SABOTAGE WILL SPIKE CAPITALISM'S GUNS. IMMEDIATE DEMANDS: v THE GOAL: ASIX HOUR DAY. Organization 4 Is Power A FREE RACE. ONE DOLLAR AN HOUR. IN A FREE WORLD. THE VOICE EOPLE "AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL." VOLUME II "ll'i •l(;tllT' NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEIMBER II, 1913 "TurTH CONQUERS" NUMBR 36 Take Ye Notice. AU Locals and individuals owing THE VOICE for bundle or- ders, PLEASE RUSH REMITTANCES. Also don't forget that we are forced to pay our printing and other bills EVERY TWO WEEKS, so send us all you can spare dur- ing the month and do not wait for statement. Itwill take not very much work and cash to make THE VOICE safe and we ask all our friends to pitch in and help us out of this hole by making a special drive for INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIBERS. If you want to make any donations toward maintaining the pa- r_- il!! per, ye a editor will be glad to receive it, but be SURE to send all Brdr money intended for the "PRESS FUND" to Secretary Jay Smith, Box 78, Alexandria, La.,for otherwise and so-help-me-Bob ~E" I it will be swiped for the "Maintenance Fund" if you send it to ye under- S signe. Yours to win, COVINGTON HALL. Lumber Trust Pleads Guilty, Grabow Massacre Intended From Beginning. "American Lumberman's" Hoast Proves All Union Ever Charged. Says the "American Lumberman": eied from the beginning, we guess the "Reports from Louisiana say that world will know what to think when the activities of the Brotherhood of tlthis same sheet and all other Lum- But One More Word To Write-REVOLUTION. Timber Workers, an affiliation of the ber Trust papers raise the howl of "anarchy," Industrial Workers of the World, have against the I. W. W. As a matter of historic fact, the Brother- ceased to be a serious menace in the hoodh, of Timber Workers was NOT Lumber Output To Be timber and mill operating districts of Mine Stealings Biggest Merryville Happenings. affiliatedal with the I. W. W. at the Reduced OuneThird. the South, and that there is no longer titime the "American Lumberman" Ever. By Old Rush. expectation of the organization being ggave this "strong hand" advice and Merryville, La., Sept. 5, 1913.-La- a power in the southern lumber belt. theretl was much doubt that it would Aberdeen, (\Vasi.), Aug. 30.- -The Though the strikes in the Calumet bor Day Barbecue was a grand suc- Artl.ur Emerson, president of the so'5 affiliate. It was not until Hay- West ('oast lumlberrlcie's Associatioi and llecla Mines indicate otherwise, cess. Everybody enjoyed the speak- brotherhood, has departed from the Wwood and the editor of The Voice at- yesterday ordered a c rtailment of "the ('hristiian men to whom God ($) ing. Jay Smith and P. Eastman were Lake Charles (La.) district and his tendedte the B. of T. W. convention held one-third in the output of the mills be- in his infinite wisdom have confided the leading speakers of the day. Ev- departure is looked upon as conclusive in Alexandria, La., in the Spring of ginning Septemni er 1, owing to the lihe business interests of this coun- erybody felt safe. admission that the riot and bloodshed 111911 that it was finally decided by the dullness in the luniber market. Thir- try" oug t to be satisfied, as the fol- They had Gus Martin to come down tactics of the union have proved a fail- BBrotherhood. The constitution of ty mills were relpresented, situated in lowing press dispatch will show: from D)eRidder and help Kinney Reid ure. At present 90 per cent of the theti Brotherhood further, not only Western Wash ingt(n and Portland. '"New York, Sept. 7.-Never before Jr. handle the crowd. Mr. Martin got leaders and members of the strike giguaranteed the "holy institution of will work only four Most of the mills in the history of American mining so absorbed in Smith's speech that movement are working in sawmill piprivate property," but it had a pray- days a week in order that the output and metallurgical industries have div- you could have run an ox wagon over centers of southwestern Louisiana, or erel or ritual un nearly every page, yet may be reducedi to thirty million feet idhndl disbursements been so large as him. He was heard to say that Smith have left that territory entirely. ththis did not keep the Christian Lum- a day. during the last eight months. During made the ablest speech that he ever A few months ago the American herx Kings from using, the "strong The above clipiplig, headline and that time 11.1 mines and ore treat- heard. Lumberman, in describing fully the h|hand" on it from the very beginning all, is taken from .i Vesfern ipaiper. mont works declared dividends aggre- The A. M. Lumber Co ran their mill organization of the Industrial Work- ((',oatiniued on 'age 4). I)own South the I.umi'er Kings 'arepl- g•iting a total of $67,211,109. Since that day and told the scabs if any of ers of the World and what it was do- so going to redutce outpulli, al.so going organization, these 14iconcerns have them went to the barbecue they would ing in different countries in promoting to shut down entirely and bIring on a dlistributed dividends of $883,488,572, discharge thiem next day. So the discontent among workers and Fiends of Hell Outdone panic if the lunmlerjacks don't stay or $92.828,718 in excess of their com- slaves olbeyed their master. preaching militarism in their dis- out of the I 'nion and consent to hined issued cap)italization of $790,- The (;. C. L. joined the "Owls" on putes with employers, gave warning .11 'l' .AM WE WERE(;OING TO and PI'ESS starve. In the mean;tinme NlKEW 659.82 1. Of these coml-anies noless that day, all but Dr. Knight and he that mill operators in the South 1' WE HEIVEI)E AN AI'l'EAI4 ILAR(;GE mills are being built all the than sixty-five have paid dividends in was afraid of his job. MUST USE A "STRONG HAND" IN F'FO.'R! IIEI' ANI) FI'NI)D FROM L,. time aid NOW is 'Tllle time to lit excess of their capitalization. BI.Sharver is a contractor here and )EALING WITH THE MOVEMENT I'.I. 71 'FORTHE I)EFENSE OF 10 OF them in the solar plexus and make Among these are the Calumet and he handles a few carpenters. He said AND THAT IT SHOULD BE SUB- 4101 FEIL()W-WORKERS NO)W them cough up the dough. Ilecla, with total disbursements of to Dick Phillip Monday morning: I)UED IN ITS INFANCY. SUCH A IIIIELII) IN MARYSVILLE, CAL. If you woodsmen really wanted it $1214.1 ,44,},, and an issued capital of "l'ncle Dick you have always made POLICY WAS ADOPTED AND THE .1..JAIL .\ND ('1AR;EI) WITHI MI'R- a STRUGG;(;LE BETWEEN EMPLOY- I you could jlist as easily have 75c .2,., 441.,4; • I nited Verde, $32,347,000 me a good faithful hand and, if you IER .\s AN oI'Tc'O)ME OF THIE thousand 1as. the measly :;?c youi are on .$3.0•0),4I0 ; Quincy, $2,732,500, on will work today and not go to the din- ERS ANI) THE EMPLOYEES WHO INFA.\loUSI .A(''S OF T''IE "AI'- BELON(;ED TO THE (NOT) getting, but, then, we sup- $.5:,0,00lc; Os:()sceola, $11,937,380, on ner, I will give you a quart of good UNION RE- TIIOhRITIE.'"'1 (ON I)I'HS'TiBROS.' SULTEI) IN THE COST OF SEVER- pose y:ou'd 'rather give your "good" 2,104:;,735": Arizona, $18,320,657, on wliskey in addition to your regular 1)1 IRANCHII. a new AL LIVES AND MUCH PROPERTY, hoss aI new auto thall.your wife $3,4:0,()04 .Bunker Hill and Sullivan, pay. But Uncle Dick couldn't give up TIIE (')NI)I' IO)NS IN TillK PRIS- the auto, and she but victory is now conceded to the dress, for he NIEEII)S $1 1,1:36.96'1, on $3,270,000; Home- his liberty and manhood for a bait )\NlED ;;.\IA I)E5(HIP''TION. 1EING the di ,ss. She's mill operators. This victory is due in )OESN'T really need steal(., $31.195,116, on $21,800,000); thrown out by Mr. Sharver. So poor .AS ll llRRlLE A: TilEl;BLACK- can mlake the is a large measure to the timely warn- a good little girl and Tolnopah, $11 ,850,0040, on $1,000,000; Dlick was canned Tuesday, but he I !ILE O()I' LAKEI ('IIARLES. LA. she was a chump ing of the American Lumberman." old one over. A-l<o Nipissing, $1, 1.10),4(41:,on $6,000,000: a man and a UNION MAN. .\I'ISTIN LEWIS AND IIIS PART- iic kass like a Beyond the caps we have made in to marry a donkocriatic ('row•n Reserve, $5,3:74,891, on $1,999,- The readers will remember that NEl WILL le .a article, we t[ink comment DI)EFEND TillE A('C- YOU. That's right, though, 957; Temiscaming and Hudson Bay, certain concern offered a big reward the above and he satislied with on $7,761; Dos Estrellas, Walston's scalp. John left on same hardly necessary.
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