Jufian 0.nlosiu Jet Propulsion I~i;ihoratory/Califi,mlahstitute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove D~IVS Pasadena, California, 9 I 108, USA Tel: (818) 354-1686; Fax: (818) 393-4539 e-mail:

ABSTRACT A snccesshl new break-through technology project relies on how many inventiveand creative design options are available at the An approach to generate creative designthat employs the different levels of design. New creative design is the result of a practice of synectics is presented.The integrated use of the non-linear process, where existing knowledge is mixed with new Thewry of InvcntiveProblem Solving (TIPS) technique, along informationand imagination. The approach suggested here is to with physical, chemical and biological phenomena and effits enhance design creativity by exercising analogies and metaphors knowledge data base provided by I”TechOptimizerm soitware, embedded in the practice of synectics, where the idea seeding is and the Robust Engincering Design methodology is the me of stimulated via the availability of adiversified knowledge and this proposed new creative design. The creative design approach information data base. starts with the clarification of the term “requirements” vis-&-vis “design decision.” Creative design conccyt generation and CREATIVE DESIGN AT MULTIPLE LEVELS. design decisions are addressed at system, subsystem, assembly, and part . This concept is based on the hypothesis that many The use of the most possible inventive and innovative means to new design options can be quickiy generated. It is believed that enhance design creativity is the cradle of birth for all new design decision is strongly enhanced by th~snew approach when breakthroughtechnologies. The design decisionand design many design options are present. The Creativitv Domain Process selection criteria rely onhow accurately the initial functional is defined as the means for the generation of new ideas and requirements could be implemented, as well as, on the availability concepts. Functional modeling analysis using the triad of of resourcest technology readiness, and risk management. The subject, action, and objlct is considered as a desired analytical diagram on the next page describes the relationship between the tool to identiQ the right problem to be solved. The identification initial systemfunctional and performance rquirements and the ofcontradictions as problems and their categorization as cascading nature and repetitive cycle of the lower level managerial, , and physical indicates the category of requirements and associated design concept generations and design design conceptsolution to be generated.The TIPS offered decisions encountered during the project development life cycle. At contradiction metrics and standard solutions engage the mental the beginning of the first phase ofproject implementation, the analogy and metaphoric thinking as part of the synectics idea originalsystem hctional and pa5omance requirements are generation process. The inclusion of the ideal function concept is spcified. In response to these requirements, several architectural described as a creativitymeasurement. The closer the new design system concepts could be consideredfor implementation concept perfoms related io the ideal performance, the higher the thatwould allow the implementation of the desired system grade of the new creative design The ranking of the newly functional requirements and performance. OIdy after a thorough generated conceptsrelative to the ideal performance is presented analysis and evaluation of each design system option, a decision of as a structured approach of selecting creative design concepts or best architectural design system implementation is performed. The as a technology road map layout. Finally, the parametric design architectural design systtm Yelected to implement the initial system and evaluation of fimctimal performance is viewed as the robust hctional and performance requirements only now will identi@ the engineaing designimplementation and optimization of the hdional and performance requirements of the second tier of selected best dcsign wnccpt. requirements at the subsystem leveis. Based on this second tier of requirements, the next step is to generate several sub-system INTRODUCTION designconceyts. Again, analysis andevaluation of each sub- system design wnceyt will require a design decision and selection DO WHAT NO ONE EMS DONE BEFORE in a FASTER, of the most appropriate sub-system designconcept. In turn, the BETTER, CHEAPER environment, and DO NOT FAIL is a sub-system design concept selected is now dictating, in fact, the major component of the current high technology industry-wide third tier of functional and performance rec~uinmerlts for the imperative. To successfully momplisl~the futuretechnology assemblies included in the subsystem. For the next phase as you challenges, a majorparadigm change from the old wayof can nowpredict, the assemblyfunctional and performance itnplancnting projects to a new way is required. To enable the requirements are triggering the design concqtr gtwcration for the new approach, a comprehensive training and re-training program assembly,followed by the appropriate designdecision and best in L-reative design has to be established. “Ifow you start a day is concept seletion. And finally, based on the assembly design that the way you spend thc rest of it” 1s an old saying. IIow you start has been selected, thefourth tier of parts functional and with the Systm Requlrmcnts and System Design Decisions is perkmnance requirnnents is established. Parts design md parts the wav you will succctul with the accomplishntcnt of a givm selection and decisionmaking is nowcompleting the project project or rask. Creative design concept gLnLTUtion and design waterfalldevelopment cycle. ‘l’he above dwription clwiy decisions need to bc rtddrcsseci and pzcointed not only at the illustrates that design concept generation and design decision is the system level but also at the sub-system, assembly, and part level. driving force of rquirerncnts peneraticm,and definitely not the othcr way around [ I 1. llcslgn decmons are pxformtd in the generation cie.xnbcd by this triad reflects a vc~tlcalor top down context ot' thc avdabtlity of many creative dcsigrl concepts. hr rcquirancnt gcneration process. Requtrtnlent tiocumcnts arc observed from the camding project design lmpl~mtlltation. usually part of a contractual agrcxmc-t that is used by a customer design decisions are based on the availability of design options to convey functional and performance rcyuiremcnts to a huiiritr in at different levels 01' projcxt design, including; architectural order to design and implement a final product [3].Time and time design system,sub-system design, assembly design, and part again, projtxt schcdule slips are offenblamed on late requiremcnts, design. Creative designconcepts are generated during the incomplete requirements, designmodifications andor late process whcre rcquinmcmts and are pen;olated at all th~ impravemcnts.Tiger tams, which are teams created by aboveproject cycle levels. In order to acwrmpksh multidisciplinary experts, are frequently used to rescue troubled what no one has done before, training and prmses have to be projects.Unplanned and unscheduled activities related to late established, where multitudes of creative design idas and rcquirement modification result in additional implementation cost, design options can be easily generated at system, subsystan, and schedule slips that often lead to project overruns, low prduct assembly, and part design levels. quality, and prreliability. Symbolization T Build Image To claim the esistence of a complete requirement specification pnor to any design is, in fact, a fallacy [4]. Lower level I I I 1 requirements are derived from the measurable attributes of the I I I+ I I immediate hugher level design. Total system requirements are t+ """""4 ""_" *t complete only d~en product and its total utilization history I I the is I I I I available, including details of all techniques used to produce the I I I I engineeringproduct. Nevertheless, "requirements phase" is still I I included in ProjectImplementation Plans andprojects are held """"" """ I accountable for requirements phase completion prior to proceeding to any design implementation.

INITIATIVE 1: Do what you say; say what you do.

In the old paradigm, practice has demonstrated that mandated top down requirements do not convey a smooth project development. l=Systqn Functional Reauiremeots Only after repetitive iterations and complete involvemcnt of all key Z=Grchjtectumi Desien System stakeholders, various design options of the original image concept 3rSub-system Functional Requirements are generated. To select the best design option, a final design &Sub-system Desa decision is in order. In fact, all of the unplanned, unscWuled and SgAssembly Requirements unwsted repetitive design cycles, where oAen a late 6Assembly Des@ multidisciplw tiger team is called upon to rescue a troubled 7=Part Rwuiremeats project, represent the real and natural process undertaken by all %=PartDesign projects during the project development life cycle.

In the new paradigm, the next natural step is to include in the Project Implementation Plan, from the beginning, all of iterative COMPLETE REQUIREMENTS ARE 1(N FACT A design Lycles and design decisions, detailing all of the related and FALLACY projected schedules, milestones, and costs, along with the planned and continuous participation of all encompassed multidisciplinluy Requirement gcmcration is the act of symbolization of an tcams. Most impurtant, it is suggested that the Project mnbqonic image concevt of a product that enables the original Implementation Plan to include schedules with milestones for the creator to communicatewith hidher peer members [2]. The special process of creative design generation specifying appropriate image symbolization can be expressed in more than one fm training and methodology practices. The project design tams will such as writtendescriptionu, dingrams, figures, or drawings. include rtpresentatives of the owner as a customer, the contractor After the concept symbolization is ginmattxi, a concrete product as D builder, andthe associate as an adviscrlilobstnvtr [Z.] 'The design and prduct build follows. As described i reference [2j outcome of &ISapproach will strongly cnhance the project cost and and as diagramed in the next column, the concept of triads will time performance that in turn will also positively aEect the quality be u~edfor othcr description in this pp~.The requirements of the hat product. Theabove described approach is also in 2 pertkc! agrocnlwt wth the IS0-91X)O pnciple where che manegeto perform hctter when thtx IS a ntwd to respondto concept IS, ‘1’0SAY W-iAI YOiJ 1x1; and ‘TO 1x) WfiM YOIJ imposed and requested dcmanchfor chn&c. The saying, SAY. ’Ihe strength of this design decision approach is brought to “nccessity is the motherof all invention,” IS well known. hght by the utilmtion of the lateral thinking prwess [I ,SI peri’omed by all involved stakeholders. Imposed & Requested INITIATIVE 2: Innovation and Design Concept Generation

As mentiontd earlier, the new creative design gtmeration and design decision paradigm is suggestedto undergo an iterative process for design option generation and selection. This implies that one needs to establish a methodology that enables a process Encouraged/ chatwhen followed can produce manynew creative ideas and Personal Stimulated innovative designwncepts at all project development life cycles. her Drive This new creative and innovativedesign concept generation Nevertheless,best results are obtained when encouragement, environment should be includedunder the term called stimulation, and praise are cultivated and nurtured. Self-esteem Creativity Domain 161. and the feeling of accomplishmmt are the real self-motivators.

It is known that information becomes knowledge only &a all B. Resources (What): attributes of a given inkormation related to the WHY, WHAT, Funding, Scheduling, and Training & Human Factors are the HOW pertaining to a subject inkmtion has been identified. three elements of the Creative Domain Reources. Other attributes related to who, when, and where could also be Scheduling considered [181. The Creativity Domain is performed in the contextand as afunction of Motivations (Why), Resources (What) and Processes (How). t Resources (What)

t Training & Funding Human Factors

It is impossible to implement a real creative environment without Process Motivation continuous and adequate funding. The presence offunding (How) (MY 1 indicates how serious the endeavor to establish a new creative concept paradigm is. Determiningwhat is needed to systematically A. l4fotivation (Why): generate many new design concepts and to be part of a design Psychological inertia is amajor obstacle to creative design decision process is a task in itself. Planning and scheduling of conceptgeneration. Not everybody feels at ease topublicly activities that allow room for design concepts and the associated express a ncw “wacky” but potentially innovative idea. When design decisions is amajor component ofany project planning the newidea has not been demonstrated as feasible yet., the effbrt.Scheduling of time and milestones to be aflocatedfor potential for failure is large. Most of us are threatened by peer accomplishing activities is the next item to consider. For creative criticism, and non-acceptanceis viewed as failure, particularly in design, it is suggested that project planning establish a quality the presence of non-constructivecriticism. The motivation to metrics that can be used as success criteria for self-assessment. create new thoughts, ideas, and concepts needs to be nourished Personnel training on concurrent engineering for all contributing in an environment of teamwork, thrust, and empowerment. To teams of Customers, Builders and Associates [2,3] ensures the dare to generate many newinnovative ideas forproduct and successof the creative design and design decision-making. process concepts,motivation is the cradle for the creative Specialized design training is a a-itical eltment of the human thinkingenvironment. Managtrs and engineers should pay factors activity of team building. special attention to education and training in order to foster a psychological environment that stimulates rather than obstructs C. Processes (How): creative idea genwation [I 11. The Creativity Domain TheCreativity Domain Process identifies the suggested Motivation (the Psychology) is composed by environments such methodologies and steps to be taken that would lead tu many new, as: Personal Inner Drive; Imposed dE Requested; Encouraged inventive,and meative design concepts. Past experience has & Stimulated. The implieations and descriptions of each of the demonstrated that invention and innovation is attributed mainly to above three psychological inertia acting as bamers or stimulants Individual Creativity. In the context of teamwork, Group are 111 support of the ‘‘Why’s’’, and are related to creativity processesformally and in-formallyconducted motivation. All hving organisms on earth are s~vingfor activities are recognized lately as very efficientidea generation survival solutions every day of their life. Human beings are not techniques. More rtxemtly, more and more organizations are now differtmt; all individuals have built-in personal inner drive to embarked on a new approach where the theory and applications of improvelife conditions andthe world around them. I’cople Artificial Intelligence Tools arc employed (i.e. Theory of

3 Inventive i'T<>bian Solving (TIPS or nu;/,)ilnd Invention factual or actual pc~fbrmancc01' a chose71 dcsign approach. The Ivfachme Tcchf)pt~mizcr" soltware) [ 12,131 Ai1 of the three inclusion of the ideal fimction cmcqt IS cvnsidcred as a above idea seeding kxhnique processes arc based on elLmtmts mmswement of creativity [I 31. The better the ntw creative design such as: Data (related to probltm idatification and evaluation); performs rehtive to the stattxi ideal pcrformance, the higher the Knowledge design creativity will rank, and the lower is thc risk undL12aken. Group Brainstorming The availability of many Lrcutive design concepts allows a ranking of the newly gentrated concepts relative to the ideal performance that leads to a structured approach in the decision and selection among the competing creative design concepts. t C.2. KnowledgeBase. As previously mentioned, knowledge is quantification of information. IM-TechOptim?zerm contains three main knowledge base modules: 1) Contradictions, 2) Technology Creativity Evolutionand Prediction, 3) Effects. This knowledge base is augmented by thousands of examples of practical applications, most of which are filed patents. It is suggested that the fimctional Base (in the form of chemical, physical and biological eflects modeling analysis be performed using the concept of Subject, and phenomena); and Concept Generation (using analogy and Action, and Object where the subject, action,and object are metaphors as part of the prwess of synectics). evaluated as the potential sources of problem manifestation.

C.1. Data The identification of the contrsdictions as problems and 'The process far gathering the factual data on which new categorization of these problems as managerial, engineering and concepts are generated is the key to identifylng the right sofution physical indicate the category of design concept solution. The 39 for the rightproblem. The process includes; Functional standard feature contradiction matrix and 40 standard principles Modeling, Problem Identification, and Facts,Expectations, solving contradictions are viewed as standard solutions offered by and Risk Management. New concepts generation and TIPS and by the I"TechOptimizerm software. These AI concept development are driven by fictional needs that provide generation tools can be used to engage the mental analogy and the solutions to the problem that created those needs. use of metaphors in the process of generatingmore than one relevant and creative design concepts. Problem Identification Technology evolution trends, as identified by TIYS and collected by I"TechOptimizcrmf, should be considered as essential components to be included in the process of creative concept generation. Technology evolution is related to the improvement and modification of the subject, action, and object elements [I31 of a Facts, given engineering design component. The 72 suggested interaction Functional Expectation Functional & improvementsamong the three components, as suggested by Modelina Risk ManaQement TechOptimizam software tool, can also be exploited as avenues of idea seahng techniques in the quest fix creative design concept Withouta comprehensive functional analysis, simulation and generation. modeling of a given product or process, a thorough system Effects performance is not possible. At this vq early state of functionalmodeling, preliminarydesigns are actually performed. Functionalmodeling, simulation and analysis identify the weak hctional performances and the undesired effects of the preliminary designs. Through functional modeling, simulation andanalysis, design problems are identified. A/+-- Contradictions Identifying the rightproblem is not only essential but also Technology Evolution and aucial. Perfect solutions can be gtmeratcd, but the solution could Prediction address the wrong probltm. Andevery so often, this actually happens. That is why problem identification and analysis [21] Availability,accessibility, and use of diverse knowltdge bases is one of the first essential steps in the creative design process allow for the lateral thinking andout-of-the-box approach to that rnsures the development of a successful new idea for an creative idea generation that brings out the best performance in the innovative concept. Problemsas contradictions are es*blished at creative design process. Chemical, physical and biological effects three distinct levels: administrative contradiction (cost, andpractical a piication of these dfects, as described by I" pcdormance, and risk); engineering contradiction (improvement TechOptimizm', constitute knowledgebase to be selected to oT one feature performance, is associated with worsening the suggest the most appropriate idea in the pwfbmrrtnce of a desired pmformance of an anotha feature), and physical contradiction fition 1171. Single person creativity relies only on the (the meobject ncxds to posses opposite characteristics) [ 151. individual's personalknowledge and experience, and for that Facts, expectations, and risk management ure the elements of reason, creativity is limited to the resources of that individual. the domain where the ideal performance is bafancai against the Crroup brainstorming techniques are superior due to thc availability

4 and the shwng ol’ kno*lcdge and cxpencnces of the g-oup The tncludc c1cvlu.s such as: elcctronlc noses, computer viaonu, concept of svncct~csIS cnh;lncl.d by the mailahlity of the currcat elcctronlc tonguesl dextcnous arms and legs, and computer IM- TechOptlmizerrv knoulcxigc basethat cvntainv ova &ive mernones. New creative designs baxd on brcakthmugh thousand clf’ccts ‘and practical appiications. As a plus, one of the technologcs will be calkxi upan to tmplementsuch functions mainadvantages of N-provided knowledgebase is that the electro-mechanically. ?he avuilability of a divcrsifi4 knowledge environmentundcr which the infbrmation is provided is base of physical, chanical, and biological effwts and phenomenon completely tiec of criticism, ridicule, and/or infeliority complex. augmented by application examples will again exercise metaphors and analogies to perform new designs for implementation of the C.3. Creative Concept Generation above revolutionary biomorphic functions. An invmtor tiids an original and creative design solution. OAen, the newdesign idea is attributed to chance, sudden Ideal Function tmllightcmmt, and luck. A close analysis indicates that, having a givtm problem, any new concept is generated through several steps compiled as a process. If and when the process is more or f less formalized, it is observed that in fact three main steps were considaed in the process: the Ideal Function or Situation concept; the mental engagement of Metaphors [7,8,20]; and the use of the parallel mental path of Analogies [9,10,,21]. Analogies It is desirable that any new required function is to be performed in an ideal way. Previously, we shortly described the ideality concept. For a more detailed description, a truly ideal functional The integration of ideal functional pdormance with knowledge performance requires no resources, there is no time needed for base and the use of metaphors and analogy open the door to the implementatioq and in the performance of the fbnction there are concept of synectics. Webster’s dictionary deaibes synectics as no negative side ek‘fects 1131. That is why the inclusion of the the ‘‘ the theoT or s?/stem of problm-s&xting and probkem- ideal fimctional performance as a first step to concept generation solutions bused on creative thinkingthat involves fie use of is viewed essential. Furthermore, the inclusionof the ideal metaphor and analogy in informaf interchange within a careful& function concept establishes the criteria of creativity select& smull group of individuals of diverse persmalih, and area measuremat. The idealityparadigm is a wishful thinking. ofspecialization. ’’ The Ih4-TechOptimizesrm knowledgebase with Never-the-less, the closer the new design concept performance is its abundant and diversified number of number of physical, to the desired ideal performance, the higher the new design’s chemical, and biological effects and phenomena, as well as the creativity ranking is considered. h, CAE, and CAM kmls me powcrful techniques that are able and humans to wlon~zeMars, one considered approach is to toreduce design unplementation time in supportof design .send an army of large ant-like min1 rovcrs to scout the Mars dcc~sion.Special training of such tools is to bt: included in the surfaceand envmmmmt. These rovtm arc equipped with cmtive design training agendir. For best design implementation scnmrs for terrsm mapping, soil analysis, gas analysis, und life optionselection pametnc design or robust design is here slgruture detection. Tiwe biornorphic ant-like sensors will suggested [I-$]. A pmiuct is bribed as robust when the output 5 pt.r-ti)rmuncc is mwnsitlve to the muse of variation (noise CONCLUSION fitctors), without eliminating the cause of variation. The parametric approach included in the robust design methodology The crwtivc designtraining program should inch& allows the trial impltmtntation and perfomncc evaluation of methodologies, techniques, knowledge base, and tools that lad to many design options, the establishment of design evaluation faster, better, and cheaper impitmentation of revoiutionary crittlia, and of an improved design decision process. technologiesand programs. ‘IXs ncw crcative design tram& suggests the integrated use of Theory of Inventive Probltm Solving concept, Artificial Intelligence knowItrlgebase toois, Synectics that Decision Process includes Metaphors and Analogies, and Parametric Robust t Engineenng Design methodologies. 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