Cambodia Msme 2/Bee Project Quarterly Report No. 15 (April 1 – June 30, 2012)

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Cambodia Msme 2/Bee Project Quarterly Report No. 15 (April 1 – June 30, 2012) s page left intentionally blank for double-sided printing. CAMBODIA MSME 2/BEE PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT NO. 15 (APRIL 1 – JUNE 30, 2012) TASK ORDER NO. 04 JULY 31, 2012 JANUARY 31, 2011 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International ThisDevelopment. publication It was was produced prepared for by reviewDAI. by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by DAI. This page left intentionally blank for double-sided printing. USAID Cambodia MSME2/BEE Project Quarterly Report No. 15 Task Order No. 4 Program Title: Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Cambodia Sponsoring USAID Office: USAID/Cambodia Contract Number: EEM-I-00-07-00009-00/04 Contractor: DAI Date of Publication: July 31, 2012 Author: Cambodia MSME 2/BEE Project The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 8 Background ..................................................................................................................... 8 Project Objectives and Approach .................................................................................... 9 Summary of Project Highlights This Quarter ................................................................. 10 Component 1 - Strengthening Value Chains ......................................... 15 Aquaculture Value Chain ............................................................................................... 15 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments this Quarter ......................... 15 Activity 1. Facilitate Substantive Input by Private Sector Into New Aquaculture Law And Its Regulation, Especially With Regard To Cross Provincial Trade Of Fish Products ................................................................................................................... 16 Activity 2. Diversify And Expand Aquaculture Production ........................................ 16 Activity 3. Strengthen Retail and Consumer Market Demand for Aquaculture and Swine Products. ....................................................................................................... 17 Constraints Encountered And Unresolved Issues .................................................... 19 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 19 Swine Value Chain ........................................................................................................ 19 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments this Quarter ......................... 19 Activity 1. Facilitate the Sustainable Delivery of Technical and Business Skills Development in the Swine Sector ............................................................................ 19 Activity 2. Lower Inputs Costs By Expanding And Diversifying Local Production Of Swine Feed. ............................................................................................................. 22 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 27 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 27 Brick and Tile Value Chain ............................................................................................ 27 Summary of Actions, Activities And Accomplishments This Quarter ........................ 27 Activity 1: Upgrade Production Capacity to expand and Diversify Market Penetration27 Constraints Encountered And Unresolved Issues By Each Respective Activity. ..... 29 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 29 Honey Value Chain ....................................................................................................... 29 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments This Quarter ........................ 29 Activity 1. Further Expand Honey Production and Post Harvesting Practices and Build on this Progress to Strengthen Management of Bee Habitats ........................ 30 Activity2. Facilitate Diversification and Expansion of Market Channels (Buyers) in The Honey Value Chain ........................................................................................... 31 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 32 CAMBODIA MSME 2/BEE PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT No.15, YEAR 4 4 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 32 Resin Value Chain......................................................................................................... 32 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments this Quarter ......................... 32 Activity 1. Strengthen Network of Resin Producers To Reinforce Technical Skills and To Interact With Other Landscape Area Actors To Preserve Resin Resource Area. ........................................................................................................................ 32 Activity 2. Strengthen Market Linkages Between Resin Communities and Traders, Processors and Exporters. ....................................................................................... 32 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 33 Main Events Planned For Next Quarter ................................................................... 33 Natural Resource Management .................................................................................... 33 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments This Quarter ........................ 33 Activity 1. Improve Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Cooperation Among Relevant Stakeholders in Four Targeted Landscapes ................................. 35 Activity 2 - Promote Awareness of and Support For Stronger Natural Resource Management and Conservation in Four Zones of Biodiversity Significance ............ 38 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 42 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 42 Eco-Tourism .................................................................................................................. 42 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments this Quarter ......................... 42 Activity 1. Support the Promotion of Eco-Tourism Through Private Sector Linkages42 Constraints Encountered And Unresolved Issues By Each Respective Activity ...... 43 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 43 Water Supply and Sanitation ......................................................................................... 44 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments This Quarter ....................... 44 Activity 1. Improve Water Services Operations and Address Industry Regulatory Issues Through Strengthened Networking Among WSPs And Other Water Value Chain Actors ............................................................................................................ 44 Activity 2. Build on MSME-Assisted Water System Investments to Increase Awareness of the Importance of Safe Water and Adoption of Good Hygiene Practices .................................................................................................................. 44 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 44 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 44 Component 2 - Strengthening Private Sector Voice ............................. 47 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments This Quarter ........................ 47 Activity 1. Create and Strengthen Local Business Organizations – Cooperatives, Water User Groups, Associations and CWGs – as Vehicles of Industry Strengthening .......................................................................................................... 48 CAMBODIA MSME 2/BEE PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT No.15, YEAR 4 5 Activity 2. Improve the Business Enabling Environment (BEE) for Target Industries49 Activity 3. Support Value Chain Actors in Building National Level Representation to Address Business and BEE Issues .......................................................................... 50 Constraints Encountered and Unresolved Issues .................................................... 51 Main Events Planned for Next Quarter .................................................................... 51 Component 3 - Public Sector Strengthening to Improve the Business Environment ............................................................................................. 52 Summary of Actions, Activities and Accomplishments This Quarter ....................... 52 Activity 1. Address and Solve Value Chain Driven Policy and Regulatory Constraints. .............................................................................................................. 53 Activity 2. Provide Systemic Policy Advice And Training Services To RGC Counterparts. ........................................................................................................... 58 Activity 3. Other Outputs ........................................................................................
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