Patented May 16, 1944 2,349,232 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,349,232 MANUFACTURE OF ALICYCLC COMPOUNDS Lloydi M. Joshe, Hyattsville, Md., assignor to the United States of America as represented by Claude R. Wickard, Secretary of Agricult2 re, and his successors in office No Drawing. Applieation October 16, 194A, Seria No. 4:5,263 4. Caians. (CA. 260-666) (Granted under the act of March 3, 1883, as amended April 30, 1928; 3 (0. (G. 57) This application is made under the act of and that greater yields may be obtained with March 3, 1883, as amended by the act of April other compounds at higher temperatures. The 30, 1928, and the invention herein described, if temperature used, however, in any case should patented, may be manufactured and used by or not be so high as to have a destructive effect upon for the Government of the United States of the final product being formed. The pressures America, for governmental purposes Without the used also depend a great deal upon the character payment to me of any royalty thereon. of the diene being used, as well as the vessel in This invention relates to a news process for which the reaction is carried out. Generally, manufacturing organic compounds of the ali there is not a critical upper limit with respect to cyclic class. 0 pressure and, ordinarily, pressures above about In general, the process comprises reacting 1,000 pounds per Square inch at room tempera ethylene with a conjugated diene, also known as ture can be used to obtain satisfactory results.
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