University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 136, 2300, Copenhagen, Denmark
From Caesar to Charlemagne The Tradition of Trojan Origins Yavuz, N. Kvlcm Published in: Medieval History Journal DOI: 10.1177/0971945818775372 Publication date: 2018 Document version Peer reviewed version Document license: CC BY-NC Citation for published version (APA): Yavuz, N. K. (2018). From Caesar to Charlemagne: The Tradition of Trojan Origins. Medieval History Journal, 21(2), 251-90. Download date: 01. Oct. 2021 From Caesar to Charlemagne: The Tradition of Trojan Origins N. Kıvılcım Yavuz* The Trojan War, which is traditionally considered to have occurred in the twelfth century bce, has been one of the most exploited subjects of European culture and history. Not only did it provide some of the most important literary motifs for ancient Greek and Roman culture, but it also played a role in the genesis of the nations of early medieval Europe. The Trojans had an afterlife that connected them to multitudes of subsequent peoples. This study examines the story of the Trojan origins of the Franks from its inception during the Merovingian period to its development under the Carolingians. Considering both textual and manuscript evidence, it discusses the dissemination of the origin story as well as its association with Charlemagne. Acknowledgements: I would like to express my thanks to the staff in the following libraries: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City; Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria; Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leiden, the Netherlands; British Library, London, the UK; Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Saint John’s Abbey and University, Collegeville, MN, the USA. * Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Arnamagnæan Institute, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 136, 2300, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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