List of Health Facilities Signed the Agreement for Occupational Risk Scheme with the National Social Security Fund

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List of Health Facilities Signed the Agreement for Occupational Risk Scheme with the National Social Security Fund LIST OF HEALTH FACILITIES SIGNED THE AGREEMENT FOR OCCUPATIONAL RISK SCHEME WITH THE NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND No. Health Facility Ambulance Contact Phone Number of NSSF Agent Address of Health Facility 1-Phnom Penh 017 808 119 (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 098 509 017 449 119 390/010 579 230 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 012 455 398 Lot 3, Preah Monivong Boulevard, Sangkat Sras 1 Calmette Hospital 119 012 277 141 (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 012 243 471 Chok, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh 023 426 948 (Saturday-Sunday) 092 151 845/070 301 655 023 724 891 (Saturday-Sunday) 093 946 637/077 937 337 (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 017 378 456/092 571 346/095 792 005 012 657 653 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 069 858 #188, St. 271, Sangkat Tek Thla 2, Khan Toul 2 Preak Kossamak Hospital 119 806/015 947 217 016 909 774 (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 012 846 504 Kork, Phnom Penh (Saturday-Sunday) 086 509 015/078 321 818/017 591 994 078 997 978 (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 012 353 089 927 777 916/089 299 309/098 784 403 Khmer-Soviet Friendship 119 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 070 763 St. 271, Sangkat Tumnoup Tek, Khan Chamkar 3 012 882 744 Hospital 078 997 978 864/088 688 4076/069 320 023/017 591 994 Mon, Phnom Penh 023 217 764 (Saturday-Sunday) 017 334 458/086 859 867 012 858 184 (Saturday-Sunday) 070 408 600 096 883 878 (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 010 264 017/070 722 050/089 454 349/086 563 970 011 811 581 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 093 915 Preah Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Psar Thmey 4 Preah Ang Duong Hospital 016 505 453 070 945 050 210/071 930 9612 1, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 031 222 1230 011 755 119 (Saturday-Sunday) 010 378 840/077 378 077 550 017 840/069 369 102/070 969 008 National Maternal and Child 012 878 283 #31A, St.47, Sangkat Sras Chok, Khan Doun 5 N/A 096 397 0633 Health Center (Deputy Director ) Penh, Phnom Penh 119 011 833 339 012 918 159 St. 339, Village 4, Group 3, Sangkat Boeng Kork 6 Tuol Kork Health Center 012 519 916 023 351 198 012 396 085 1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 078 668 897 / 010 371 698 Samdach Ouv Referral 119 012 532 803 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 081 377 790 National Road 5, Sangkat Kilometre 6, Khan 7 Hospital 078 398 667 012 864 509 (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 092 891 986 / 070 Russey Keo, Phnom Penh 804 845 (Saturday-Sunday) 069 328 095 / 010 642 829 119 017 722 065 012 918 159 Russia Federation Boulevard, Sangkat Tek Thla, 8 Tek Thla Health Center 077 797 967 023 351 198 012 396 085 Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh No. Health Facility Ambulance Contact Phone Number of NSSF Agent Address of Health Facility (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 012 884 766 / 078 615 989/077 916 137 Pochentong Referral 119 017 722 065 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 092 692 031 National Road 4, Ta Nguon Village, Sangkat 9 Hospital 017 722 065 023 351 198 (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 069 627 334 Kakab, Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh (Saturday-Sunday) 081 837 439/070 842 874/085 500 505 Stung Meanchey Health 012 971 476 012 971 476 077 636 360 St. 364, Pniet Village, Group 11, Sangkat Stung 10 Center 012 839 162 011 262 656 012 904 680 Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh Sok Leapmetrey Poly-Clinic 023 6666 237 012 918 159 Sor Village, Sangkat Beng Keng Kong, Khan 11 011 398 888 and Maternity 012 603 131 012 396 085 Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh 012 918 159 Putrea Village, Sangkat Kork Roka, Khan Prek 12 Kork Roka Health Center N/A 012 775 472 012 396 085 Pnov, Phnom Penh Moul Met Clinin and (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 092 342 Building No.67-69, St. 424, Sangkat Choum 13 097 763 9003 012 449 608 224/017 353 433 Maternity (Afternoon Shift: Monda-Friday) 086 582 423 Chao, Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh 012 796 996 092 486 256/012 808 684/ St. 130, Sangkat Ponhea Pon, Khan Prek Pnov, 14 Ponhea Pon Health Center - 010 276 683 086 244 226 Phnom Penh Building 108 A-B, St. 430, Sangkat Psar Doeum 15 MMC Clinic N/A - N/A Thkov, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh Sok Leapmetrey 2 Poly- Building No. 16-17, St. 3, Sangkat Chuom Chao, 16 N/A - N/A Clinic and Maternity Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh Spien Khpuos Village, Sangkat Kilometre 6, 17 Kilometre 6 Health Center N/A 012 553 494 N/A Khan Russey, Phnom Penh Sen Sok Cambodia-China Sen Sok 5Village, Sangkat Khmuonh, Khan Sen 18 - 011 884 302 N/A Friendship Referral Hospital Sok, Phnom Penh Phnom Penh Referral 19 - 077 559 983 N/A Sangkat Vealvong, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh Hospital Mak Khloeur Village, Sangkat Chbar Ampov 1, 20 Meanchey Referral Hospital - 016 278 278 (Director) N/A Khan Chbar Ampov, Phnom Peh Village 17, Sangkat Sras Chok, Khan Doun Penh, 21 Doun Penh Health Center - 011 828 787 (Director) N/A Phnom Penh Dei Thmey Village, Sangkat Khmuonh, Khan Sen 22 Khmuonh Health Center - 015 524 020 (Director) N/A Sok, Phnom Penh No. Health Facility Ambulance Contact Phone Number of NSSF Agent Address of Health Facility 015 667 708 Khvar Village, Sangakt Dang Kao, Khan Dang 23 Dangkao Referral Hospital 092 382 263 031 888 7778 (Director) Kao, Phnom Penh Building No.149, St. 68K, Village Prey Sala, 24 Vathank Metrey Clinic N/A - N/A Sangkat Kakab, Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh Sokha Tomnoub Thmey # 3B, St. 371, Russey Village, Sangkat Stung 25 N/A - N/A Clinic Meanchey, Kahn Mean Chey, Phnom Penh Building No. 5-6, St. QMI, Tropang Pou Village, 26 Heang Mounyvuth Clinic N/A - N/A Sangkat Choum Chao, Phnom Penh National Road 3, Prek Kei Village, Sangkat Heang Mounyvuth 317 27 N/A - N/A Plerng Chhas Rotes, Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Clinin and Maternity Penh Sokha Kamboul Poly Clinic # 24, National Road 4, Sangakt Kamboul, Khan 28 N/A - N/A and Maternity Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh Samaki 1 Village, Sangkat Tropang Krosang, 29 Samaki Health Center N/A 015 791 773 (Admin) N/A Khan Phou Senchey, Phnom Penh Tuol Pongro Village, Sangkat Chom Chao 1, 30 Sopeak Mungkol Clinic - - N/A Khan Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh Sen Sok International Building No. 91-96, St. 1986, Sangkat Phnom 31 - 087 777 361 N/A University Hospital Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh Public Health Facility National Hospital Referral Hospital Health Center Total Number of 31 Health Facilitis in Phnom Penh 05 06 09 Private Health Facility (Clinic and Poly-Clinic) 11 2-Kandal Province (Morning Shift: Monday-Friday) 097 687 2428/010 609 186/071 951 7472/ 012 912 523 097 580 0027 National Road 2, Takmao Commune, Takmao 1 Meanchey Referral Hospital 015 519 119 (Afternoon Shift: Monday-Friday) 096 421 077 933 459 0001 / 098 856 474 District, Kandal (Night Shift: Monday-Friday) 069 753 773 (Saturday-Sunday) 096 201 0561/087 821 099 No. Health Facility Ambulance Contact Phone Number of NSSF Agent Address of Health Facility 012 894 260 012 286 879 2 Ang Snuol Referral Hospital 012 581 639 National Road 4, Ang Snuol District, Kandal 069 705 757 092 227 712 119 023 351 198 Prek Thmey Village, Prek Thmey Commune, 3 Koh Thom Referral Hospital 012 548 805 017 722 065 016 471 887 Koh Thom District, Kandal 119 077 570 908 Prek Run Village, Prek Koy Commune, Sa Ang 4 Sa Ang Referral Hospital 023 351 198 017 722 065 District, Kandal Khsach Kandal Referral 012 446 592 Prek Tamark Village, Prek Tamark Commune, 5 097 540 4006 012 548 805 Hospital 012434 546 Khsach Kandal District, Bunrany Hun Sen Rokar 097 953 9525 Rokar Korng Village, Rokar Korng Commune, 6 092 407 868 012 548 804 Korng Referral Hospital 017 552 323 Muk Kampoul District, Kandal Prey Dach Village, Prey Dach Commune, Loeuk 7 Loeuk Dek Referral Hospital N/A 012 826 144 N/A Dek District, Kandal Kor Kei Village, Kor Kei Commune, Kien Svay 8 Kien Svay Referral Hospital N/A 015 885 505 N/A District, Kandal 012 53 53 94 (Director) Prek Ta Ung 2 village, Ouknha Ung Commune, 9 Lvie Em Referral Hospital 012 53 53 94 012 682 982 (Deputy N/A Lvie Em Distict, Kandal Kandal Director) Kandal Stung Referral 077 272 796 Orn Long Romiet Commune, Kandal Stung 10 012 694 152 N/A Hospital 012 701 950 District, Kandal Kandal Prek Anh Chanh Health Prek Thmey Village, Prek Anh Chanh Commune, 11 N/A 012 840 520 012 548 805 Center Muk Kampoul District, Kandal 012 832 343 Vihear Suo Khang Choeung Village, Vihear Suo 12 Vihear Suo Health Center 077 926 692 012 548 805 012 495 983 Commune, Khsach Kandal District, Kandal Samrong Thom Health 097 793 9974 012 903 735 Chroy Dorng Village, Samrong Thom Commune, 13 N/A Center 012 984 590 012 854 226 Kien Svay District, 012 175 8285 Borey Kamakor Village, Bek Chan Commune, 14 Bek Chan Health Center 012 894 260 097299 6669 097 499 8936 Ang Snuol District, Kandal Chhoeu Tiel Village, Choeu Tiel Commune, Kien 15 Chhoeu Tiel Health Center N/A 092 885 871 Svay District, Kandal No. Health Facility Ambulance Contact Phone Number of NSSF Agent Address of Health Facility 012 721 728 Cham Bok Village, Siem Reap Commune, Kandal 16 Siem Reap Health Center N/A 017 425 151 (Admin) Stung District, Kandal 088 666 7676 Kor Kei Thom Village, Kor Kei Thom Commune, 17 Kor Kei Thom Health Center N/A 096 996 7676 Kien Svay District, Kandal Damnak Ampil Health Tornlarb Khang Tboung Village, Damnak Ampil 18 N/A 012 761 596 (Director) N/A Center Commune, Ang Snuol District, Kandal Tropang Phum Village, Poeuk Commune, Ang 19 Tep Mungkol Clinic N/A 092 168 681 (Director) N/A Snuol District, Kandal #128, St.
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