall peJreJer 'antadso1oK11 ,{\ouluezJnJ u1 01 pqelaJun elrnb exet Jo dno$ B o s8uoleq sal3eds ls?l 1gg1 '(Dfl|oJ s!trt:lmai\u wnlatdlpH antadso\otll =) xaldwts wntatdtTall DuladsolD(H We'(xaldwrs 'ol 'unDd{1l2oJ = qJrq/( Jo rFoq umuufix untaldgag lor wnnrd42Il t1 u1 Sutceld TJes umrafilpH eujeu eql peqsnqnd oslu aq ttlltadsolotl.l pequtsep (9t8I) 4aols leqt eun eql lV 'zlaelg go sarcadsrzi.r.iadsolD(H ol l ?'.l'!seqarJe^ o1|\l slrJo euo JppunVapnlljl ptlP-2l1qolJD^ ouadsolD{H pequcsap oq^\ (tg8l) rapuog ,(q snue? e se petdeJj€ lxe[ set owadsolo(1] ou.Edso\oi(H'vo9l|I t Ill,ed NuyrsiaVol.Z,No.l (1989) foliaceousand the basebecomes s appeario representa substantial in ttrenature or ttre transfu;;ffi:#:H;Ttsrvould difference ff:;':;;:#'^!'(;':iJix.Tmr absentrrom- most species orrhe Hnrtr"3,ilfsx*F,;?*i,n!,:#*iiffi,,,ffix1kli;.i,'{f ,#^;l,*i.s:*'# .flt f,'""'j'ft"'ffffi"T$ffii:#il1,"iff"TH,?Lfi ##;i,i?,e.fft i,,fl ,ffi.#tTffi: il*$i' i.":i,H: iffrounded,{"[1i:eiilrJrf or papitlate; s##ff ,ap;nxiq"t"#fu urecells may be f{ifranangeo eirhii;iirn"ll oin"nanru.rs"r.o*r.

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