Ministry of housing, transport and environment

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Harbour development works at Milandhoo,

January 2010

Land and Marine Environmental Resources Group Pvt Ltd,

Declaration of the Consultant

I hereby certify that the statements made in this environmental impact study for the development of harbour at Milandhoo, Shaviyani atoll are true, complete and correct

Hussein Zahir EIA Consultant (Registration Number: EIA 04/07)

Date: 31 December 2009

Table of Content

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 4 a) Purpose of the Report and Need for the EIA ...... 4 b) Structure of the Report ...... 4 2. PROJECT SETTING ...... 5 a) Environment Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives ...... 5 b) Second National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP II) ...... 6 c) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) ...... 7 d) Protected Areas and Sensitive Areas ...... 7 e) Cutting down, uprooting, digging out and export of trees and palms from one island to another ...... 8 f) Guidelines for land use planning ...... 9 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 10 a) Project Proponent ...... 10 b) The Project ...... 10 c) Need for the Project ...... 10 d) Location and Extent of Site Boundaries ...... 11 e) Construction Phase and Schedule for Implementation ...... 12 f) Major Inputs ...... 14 i) Construction material ...... 14 ii) Mobilization and material unloading ...... 14 iii) Workforce ...... 14 iv) Heavy machinery and power generation ...... 14 g) Construction methods ...... 15 i) Excavation method ...... 15 i) Construction of wharf and harbor protection structure ...... 15 h) Major Outputs ...... 16 i) Harbour design ...... 16 i) Dredge material ...... 16 i) Risks Associated with the Project ...... 17 4. Methodology ...... 19

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page ii 5. Public Consultation ...... 22 a) Institutional Arrangements ...... 22 b) Community consultations and stakeholder meetings ...... 23 c) Design consultant ...... 24 d) Consultation with MHTE ...... 25 e) Consultation with EPA ...... 25 6. Existing Environment ...... 27 a) General Setting ...... 27 b) Geographical location and general setting of ...... 28 c) Climate and Oceanography ...... 28 i) Wind climate ...... 28 i) Wave and current ...... 32 d) Beach Environment ...... 39 e) Marine Surveys ...... 43 i) Coral community ...... 43 i) Reef fish community ...... 46 ii) Seawater quality ...... 49 f) Hazard vulnerability, area vulnerable to flooding and storm surges ...... 50 g) Social Environment ...... 53 h) Sensitive habitats near the proposed harbour area ...... 54 7. Environmental Impacts ...... 56 a) Limitation and uncertainty of impact prediction ...... 57 b) Construction Impacts ...... 57 i) Schedule, logistics and loading and unloading construction materials ...... 58 i) Construction materials and solid waste ...... 58 ii) Impacts due to construction methods ...... 59 iii) Impact on vegetation (sand stock pile area and harbour front area) ...... 60 iv) Coastal structures ...... 61 v) Social impacts, noise and air pollution ...... 61 vi) Effects on Groundwater Quality ...... 62 c) Operational Impacts ...... 62 i) Impact to hydrodynamic patterns ...... 62 i) Social impacts ...... 63 ii) Wastewater Disposal or littering of harbour ...... 64 8. Alternatives ...... 65

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page iii a) Considered alternatives ...... 65 i) Location of harbour ...... 65 ii) Construction method ...... 65 iii) Excavation method ...... 66 iv) Dredged material disposal site ...... 66 v) Location of entrance channel ...... 66 vi) The No project scenario ...... 66 b) Assessment of alternatives ...... 66 c) Selected alternatives ...... 73 i) Location of harbor ...... 73 ii) Construction method ...... 73 iii) Excavation method ...... 73 iv) Dredged material disposal site ...... 74 v) Location of entrance channel ...... 74 9. Mitigation Plan ...... 76 10. Monitoring and Reporting ...... 80 11. Conclusions ...... 82

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page iv List of Tables

Table 1 Construction schedule for the proposed harbor development project at Sh. Milandhoo ...... 13 Table 2 materials used for the construction of the harbor at Milandhoo ...... 14 Table 3 The four seasons experienced in the Maldives ...... 29 Table 4 Seawater quality parameter tested and their results at the sampling location at Milandhoo. Data analysis was carried out by the National Health Laboratory, Maldives Food and Drug Authority...... 49 Table 5 Vessels registered at Milandhoo ...... 54 Table 6 Impact prediction Categorized ...... 56 Table 7 Assessment of proposed methods and alternatives ...... 67 Table 8 Mitigation measures proposed for the habour development works at Milandhoo ...... 77 Table 9 Monitoring program and cost for individual parameter ...... 81

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page v List of Figures.

Figure 1 Proposed harbour location and extent of sediment plume envisaged during the NE and SW monsoon (time frame for project construction works estimated to coincide with NE ) ...... 12 Figure 2 location of sand stock pile (suggested by the island office and former IDC, map provide by Milandhoo island office) ...... 17 Figure 3 Location of beach profiles and GPS coordinates ...... 20 Figure 4 Sampling locations. RFs are reef benthos and fish survey locations; SWs are seawater sampling locations; Q1 is qualitative assessment area; SW1 location is also the location of wave gauge ...... 21 Figure 5 Geographic location of Maldives in Indian Ocean ...... 27 Figure 6 Geographic location of Milandhoo in Sh Atoll ...... 28 Figure 7 Wind speed and direction at Hanimaadhoo for various seasons ...... 30 Figure 8 Percent of wind occurrences and number of days particular wind speed ...... 31 Figure 9 Percent of wind occurrences and number of days particular wind speed ...... 32 Figure 10 Global distribution of mean monthly values of the mean wave direction, for the months of January, April, July and October. Values are shown as direction vectors (from Young 1999) ...... 33 Figure 11 Graphs showing the significant wave height and wave directions in the southern region of Maldives (source: DHI, 1999) ...... 34 Figure 12 Wave height, Hs, exceedence curves for southern region of Maldives (Source DHI, 1999) ...... 34 Figure 13 Summary of wave from wave gauge located at the western side lagoon of Milandhoo for the period 1st July to 3rd July 2008...... 35 Figure 14 Wave statistics for wave burst 6 ...... 36 Figure 15 Wave statistics for wave burst 21 ...... 36 Figure 16 Wave statistics for wave burst 38 ...... 37 Figure 17 Wave statistics for wave burst 52 ...... 37 Figure 18 Wave statistics for wave burst 57 ...... 38 Figure 19 Wave statistics for wave burst 71 ...... 38 Figure 20 Current regime at lagoon (based on analyzed wind data) ...... 39 Figure 21 Summary of beach profiles taken at the western side beach, Height is given relative to MSL ...... 41 Figure 22 Near proposed harbour location (A), north of harbour location where wide beach is observed (B), west central area near existing access jetty (C), north western side near end of sand beach (D), north western corner (E), north eastern side of the island (F) eastern side of islanf (G) ...... 42 Figure 23 Estimation of benthic cover at site 1. Values are mean percent cover and error bars are standard error of the mean...... 43 Figure 24 Composition of the live coral community at site 1 ...... 44 Figure 25 Estimation of benthic cover at site 2. Values are mean percent cover and error bars are standard error of the mean ...... 44 Figure 26 Composition of the live coral community at site 2 ...... 45

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page vi Figure 27 Acroporid laminar forms and Porites sp observed at the Site RF1, live coral cover was low at the area ...... 45 Figure 28 Abundance of laminar and digitate forms of acroporid and encrusting to massive forms are relatively high at site RF2 ...... 45 Figure 29 Porites cylindrica colonies observed near existing entrance area, dense growth of Halimeda among the Porites colonies ...... 46 Figure 30 Reef fish composition at site RF1 (percentage of total count) ...... 47 Figure 31 Diversity and abundance of fish at RF1...... 47 Figure 32 Reef fish composition at site RF2 (percentage of total count) ...... 48 Figure 33 Diversity and abundance of fish at RF2...... 48 Figure 34 Tsunami hazard zones, category 5 is the highest risk zone while 1 is the lowest (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006) ...... 50 Figure 35 Track of storm affecting Maldives during 1877-2004 ...... 51 Figure 36 Cyclone Hazard Zoning (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006) ...... 52 Figure 37 Surge Hazard Zones (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006) ...... 52 Figure 38 Population distribution of Milandhoo (information derived from island office fact sheet April to June 2009 quarter) ...... 53 Figure 39 Mangrove pond and associated habitat observed at the south western side of the island, facing the southern side ...... 55 Figure 40 Marsh land observed at the south eastern side of the island, water body or pond is not observed at the area (left), small mangrove area observed at east central area of the island, the mangrove trees at the area seem to be cultivated trees (right) ... 55 Figure 41 Schematic drawing showing erosion prone areas ...... 63


EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

1. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is to fulfill the regulatory requirements under the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives prior to the proposed harbor development at Milandhoo in South Male Atoll.

2. Design and size of the harbor are decided by the Harbor Technical Committee, which the former Ministry of Planning and National Development heads (now Department of National Planning, Ministry of Finance and Treasury). The implementation agency of the harbor project is former Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure (now Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment). The harbor location is finalized with the consent of the Island Development Committee (IDC) and Harbor Committee of Milandhoo.

3. The existing entrance at Milandhoo was cleared some 15 years back during the initial development of the island for resettlement of Sh Maakandoodhoo population. Since then the entrance has not been maintenance dredged. At present large vessels such as cargo dhonis can navigate the channel lagoon up to the two access jetties of the island at the western bay shape area.

4. The proposed development project involves development of a 229.4m x 91m harbor and a 22m wide, 200m long entrance channel. The harbor protection walls will be constructed using armor stones, while the wharves will be of “L” section concrete elements. Dredged material will be used for back filling at the back of the harbor, either side of the harbor and rest of the dredged material will be stockpiled for future use such as leveling of roads. Sand stock pile is to be located east of the harbor at the marsh land (proposed by IDC). Revetment walls will be constructed at northern and southern sides of the harbor for additional protection. The harbor development will be funded by the government of Maldives under the Access Improvement Programme implemented by the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment (MHTE).

5. This report provides the results of the fieldwork carried out on Milandhoo in July and December 2008 and associated public and community consultations that followed. The environmental impacts arising from the proposed developments are predicted based on the findings of the fieldwork along with the activities that cause these impacts during the construction and operational phases.

6. Existing environment was examined to identify significant environmental components that would be affected and to establish a baseline condition of the site. Available and relevant literature on environmental impacts associated with similar projects was evaluated to identify possible impacts. Oceanographic data and information on local hydrodynamics were qualitatively assessed to determine the current pattern around the island which was based on

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 1 monsoonal wind patterns, wind generated waves, tidal flushing, geographic setting, the topography of the lagoon and shape of the shoreline.

7. Two sites were selected to assess reef benthos and selected fish community as the baseline data which would also be considered for long-term monitoring program to monitor the impact of the project. In addition to the fish and benthic surveys, seawater quality was assessed in the lagoon at the west central area.

8. The substrate of the lagoon is mostly abiotic. The area to be dredged is dominated with rock and sand, while entrance area has significant cover of laminar and branching forms of acroporids. At the slope area massive and tabular forms are abundant. Compared to survey site proximity of project area, the site RF1 (near existing entrance), live coral cover is low. Large patch of Porties cylindrica is observed just inside either side of existing entrance.

9. The southern side of the harbor is near low laying marshy area; this area is entirely composed of Dhiggaa. Mangrove pond is observed at the south western side of the island, facing the southern quadrant. The harbor front area will be filled and located off the existing shoreline therefore no direct impacts are envisaged.

10. It is important to note that the most significant impact associated with the project would be impact on the marine environment from sedimentation. Dredging and excavation often carry a heavy load of sediments increasing sediment load in the water column causing discoloration due to suspended sediments of the impact area for a prolonged period.

11. The proposed entrance is at the south western side of the harbor, which would probably increase the maintenance dredging frequency. The dominant flow of sediment at the reef system (assessing the satellite images and beach) is west wards from southern and northern side accreting at the west central area. Therefore entrance will sit at an area where sediment flow will be highest. Increased maintenance dredging also means sustained sedimentation, which would give less time for the reef habitat to recover. Also it has to be noted that cutting a new entrance will have impact on the hydrodynamic regime of the island possibly causing change lagoonal current flow. In terms of live coral cover the proposed entrance location has higher cover compared to existing entrance area.

12. Considering the environmental impacts envisaged, the consultants recommend changing the location of the entrance. At present an existing entrance is located at the west central area of the reef cutting to the lagoon. This entrance was cut some 15 years back is has been used by the community as an access to the island. It has to be noted that this entrance is approximately 300-350m from harbor basin (depending of shape of entrance), also according to the island office, this entrance can be used through out the year apart from few days when extreme weather is experienced.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 2 13. Environmental impacts associated with the proposed project are considered minor to moderate. The significant environmental components that are likely to be affected are the coral community established on the reef flat and changes to littoral drift and near-shore coastal hydrodynamics. Impact on the coral community from sedimentation as a result of excavation is inevitable.

14. Mitigation measures are provided in the report for impacts that were categorized minor to moderate. Impact mitigation measures and monitoring is carried out to compare predicted and actual impacts occurring from project activities to determine the efficiency of the mitigation measures. The environmental monitoring proposed here is to determine the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and long term change to the benthic community, especially coral community and beach, where the baseline information was collected.

15. With due consideration to main environmental components identified and the magnitude of impacts on these components from the proposed developments, the consultant concludes that the project components and designs are feasible with the alternatives and appropriate mitigation measures are given to correct and minimize unfavorable environmental consequences. Furthermore, the public and community consultation responses were in favor of the project due to the socio-economic benefits foreseen to the community from the harbor.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 3


Milandhoo, located in North Miladhunmadhulu Atoll (Sh atoll), is on the eastern side of the atoll periphery. The proposed project involves construction of a 229.4m by 91m harbor facility with 22m wide and 200m long entrance channel. The harbor development will be funded by the government of Maldives under the Access Improvement Programme implemented by the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment (MHTE).

The contractor for the project is Amin Construction Company Pvt Ltd who had won the bid to design and construct 7 harbors and among them is Milandhoo. The contractor engaged Land and Marine Environment Resource Group Pvt Ltd to carry out the EIA assessment for the proposed works.

a) Purpose of the Report and Need for the EIA This EIA covers the environmental reporting requirements in preparation for harbor construction as stipulated by the environmental regulations of Maldives. Coastal developments such as harbors that are likely to a have a significant impacts to the environment are required to submit an EIA report by Environmental Act of Maldives. Article 5 (a) of the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives (Law No. 4/93) provides for an impact assessment study to be submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment (MHTE) before implementation of any activity that may have a significant impact on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation of Maldives (EIA Regulations, 2007) provides a list of development proposals requiring environmental impact assessment reports which are outlined in Schedule D where EIAs are mandatory for harbor development projects.

Therefore, in accordance with the above requirements and procedures to follow under the EIA regulations, a scoping meeting to discuss the development proposal (for 7 islands) and determine the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the EIA report was held between former MCPI, the Client, LaMer Group Pvt Ltd as the EIA Consultant and representatives from Environment Research Centre as the Regulator on 25th November 2007. This report provides the results of the field work carried out on Milandhoo in July and December 2008 and associated public and community consultations that followed based on the TOR approved by ERC (present known as Environment Protection Agency, EPA).

b) Structure of the Report The structure of this report follows the Terms of Reference (TOR) discussed in the presence of the developer, the EIA consultant, representative from former Ministry of Construction and Public Works (now MHTE), former Ministry of Atolls Development (MoAD) and

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 4 representatives of Environmental Research Centre (now EPA) as the EIA regulatory body. Upon submission of a draft TOR by the EIA consultant it was approved by the former MEEW on 30th December 2007, based on discussions between the consultant, the client and the other stakeholders. The approved Terms of Reference (TOR) for this report is attached in Appendix 1 of this document. The TOR was also copied to former MCPI and former MoAD.


The project conforms to the requirements of the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of the Maldives, Law no. 4/93. The EIA has been undertaken in accordance with the EIA Regulation (MEEW, 2007) of the Maldives by a registered consultant. Furthermore, the EIA adheres to the principles underlined in the regulations, action plans, programs and policies of the following Government Ministries.

• Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment • Ministry of Finance and treasury (Department of Planning) • Ministry of Home Affairs

a) Environment Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives The Articles of the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (Law No. 4/93) addresses the following aspects of environmental management:

• Guidelines and advice on environmental protection shall be provided by the concerned government authorities.

• Formulating policies, rules and regulations for protection and conservation of the environment in areas that do not already have a designated government authority already carrying out such functions shall be carried out by MEEW (now known as MHTE).

• Identifying and registering protected areas and natural reserves and drawing up of rules and regulations for their protection and preservation.

• An EIA shall be submitted to MHTE before implementing any developing project that may have a potential impact on the environment.

• Projects that have any undesirable impact on the environment can be terminated without compensation.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 5 • Disposal of waste, oil, poisonous substances and other harmful substances within the territory of the Maldives is prohibited. Waste shall be disposed only in the areas designated for the purpose by the government.

• Hazardous / Toxic or Nuclear Wastes shall not be disposed anywhere within the territory of the country. Permission should be obtained for any trans‐boundary movement of such wastes through the territory of Maldives.

• The Penalty for Breaking the Law and Damaging the Environment are specified.

• The government of the Maldives reserves the right to claim compensation for all damages that are caused by activities that are detrimental to the environment.

The proposed harbor development at Milandhoo will fully abide by the Environmental Preservation and Protection Act. Disposal of oil, chemicals and other hazardous materials will be strictly controlled and managed. Such materials will not be disposed at inappropriate locations in the local or the regional vicinity, but will be transported to a designated waste disposal site, in Sh. Atoll or any other government approved disposal site. In any event, hazardous wastes such as oils and chemicals not allowed disposal at site, will be transported to Thilafushi for appropriate disposal.

b) Second National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP II) The aim of NEAP II (MHAHE, 1999) is to provide the necessary guidance for the protection and preservation of the environment of the Maldives and to sustainably manage its resources for the collective benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.

The main strategies of NEAP II are:

• Continuous assessment of the state of the environment in the Maldives, including impacts of human activities on land, atmosphere, freshwater, lagoons, reefs and the ocean; and the effects of these activities on human well being;

• Development and implementation of management methods suitable for the natural and social environment of the Maldives, and maintain or enhance environmental quality and protect human health, while at the same time using resources on a sustainable basis;

• Consultation and collaboration with all relevant sectors of society to ensure stakeholder participation in the decision making process;

• Preparation and implementation of comprehensive national environmental legislation in order to provide for responsible and effective management of the environment;

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 6 • Adhering to international and regional environmental conventions and agreements and

• Implementation of commitments embodied in such conventions.

NEAP II specifies priority actions in the following areas:

• Climate change and sea level rise; coastal zone management;

• biological diversity conservation; integrated reef resources management;

• integrated water resources management;

• management of solid waste and sewerage;

• pollution control and management of hazardous waste;

• sustainable tourism development;

• land resources management and sustainable agriculture; and

• human settlement and urbanization.

NEAP II contains environmental policies and guidelines that should be adhered to in the implementation of the proposed project activities.

c) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) The goals of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (MHAHE ,2002) are:

• Conserve biological diversity and sustainable utilization of biological resources. • Build capacity for biodiversity conservation through a strong governance framework, and improved knowledge and understanding. • Foster community participation, ownership and support for biodiversity conservation.

d) Protected Areas and Sensitive Areas Under Article 4 of the Environment Protection and Preservation Act, the Ministry of Environment (now MHTE) is vested with the responsibility of identifying and registering protected areas and natural reserves and drawing up of rules and regulations for their protection

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 7 and preservation. At present there are no rules and regulations made available to the public on designation and protection of habitats and heritage areas.

The land use plan prepared for the island as an Environmental protection zone located at the north western side of the island. This area is a mangrove wetland which compromise of a pond and associated mangrove habitat. The proposed harbor location will not impact the protected area. During the field survey another small mangrove pond and associated mash area was observed south of the proposed harbor area approximately 30m away, obstructed by thick vegetation. This mangrove pond is facing south wards and is located at the southern stretch of the island. Near the harbor front area low lying marsh land is observed, dominated entirely of Dhiggaa, no pond is observed at this area (mangrove pond is observed at the southern side of the island). According the IDC and Island Office vegetation clearance is not required since the harbor will be placed off the existing shoreline and back fill area behind harbor (on landward side) will be sufficient for harbor front use.

e) Cutting down, uprooting, digging out and export of trees and palms from one island to another Pursuant to law number 4/93 (Environment Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives), the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water (now MHTE) has passed a by-law with the purpose of educating developers on the importance of trees. This includes best management practices for maintaining trees and provides standards for preservation of trees in the Maldives and set down rules and regulations to be adhered to prior to commencing of felling, uprooting, digging up and exporting of trees and palms from one island to another in Maldives.

The by-law states that the cutting down, uprooting, digging up and exports of trees and palms from one island to another can only be done if it is absolutely necessary and there is no other alternative.

It further states that for every tree or palm removed in the Maldives two more should be planted and grown on the island. The by-law prohibits the removal of the following tree types:

• The coastal vegetation growing around the islands extending to about 15 meters into the island are protected by this by-law;

• All the trees and palms growing in mangrove and wetlands spreading to 15 meters of land area is protected under this by-law;

• All the trees that are in a designated protected area;

• Trees that are being protected by the Government in order to protect species of animal/organisms that live in such trees;

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 8 • Trees/palms that are abnormal in structure

Vegetation at the harbor front area is dominated by Dhiggaa (Sea Hibiscus trees) and Magoo (Sea Lettuce). The southern area of the proposed harbor is somewhat marshy and low lying. According to the Island Office no vegetation is required to be cleared at this area but some vegetation may be required to be cleared to connect the harbor front to one of the islands main roads. During this work trees and plants belonging to the tree owners shall be compensated as the regulation stipulates. Trees that can be transplanted for landscaping harbor front area will be retained (and replanted), while other mature trees that can be replanted elsewhere (to be decided by the IDC and island office) will be retained. For every tree that has to be felled two additional trees will be planted elsewhere in the island (to be decided by the IDC).

f) Guidelines for land use planning This guide, developed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (present MHTE), stipulates the criteria and procedure to follow for location and construction of harbors. Clause 16.3.2 clearly states that the design and location of the harbors should consider the vulnerability of the shoreline of the island to coastal erosion. As such harbor construction should follow the environmental impact assessment procedure outlined in the EIA regulation developed under the environmental preservation act of Maldives. It states the preparation of land use plans for such islands shall be supervised by the relevant government office, in this case, Ministry of Planning and National Development (present Ministry of Finance and Treasury) and Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure (present Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment). The guidelines also refer to a minimum of 20m wide Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ), consisting of vegetation to be provided around the outer periphery of the island between the beach and rest of the island. However, it also states the EPZs can be excluded from areas where the land use is for harbor frontage or for commercial use.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 9


a) Project Proponent Project proponent of the proposed harbor development is Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment. The project was bided as a design and built project. Financing of EIA works and Monitoring works during the construction stage will be provided by the contractor as stipulated in the Bid document. The contractor for the project is Amin Construction Company Pvt Ltd. The project is financed through Public Sector Investment Projects.

b) The Project The proposed development project involves development of a 229.4m x 91m harbor and a 22m wide, 200m long entrance channel (See Appendix 2 for site plan). The harbor protection walls will be constructed using armor stones, while the wharves will be of “L” section concrete elements. Dredged material will be used for back filling at the back of the harbor, either side of the harbor and rest of the dredged material will be stockpiled for future use such as leveling of roads. Sand stock pile is to be located east of the harbor at the marsh land (proposed by IDC). Revetment walls will be constructed at northern and southern sides of the harbor for additional protection.

c) Need for the Project Milandhoo has a natural deep lagoon which at present can accommodates large vessels during high and mid tides (average depth of the lagoon 2m, at some areas 2.5 to 3m). During the field visit large cargo dhonis were observed using the deep lagoon. A small jetty is located at the west central area of the island close to the government offices and public buildings.

According to the IDC and Island Chief, during SW monsoon rough periods the western side of the island gets very rough, therefore mooring vessels or unloading and loading materials is very difficult. The deep lagoon receives swell waves that are refracted from the channels either side of the island.

The population of Milandhoo is extensively involved in Agriculture, thatch weaving and fishing. Coconut thatch is sold to resorts, while the agricultural products are sold to middle men involved in resort supply business. Therefore many vessels come to the island for transporting goods, which is one reason the IDC states that a good berthing facility for loading and unloading

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 10 materials or goods is required. Population of Milandhoo is approximately 2000 according to the Milandhoo Island Office.

Given the difficulties faced by the residents of the island, the policies of the Seventh National Development Plan 2006 -2010 (MPND, 2007) clearly outlines the possibilities of providing the required facilities for the inhabited islands. The related policy states: ‘continue access improvement programs for inhabited islands’ to ‘facilitate the development of adequate harbors throughout the country’. The new government also outlines a transportation network as a priority, which also includes upgrading of harbors.

d) Location and Extent of Site Boundaries Milandhoo is located in Sh. Atoll, approximately 234km from Male’. In terms of geographic coordinates, it is located at 06° 17' 13.38" N and 73° 14' 44.01" E. Nearest inhabited island is Narudhu approximately 2.74km west of Milandhoo. While the closest uninhabited island is Nalandhu (presently leashed for aquaculture work) located north of the Milandhoo, approximately 2.5km away. The original native island of Milandhu residents, Maakandoodhoo is located just south of Milandhoo approximately 4.63km away.

The proposed harbor location is south western side of the island facing west; while alternative location is west central area of the island (which was the initial location decided by IDC before they took a vote and changed the location). The entrance will be oriented south western direction. The harbor will placed approximately 30m away at the northern side and 20m away from the shoreline at the southern side in the lagoon, thereby avoiding need for vegetation clearance at the harbor front area.

The proposed dredged material disposal area is along the back, either side of the harbor basin and if any remains stockpiled at near the harbor area for future use (filtered and used for construction work or used for leveling roads).

Possible sediment plume will be directed westwards during the NE monsoon, this would be coupled with the current and swell induced waves. During the SW monsoon the sediment plume will be minor since major dredging works would be finished before end of NE monsoon.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 11 Direct impact area

Direct impact area

Figure 1 Proposed harbor location and extent of sediment plume envisaged during the NE and SW monsoon (time frame for project construction works estimated to coincide with NE )

e) Construction Phase and Schedule for Implementation The harbor construction stage at Milandhoo is estimated to last 6 months. Below are the major sub components of the construction phase. Table 1 provides the expected work program and work schedule for the project.

• Mobilization, material unloading

• Setting outwork

• Excavation of harbor basin

• Excavation of entrance channel

• Disposal of dredged material

• Construction of quay wall

• Construction of harbor walls, entrance walls and revetments

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 12

Table 1 Construction schedule for the proposed harbor development project at Sh. Milandhoo

Months No Activity Jan Feb March April May June

Mobilization and material 1 unloading

2Setting out

3 Excavation of harbor basin

Excavation of entrance 4 channel Dredged material disposal/filling and stock 5 piling

6 Quay wall construction

Construction of harbor 7 walls and revetments

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 13 f) Major Inputs i) Construction material

The construction material used for the construction of the harbor is given as follows (Table 2).

Table 2 materials used for the construction of the harbor at Milandhoo

Type Quantity Boulders (armor rocks) 20,000 metric tons Cement 75 tons Aggregate 150 tons River sand 350 tons

ii) Mobilization and material unloading

All material for the proposed project will be transported to the site on landing crafts and barges. Materials for harbor construction will be unloaded close to project site area using the existing entrance and deep lagoon. Already cleared area is close to the proposed location and this area can be used for site office and temporary storage of materials. Since the area is already cleared (inside vegetation and on wide beach) no vegetation clearance will be required.

iii) Workforce

The total workforce for the project is estimated at 30-35 workers. All workers will be accommodated in existing residential houses. Food and other facilities will be met by existing facilities on the island. No additional temporary sheds or accommodation units will be constructed. A container based office unit will be located at the project site as the site office. Major concrete works will not be carried out at site (concrete elements will be casted in Thilafushi) and a small construction yard for metal and concrete works will be established near the project site.

iv) Heavy machinery and power generation

Machinery used for the proposed project are, excavators (2 units), cranes, wheel loader and trucks (3 units). Excavators will also be used for construction of harbor protection walls and entrance channel walls. Power for the project site will be met by the island’s existing power

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 14 house and portable generator. All fuel for the project will be stored in barrels (diesel for excavators, cranes and trucks).

g) Construction methods

i) Excavation method

Excavation works for the proposed development project will be done by excavators. Two excavator and two trucks will be used during this phase. Initially a bund wall will be reclaimed to trap sediment and reduce sedimentation impacts. Afterwards the harbor basin will be excavated to a depth of -3m (MSL).

An entrance and entrance channel will be dredged on the southern side of the harbor. The entrance channel will lead to the harbor entrance at an angle to reduce waves entering the harbor. The harbor basin excavation works will be done using excavators, and in the event an excavator alone is unable to dredge the harbor basin, a hydraulic hammer will be used to shatter hard rocks. In the event all available alternatives are exhausted, blasting will be carried. Since it will be difficult to identify the need for blasting at time of field surveys, this EIA report does not cover it. In the event blasting is required, a separate EIA will be carried out. The excavator will be operated on a barge at areas where depth exceeds 1.5m.

The entrance channel will be deepened using an excavator on a barge; all dredge material will be loaded onto the barge and at the end of each day’s excavation works, dredged material will be unloaded at the proposed disposal site i.e. back filling areas of the harbor and stockpile area.

ii) Construction of wharf and harbor protection structure

The concrete elements for the quay walls will be cast at Thilafushi and transported to the site on barges. Therefore only minor concrete works will be carried out onsite. The element toe area will be deepened and leveled. After placing the elements, the toe area will be refilled. After placing the concrete element, tie rods will be used to fix and anchor the L section to anchor slabs. After placing the concrete elements the quay wall will be joined together with a capping beam. The area behind the quay wall will be back filled to the island ridge level. In similar projects by the former MCPI, the bid document states the quay wall should be 15cm above the ground level, while the back fill area should be at 1.5MSL (L. Harbor Bid Document). The proposed harbor area has an average height of 1.5 MSL, the southern side of proposed harbor area is lower than northern side (southern side elevation is approximately 0.6-0.9MSL). This

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 15 difference is elevation is due to close proximity of southern side proposed harbor to the low lying marsh land. Therefore this will be taken in to account when back filling the quay wall area.

The breakwater will be enclosed with breakwater heads at both ends of the entrance channel. The breakwater will be constructed using armor stones (see Appendix 3). The stones for the filter layer will be made by sieving the dredged materials. A geotextile layer will be placed in between the filter layer and filled base. Revetment will be constructed at the southern and northern side of the harbor to protect the quay walls on these sides. The Revetments will be constructed using armor stones.

h) Major Outputs

i) Harbor design

The major output of the proposed project is the 229.4m x 91m harbor facility. The harbor basin will have a depth of -3MSL. Entrance to the harbor will be located at the south western side of the harbor. The entrance channel of the harbor is 200m long and 22m wide.

The harbor will have a total length of 285m of breakwater and 200m of revetment. The revetments and breakwaters will be of armor stones (See Appendix 3 for breakwater detail). The quay wall length is 326m, the quay wall at the northern and southern side will be constructed halfway, and rest will be composed of breakwaters.

ii) Dredge material

Dredge material removed from the harbor basin will be transported to the disposal sites on trucks (part dredged material will be used for back filling work between the harbor and existing shoreline, either side of the harbor for protection of quay wall and rest will be disposed at the stockpile site). The stock pile area is located east of proposed harbor at the marsh land (see Figure 2 provided by Milandhoo Island Office). According to the island office this area is bare and needed to be filled since this area is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Approximately 41,100m3 of dredge material will be removed from the harbor basin and entrance channel. Total land area reclaimed, including the back filling and protection of quay wall at either side of the harbor, is 12,000m2. The finish level of reclamation area will be 1.50MSL; and since the island level is approximately 1.5MSL at the northern side and southern side is approximately 0.5MSL.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 16

Figure 2 location of sand stock pile (suggested by the island office and former IDC, map provide by Milandhoo island office)

iii) Risks Associated with the Project

Major risks associated with the project are short term damage to the marine environment due to sedimentation by excavation and clearance works western side of Milandhoo. Chronic impacts such as this can be cumulative and long term. However, the proposed duration for the construction is short (estimated at 6 months) which is unlikely to lead to chronic or long term impacts. The design of the harbor is done as to mimic the geomorphic feature of the south western side, by effectively extending the curved area. Although the design is done to minimize obvious change to shape of coastline, there is possibility of erosion at the northern side of the proposed harbor location. Considering the southern side of the harbor the area is observed to be rocky with a very narrow lagoon. Therefore it is not envisaged that this area will have erosion. Small strip of beach is observed at the southern side of the harbor, but facing southern quadrant (harbor faces to western quadrant), it is not envisaged that this area will be impacted by erosion. The dominant wave and current direction at the area is east to west mainly driven by swell waves.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 17 According to the IDC, very little changes have been observed at the southern and eastern side of the island (apart from periodical opening and closing of small mangrove ponds at the outer atoll side due to heavy swells or bad weather), while beach at western central area moves south and northwards depending on seasons, but movement is restricted with the bay like area. This movement of beach may be impacted, but is envisaged to be minor to moderate.

In terms of social impacts, positive impacts are envisaged by the proposed project. Positive social impacts include safety of people accessing the island, safe loading and unloading of materials and goods and possible economic opportunities due to usage of the harbor by fishing vessels operating in the area.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 18

4. Methodology

The approach to data collection and compilation of this report includes;

• Consultation and discussion with the proponent with regard to design and work methodology that would be used to implement the proposed activities

• Examination of proposed project activities,

• Examination of the existing environment to identify significant environmental components that would be affected,

• Consultation with major stakeholders to exchange information on the project and to follow the procedures required for the report, and

• Evaluation of available and relevant literature on environmental impacts associated with similar projects.

Information on existing environment was collected during the field visit to the project site during July and December 2008. General information on the existing environment was based on available secondary data, such as climatic data for Sh atoll in general (National Meteorological Centre at Hanimaadhoo, Hdl. atoll) because no site specific data was available. Due to the general uniformity of the climatic data along Maldives, climatic data from Hanimaadhoo were considered applicable to the site given the lack of availability of site specific data and also the short time available for the preparation of the report to collect such data. Oceanographic data and information used to determine the current pattern around the island was also based on monsoonal wind patterns, wind generated waves, tidal flushing, geographic setting, the topography of the lagoon and shape of the shoreline.

Beach profiles were taken using a digital level. Initially the beach toe of the island was mapped using precision GPS. Afterwards profile areas were selected based on possible impact areas due to the proposed project. Nine profiles were taken along the western shoreline of the island (only area where sandy beach is observed). All beach profiles are aligned perpendicular to the beach. Location of beach profiles and GPS coordinates are given in Figure 3.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 19 Profile 9 P9 (73oo 14’32.67’’E, 6 17’17.61”N)

Profile 8 P8 (73oo 14’33.85’’E, 6 17’14.53”N)

Profile 7 P7 (73oo 14’34.83’’E, 6 17’11.26”N)

P6 Profile 6 (73oo 14’35.38’’E, 6 17’08.04”N) P5 Profile 5 (73oo 14’36.62’’E, 6 17’04.57”N) P4 Profile 4 (73oo 14’36.78’’E, 6 17’01.07”N)

Profile 3 P3 (73oo 14’36.54’’E, 6 16’56.82”N)

Profile 2 P2 (73oo 14’35.94’’E, 6 16’53.46”N)

Profile 1 P1 (73oo 14’35.22’’E, 6 16’50.46”N)

Figure 3 Location of beach profiles and GPS coordinates

An underwater camera with housing was used to take a series of photographs for assessing reef benthic community. Photo quadrats were taken along a 50 meter transect line. Randomly selected 40 quadrats were sampled within a 5 meter belt along the 50 meter transect line. Qualitative assessment was carried out at the proposed harbor basin area and access channel area. Two sites were selected for reef benthic community assessment: 1) northern side of the entrance (RF1) and 2) Southern side of the entrance close to south western end of the reef (RF2). The ecological setting of the site RF1 and RF2 will act as a baseline for future reef monitoring while the other sites assessed is to estimate the ecological components at these sites. Coral point count with excel extension (CPCe) was used to assess the benthic cover.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 20 Assessment of the selected fish community was also carried out at the same site which would also be considered the baseline for future monitoring of the impact of the project. Fish abundance and density surveys were based on visual fish census techniques described in English et al., 1997. The 50 meter long transect line used to assess the coral and other benthic substrate was used to assess the visual fish census. Three 15 meter length and 3 meter wide segments that were consecutive along the transect line were used to estimate the diversity and abundance of 11 targeted coral reef fish families that are commonly associated with the reef environment of Maldives, All surveys were carried out by snorkeling. The depth of survey areas ranged between 1 and 3 meters. Seawater quality was also assessed in the lagoon (vicinity of the proposed harbor basin) to establish a baseline for the physical and chemical parameters of seawater. Only qualitative assessment was carried out to identify vegetation types at the harbor area. The GPS coordinates of reef surveys and water sampling location are given in Figure 4.

RF 1: 73oo 14’17.20E, 6 17’11.51N

RF 2: 73oo 14’23.28E, 6 16’49.70N

Q 1: 73oo 14’22.48E, 6 17’06.86N

Wave gage & SW 1: 73oo 14’29.04E, 6 17’06.06N

SW 2: 73oo 14’21.15E, 6 17’00.52N

RF 1 Q 1

SW 2 SW 1 and wave gauge

RF 2

Figure 4 Sampling locations. RFs are reef benthos and fish survey locations; SWs are seawater sampling locations; Q1 is qualitative assessment area; SW1 location is also the location of wave gauge

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 21 Wave data was collected at site by using high precision pressure gauge. Wave data was collected at the western side of the island, at central area of lagoon. Wave data was collected at every 30minutes interval for a period of 18 minutes. Wave data was analyzed by using METLAB software. Location of wave gauge and GPS coordinates are given in Figure 4.

5. Public Consultation

As part of the public consultation process for this project, relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector were consulted and discussions were exchanged based on the proposed project activities. The need justifications and approval of the proposed activities from the perspective of relevant institutions were inclusive of this consultative process. The consultative process is based on meetings and discussions with representatives of relevant stakeholders. Perceptions of the community in the vicinity of the proposed project site based on specific focus groups such as island officials, boat owners and fishermen were also included in this consultative process. List of people met in this consultative process is given in Appendix 4.

a) Institutional Arrangements Milandhoo is administratively located in Sh Atoll. As with all other , the island community governed through the former Ministry of Atolls Development (at present Ministry of Home Affairs). Day-to-day administrative and management of the island community needs together with routine reporting to relevant ministries or other institutions in Male’ is managed by the Senior Island Chief (Bodu Katheeb) and with support from the Island Office administrative staff.

The Harbor Development Project is being carried out under the National Access Improvement Program implemented by the Government of Maldives. Provision of safe access and harbors to all the inhabited islands is a priority infrastructure development the government has committed to undertake as stated in the Seventh National Development Plan for 2006 -2010. Under the plan, the respective ministry of the Government of Maldives has committed to continue the access improvement program for inhabited islands and facilitate the development of adequate harbors throughout the country.

The National Harbor and Reclamation Programme includes the construction of major harbors and big reclamation projects, was initiated by the Government of Maldives in mid 80’s. The implementation authority for the Government of Maldives is represented by the former Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure (at present Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment).

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 22 b) Community consultations and stakeholder meetings Consultation with the Island Development Committee (IDC) and harbor committee was held during the site visits made to the island. Members of the island development committee, harbor committee, boat owners and fishermen were informed about the process of EIA and the government regulations on Environmental Protection. The IDC and the Island Chief of Milandhoo were also consulted on the design and location of the harbor that was based on the technical assessment of the site conditions. The initial layout of the harbor was discussed among the members of IDC and harbor committee and their comments on the usage of the harbor. Former MCPI and contractor also conducted consultation meetings separately, this information was passed on to the consultant. The members of the IDC have been informed about the inevitable environmental impacts of such a development. In addition to the physical data used for the design and location of the harbor, participants of the meeting were consulted on the patterns of beach change and hydrodynamic pattern around the island.

The participants of the meeting in general were in consent with the design of the harbor, apart from the half side quays. One of the participants stated that the entire length of the harbor sides should have a quay wall.

The initial harbor location was at the west central area of the island, aligned to the existing entrance. The initial concept of harbor includes use of this entrance. During the consultation meeting the IDC and harbor committee stated that the west central location was selected couple years back and drawing of this area was sent to then construction ministry. They also stated that the location of the harbor was agreed with stipulation that if harbor construction work was not initiated before June 2008 they will not agree to the location. The IDC stated that although they agreed to west central area, later they realized that if harbor is constructed at this area, large area of the beach will be lost. This beach is used by the island community for recreation and other purposes. It has to be noted that sandy beach is observed at this area only, apart from small stretch of beach at southern quadrant.

The consultants also informed the IDC and harbor committee that south western side of the island may be a better location for the harbor in terms of reserving the beach at the western side. During this meeting the IDC stated that they prefer the harbor to be location at south western side and an entrance cut at this area. The consultant informed the IDC that entrance at this area will not be feasible since the area is a surf zone (corner of the island and faces the channel). Therefore a better solution would be using the existing entrance. Other alternative location proposed (by one of the participants) was the eastern side, but since majority of the participants disagreed this idea was not taken up.

One of the participants of the meeting stated that during the initial resettlement phase personnel from Atolls ministry stated that harbor facility will be developed within couple of years but it has not materialized even after 10 years. Also stated that a number of surveys have been done over

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 23 the years and nothing has happened and this is probably a political move. The consultants informed the participants that the consultants are at the island on contractual basis and have no political agenda.

During this meeting one of participants put forward the motion for a public vote to decide the location of the harbor, after much discussion and hot debates the island chief agreed and informed the consultants that a vote will be taken at that night and decision of location of harbor will be provided to the consultant after the vote. Later on the island office informed the consultant that the result of the vote was majority of the community wants the harbor to be located at the south western side of the island and entrance to be cut at this area, and also informed that they will forward their decision to the ministry (minutes of meeting provided by Milandhoo Office given in Appendix 3).

The consultants informed the developing issue to the design consultants and the former MCPI. The design consultants informed the EIA consultant to post pone the EIA work until MCPI provide approved location of the harbor.

The consultants inquired about the issue of access dredged spoil, and put forward the solution of stock piling it for future use. The IDC and island office agreed to this solution and stated that the roads of the island needs to be leveled therefore this sand will come to good use. The island office stated that sand stockpile should be located at the eastern side of the island at the marsh land. The consultants informed the island office that this area is a sensitive habitat and it will have significant environmental impacts, furthermore EPA will not grant approval for such a location. The personnel from island office stated that it is the location IDC agreed but if later on government chooses to stock pile else where in the island they will not disapprove it. The consultants informed the island office that northern side of the proposed harbor will be a better choice since wide beach is observed at the area.

c) Design consultant Consultation with the design consultant was done after the meeting with the IDC and harbor committee. During these consultations, the design consultants were briefed about the situation and the possible environmental issues with the initial design and location.

The ministry (MHTE) sent the revised location of the harbor to the IDC for their approval and was finally agreed during December 2009 (see copy of letter in Appendix 5). According to the new location the harbor will be placed at the south western side of the island and a new entrance is proposed.

The EIA consultants informed the design consultant and personnel of MHTE construction department, that the proposed entrance location may not be the most feasible location.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 24 Refracted swell waves will be received at the area during NE monsoon therefore the area will be very turbid. In addition to that, maintenance dredging frequency will be high at the area. The design consultants therefore agreed to meet up with MHTE personnel along with EIA consultants to discuss this issue (details of this meeting given below).

d) Consultation with MHTE Consultation meetings were held at MHTE regarding the issue of harbor location with representatives of Milandhoo. During this meeting personnel from MHTE informed the IDC representatives about the location and other details of the harbor. According to the MHTE, the representatives were in favor of the harbor location and entrance.

Meeting with EIA consultant and design consultant was held at MHTE during December 2009, in this meeting personnel from MHTE stated that it is the design consultants responsibility to identify entrance location. During this meeting design consultant stated that south western side is also feasible, but still acknowledged the swell waves issue during NE monsoon and high entrance maintenance dredging frequency. The design consultant stated that they thought MHTE sent the concept to island office and location was already confirmed. The design consultant therefore agreed to give a concept with alternative entrance location to MHTE, also agreed to change concept design if EIA report indicated that alternative location is better than proposed location in terms of environmental impacts and operational feasibility. The design consultants stated that cost may be slightly lower if alternative entrance site is selected, since this area is already dredged area.

Consultation with housing department of MHTE was done during December 2009 regarding sand stockpile issue. The land use plan provided by MHTE (which was revised plan dated 2007) indicates the sand stockpile area demarcated by IDC as an industrial zone. According personnel from housing at the time of formulation of land use plan all of mangrove habitats were not marked so this was an oversight. According to the personnel from housing department, environmental department or EPA will decide on the issue to filling marsh land or stockpiling sand and afterwards land use plan will be amended.

e) Consultation with EPA Personnel from EPA was consulted regarding the issue of sand stockpiling at the marsh area during December 2009.The personnel from EPA stated they do not approve disposal of sediment to marsh area or any other activities that may impact the habitat. The personnel also stated that marsh lands, mangrove ponds and other mangrove habitats plays an important role in stabilizing the ground water lens. Therefore it is very important to preserve these habitats. The

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 25 consultant informed the EPA personnel that alternative site for disposal is northern side of harbor where wide beach is observed. The personnel from EPA agreed to this location stating that sediment should be disposed behind the berm.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 26

6. Existing Environment

a) General Setting The Maldives archipelago consists of a double chain of coral atolls, 80 – 120km wide stretching 860km from latitude 7° 6’ 30” N to 0° 41’ 48” S and longitude 72° 32’ 30 E to 73° 45’ 54” E (Ministry of Construction and Public Works, 1999). The double chain of the atolls lies on the parallel submarine ridges in the central part of Indian Ocean known as Lacadive-Chagos ridge. The archipelago comprises 25 natural atolls (Naseer, 2004) grouped into 20 administrative units (see Figure 5). The atolls are separated by east-west running deeper channels. The atolls vary in shape from circular and oval to elliptical. The atolls contain 1190 islands, of which only 198 are inhabited. The total reef area of Maldives is 4,493.85km2 while the total land area is 227.45km2 (Naseer, 2004). Approximately 80% of Maldivian land area is less than 1m above mean sea level.

The characteristics of reefs and coral islands of the Maldives vary considerably from north to south. The atolls to the north are broad banks discontinuously fringed by reefs with small coral islands and with numerous patch reefs and faros (the word faros is derived from the Maldivian word “faru”) in the lagoon. To the south the depth of atoll lagoon increases, faros and patch reefs are rare in the lagoon, the continuity of the atoll rim is greater and a large proportion of the perimeter of the atolls is occupied by islands (Woodroffe, 1992). The islands have shallow reef flats on their seaward side, some with shingle ramparts at the seaward limit of the reef flat. The islands and the shingle ramparts owe their origin to the deposition of shingle or coral debris during storms. A number of islands can be found on a single reef. These islands may be separated by shallow passages that run across the reef flat. The width of some of these passages could be less 100m while some passages are over a few hundred meters wide.

Figure 5 Geographic location of Maldives in Indian Ocean

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 27 b) Geographical location and general setting of Milandhoo is located in Sh. Atoll, approximately 234km from Male’. In terms of geographic coordinates, it is located at 06° 17' 13.38" N and 73° 14' 44.01" E. Nearest inhabited island is Narudhu approximately 2.74km west of Milandhoo. While the closest uninhabited island is Nalandhu (presently leashed for aquaculture work) located north of the Milandhoo, approximately 2.5km away. The original native island of Milandhu residents, Maakandoodhoo is located just south of Milandhoo approximately 4.63km away.






Figure 6 Geographic location of Milandhoo in Sh Atoll

c) Climate and Oceanography

i) Wind climate

Wind climate in the Maldives is dominated by the Indian monsoon climate South West (SW) monsoon and North East (NE) monsoon. The Indian monsoon system is one of the major climate systems of the world, impacting large portions of both Africa and Asia (Overpeck et, al., 1996). The monsoon climate is driven by the atmospheric pressure differences that arise as a result of rapid warming or cooling of the Tibetan Plateau relative to the Indian Ocean (Hastenrath 1991; Fein and Stephens 1987). During the summer of northern hemisphere the Tibetan Plateau warms rapidly relative to the Indian Ocean which results in an atmospheric

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 28 pressure gradient (Low pressure over Asia and high pressure over the Indian Ocean) between the Asian landmass and the Indian ocean, which drives the prevailing wind from south to westerly directions. The period during which prevailing winds are from south to westerly direction is known as the SW monsoon. In the winter of northern hemisphere the continent cools relative to the ocean. This reverses the pressure gradient (low pressure over the Indian Ocean high pressure over the Asian landmass) and the prevailing winds become northeasterly. The period during which prevailing winds are from northeasterly directions is known as NE monsoon. The transitions from NE to SW monsoon and vice versa are distinctly different from SW or NE monsoon. During these transition periods the wind becomes more variable.

The SW monsoon lasts between May and September while the NE monsoon lasts between December and February. The period between March and April is the transition period from the NE monsoon to SW monsoon known locally as the Hulhangu Halha, while the transition period from SW monsoon to NE monsoon is known as Iruvai Halha. Iruvaihalha lasts from October to November (Table 3). The SW monsoon is generally rough and wetter than the NE monsoon. Storms and gales are infrequent in this part of the world and cyclones do not reach as far south as the Maldivian archipelago (Ministry of Construction and Public Works, 1999).

Table 3 The four seasons experienced in the Maldives

Season Month December NE-Monsoon January February Transition Period 1 March April May June SW-Monsoon July August September Transition Period 2 October November

An analysis on the wind climatology is studied for Hanimaadhoo on 16 years of data from 1991 – 2006. Considering the distribution shown by all the seasons (the very bottom wind rose diagram in Figure 7) it can be seen that most of the wind energy is dominated by the west and northwest quadrant throughout the year. The most striking feature shown is that there is almost no wind coming from the south and south easterly sectors.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 29

Figure 7 Wind speed and direction at Hanimaadhoo for various seasons

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 30 Analyzing the data for the four seasons, it indicates that during the NE monsoon the wind direction predominantly varies between N and E with wind speed reaching as high as 5 – 10 knots for 16% of the time. About 4% of the time speed reaches as high as 10 – 15 knots. During the transition from NE to SW monsoon the predominant direction changes to N and NW directions with speeds of 5 – 10 knots for 12% of the time. During the SW monsoon and the transition from SW to NE monsoon the wind is distinctly from W and NW directions. High wind speeds of 15 – 20 knots are observed for 10% of the period and wind speeds of 10 – 15 knots are observed for 23% of the time.

Though a gust wind of more than 50 miles per hour may occur for less than a minute, analysis shows the mean winds in the region hardly reach 50 miles per hour throughout the year. The Figure 8 below shows the wind more than 20 miles per hour hardly reach 5% and less than 10 miles per hour falls on the range 100-50%. This clearly indicated that the possibilities of occurrence of waves associated to high winds are less.

Figure 8 Percent of wind occurrences and number of days particular wind speed

The second graph indicates (Figure 8, second graph) that the wind speeds more than 20 miles per hour does not occur more the 10 days out of 365 days of the year.

From the above wind roses, it can be concluded the region where Milandhoo is situated is highly affected by the monsoon transition. The wind also oscillated between west and east throughout year. But it is also found that the wind is mostly coming from west to north and north to west. It barely goes to the southwest and southeast sector.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 31

Figure 9 Percent of wind occurrences and number of days particular wind speed

ii) Wave and current

Information on the swells around Maldives is limited, but there have been a few studies carried out around Male’ and Fuahmulak (southern region of Maldives). Wave data for Male’ that were recorded for the period between June 1988 and January 1990 revealed that the maximum significant wave height (Hs) recorded for the month of June 1989 was 1.23m with a mean period

(Tm) of 7.53s. For the month of July 1989 maximum recorded Hs was 1.51m and the corresponding Tm was 7.74s. In June and July 1989 mean wave periods were 5.0 – 9.0s and the peak wave periods within 8.0 – 13.0s. Wave data for the period between September 1988 and July 1989 shows a probability of exceedence of Hs = 1.0 m was approximately 0.1 and of Hs = 1.5 m was approximately 0.0015 based on the wave data of period September 1988 to July 1989.

JICA, (1992) reported that the wave climate in Male region is generally higher in the months of June, July and August with a predominant wave direction of S (180o). During October to December the waves have a shorter period with wave directions varying from S and W (180o - 270o) (Figure 10).

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 32

Figure 10 Global distribution of mean monthly values of the mean wave direction, for the months of January, April, July and October. Values are shown as direction vectors (from Young 1999)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 33 According to DHI, (1999) the significant wave height (Hs) in the southern regions of Maldives exceeds 3m in about 0.1percent of the time (Figure 11). Figure 12 also shows that the highest waves are from W and S. From NW, N, NE and E, significant wave height exceeds 1m in less than about one per cent of the time.




2.0 (m)

s,all 1.5 H 1.0


0.0 Jun-93 Jun-94 Jun-95 Jun-96 Jun-97 Jun-98

360.0 N)

o 270.0 180.0 90.0 Direction ( 0.0 Jun-93 Jun-94 Jun-95 Jun-96 Jun-97 Jun-98

Figure 11 Graphs showing the significant wave height and wave directions in the southern region of Maldives (source: DHI, 1999)


3.0 N NE 2.5 E 2.0 SE

(m) S s H 1.5 SW W 1.0 NW 0.5 ALL

0.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Exceedance Frequency (%)

Figure 12 Wave height, Hs, exceedence curves for southern region of Maldives (Source DHI, 1999)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 34 Wave measurements were made at Milandhoo during the period between 1st July 2008 and 3rd July 2008. Waves were measured at a frequency of 2Hz for a period of 17.1min once every three hours. Tide measurements were also made by the same instrument that was deployed for wave measurements. Tide measurements were made as averaged water depth over a period of 2mins, once every 6mins. Tide data indicated that the average depth of water at the location of wave measurements was 1.54m. Wave data were analyzed by spectral analysis method (Figures 14 to 19) for determining the frequency distribution of waves of different periods and zero-crossing method using a MATLAB routine to calculate summary statistics of wave height and period. The two statistical parameters calculated were the significant wave height (Hs) and period of Hs.

Analysis of the wave data indicated that the waves reaching the project site are mainly of two types, local wind generated waves (waves of period between 3s and 8s) and swell waves (waves of period between 8s and 20s). Averaged distribution of wind waves and swell waves for the period of wave measurements was 42.5% and 35.6% respectively.

The maximum Hs calculated for this period was 0.29m that has a wave period of 4.56sec. The highest Hs calculated occurred at a mid tide level recorded for this period. Averaged Hs calculated for the period of data collection was 0.19m.

The wave data also indicates that there are also small percentage of infra-gravity waves (wave of period between 20s – 200s) occurring within the lagoon. The averaged percentage of infra- gravity waves occurring at the project site was calculated to be 5.5%. The averaged percentage of capillary waves (waves of period less than 3s) was calculated to be 15.4%. The highest percentages of these waves occur at lowest tide levels.

50 45 40 35 30 occurrence 25 of 20 15

Percent 10 5 0 Capillary Wind waves Swell waves Infra gravity Far gravity waves waves waves

Figure 13 Summary of wave from wave gauge located at the western side lagoon of Milandhoo for the period 1st July to 3rd July 2008.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 35 2 Burst 06 1.9


1.7 depth (m) depth r 1.6 Wate 1.5


0 500 1000 1500 2000 a- Time series plot of the wave burst Time (s) ) -1 hz

2 0.08 0.8 DOF = 8 0.06 Capillary waves = 16.5% Wind waves = 48.0% 0.4 Swell waves = 29.0% 0.04 Infragravity waves = 5.5% Fargravity waves = 1.0% 0

0.02 -0.4 Tide level in meters (MSL) meters in level Tide 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum Density (m Density Spectrum Power 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 14 Wave statistics for wave burst 6

1.2 Burst 21 1.15



1 Water depth (m) 0.95


0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (s) a- Time series plot of the wave burst ) -1 hz

2 0.016 0.8 DOF = 8 0.012 Capillary waves = 21.6% Wind waves = 44.1% 0.4 Swell waves = 25.5% 0.008 Infragravity waves = 8.1% Fargravity waves = 0.5% 0

0.004 -0.4 Tide levelin meters (MSL) 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum Density (m 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 15 Wave statistics for wave burst 21

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 36 2.4 Burst 38

2.2 depth (m) depth r 2 Wate


0 500 1000 1500 2000 a- Time series plot of the wave burst Time (s) ) -1 hz

2 0.2 0.8 DOF = 8 0.16 Capillary waves = 5.6% Wind waves = 42.6% 0.4 0.12 Swell waves = 45.1% Infragravity waves = 3.5% Fargravity waves = 3.2% 0 0.08

0.04 -0.4 Tide level in meters (MSL) meters in level Tide 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum Density (m Density Spectrum Power 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 16 Wave statistics for wave burst 38

2 Burst 56 1.9


1.7 depth (m) depth r 1.6 Wate 1.5


0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (s) a- Time series plot of the wave burst ) -1 hz

2 0.08 DOF = 8 0.8 Capillary waves = 18.9% 0.06 Wind waves = 44.3% Swell waves = 31.9% 0.4 Infragravity waves = 4.6% Fargravity waves = 0.3% 0.04 0

0.02 -0.4 Tide level in meters (MSL)inmeters level Tide 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum Density (m Density Spectrum Power 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 17 Wave statistics for wave burst 52

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 37 2 Burst 57 1.9

1.8 depth (m) depth r 1.7

Wate 1.6


0 500 1000 1500 2000 a- Time series plot of the wave burst Time (s) ) -1 hz

2 0.16 DOF = 8 Capillary waves = 15.5% 0.8 0.12 Wind waves = 46.4% Swell waves = 33.1% 0.4 Infragravity waves = 4.6% Fargravity waves = 0.4% 0.08 0

0.04 -0.4 Tide level in meters (MSL) 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum (m Density 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 18 Wave statistics for wave burst 57

1.12 Burst 71 1.08



Water depth (m) 0.96


0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (s) a- Time series plot of the wave burst ) -1 hz 2 0.016 DOF = 8 Capillary waves = 21.6% 0.8 Wind waves = 34.4% 0.012 Swell waves = 36.6% 0.4 Infragravity waves = 7.1% Fargravity waves = 0.4% 0.008 0

0.004 -0.4 Tide levelin meters (MSL) 0 -0.8 Power Spectrum Density (m 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 7/1/08 7/2/08 7/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 Frequency (Hz) b- Power spectral density graph for the wave burst c- Tidal stage at which the wave burst was recorded Figure 19 Wave statistics for wave burst 71

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 38

Figure 20 Current regime at lagoon (based on analyzed wind data)

d) Beach Environment Beach environment of Milandhoo is defined by the hydrodynamic environment of the reef system. The hydrodynamic force affecting the reef system is the oceanic swells received from the SE direction. The Two channels at either side of Milandhoo reef system transmits these refracted swell waves to inter atoll waters. The refracted swell induced currents from either side of the island pushes the sediment produced at the reef system westwards. The entire eastern, northern and southern side of the island shoreline is rocky substrate. The south western and north

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 39 western side is composed of shingle beach. Sandy beach is observed at a small stretch at the southern side (near marshy area) and at the western central side of the island which is represents a bay like formation. Average width of the beach is 35m; beach width is greater at the central area compared to southern and northern side of this beach strip.

Beach profiles were taken at 9 locations at Milandhoo (all profiles were taken at the western side of the island where sandy beach is observed.). Erosion was not observed at the western side beach strip, although several berm formations are observed. Erosion is observed almost the entire length of eastern side. High erosion scarps are observed at the north corner of the island and the south eastern corner and southern side of the island. Some of the erosion scarps were approximately 1-1.2m high, where erosion scarps are deepest the sandstone rocks that is the lithified core of the island is also exposed.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 40 Profile 1 1 0

-1 P9 P8 P1 P7 P2 P6 P3 -2 P4 P5 Height in Height in Meters 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance in Meters s r Profile 2 Profile 6 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Height in Mete Height Meters in Height 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance in Meters Distance in Meters

Profile 3 Profile 7 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Height in Meters in Height Meters in Height 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance in Meters Distance in Meters

Profile 4 Profile 8 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Height in Meters Height in HeightMeters in 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance in Meters Distance in Meters

Profile 5 Profile 9 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 Height inMeters Height in Meters in Height 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance in Meters Distance in Meters

Figure 21 Summary of beach profiles taken at the western side beach, Height is given relative to MSL

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 41

Figure 22 Near proposed harbor location (A), north of harbor location where wide beach is observed (B), west central area near existing access jetty (C), north western side near end of sand beach (D), north western corner (E), north eastern side of the island (F) eastern side of island (G)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 42 e) Marine Surveys The status of the marine environment at the harbor construction site at Milandhoo was carried out using standard marine survey methodologies to estimate the overall ecological condition of the reef. A brief description of the survey methods are given in Section 2.

i) Coral community

Two sites were surveyed to establish a baseline for reef benthic community; one northern side of existing entrance (west central area) and at the south western side near the proposed entrance area (see Figure 4). Live coral cover at the area was 10.6%, while abiotic categories such as rock, sand and rubble was 66% of total cover (rock 61%, rubble 2.6% and sand 2.3%). Among the dominant and common live corals include: Porites (28%), Acropora (29%), Pocillopora (10%) and Pavona (11%) while several other genera contributed to the remaining cover (Figure 23). Only 10 coral genera were recorded at this site (Figure 24).

Figure 23 Estimation of benthic cover at site 1. Values are mean percent cover and error bars are standard error of the mean.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 43

Figure 24 Composition of the live coral community at site 1

Coral cover at site 2 was higher than site RF1, live coral cover at RF2 was 19.7% (Figure 25). Turf algal cover was approximately 25.1% while rubble and rock cover was approximately 44%. Few recently dead coral colonies were also observed the area, these include mostly pocillopora colonies. Unlike site RF1, live coral at RF2 was dominated by small colonies of pocillopora (32%) followed by acropora (22%), pavona (17%) and porites (14%), while other generas were in low abundance (Figure 26). Total of 10 coral genera was recorded at this site (Figure 26). It was observed at that the area was rocky and less rugose, therefore domination of encrusting forms and massive forms were abundant. The slope area near the site RF2 was dominated by large porites colonies, while reef crest area was observed with numerous new acropora recruits.

Figure 25 Estimation of benthic cover at site 2. Values are mean percent cover and error bars are standard error of the mean

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 44

Figure 26 Composition of the live coral community at site 2

Figure 27 Acroporid laminar forms and Porites sp observed at the Site RF1, live coral cover was low at the area

Figure 28 Abundance of laminar and digitate forms of acroporid and encrusting to massive forms are relatively high at site RF2

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 45 Qualitative survey site is located just inside the existing entrance area located at the northern side of entrance. The qualitative survey site was dominated by Porites cylindrica. The porites colonies were densely packed in an area approximately 8000m2. This area is observed to be sandy with very few rocks or rubble. The site is just at the edge of the deep lagoon. Similar patch of porites is observed at the southern side of the entrance, but the size of the patch is considerably smaller (approximately 3000m2). Fish life at the area was mainly juvenile Acanthurids, chaetodons, labrids and pomacentrids using the porites colonies and shelters.

Figure 29 Porites cylindrica colonies observed near existing entrance area, dense growth of Halimeda among the Porites colonies

ii) Reef fish community

Same transects used for benthic survey was used for fish census. At both sites herbivores fish were dominant (Acanthuridae, Pomacentridae and Labridae), while other species were recorded in low abundance (Figure 30 to 34). Only 4 species of Chaetodontids were recorded in both sites, this may be due to that the Acropora cover is low. Among the species recorded were Chaetodon trifaciates, Chaetodon klienii, Chaetodon collare, and Chaetodon auriga. Only two species of Serranidae were recorded at the survey sites (Cephalopholis argus and Ephinephelus spiletoceps). A total of 15 families of fishes were recorded during the time of the field survey for both sites (RF1 and RF2).

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 46

Figure 30 Reef fish composition at site RF1 (percentage of total count)

Figure 31 Diversity and abundance of fish at RF1.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 47

Figure 32 Reef fish composition at site RF2 (percentage of total count)

Figure 33 Diversity and abundance of fish at RF2.

In general, from the information derived from the fish census it can be concluded that the fish population at the survey sites is dominated by herbivorous fishes such as Acanthurids, Pomacentrids and Labrids. Herbivorous fishes as a functional group plays a vital role in controlling and maintaining the level of algal growth at the reef.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 48

iii) Seawater quality

The condition or quality of coastal water is important for ecological functioning of the organisms living in the habitat, for health and safety reasons and also for visual and aesthetic impacts. The water quality is generally determined by the level of nutrients. There are several sources that can lead to increased nutrients in coastal waters, e.g. sedimentation and terrestrial storm water runoff. Sediment stirrup can also lead to release of nutrients within the sediments especially when there is large scale excavation and dredging involved.

The most important nutrients of concern in coastal waters are nitrates and phosphates. In excessive quantities these can cause rapid growth of phytoplankton and result in algal blooms. Visual quality of the water is also important, a beach environment is much more attractive when the water is clean and one can see the sea bottom. However, even clear water may sometimes be polluted. Dredging and excavation often carry heavy load of sediments increasing sediment load in the water column causing discoloration of the of the impact area for a prolonged period.

It is worthwhile to note here that there is no direct input source of nutrients in the coastal waters as a result of the proposed activities but rather a potential release of nutrients associated with dredging or excavation. Therefore the purpose of the assessment of water quality is to establish a baseline for the seawater quality, take as a standard to compare with any future water quality assessments.

Seawater sampling locations are provided in Figure 3. The sampling sites are located at the west central area of the reef since it is assumed that current flow will direct sediment plume to west central area. A list of parameters tested and their values for sampling location are given in Table 4.

Table 4 Seawater quality parameter tested and their results at the sampling location at Milandhoo. Data analysis was carried out by the National Health Laboratory, Maldives Food and Drug Authority.

Parameters SW1 SW2 Turbidity 1NTU 2NTU Physical appearance Clear Clear Apparent color 0 TCU 0 TCU pH 8.2 8.1 DO (mg/l)* 5.2 5.5 Nitrite (mg/l) 0.004 0.003 Nitrate (mg/l) 0 0 Threshold odour Not detected Not detected Salinity (mg/l) 34500 34800

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 49 CoD (mg/l) 1200 1180 Ammonia (mg/l) 1.4 1 Total Dissolved solids (mg/l) 26640 26600

* DO taken with portable water test meter Hanna HI 9828

f) Hazard vulnerability, area vulnerable to flooding and storm surges Hazard vulnerability of Milandhoo is assessed based on available literature and field data collection. The report prepared by the UNDP on disaster risk assessment of Maldives states that the Milandhoo region falls into high risk category in terms of tsunami risk (Figure 34). Milandhoo falls in to category 5, which is the highest risk scale given in the risk assessment.

Figure 34 Tsunami hazard zones, category 5 is the highest risk zone while 1 is the lowest (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006)

Hazardous weather systems, other than general monsoons (heavy rain and strong winds) that affect Maldives are tropical storms (tropical cyclone) and severe local storms (thunderstorms/thunder squalls).Tropical cyclones are extreme weather events with positive and negative consequences. At times, these are very destructive due to associated strong winds (often exceeding 150 kmph), heavy rainfall (often exceeding 30 to 40 cm in 24 hours) and storm tides

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 50 (often exceeding 4 to 5 meters). Strong winds can damage structures, houses, communication systems, roads, bridges and vegetation. Heavy rainfall can cause serious flooding. Storm surge is a sudden rise of sea level elevation along the coast caused by cyclonic winds. Sea level also rises twice daily due to astronomical reasons. The combined effect of surge and tide is knows as storm tide. Storm tides can cause catastrophes in low lying areas, flat coast and island territories such as Maldives.

The islands of Maldives are also affected by severe local storms (thunder storms/thunder squalls). Hazards associated with thunderstorms are strong winds (often exceeding 100kmph), heavy rainfall, lightning and hail. They give birth to tornadoes in some preferred regions (other than equatorial regions). In general thunderstorms are more frequent in equatorial regions compared to other areas (Figure 35). Land areas get more thunder storms compared to open ocean areas. However, thunderstorms close to the equator are less violent compared to those of other parts of tropics and extra-tropics. Maldives, being close to the equator, receive frequent thunderstorms but these are less violent. Strong winds generated by severe local storms consequently generate larger wind driven waves, which are hazardous to the islands of the Maldives.

Figure 35 Track of storm affecting Maldives during 1877-2004

Milandhoo falls into category 5, which is the highest risk scale given in the risk assessment of cyclones or storms (see Figure 36). The major zones affecting are the mid and northern parts of the Maldives. During NE monsoon the entire eastern segment of the Sh. Atoll sea is very rough during bad weather periods.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 51

Figure 36 Cyclone Hazard Zoning (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006)

Bathymetry around Maldives shows that the ocean slope close to the east coast is steep compared to the same on the west coast. This led us to conclude that eastern islands of Maldives are vulnerable to higher surge hazard compared to western islands. Milandhoo region falls into zone 5 (highest risk zone) in the cyclone hazard zoning categories (Figure 37).

Figure 37 Surge Hazard Zones (figure derived from UNDP report on Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives November 2006)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 52

g) Social Environment Sh. Atoll has a total of 50 islands (former Sh.atoll office website) of which 15 islands are inhabited. The capital of the atoll is presently changed from Sh Funadhoo to Sh Milandhoo. The total atoll population for the atoll stood at 15047 as of December 2007 according to figures on the former Ministry of Atolls website. The population distribution pattern of the island is shown in Figure 38. Milandhoo is located in Sh Atoll, 234km from Male’. In terms of geographic coordinates, it is located at 06° 17' 13.38" N 73° 14' 44.01" E. Milandhoo has an area of approximately 125ha, with a length of 2200m and width of 970m (at the widest). Nearest inhabited island is Narudhu approximately 2.74km west of Milandhoo. While the closest uninhabited island is Nalandhu (presently leashed for aquaculture work) located north of the Milandhoo, approximately 2.5km away. The original native island of Milandhu residents, Maakandoodhoo is located just south of Milandhoo approximately 4.63km away.

Milandhoo populations native island is Sh Maakandoodhoo, located just south of Milandhoo. The population was resettled at Milandhoo by the government some 15years ago, primarily due to land issues. Approximately 70% of Maakadodhoo’s land is marsh land and mangrove pond. Therefore available land for expansion of residential area is scarce. Maakadoodhoo also experiences flooding during rainy season due to low ground level.

Figure 38 Population distribution of Milandhoo (information derived from island office fact sheet April to June 2009 quarter)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 53 The major economic activities of Milandhoo are construction work and tourism industry related activities (information from island office). Although the island is not a fishing village, 31 small trolling vessels are registered to the island, also 2 speed boats travelling in between Male and Milandhoo is registered to the island (see Table 5).

Table 5 Vessels registered at Milandhoo

Sea Transport Vessel type Total Use of vessels

Trolling dhonis 31 Fishing

Speed boat 2 Travels between Male' and Atolls

Speed boat 5 Others

Bokura 4 Fishing (Source: island office fact sheet)

No major environmental issues were identified, although the island offices stressed the need of leveling of the roads. Due to the geomorphic nature of the island the central parts of the island is lower therefore during rainy season flooding is experienced. The island office also stated mosquito is a major issue, several small water bodies are located at the southern and eastern quadrant of the island which the island office and IDC sees as areas where mosquitoes proliferate. During the consultation meetings at the island and consultations done later, when asked to provide a location for temporary stockpiling of sediment, the island office demarcated the southern side marsh land as the required area for stockpiling. The community doesn’t recognize these areas as environmentally sensitive areas, possibly due to lack of awareness or knowledge of environmental importance of these habitats. A large mangrove pond is observed at the north western side of the island, which is demarcated in the land use plan as a protected area.

h) Sensitive habitats near the proposed harbour area The southern side of the proposed harbor location is a marshy area dominated entirely of Dhiggaa. The elevation of this area is approximately 0.6MSL, during high tide small puddles of water is observed although no pond is observed at the area. At the southern side of this habitat is a small mangrove pond and associated vegetation. Two species of mangroves were observed at the vicinity of the pond, Bruguiera cylindrica and Excoecaria agallocha. Other species of mangroves maybe present, due to thick vegetation detail exploration of the marsh land was not carried out. Perhaps the Dhiggaa area is peripheral habitat of this mangrove system. The pond has an area of 6600m2, while it is estimated that equal to a larger area is composed of associated vegetation (mangrove trees). It is observed that the southern side of the mangrove area is breached, perhaps due to strong wave action, although the pond is not connected to shoreline. Small strip of beach

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 54 (sand shingle) is observed at this area, approximately 130m long, either side of this beach strip is shingle and rock dominated beaches.

Several marsh habitats are also observed at the eastern side of the island, where some are breached, while others are observed to be exploited for wood. One large mangrove pond is observed at the north western side of the island, which is marked as a protected area according the land use plan (provided by the island office). Apart from this mangrove area two other marsh lands was observed at the north western corner of the island.

Figure 39 Mangrove pond and associated habitat observed at the south western side of the island, facing the southern side

Figure 40 Marsh land observed at the south eastern side of the island, water body or pond is not observed at the area (left), small mangrove area observed at east central area of the island, the mangrove trees at the area seem to be cultivated trees (right)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 55

7. Environmental Impacts

Impacts on the environment from various activities of the development works (construction impacts) and operation of the harbor (operational impacts) have been identified through interviews with the Island Development Committee, field data collection and surveys and based on past experience in similar development projects. Possible impacts arising from the construction and operation works are categorized into reversible and permanent (irreversible) impacts. The impacts identified are also described according to their location, extent (magnitude) and characteristics. Reversible and irreversible impacts are further categorized by intensity of impacts (negligible, minor, moderate and major) for identifying best possible remedial (mitigation measures) action to be taken. Below are the impact categories (Table 6).

Table 6 Impact prediction Categorized

Impact Reversible/ Cumulative category Description irreversible impacts

the impact has no significant risk to environment either short term or long Negligible term Reversible no

the impact is short term and cause very Minor limited risk to the environment Reversible no

Impacts give rise to some concern, may cause long term environmental problems but are likely short term and Moderate acceptable Reversible May or may not

Reversible Yes, mitigation impact is long term, large scale and measures has to be Major- environmental risk Irreversible addressed

Since the project is a new development, major impacts envisaged are impacts to marine environment due to various components of the construction phase. Impact on vegetation and sensitive environments are minimal. The directly impacted area during the construction phase from dredging and reclamation of the reef system is approximately 1.6% of the total reef area of the Milandhoo reef system.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 56 The severity of impacts is predicted by reviewing the design plans and construction methodologies and resources exposed to the impact. Mitigation measures are formulated in light of the information revealed by the project designers based on construction method of quay wall, excavation method and equipment or machinery used. Direct and indirect impact areas identified based on sediment plume based on dominant wind wave direction derived from wind data is given in Figure 1, section 3d.

a) Limitation and uncertainty of impact prediction Uncertainty of impact prediction are mainly due to the lack of long term data (shoreline, local currents and wave climate), Inherent complexity of ecosystem (reef environment, habitat and terrestrial environment although in a lesser extent) and lack of coordinated monitoring programs with inconsistent methodologies which can be used to predict outcomes or reliability of predictions of previous projects.

The impacts are predicted by reviewing the survey data collected during the field visits and information revealed by the designers and engineers. The data collected during the field visit is limited to 3-4 days, which limits the overall understanding of even the short term environmental conditions (wave condition, currents, and littoral movement).

The time limitation of EIA field data collection and report preparation is also a hindrance to properly understanding the environmental factors dictating the conditions of the habitat.

b) Construction Impacts Any development work involving excavation or dredging will have major impacts on reef, lagoon and coastal hydrodynamics. The Impacts of excavation can range from smothering of live coral to kill of live coral. Coastal modification involved in the construction of the harbor can have short to long term impacts. Potential direct or indirect impacts on the environment (on land and reef system) from the proposed works are limited to relatively small number of activities, these include:

• Excavation works at the harbor basin and entrance channel

• Physical damage to the reef (lagoon) during loading and unloading (equipment and heavy machinery mobilization) using barges

• Direct loss of habitat and disturbance to the lagoon bottom and reef flat area by construction works at lagoon (harbor wall construction and dredging works).

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 57 • Possible impact to vegetation during dredged material disposal works (minor impact, trampling of small bushes, no vegetation will be removed during disposal work)

• Impact on lagoon environment by the reclamation or dredged material disposal and back filling works at either side of the harbor

• Direct physical damage to reef flat and crust area during excavation or cutting of entrance and entrance channel, and associated sedimentation impacts

i) Schedule, logistics and loading and unloading construction materials

All construction materials will be transported to the site on cargo dhonis and barges, and unloaded at the western side of the island (existing access point), the existing entrance at the western side can be used to access the lagoon. Material unloaded will be transported to the construction site. Initially heavy machinery will be brought to the island and once the dredging component is completed, construction materials will be transported to the island. Therefore backfilling areas either side of the harbor and harbor front can be used for storing armor rocks and other heavy materials. Impacts arising due to mobilization and unloading of materials include;

• Anchor damage by vessels mooring for material unloading

• Accidental spillage of construction materials (cement bags, rocks)

• Accidental oil spills (used for excavators and other heavy machinery)

No concrete work will be carried out at site, all “L” section concrete elements will be caste at Thilafushi or Hulhumale and transported to site. Armor stones will be brought to site once the harbor basin deepening works are completed, armor stones will be temporarily stock piled at backfilled areas. Armor rocks will be transported to the breakwater area by excavator when needed. Where depth exceeds 1.5m, barge will be used to transport armor rocks and excavator.

ii) Construction materials and solid waste

Transportation of construction materials such as cement, timber, plywood, sheet pile, armor rocks and fuel for excavators and trucks to the site has the potential to aesthetically damage the marine environment especially the lagoon areas due to accidental spillage. Quite often construction waste finds their way into the marine environment during the course of their disposal unless necessary measures are taken to avoid this from happening.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 58 Pollution of the lagoon and reef system can be caused by waterborne and windblown debris escaping from the construction site or from transportation vessels such as landing crafts and barges. Waste and residue arising from construction activities such as oil spills and other waste (used wooden moulds) may affect the marine environment.

All generated during the construction stage will be sorted and disposed accordingly. All materials that can be burnt (packing material, timber, paper) will be disposed at Milandhoo waste disposal sites. The materials that are categorized as hazardous waste such as used oil filters and luboil should be transported to government designated disposal site (Thilafushi).

iii) Impacts due to construction methods

Since excavators will be used for the deepening works, sedimentation is inevitable and this is an impact that will be unavoidable. Even if a sand bund wall is made initially before dredging the harbor basin, sedimentation or suspension of fine sediment will be unavoidable. Although it is unavoidable the impacts will be short termed. The current direction at the lagoon (proposed harbor location) is westwards during NE monsoon (projected dredging period). It is often the smaller corals and corals that exhibit laminar growth forms that are more vulnerable to extended sedimentation (acropora table corals).

Fine sediments with rapid rate of deposition are detrimental to certain corals especially the tabulate forms of corals. Such sediments blocks the coral polyps from feeding and the lack of nutrition and other physiological stress such as respiration eventually starves and suffocated the corals leading to death. Finely deposited sediments are often difficult to get rid of even with strong currents. The reef survey carried out at monitoring areas indicated that live coral over was moderate (less than 20% at average) and dominated by branching and massive forms. Therefore major impact is envisaged on the live coral at the area. Although this impact is categorized as major impact, this impact will be short termed, since strong currents are experienced at the area.

Major environmental concerns associated with dredging and reclamation works are direct habitat loss, sedimentation and deterioration in water quality. High levels of sedimentation and silt from dredging activities is a major source of reef degradation. The consequences of excessive sedimentation on corals are well known and include:

- direct physical impacts like smothering of corals and other benthic reef organisms,

- reduces light penetration, which has a direct effect on zooxanthellae photosynthesis and thus the net productivity of corals. It also reduces coral growth, calcification rates and reproduction.

- dredged silt may form false bottoms, characterized by shifting unstable sediments

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 59 - silt suspension may increase nutrient release, leading to eutrophic blooms

- silt may act as sink or trap for many pollutants, which are absorbed onto the sediments

Construction of wharfs and protection walls will be done using armor rock layers; sediment removed from the excavation works will be used for back filling work. Back filling work will be carried out by using excavator. The initial bund wall created will act as back filling; concrete elements will be placed inside the harbor, while rock layer will be laid out side. Bund wall is made in the first place to minimize sedimentation but still this also will cause sedimentation due to the wave action. This impact could have chronic impacts on the very few live coral observed at the area (this is an unavoidable impact). This impact is envisaged to be short termed since revetment and breakwaters will be constructed after the excavation works.

The new proposed entrance is located at the south western side of the island, it has to be noted that live coral cover at this area (RF2) is higher than the other survey site (RF1) and live coral at the area is dominated by branching to massive forms. Direct physical impact by dredging and trampling of live coral is possible. At the harbor basin side, the excavator may be operated on the lagoon bed, but since very few live coral is observed impacts will be minimal.

iv) Impact on vegetation (sand stock pile area and harbour front area)

The harbor quay wall will be placed approximately 16m off the shoreline at the northern side of the harbor and 10m off the shoreline at the southern side of the harbor, therefore no vegetation will be removed for the purpose of clearance for harbor front. An access road is located at the northern side of the harbor connecting to main roads of the island therefore cutting of additional road is not required. During leveling of the harbor front area, operation of heavy machinery may cause damage to vegetation at the periphery of the island.

The sand stock pile area located at the eastern side of the harbor at the edge of the marsh land. This area was demarcated by the island office and former IDC when asked for a location of sand stock pile during consultation meetings. Small mangrove pond is observed at the area, which the island people thinks is of no use, but a nuisance. According to the IDC this area is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and needed to be filled, and they don’t see this place as an environmentally sensitive area, the IDC thinks that the large mangrove pond at the northern side of the island needs to be protected. Although this may be the case, the land use plan (initial land use plan prepared by the former MHUD) used by the island office for giving out land, has residential plots even at this area. It is very clear that the island community is not aware of the importance of these habitats. If sand stock pile is located at this area the mangrove habitat will be altered, eventually loosing this habitat.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 60 v) Coastal structures

The impact of new physical structures such as breakwaters, access channels and harbors on the hydrodynamic regime, can be quite significant and often permanent. It can interfere with littoral sediment transport patterns and seasonal coastal dynamics resulting in a number of impacts. These include:

• Change of near shore hydrodynamic (currents and wave patterns)

• Erosion due to alteration of hydrodynamic regime of the reef system

• Sedimentation or increased turbidity due to movement of sediment around the structure (harbor walls or protection walls), which intern reduces light penetration, which has a direct effect on zooxanthellae photosynthesis and thus the net productivity of corals

• Alteration of substrate topography, hydrodynamic regime and the continual re- suspension of dredged sediments can result in increasing sedimentation and forming dredge silts

• Degradation of sea water quality due to turbidity

The prevailing hydrodynamic regime of the reef system is current flow from east to west, which is highlighted by forming of the bay like area at the western side of the island. Construction of the harbor at south western side of the island will obstruct sediment flow from this side to the west central area of the island.

vi) Social impacts, noise and air pollution

Operation of heavy machinery and construction related equipment will contribute to noise pollution. Noise pollution during the dredging works will be mainly due to the operation of excavator and trucks. Construction noise at Milandhoo will be dictated by the predominant wind direction (NE during NE monsoon). As the Dredging works will be finished first, estimated time of completion within two months, this falls on late February to March 2009. Therefore wind direction will be form NE. The nearest residential area is approximately 100m away therefore noise impact will be minor. Dredging will be carried out during low tide; therefore noise level will not be sustained throughout the day. But it has to be noted that dredging has to be carried out during the night hours too (during low tide).

Air pollution due to the project will be mainly due to operation of heavy machinery like excavator, trucks and boats. But in since use of heavy machinery will be limited to a short period of time; impacts are envisaged to be minor.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 61 Development of a harbor at Milandhoo will have positive impacts in terms of easy and safe accessibility and wellbeing of community. At present access jetty at the western side lagoon is used for material unloading and access, at times refracted swell waves are experienced at the lagoon making unloading process difficult.

vii) Effects on Groundwater Quality

No impact is envisaged on groundwater due to the proposed project.

c) Operational Impacts Environmental impacts associated from the operational phase of the current proposed development project are limited to a relatively few activities. These activities can cause short term to long term impacts on the reef environment. Below are some of the possible impacts:

- degradation of sea water quality from possible alteration of littoral sediment transport regime causing turbidity (short to long term impact), due to obstruction by physical structures and cutting of new entrance

- possible impacts due to accidental spillage of oil (by boats using the harbor)

- following construction, the proposed development may influence existing hydrodynamic patterns affecting water circulation and possibly leading to “dead spot” in the inner harbor areas where floating litter and other pollutants could accumulate (the breakwaters are constructed as porous structures, armor rock, therefore flushing would be satisfactory). Since the size of harbor is small, tidal flux is sufficient for flushing of basin waters.

- accidental spillage of waste (by loading and unloading vessels)

- Possible erosion problems due to change of hydrodynamic regime (short to mid term)

i) Impact to hydrodynamic patterns

Development of harbor would inevitably have impacts on the hydrodynamic regime. The major impact is obstruction of natural current and sediment flow due to the coastal structures. The current flow at present is dictated by the swell and wind waves. Obstruction of current and water flow at the south western side perhaps would impact the west central beach strip. The sediment flow at the area is east to west from north and southern side, accreting at the west central area.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 62 Therefore erosion is possible at the north western side of the beach strip since current flow from southern side will be reduced due to obstruction. Accretion is also envisaged at the southern side of the harbor, where revetment and rocky beach meets.

The proposed entrance will create a set up (shallow lagoon to entrance channel) thereby creating a flow out of lagoon to reef slope area (which is also observed at the existing entrance at the west central area). This change in current flow is thought to increase the sediment flow in to the channel which eventually will make the channel shallow. This would mean increase maintenance dredging, which in turn means sustained sedimentation impacts. The change in hydrodynamic regime (due to entrance cutting) may also impact the beach in terms of erosion.

Figure 41 Schematic drawing showing erosion prone areas

ii) Social impacts

Positive impacts are envisaged in terms of social aspects, the development of the harbor will ensure safe access to the island, and also greatly improve ease of material and goods loading and unloading.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 63 At times when the weather is bad during SW monsoon the lagoon area also gets turbid therefore construction of harbor ensures safe harbor for all vessels used by the community.

iii) Wastewater Disposal or littering of harbour

Improper disposal of organic (fish waste, sewage, fuel) and inorganic waste (tins, cans, plastic bottles) to the harbor basin will cause degradation of the harbor basin waters. Dumping of fish waste and other organic waste will increase the nutrient levels of the harbor, facilitating proliferation of algae. Floating waste such as empty cans, plastic bottles, and plastic bags will be accumulated at the dead zones (corners). Proper harbor management plan has to be formulated to address the use of harbor. Sign boards have to be made, as an awareness tool to inform people using the harbor not to contaminate or dispose waste at the harbor basin. In addition to that dustbins should be placed at the harbor area.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 64 8. Alternatives

Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment in consultation with the harbor committee and IDC has already decided the location of the harbor. Although this may be the case alternative site was surveyed during the EIA process (the alternative site discussed here is the initial proposed site which was later changed by the MHTE in consultation with IDC).

The following are components where alternatives are discussed;

- Harbor Location - Construction method - Excavation method - Dredge material disposal site - Entrance location - No project scenario

a) Considered alternatives

i) Location of harbour

Alternatives for harbor location are;

¾ Proposed location: The proposed harbor location as of December 2009 is the south western side the island, southern end of bay shape area at the western side of the island. ¾ Alternative location: alternative location is the initially proposed harbor location, west central area of the island (where existing jetty is located)

ii) Construction method

Alternatives for construction method for harbor works are

¾ Proposed method (harbor structures): The method of harbor quay wall is L section concrete elements ¾ Alternative method 1: Sheet pile

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 65 iii) Excavation method

¾ Proposed method: The proposed method of excavation is by using excavator ¾ Alternative method: By use of cutter suction dredger

iv) Dredged material disposal site

¾ Proposed disposal sites: The proposed dredged material disposal site is located east of the harbor at the marsh land. ¾ Alternative location: the proposed alternative location is the wide beach north of the harbor

v) Location of entrance channel

¾ Proposed location of entrance channel : The proposed location of entrance and entrance channel is at the south western side of the island ¾ Alternative location: existing entrance at the west central area of the island

vi) The No project scenario

The no project scenario means avoidance of direct physical impacts to the reef and lagoon area where proposed harbor basin and associated structures will be constructed. The proposed project will have sediment related impacts and direct physical impacts of the reef habitat, while the modification of the coastal processes may have consequences elsewhere in terms of beach erosion or loss of land. The proposed dredged material disposal site is located east of proposed harbor area at the marsh land. Disposing sediment at this area will have detrimental impact on this mangrove habitat.

Considering socio-economic impacts due to no development is moderate, at present main access to the island is from the western side using the existing entrance to lagoon. But this lagoon is facing westwards therefore SW monsoonal wind waves will make the lagoon turbid. At times the islanders face difficulty in unloading materials due to choppy waters. It has to be noted that during NE monsoon, during lowest low tide periods large vessels such as cargo dhonis will not be able to navigate some areas of the lagoon, although near existing jetty area is deep.

b) Assessment of alternatives Assessment of proposed methods and alternatives are given in Table 7. The disadvantages and advantages of the options are given in terms of feasibility, community acceptance, environmental point of view and cost.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 66 Table 7 Assessment of proposed methods and alternatives

Item Option Advantage Disadvantage

Location of harbor Proposed location (south ¾ The lagoon area has enough space for ¾ Live coral cover the reef flat area in western side of the island) construction of proposed dimension of front of harbor is higher than harbor alternative site.

¾ Shifting the harbor to southern side ¾ Since the harbor is near the south retains maximum length of beach un western corner, transmitted swell touched (since this is the only waves will be received at the harbor recreational beach area of the island) area

¾ Community in consent with the ¾ The southern side of the harbor is proposed location. near the low laying marsh land therefore the drains have to be ¾ Low cost of transport of dredged constructed at the harbor area to material to disposal site (stock pile mitigate flooding during storm location) season or rainy season

¾ Will obstruct sediment transport from east to west and towards the western bay like area, possibly causing changes to littoral regime

Alternative location (western ¾ Deep lagoon, therefore minimum ¾ Community not in consent to the central area of the island dredging requirement alternative location, stating that recreational beach will be lost ¾ Easy access to existing entrance

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 67 ¾ Near public buildings (health centre, ¾ Will have impact on the beach at office...etc) western side (since harbor will be located at west central area of the island).

¾ Lagoon area is deep, therefore cost of dredging may be high (since barge has to be used)

Construction method: Proposed method: “L” section ¾ Have been successfully used in many ¾ Requires large area for casting the L harbor structures concrete elements harbors sections.

¾ Low maintenance or repair

¾ Cost lower compared to steel sheet pile

¾ Possible physical damage from vibration is not an issue since the structure is not needed to be driven into substrate

¾ Community in consent with this method

Alternative method: Sheet pile ¾ Low maintenance ¾ Need specialized machinery for driving the piles

¾ May cause vibration related impacts

¾ Cost of construction is higher compared to concrete sheet pile method

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 68 Excavation method Proposed method: by using ¾ Low cost ¾ Major impact to marine environment excavator due to sedimentation involved in ¾ Ease of operation excavation

¾ Requires a interim bond (reclaimed) or barge

Alternative method: by using ¾ Low impact in relation to sedimentation ¾ High cost of mobilization cutter suction dredger ¾ Avoid need of blasting in the event ¾ Difficulty in operating in tight blasting is required conditions

¾ Avoid need of transportation of dredged ¾ Not feasible for small scale projects material since pipe line can be extended up to disposal site

Dredged material Proposed location: eastern side ¾ Use of dredged material for a useful ¾ Will have direct impact on marsh disposal site (stock pile of harbor at the marsh land purpose (leveling of roads or use for land and mangrove habitat site) (proposed by island office) construction) ¾ Possible impact on ground water due ¾ Community in consent to this location salt leaching from dredged materials (community does not view the proposed (temporary impact) area as an environmentally sensitive ¾ habitat or useful habitat to preserve) Stock pile area is an environmentally sensitive area

Alternative: northern side of ¾ Close proximity to harbor, therefore low ¾ In the event proposed site is not harbor at the wide beach transport cost approved community in consent to government approved location or EIA ¾ Avoid need for vegetation clearance

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 69 (open wide beach) approved location

¾ Since sand stockpile will be located ¾ Visual impact or aesthetic impact behind the beach berm, no impact is envisaged on littoral movement

Location of entrance Proposed location: south ¾ Shortest distance to harbor ¾ Loss of reef habitat western side of the harbor ¾ Community in consent to this location ¾ Loss of live coral

¾ Direct physical damage to live coral and benthic organism

¾ Indirect impact (sedimentation)

¾ Possible alteration of hydrodynamics (already an entrance is cut west of the proposed harbor, which according to some locals has affected the beach accretion and erosion process)

¾ Susceptible to swell waves during NE monsoon, wind waves during SW monsoon at angle

¾ Maintenance dredging frequency will increase if entrance is cut at this location due to hydrodynamic nature of the reef system. Dominant movement of sediment (assessing

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 70 aerial photos and GPS mapping), is east to west from northern and southern side of the island which is probably the reason for wide beach at west central area of the island. Due to this reason it is thought that maintenance dredging frequency will increase if entrance is cut at this location

Alternative location: existing ¾ Will have minimal impact to reef habitat ¾ Community not in favor of this option entrance at the west central at the area (entrance may need to be (although at the initial stages of the area widened and deepened) project this entrance location was approved by harbor committee and ¾ Will avoid loss of live coral IDC, but later decided to change) ¾ Direct physical damage to live coral and ¾ Distance to harbor is greater benthic organism can be minimized compared to proposed location, also (since it is already an existing entrance, a straight line may not be possible if which is in use) entrance is to be aligned to the ¾ Will reduce indirect impact deeper passage of lagoon (in which case additional navigational lights ¾ May reduce cost maybe required)

¾ Maintenance dredging frequency is thought to be less (it has been 15 years since the entrance was cleared)compared to proposed location

¾ Since it is an existing entrance (cut some

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 71 15years back) the hydrodynamic system is thought to be in equilibrium with the change (no apparent changes noticed by IDC; outcome of consultation meeting during EIA field work)

No project scenario No project option ¾ Avoid major impact to reef habitat and ¾ Discontent of the island community live coral from dredging works ¾ Community not in consent to this ¾ Avoid indirect impact due to option sedimentation

¾ Avoid alteration of lagoon hydrodynamic and littoral movement

¾ Avoid impact to vegetation at harbor front area (minimal impact)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 72 c) Selected alternatives i) Location of harbor

The proposed location of harbor is at the south western side of the island, south of western side bay shape area, while the alternative site is west central area of western side bay shape area (initially proposed and agreed location by IDC). Considering both options, location of the harbor at the south western side effectively mimics or extends the geomorphic shape of coastline at the area, thereby causing less impact on hydrodynamics, while locating at west central area, it can argued that impact during operational stage to beach will be less (since sediment is transported from north and southern side to west central area and longshore movement is thought to be less). In terms of social impacts the community uses the west central area for recreational purpose, since it is the only beach strip near the residential area. The main reason for relocating the harbor to the south western side by the IDC (outcome of consultation meeting) is due to this reason, and perhaps sees that if harbor is constructed at the south western side, west central area can be still used.

In terms of environmental impacts, sediment impact will be higher at the south western side; while west central area will be lower (deep lagoon therefore dredging work will be less). Also live coral cover is higher at the south western side compared to west central reef flat area.

Giving consideration to impacts and social acceptance the proposed location is selected. The proposed location is near low laying marsh land therefore drainage issues have to be addressed (low land entirely composed of Dhiggaa (Sea Hibiscus).

ii) Construction method

The harbor quay walls are proposed to be built of concrete elements, while alternative is sheet pile. Both methods have been used successfully in the Maldives. Although the sheet pile method needs specialized machinery for driving it in to the substrate. The driving procedure may cause vibration impact, while the Concrete elements need only to be placed on a leveled platform or substrate. In terms of cost, there is no significant difference, although sheet pile is little expensive. Therefore the proposed method for quay is selected.

iii) Excavation method

The proposed method used for deepening the harbor is using excavator, will have significant impacts on the surrounding environment. One alternative to minimize this impact is to employ a cutter-suction dredge which reduces the amount of silt suspended in the water column. It will also eliminate the need for blasting should hard substrate be encountered. But unfortunately, the

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 73 use of cutter-suction dredges for the small quantity of dredging involved in the proposed project is not economical due to the high costs of mobilization and operation.

Sand bunds will be use to reduce environmental impacts due to suspension of silt. Another alternative to this is the use of geo textile curtains to avoid the spread of suspended silt beyond the immediate area being dredged. However, from past experience, the coastal environment in the Maldives is far too dynamic and precludes the use of such barriers. Also it is economically not feasible in small projects such as the proposed harbor development at Milandhoo. Another alternative to sand bund is construction of the breakwater at the early stages of the project.

iv) Dredged material disposal site

The proposed location of dredged material disposal (proposed by community) is at the eastern side of the harbor, at the marsh land, while the alternative site is north of the harbor. An outcome of the consultation with EPA is not in favor of the proposed location since it falls into the marsh habitat. The EPA views these habitats as sensitive environments and also these are habitats play and important role ground water stability. Therefore in view of the environmental impacts the alternative site is selected.

v) Location of entrance channel

The proposed location of the entrance is at the south western area of the proposed harbor. Alternative location is existing entrance at the west central area of the reef. The south western side is proposed by the IDC and harbor committee of the island stating that this orientation and location, since most of the islands in the atoll has the entrance oriented at southerly direction. The decision for entrance orientation was taken during the initial field visit to the island by the consultants; a vote was taken by general public regarding the location of harbor.

Considering both options, in terms of design life or maintenance frequency the south western side will require high frequency of maintenance dredging compared to alternative site. The alternative site was cleared some 15 years ago and it is still in usable condition. In terms of usability, during NE monsoon this area will receive refracted swells (since it is just at the southern corner near the channel to outer atoll side), making the area turbid, also waves will be received almost perpendicular to the entrance. According to the island chief, the west central entrance is usable all through out of the year apart from 1 or 2 days when extreme weather is experienced.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 74 In terms of impact to live coral due to cutting of entrance, the south western side will have more impact on live coral compared to west central (since west central entrance is an existing entrance, minimum dredging will be required).

Therefore giving consideration to above mentioned points, the alternative site is selected, although the community is not in consent to this location. In the view of the consultants the community agrees with the merits of using existing entrance (since they were in consent to location earlier), but most probably decided that entrance channel length will be an issue (length of entrance channel to harbor basin if existing entrance is used will be more than that of proposed entrance location). Also it has to be noted that use of existing entrance is much more environmentally friendly than again cutting a new entrance at the reef, especially if advantages of making entrance at proposed location is less than the alternative.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 75

9. Mitigation Plan

There are a number of actions that can be taken to minimize the identified impacts. Those that are explored below emerged out of the discussions and consultations during this EIA and from the past experience of the consultant (Table 8). Mitigation measures are selected to reduce or eliminate the severity of any predicted adverse environmental effects and improve the overall environmental performance and acceptability of the project.

Mitigation measures are discussed for the construction and operational stage of the project. During the construction stage it is important to take measures to minimize sedimentation impacts on the reef environment. A construction method that has the least impact on terrestrial or marine environment has to be utilized.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 76 Table 8 Mitigation measures proposed for the harbor development works at Milandhoo

Time Possible Impact Institutional Mitigation measures Location frame Cost (MRF) Impacts intensity responsibility (Phase)

Littering, accidental disposal and spillage of any construction wastes should be avoided by pre-planning ways During Minor to Reef flat, lagoon of their transportation and disposal. construction moderate, short Contractor N/A and land Careful planning of the work activities (6 months) term impact Littering on can also reduce the amount of waste terrestrial and generated. marine environment During construction of protection walls and break waters, all construction During N/A should be related waste collected stored at project Lagoon, reef flat construction Minor Contractor included in the project site, and later disposed at atoll waste (6 months) cost management site or at Thilafushi

Awareness raising of project managers on environmentally friendly practices to During minimize negative impacts. Conduct Reef flat and reef Minor, short term construction MHTE contractor N/A consultation meetings by Island office slope lagoon impact Damage to reef (1 month) advising environmentally sound by loading and workmanship. unloading works

Careful planning to reduce time of the During unloading process (avoid days of heavy Lagoon construction Minor Contractors N/A traffic e.g. Fridays) (1 month)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 77 Creation of a sand bund to reduce the During Reef flat reef Major, short to Contractor, N/A no additional sedimentation impact (harbor basin construction slope lagoon midterm impact MHTE cost area) (2 months) Sedimentation and siltation on the reef and lagoon due to Moderate, short excavation works term. Current Dredging works of the harbor basin and N/A may increase the During flow during clearance work at the entrance will be duration of the Reef flat and construction dredging period carried out during the low tide (which Contractor project, in turn lagoon areas phase (2 will be dictated by would reduce the amount of fines increase cost of months) NE monsoonal released into the water column). machinery wind waves and swell waves.

Disturbance to the near shore Use of sand bunds made initially to During N/A No Additional Major, short to habitat at the transport dredged spoil to either side of On land, lagoon construction Contractor, costs (already included long term impact. dredge material the harbor (2 months) in the work plan) disposal areas

Loss of habitat, Stakes put at the corners of the harbor damage or death dredging area so the excavator operator Major, short term, of coral at the can identify the perimeter of the harbor may have a entrance area, basin, thereby avoiding unnecessary loss During positive impact protection wall of or trampling of live coral. construction on long term by Reef flat, lagoon Contractor N / A area phase (6 creating Since live coral cover is very low at the months) additional immediate project area, trampling by substrate for coral workers at protection wall areas will be growth minor

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 78 Major, short term. Since the tidal currents and swell induced Excavation works will be carried out N/A may increase the currents are during low tide to minimize During duration of the strong during NE sedimentation impact (basin area is Reef flat, lagoon construction Contractor project, in turn monsoon, intertidal therefore reduce height of (2 months) increase cost of therefore water column). machinery sediment plume will be directed away from the reef westwards

Construction Completing the excavation works as Minor/short Air phase (2 Contractor N/A soon as possible. termed months)

N/A (may increase the cost of heavy Completing the excavation works as Construction machinery operation Noise pollution soon as possible, avoid work at night land phase (3 Minor/short term Contractor due to limit of whenever possible months) operation time (timing the low tide window)

N/A already included The reclamation area should be sloped in the project costing Flooding or towards the shore to allow natural (outcome of storm water drainage (northern side of harbor); wile Construction Land/beach area Long term impact MHTE/contractor consultation meeting drainage at spoil drainage system should be constructed stage at MHTE with design disposal area at the mid to southern section of harbor consultant and EIA since ground level at the area is low. consultants)

Possible erosion Shoreline monitoring work done every Moderate, long at the west 3 months in the first year and every 6 term and Included in the Operational central beach due months in the coming year for Established sites unpredictable MHTE monitoring program phase to coastal identification of erosion (shoreline impact (time or (see section 10) modifications mapping and beach profiles) severity)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 79 10. Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring is the systematic collection of information over a long period of time. It involves the measuring and recording of environmental variables associated with the development impacts. Monitoring is needed to;

- Compare predicted and actual impacts - Test the efficiency of mitigation measures - Obtain information about responses of receptors to impacts - Enforce conditions and standards associated with approvals - Prevent environmental problems resulting from inaccurate predictions - Minimize errors in future assessments and impact predictions - Make future assessments more efficient - Provide ongoing management information - Improve EIA and monitoring process

Impact and mitigation monitoring is carried out to compare predicted and actual impacts occurring from project activities to determine the efficiency of the mitigation measures. This type of monitoring is targeted at assessing human impacts on the natural environment. Impact monitoring is supported by an expectation that at some level anthropogenic impacts become unacceptable and action will be taken to either prevent further impacts or re-mediate affected systems. Mitigation monitoring aims to compare and predicted actual (residual) impacts so that effectiveness of mitigation measures can be determine.

The environmental monitoring proposed here is to determine the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and long term change to the benthic community (especially coral community). The reef survey sites established during the field surveys for EIA report preparation will be used for the monitoring program. All monitoring activities will be carried out under the supervision of an environmental monitoring and management consultant. The detail of the monitoring program is given in Table 9. Commitment to finance mitigation measures and monitoring work is submit as a general letter for all harbor project to EPA by former MCPI ( at present MHTE)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 80 Table 9 Monitoring program and cost for individual parameter

Parameter Methodology Sampling Estimated cost frequency for monitoring

Coral and other Photo quadrat at established During Rate per field benthic cover baseline locations construction works survey USD 500.00 and after six month

Reef fish Fish visual census at established During Rate per field community, baseline locations construction works survey USD 500.00 diversity and and after six month abundance

Coral Quadrate method including During Rate per field recruitment, photo-quadrate methodology construction works survey USD 500.00 growth rates and and after six month mortality

Sedimentation Quantitative assessment of Every month Rate per field rates sediment loading on the reef during excavation survey USD 200.00 benthos sediment traps deployed and construction at the predetermined locations works and after six months

Seawater quality Water samples sent to Food and Twice( during and Rate per test set drug authority for analysis. after completion of USD 100.00 Following parameters are to be project) tested; salinity, pH, turbidity, BOD, COD, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate

Shoreline Shoreline mapping by using high During Rate per field monitoring precision GPS (beach line, construction phase, survey USD 500.00 vegetation line, reclaimed area to every three months identify possible erosion after completion problems) and after 1 year

Beach profiles at established base line locations

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 81

11. Conclusions

The long term environmental impacts associated with the proposed project are considered minor to moderate with the proposed alternative and mitigation measures. This conclusion is based on the evaluation and various components of the proposed project, implementation methods discussed, finding of the existing environment and environmental components that are likely to be affected. The significant environmental components that are likely to be affected are possible changes to littoral drift and near-shore coastal hydrodynamics, sedimentation impacts on coral community from excavation and coastal protection works. Impact on the coral community from sedimentation as a result of excavation and burial is inevitable. Yet the extent of direct or indirect damage to the coral community can be minimized through the mitigation measures discussed.

Potential changes to the hydrodynamics were considered in the overall design of harbor in terms of following the existing profile of shoreline. The monitoring program proposed after completion of the project would enable identification of short term impacts on beach and formulate mitigation measures. The selection of alternative entrance (existing entrance) would reduce direct physical damage to the reef and associated impacts to hydrodynamic regime. It has to be noted that where ever possible existing entrance either natural or man made should be used if feasible. In current case the entrance is in close proximity to the harbor basin, the only additional dredging required is to cut a channel to the basin inside the lagoon and dredging on sides to meet the entrance width requirement. The channel need not be straight as for acquiring shortest distance to basin, but can be diverted in to avoid dredging at the reef flat. The diverted segment then can be aligned to get the shortest distance possible. Doing so would mean setting up additional navigational lights in the lagoon (at turning point).

The socio economic justification for the project is the strongest, since the island needs a safe harbor. This is based on the outcome of the public and community consultations

Therefore, with due consideration environmental components the project is likely to effect the consultant concludes that the project components and designs are feasible and appropriate alternative and mitigation measures are given to correct and minimize unfavorable environmental consequences. Furthermore the public and community consultation responses were in favor of the project due to the socio-economic benefits.

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 82 Appendices

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 83 Appendix 1 Terms of Reference (TOR)

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 84

Appendix 2 Site Plan, Bathymetric map and survey map

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 87

Appendix 3 Breakwater and quay wall detail

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 90

Appendix 4 List of People Met and minutes of consultation meeting provided by the Milandhoo island office

Participant s of scoping meeting for Sh Milandhoo harbor development project held on 25th November 2007

Ahmed Saleem Asst. Director General ERC (now known as EPA) Zeenia Ahmed Hameed Senior Architect MCPI Ahmed Rasheed Asst. Director MoAD (now know as MHA) Ahmed Asraf Amin Construction Pvt Ltd Hussein Zahir EIA Consultant LaMer

Personnel consulted from government authorities

Shifaz ali Senior Engineer MHTE (Construction dept) Aminath Nizar Engineer MHTE (Construction dept) Zuhurulla Siyad Director MHTE (Housing dept) Ibrahim Naeem Asst. Director EPA

EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 91

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EIA for Construction of Harbour at Sh. Milandhoo Page 93 Appendix 5 letters by MHTE to design consultant and IDC of Milandhoo

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Appendix 6 References

Allison, W.R., (1996) ‘Methods for surveying coral reef benthos’. Prepared for IMS, Zanzibar, 18 pp.

Coleman, Neville (2000). Marine Life of Maldives.

Defant, A. (1961). Physical oceanography, Volume 2, Pergamon Press, New York.

DHI (1999). Physical modelling on Navigation conditions and wave disturbance Maaneru site. Danish Hydraulic Institute.

Doodson, A. T. (1922). “The harmonic development of the tide-generating potential,” Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 100, 305.

English, S., Wilkinson, C. and Baker, V. (1997). Survey Manual for Tropical Marine Resources. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia. 390pp.

Fernandes, L. (1989). Biases associated with the use of the manta tow, a rapid reef surveillance technique, with particular application to the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), M.Sc. Dissertation, James Cook University, Townsville, 128pp.

Gischler, E. (2006). Sedimentation on and Ga. Atolls, Maldives, Indian Ocean. Facies (2006) 52: 341–360.

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