The Next Needed Thing: The impact of the Jeanes Fund on Black schooling in the South, 1900{1930 Daniel Kreisman Georgia State University
[email protected] December, 2015 Abstract At the outset of the 20th century, two large philanthropies targeted southern black schools to combat \separate but equal". The first, The Rosenwald Fund, built nearly 5,000 school- houses. The second, The Jeanes Fund, built a corps of trained \Supervisors" who undertook tasks ranging from teacher training to fundraising { hence their motto, \the next needed thing." I exploit variation in the timing and placement of Jeanes and Rosenwald to esti- mate the impact of the Jeanes Fund, to revise estimates of the effects of Rosenwald, and to compare per-dollar effects of investments in human resources (Jeanes) and physical capital (Rosenwald) respectively. JEL No. I24, I25, N01, N32. Keywords: Education, Achievement Gap, Philanthropy, Jeanes, Rosenwald. ∗Dept. of Economics, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3992, Atlanta, GA 30302-3992. Thanks to Jeff Grog- ger, Kerwin Charles, Bob Lalonde and two anonymous referees for two rounds of suggestions and insight, to Dan Aaronson and Bhash Mazumder for Rosenwald data and helpful suggestions, to Celeste Carruthers and Marianne Wanamaker for county level educational records, and to Josiah Pamoja, Kayin Shabazz, Katherine Hollis and Peyman Firouzi for archival work and research assistance. Thanks also to seminar participants at the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, UPenn and UMass Amherst, and to Chicago's Committee on Education and the Institute of Education Science for fellowship support. This research was directly supported by a grant from the American Educational Research Association which receives funds for its Grants Program from the National Science Foundation under Grant #DRL-0941014.