University of Arkansas ∙ System Division of Agriculture
[email protected] ∙ (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article Treasonous Tenant Farmers and Seditious Sharecroppers: The 1917 Green Corn Rebellion Trials by Nigel Anthony Sellars Originally published in OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 27 OK. CITY UNIV. L. REV. 1097 (2002) TREASONOUS TENANT FARMERS AND SEDITIOUS SHARECROPPERS: THE 1917 GREEN CORN REBELLION TRIALS NIGEL ANTHONY SELLARS* I. In August 2, 1917, war broke out in the former Creek and Seminole Nations lands along the South Canadian River. 1 Searching for draft resisters, the Seminole County sheriff and his deputy were ambushed near the Little River. 2 The attackers were African-American tenant * Nigel Anthony Sellars, a former journalist, holds the doctorate in history from the University of Oklahoma (1994). His articles have appeared in The Historian and The Chronicles of Oklahoma, and he is the author of Oil, Wheat & Wobblies: The Industrial Workers ofthe World in Oklahoma, 1905-1930 (University of Oklahoma Press, 1998). In 2002, he received the Muriel H. Wright Award from the Oklahoman Historical Society for his article on the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic in Oklahoma. He is currently assistant professor of history at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. I. See Class Union Members Make up Outlaw Mob, TULSA DAILY WORLD, Aug. 4, 1917, at I; Whole Region Aflame Following the Attempted Assassination of Sheriff Gaul and Deputy Cross, SHAWNEE DAILY NEWS-HERALD, Aug. 3, 1917, at I; "War" Breaks Out in Seminole County: W.e. U's Get Naughty and Take to Warpath; But they are Wiser Now; WEWOKA CAPITAL-DEMOCRAT, Aug.