The Updated Preliminary Classic Maya ‐ English, English ‐ Classic Maya Vocabulary of Hieroglyphic Readings Including nouns, adjectives, verb roots, verb inflections, pronouns, toponyms, a selection of proper names of objects, animals, and buildings, as well as a selection of nominal phrases of deities, supernatural entities, and historic individuals Authored and compiled by Erik Boot (email:
[email protected]) April 2009 (version 2009.01) Mesoweb Resources URL‐2009.01.pdf For updates, please check: URL Front cover: Photograph by Linda Schele, © David Schele, courtesy Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., Photograph shows part of the back inscription on Tikal Stela 31 Front cover design: Erik Boot Font: Palatino Linotype For the main text: Palantino Linotype set at 11.5 pnts, for footnotes at 10 pnts. Times New Roman at 11.5 pnts (main text) and 10 pnts (footnotes) for all hyphens About the author and compiler: Erik Boot received his Ph.D. from Leiden University, the Netherlands. His dissertation, published in 2005 by Research School CNWS, is concerned with the origin and history of the Aj Itza’ of the central Peten and the northern Maya lowlands capital city of Chichen Itza, Yucatan. He is an independent researcher, who maintains three weblogs: • M a y a • N e w s • U p d a t e s • ( • A n c i e n t • M e s o A m e r i c a • N e w s • U p d a t e s