Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution

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Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution Maybank Money Express (MME) Agent - Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution Branch Location Last Update: 02/02/2015 NO NAME OF AGENT REGION / PROVINCE ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER OPERATING HOUR 1 PSC Head Office PHNOM PENH #25, Str 294&57, Boeung Kengkang1,Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 023 220 102/213 642 7.30am-4pm National Road No.5, Group No.5, Phum Ou Ambel, Krong Serey Sophorn, Banteay 2 PSC BANTEAY MEANCHEY BANTEAY MEANCHEY Meanchey Province 054 6966 668 7.30am-4pm 3 PSC POAY PET BANTEAY MEANCHEY Phum Kilometre lek 4, Sangkat Poipet, Krong Poipet, Banteay Meanchey 054 63 00 089 7.30am-4pm Chop, Chop Vari, Preah Net 4 PSC PREAH NETR PREAH BANTEAY MEANCHEY Preah, Banteay Meanchey 054 65 35 168 7.30am-4pm Kumru, Kumru, Thmor Puok, 5 PSC THMAR POURK BANTEAY MEANCHEY Banteay Meanchey 054 63 00 090 7.30am-4pm No.155, National Road No.5, Phum Ou Khcheay, Sangkat Praek Preah Sdach, Krong 6 PSC BATTAMBANG BATTAMBANG Battambang, Battambang Province 053 6985 985 7.30am-4pm Kansai Banteay village, Maung commune, Moung Russei district, Battambang 7 PSC MOUNG RUESSEI BATTAMBANG province 053 6669 669 7.30am-4pm 8 PSC BAVEL BATTAMBANG Spean Kandoal, Bavel, Bavel, BB 053 6364 087 7.30am-4pm Phnom Touch, Pech Chenda, 9 PSC PHNOM PROEK BATTAMBANG Phnum Proek, BB 053 666 88 44 7.30am-4pm Boeng Chaeng, Snoeng, Banan, 10 PSC BANANN BATTAMBANG Battambang 053 666 88 33 7.30am-4pm No.167, National Road No.7 Chas, Group No.10 , Phum Prampi, Sangkat Kampong 11 PSC KAMPONG CHAM KAMPONG CHAM Cham, Krong Kampong Cham, Kampong Cham Province 042 6333 000 7.30am-4pm Ph'av, Ph'av, Batheay, Kampong 12 PSC BATEAY KAMPONG CHAM Cham 042 6908 235 7.30am-4pm Thnal Baek Kaeut, Chamkar Leu, 13 PSC CHAMKAR LEU KAMPONG CHAM Kampong Cham 042 6333 444 7.30am-4pm Skon, Soutip, Cheung Prey, 14 PSC CHEUNG PREY KAMPONG CHAM Kampong Cham 042 6363 664 7.30am-4pm Phsar Thmei, Peam Prathnuoh, 15 PSC KAOH SOTIN KAMPONG CHAM Kaoh Sotin, Kampong Cham 042 6500 007 7.30am-4pm Slaeng, Chrey Vien, Prey Chhor, 16 PSC PREY CHHOR KAMPONG CHAM Kampong Cham 042 6483 456 7.30am-4pm Santey, Preak Pou, Srei Santhor, 17 PSC SREY SANTHOR KAMPONG CHAM Kampong Cham 042 6316 016 7.30am-4pm Boeng Daeng, Preak Kak, 18 PSC STEUNG TRANG KAMPONG CHAM Steung Trang, Kampong Cham 042 6333 222 7.30am-4pm Peam Chikang, Peam Chikang, 19 PSC KONG MEAS KAMPONG CHAM Kang Meas, Kampong Cham 042 6415 511 7.30am-4pm National Road No.5, Phum Tuol Kralanh, Sangkat Kampong Chhnang, Krong Kampong 20 PSC KAMPONG CHHNANG KAMPONG CHHNANG Chhnang, Kampong Chhnang Province 026 6333 040 7.30am-4pm Page 1 of 9 Maybank Money Express (MME) Agent - Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution Branch Location Last Update: 02/02/2015 NO NAME OF AGENT REGION / PROVINCE ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER OPERATING HOUR Daem Popel, Thma Edth, 21 PSC KOMPONG TRALACH KAMPONG CHHNANG Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang 026 6363 026 7.30am-4pm Ponley, Ponley, Baribour, 22 PSC BORIBOUR KAMPONG CHHNANG Kampong Chhnang 026 6333 041 7.30am-4pm No.83, National Road No.4, Phum Muk Khet, Sangkat Rokar Thum, Krong Chhbar Morn, 23 PSC KAMPONG SPEU KAMPONG SPEU Kampong Speu Province 025 6333 041 7.30am-4pm Tramkhnar, Snam Krapeu, 24 PSC KONG PISEY KAMPONG SPEU Kong Pisei, Kampong Speu 025 6333 042 7.30am-4pm Bat Doeng, Khsem Khsan, 25 PSC ODONG KAMPONG SPEU Oudong, Kampong Speu 025 63 90 043 7.30am-4pm Phsar Trapaeng Kraloeng, Kiri 26 PSC PHNOMSROUCH KAMPONG SPEU Voan, Phnum Krouch, Kampong Speu 025 6900 147 7.30am-4pm Phsar Slab Leang, Svay 27 PSC BASEDTH KAMPONG SPEU Rumpear, Basedth, Kampong Speu 025 6903 249 7.30am-4pm Trapaeng Ampil, Trapaeng Kong, 28 PSC SAMRAONG TONG KAMPONG SPEU Samroang MaybankTong, Kampong SpeuMoney Express (MME) Agent - Cambodia 024 6905 667 7.30am-4pm National Road No.6A, Phum Achar Leak, Sangkat Achar Leak, Krong Steung Sen, 29 PSC KAMPONG THOM KAMPONG THOM Kampong Thom Province 062 6511 511 7.30am-4pm Prey Ta Trav, Ballangk, Baray, 30 PSC KOMPONG THMAR KAMPONG THOM Kampong Thom 062 6900 789 7.30am-4pm No.149, National Road No.3, Phum Kampong Bay Khang Cheung, Sangkat Kampong 31 PSC KAMPOT KAMPOT Bay, Krong Kampot, Kampot Province 033 6399 072 7.30am-4pm Prey Krala Khang Lech, Tuk 32 PSC BANTEAY MEAS KAMPOT Meas Lech, Banteay Meas, Kampot 033 6399 071 7.30am-4pm Satv Pong, Satv Pong, Chhuk, 33 PSC CHHOUK KAMPOT Kampot 033 6399 073 7.30am-4pm Kampong Trach TI Muoy, 34 PSC KAMPONG TRACH KAMPOT Kampong Trach Khang Kaeut, Kampong Trach, Kampot 033 6399 075 7.30am-4pm Pou, Phnum Kong, Angkor Chey, 35 PSC ANGKOR CHEY KAMPOT Kampot 033 6363 076 7.30am-4pm No.234, National Road No.2, Phum Krapeuha, Sangkat Prek Ruessei, Krong Takhmao, 36 PSC KANDAL KANDAL Kandal Province 024 67 7777 3 7.30am-4pm Chong Bankoul, Baek Chan, 37 PSC ANGK SNUOL KANDAL Ang Snuol, Kandal 024 690 1783 7.30am-4pm Praek Run, Praek Koy, S'ang, 38 PSC SA ANG KANDAL Kandal 024 67 7777 4 7.30am-4pm Kampong Svay Kroam, Praek 39 PSC KAOH THUM KANDAL Thmei, Koah Thom, Kandal 024 67 7777 2 7.30am-4pm Svay Ming, Barku, Kandal 40 PSC KANDAL STUENG KANDAL Steung,Kandal 024 67 7777 8 7.30am-4pm Page 2 of 9 Maybank Money Express (MME) Agent - Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution Branch Location Last Update: 02/02/2015 NO NAME OF AGENT REGION / PROVINCE ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER OPERATING HOUR Tuol Thnoat, Kokir, Kien Svay, 41 PSC KIEN SVAY KANDAL Kandal 024 67 77775 7.30am-4pm Toul Ngouk, Kampong Luong, 42 PSC PONHEALEU KANDAL Ponhea Lueu, Kandal 024 6390 024 7.30am-4pm Kroam, Praek Anh Chanh, Muk 43 PSC MUKH KAMPUL KANDAL Kampul, Kandal 024 65 55552 7.30am-4pm Kampong Chamlang, Praek 44 PSC LEUK DAEK KANDAL Tonloab, Leuk Daek, Kandal 024 67 7777 9 7.30am-4pm Koh Teav Kor, Sampeou Poun, 45 PSC SAMNPOV POUN KANDAL Koh Thum, Kandal 024 67 7777 0 7.30am-4pm Ti Muoy, Smach Meanchey, 46 PSC KOH KONG KOH KONG Khemara Phoumin, Koh Kong 035 6333 095 7.30am-4pm Tra Peang, Sre Ambel, Sre 47 PSC SRAE AMBIL KOH KONG Ambel, Koh Kong 035 6333 096 7.30am-4pm Sora Morek Road, Group No.1, Phum Wat, Sangkat Kratie, Krong Kratie, Kratie 48 PSC KRATIE KRATIE Province 072 63 64 067 7.30am-4pm Chrouy Thma Kraom, Chhloung, 49 PSC CHHLOUNG KRATIE Chhloung, Kratie 072 399 002 7.30am-4pm Praek Prasab Kandal, Praek 50 PSC PREAEK PRASAB KRATIE Prasab, Praek Prasab, Kratie 072 65 86 555 7.30am-4pm Mean Leaph, Sokh Dom, Saen 51 PSC MONDOL KIRI MONDOL KIRI Monourom, Mondulkiri 073 6368 099 7.30am-4pm No.143-144, Road No.273, Group No.55, Phum 14, Sangkat Boeng Kak Muoy, Khan 52 PSC TUOL KOUK PHNOM PENH Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh City 023 6364 026 7.30am-4pm 53 PSC STOENG MEANCHEY PHNOM PENH Damnak Thom3 village, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh 7.30am-4pm PSC PHSAR DAEUM Ti Muoy, Phsar Daeum Thkov, 54 THKOV PHNOM PENH Chamkar Mon, PP 023 6905 871 7.30am-4pm Adoung Pou, Kampong Pranak, 55 PSC PREAH VIHEAR PREAH VIHEAR Preah Vihear, Preah Vihear 064 63 05 987 7.30am-4pm No.28, Road No.11, Group No.7, Phum Prampi, Sangkat Kampong Leav, Krong Prey 56 PSC PREY VENG PREY VENG Veng, Prey Veng Province 043 6336 051 7.30am-4pm Ti Muoy, Praek Khsay Kha, 57 PSC PEAM RO PREY VENG Peam Ro, Prey Veng 043 6352 052 7.30am-4pm Chour TI Pi, Kranhung, Kamchay 58 PSC KAM CHAY MEA PREY VENG Mear, Prey Veng 043 655 6000 7.30am-4pm Chheu Kach, Chheu Kach, Ba 59 PSC BAPHNUM PREY VENG Phnum, Prey Veng 043 6336 056 7.30am-4pm Chambak, Prasat, Kampong 60 PSC KOR ANDDOEUK PREY VENG Trabaek, Prey Veng 043 6540 540 7.30am-4pm Page 3 of 9 Maybank Money Express (MME) Agent - Cambodia PRASAC Microfinance Institution Branch Location Last Update: 02/02/2015 NO NAME OF AGENT REGION / PROVINCE ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER OPERATING HOUR Prey Meas, Angkor Reach, 61 PSC PREAH SDACH PREY VENG Preah Sdach, Prey Veng 043 6615 000 7.30am-4pm Kampong Popil, Kampong Popil, 62 PSC PEARAING PREY VENG Pea Reang, Prey Veng 043 6666 053 7.30am-4pm National Road No.5, Phum Thnal Bam Bek, Sangkat Roleap, Krong Pursat, Pursat 63 PSC PURSAT PURSAT Province 052 6333 111 7.30am-4pm 64 PSC KRAKOR PURSAT Phsar village, Phsar commune, Kroh Kor district, Pursat province. 052 6666 389 7.30am-4pm 65 PSC BAKAN PURSAT Boeung Khnar village, Boeung Khnar commune, Bakan district, Pursat province 052 6300 083 7.30am-4pm Krouch Chhmar, Leach, Phnum 66 PSC KRAVANH PURSAT Kravanh, Pursat 052 6333 080 7.30am-4pm Bei, Laban Siek, Banlung, 67 PSC RATTANAK KIRI RATTANAK KIRI Ratanakiri 075 6364 098 7.30am-4pm Group No.3, Phum Vihear Chen, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Krong Siem Reap, Siem Reap 68 PSC SIEM REAP SIEM REAP Province 063 6322 093 7.30am-4pm Kampong Thkov Pir, Kampong 69 PSC KRALANH SIEM REAP Thkov, Kralanh, Siem Reap 063 63 83 777 7.30am-4pm 70 PSC POUK SIEM REAP Kork Thmei Village, Pouk commune, Pouk District, Siem Reap province. 063 6911 911 7.30am-4pm Dam Daek Thmei, Dam Daek, 71 PSC SOUTR NIKOM SIEM REAP Soutr Nikum, Siem Reap 063 666 4999 7.30am-4pm Ou Chenhchien, Anlong Veng, 72 PSC ANLONG VENG SIEM REAP Anlong Veng, Oddar Meanchey 065 63 7777 9 7.30am-4pm No.145, Road Mittapheap Ou 1, Group 39, Phum 1, Sangkat 4, Krong Preah Sihanouk, 73 PSC PREAH SIHANOUK SIHANOUK Preah Sihanouk Province 034 6366 658 7.30am-4pm Samrong Kroam, Samrong, 74 PSC PREY NOB SIHANOUK Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk 034 6399 074 7.30am-4pm Thma Leaph, Srah Ruessei, 75 PSC STEUNG TRENG STEUNG TRENG Steung Traeng, Steung Traeng 074 6364 097 7.30am-4pm National Road No.1, Phum Kien Saing, Sangkat Svay Rieng, Krong Svay Rieng, Svay 76 PSC SVAY RIENG SVAY RIENG Rieng Province 044 6450 333 7.30am-4pm Kampout Chrouk, Prey Angkunh, 77 PSC CHAN TREA SVAY RIENG Bavet, Svay Rieng 044 6901 327 7.30am-4pm Kampong Trach, Kampong 78 PSC ROMEAS HEK SVAY RIENG Trach, Romeas Haek, Svay Rieng 044 690 1996
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