Citation: Wesam Sabbagh (2021), Parametric as an Approach for Enhancing Creativity in Women Design, International Design Journal, Vol. 11 No. 4, (July 2021) pp 283-296

Parametric Design as an Approach for Enhancing Creativity in Women

Dr. Wesam Y. Sabbagh Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Design, College of Arts & Design, Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [email protected]

Paper History: Paper received 20th February 2021, Accepted 7th May 2021, Published 1st of July 2021 Abstract: BACKGROUND: is a form of self-expression and one of the most influential arts, as it expresses the human interaction with society and the surrounding environment. The development in architecture since the beginning of the twentieth century appeared in both form and content, which made it the subject of interest of a number of fashion , as it is possible to take advantage of technical progress in architecture to design clothes that achieve aesthetic aspects through the use of continuous, curved and intersecting lines (Muhammad et al., 2017) . RESEARCH PROBLEM: The problem of this research can be formulated through some questions: What is the concept of parametric design? What is the possibility of the effect of parametric design on fashion design? How can the parametric manipulation affect of design creativity? OBJECTIVES: The research aims to: Identify the importance, features, and applications of parametric design and creating fashion for women that reflect the lines and shapes of parametric design. RESULTS & DISCUSSION: The correlation relationship between the variables under study was a very strong and significant, which means that the axes of the questionnaire under study are in harmony with each other in achieving the possibility of the possibility of increasing the level of creativity and innovation fluency in the field of contemporary women's fashion design by using parametric manipulations. Regression model: It is a significant model. Results explain the effect of the four independent variables on the dependent variable. Therefore, it can be predicted through these independent variables by interpreting 99% of the variance in the use of parametric design as a rich input for innovation and creativity in fashion design. Through the graphic representation, it was also possible to arrange the designs in terms of the overall evaluation of the five axes of the questionnaire. Design No. 6 received the highest rating of approval and evaluation from the judges (96.35%), while Design No. 7 scored the lowest rating among the ten designs (82.25%). It also swallowed the success rate of the five axes combined in achieving the idea of research by (89.22%). References: 1. Hassan, B. (2018). Parametric design and its impact on spheres. MSc.Thesis, Minia University, College of Fine Arts, Egypt. 2. Rashid, A., Muhammad O. and al-Saidi, I. (2019). Parametric Design as an Entrance to Inspiration of Nature in , Architecture and Arts Journal, Issue 14, Arab Society for Civilization and Islamic Arts. 3. Sweidan, A. (2016). Parametric concept and its applications in and furniture. The 4th International Conference of the Faculty of , Helwan University. 4. Sweidan, A, El Shafei, N. and El Desouki, I. (2020). Fashion design adapted from parametric architecture for contemporary Egyptian women, Journal of Architecture, Arts and Human Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 20, Arab Society for Islamic Civilization and Arts. 5. Suleiman, O. (2007). Statistical analysis using SPSS software. First part. The Anglo-Egyptian Library. 6. Suleiman, O. (2008). Statistical analysis using SPSS software. Second part. The Anglo-Egyptian Library. 7. Saleh, A. (2020). Self-tendency in the intellectual trends of architecture and fashion, Journal of and Sustainable Development, Volume 24, Issue 4. 8. Obaidat, Th, Abdel Haq, K. and Adas, A. (2020). Scientific Research (its concept - its tools - its methods), Dar Al-Fikr for Publishing, Cairo. 9. Enaia, Gh. (2000). Methodology for preparing scientific research and its curricula, Dar Almanahg, Amman. 10. Muhammad, O.; Median, W. and Ahmed, I. (2017). Taking advantage of recent trends in architecture to design women's clothing. Architecture, Arts and Human Sciences Journal, Arab Society for Islamic Civilization and Arts, Issue VI. 11. Mahmoud, S. and Al Hindi, A. and Zohny, H. (2018) Standards for the use of parametric design for two- dimensional wall surfaces, International Design Journal,, Volume 8, Issue 1.

International Design Journal This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Citation: Wesam Sabbagh (2021), Parametric Design as an Approach for Enhancing Creativity in Women Fashion Design, International Design Journal, Vol. 11 No. 4, (July 2021) pp 283-296

12. 13. 14. 15. design/#.WdNp2uxBeAw.pinterest 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. architecture-planning-and-engineering 21. 22. function 23. function 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Architecture/2015/10/06/mpavilion-by-amanda-levete-opens-in-melbourne Keywords: Parametric Design , Fashion Design , Enhancing Creativity

International Design Journal This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License