Jackfruit Improvement in the Asia-Pacific Region A Status Report Dr. Amrik Singh Sidhu Director Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hassarghatta Lake Post, Bangaluru - 560 089, Karnataka, India Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions c/o FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand Citation: APAARI. 2012. Jackfruit Improvement in the Asia-Pacific Region – A Status Report. Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions, Bangkok, Thailand. 182 p. For copies and further information, please write to: The Executive Secretary Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) C/o FAO Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific (FAO RAP) Maliwan Mansion, 39, Phra Atit Road Bangkok 10200, Thailand Tel : (+66 2) 697 4371-3 Fax : (+ 66 2) 697 4408 Email:
[email protected] Website : www.apaari.org Printed in June, 2012 Contents Foreword v Acronyms and Abbreviations vii 1. Production Status of Jackfruit in the Asia-Pacific Region 1 2. Germplasm Collection, Characterization, Conservation and Utilization 10 3. Varietal Improvement 37 4. Package of Cultivation Practices 54 5. Diversified Uses and Value Added Products 87 6. Economics and Marketing of Jackfruit 123 7. Future Prospects and Strategy for Jackfruit Production and Utilization 143 8. References 152 iv Jackfruit Improvement in the Asia-Pacific Region - A Status Report Foreword The jackfruit is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia and is believed to have originated in the rainforests of Western Ghats of India and is cultivated throughout the low lands in South and Southeast Asia. Major jackfruit producing countries are Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.