Distilling Instructions (Super Reflux Condenser) 9 Adams Road Palmerston NT 0830 Tel: (08) 8932 7700 Website: www.ozbrew.com Shop 17 Homemaker Village Millner NT Fax: (08) 8932 7622 Email:
[email protected] Before reading these instructions, make sure you have read the information sheet called “Distilling Overview” which is also available in the downloads section of the Oz Brew website. The “Distilling Overview” sheet will provide useful information about the legality of stills and their usages, as well as outlining some good overall basics that will help provide essential information about this process. There are many types of stills, boilers, condensers & carbon filters available on the market. Different products and brands, may use different instructions. These instructions cover one of the most practical methods of distilling using a 25L boiler, a (super) reflux condenser and a Still Spirits Z- carbon filter, which we believe is one of the most effective value for money packages available. Read through all of your instructions including the Helpful Hints in each section before proceeding through the steps in each process. This will ensure you are aware of any tips that may make the process 25 Litre Boiling Pot Z Carbon Filter Super Reflux Condenser easier for you. (3 in 1 Fermenter) Typically produces a high yield of approximately 4-5L @ 80% - 90% V. Stage 1 - Sterilisation 1. Everything used in the fermentation process must be cleaned and sterilised before and after use. This includes the 3 in 1 fermenter, airlock and stirrer. 2. For optimum cleaning, we recommend Combo Cleaner Washing / Steriliser. Wash through all of your equipment with this solution and rinse thoroughly with cold tap water.