Jeff Krueger 790 Grand A' enue. #J St Paul. M '55105 CSA [email protected]

The Emancipation Oak on the grounds of Hampton Uni,ersny. Hampton. Vir­ ginia. is the ~ile \\here the African Amencans of Hampton first heard the Emanclpa­ uon Proclamation n.:ad . Variou\ ources credll Umon '>Oldiers a" having read the proclamauon aloud to the assembled refugee~ and townspeople under the bough\ of this live oak

'ipnng 21Xl.1 lntenwtionul Ouk Jo11mul No. 1-1 17 Lincoln hall tnillally thought of the Ch tl War m 1em1-. ol pre-.en ing the l.;nion llov.e\er a' public outcf) again-,! sla\ et) tn.:ri.';N:ll and Congress made -.tep-, tov.arll .tholition. Lmcoln came around to embradng the emancipauon of ,Jave ... . He lin,tlly came to the opinion that. "if -.Ja\ef) is not \Hong. nothing i-. v.rong." 1 On Seplember 22. I 862 i"ucll a preltmtnl return to lhe Union h) Janu he ehnunaled emircl) with the passage of the 13 1\mendmem 10 the Constitu­ llon on December 18. IS65. The Emancipation dtd, hov.e,cr. 'hilt the mcanmg ot the Ci' il War forth~.: North. Rather than simp!) an aucmpl to rcunif} the Union of Stale,, the Ci\ il \\ar v.a ... nnw abo a fight to climmate ,Ja\ef) from the . AI lhe Ltme of the proclamation. Hampton \\as under the control of the l'nion

IS flllt'nwtumal Oak Jounwl .\ o 14 Spring 21XH References Clara '\1crritt DeBoer. 8/ad. ~ and the Amencun JliHimwr) A 1 H>c wtion, 1111 11 .ucc ,orJ:Iuboutuvhi!>torieskhup6.1um. 1973. • Tide~atcr Hall ot Famc. Wllll.nw.edulhillcmlrac t'llmtplacelff4.UOFFA '.f£21 lidnmtcr_Jw/1 ojJame2.htm l Jonathon \\'illiam Hor~tman. 111e African-Amennm 'I Cn tl \\ar: A Hwor. oj tht Jd North Cam/ina, Chapter I. ll'll'\\,mot!>llt'b.coml-ncu,ct/1 1111cn.htm. 1998. • Ja.:quel) n Sparks. Tht• Freedmen's Bureau and Ajri£ an American Educatton dunn I( Rt'con H ruction, http.llthep111k.Jicmungo2 7.t ripod. com/ Frudmenhurcaupaper.lum. 200 I 5 George Tucker. "A Might} Oak. a Monument tO Freedom", 77u? \'irs:iman-Ptlot. March 29. 199tJ. "Gerald Murph). 7/u· Emancipation Pmc/amatmn. Nauonal Puhlic Tclcwmputing Network. Wllll.llfH.gmofncmlantilemancipatwn.llllnl.

Spring :.'O!l' lntenummwl Oak Joum<1/ So. N 19