日本語 II 名前: 月 日

Tora Tora Tora

Please read the Helpful Background and Questions before viewing the movie. Some of the questions may be answered while you are watching the movie. Some of them should be answered after watching the movie because they might take too long to write down.

Helpful Backgroud: In 1937, after having conquered Manchuria, invaded China. By December 1941, public opinion in the U.S. had turned against Japan because of Japan's alliance with Germany, the atrocities committed by Japanese troops against Chinese civilians, and the threat posed by Japanese expansionism to U.S. interests. There was, however, no overwhelming desire among the American people to go to war with Japan.

As of December of 1941, the only important step taken by the against Japan was the denial of export licenses for oil. However, Japan saw the U.S. as the only obstacle to its plan to dominate Asia. Because the other Western powers were preoccupied with the war in Europe and because President Roosevelt kept the bulk of the U.S. Fleet in the Pacific, Japan saw an opportunity to neutralize the U.S.

The December 7, 1941 surprise attack on was a victory for the Japanese Navy. In less than two hours it destroyed 188 planes, damaged another 159 planes, and sank or seriously damaged 18 warships. The Arizona and Oklahoma were sunk. The California, the West Virginia and the Tennessee (also battleships) were badly damaged and would not rejoin the U.S. Fleet for months. 2,403 American military personnel were killed and 1,178 wounded. The Japanese lost only 29 planes and pilots, five midget , and one large sub.


1. Write Tora Tora Tora in Katakana

On a Japanese Ship 2. Who is Ltd. Commander Fuchida?

3. What some of navy personnel suggest the reason why Vice-Admiral left to be a new Commander-in-Chief?


Tokyo Headquarters 4. Who is Prrince Fumimaro Konoe?

5. Japan is facing raw material embargo from the U.S. What two options does Konoe present?



6. Who is General ?

7. Which option General Tojo agrees and why?

8. What is the significance of the fact the U.S. moved the pacific fleet from San Diego to ?

Axis Alliance 9. Who is Saburo Kurusu?

Washington D.C. 10. Who is ?

11. What is Hull’s opinion about negotiations between Hull and Nomura?

12. Who is Kichisaburo Nomura


U.S. Navy Headquarters 13. What does “Operation Magic” mean by Rufus Bratton, Chief of Navy G-2 Far Eastern Section?

Japanese Airplane Bombing Practice Scene 14. By what mean is Yamamoto planning to annihilate the U.S. Pacific fleet

Pearl Harbor 15. What concern does “Tim” address to Husband Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief, the Pacific Fleet?

On a Japanese Ship 16. What is the name of aircraft flew by Commander Minoru Genda?

Pearl Harbor 17. What is the main concern of Ltd. General Walter Short, Commander-in-Chief, Army Hawaii

Scene: Discussion between Husband Kimmel and Bill (William) Halsey 18. What is the frustration addressed by Bill Halsey?

On a Japanese Ship 19. What do people call Captain Kameto Kurojima?

20. List some of Kurojima’s plan on attacking Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor 21. What is the reaction of Husband Kimmel to the Navy’s report and the suggestion made by General Martin, Commanding General Hawaiian Air Force


Radar Station 22. What is the problem?

Japanese Navy Ministry and U.S. Navy Headquarters Scenes 23. What did you find out from these two scenes?

Pearl Harbor 24. What are the reactions of Short and Kimmel when they received the message from Chief of Staff General George Marshall and Admiral Harold Strak?

Pearl Harbor in Full Alert 25. What major does Lt. General Short take?

On a Japanese Ship 26. What two opinions split the Japanese leaders into two?

Scene: Japanese pilots flying aircrafts 27. What is the significance of Ford Island?

Radar Station and Pearl Harbor

Prime Minister’s Mansion 28. What is Yamamoto’s interpretation of the Emperor’s poem?

29. To the response to Konoe, Yamamoto says, “If we must, we can raise havoc again them (Americans). After that I can guarantee nothing.” Yamamoto was considered being very insightful. Why is it? Use this comment as an example.

Japanese Embassy Hull’s Office On a Japanese Ship


Navy Headquarters 30. What conclusion does Bratton reach after pieces all the information? And what action does Bratton take?

Scene: Meeting with Bartton, Hull and Knox

Japanese in a storm 31. What code is used to indicate that Japan’s begins on December 8 (Japan Time)?

Pearl Harbor 32. Why Kimmel orders Enterprise and Lexington , aircraft carriers to leave Pearl Harbor after receiving the second warning from Washington? And what is the significance?

Japanese Ship in a storm

December 6 33. What is the Fourteenth-part message?

Kurusu/Nomura Japanese Ship in a storm Navy Headquarters Washington/Japanese Ship Pearl Harbor Japanese Ship

Sunday Morning, December 7 34. What is the significance of the U.S. time 1:00 p.m.?

American Embassy in Tokyo 35. What message does Ambassador Grew trying to convey to the Emperor?


Scene: Tojo and Forein Minister 36. What is Tojo’s reaction to Roosevelt’s message?

Navy Headquarters Japanese Ship Radar Station Washington


Japanese Aircrafts taking off General Marshall and Bratton’s Meeting

Scene: Japanese Aircraft over Hawaii 37. Fuchida says, “Tora Tora Tora!” What is “Tora Tora Tora?” What does it mean?

Pearl Harbor Attack Explain briefly the following blinders.

38. Radar station and communication center

39. Warning message sent from General Marshall, Chief of Staff to Lt. General Short in Hawaii on the morning of December 7 th

Hull’s Office 40. What time do Nomura and Kurusu arrive at Hull’s office?

41. Does Hull know about the attack? Does Nomura?

On a Japanese Ship 42. Yamamoto and the Navy are far from celebration. Why is it?