61575 Latvia HiT_2_WEB.pdf 1 03/03/2020 09:55 Vol. 21 No. 4 2019 Vol. Health Systems in Transition Vol. 21 No. 4 2019 Health Systems in Transition: in Transition: Health Systems C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Latvia Latvia Health system review Daiga Behmane Alina Dudele Anita Villerusa Janis Misins The Observatory is a partnership, hosted by WHO/Europe, which includes other international organizations (the European Commission, the World Bank); national and regional governments (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Kristine Klavina Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the Veneto Region of Italy); other health system organizations (the French National Union of Health Insurance Funds (UNCAM), the Dzintars Mozgis Health Foundation); and academia (the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Giada Scarpetti London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)). The Observatory has a secretariat in Brussels and it has hubs in London at LSE and LSHTM) and at the Berlin University of Technology. HiTs are in-depth profiles of health systems and policies, produced using a standardized approach that allows comparison across countries. They provide facts, figures and analysis and highlight reform initiatives in progress. Print ISSN 1817-6119 Web ISSN 1817-6127 61575 Latvia HiT_2_WEB.pdf 2 03/03/2020 09:55 Giada Scarpetti (Editor), and Ewout van Ginneken (Series editor) were responsible for this HiT Editorial Board Series editors Reinhard Busse, Berlin University of Technology, Germany Josep Figueras, European
TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid Annual Report 2019. Table of Contents Printed in Madrid, Spain. 2020. This report is also an interactive document that, through the use of QR codes, allows readers to view videos, ANNUAL REPORT 2019 news and additional materials that support the information provided in this document. 4 Message from the President 6 Introduction 8 Next Generation Find QR Codes Access the Read QR Codes Follow link to Democracy in the report camera App with phone view content 24 Shared Societies Project 26 Preventing Violent Extremism 40 Outreach and Development World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM) is the largest worldwide assembly of political leaders 44 Communications working to strengthen democratic values, good governance and the well-being of citizens across the globe. As a non-profit, non-partisan, international organisation, its network is composed of more than 100 democratic 46 Finance and former Presidents and Prime Ministers from over 70 countries, together with a global body of advisors and expert practitioners, who offer their voice and agency on a pro bono basis, to today's political, civil society leaders and policymakers. WLA-CdM responds to a growing demand for trusted advice in addressing the Administration challenges involved in achieving democracy that delivers, building bridges, bringing down silos and promoting dialogue for the design of better policies for all. This alliance, providing the experience, access and convening power of its Members, represents an 48 About WLA-CdM independent effort towards sustainable development, inclusion and peace, not bound by the interest or pressures of institutions and governments.
DIRECTORATE GENERAL for RESEARCH Directorate a Division for International and Constitutional Affairs ------WIP 2002/02/0054-0055 AL/Bo Luxembourg, 13 February 2002*
DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR RESEARCH Directorate A Division for International and Constitutional affairs ------------------------------------------------------------------- WIP 2002/02/0054-0055 AL/bo Luxembourg, 13 February 2002* NOTE ON THE POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION IN ROMANIA AND ITS RELATIONS WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF ENLARGEMENT This note has been prepared for the information of Members of the European Parliament. The opinions expressed in this document are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Parliament. * Updated 11 March 2002 Sources: - European Commission - European Parliament - European Council - Economic Intelligence Unit - Oxford Analytica - ISI Emerging Markets - Reuters Business Briefing -World Markets Country Analysis - BBC Monitoring Service WIP/2002/02/0054-55/rev. FdR 464703 PE 313.139 NOTE ON THE POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION IN ROMANIA AND ITS RELATIONS WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF ENLARGEMENT CONTENTS SUMMARY................................................................................................................................ 3 I. POLITICAL SITUATION a) Historical background......................................................................................................3 b) Institutions...................................................................... .................................................5 c) Recent developments...................................................... .................................................6
Call from Members of the Nizami Ganjavi International Centre to the United Nations Security Council to Support the UN Secretary
Call from Members of the Nizami Ganjavi International Centre to the United Nations Security Council to Support the UN Secretary-General’s Urgent Call for an Immediate Global Ceasefire amid the COVID-19 Pandemic We are deeply alarmed that the United Nations Security Council has not been able to reach agreement on a draft resolution put before it on COVID-19. This draft resolution called for an end to hostilities worldwide so that there could be a full focus on fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. If passed it would have given powerful backing to the call made earlier by the Secretary-General. Yet, agreement could not be reached on the resolution in the Security Council because of its reference to “the urgent need to support…. all relevant entities of the United Nations system, including specialized health agencies” in the fight against the pandemic. The failure to reach agreement saddens us at this time when our world is in crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about immense human suffering and is having a devastating impact on economies and societies. It is exactly at times like this that the leadership of the Security Council is needed. It should not be silent in the face of the serious threat to global peace and security which Covid-19 represents. Global action and partnership are vital now to deal with the global pandemic and its aftermath. This is the time for the premier institution responsible for leading on global security to show strength, not weakness. We support UN Secretary-General António Guterres in his call for an immediate global ceasefire, in all corners of the world, amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Europe in the Year 2030: “Digital Technology, Active Citizenship, and the Society of the Future” (Berlin, 4Th - 9Th January 2011)
- Cultural Diplomacy in Europe - A Forum for Young Leaders - Europe in the Year 2030: “Digital Technology, Active Citizenship, and the Society of the Future” (Berlin, 4th - 9th January 2011) A program of lectures and workshops exploring: • The Political Composition of the European Union in 2030: New Members, Former Members? • The Role of Digital Technology in the Society of the Future • The Use of Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy by National States and the European Union • Bridging the Gap Between EU Institutions and the General Public: Active Citizenship ***** Participants of the program will also take part in: "The Future of EU Foreign Policy: An International Conference on the Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of EU Foreign Policy" (Berlin, 4th - 6th January 2011/ www.icd-euforeignpolicy.org) Speakers for the Conference include: Ana Trisic Babic; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia & Herzegovina Prof. Dr. Davorin Kračun; Former Minister for Economic Relations and Development of Slovenia, Former Foreign Minister, Former Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Emil Constantinescu; Former President of Romania Erna Hennicot Schoepges; Former Luxembourgian Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs Dr. Erhard Busek; Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs Gerassimos D. Arsenis; Former Minister of Economics of Greece, Former Minister of Education and Former Minister of Defence Dr. Jacques F. Poos; Former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jytte Hilden; Former Minister of Culture of Denmark Prof. Dr. Lufter Xhuveli; Former Albanian Minister of Environment Mirko Tomassoni; Former Captain Regent of San Marino Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner; Jean Monnet Professor for European Studies, Stanford University in Berlin Prof.
LETTER TO G20, IMF, WORLD BANK, REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANKS and NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS We write to call for urgent action to address the global education emergency triggered by Covid-19. With over 1 billion children still out of school because of the lockdown, there is now a real and present danger that the public health crisis will create a COVID generation who lose out on schooling and whose opportunities are permanently damaged. While the more fortunate have had access to alternatives, the world’s poorest children have been locked out of learning, denied internet access, and with the loss of free school meals - once a lifeline for 300 million boys and girls – hunger has grown. An immediate concern, as we bring the lockdown to an end, is the fate of an estimated 30 million children who according to UNESCO may never return to school. For these, the world’s least advantaged children, education is often the only escape from poverty - a route that is in danger of closing. Many of these children are adolescent girls for whom being in school is the best defence against forced marriage and the best hope for a life of expanded opportunity. Many more are young children who risk being forced into exploitative and dangerous labour. And because education is linked to progress in virtually every area of human development – from child survival to maternal health, gender equality, job creation and inclusive economic growth – the education emergency will undermine the prospects for achieving all our 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and potentially set back progress on gender equity by years.
Third Evaluation Round Evaluation Report on Slovenia On
DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE OF MONITORING Strasbourg, 7 December 2007 Public Greco Eval III Rep (2007) 1E Theme II Third Evaluation Round Evaluation Report on Slovenia on Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II) Adopted by GRECO at its 35 th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 3-7 December 2007) Secrétariat du GRECO GRECO Secretariat www.coe.int/greco Conseil de l’Europe Council of Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex +33 3 88 41 20 00 Fax +33 3 88 41 39 55 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Slovenia joined GRECO in 1999. GRECO adopted the First Round Evaluation Report (Greco Eval I Rep (2000) 3E) in respect of Slovenia at its 4 th Plenary Meeting (12-15 December 2000) and the Second Round Evaluation Report (Greco Eval II Rep (2003) 1E) at its 16 th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 8-12 December 2003). The aforementioned Evaluation Reports, as well as their corresponding Compliance Reports, are available on GRECO’s homepage (http://www.coe.int/greco ). 2. GRECO’s current Third Evaluation Round (launched on 1 January 2007) deals with the following themes: - Theme I – Incriminations: Articles 1a and 1b, 2-12, 15-17, 19 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (ETS 173) 1, Articles 1-6 of its Additional Protocol 2 (ETS 191) and Guiding Principle 2 (criminalisation of corruption). - Theme II – Transparency of party funding: Articles 11, 12, 13b, 14 and 16 of Recommendation Rec(2003)4 on Common Rules against Corruption in the Funding of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns, and - more generally - Guiding Principle 15 (financing of political parties and election campaigns) .
Deutscher Bundestag Dor Präsident Ihrer Exzellenz der Marschallin des Sejm der Republik Polen Frau Ewa Kopacz WARSCHAU REPUBLIK POLEN Berlin, 13. April 2012 Sehr geehrte Frau Präsidentin, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, MdB Platz der Republik 1 ich danke Ihnen und Präsident Bogdan Borusewicz für den mit 11011 Berlin Schreiben vom 29. März 2012 übermittelten zweiten Kompro- Telefon: +49 30 227-72901 Fax: +49 30 227-70945 missvorschlag betreffend die Ausgestaltung der Interparlamen- praesident@bundestag.de tarischen Konferenz zur Begleitung der Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik und der Gemeinsamen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik. Da wir uns bei meinem Besuch in Warschau vor acht Wochen bereits über die Frage der Delegationsgrößen ausgetauscht ha- ben, wird es Sie nicht überraschen, dass ich der von Ihnen nun vorgeschlagenen freien Teilnehmerformel ("formula of open participation") nicht zustimmen kann. Mit dem Ihnen bereits übermittelten Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages vom Juni 2011, der nicht nur eine feste, sondern darüber hinaus auch eine nach der Größe der Mitgliedstaaten gestaffelte Zahl von Delegationsmitgliedern aus den nationalen Parlamenten for- dert, ist eine in das Ermessen der jeweiligen Parlamente gestell- te Delegationsgröße nicht vereinbar. Sie haben die bei Ihnen eingegangenen Stellungnahmen aus 32 Kammern zu Ihrem ersten Vorschlag analysiert und stellen in Ihrem Brief vom 29. März 2012 fest, dass die Zahl derer, die auf einer gleichen Delegationsgröße sowohl aus nationalen Parla- menten als auch aus dem Europäischen Parlament beharren, sich mit denen die Waage hält, die sich für Ihren Vorschlag der sechsköpfigen Delegationen aus den nationalen Parlamenten und den 16 Delegierten aus dem EP aussprechen. Eine völlige Freigabe hatte kein Mitgliedsparlament gefordert.
THE COURLANDER EXPERIENCE IN TOBAGO THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA: A maritime nation on the Baltic sea with excellent ports, 64.589km2 in area and a population of nearly 2.000.000 inhabitants. There are apx. 1.500.000 Latvians living in Latvia and the rest of the world. 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Latvia. COURLANDERS: Latvians from the province of Courland (Kurzeme). In the days of the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia, a “Courlander” could also be an inhabitant of the province of Semgallia. “Courlander” is a literal translation of the Latvian kurzemnieks. The academic word for anything pertaining to Courland is Couronian. THE DUCHY OF COURLAND AND SEMGALLIA: A de facto independent nation formed in 1561 and existing until 1795, comprised of 2 modern day provinces of Latvia, and ruled by the German-Baltic dukes of Courland, although officially a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The flags of Courland consisted of a red and white 2 band flag and the red and black “crab” flag which originated in Tobago, as there are no crabs of this type in Latvia. As such, it can be considered the first flag of Tobago. CHRONOLOGY 1639 Sent by Duke Jacob, probably involuntarily, 212 Courlanders arrive in Tobago. Unprepared for tropical conditions, they eventually perish. 1642 (possibly 1640) Duke Jacob engages a Brazilian, capt. Cornelis Caroon (later, Caron) to lead a colony comprised basically of Dutch Zealanders, that probably establishes itself in the flat, southwestern portion of the island. Under attack by the Caribs, 70 remaining members of the original 310 colonists are evacuated to Pomeron, Guyana, by the Arawaks.