María Antonia (García) Anderson de la Torre Doctor in Spanish Literature Phone: 402. 610. 0049 Email: [email protected]


8/12- 5/16 Ph.D. in Spanish Literature. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Focus in 20th VVVVVVVVVVVV Century Peninsular Spanish Literature. Secondary focus: Transatlantic and Latin American Literature. 10/10-6/11 Masters in Spanish Journalism. University San Pablo CEU and El Mundo, Madrid, q . Honors Scholarship. 1/00-5/04 Bachelor’s Degree in Literature. University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Graduation with honors. Laureate thesis about Hypertext in published by U of Los Andes.

Ph.D. dissertation: The Reception of Art and Literature in Max Aub’s serie El laberinto mágico. 2016. Adviser: Dr. Óscar Pereira-Zazo.

Current academic position: 2016- 2019 Resident Assistant Professor of Spanish Literature. Creighton University. Omaha.

Previous academic positions

-2012-2016 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Graduate Teaching Assistant. -2005-2007 Instituto Caro & Cuervo (Bogotá). Research assistant. -2006 Cerlalc, (Bogotá). Research Assistant


Books -Pop corn fields (Campos de pop corn). Peregrino Ediciones. Bogotá: 2015. Print. -Italo Calvino’s Ball of Wool. (Los ovillos de Italo Calvino) Laureated dissertation. In "Colección de Tesis Meritorias" Universidad de Los Andes. Bogotá: 2005. Print. -The Fixed Price, a strategy in favor of bookstores. (El precio fijo, una estrategia en pro de las librerías). CERLALC-Unesco. Bogotá: 2006. Print.

Academic papers and book reviews

-“Producción de arte y política: La España de la Guerra Civil vista desde El Laberinto Mágico de Max Aub”. El Correo de Euclides, Segobre, Spain. Approved for publication. -“Una presencia fatua en el México del Boom: Max Aub y su laberinto. Hispanófila. Approved for publication. Virginia Tech University. -"Italo Calvino's ball of wool" (Los ovillos de Italo Calvino). Espéculo Journal, Complutense University, Madrid, 2004. -“College Publishing houses”. (Las editoriales universitarias) co author: Richard Uribe. CERLALC-UNESCO, 2006. -“Italo Calvino´s whool ball”. (I gomitoli di Italo Calvino).Translation to Italian: Antonio Piú. 2004. -“The blown up consciousness” In Memories of III Symposium of writers from Latin America and Spain. Convenio Andrés Bello. Bogotá, Colombia 2003. -Reading Angosta in Angosta. (Leyendo Angosta en Angosta). Lateral Magazine, Spain. 2007.

Opinion columns (2017-2018)

-The New York Times: “The silence of abused women in Colombia”. 2018. Print. -The New York Times: “Un vallenato sobre la violencia machista en Colombia”, (A vallenato about sexist violence in Colombia) April 19th, 2017. -The New York Times: “El escandaloso silencio de las mujeres abusadas en Colombia” (The scandalous silence of abused women in Colombia). February 12th, 2018. -The Omaha World Herald: “Keep Education Accessible”. November 30th, 2017. -El Tiempo: “La pifia del Caballero”, December 19th, 2017. -El Tiempo: “La muerte del estudiante doctoral” November 21st, 2017 -El Tiempo: “Yo también he sido acosada” October 28th, 2017 -El Tiempo: “La muerte lenta boricua”, October 10th, 2017 -El Tiempo: “Balada para un loco de poder” September 23rd, 2017 -El Tiempo: “Carta blanca al nazismo”, August 23rd, 2017. -El Tiempo: “Nada más que la mentira”, August 7th, 2017. -El Tiempo: “Más libros y menos armas”. July 05th, 2017 -El Tiempo: “Ave, Donald” June 19th, 2017. -El Tiempo: “Hasta siempre, Oscar”, March 27th, 2017 -El Tiempo: “Un Oscar de blancos y negros”, March 3rd, 2017 -El Tiempo: “La falacia de los “bad hombres” February 14th, 2017 -El Tiempo: -“Captive in America”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). -El Tiempo: -“Trump’s nasty women”. El Tiempo (Bogotá) Analysis of the Women’s March. January 24th, 2017 -“Go back home”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the responsibility of the developed world in the refugee crisis. Janary 12th, 2017.


-“Max Aub and his role as a writer during the Spanish Civil War”. Loyola University, Chicago. Midwest Modern Languages Association Conference. Cincinatti, November 2017. -Journalism and War in 20th Century Colombia, Omaha South, October, 2017. -"Spanish historiography under Franco". The XVIII Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium. Ohio state University. April 2015. -"Leer "Angosta" en Angosta" about Angosta by Héctor Abad Faciolince. University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s MACHL, Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. October 2012. -“Los ovillos de Italo Calvino”. Conference about the hypertext in Italo Calvino. National University of Colombia. 2004. -“Amor furtivo en un fragmento”, about Fragmentos de amor furtivo by Héctor Abad Faciolince. International Book Fair of Bogotá. Colombia. 2004. - “Los ovillos de Italo Calvino”. International Book Fair of Bogotá, Colombia. 2005. - “La conciencia estallada”. III Symposium of writers from Latin America and Spain. Convenio Andrés Bello. Bogotá, Colombia 2003.

-Other Professional experience. Positions held: Editor, writer, translator

-2016-current New York Times. Collaborator. Spanish Opinion Section. -2012-current El Tiempo. Opinion columnist. -2011. El Mundo (Madrid). Journalist at Crónica. Spain. -2011. (Bogotá). Correspondent. Spain. -2007-2010. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Editorialist and Opinion Editor for -2007-2008. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Reporter -2005-2007. Semana Magazine, Opinion Columnist (Bogotá). -2006-2008. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Opinion Columnist. -2006-2007. El Espectador (Bogotá). Opinion Columnist. -2005. Pie de Página (Bogotá). Editorial Assistant. -2001-2002 El Malpensante. (Bogotá). Editorial assistant.

-Other degrees and certificates

-Masters Seminar in Argentinian Literature. University of Virginia & Mempo Giardinelli Foundation (Resistencia, Argentina). June 2005. -Certificate of completion of the International Teaching Assistant Institute (ITA), University of Nebraska-Lincoln August 2012. -Master in Philology. University Complutense. Madrid. 2012. (15 credits completed) -Knight Center of Journalism. Course "Journalism Coverage of Armed Conflicts". Álvaro Sierra. September 2008. -Knight Center of Journalism. Course "Digital Tools for Journalists" S. Crucianelli. Apr-may 2010. -New Ibero American Journalism Foundation (FNPI).. International Seminar of Journalism. November 2006. Bogotá, Colombia. -New Ibero American Journalism Foundation (FNPI). National Seminar of Journalism. Bogotá, Colombia. October 2006. -Institute of las Américas. California. Course "Avant Guard Journalism: Digital Coverage in the 21st Century". San Diego. US. March 2010. - Le Monde Diplomatique. Bogotá, Colombia. Seminar of Journalism Genres. Coordinated by Bernardo García Guerrero. June 2006.

-Honors, Awards & Fellowships

-2016 Creighton University Non-Western Cultural Grant, $ 1,000. Coordination of Conference of Francisco de Roux about Colombia’s peace agreement. -2016 Creighton University. Travel Grant. 2016 -Rogers Grant for graduate students. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 2015-2016 -Rogers Grant for graduate students. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 2014-2015 -Rogers Grant for graduate students. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2013-2014 -Rogers Grant for graduate students. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 2012-2013 -1st International Award of Female Narrative. Bovarismos, 2014. La Pereza Editions. Finalist. Fiction story published in the book: Soñando en Vrindavan y otras historias de ellas, La Pereza Ediciones. Miami: 2014. -Honors Scholarship. Masters in Journalism. CEU San Pablo University. Madrid (Spain). 2011- 2012. -Laurate Dissertation. Degree in Literature. Andes University. Bogotá, Colombia, 2004. -Parnaso Nuevo Mundo, Fiction story and poetry International Award. Jury member. 2015.

-Professional Affiliations -Midwest Modern Languages Association. 2017-2018. -Modern Languages Association. 2016. -Latin American Student Association. LASA 2014-2015. -Princeton University. Humanist Discussion Group. May 2004- to date.


Creighton University

Current courses: -Fall 2018 Introduction to Literary Analysis. Survey Course of Spanish and Latin American short stories, film and poetry. SPANISH 425. -Fall 2018 Spanish Grammar In Context. Advanced Grammar. Spanish 312 -Fall 2018 Advanced Writing and Conversation Spanish. Spanish 311 -Fall 2018 Beginning Spanish for Daily Life. Spanish 112.

Previous courses: -Summer 2018 Intermediate Spanish. Spanish 225 -Spring 2018 Introduction to Literary Analysis. Spanish 425. -Spring 2018 Spanish Grammar in Context. Spanish 312. -Spring 2018 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Spring 2018 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Fall 2017 Advanced writing and conversation. Spanish 311 -Fall 2017 Intermediate Spanish. Spanish 225 -Fall 2017 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Fall 2017 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Spring 2017 20th century Spain through its film, literature, letters. Spanish 568 -Spring 2017 Advanced writing and conversation. Spanish 311 -Spring 2017 Advanced Spanish Grammar. Spanish 312. -Spring 2017 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Fall 2016 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. Fall 2016 Beginning Spanish For Daily Life II. Spanish 112. -Fall 2016 Advanced writing and conversation. Spanish 311 -Fall 2016 Advanced writing and conversation. Spanish 311

University of Nebraska-Lincoln -Spring 2016 Translation, Interpreting, advanced writing and conversation. Spanish 300B -Fall2015 Introduction to Hispanic Literature: Spain and Latin America. Spanish 314 -Fall 2015 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Sum. 2015 Spanish Advanced Reading Comprehension. Spanish 303 -Spring 2015 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Spring 2015 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Fall 2014 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Fall 2014 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Sum. 2014 Spanish Intermediate Composition Spanish 204 -Spring 2014 Spanish Intensive Conversation. Spanish 203 -Spring 2014 Spanish Advanced Composition. Spanish 304 -Fall 2013 Spanish Advanced Reading Comprehension. Spanish 303 -Fall 2013 Spanish Advanced Reading Comprehension. Spanish 303 -Sum. 2013 Beginning Spanish. Spanish 101 -Spring 2013 Beginning Spanish Conversation. Spanish 102 -Fall 2012 Beginning Spanish. Spanish101


-Spanish. Mother language -English. Proficiency level -Italian. Proficiency Level -Latin. Beginner Level


-2017-2018 Creighton University. Coordinator of the Spanish Film Club. -2017-2018. Creighton University. Coordinator of Sigma Delta Pi. -2017-2018 Creighton University. Board Member of Latin American Studies -2016 Creighton University. Coordinator of Fr. Francisco de Roux’s visit to Creighton for his conferences about Culture, peace and reconciliation in Colombia after the end of war. -2016 Creighton University. Director of the Spanish Film Club. -2016 Creighton University. Coordinator of conversations with students in Guatemala with several Jesuit universities for Spanish 311 sections A and B. -2016 Creighton University. Mentor of Native American students from Red Cloud High School through their college applications. -2015 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Undergraduate Advisor activities. -2015. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Director of the Spanish Cine Club. -2015 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Edition of students’ short stories to publish at -2015 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Language Fair. Italian Micro Lessons. -2014 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Language Fair. Italian Micro Lessons. -2013 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Jury for poetry contest. Language Fair.

Other Publications

Book reviews, interviews, opinion columns:

Selection of work published at cultural magazines and newspapers. There are over 100 articles and 80 editorials published in Spain, The United States and Colombia that are not included here, but can be turned in if necessary.

This is the link for the opinion columns at El Tiempo (About 100 op-eds):

-“I will die in Chia during a rainstorm” fiction story published in the book Dreaming at Vrindavan and other female stories (Soñando en Vrindavan y otras historias de ellas). Finalist of the First International Award of Feminine Narrative, Bovarismos, La Pereza Editions. Miami: 2014.

-“Less Trump and more Mozart”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the importance of developing the arts during hard times for cultural diversity. November 25th, 2016.

-“The second independence”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the importance of signing the peace agreement between the Colombian president and Farc. October 20th, 2016.

-“We are not grieving”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the negative result of the referendum against the peace agreement in Colombia. October 6th, 2016.

-“The exiled that were silenced”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the impossibility for the Colombian exiled to vote for the peace agreement in Colombia. September 14th, 2016.

-“Eight decades without García Lorca”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the murder of the great Spanish poet, Federico García Lorca. August 16th, 2016.

-“The last day of war”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the peace agreement in Colombia and the end of war. June 23rd, 2016.

-“Shooting the messenger”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about death threats to Colombian journalists during the peace dialogues. May 31st, 2016.

-“Behind the curtains of Liévano”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the Mayor of Bogotá’s false Ph.D. April 29th, 2016.

-“Killing the educated woman”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the violence against women for pursuing an education in Colombia. April 1st, 2016.

-“Colombia, from afar”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the situation of that have been exiled abroad. February 24th, 2016.

-“A post war with Gabo”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the importance of literature in the transition from the civil war to peace in Colombia. February 8th, 2016.

-“The unhappiest country in the world”. El Tiempo (Bogotá). Analysis about the false study that placed Colombia as the happiest country in the world. January 19th, 2016.

-The false philanthropy of the digital billionaires. Arcadia. Bogotá.

-Arde Colombia. Global warming in Colombia. 10 page article about the effects of global warming in Colombia. Don Juan Magazine.

-Angosta. Book review of Angosta by Héctor Abad Faciolince. Lateral Magazine. Spain. 2004.

-The other side of the Wall. Chronicle about the wall between Tijuana and San Diego. EL TIEMPO, April, 2010.

-Lens of death. Interview to the American Photographer Joel Peter Witkin. EL TIEMPO. September, 2005.

-"Stieg Larsson". Article about the swedish writer. EL TIEMPO. 13 de febrero de 2010.

-Shakespeare on Twitter. May, 2010. 7698956

-Journalism with a cell phone? EL TIEMPO. 22 de octubre de 2009.

-Ireland from a mother’s eyes. Interview to Irish writer Anne Enright. EL TIEMPO. 6 de enero de 2008.

-Encyclopedia set an order to chaos. Interview to writer Philip Blom. 2007. EL TIEMPO.

-De Dinamarca a Cundinamarca. Columna de opinión. 12 de noviembre de 2007, periódico EL TIEMPO.

-The sweet anonimacy. El dulce anonimato. Columna de opinión. Periódico EL TIEMPO. 15 de septiembre de 2007.

-The feminist monologue. El monólogo feminista. Columna de opinión. El Tiempo. 18 de agosto de 2007.

-A dot com life. Una vida puntocom Columna de opinión. El 2007.

-The forgotten offspring. La estirpe olvidada Columna de opinión. El Tiempo. 9 de julio de 2007.

-Charity in times of Cholera. La caridad en los tiempos del cólera. Columna de opinión. El Tiempo. 2007. -¿Qué hay de nuevo en Macondo? Columna de opinión. El Tiempo. 6 de enero de 2007.

-La suerte de la fea Columna de opinión. El Tiempo. 24 de enero de 2007.

-Death is a Carnival. La muerte es un carnaval. Columna de opinión. 12 de junio de 2007. EL TIEMPO.

-The Holy Trinity. 2006. Reproduced by Colombia’s Ministry of Education:

-And the snow outside. …Y la nieve afuera. Book review of Snow by Ornah Pamuk. Lecturas Dominicales, El Heraldo. 2007.

-Bogotá with indiference. Op-ed. 6 de enero de 2007.

-Todo en otra parte. Book review of the novel Todo en otra parte by Carolina Sanín., 2005.

-Más allá de la muralla. Columna de opinión. 12 de febrero de 2006.

-Kureishi in Getsemaní. Op-ed about writer Hanif Kureishi., 2006.

-Rosario enmascarada. Op-ed., 2006.

-Mayoría gana Op-ed., 2006.

-La inmensa minoría Op-ed., 2005.

-Los ovillos de Italo Calvino. Op-ed., 2005.

-El paraíso perdido. Op-ed., 2006.

-Poesía con brócoli. Op-ed, 2006.

-Cartagena: el país de las maravillas. op-ed., 2006.

-Éste no es un orgasmo. Op-ed. 2006.

-El sentido que pincha Op-ed., 2006.

-Defeated women. Mujeres vencidas Op-ed., 2006.

-To Gamble Reading Habits. Op-ed, El Espectador, 2006.

-E-Generation. Generación E. Op-ed. El Espectador, 2006.

-Paradise Lost. El paraíso perdido Op-ed., 2006.

-The dawn of Revolution. El ocaso de la revolución. Op-ed. El Espectador, 2006.

-Cornered letters. Las letras acorraladas. Op-ed, 2006.

-La pasión de las razones Op-ed about modern slavery in ., 2006.

-El señor matanza. Periódico El Espectador.

-Hundido en la niebla Book review The misterious flame of queen Loana, by . Revista Número, 2005.

-No voy en tren, voy a pie Revista Número, 2006.

-Interview to Colombian senator, Claudia Lopez. 2014.

-Historia con fantasma, Article about “Tiempos de paz” del Museo Nacional. Revista El Malpensante, septiembre de 2003.

-Hotel Central. Cubista Magazine, Cuba, 2005.

-Los ovillos de Italo Calvino Ensayo sobre Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore de Italo Calvino. Cubista Magazine, Cuba, 2005.

-García Lorca’s will. El Tiempo, 2013.

-Hotel Central, Chronicle about prostitution in Cartagena, Colombia. Lecturas Dominicales del periódico El Universal, Cartagena, 2005.

-No voy en tren, voy a pie Chronicle about Argentina. Revista Libros y Letras, 2005.

-Los ovillos de Italo Calvino Essay about Italo Calvino. Revista Libros y Letras, 2006.

-Aguas bravías, Book review about Aguas bravías by Antonio Montaña. Lecturas dominicales, El Heraldo, 2005.

- Los ovillos de Italo Calvino. Lecturas dominicales del periódico El Heraldo. 2005.

-Palabras sin murallas, Article about Hay Festival. Lecturas dominicales, El Heraldo, 2006.

-Helena’s flame. Interview to Helena Lozano, Umberto Eco`s translator to Spanish. Revista Pie de Página, 2005.

-Rationed knowledge. Revista Pie de Página, 2005.

-Interview to Argentinian writer Mempo Giardinelli. Revista Pie de Página, 2005.

-La natura dell’Incipit Article about Italo Calvino., 2004.

-De pic nic en el barrio Santa Fe. El Universitario, 2004

Professional References -Dr. Joseph McClanahan. Chair of Modern Languages and Literatures. Creighton University. -Dr. Ivelisse Santiago Stommes. Associate Professor of Spanish. Creighton University. -Dr. Amelia Montes. Associate Professor of Chicana and Latina Literature. English Department. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.