United States Patent '0 Rice Patented Aug
1 3,597,403‘ United States Patent '0 rice Patented Aug. 3, 197]]. l 2 halides, (B) at least one compound selected from a group 3,597,403 NOVEL CATALYSTS FOR THE RING-OPENING consisting of molecular oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine POLYMERIZATION 0F UNSATIURATED ALllCY and cyanogen halides, and (C) at least one transition CLlC COMPDUNDS metal compound selected from the group consisting of Eilert A. Ofstead, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, assignor to The tungsten and molybdenum complexes corresponding to the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio formula M (CO),R Where M is tungsten and molybdenum, No Drawing. Filed Oct. 27, 1969, Ser. No. 869,909 C is carbon, 0 is oxygen and R is an unsaturated hydro lint. Cl. C08f 7/02, 15/04 carbon compound having at least two non-conjugated car US. Cl. 260-881 8 Claims bon-to-carbon double bonds and where R is attached to 10 the transition metal by coordination through two carbon to-carbon double bonds. ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE Representative examples of the compounds useful as the There is disclosed a process for the ring-opening polym (A) catalyst component include alkylaluminum dihalides erization of certain unsaturated alicyclic compounds such as ethylaluminum dichloride, isobutylaluminum di which comprises subjecting said unsaturated alicyclic com 15 chloride, propylaluminum dichloride, ethylaluminum di pounds to a catalyst system comprising (A) at least one bromide, ethylaluminum diiodide and the like; alkylalu compound selected from a group consisting of alkylalu minum sesquihalides such as ethylaluminum sesquichlo minum dihalides, alkylaluminum sesquihalides and alu ride, methylaluminum sesquichloride, methylaluminum minum halides, (B) at least one compound selected from sesq-uibromide and the like; and aluminum halides such the group consisting of molecular oxygen, chlorine, bro 20 as aluminum chloride, aluminum bromide and the like.
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