Joanna Marszałek-Kawa1 the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. the Organisation of Work, Competences and Legal Status Of
„Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego” ------- Nr 2 (18)/2014 ------- Joanna Marszałek-Kawa1 The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organisation of work, competences and legal status of deputies Keywords: The Republic of Kazakhstan, legislature, unicameral parliament, bicameral parliament, deputy, presidential system Słowa kluczowe: Republika Kazachstanu, legislatywa, jednoizbowy parlament, dwuiz- bowy parlament, deputowany, system prezydencki Summary According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30 August 1995, Ka- zakhstan has a presidential form of government. The executive power in Kazakhstan has two branches, i.e. it consists of the head of state – the President of the Republic – who is elected for the period of seven years in general, equal, direct and secret elections, and of the government, which is accountable to the President and the Parliament. On the basis of the provisions of chapter 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ka- zakhstan of 28 January 1993, the unicameral parliament called the „Supreme Coun- cil” was the only representative and legislative body of the Republic. Two years later, in the referendum held in August 1995, citizens voted for the establishment of a bicamer- al parliament. The work and activity of the legislative branch, its structure and powers, is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Constitutional Law № 2529 of 16 October 1996 entitled On the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Sta- tus of Its Deputies as well as other acts, such as parliamentary rules of procedure of both chambers or the Regulations of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted by both chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan at their joint session on 20 May 1996.
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