FESTIVAL PROGRAMME at a GLANCE Monday 19 February Tuesday 20 February Wednesday 21 February Thursday 22 February Friday 23 February Saturday 24 February

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FESTIVAL PROGRAMME at a GLANCE Monday 19 February Tuesday 20 February Wednesday 21 February Thursday 22 February Friday 23 February Saturday 24 February LSE FESTIVAL Rethinking Beveridge for the 21st century 19-24 FEBRUARY lse.ac.uk/festival #LSEFestival #LSEBeveridge OVER THE FESTIVAL WEEK WE WILL BE SHINING A LIGHT ON THE “FIVE GIANTS” IDENTIFIED IN THE BEVERIDGE REPORT, RE-CAST FOR THE WELCOME CONTENTS 21ST CENTURY AND FOR THE GLOBAL CONTEXT. We live in increasingly divided societies where the activists who had made social contracts that bind us are fraying. One reason LSE their home at that is globalisation, which has intensified competitive time. Indeed, we have a rich 4 6 7 pressures. Another is technology, which has tradition of such work, from increased the returns to highly skilled labour and Dame Eileen Younghusband, thereby exacerbated inequality. Technology has whose work, including her eponymous report in also transformed our awareness of what is 1959, led to the establishment of social work as a happening around the world and the way we profession, to Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the communicate and organise ourselves socially Constitution of India. and politically, sometimes in a way that builds As LSE’s 16th Director, I want to continue this great HEALTH & social cohesion, but often in ways that divide. SKILLS tradition – thought and action – by revisiting the AT A GLANCE EDUCATION & The consequence of this is that social work carried out by Beveridge and his LSE SOCIAL CARE “Disease” “Ignorance” sustainability, society’s internal cohesion and colleagues some three quarters of a century Beveridge’s Giant of Beveridge’s Giant of ability to hold together over time, is in jeopardy. ago and make it relevant to the challenges of the 21st century. At a time when so much public How do we overcome these divisions? I believe debate contains more heat than light, I think part of the answer lies in rethinking the systems this is a moment where LSE can draw on its that bind society together and look after those 8 8 9 distinguished and distinctive history to shape who are adversely affected by structural changes a better future. in our economies. Last November we marked the 75th anniversary of the Beveridge Report, which shaped the modern welfare state in the UK and influenced many others Minouche Shafik around the world. In July 2018, the UK will mark Director, LSE FUTUREWORK OF HOUSING & the 70th anniversary of the NHS, the first, tangible POVERTY articulation of Britain’s welfare state, which CHALLENGES OF“Want” “Idleness” URBANISATION“Squalor” promised care for all, “from cradle to grave”. Beveridge’s Giant of Beveridge’s Giant of Beveridge’s Giant of Much of the thinking behind the world’s original welfare state came not only from William Beveridge, my predecessor as Director of LSE, but also from the many leading scholars and political 10 12 13 OPENING AND CLOSING EVENTS ? The Five Giants and Beveridge’s The Giants of 2020 CONTEXT the Ministers who Sixth Giant CROSS THEMESquestions MISSING GIANT Saturday 24 February Explore cross-cutting Made a Difference ?What would a modern Find outreport, more aboutitsand context impact the Monday 19 February 7-8.15pm day Beveridge prioritise? Monday 19 February 8-9pm 6.30-7.30pm SEE PAGE 14 FOR EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS FOR CHILDREN. 2 3 FESTIVAL PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE Monday 19 February Tuesday 20 February Wednesday 21 February Thursday 22 February Friday 23 February Saturday 24 February The Beveridge Years and Beyond: The Beveridge Years and Beyond: Beveridge in Context: Blueprint for Welfare? The A Beveridge Plan for an Unruly The Beveridge Years and Beyond: campus tour campus tour reconstruction planning during Beveridge Report and the School? William Beveridge and LSE campus tour 12.05-12.45pm 12.05-12.45pm the Second World War and after Making of the Welfare State 1.15-2.45pm 10am, 1pm, 4pm Tours start in the Shaw Library Tours start in the Shaw Library 12.30-2pm 12.30-2pm Alumni Theatre, NAB Tours start in NAB Wolfson Theatre, NAB NAB 2.04 The Five Giants and the Ministers Bridging the Gap: social mobility, Research Competition prize-giving The Evolution of Altruism who Made a Difference university and access to careers Combatting the Five Giants in 21st Universal Health Coverage 6-6.30pm 11am-12.15pm 6.30-7.30pm 6.15-7.15pm Century European Welfare States in the Global South: what is Lower Ground Area, NAB Wolfson Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Wolfson Theatre, NAB 4-5.15pm needed to make it work? Wolfson Theatre, NAB 6.30-7.45pm RiverBlue: can fashion save The Future of Fashion: can Identity and the Welfare State: Beveridge Rebooted: a basic Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB the planet? the industry be in vogue and evolving challenges for sustaining income for every citizen? Education and the Giant 6.30-8.30pm sustainable? social solidarity 6.30-7.45pm of Ignorance The Doctor’s Dilemma Wolfson Theatre, NAB 11am-12.15pm 6.30-7.30pm Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB 5.30-6.30pm 6.30-8.30pm Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Wolfson Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Shaw Library, Old Building Lessons from Grenfell Tower: Beveridge and Voluntary Action inequality and housing need, the Sustainable Food and Beveridge Our Automated Future: utopia for the 21st Century Research Competition The Future of Work Giant that still divides us 12 noon-2pm or dystopia? 7.30-8.30pm prize-giving 7.30-8.30pm 6.30-7.30pm Atrium, NAB 8-9pm Wolfson Theatre, NAB 6-7pm Wolfson Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Wolfson Theatre, NAB Lower Ground Area, NAB Who Cares? The Challenge of Richness? The Future of Ageing Getting Ahead of the Curve: 2-3.15pm Beveridge’s Sixth Giant Rethinking the Giant of Poverty Writing Fiction to 8-9pm addressing housing needs in Wolfson Theatre, NAB 8-9pm 8-9pm Dramatise Inequality Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB rapidly growing cities Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB 7-8pm 8-9pm What’s Love Got to Do with It? Wolfson Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB 2-3.15pm Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Is Higher Education Good for You? Five LSE Giants’ Perspectives 7.30-8.30pm on Poverty Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB 3.15-4.30pm Alumni Theatre, NAB KEY Who Belongs? Can we Afford ■ Context to be Different? EXHIBITIONS BOOKING AN EVENT 4.30-5.45pm ■ Challenges of Poverty LSE Research Competition All events are free and open to all, Wolfson Theatre, NAB but where indicated, a ticket is required. ■ Housing and Urbanisation 19-24 February Ground and Lower Ground areas, NAB Civil Society and the Five Giants: More information on booking an event a global perspective ■ Future of Work lse.ac.uk/Events/LSE-Festival/Ticket-Information A Time for Revolutions: EVENTS FOR CHILDREN 4.30-5.45pm ■ Education and Skills making the Welfare State For any queries, contact us at Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Wondrous Welfare: 8 January-13 April events@lse.ac.uk. ■ Health and Social Care LSE Library Gallery make a children’s charter Tongue Lash: a night of Saturday 24 February 11am-3pm challenging society with hip hop and spoken word ■ Missing Giant Who Cares? Women, LSE Library Gallery 7-10.30pm Care and Welfare ■ Cross Themes Giants by Figs in Wigs Saw Swee Hock Student Centre 19 February-23 March Full listings and booking Atrium Gallery, Old Building Saturday 24 February 12 noon Ticket required and 2.30pm The Giants of 2020 8th Floor, NAB 7-8.15pm No booking required Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB lse.ac.uk/events #LSEFestival #LSEBeveridge 2 3 HEALTH & EDUCATION & SOCIAL CARE SKILLS Universal Health The Doctor’s Dilemma The Future of Ageing Bridging the Gap: social Education and the Is Higher Education Coverage in the Global Thursday 22 February Thursday 22 February mobility, university and Giant of Ignorance Good for You? South: what is needed 6.30-8.30pm 8-9pm access to careers Wednesday 21 February Wednesday 21 February to make it work? Shaw Library, Old Building Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB Tuesday 20 February 5.30-6.30pm 7.30-8.30pm Thursday 22 February 6.15-7.15pm Wolfson Theatre, NAB Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB NO TICKET With the average life expectancy 6.30-7.45pm NAB 2.04, 2nd Floor increasing continually, population There is increasing evidence Sheikh Zayed Theatre, NAB An evening of analysis and Ignorance, though one of the discussion of health service ageing is poised to become In public policy, university has Giants, was barely mentioned from the UK and the US to What are the challenges of resource allocation and one of the most significant often been seen as a one-stop in the Beveridge Report. We show that higher education is designing and implementing medical ethics with NHS social transformations of the shop for social mobility. Recent identify gaps that have emerged associated with less happiness healthcare systems to provide professional Anna Smielewska 21st century. How could research, though, shows that a and ways to fill them, focussing and more inequality. universal coverage in the ageing come to dominate the student’s background before particularly on equality of and LSE philosopher Alex In light of this, Professor of developing world? giant issue of health and social entering university affects their opportunity with Nicholas Barr, Voorhoeve, culminating in a Behavioural Science at LSE care, and potentially all areas destination once they graduate. LSE Professor of Public We hear from Kalipso performance of George Paul Dolan argues that the of the welfare state? Economics; Howard Glennerster, Chalkidou, Director of Global Bernard Shaw’s play in which a We consider why such inequality government should reduce Professor of Social Policy at Health Policy and Senior Fellow top Harley Street consultant Olivia Casanueva, biologist persists and what, if anything, funding to higher education LSE; Sandra McNally, Director at the Center for Global must choose between saving at the Barbaham Institute; can be done about it with and prioritise early years of the Centre for Vocational Development; Ken Shadlen, from certain death a well- journalist, novelist and speakers including current LSE education instead.
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