APPENDIXES APPENDIX 1 Reference Books and Journals on Catalysis 1. GENERAL CONCEPTS IN CATALYSTS 1.1. Afansiev, V. A., and Zarkov, G. E., In the Realm of Catalysis, Mir Publishers, Moscow (1979). 1.2. Ashmore, P. G., Catalysis and Inhibition of Chemical Reactions, Butterworth and Co., London (1963). 1.3. Anderson, J. R., Structure of Metallic Catalysts, Academic Press, New York (1975). 1.4. Balandin, A. A. (Editor), Catalysis and Chemical Kinetics, Academic Press, New York (1964). 1.5. Bartok, M. (Editor), Stereochemistry of Heterogeneous Metal Catalysts, John Wiley, New York (1985). 1.6. Basalo, F., and Burwell Jr., R. L. (Editors), Catalysis: Progress in Research, Plenum Press, New York (1973). 1.7. Bell, A. T., and Hegedus, L. L. (Editors), Catalysis Under Transient Conditions, ACS Symposium Series No. 178, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C (1982). 1.8. Bell, R. P., Acid-Base Catalysis, The Clarendon Press, Oxford (1941). 1.9. Berkman, S., Morrell, J. C, and Egloff, G., Catalysis, Inorganic and Organic, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (1940). 1.10. Boldyrev, V. V., Bulens, M., and Delmon, B., The Control of the Reactivity of Solids, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1979). l.ll. Bond, G. C, Catalysis by Metals, Academic Press, New York (1962). 1.12. Bond, G. C, The Principles of Catalysis-Monograph for Teachers # 7, Royal Institute of Chemistry, London (1968). l.I3. Bond, G. C, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Principles and Applications, Clarenden Press, Oxford (1974). 1.14. Bosnich, B., Asymmetric Catalysis, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague (1986). 1.15. Bornelli, Delmon, B., and Derouane, E. (Editors), Surface Properties and Catalysis by Non-Metals, D. Reidel Publishers, Dordrecht (1982). 225 226 APPENDIX I 1.16. Burton,.J. J., and Garten, R. L. (Editors I, Advanced Materials ill Catainil', Academic Press, New York (1977). 1.17. Collier, C. H. (Editorl, Catalysis in Prauice, Reinhold, New York (19571. I.I~. Davis, B. H., and Hettinger, W. P. (Editors I, Heterogeneous Catalysis: Selected American Histories, ACS Symposium Series No. 222, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. ( 1983) 1.19. Dehmlow, E. V., and Dehmlow, S. S., PhCHe Transfer Cal!llysis, Verlag Chemic, Wein­ hcim (1983). 1.20. Draugli" E., and Jatfee, R. I. (EditorSI, The Phy.liml Basis./or Heterogeneous Catalysis, Plenum Press, New York (1975). 1.21. Emmett, P. H., Cutalysis Then und Now, Franklin Publishing Co., Englewood 119651 1.22. Ellis, ('., Hydrogenation of Organic SlIbstwlces, Ineillding Fats allli Fuels, Van Nostrand, New York (1930). 1.23. Fendler, 1. H., and Fendler, E. 1., CatalYlis in /,'"licel/ar Wid Macromolecular System" Academic Press, New York (1975), 1.24. Falk, K. G., Catalvtic Actioll, Chemical Catalog Co. Inc., New York (19221. 1.25. Gates, B. C, Kaller, J. R., and Schuit, G. C A., Chemistry of Catalytic Processes, McGraw-Hili, New York (19791. 1.26. Gates, B. C, Guczi, L., and Knozinger, H. (Editors), Aletail/llsters III Catalysis, Studies in Sur/ace Science ami Catail'Sis, 2<}, Elsevier, New York (1986). 1.27. Germain, J. E., Catalrric Collt'ersion ofHydromrhons, Academic Press, New York 11969). 1.28. Golodets, G. I., Heterogeneou, Cal!llytic Reactions Inolving Molecular Oxygen, Elsevier, New York (1983). 1.29. Green, S . ./, Industrial Cataipsis, Erne,t Benn Limited, London (1978). 1.30. Gritlith, R. 1-1., and Marsch, J. D. F., Contact Catalrsis, Oxford University Press, London 11957 J 1.31. Hartky, F. R, Supported Metal Complexes, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht (1985). 1.32. Hata, K., Nell' Hydrogenatio/l Ciltalysts, Urushibara Catalysts, John Wiley, New York ( 19711. 1.33. Heinemann, 1-1., and Somorjai, G. A. (Editors), Catal)'.lis lind SII/'jace Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 11985). 1.34. Hilditch, T. P., and Hall, C C, Catalytic Processes in Applied Chemistry, Van Nostrand Company, New York (1937). 1.35. IpatiefI, V. N., Catalytic Reactiom lit High Pressures and Temperature" MacMillan, New York (1937). 1.36. Jacohs, P. A., Carholliogenic Acitil'ity ()f Zeolites, Elsevier, New York 119771. 1.37. Jennings, J. R. (Editor), Selected Developments in Catalysis, Blackwell Scientific Publish­ ing Co., London (1985), 1.38 King, D. A., and Woodruff, D. P. (Editors), The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces and fieterogelleoll.1 Catalysis, Vol. 4, Fundamental Studies in Heterogeneous Catalrsis, Elsevier, New York (1982). 1.39. Krylc)\, O. V., Catalysis h\' !\ion-i'v!etals, Academic Press, New York (1970). 140. Mukhlyonov, I. P, Dohkina, E. I., Deryuzhkina, V. I., and Soroko, V. E., Cawl)'lt Technology, Mir, Moscow 119761. 141. Nyrop, J. E., The ('atairti" ActIOn 0/ Sur/aces, Levin and Manksgaord, Copenhagen 11937). 1.42. Ozaki, A., Il'Otopic Studies ofHeterog<'l1erJllS ('ataly,/\, Academic Press, New York (1977 J. REFERENCE BOOKS AND JOURNALS 227 1.43. Paal, Z., and Menon, P. G., Hydrogen Effects in Catalysis, Fundamentals and Practical Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York (1988). 1.44. Pettre, M., Catalysis and Catalysts, Dover Publications, New York (1963). 1.45. Pines, H., The Chemistry of Catalytic Hydrocarbon Conversions, Academic Press, New York (1981). 1.46. Piszkiewicz, D., Kinetics of Chemical and Enzymed-Catalyzed Reactions, Oxford Univer­ sity Press, London (1977). 1.47. Rao, P. T., Advances in Catal!'sis, Science and Technology, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (1985). 1.48. Richardson, J. T., PrinCiples of Catalyst Development, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York (1989). 1.49. Rideal, E. K., Concepts in Catalysis, Academic Press (1968). 1.50. Robertson, A. J. B., Catalysis of Gas Reactions by Metals, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1970). 1.51. Romanowski, W., Highl\' Dispersed Metals, John Wiley, New York (1987). 1.52. Rylander, P. N., Catalytic Hydrogenation in Organic Synthesis, Academic Press, New York (1979). 1.53. Sabatier, P., Catalysis in Organic Chemistry, Van Nostrand Co., New York (1922). 1.54. Satterfield, C. N., Heterogeneous Catalysis in Practice, McGraw-Hill, New York (1980). 1.55. Schwab, G-M., Catalysis, Van Nostrand, New York (1937). 1.56. SinfeJt, J. H., Bimetallic Catalysts, Discoveries, Concepts, and Applications, John Wiley, New York (1983). 1.57. Shapiro, B. L (Editor), Heterogeneous Catalysis, Texas A & M Press, College Station (1984 ). 1.58. Shilov, A. E., Activation of Saturated Hydrocarbons by Transition Metal Complexes, D. Reidel Co., Dordrecht (1984). 1.59. Starks, C. M., and Liolta, B., Phase Tran~fer Catalysis, Principles and Techniques, Academic Press, New York (1981). 1.60. Stiles, A. V., Catalyst Supports and Supported Catalysts, Butterworths Publishing Co., London (1987). 1.61. Stucky, G. D., and Dwyer, F. G., (Editors), Intrazeolite Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series No. 128 (1983). 1.62. Szabo, Z. G., and Kallo, K., Contact Catalysis, Vols. I and II, Elsevier, New York (1976). 1.63. Tamuru, K., and Ichikawa, M., Catalysis by Electron Donor Complexes, John Wiley, New York (1975). 1.64. Tanabe, K., Solid Acids and Bases, Academic Press, New York (1970). 1.65. Thomas, J. M., and Thomas, W. J., Introduction to the Principles of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Academic Press, New York (1967). 1.66. Thomson, S. J., and Webb, G., Heterogeneous Catalysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1968). 1.67. Vol'kenstein, F. F., The Electronic Theory of Catalysis on Semiconductors, Pergamon, New York (1963). 1.68. Weisser, 0., and Landa, S., Sulphide Catalysts, Their Properties and Applications, Per­ gamon, New York (1973). 1.69. Westley, J., Enzymic Catalysis, Harper and Row, New York (1969). 1.70. Whyte, Jr., T. E., Dalla Betta, R. A., Derouane, E. G., and Baker, R. T. K. (Editors), Catalytic Materials: Relationship between Structure and Reactivity, ACM Symposium Series No. 248, American Chemical Society (1984). 1.71. Yermakov, Y. I., Kuznetsov, B. N., and Zakharov, V. A., Catalysis by Supported Complexes, Elsevier, New York (J 981). 228 APPENDIX 1 2. ADSORPTION AND RELATED PHENOMENA 2.1. Benard, J. (Editor), Adsorption on Metal Surfaces, Elsevier, New York (1983). 2.2. Chattoraj, D. K., and Birdi, K. S., Adsorption and Gibbs Surface Excess, Plenum Press, New York (1984). 2.3. Clark, A., The Theorv of Adsorption and Catalysis, Academic Press, New York (1970). 2.4. de Boer, J. H., The Dynamic Character of Adsorption, Oxford University Press, London (1950). 2.5. Gatos, H., The Surface Chemistry oj Metal., and Semiconductors, John Wiley, New York (1959). 2.6. Garner, W. E. (Editor), Chemisorption, Butterworths Scientific Publications, London ( 1957). 2.7. Gregg, S. J., and Sing, K. S. W., Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity, Academic Press, New York (1967). 2.8. Hepple, P., Chemisorption and Catalysis, Elsevier, New York (1970). 2.9. King, D. A., and Woodruff, D. P. (Editors), The Chemical Physics of Solid Surface:, and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Volume I: Clean Solid Surfaces, Elsevier, New York (1981). 2.10. King, D. A., and Woodruff, D. P. (Editors), The Chemical Physics oj Solid Surfaces and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Volume 2: Adsorption at Solid Surfaces, Elsevier, New York ( 1983). 2.11. King, D. A., and Woodruff, D. P. (Editors), The Chemical Physics oj Solid Surfaces and Heterogeneous CatalYSiS, Voillme 3A and 38: Chemisorption Systems, Elsevier, New York (1984). 2.12. Linsen, B. G. (Editor), Phvsical and Chemical Aspects oj Adsorbents and Catalysts, Academic Press, New York (1970). 2.13. Lowell, S., Introduction 10 Powder Surface Area, John Wiley, New York (1979). 2.14. Ponec, V., Knor, Z., and Cerney, S., Adsorption on Solids, Cleveland, CRC Press (1974). 2.15. Ross, S., and Olivier, 1. P., On Physical Adsorption, John Wiley, New York (1964). 2.16. Ruthven, D. M, Principles of Adsorption and Adsorption Processes, John Wiley, New York (1984). 2.17. Selwood, P. W., Adsorption and Collective Magnetism, Academic Press, New York 11962). 2.18. Smith, J. R. (Editor!, TIleory of Chemisorption, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1980). 2.19. Somorjai, G. A., Principles oj'Surface Chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1972). 2.20. Somorjai, G. A .. Chemistry in Two Dimensions: SlIrfaces, Cornell University Press, Ithaca (1981).
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