Fourth CaliforniaIndian Conference


November 4-6, 1988 International House University of , Berkeley THE FOURTH CALIFORNIA INDIAN CONFERENCE

Co-sponsors: UCB, Departmentof Anthropology UCB, Depanmeni of Linguistics UCB, Program in Native American Studies UCB, Lowie Museum of Anthropology

Program Comminee: Lowell Bean Rohen Black LoeDavis Leanne Hinton Kent Lightfoot Malcolm Margolin William Simmons, Chair

Registration: On-site registrationwill beginat 7:30 A.M. on November4. 5, and 6 in the lobby to the International House auditorium. Registrationfees are $25.00regular and $15.00 studenL Native are registered free.

Note 10 Participants: Because of unprecedented interest this year, we found it necessary to schedule double sessions on Friday and Saturday. Moderators should be careful 10 keep symposia within the designated timeframe, and individuals who present volunteeredpapers will beexpected to observethe 30 minute time limit (approximately 20 minutes for the paper, and 10 minutes for discussion). Program Friday,November 4 7:30-5:30 Regisiration Auditorium Friday A.M. 7:55 Welcome, William S. Simmons, Program Chair (U.C. Berkeley).

Section 1 Symposium: Northwesl California. Lee Davis (U.C. Berkeley) and Byron Nelson, Jr. ( Tribe):Moderators.

8:00 Margot Schevi/1 (Brown University): Lila M. O'Neale: Ethnoaesthetics and the Y'urok-KarokWeavers of Nonhem California. 8:30 tee Davis(U.C. Berkeley): Time Keeping and the Hupa Calendar. 9:00 Thomas Bui:k/ey (University of MassachusettS, Boston): Nonhwest California and Kroeber'·sTheory of Culture Areas. 9:30 Byron Nels011, Jr. (Hupa Tribe): The Division of the HoopaValley Indian Reservation. I0:00 Break Section n. Lee Davis (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 10:30 Sara Lovell ('All Tribes' Counselling Center, Mariposa) and Tressa Prael ('All Tribes' Counselling Center, Mariposa): The Interfacing of Two Value Systems: Indian ru1d Non­ Indian People Work.ingTogether. 11:00 Steve Jerome-Wyatt (Affiliated Obsidian Nation): The Little School by ihe River: The AffiliatedObsidian Nation,the Indian Creek.Hydro-Project, and the "Injun Jim" School. -2-

11:30 lose Ignacio Rivera (Apache, Huichol, Nahuatl): Repatriation: A Moral, Ethical, and Constirutional Dilemma for California. Home Room Friday A.M.

Section III Svmposium: Isabel Kelly's Notes on the Coast . Grace Buzaljko (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator.

I 0:30 Sylvia Thalman (San Rafael, CA): What, Why, How and Where's the Money Coming From? 11 :00 Mary Collier (Mi wok Archaeological Preserve): Problems withPublishing Ethnographic Notes Not Intended for Publication. 11 :30 Grace Buzaljko(U.C. Berkeley): Isabel Kelly's Letters on the Coast Mi wok. Auditorium Friday P.M.

Section JV, Leanne Hi111on (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator.

l :30, Leanne Hi111on (U.C. Berkeley) and Jean Perry (U.C. Berkeley): lshi's Tales. 2:00 Kathleen M. O'Conner (NationalArchives): Federal Records Documenting California Indians. 2:30 Sylvia 8. Thalman (San Rafael,CA): Paper Trails: Some 19th and 20th Century Sources for Information about California Indian Families. 3:00 Break

3:30 Linda Dick Bissonnene (Fresno MetropolitanMuseum) and Lorrie Planas (Fresno Metropolitan Museum): Strands of Time: A Central CaliforniaRegional Basketry Project. SectionV Symposium: The Sinkyone lnterlribal Wilderness Park Project. Vic1oria Pauerson (Ethnographic Consultant, State Coastal Conservancy and Coyote Valley Band of Indians): Moderator. 4:00-5:30 Priscilla Humer (Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians; Chairperson, Native American Heritage Commission). RicardoTapia (Yaqui, Interim Director, Sinkyone Intcnribal WildernessCouncil). Coyore (Wailaki, Sinkyone lntertribal Wilderness Council). Vicroria Parrerson (Ethnographic Consultant, State Coastal Conservancy and Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians). Richard Gei11ger (Environmen1al Protection Wom1arion Center). Carmen Chrisry (Yokayo Pomo, Ethnographic Interviewer). Judy Fish (Ethnographic Interviewer). Home Room Friday P.M. Section VI,Larry Dawson (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. J :30 M. Kar Anderson (U.C. Berkeley): Redbud (Cercis Occidentalis): Its Ecology, Use, and Management by the SouthernMiwok and Other California Indian Tribes. 2:00 MargarerMarhewson (U.C. Berkeley}: Contemporary Basketry and the Availability of Native Fiber Plants. 2:30 Judirh Polanich (U.C. Davis): StringBasketry. -3-

3:00 Break Section Vil, Roben Black (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 3:30 Richard Hirchcock (U.C. Berkeley): Ramona: A Protest Novel of SouthernCalifornia. 4:00 Carolyn Alvord (U.C. Berkeley): HubenHowe Bancroft'sDepiction of Indiansin CaliforniaHistory. 4:30 Tom Pinkson (Insti1u1e of Attitudinal Healing. Tibwon): The Coyote Runs Throughthe Camp of the People of the Anglos. 5:00 Marjorie Cummins(Hanford, CA): Songs of the Tachis. Friday Night Plenary Session Auditorium Section vm. Symposium: Issues in California Indian Education. Vicroria Pauerson (Willits SchoolDistrict) and Bev Ortiz (Miwok Archaeological Preserveof Marin), Moderators. 7:30-10:00 David Risfing(Hoopa Valley Tribe,U.C. Davis). Charles Vnaerwood(U.C. Berkeley). Jackie Frank (Point Arena Pomo, Singer). AndyAndreoli (StateDepartment of Education) LP�Davis (U.C. Berkeley). FrankTuttle (Yuki, Wailaki, ConcowMaidu, Artist). KarhJeen Smirh (Bodega Miwok and Dry Oeek Pomo,Pt Reyes National Seashore). Bev Ortiz (East Bay Regional Park District,Columnist, Newsfrom Narive Cafifornia). Vicroria Paaerson (Willits SchoolDistrict). Saturday,November 5 Auditorium Saturday A.M. SectionIX Symposium: Critical Issues: Archaeology, Ethnography, and the Native American Community, LcweU J. Bean (Hayward State University): Moderator. 8:00-10:00 Lcwe/1 J. Bean (Hayward State University): lncroductoryRemarks. Clay Singer (Santa Monica, CA): California ArchaeologyIs Not Anthropology. Chesrer King (Topanga,CA): California Archaeology,the White Man's Burden. WeldonJohnson, Sr. (Colorado Indian TribesMuseum): An AmericanIndian's View of the Conductof ArchcologistsWorking with the Native American Communities. Dororhea Theodorarus(Sacramento State University): Discussant. 10:00 Break Sec1ion X, Kem Lightfoot(U.C. Berkeley): Modera1or. 10:30 £. Breck Parkman (California StaieDepartment of Parks and Recreation):Sacred Mountain Thought. 11 :00 Jose Ignacio Rivera(Apache, Huichol, Nahuatl): Father Serra: An Answer 10 an Invitation. I I :30 Ed D. Castillo (, Laytonville SchoolDistrict): "The Most Powerful Witches We Ever Encountered": Serra, the Franciscans, and Indian Resistance in Colonial Hispanic California.

Home Room Saturday A.M. Section XI, Mark Pedelry(U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 8:00 John P. Marr (Fullenon, CA): Recollections by a Scholar and Assistant to Harrington.

8:30 U/lian D. Smirh(Santa Monica, CA): A Founh Inscribed Chumash with a Design from a Spanish Colonial Coin.

9:00 Mark Pedelry(U.C. Berkeley):The New Mission System: CaliforniaMission Restorations and Museums asIdeology. 9:30 John Pryor (Copperopolis, CA): Defining the EthnographicPeriod for the Pomo.

10:00 Break

Section Xll. Tim Buckley (U. Massachusetts, Boston): Moderator.

10:30 Kari Forbes (Chico State University): Oakonitupeh: Traditional Heroof the Concow 11 :00 Richard Burrill (Carmichael, CA): Spiritual Legacy of the Maidu-NisenanIndians.

11:30 Emily Chavez-Haack (San Francisco State University): Tuolumne Mi wok. Auditorium Saturday P.M. SectionXill, Lowell Bean (California State University, Hayward): Moderator.

1 :30 GeoffreyL. Gamble (Washington State University): The Origin of Basket Designs-A Modem Myth? 2:00 Greg Sarris (Stanford University): Who Wrote the California Indians' Story: A Study of California Indian Autobiography. 2:30 Robert M. Laidlaw (U.S. Bureau of Land Management) and LarryMyers (Executive Secretary,Native American Heritage Commission):The First Joint Agency Programin the to Address the Cultural Concernsof Native Americans.

3:00 Break Section XfV Symposium: The Consequences of Genocide upon California Indians Past and Present. Jack Norton (Humboldt State University, Hupa Tribe):Moderator.

3:30 Jack Norton (Humboldt State University, Hupa Tribe):California Indians as Victims. 4:00 Patricia Tswenaldin (Httpa-i-ribe): When Archetypal Images are Lost, Stolen, or Diffused. 4:30 Royal Alsup: The Impact of Genocideupon California Health. ,5:00 Rita McDonald A/sup: Historicaland Contemporary Genocide upon the California Indian Family. .5.

Home Room Saturday P.M. Section XV.Robert Black (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. I :30 N. Jed Riffe:Report on the Ishi Film Project Funded by the NationalEndowment for the Humanities. 2:00 Rosemary Cambra (Muwekma Oltlone Tribe):Our AncestralRemains and Cultural Herirage of the Past... A View from the Costanoan/ Indians. 2:30 Abel Silvas (Juaneno): Running Grunion Speaks. 3:00 Break Section XVI, Leanne Hinton (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 3:30 George H. Phillips (U.C. Riverside): Commerceof the Valley: Indian-White Trade in Mexican California. 4:00 DavidD. Earle (Palmdale,CA): Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Interpretationsof Indian Settlement in the : Confusion, Controversy,and New Evidence. 4:30 Alice Ander1on (U.C.L.A.): Recent Research on the Language. 5:00 Ca1herine A. Callaghan (Ohio State University):Practical Onhography for Indian Languages. Reception David W. Peri (), co-editor of News from Native California,will be hosting a receptionfor Indians at 7:00P.M. in the Atriumof the Anthropology AMex (go down Bancroft Way to the fountain,turn right, cross the open areatowards the northeast. It is the small brick building betweenWurster Hall and the Law School). News from Narive Californiawill host an open reception in the AnthropologyAnnex from8:30 P.M. Sunday, November6

Auditorium Section XV!l, larryDawson (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 8:00 Greg Sarris (Stanford University):The Fieldworker in the CaliforniaIndian Community: Regionalism and Knowledge. 8:30 Sonia Tamez(U.S.D.A. Forest Service): Forest Serviceand NativeAmerican Relationships in California: Considerationsfor the Future. 9:00 WWard Johnson (San Diego State University): The New NativeAmerican : An EmergentReligious Form in California. 9:30 Sally Mclendon(Hunter College): California FeatherBlankets. 10:00 Break ·6-

Section XVIIl,Larry Dawson (U.C. Berkeley): Moderator. 10:30 John R. Johnson (SantaBarbara Museum of Natural History): Ethnohistoric Research on the Gabrielino Islanders.

11 :00 Jan Timbrook (Santa BarbaraMuseum of Natural History): Search for the Source of the Sorcerer's Stones: A Foray into Ethnomineralogy. 11 :30 Gregory Schaaf (Chico State University): Echoesof the People: Historical Views of Northern CaliforniaIndian Placenames.

Section XTX, LeeDavis (U.C.Berkeley): Moderator. 1 :30 Jean Perry (U.C. Berkeley): Linguistic Differences and Similarities in Northwest California: Sapir-Whorf Revisited.

2:00 Richard Keeling (U.C.L.A.): Musical Evidenceof Female Spiritual Life Among the .

2:30 Vic1or Golla (HumboldtState University): The Origin of the Hupa Flower Dance. 3:00 Break Section XX, Lee Davis (U .C. Berkeley): Moderator.

3:30 Barbara Bocek (Stanford University): Archaeological and Ethnographic Evidence for Tribelet Organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. 4:00 Donald W. Lathrop (University of lllinois, Urbana): A Reconsideration of the Time Depth of Cultural Evolution in Native California. 4:30 Clarence Sterling (Ojai, CA): Chumash Recordingsas Data and Art. 5:00 Business Meeting