United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,680,179 Lidman (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 14, 1987 (54) COCONUT FRUIT(S) FLAVORED BRANDY OTHER PUBLICATIONS 76) Inventor: Leonida L. M. Lidman, 12 Irwin Pl., Amerine et al., Technology of Wine Making, 3rd Ed., Hazlet, N.J. 07730 1972, pp. 600-608, 638, 639 and 640. 21 Appl. No.: 633,058 Primarj Examiner-Raymond N. Jones Assistant Examiner-Marianne M. Cintins 22 Filed: Jul. 20, 1984 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Charles I. Brodsky (57) ABSTRACT 51) int. Cl."................................................ C12G 1/00 Process of improving the production of Coconut 52 U.S. Cl. ...................................... 426/15; 426/494; Brandy is disclosed which results in a smoother, mel 426/592 lower distilled spirit than brandy produced by current 58) Field of Search ..................... 426/11, 12, 15, 494, methods. Specifically, the instant process replaces sul 426/592,493 phur with calamansi juice and jackfruit meat and coco (56) References Cited nut juice for boiled spring water, adds yeast, ferments, strains and distills this mixture, producing a clear, color FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS less, fruity improved coconut brandy. 0588236 l/1978 U.S.S.R. ................................ 426/15 08.63633 9/1981 U.S.S.R. .............................. 426/592 8 Claims, No Drawings 4,680, 179 1. 2 4. Boil this mixture in a tightly covered container for COCONUT FRUITCS) FLAVORED BRANDY 2-3 hours over a very low flame. While boiling, stir constantly with a long wooden stirrer inserted through BACKGROUND the container top. Keep tightly sealed. 1. Field of Invention: Improvements in the Process of 5 5. Trap the vapors produced through a pipe con Producing Coconut Brandy nected to a second tightly sealed container, and allow to My invention improves the process of producing condense there. A clear, greenish alcoholic beverage coconut brandy through the methods of fermenting, called the "lambanog' or coconut brandy will be the distilling and maserating/steeping a combination of O end product. This lambanog smells sulphuric or coconut juice, prunes, apples, raisins, yeast, calamansi mediciny, taste bitterly burning and causes a strong juice, honey and jackfruit meat, without adding sugar, "hangover". water, artificial color, artificial flavor; resulting in a smoother, mellower, distilled spirit, without bitterness 3. The Process of Improving the Production of Coco or burning after-taste and hangover of the present prod nut Brandy uct. 1 5 My invention improves the process of producing Coconut brandy is presently produced in its pure coconut brandy, resulting in a smoother, mellower dis form in little village stores in the Souther Tagalog Re tilled spirit without bitterness or burning aftertaste and gion of the Philippines. It can be produced in any coun hangover of the present product. try where coconut is grown. Steps 1 and 2. Follow steps 1 and 2 of the prior art. The calamansi fruit, (the Tagalog term in Philippine 20 Step 3. Substitute calamansijuice and jackfruit meat National Language) for calamondin (the term in En for sulphur to clear the cloudiness of the coconut toddy. glish), one of the ingredients I used to improve the Step 4. Substitute toddy or juice from young coconut process of producing coconut brandy, though presently (which are 5-18 days old as compared to ripe and ma grown in the Provinces of Batangas and Quezon in the Philippines, is presently grown and can be grown abun 25 ture coconuts which are 20-35 days old) for boiled dantly in the States of Hawaii and Florida and in Pan spring water to thin or dissolve the thick sap/toddy ala. from the unopened coconut inflorescense. The World Book Encyclopedia, Letter C, Vol. 3, p. 18, 1968 Step 5. Mix ingredients in Steps 3 and 4thoroughly. The Calamansi or calamondin is a small, loose Step 6. Ferment the misture of coconut toddy from skinned orange. It has 7 to 10 segments and only a few 30 the unopened coconut inflorescence (3 gallons), juice small seeds. The deep orange flesh when ripe yields from young coconut (1 gallon), thinly sliced jackfruit extremely acid juice. meat (3 lbs.), calamansi juice ( cup), yeast (1 thsp.), The jackfruit?, or fruit of the jack trees (jak, jaca) or include calamansi pulp before boiling or distilling. artocarpus integrifolius, is an East Indian tree of the mulberry family, widely grown for its fruits of the same 35 Step 7. Allow the mixture in Step 6 to ferment for genus as breadfruit though jackfruit is larger and 7-10 days or until air bubbles disappear. Sieve this mix COaSc. ture thoroughly through a cotton cloth strainer as many The World Book Dictionary, Vol. 1, 1968, Index P. 1049 times as necessary to separate the jackfruit meat, seeds The large, globular jackfruit weighs from 5 to 50 lbs. and pulp of calamansi and any other sediments that may The edible fruit, covered with coarse prickly points is 40 remain first green, then brown and when ripe, turns yellow; the Step 8. Distill this strained mixture by boiling in a smell is pleasant and the meat is sweet and succulent. tightly covered vat or earthen jar at 172 degrees F. at The jack trees grow abundantly in the Philippines, In least for about 3 hours. I use earthen jars or vats made dia, Ceylon (Sri-Langka), Eastern Archipelago and from volcanic clay or loam colored pale-brown to red Portugal. 45 There are 1200 calamansi trees and 917 jackfruit trees dish because this catches the taste of the brandy and of that are fully grown as cover crops on my family's the fruits best of any available. These jars are readily coconut plantation in the Philippines consisting of available in the Philippines or in any country with simi 2,207,000 square meters, and more will be planted. lar soil and climate. Hence, the possibility of these trees becoming unavail- 50 Step 9. While boiling, trap the vapors through a si able for my purpose is remote. When others realize the phon of young hollow bamboo poles connecting the important commercial values of these two fruits, many boiling vat to the trapping or condensing vat. These landowners will cultivate, plant and grow them in abun young hollow bamboo poles are naturally dewy. The dance. deweniss cools the vapors as they pass through and aids 2. Description of the Prior Art 55 their condensation into liquid. Steps in the production of coconut brandy: Step 10. Allow the vapors to collect and to condense 1. Squeeze out toddy or sap from unopened coconut for 72 hours. The result will be a clear, colorless, fruity inflorescence (2-18 days old) by cutting a hole or by (aromatic) smelling distilled spirit-the improved coco wounding the branch. nut brandy. 2. Allow toddy or sap to flow freely through a bam 60 boo tube 4-5 long secured to the branch by wire or rope The improved coconut brandy has no bitter, sul tied around it. 4-5 long bamboo pole contains 3-5 gal phuric, mediciny taste. This coconut brandy was im lons of cloudy, thickly concentrated sap or toddy. proved by substituting coconut juice, calamansi juice 3. Add 1 gallon of boiled spring water and 13thsp. of and jackfruit for sulphur and boiled spring water. finely ground sulphur to 3 gallons of toddy or sap. Stir 65 However, this improved coconut brandy still has a constantly for 2 hours until the sap thins out and the burning taste and produces "hangover'. To remove the sulphur dissolves, producing frothy bubbles. Let stand burning taste and hangover, I follow the recipe/proce two days or until the bubbles disappear. dure below: 4,680, 179 3 4. Siphon off the clear brandy into a bottle and allow to COCONUT FRUIT(S) FLAVORED BRANDY age in a cellar or room at 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit for RECIPE at least one (1) year. Ingredients After 1 year, the end product will be improved Coco nut Fruit(s) Flavored Brandy with the sweet smell and 3 gallons of improved coconut brandy very pleasant taste of mixed fruits, devoid of mediciny/- 9 lbs. sweet prunes sulphuric smell, burning/bitter taste, and "hangover 9 lbs. Sweet dried raisins effect' experienced with coconut brandy in its pure 3 dozen large, delicious apples form. yeast (Fleischmann) 10 What I claim is: 2 quarts to gallon of honey (depending on sweetness 1. In the process of producing coconut brandy, ac desired) cording to the steps of (1) utilizing boiled spring water 10 lbs. of thinly sliced jackfruit meat (3 lbs. were already and finely ground sulphur to thin out the sap of un used during the initial fermentation before distilla opened coconut inflorescence, (2) boiling the resulting tion) 15 sap mixture while stirring same, (3) trapping the vapor 3 gallon apple cider/juice produced through said boiling and (4) condensing said 3 dozen calamansijuice (1 dozen of which was already vapor in a sealed container to produce the brandy prod used during the initial fermentation before distilla uct, wherein the improvement comprises at least one of: tion) (a) substituting calamansijuice and jackfruit meat for 20 said finely ground sulphur so as to improve the Steps clarity of the coconut brandy produced; and Wash the prunes, raisins, apples and jackfruit meat. (b) substituting the juice from 5-18 day old coconut Separate the meat of the prunes from the pits and for said boiled spring water so as to improve the crack open the pits to get the syrup inside. consistency of the coconut brandy produced. 25 2. The improvement of claim 1 comprising both of Cut the delicious apples into thin, long slices for easy said substitutions of (a) and (b) in the process of produc mixing and mashing.
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